Sculpture in the form of a man. Sculpture - what is it? Famous sculptures

Brazil is a country far from Russia, but not so far away as to deny yourself the pleasure of visiting its beauties. The trip to Brazil, to be honest, exceeded all expectations, since there were many different precautions, especially regarding the criminal part, but in reality everything turned out to be not scary at all.

What interesting things we saw and learned in Brazil (briefly):

We admired the Iguazu Falls. Inspected the architecture Oscar Niemeyer's city ​​of Brasilia. We made our way through the impenetrable Amazon jungle. We saw a miracle of nature - the confluence of the two rivers Solimois and Rio Negro. We flew on a helicopter over Rio de Janeiro and celebrated our birthday. We went up to the statue of Christ the Redeemer. Sunbathed in Copacabana and swam in high waves Atlantic. We watched the sunset on Ipanema. We walked through the favelas of Rio. We tried feijuada. We danced samba in the club.

Route independent travel across Brazil. 09.11.2013 - 23.11.2013

Part 1. Iguazu Falls from Brazil and Argentina.

Part 2. Brasilia and the Amazon jungle. The confluence of two rivers - the Rio Negro and Solimões.

Part 3. Rio de Janeiro. Excursions, helicopter flight and birthday party.

Foz do IguaçuBig City State of Parana in Brazil, is the “gateway” to Paraguay and Argentina, as well as a place located directly next to the famous Iguazu Falls. Actually, the name Foz do Iguaçu means “mouth of Iguaçu”. Foz do Iguaçu, together with the cities of Ciudad del Este (Paraguay) and Puerto Iguaçu (Argentina), is one of the most visited tourist destinations in South America. This is where we stopped to admire the beauty of Iguazu Falls. The city itself is small and not particularly remarkable, but it is quite safe, since it is a tourist destination, and there are simply no favelas here. People stop in Foz do Iguaçu for three main attractions: of course, the Iguaçu Falls, the Bird Park (Parque das Aves) located next to them, and the Itaipu hydroelectric power station.

Foz do Iguaçu has its own airport, which is located near the city, it serves international and domestic flights from Lima, Peru, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Recife, Salvador, Cascavela, Porto Alegre , Londrina and others. By the way, before landing in Foz do Iguacu you can see waterfalls, but a lot depends on which side of the plane you sit on.

To keep yourself busy in the evening, you can visit restaurants with local cuisine, there are good ones here churrascaria(steakhouse) - these are buffet restaurants that also serve unlimited amounts of freshly cooked meat. different varieties. Payment is a fixed amount at the entrance, only drinks are paid separately. We visited two churrascarias. Bufalo Branco is one of the best, admission 60 reais. No matter what types of meat they brought to the spouse, it was a real feast of the belly. Moreover, if you really set out to try a variety of meat dishes, then you should not interrupt your appetite before eating them; it is especially not recommended to eat cheeses and carbohydrate foods that make you full. This trick is well known to restaurateurs, so while the meat is being cooked, they first of all try to feed you less expensive and satisfying dishes. They prepared delicious grilled fish for me here upon request. Rafain is another popular restaurant with the same concept of buffet + meat dishes (churrascaria), but also with entertaining show program. The buffet here is somewhat more varied, but the quality of the food is different; the husband was disappointed with the meat dishes in Buffalo, he liked it better. Yes and general impression from Rafain - a large dining room, since the restaurant is really huge and tourists are brought here by bus. That's why individual approach It's not worth the wait. But the show program is excellent. Artists and dancers from the most different countries South America with their national dances and show programs, which is very interesting: Argentine tango, Mexican mariachis, Amazons and Indian dances, and, of course, the bright end of the show with an incendiary Brazilian samba.

Iguazu Falls- this is the most magnificent a natural phenomenon in South America, which is a true natural wonder of the world. It's worth visiting at least once. Cataratas del Iguazú translates as " big water”, which completely describes it in reality. This area is an object World Heritage UNESCO. The waterfall on the Iguazu River has throughput, three times larger than Niagara Falls. Iguazu is located between Argentina and Brazil, with many routes and viewpoints on each side. Ideally, you should set aside a day for each side in order to fully enjoy the panoramas and spectacular views, especially if you plan to take a boat excursion to the foot of the waterfall or other interesting activities.

Iguazu Falls. Brazil. It's an incredible sight as tons of water roars over the rocks, sending steam up into the air. And all this against the backdrop of the lush greenery of the tropical jungle. On the Brazilian side there are more general panoramic views, where it is visible almost entirely in all its glory. Therefore, it is better to start getting acquainted with Iguaçu from the Brazilian side; besides, it is closer to the city of Foz do Iguaçu, where we are staying.

You can get to Iguazu Falls from Brazil by bus from the city bus station for $2.20 or by taxi, which costs about $30. By national park runs its own shuttle between the visitor center, the falls, and numerous tourist spots, including a stop at the Macuco Safari point for boat rides to the falls.

Canopytour. After several hours of walking along paths and bridges with views of the waterfalls, there were already enough photographs, and we had already admired the beauty of the powerful Iguazu cascades to the fullest. When I saw the Canopy tour sign I really wanted extreme sports. Even during the flight, I watched a lot of programs about traveling through the Brazilian jungle, where they demonstrated skiing on specially installed cable tracks at a height of several meters above the ground or above some body of water, etc. There are hundreds of different types of “rope tours”. Is it possible in this interesting environment ride on special rope equipment and feel like a “Tarzan”, there is also a rope descent from a great height directly next to the waterfall - it’s very cool, and it’s so scary to go down from a height of tens of meters, and then there are natural special effects - the roar of water, steam, the jungle. “Call of the Jungle” took over, and we decided to climb the ropes, and there were no people there, which was somewhat alarming, but it turned out to be not so scary, except for one thing - a straight rope. Yes, all these rope walls and logs hanging in the air were passed with honor, but it was really difficult to walk along a straight rope. But at the end the most interesting thing is the Zip line. Under the weight own body at speed you simply ride along a rope from one platform to another. It took us about 1.5 hours to complete all levels of the rope tour, after which we still had time for the bird park.

Login Bird Park is located a few tens of meters from the entrance to the waterfall territory, you can walk here on your own. The park is spread over 16 hectares of forest and is considered one of the most environmentally friendly parks. local species flora and fauna. Some birds live in cages, but the most “starry” ones are toucans, just like kings among the bird kingdom, they walk and fly wherever they want, enjoy incredible success among tourists, and besides, this particular species is one of the symbols of Brazil. The park has a section with butterflies; the smallest birds in the world, hummingbirds, also live here, but it is almost impossible to photograph them, they fly so fast.

Iguazu Falls. Argentina. On the Argentina side there are many smaller, but more picturesque views of the waterfalls that are difficult to imagine. There are rainbows everywhere, small cascades and more powerful flows. There are Lower and Upper routes with different paths, as well as a small train that can take you to the Devil's Throat. To the Argentine side of the waterfall, we took a special transfer with a guide from a travel agency. If you wish, you can walk with a group around the park; the guide gives a lot of information interesting information, but we decided to go around everything ourselves - it turned out faster and more productive, since the group moves much slower, and we want to do everything in the allotted 5 hours. At the entrance to the park, it is better to buy waterproof raincoats in advance if you plan to go boating to the foot of the waterfall. Although you can’t see anything under the waterfall itself, the sensations are unforgettable. It was especially fun to watch ourselves from the sidelines, since we were filmed and then anyone could take a video of unforgettable moments.

It is the largest electricity generator, the second largest in the world, considered one of the seven wonders of the world modern world according to the American Society. The giant dam is located on the Parana River between two countries - Brazil and Paraguay, through powerful flows of water, energy is generated and then used, providing electricity to Paraguay about 72% of all electricity consumption, and Brazil about 17%. Getting to the hydroelectric power station is easy; it is located 20 km from the city of Foz do Iguaçu. There are special excursions here, where the group is instructed on the rules of behavior and then shown around the dam on a bus and taken to the interior, including the control panel. All this took us about 3 hours, so we decided at the exit from the hydroelectric power station to go to Paraguay, the city of Ciudad del Este, located on the border, for this we took a taxi.

Illegally in Paraguay. Located on the border, the city of Ciudad del Este is considered the largest trading center for Brazilians and Argentines. To get from Brazil to Paraguay legally, you need to get out of the taxi, walk along the fenced Friendship Bridge, then through the customs controls of both countries, put all the necessary stamps on leaving one country and entering the territory of the other, and then, once on the territory of Paraguay, continue your route using the same taxi. But after reading reviews that on this very “Friendship” bridge, on the Brazilian side, people are mercilessly robbed, especially tourists, we decided to cover the entire path without getting out of a taxi. But in this case, we did not go through customs and passport controls, we just filled out some paper issued by the driver. And so we slipped into Paraguay illegally. We were lucky that we were not stopped for a document check on our way back to Brazil, otherwise there would have been fines or more serious problems.

In the end, it turned out that all these gestures were not “worth the candle”; the promised super-mega shopping did not impress me at all. It’s dirty, there are a lot of small traders annoying you with requests to buy all sorts of trinkets, and in shopping centers the choice of goods is very limited. Having safely returned to the hotel, in the evening we went to a restaurant with an excellent Latin American show program, which I already wrote about.

At this point we change our location, and the next interesting place is a vacation in the Amazon jungle, but first a day in the capital of Brasilia.


Continuation of the story:

Country Brazil is the most large country South America, both in area and in number, and the country's economy is considered the most developed among the countries of this territory. A large area of ​​Brazil is occupied by the Amazon basin, with growing tropical forests - the largest on the planet. The length of the deepest river in the world is 6437 kilometers.

Due to its location on the northern part of the equator, the country of Brazil experiences warm weather throughout the year, with air temperatures not lower than twenty degrees. The main amount of precipitation occurs in the central regions, especially during the rainiest month of the year - January.

is a wonderful vacation where kilometer-long snow-white beaches coexist with inaccessible mountain peaks, seething waterfalls with secluded bays, and noisy metropolises are located right in the middle of the wild jungle. Dense impenetrable tropical forests are saturated with moisture, thanks to which many species of various plants grow in the forests, thousands of insects live, as well as exotic birds and various animals, from monkeys and sloths to jaguars, piranhas and anacondas - water boas.

The tropical forests of Brazil have a tremendous impact on the earth's climate, which is why they are called the “lungs of the world.” But every year in the country, as a result of timber harvesting, road construction and cattle ranches, huge forests are cut down, which also provide rubber and nuts, mahogany and raw materials for medicines. Therefore, today attempts have been made to save forests from destruction, otherwise, if the situation does not change, in a hundred years there will be no tropical forests left in Brazil.

Approximately 80% of Brazilians live in cities along the Atlantic coast, as well as in the southern part of the country, in fertile lands rich in minerals. Many indigenous families in the Amazon rainforest still build huts from palm leaves. About 80% of the indigenous people are descendants of Europeans with Portuguese roots. Rest of the population mixed origin from Europeans, Indians and Africans.

The country exports Brazilian coffee, cotton, rice, orange juice, cane sugar and soybeans. The factories produce cars and airplanes, chemical products and cement. Brazil is also rich in mineral resources, producing lead, magnesium, diamonds, gold, iron ore and others.

Today Brazil consists of twenty-two states, four territories and one federal district. The capital of the country of Brazil is the city of Brasilia, built in the mid-20th century on the Brazilian Plateau. One of the largest cities in Brazil is the city of Sao Paulo, surrounded by poor areas - favela slums.

Brazil has many attractions and interesting places, for example, Mount Pan de Azucar, otherwise Sugarloaf, located at the entrance to the beautiful bay of Rio - a city that once former capital countries. The mountain got its name at a time when sugar was sold in the form of solid blocks, similar to pyramids. You can get acquainted with the most interesting sights of Brazil. A trip to Brazil is a journey into an unusual exotic country With beautiful beaches, nature, luxury hotels, interesting architecture, which will give amazing emotions.

Russian travel agencies are actively offering more and more exotic routes, and tourists are increasingly choosing countries of the South and Latin America. Brazilian beaches and picturesque cities are especially popular. Although Russians will have to prepare and break their piggy bank to visit them, the experience is worth it. Where to go It is believed that Brazil is worth visiting at least once in your life. The best place to start exploring the country is Rio de Janeiro. This city in 1960 transferred the status of capital to Brasilia, built by architects Oscar Nemeier and Lucio Costa.
Even though Brasilia looks very modern, Rio de Janeiro is still considered the most beautiful city Brazil. There are also unique architectural monuments: colonial churches, monasteries of the Capuchin Order and, of course, giant statue Christ, towering over the city. The carnival in Rio de Janeiro, for which Brazilians are preparing, also deserves attention whole year, although it lasts only four days and four nights.
Generally speaking, the routes are very diverse. You can go on a yacht cruise to tropical islands, you can wander from resort to resort, you can go on a jeep safari, watch crocodiles, kayak and even catch piranhas. On the Russian market, such Brazilian routes are dealt with, for example, by the Astravel company.
Among the famous resorts it is worth mentioning Costa de Sauipe with its five-star hotels, as well as the resorts of Angra Dos Reis and Buzios. In the latter there is even the possibility of real ocean fishing, and in Costa de Sauipe you can visit interesting oceanological night excursions - there is a scientific station for studying sea ​​turtles.
Little-known places are also interesting. For example, the beaches of Sao Luis in Maranhao, where you can come all year round- the city is surrounded warm waters Gulf of Sao Marcos and the Atlantic Ocean. The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte is also gaining popularity. You can take a charter there. And lovers of varied experiences should visit national park Lencois Maranhenses, where sand dunes meet mangroves.
Winter is the best time to visit the Pantanal, the largest freshwater wetland in the world. This is one of the most biologically rich areas on Earth, with about a thousand species of butterflies and 650 species of birds, and fish can be caught by hand.
For exotic lovers, there is also such a vacation spot as the five-star Iberostar ship-hotel - Grand Amazon. The ship's route includes stops at various points in the Amazon forest, as well as civilized relaxation in lounges.
Of course, there are also regular hotels in Brazil. For example, the best resort hotel is Hotel Transamerica Comandatuba - it is located on the island of Comandatuba with kilometers sandy beaches And botanical gardens. Jubarte whales are found off the coast of Komandatuba. Experts on Brazilian routes also recommend the Iberosnar hotel, which is located on Praia do Forte 60 kilometers from the city of Salvador.
And for those who do not want to travel far from Rio, there is the Blue Tree Park hotel-resort, located 150 kilometers from the city in the Angra dos Reis area. Safety It is necessary to thoroughly prepare for a trip to Brazil. If you are planning to visit the Amazon or Pantanal, it is advisable to get vaccinated against yellow fever. This vaccination will be useful in other tropical countries. Also, do not drink raw tap water.
To protect yourself from the “evil” sun, you need to use good and powerful sunscreens (they are marked with numbers; for Brazil, those over 15 are suitable). You should also be careful when swimming - currents often change, and the beaches are often big waves.
Among the dangers of the animal world, the only dangers that await tourists are sharks near the city of Recife and bandits in big cities. You should not take anything valuable outside, much less to the beach. It is better to try to stay in a group and with a guide. In addition, you need to be careful when crossing roads, as Brazilians are disciplined in observing road rules they do not differ. Price Brazil is not a cheap country. A ten-day vacation will cost one person about a thousand dollars, plus excursion fees. True, you can save a lot on vacation if you eat, for example, in traditional Shurascar restaurants. In this case, it is better to spend money on Brazilian jewelry and gems.
Traveling to Brazil is best suited for wealthy lovers of exotic and extreme sports. It is better not to fly to Brazil for children and elderly people, since many flights and temperature changes are better tolerated only by strong and healthy tourists. However, if you check into a hotel prepared for family vacation, like Blue Tree Park, then all these problems will disappear on their own. In this case, children and teenagers will only have to be protected from the carnival - this is still entertainment for adults. Tourists recommend visiting Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu, Manaus, Pantanal, Salvador, and Brasilia It is best to go to Rio in April-June or September-October, when it is not hot there. Then both children and pensioners can come there. And you don’t have to choose a time to travel to the north of Brazil - the weather there is good all year round.
From Rio you can cheaply travel to any point in Brazil using local airlines. Thus, starting from Rio de Janeiro, a tourist can visit the Amazon forests and Iguazu Falls at a significant discount, as well as admire the fauna of the Pantanal and the architecture of large cities.
Of course, a lifetime is not enough to visit every country in the world. But you can start with Brazil. Brazil has everything that the tropics can give a tourist - hot sun, warm sea, wildlife and jungle. In the cities there are cultural monuments that are hundreds of years old, and, of course, a carnival. After all, in other countries there is no such carnival, and there will not be!!! Based on materials from the Astravel company

Before you go to any exotic country for the first time, you need to have at least a minimal understanding of it in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and possible disappointments. And even more so if you have to travel to distant Brazil.

Significant differences in natural conditions, a large time difference (5-8 hours), and some features of the Brazilian way of life must be taken into account before the voyage. Such preparation for a trip to Brazil will be the key to a pleasant and carefree vacation.

Brazil occupies a huge area in the central part of the South American continent. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the north and east. Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world, and the largest in South America. Has official status Portuguese. The majority of the population are Catholics. The capital is the city of Brasilia.

The climate of the country is very hot and humid. The height of summer occurs during the winter months. From January to March the air warms up to 28-30˚C, and often exceeds 40˚C. Most Heavy rainfall occurs during this period.

In April and May, the air temperature is more comfortable, 25-29˚C. In addition, it rains much less often. But in the Amazon, just at this time it becomes very humid.

From June to August the coolest time begins, from 18˚C in the south to 28˚C in the north. And in the mountains the thermometer can drop below 0˚C.

In September-October it is dry and hot, 27-35˚C. November and December are characterized by high humidity and high temperatures - 35-37˚C. During this period the water warms up to 29˚C.

How to get there

Daily flights to Brazil are operated by many airlines with connections to major European cities. The most convenient way to fly is through Paris or Madrid. Travel time will be from 16 to 20 hours. The approximate cost of a round trip flight is from 45,000 rubles.

Prices are quite high, but often airlines have sales. If you're planning your trip in advance, sign up for an email newsletter on your airline's website to track sales. With this approach, you can buy a ticket at half the price.

On the border

Brazil is a visa-free country for Russian tourists those entering for up to 90 days.

When crossing the border you need to have with you:

  • valid passport
  • return air ticket
  • confirmation of your solvency or hotel reservation
  • for children under the age of majority traveling with only one of the parents, or with another accompanying person, a notarized power of attorney from one or both parents is required
  • A veterinary certificate is required to import pets

Customs formalities

There are no restrictions when importing foreign currency, but amounts over $1,000 must be declared upon entry. There are certain rules for the import and export of national currency.

There is no duty charged for transporting one copy of a radio, video camera, player, or electronic notepad. The import and export of drugs, weapons, medicines, and radioactive substances is strictly prohibited. It is prohibited to export wild animals and products made from their skins, claws, shells, etc. from the country.

The price of pleasure

It is quite difficult to determine exactly how much a trip to Brazil costs. The amount of expenses depends on several factors, and consists of how much time is planned to spend in the country, the number of stars of the selected hotel, as well as the variety and intensity of the tour program or the chosen route.

For example, a tour visiting the most popular places Brazil, lasting two weeks per person, will cost from $1,700.

It includes:

  • hotel accommodation
  • breakfasts
  • transfers
  • some excursions
  • health insurance
  • agency commission

Everything else is paid additionally.

The price of independent travel depends entirely on personal preferences and financial capabilities. The main part of the expenses is external and internal flights, and housing.

During the Brazilian carnival, New Year's holidays and “hot season”, the cost of a trip to Brazil increases significantly. Prices at least double during these periods.

Money issue

The Brazilian real is the country's currency. It makes more sense to take dollars with you. They are most readily exchanged for local currency. It is better to do this at bank branches, where the most favorable rate is. Banking hours are from Monday to Friday, from ten in the morning to half past five in the evening.

Exchange offices are easy to find at airports, hotels, travel agencies and large shopping centers. When exchanging, it is better to give preference to small bills. This makes it much more convenient to pay for services. Credit cards are also accepted. Visa is considered the best way to travel to this country.

Taking care of your health

The question of whether vaccinations are needed to travel to Brazil arises before everyone who is planning to travel to this country. This, of course, is voluntary, but when going to the Amazon or Pantanal, you will still have to get vaccinated against yellow fever.

This procedure is paid. The vaccination is valid for 10 years. An international certificate is issued. Vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended.

Don't give up on health insurance either. Trying to cut the cost of your trip to Brazil by skimping on it puts you at unnecessary risk. Carefully study all the conditions of the offensive insured event and the amount of the insured amount.

A little bit about everything

Any special requirements for appearance foreign tourists not presented here. Residents of the country are very friendly and sociable, but it is still better to observe some safety measures.

Do not leave valuables unattended. It is better not to take documents with you anywhere, but to leave them in the hotel safe. Don't draw attention to yourself with expensive jewelry and pockets stuffed with banknotes. It is recommended to refrain from night walks. To get around the city, it is better to use a taxi.

It should be taken into account that in Brazil almost no one speaks the language. English language, but hotels, restaurants and airports always have English-speaking staff.

Payphones are designed for international calls in Brazilian cities. of blue color. To use red ones, you need to purchase telephone cards or tokens. They are sold at every turn.

Regular stores are open until half past seven. Large shopping centers- until ten o'clock in the evening. On Saturdays all shops close their doors at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Swimming in the Atlantic Ocean is not at all safe due to treacherous ocean waves and underwater currents, so it is better not to swim far from the shore.

As soon as it gets dark, the police immediately leave the beach, so foreign guests should do the same. Otherwise, if they want to rob you, there will be no one to help you.

Don't forget to take all necessary medications with you, including anti-malarial drugs and repellents. To avoid problems, do not drink tap water. Extreme heat requires a hat in your luggage, sunscreen and glasses.