Benoy Chechnya. Chechen teips and their origin

In the southeast of Chechnya (Nokhchiycho) in upper Ichkeria (Nokhchmokhk - modern Nozhai-Yurtovsky district) in a hollow surrounded by wooded mountains up to the ridge, there are farmsteads. This place is called "Bena". Bena is bordered in the north by Engan and Gendargan, in the west by Da'rla (Vedeno district), and in the east by the villages. Dattykh, in the south across the ridge is the village. G1ag1atli (Dag. ASSR-1aindiy) The Dagestanis called this village Bayan, some of the Avars called it Baini, the Russians called it. Around the village of Bena there are more than a dozen farms: Vedana, Osi-Yurt, 1ozha-Yurt, Koyren Bena, Guirzhiyn mokhk, Phyachu, Olamohk, Dengi-Yurt, Lomk Arts, Sterchiyn kertashka, Bulgat irzu, Chilla kazha and others.

The people living here are called Benoevites (Bena). People of this type consider each other as brothers and sisters of the same type, and wherever they are, having learned that they are of the same type, they try to help each other in case of danger or need.

Type Benoi is included in the tukhum of Nokhchmakhkahoy and is divided into 9 large gars:

1. Jobi-nekye

2. Wangbi-nekye

3. 1asti-nekye

4. Ati-nekye

5. Chopal-nekye

6. Ochi-nekye

7. Dovshi-neko

8. Eddie-neke

9. Gurzhmakhkahoy

In Taipa Benoi, everyone is considered equal and there is no division into the best and worst gars and nekyos.

People of the same gara are considered relatives (gergara nah). After the settlement of the Benoevs in other villages, the large gars began to bud off smaller ones, named by name pioneers or individual long-livers in the family.

For example, the gar Jobi-nekye now includes Zha1par-nekye, Jonkha-nekye, 1iski-nekye, Shchatsi-nekye, Lit1i-nekye and others.

The Benoevsky type is the largest in number, the most powerful and influential type in Chechnya. The largest communities of Benoi live in Benoy, Shelkovsky and Gudermes districts, the villages of Urus-Martan, New Atagi, Goyty, Alkhan-Yurt, Shali and others. Most of the Benoevites are in the city of Urus-Martan. Representatives of the Taipa Benoi live in the Chechen Republic, the Republic of Dagestan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other countries. Benoevites are considered true Chechens (ts1enna nokhchiy). They are proud of their belonging to this nation, they pronounce their national name “Nokhchiy” with great dignity, in contrast to some unclean Chechens who are reluctant to call themselves “Nokhchiy” and try to remove this name from use and replace it with the name “Vainakh”.

In the Chechen view, a true Benoite (ts1enna beno) looks like a man of large build, tall with big legs (There is even a saying “bakkhii kogash bolu benoi”). A distinctive feature of Benoevites is candor, trust in people and a calm disposition. “But if you piss off a Benoite, then nothing can stop him,” people say.

In the area of ​​Ben, as in all of Chechnya, people have lived since ancient times, at least for 40 thousand years, from the time when people still used stone tools. This is evidenced by random finds of stone tools in Benoy and its environs. Unfortunately, no archaeologist has yet excavated in Benoy.

Bena is a very ancient Chechen village. What this name means is not yet known exactly. But it is known that the ancient state of Urartu on the territory of Transcaucasia was called “Biaina” in the language of the Urartians, whose language was similar to modern Chechen. Some scientists believe that the Benois are descendants of the Urartians (Prof. K. Chokaev, L. Babakhyan). According to Benoev's Arabic-language teptars and genealogical According to the legends of the old people, the Benoevites, like other related Chechen types (ts1ontaroi, gender-genoi, enganoi, zandakyoi, bilta, 1allaroi, guna, bel-g1ata, kurchaloi, kharachoi, ersana and others), are descendants of the Syrian Shahinshah (king) Said -Ali-ash-Shami and, having arrived in the Caucasus, settled in the 10th century AD in the area of ​​Nashkha (Galanchozhsky district), from where they moved to Makhkety, then to the Argun River, and from there the legendary ancestor of the Benoevites Bian, through Tevzan, moved to the place where he founded his the village of Ben more than 1000 years ago.

This legend is also confirmed by the Nashkhoi people, pointing out the place where the ancestors of the Benoev people lived. This place is located in the Galanchozhsky district near the former Nashkhoevsky village of Motskar and is called “Bena-kha”.

After the settlement of the Benoevs on the plain of Chechnya and in the mountains, many villages and villages of the same name appeared: Be-ni-Yurt (Nadterechny district), Atag1a (Zhima Ata-rla, Shalinsky district), Bena (Shatoevsky district), k1otar ( Urus-Martanovsky district), Arts (Shalinsky district), etc.

The village of Benoy is also mentioned in ancient Arabic-language sources (teptars) of other peoples. The village of Baya-ni-Yurt is mentioned in the book about the history of Derbent “Der-bent-Name”. Benoy is also mentioned in the book of the 1st half of the 15th century by the Alan traveler and Muslim missionary Azdin Vazar.

In Iranian-language sources early XVII century, the village “Bayan, where the oil well is located” is mentioned as a village that was claimed by the Ender princes (as well as Aukh and Salatavia).

The struggle of the Benoevites with the Kumyk princes in the 18th century led to the fact that in a dispute over Mount Benoin Lam, the Benoevites killed Prince Khamzatkhan, which became known to the Russian administration in Kizlyar.

The growing population of Benoy forced the Benoyites to move to other lands, where, living in their own communities, the Benoyites began to play a noticeable role in social life: political life Chechen villages. Thus, according to Russian sources, from the middle to the end of the 18th century in the village of Aldy, representatives of the Taipa Benoi played an important role, and the Benoiite Ada for a long time was the foreman of the village of Aldy, leading the fight of the Aldyns against Prince Turlov. In addition, some Benois, who moved from lack of land or because of blood feud to other lands, mixed with other peoples, founding new surnames among them. So, according to legend, the Andians descend from the Benois. Some Kumyks say that their ancestors came from Benoy. There are descendants of the Benoevites among the Ingush (Akhilgovs, Tsitskievs and part of the Dzhambulatovs) and Cossacks.

According to the Benoy Teptars, residents of the village of Benoy were among the first in mountainous Chechnya to convert to Islam. At least one of the Benoi ancestors, Khursul, who lived in the mid-16th century, was already considered a Muslim. In Benoy, Kurchaloin Bershaikh, who married a Benoyevka, converted to Islam. Benoevites actively participated in the spread of Islam in Nokhchmokhk. A. Berger in his book “Chechnya and the Chechens” calls the type benoy among the indigenous Chechen noble (Uzden) families. .

The Benoevites, as the largest tribe in the Chechen people, have long played a leading role in the socio-political life of Chechnya.

The Benoiites played a particularly prominent role in the centenary Russian-Chechen war XVIII - mid-19th centuries.

After the consolidation of the tsarist troops on the plane of Chechnya and the transfer of fortresses in the 20s of the 19th century. the Sunzha River, the center of resistance of the Chechens passes into the mountains of the rebellious Nokhchmokhk (Ichkeria). Russian sources call the Ichkerians (Nokhchmakhkakha) “the strongest and most warlike Chechen tribe.” The base and epicenter of all political movements became “the very center of the land of the Ichkerians, their main village, Benoy.” Many Russian historians of the 19th century spoke about the fact that this village was the main village of Ichkeria (Nokhchmokhka). (see Muhammad-Tahir al-Karahi. The brilliance of Dagestan sabers in some Shamilev battles. T-! Makhachkala, 1990. P. 124, note 82; Volkova N. G. Ethnonyms and tribal names North Caucasus. M., 1973. P. 151).

Only by enlisting the support of the Benoyites did imams and generals begin their movements in Ichkeria and throughout Chechnya.

The Benoites supported Imam Ghazi-Muhammad. After the defeat of 500 Cossacks in a horse battle near Gudermes, the murids captured 2 cannons and “those two cannons were delivered to the village of Benoy” (Muhammad-Tahir... p. 30). In 1832, Baron Rosen's army marched through Chechnya with fire and sword. Then Benoy was also burned. But not much time passed before the rebellious Benoy “most contributed” to the plans of Tashev-haji, the new imam of Chechnya.

In September 1839, after his defeat in Akhul-go, Imam Shamil with 7 murids, persecuted and persecuted by everyone, went to Chechnya to join his friends. In a hospitable village. He spends three days in Dattah. Shamil’s secretary wrote: “Then the murids went and stopped in the village of Benoy. The Benoevites showed them hospitality and great respect. Benoevets - Shamil’s kunak even came to Dattykh to personally receive him as a guest. There, after the twentieth day of the month of Rajab (1839), Muhammad Shapi, the son of Shamil, was born. Before the seventh day after his birth, a sacrificial animal was slaughtered in honor of Muhammadshapi” (p. 87.). Shamil lived in Benoy until the new moon of the month of Shaban.

M. N. Chichagova wrote in her book “Shamil in the Caucasus and in Russia” (St. Petersburg, 1889, p. 59) about the Benoevites: “The inhabitants of this village, surrounded by wooded wilds, were always distinguished by their rebellion and did not hide their hatred of the Russians. They willingly extended hospitality to Shamil.”

The Benoevites and their leaders Barshkhin Baysungur (Boysa-rlap) and Solumgirin Soltamurad, having sworn an oath of allegiance to Imam Shamil, selflessly gave their lives in Gazavat for the freedom and independence of Chechnya.

It was at that time that a saying was born that when enemies pressed irresistibly, the exhausted warriors asked Allah: “Wa Vezan Dela, benoin ortsa lolah!” (O Great God, give Benois army to help). It was believed that you couldn’t stop an angry Benoite even with a gun (“Churra valla beno yokkha top tokhcha a satsa-lurvac”). Benoev's troops showed their heroism in the Russian-Chechen war, in the Ichkeria (1842) and Dargin (1845) defeat of the tsarist armies, in the campaign against Georgia (1854) and others. And Naib Venoya Baysungur, having lost one eye, an arm and a leg in the battles, continued to fight the enemy. In the battles, mazun (naib's assistant) Bsnoya and Baysungur's friend Solumgirin Soltamurad, hundreds of commanders Ramzin 1ada, Barshkhin Bira, Muskhin Zha1par, 1e-mazan T1elbish, Khukhan 1arb and many other famous and unknown warriors became famous. Some Benoevites, despite enormous losses, hardships and suffering, remained faithful to their oath and the idea of ​​independence of Chechnya to the end.

On May 13, 1859, all of Chechnya was conquered, and the elders of all Chechen villages expressed their submission to the tsarist military command. Only the Benoev villages did not submit. Other Chechens, who did not want to submit to the enemy, also gathered here in the Benoev forests. The tsarist command declared the Benoiites outlaws. The leaders of the Benois Baysungur and Soltamurad led the resistance of the Benois. Baysungur and the Benoevites, following their oath, defended Imam Shamil in his last stronghold Gu-nib. After Shamil’s surrender, the rebellious Baysungur goes into the Benoev forests, where he and his relatives and comrades hide from the royal troops.

Imam Shamil knew well, respected and understood the role of the Benoevites in the movement of the Chechen people. Already in captivity, in Kaluga, giving characteristics to the tribes of the Caucasus, Shamil, in a conversation with the bailiff Runovsky, singles out the Benoevites as the most rebellious. As he believed, it was from Benoy that all movements began. From there, the uprisings spread throughout Chechnya, and then spread to Dagestan. Imam Shamil emphasized that as long as the one-eyed Baysungur is alive, the Russians cannot hope for peace in the Benoev villages. The tsarist authorities began to evict some Benoevites from their villages.

Colonel Alibek with the royal army tried to capture Baysungur, but when the Benoevites refused to hand him over, he began to prepare a new general eviction.

In May 1860, the Benois rebelled. It was headed by Baysungur and Soltamurad. They were supported on Argun by Uma Duev from Zumsoy and qadi Atabay Atayev. Baysungur was elected Imam of Chechnya.

By July, the uprising had spread to almost all of Ichkeria. Some auls of Avars and Kumyks joined the Chechens. The Chechens inflicted a number of defeats on the royal troops.

But the Russians gathered large military forces led by General Musa Kundukhov. Using numerical and technical superiority, as well as the betrayal of wealthy Chechens, the tsarist troops suppressed this uprising at the end of January 1861. 15 villages of Ichkeria were destroyed. Benoy was also burned. In mid-February, Imam Baysungur with his two sons, a daughter and her boy, as well as some comrades, was surrounded and after the battle was captured wounded. His naib Soltamurad managed to escape from the encirclement and went to Argun, where he became one of the leaders of the mountain rebels. Imam Baysungur was hanged in Khasav-Yurt and buried in the village. Pachalka (Auh). Others were sent to Russia.

The royal authorities decided to wipe Benoi off the face of the earth.

On January 29, 1861, 1,218 people were evicted from just one village of Benoy, resettled in 5-10 households in the flat villages of Chechnya indicated by him. At the same time, the village of Bena appeared in Shatoy (near the village of Patenkhalla). But the tsarist authorities failed to destroy the rebellious Benoi. People returned to the Benoi forests and restored their homes, and the Benois settled in other villages influenced others with their independent behavior.

During the genocide against the Benoyites, the tsarist authorities also used a more vile method, trying through their local agents to humiliate the authority of the Benoyevites among the Chechen people. It was at a time when, after the conquest of all of Chechnya, the rebellious Benoevites continued to resist and influenced other Chechens, calling them to fight for the freedom of the Motherland, tsarist agents began to widely spread rumors among the Chechens about the alleged stupidity of the Benoyevites, inventing jokes and ridiculous rumors about them.

Many Benoevites who lived on the plane continued to fight for the freedom of the Chechen people. In the history of Chechnya, the abrek Benoin Vara from Novye Atagi became famous, who fought in the Russian-Chechen war, then participated in the uprising of 1860-1861, then became the vekil of Sheikh Kunta-haji, and after the uprising in Shaly in January 1864, he became a famous abrek who fought against the royal conquerors. In 1865, Vara, as a result of betrayal, was surrounded in the village. Novye Atagi was killed by Russian dragoons.

The Benoevites, dissatisfied with the tsarist colonial regime, were preparing a new uprising. Its leader was Solumgirin Soltamurad. Refusing the requests of his comrades to become the imam of Chechnya, Soltamurad proposed the young son of his friend Aldam, the scientist Ali-bek-haji from Simsir, as the imam.

After the start Russian-Turkish war On the night of April 13, 1877, the Ichkerin uprising began. Soltamurad was chosen as the chief of all naibs. The uprising immediately spread to 47 villages of Ichkeria with a population of up to 18 thousand people. The supporting force was the Benoevites, Zandakites and others. The secretary of Imam Alibek-haji Aldamov was his true friend Benoite Poytukin Rasu, who left an Arabic-language history of the uprising of Alibek-haji and his ordeal in hard labor after being convicted by the royal court.

The uprising lasted for about a year. The tsarist military leaders, who initially suffered setbacks and heavy losses from the Chechens, pulled together enormous forces 25 thousand soldiers and, using traitors from the Chechens and Dagestanis, began to destroy the villages. General Svistunov expressed his policy towards the rebels in 1877 in the words: “Benoy and Zandak must be deported en masse to Siberia, or, if these scoundrels do not wish, they must all be killed in the winter, like cockroaches, and destroyed by starvation.”

Benoy was completely destroyed and burned, and the Benoyites were again expelled from the village, but some of the residents still stubbornly returned back to the ashes.

On November 27, 1877, with the help of cunning, Alibek was lured out and arrested along with his associates. On March 9, 1878, 11 people were hanged in Grozny. Many rebels, including residents of Benoy, were exiled to Russia and Siberia. The chief of the Naibs, 70-year-old Solumgiri Soltamurad from Benoy, knowing the treachery of the Tsarist Authorities, did not succumb to persuasion, categorically refused to surrender to the Russians and became an abrek. In 1878 he fell ill and died. He was buried with great honors in Benoy.

New repressions were brought upon the Benoevites. They were evicted, imprisoned, killed, trying to knock out the spirit and desire for freedom from them.

Benoevites were scattered throughout Chechnya. Some went to Turiya. so as not to submit to the Russians. If the tsarist authorities failed to provoke the eviction of the Benoyevites to Turkey in 1865, then some of the Benoyevites, along with other Chechens, left in 1905. Benoites are increasingly losing touch with each other, separated by various sects, socio-political trends, and economic inequality. Some Benoevites went into abrekdom. Due to the fact that economic and political center The city of Grozny has become Chechnya, Benoy is losing its former significance.

The revolution of 1917 in Russia shook up the whole of Chechnya. The national liberation movement began in Chechnya, a war against tsarist officials and Cossacks for the return of lands taken away in the Caucasian War. Representatives of the Taipa Benoi were among the first in all the villages of Chechnya to rise up to fight for freedom. Benoites participate in various political movements, often at odds with each other.

Some support Imam Uzun-Haji and his North Caucasus Emirate, others support the Bolsheviks and the Terek People's Republic, and others support Tapu Chermoev and his North Caucasus Republic.

But one way or another, the overwhelming majority of Benoi continued to fight for the freedom of Chechnya. In the hundred-day battles in Grozny, Petimat Arsanova from Novye Atagi died from a Cossack bullet. Her brother Saidbey Arsanov participated in the revolution in Russia, was a Bolshevik, and later a famous Chechen writer, author of the book “When Friendship is Known.”

In the fight against the Cossacks and Denikin’s army, many Benoyites from Goyta, Alkhan-Yurt, Urus-Martan, Novye Atagi, Benoy and other villages gave their lives. But they insidiously forgot all their promises to give independence to the Chechens. The Red Army has occupied Chechnya since February 1920. Already in August 1920, a new uprising broke out in the mountains of Chechnya and Dagestan against Soviet power under the leadership of Shamil’s grandson Said-Bek and N. Gotsinsky. With the transfer of the center of the uprising to the mountains of Chechnya, Benoy again acquired its former significance as the main base of the rebels. In September 1921, the uprising was suppressed after large regular units of the Red Army were transferred there. But the Benois were not conquered. N. Gotsinsky and his staff went to the mountains, from where he led the uprising until 1925.

Already at the end of March 1923, agents informed the security officers that the influential Sheikh Ali. Migaev arrived in the village. Benoy, where he gathered his followers and agitated them against Soviet power. On May 17, 1923, an illegal congress of clergy representatives took place in the village of Benoy. Nazhmutdin Gotsinsky addressed the audience with a speech. He called on them to unite for a speedy armed uprising in order to achieve complete independence.” At the end of March 1924, Ali Mitaev, his brother Umar and like-minded people were arrested and executed in Rostov prison. But the uprising could no longer be contained. Mountainous Chechnya was again engulfed in an uprising under the leadership of Imam N. Gotsinsky. In 1925, after bloody battles, the uprising was suppressed, and N. Gotsinsky was captured.

Having defeated the rebels, arrested and expelled leaders and influential persons, disarmed the Chechens, Soviet authority began general “collectivization” and “dekulakization” in 1928-29. All of Chechnya rebelled again in December 1929. The centers of the uprising were in Goyty (leaders Akhmad Mullah and Nuriev), Shali (Shita Ista Mulov) and Benoy (leaders Yaroch and Khojas). “The rebels,” wrote A. Avtorkhanov, “occupied all rural and district institutions, burned state archives, arrested the district authorities, including the chiefs of the GPU, seized the oil fields in Benoye, established a temporary people's power. This temporary government appealed to the Soviet government with the demand: 1) to stop the illegal confiscation of peasant property under the guise of collectivization; 2) stop arbitrary arrests of peasants, women and children, under the guise of eliminating the “kulaks”; 3) recall the heads of the GPU from all regions of Chechnya, appointing in their place elected civil officials from the Chechens themselves with the right to prosecute only criminal elements; 4) liquidate the “people’s courts” appointed from above and restore the institution of Sharia courts, provided for by the founding congress of the Gorskaya Soviet republic 1921 in Vladikavkaz; 5) stop the interference of regional and central authorities in the internal affairs of the Chechen Autonomous Region, and carry out any economic and political activities in Chechnya only by decision of the Chechen Congress of elected representatives, as provided for in the status of autonomy.

The Moscow government, having verbally acknowledged the justice of the rebels' demands, agreed to satisfy them when the rebels stopped the war.

But the Soviet government again deceived the Chechens by trying to arrest the leader of the uprising, Shita Istamulov. Shita called on all Chechens to ghazavat for the restoration of the Shamil Imamate and the expulsion of infidels from the Caucasus. Shali, Goyty, Benoy rebelled again.

By mid-December 1929, huge forces were pulled to the borders of Chechnya: more than five divisions. By mid-January 1930, Goyty and Shali were taken with huge losses. Shita retreated to Ichkeria.

At the end of March 1930, the commander of the Red Army, Belov, received fresh forces from Transcaucasia and “launched a large mountain offensive with the task of capturing the last point of the rebels, Benoy. After two months of heavy fighting and heavy casualties, in April 1930, Belov entered Benoy, but did not find a single resident in the village: all residents, including women and children, were evacuated further to the mountain slums.”

Belov sent parliamentarians to the rebels with an offer of honorable peace: an amnesty was declared to everyone who voluntarily returned back to the village with the surrender of weapons. But the rebels refused to submit, declaring that they would return to their villages only when Belov left with his troops.

Having failed to achieve submission by force, the Soviet government changed tactics and made temporary concessions, recalling troops, abolishing collective and state farms in Chechnya, bringing great amount industrial goods at very low prices and declaring an amnesty for the rebels, including their leaders.

But by the fall of 1931, when Shita Istamulov was treacherously killed by security officers, the GPU began a large operation “to eliminate kulak-counter-revolutionary elements and mullah-nationalist ideologists.” 35 thousand people were arrested for the most part those shot in prisons and those who died in exile and camps. Among them there were many Benoiites.

At the end of February and beginning of March 1932, in the Benoy village of Sterch-Kerch and the village of Shuani, it was decided to raise a new uprising under the leadership of Imam Motsu Sol-Tamuradov.

March 19, 1932 in the village. Benoy and Sterch-Kerch began an armed uprising that engulfed many villages of the No-zhai-Yurt region. But a division of OGPU troops (commander A. Kozlov) and a police squadron (commander D.P. Mur-zabekov) defeated the rebels during the battles. A. Kozlov died, Murzabekov was seriously wounded, and political instructor of the cavalry police squadron Kh. Mochngov was killed. In May 1932, Motsu's rebels were surrounded and destroyed, and Motsu himself was captured. The security officers brutally dealt with the rebels. In the village of Sterch-Kerch, the security officer-executioner Mazlak Ushasv, with the help of military units, shot dozens of Benoevites on the spot, many were arrested. (Kurylev I.V. The combat path of the police of Checheno-Ingushetia. Grozny, 1976. P. 113, 116).

In the fall of 1932, new mass arrests took place in the Gudermes and Nozhai-Yurt regions. In total, up to 3 thousand people were arrested in the Chechen Nationalist Center case. Many of them died.

Rebellious Benoevites, like all Chechens, were subjected to annual purges, repressing the best representatives. Some managed to escape into the forests and mountains, becoming abreks and waging an irreconcilable armed struggle against the Soviet colonialists. The Soviet government terrorized local residents, intimidated and destroyed anyone who could even hint at disagreement with the existing order. In 1937, talented Chechen pisatsli-Benoevites S. Arsanov from New Atagi and S. Baduev from Urus-Martan were repressed.

In 1943, Soviet security forces from the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic carried out a new bloody operation in the Benoevsky farm of Lomk-orts, suddenly attacking civilians and shooting (under the guise of reprisals against bandits) all the captured men.

This was preparation for the mass eviction of Chechens from the Caucasus.

As a result of the eviction, the Benoevites divided tragic fate of the entire Chechen people: half of all people died.

Several others died in the war with Germany.

After the Chechens returned to their homeland in 1957, the Benoyites literally fought back to Benoy and other villages.

They are restoring houses, fields, gardens, studying, working, despite severe discrimination from the chauvinistic authorities of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Among the Benoiites are teachers, doctors, historians, philologists, journalists, workers, military men, artists and others.

The republic is famous for the artists Isa Yasaev, Kharon Isaev, the formator of artistic sculpture - Doka Dzhabrailov from Urus-Martan, candidate of legal sciences, philosopher Adam Dudayev from Novye Atagi, candidate historical sciences Shahrudin Gapurov from Benoy, Opera singer Movsar Mintsaev from Beni-Yurt of the Nadterechny region, theater actor Ali Mayrsultanov from Urus-Martan, military pilot Khairudin Visangariev from Benoy, vice-president of the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus, member of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Isa Arsamikov from Urus-Martan, first chairman of the organizing committee of the first stage of the national congress Chechen people Lecha Umkhaev from Urus-Martan, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic Shamil Beno, former minister light industry and Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Chechen Republic Musa Doshukaev, first head of the finance department of the Chechen Republic Rizvan Guzhaev, Abdurashit Zakaev - first chairman of the national bank of the Chechen Republic, former Minister of Social Security Vakha Magomedov from Urus-Martan, professional boxer master of sports Albert Guchigov, second mufti of the Chechen Republic Garkaev Makhmud from New Atagi, Nuzhden Daaev - CEO Che-chenavtodor, Honored Teacher of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Dzhanarali-ev Ali, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR Yasaev Adlan from Urus-Martan, Mulaev Imran - deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and others.

The Benoevites who ended up in Jordan showed themselves to be the best. Among the Benoites there were Minister of Railways Said Beno, Deputy Head of the Customs Service Amin Beno, generals AbdulLatif Said Batal, Samih Musa Beno, Sami Abdel-Hadi, Abdal-Mejid. The Benoevites make up the most influential part of the Chechen community in Jordan.

The best representatives of the Benoy type continued the fight against the Soviet colonial regime.

In the 80s, a talented writer, a member of the literary club “Prometheus*, a student of the Faculty of Philology of CHIGU Malik Akhmadov from Benoy, tragically died. Dissident Makhaev from Urus-Martan died trying to hijack a passenger plane to Turkey. Many Benoevites have participated since 1987 in informal public organizations “Caucasus”, “Bart”, “People’s Front”, “Vainakhskaya” democratic party"and others, participated in meetings, rallies, pickets, undermined the foundations of the Soviet empire, advocated the idea of ​​sovereignty and independence of the republic, and participated in the preparation of congresses of the Chechen people. The arrival in the city of Grozny on September 6, 1991 of a large detachment of Benoevites from Urus-Martan put an end to last point in a month and a half rally demanding the overthrow of the Supreme Council of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and its chairman D. Zavgaev. On this day, the assault and fall of the communist regime followed. Most of the Benoevites, like their ancestors, stood up to defend the independence of the Chechen Republic on November 8, 1991 and during the pro-Russian putsch on March 31, 1992. The two guardsmen who died while protecting the television were Benoy residents Daud Reshidov and Ibragim Temchiev. Many Benoevites showed heroism during the war in Abkhazia. On June 4, 1993, Benoevites again came out to defend the independence of Chechnya. During the storming of the city assembly, Minkail Borziev from Benoy was killed, and several Benoy members were wounded.

Died tragically on the same day national hero Member of the Chechen Parliament Isa Arsamikov.

The entire history of the Benoy type is an inextricable part of the history of the Chechen people. It was in the name of the entire Chechen people. In the name of all Chechnya, the Benoevites gave their lives. The entire history of the Benoi type shows that the Benois never followed the selfish interests of individual groups.

The independence of Chechnya, the freedom of the Chechen people and every Chechen, equality and prosperity - this is the idea for which our ancestors fought and for which we and our descendants must fight.

The publication was made possible at the expense of the Baysangur Benoevsky Charitable Foundation.


Kadyrov Akhmed

Akhmed (Akhmat since 1999. Changed his name during the occupation Russian troops ChRI) Abdulkhamidovich Kadyrov (August 23, 1951, Karaganda - May 9, 2004, Grozny).

Born in the city of Karaganda, Kazakh SSR.

In April 1957, the Kadyrov family returned to the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, to the village of Tsentoroy, Shalinsky district.

In 1968 he graduated from Bachiyurt secondary school. In the same year, he took a combine operator course in the village of Kalinovskaya, Naursky district.

From 1969 to 1971 he worked at the rice-growing state farm “Novogroznensky” in the Gudermes region.

In 1971 he left the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to earn money, worked in construction organizations in the Non-Black Earth Region and Siberia until 1980.

In 1980, in the direction of the Gudermes Cathedral Mosque, 29-year-old Akhmat went to the Uzbek SSR, where he entered the Bukhara Mir-Arab Madrasah.

Zelimkhan Yandarbiev stated: “Kadyrov has been collaborating with the KGB since 1981, when even prayer was prohibited in Chechnya! We learned about this in 1996, when the Shamilev brigade seized Grozny and the KGB archive, but did not immediately deal with it. Although even then I felt: it was not without reason that he was raising conversations about the harm of the Wahhabis. I then scolded him and warned him.”

In 1982 he left for Tashkent, where he entered the Tashkent Islamic Institute. He studied there from 1982 to 1986.

After the Islamic Institute, he returned to Gudermes, where he became the deputy imam of the Gudermes mosque. He worked as a deputy imam until 1988.

In 1993 - appointed deputy mufti of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

At the same time, he took part (with calls to kill Russians) in military actions against federal troops, or rather, declared Jihad of Russia and openly speaking at rallies called on Chechens to kill Russians. “If every Chechen kills 150 Russians, we will win this war,” said Kadyrov. Later, he himself denied these statements, but this time he was even more divergent: “I didn’t talk about 150 Russians. I said: kill as many as you can. Without restrictions.”

With the outbreak of the Second Russian-Chechen War (started by Russia in 1999), he played a key role in the transfer of some populated areas of the ChRI under the control of federal forces.

On October 10, 1999, by decree of the President of the ChRI Aslan Maskhadov, Akhmat Kadyrov was removed from the post of mufti in connection with the betrayal of faith and people.

Killed on May 9, 2004 at the Dynamo stadium in the city of Grozny. Some sources report that the murder was committed by Russian special services.

It is important to note one detail. The Kadyrov family did not deny the fact that they are not Chechens. Such rumors have long circulated among Chechens; this information was later confirmed by Kadyrov himself.

It's no secret that Ramzan Kadyrov went from rags to riches as a Cossack defector. I want to tell you, dear readers, that the Kadyrov family is Cossack, they began to talk about this when Akhmad Kadyrov was elected mufti in the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, in the fall of 1996 he became the head of the newly formed Muftiate of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, however, after the election of Akhmad Kadyrov as mufti, many from nearby settlements (Bachi-Yurt, Mayrtup, Alleroy, as well as residents of Khosi-Yurt), the Chechens (old people) were outraged that they chose Akhmad Kadyrov as the mufti of the son of Abdulkhamid Kadyrov, knowing the fact that their family is Cossack.

Umar: my grandfather Adlan from the village of Bachi-Yurt said that the late Abdulkhamid Kadyrov also did not deny that their family was Cossack, Adlan and Abdulkhamid knew each other even before being deported to Kazakhstan in 1944.

Unlike others, today many elders remember the history of some integrated Cossacks among the Chechens; today there are not many old people alive who remember the history of the Chechen taips inherited from their great-great-grandfathers and remember such a clan as the Don Cossack clan of Kadyrov, a clan that merged and integrated into one of the Chechen teips.

The late Cossack Akhmad Kadyrov did not deny that he was a Cossack, Akhmad Kadyrov confirmed at the forum held on March 27, 2004, in which the terrorist Putin participated in the work of the united forum of the peoples of the Caucasus, the forum took place in the boarding house "Rus". From the published material on in which Kadyrov confirms that he and his family are Cossacks:

“The adviser to the President of Chechnya, Ataman Pogrebnoy, stood out with his height and uniform sparkling in the sun. He told those who wished that Akhmad Kadyrov’s ancestors were Cossacks.

So he is a Cossack, not a Chechen? - they asked the chieftain.
- Of course, Cossack! - he answered joyfully. - His teip (.....) (Note that Kadyrov’s family has nothing to do with the Chechen teip “Benoy”) where did it come from? They are the youngest Muslims in the world! We finished the last pot of pork and accepted the Muslim faith.
Here Pavel Fedotov, ataman of the Stavropol Territory, approached Grigory Pogrebny. The atamans hugged each other. And suddenly the adviser to the President of Chechnya literally turned pale before our eyes:
- And you, Pavel, how did you get here?
The Stavropol ataman did not understand:
- So I’m a participant!

How did you carry the dagger? They took mine away from me. It rang when I walked through the frame.
Ataman Fedotov actually had a dagger in a sheath hanging on his belt. The chieftain seemed well prepared for the meeting with the president of the country.

Assistant to the Russian President Ramazan Abdulatipov approached. He was appointed to this position two months ago and recently confirmed that nothing will change in his life with the reforms in the presidential administration. It was quite strange to hear this. Presidential aides had already been appointed the day before. As a result, the status of the assistant has grown, in theory, to previously unprecedented proportions. Does Ramazan Abdulatipov fit these dimensions? Question. But it seems not for him.

How do you work with President Kadyrov? Things weren't going well for you with him? Before the elections, your list of complaints against him commanded respect.
“We’re working,” Mr. Abdulatipov sighed. “We have to work.” Civil service...
He probably wanted to add “damn it,” but, as a civil servant, of course, he restrained himself.
Here Akhmat Kadyrov approached Ataman Pogrebny. At the request of the photographers, they hugged tightly twice.
- So you are a Cossack? - I asked Mr. Kadyrov.
- Cossack! - he readily agreed. “Why?”
- Ataman just told me about this.
“Your ancestors, Akhmat-Khadzhi, are from the Cossacks,” Ataman Pogrebnoy said hastily.
“Well, yes,” Mr. Kadyrov confirmed gloomily. “I’m a Cossack.” Can't you see it?
The new presidential envoy for the Southern Federal District, Vladimir Yakovlev, appeared on the path leading to the entrance to the boarding house. He smiled his famous, for some time now a little embarrassed smile. The night before, Mr. Yakovlev, like ten days ago, was appointed to the post of plenipotentiary representative for the Southern Federal District. I congratulated him on this.
- Thank you! - Mr. Yakovlev said cordially.
- How do you like your new position?
- Very good! - he confirmed my worst assumptions. - You see, life in the Caucasus is extremely interesting! Yesterday, after a meeting, we all watched an amateur concert together. How beautiful! The dancing is so... I've never seen anything like it! If our whole life is as beautiful and cheerful as these dances on stage, everything will be simply wonderful!
- But she won’t be like on stage.
- Will not be? - he was upset. - Well, yes, probably. But we must at least strive for this.

The same fact is confirmed by many elders of the Kurchaloevsky district. However, today everyone is silent because of the current situation, fear of the Kremlin dictatorial regime in the occupied Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, as Umar said, “everyone is afraid of the reprisal of the younger Don Cossack Ramzan Kadyrov.”

Apparently, therefore, the Cossack Kadyrov Ramzan has no pity for the true sons of the Chechen people, who are fighting for freedom and for the independence of the Chechen people from the occupiers of the Russian Federation. It was not in vain that Putin put the stake on the Kadyrov family, at the same time making a differentiated approach to the Chechen people. - Umar.

Known for his disrespect and attacks against the Chechen and other peoples.

“I see that the Chechens became orators, but remained stupid. We just didn’t have enough Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Tajiks to feed them in Chechnya,” Kadyrov summed up.”
Link Izvestia newspaper

After the elimination of Akhmad Kadyrov, Aimani, Ramzan, and daughters Zargan and Zulay remained.

Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, born October 5, 1976, Tsentora-Yurt (Tsentoroy), Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR.

Son of the Russian puppet Akhmat Kadyrov.

He graduated from six classes at school No. 1 in his native village of Tsentora-Yurt (Tsentaroy) in the Kurchaloevsky district.

Officially married to fellow villager Medni (b. 1980), whom he met at school. They have 2 sons - Akhmat (b. 2005, named after his deceased grandfather) and Adam, and 4 daughters - Aishat, Karina, Hedi and Tabarik.

According to the text of an interview with Ramzan Kadyrov dated June 2004, published in Novaya Gazeta, he graduated from the Gudermes branch of the Moscow Institute of Business, but due to his lack of knowledge of the Russian language, he found it difficult to name the topic of his diploma and the branch of law in which he specialized.

What is your education? - Higher legal education. I'm finishing. I'm taking exams. - Which ones? - What do you mean - which ones? Exams and that's it. - What is the name of the institute you are graduating from? - Branch of the Moscow Institute of Business. In Gudermes. Legal, that is. - What is your specialization? - I am a lawyer. - What is your diploma in law? Criminal? Civilian? - I forgot. I wrote down the topic, but forgot. There are a lot of events happening right now.

Anna Politkovskaya. Tsentrovoy from Tsentoroy. Interview with Ramzan Kadyrov. Novaya Gazeta, 06/21/2004

Since 2004 he has been enrolled as an academician civil service under the president Russian Federation.

Since then, people have called Kadyrov a lawyer or an academician.

In 2007 he was appointed the main puppet of Chechnya.

On April 27, 2010, the Austrian prosecutor's office stated that Kadyrov “gave the order in 2009 to kidnap a Chechen in Vienna who made revealing statements; During the abduction, this man was mortally wounded.”

Also, in April of the same year, the Russian media published testimony to the investigation by Isa Yamadayev, in which he accused Ramzan Kadyrov of organizing an attempt on his life, as well as the murder of his brothers.

As Lev Ponomarev stated on behalf of some Russian human rights activists in February 2007, it is Kadyrov’s special forces that are now the main culprit in the deaths of civilians and abductions in Chechnya (the militants, in his opinion, are less active). The head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alekseeva, stated:

I know that Kadyrov not only pursues a policy of kidnapping people who disappear without a trace, or who are then found dead with signs of torture, or are imprisoned on trumped-up charges, I know that he himself took part in torture and murder.

According to Human Rights Watch:

Within Russian politics In the “Chechenization” of the conflict, an increasingly prominent role was assigned to the security forces of the Chechen Republic, controlled by Ramzan Kadyrov. In 2004-2005 they gradually took the place of federal forces as the main perpetrators of enforced disappearances. "Kadyrovtsy" have own prisons that are outside the jurisdiction of any specialized government agencies, and where hundreds of people are detained, often subjected to ill-treatment. Republican security forces are also responsible for the practice of forcing militant leaders to surrender by taking their relatives hostage. The Kremlin not only condones this practice, but actually encourages it.

According to the International Federation of Human Rights in Helsinki, among the private prisons existing in Chechnya, at least two are located in Kadyrov’s ancestral village of Tsentoroi and are at his personal disposal. One of them consists of concrete bunkers or cells where abducted relatives of militants (including the elderly, women and children) are kept for the purpose of blackmailing them. In particular, the father and wife of Dokka Umarov, and seven relatives of Aslan Maskhadov, who were released after his murder by Russian special forces, were held there.

It is alleged that the second prison is located in the yard or in close proximity from Kadyrov's house. The third prison is supposedly located on the southeastern outskirts of the village, in an area that residents claim is a base for Kadyrov’s men. It is also used to hold kidnapped militant family members.

In addition to the prisons in Tsentoroi, the report of the International Federation for Human Rights noted at least 10 more illegal prisons created and controlled by formations directly subordinate to Kadyrov - the so-called “Kadyrovtsy”. According to human rights activists, “one of the reasons for the existence of such a parallel system of detention is to obtain “confessions” and “evidence” through brutal beatings and torture, after which comes the official detention and execution of the persons concerned. A large number of such criminal cases are fabricated.”

Anna Politkovskaya characterized Kadyrov as a coward, armed to the teeth, “who sits surrounded by guards.” Journalist Vadim Rechkalov also considers Kadyrov a coward. In addition, Rechkalov claims that the title of master of sports in boxing was awarded to Kadyrov without any sporting merit: “The athletes of the Southern Federal District I interviewed, including Ramzan’s peers, had not heard of the boxer Kadyrov. To get a master, you need to get into Russian final or beat other masters. If Ramzan had done this, the boxers would have known.”

Anna Politkovskaya: “Why were you running around like crazy? football field after Terek's victory?"

Ramzan Kadyrov: “I didn’t remember anything from joy. I swear.”
Novaya Gazeta, 06/21/2004

Video of the Kadyrovs (no comments).

Kadyrov's dance on money.

There are no surnames in Chechnya other than the Kadyrovs...

Kadyrov is trying to humiliate Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev.

Kadyrov is a traitor!

Kadyrov establishes the word of Allah in Chechnya?

Kadyrov in the bathhouse.

Ramzan Kadyrov, it seems, may find himself at the center of a scandal, as Yuri Skuratov once was. In 1999, a videotape of the naked former Prosecutor General of Russia having fun in bed with two girls was shown on the state channel RTR, and Skuratov was forced to resign.

Now one of the Chechen separatist websites, physically located in Canada, has distributed on the Internet a video recording of a person similar to the Prime Minister of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. The people in the video are having fun in the sauna with the girls.

According to the Daymohk website, the action took place in one of the saunas where Ramzan Kadyrov likes to wash. In the video, presumably taken on camera cell phone, - two girls and several men. One of them really resembles the head of the Chechen government.

Indeed, as managed to find out, there is an extended version of this entry.

Photos of the Kadyrovs
Quote: “What, I have nothing to do but dance? I haven’t danced at all since my father’s death.”

The inscription on the T-shirt is "2PSYCHO", which means Psycho.

Poems by the Kadyrovs.

Dedicated to Ramzan and the Kefirov family

Everyone knows the ripe nit, the one that rules in captive Chechnya.
Resentment had long accumulated in her, from disgrace in the bloody war.
It is not for nothing that the doomed Kadyrov drove a sharpened wedge into the people.
And he created an idol in his heart, forgetting that the Almighty is One.

While the warriors were fighting for freedom, the unprincipled criminal Ramzan,
To increase the family's income, he prepared zin-dan for the slaves.
After all, they tried for the Russians, and worked by the sweat of their brow,
So that the Russians will be sad again, so that their hearts will be broken.

In order for the ransom to be paid faster, everything needs to be filmed.
Yes! The lawless men beat the slaves, otherwise how could they rip off the ransom.
It’s better for the Russians to ask Ramzan where the truth is and where the slander is.
Otherwise, when they are drunk, they will again think that the careless poet lied.

And probably for this the killer was finally awarded a cross,
They warmed the bloodsucker father and put on a false crown.
They slandered the government and the soldiers. They condemned the people to torment,
They seated you in chairs with dignity, since you betrayed them, you are entitled to income.

Well, those who fought without fear, who did not betray, did not coward, did not surrender.
He who did not keep slaves honored Allah, and who did not sell his conscience.
They have no place in Kadyrov’s world, among the forged Russian boots,
Where they wet innocent people in the toilet, where the devil is in charge, not God.

Addressing you like a boy, I'm trying to find words,
That have long been written down in books, it’s a pity you don’t like to read books.
Maybe we can play chess together, on the blood-stained ground,
Maybe we’ll sing together and dream, not about what the Kremlin orders.

Maybe we will remember the brave men who died with dignity for their native Chechnya,
Let's sit and calmly consider what is the fault of those unshaven youths,
That they believed the false slander of your grave father.
If their souls are warmed in heaven, where is the place for a scoundrel?

That he despised the ideals of freedom, that he exposed Chechnya to attack.
For the sake of personal gain, for the sake of pleasure, a fire was set ablaze by lawlessness.
You sprinkled dust on freedom, both Chechens and Russian soldiers,
But why do you swear by Allah, since it is not heaven that is dearer to you, but hell?

How many worthy and honest lives were destroyed by the bloody Ramzan.
Not in battle, in local feuds, filling a bottomless pocket.
Your deal with Russian office, took place even before the war.
Or did your dad give up so soon because he shit his pants???

You are a family of traitors, a tribe of outcasts, your elder brother lazily went limp from the dose.
And your father, under the Russian heavy foot, will turn into a shabby old dude.

I dedicate it to human meanness

Freedom! A cherished, firm word. You can hear pain, compulsion, melancholy in it.
A dream lives in him, one that will remove the shackles, erase the shame, and pass through the centuries.
The desire of peoples, and the connection of generations, to throw off alien power from their shoulders.
Build your own world, renouncing laziness, or else valiantly fall for your homeland.

Yes! Many violent youths fell, succumbing to the temptation of Kadyrov’s lies.
They did not defend Chechnya and the law, but sharpened knives in honor of lawlessness.
Kadyrov squealed: “Every good Chechen must take revenge on the Russians for centuries-old oppression.”
And the renegade mullah appointed the number in order to become a mufti and spiritual head.

Kadyrov appointed one hundred and fifty innocent heads for each war.
Yes! Someone enthusiastically justified the massacre, not understanding the full value of the treacherous words.
No one remembered that the KGB once approved him to study at a madrasah.
So that later Kadyrov carefully weighs everything, and with a “clear conscience” the people sell it.

In the Union, then it was the law to select people for the service of the Lord,
So that these servants do not become an obstacle to irritate their people in the imperial game.
The KGB agent is an Orthodox patriarch, and the Chechen mufti is doubly a traitor.
Tied together by an inglorious idea, not to believe in the Creator, but to serve Satan.

China, Transcaucasia, Arab countries, Europe, America, Eastern countries.
No one will tolerate such deception. No one recognized a slave as president.
They called him the butcher for his murders; he doesn’t care about people’s curses.
But so that his own people don’t get him, he climbs into Russian arms like a whore.

Things in criminal Russia are not important; power has been strengthened at the cost of lawlessness.
The people are intimidated, and they are unable to strive to fight in order to fall again.
The world could not recognize the executioner as president, much less recognize the power of the Chechens.
He is covered by the Russian military contingent, and Putin will replace Kadyrov’s mother.

His son is the youngest executioner and traitor, inveterate murderer, human trafficker.
Cormorant is an unprincipled, cruel punisher, gives interviews through the Russian media.
Ramzan was awarded the Iron Cross, the desperate rogue swears to Allah,
He boasts of the cross in front of the guards, forgetting that his father is an imperial jester.

I’ll ask you, Chechens, why do you need freedom under the heel of Russian oppression?
Under the rule of a moral thieves monster, not peace will come to you, but war will return.
The one who serves the traitor will repent in his own soul, not finding righteousness.
And again he will take up arms, take revenge on his enemies, and not go back into the bushes.

Reckoning comes, it is one-sided. Behind her there is only death, humiliation and fear.
The corrupt clique will crumble into ashes, and everyone will be amazed by the scale of the lawlessness.
At the cost of betrayal and crimes, Kadyrov climbed onto the desecrated throne.
The scoundrel forgot about the dream of generations, causing enormous damage to Chechnya.

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, belongs to the Benoy teip, one of the most numerous and famous Chechen teips. Its representatives are brave warriors, talented leaders and true admirers of ancient customs. So what is known about Kadyrov’s tape?

Historical facts

Teip (clan, tribe) is a unit of organization of the Vainakh peoples (Chechens, Ingush, Batsbis), distinguished by the common origin of the people included in it. The Chechen teip is not a clan in the ethnographic sense. There are known cases when he united people according to principles, and not by blood relationship. Each teip is divided into gars and nekyi (branches and surnames).

Legends say that the ancient Chechens had a bronze cauldron with the names of the first twenty teips forged on it. Among them was Benoy.

The village of Benoy is mentioned in ancient Arabic-language sources of other peoples. Information about Benoy is available in the book of the first half of the 15th century by the Alan traveler and Muslim missionary Azdin Vazar. This suggests that it is rightfully considered the oldest.

One of the leaders in numbers

Benoy is one of the most numerous teips in Chechnya. Representatives of this family claim that out of a million Chechens, a third belong to their teip. They are settled throughout the republic and are divided into nine clans: Jobi-nekye, Asti-nekye, Uonzhbi-nekye, Ati-nekye, Ochi-nekye, Chupal-nekye, Devshi-nekye, Edi-nekye and Gurzh-makhkahoy.

Large communities settled in Benoy, Shelkovsky, Gudermes districts, the villages of Novye Atagi, Urus-Martan, Goyty, Alkhan-Yurt, Shali and others. Most of the Benoevites are in the city of Urus-Martan. Natives of the teip live in the Chechen Republic, the Republic of Dagestan, other regions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkey, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. A large number of Benoevites live in the diasporas of Western Asia.

Characteristic features of Benoevites

In the minds of the Chechens, a true Benoevite is a man of athletic build, tall, large, with large strong legs. Distinctive feature People of this kind have a calm disposition, sincerity, decency and gullibility. But at the same time, if you make them angry, they will show everyone their belligerence. People often say: “If you get a Benois mad, you can’t stop him.”

At home they are considered cunning and clumsy. But at the same time, Benoevites are always fearless, true to their duty and word. They know very well the value of such concepts as “honor” and “decency”. It was they who, many centuries ago, formed the backbone of the peasant people who were able to get rid of the oppression of the Dagestan and Kabardian authorities. Representatives of this teip are considered the founders of democracy in the mountains, on which the ethnic mentality is based.

A. Berger in his book “Chechnya and the Chechens” calls the Benoi teip among the indigenous nobles Chechen surnames. The Benoevites, as the largest tribe in terms of population, have long played a leading role in the social and political life of Chechnya.

Beliefs and values

Representatives of the Benoy teip are considered true Chechens. They are proud to belong to this nation. National name“Nokhchiy” is pronounced with dignity, unlike some Chechens who are reluctant to call themselves “Nokhchiy” and try to remove this name from use and replace it with “Vainakh”.

People of this teip consider each other brothers and sisters. Helping a loved one is the first rule of the family. Regardless of how many kilometers separate them, having learned that they are of the same teip, Benoevites strive to help each other with all their might in case of danger or need. Protecting their honor, the honor of their brother or the entire teip is a primary task, for which they are ready to risk their lives.

Military glory

Benoevites have always accepted the most Active participation in wars. In battles they gained unfading glory. They played a particularly significant role in the Russian-Chechen war of the 18th - mid-19th centuries.

It is known that only after enlisting the support of the Benoyites did imams and generals begin their movements in Ichkeria and throughout Chechnya. When the Chechens were being attacked by enemies, a saying was born among the people: “Va Vezan Dela, benoin ortsa lolakh!” (Oh, Great God, give Benoi’s army to help).

Representatives of the teip showed their heroism in Caucasian War, in the Ichkeria (1842) and Dargin (1845) defeat of the tsarist armies, in the campaign against Georgia (1854) and others.

On May 13, 1859, all of Chechnya was conquered, and the elders of all Chechen villages expressed their submission to the tsarist military command. Only the Benoev villages did not submit. Brave, savvy people fled into the forests, formed new communities and again confronted their enemies, calling on everyone to defend their homeland until their last breath.

Chechen scientist, professor Leichy Magomedovich Garsaev, author of more than 150 scientific and educational and methodological works, Doctor of Historical Sciences, says:
In the southeast of Chechnya, in its core - Nokhchmokhk (modern Nozhai-Yurt district), in the upper reaches of the rivers Akh-sai (Turkic - white water) and Yaman-su (bad water), in a basin surrounded by wooded mountains up to the In the Andean ridge, more than a dozen monoteip settlements have been lying for hundreds of years. This scenic spot is the Bena ethnic society. Neighbors - Dagestanis - call this place Bayan or Baini. The Benois are the largest of 164 teips in the Chechen ethnic group. They have long played a prominent role in public life people. Benois due to various tragic reasons widely settled in almost all settlements on the plain and partly in the mountains. The settlers of these places are called Benoi (Benoy). Its representatives maintain close relationships and, wherever they are, try to help each other in case of danger or need.
The Benoevites are the most influential and largest teip in Chechnya. They have played for a long time, and still play a leading role in the public life of the people. The largest communities of Benoy live in the ancestral Benoy, Shelkovsky and Gudermes districts, the villages of New Atagi, Goyty, Alkhan-Yurt, in the city of Shali and other settlements. Most of the Benoevites live in the city of Urus-Martan. Representatives of the Benoi teip live compactly not only in the Chechen Republic, but also in the Republics of Dagestan (some of them are assimilated here by the Kumyks), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other countries.
In the Chechen view, a true Benoevite looks like a man of large build, tall with large legs. A distinctive feature of Benoevites is open-heartedness, trust in people, a calm disposition, and self-criticism. “But if you piss off a Benoite, then nothing can stop him,” people say. There are many examples of this in the life of Chechens.
Bena is a very ancient Chechen village. Nobody knows exactly what its name means, but it is known that the most ancient state Urartu on the territory of Transcaucasia was called “Biaina” in the Urartian language, whose language was similar to modern Chechen. Some scientists believe that the Benois are descendants of the Urartians (Prof. K. Chokaev, L. Babakhyan). According to the Benoev Arabic-language teptars and the genealogical legends of the old people, the Benoevites, like other Chechen teips related to them (sontaroy, gendergenoy, enganoy, zandaka, biltoy, allaroy, guna, belgata, kurchaloy, kharacha, ersana and others), are the descendants of the Syrian Shahinshah (king ) Said-Ali-ash-Shami and, having arrived in the Caucasus, settled in the 10th century AD in the area of ​​Nashkha (Galanchozhsky district), from where they moved to Makhkety, then to the Argun River and from there the legendary ancestor of the Benoevites Bian, through Tevzan, moved to the place where founded his village of Ben more than 1000 years ago.
This legend is also confirmed by the Nashkhoi people (Salamat Gaev and others), indicating the place where the ancestors of the Benoy people lived. It is located in the Galanchozhsky district near the former Nashkhoevsky village of Motskar and is called “Bena-kha”. After the settlement of the Benoevs on the plain and mountains of Chechnya, many villages and villages of the same name appeared: Beni-Yurt (Nadterechny district), Benoin Ataga (Zhima Atara, Shalinsky district), Bena (Shatoevsky district), Benoin kotar (Urus-Martan district), Benoin Arts (Shalinsky district), etc.
The Benoy teip includes: The First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, his son, Head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Ramzan Kadyrov, Chairman of the Council of Ulema of the Chechen Republic Sheikh Khozh-Akhmed-Khadzhi Kadyrov. Well known in the republic are Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic Shakhrudin Gapurov from Benoy, writer Saidbey Arsanov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, philosopher Adam Dudayev from Novye Atagi, writer Said Baduev, artists Isa Yasaev, Kharon Isaev, formulator of artistic sculpture - Doka Dzhabrailov and the director of the Dondi-Yurt ethnographic museum, Honored Worker of Culture of the Chechen Republic Adam Satuev from Urus-Martan, opera singer Movsar Mintsaev from Beni-Yurt Nadterechny district, main director Russian drama theater them. M.Yu. Lermontov Ali Mayrsultanov from Urus-Martan, military pilot Khairudin Visangariev from Benoy, famous public and political figures Lechi Umkhaev and Shamil Beno, former Minister of Light Industry and Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Chechen Republic Musa Doshukaev, former Minister of Social Security of the Chechen Republic Vakha Magomadov from Urus-Martan , former Minister of Culture of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Vakha Tataev from Tolstoy-Yurt, professional boxer, international master of sports Albert Guchigov, Honored Teacher of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Dzhanaraliev Ali, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR Yasaev Adlan from Urus-Martan, Mulaev Imran - former deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and others. The Benoi Muhajirs who ended up in Jordan showed themselves to be the best. Among the Benoites in a foreign land were the Minister of Railways Said Beno, the Deputy Head of the Customs Service Amin Beno, Generals Abdul-Latif Said Batal, Samih Musa Beno, Sami Abdel-Hadi, Abdal-Mezhid. The Benoevites make up the most influential part of the Chechen community in Jordan.

42 years. From the Benoy teip, cousin Ramzan Kadyrov. Born on September 25, 1969 in the village of Benoy, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1987-89 he served in the army, in 1990-91 he was a 3rd category mechanic at the Argunskoye repair and technical enterprise, then a supplier at the Tesham enterprise. Then he sold cars (according to rumors, not without crime). In 1994 he “graduated from the Chechen State University.” He fought against Russian guys. In the 2nd half of the 1990s personal driver Salman Raduev.

In 2000-03, an intern, then an employee, later an inspector for analysis and planning of the headquarters of a separate police company under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic for the protection of facilities - buildings of government bodies (Akhmat Kadyrov's security service). In December 2001, he survived an assassination attempt (several wounds). In August-September 2003, commander of the police battalion of the private security department at the Gudermes City Department of Internal Affairs. In 2003-06, regiment commander of the Department of Private Security under the Ministry of Internal Affairs Chechen Republic for the protection of oil and gas complex facilities (the so-called “oil regiment”, which controlled the situation in this area; experts believed that the “oil regiment” simply monopolized the right to illegally cut into oil pipelines). In 2004, he “graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Makhachkala Institute of Finance and Law.” Since July 2006, Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya, since April 2007, 1st Deputy Prime Minister in charge of law enforcement agencies. Since 2007, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation from United Russia (Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy).

According to rumors, he is the immediate leader of Kadyrov’s team of killers. Many associate his name with the execution in the center of Moscow of the commander of the “Highlander” detachment, FSB lieutenant colonel Movladi Baysarov, who was opposed to the Kadyrov clan (November 2006), the kidnapping and murder of crime boss Movladi Atlangeriev (January 2008), and the execution, again in the center of Moscow, of a Hero of Russia, State Duma deputy Ruslana Yamadayev (September 2008), murder in Dubai of Hero of Russia, commander of the Vostok battalion Sulim Yamadayev (March 2009), assassination attempt on Russian businessman Alexander Antonov (March 2009), murder of Colonel Yuri Budanov in the center of Moscow (June 2011) and other crimes . Allegedly, he often makes the control shot himself. In April 2009, Interpol put him on the international wanted list on charges of organizing the murder of Sulim Yamadayev, “for crimes against life and health” (“Russian law enforcement agencies have no claims against the deputy”).

The current and future Khan of Ichkeria.

In September 2009, Ramzan Kadyrov named him his successor: “There is a team, there are people who will continue my work. I have prepared a person who can replace me. This is Adam Delimkhanov. My closest friend. Closer than a brother." According to younger brother of the murdered Yamadayevs, Isa, “in Chechnya, Delimkhanov is known under the nickname Executioner, because he supervises executions and kidnappings.” In the ranking of 500 Russian billionaires compiled by Finance magazine in 2011, Delimkhanov took 314th place ($300 million). Recipient of three Orders of Courage, the Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov. He was an “academician” of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement (liquidated in 2008).

Truly, no matter how much you feed the wolf...
