Drawings based on Russian folk tales. Drawing based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” in the older group step by step with photos

Master class on watercolor painting of the Russian folk tale "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox" for primary schoolchildren.

Author: Nadezhda Yurievna Gorbova, teacher
Place of work: Municipal budget educational institution additional education children "Children's Art School" Yaransky district Kirov region, Yaransk city

Description: This master class will be useful to teachers of primary and additional education, parents and simply those who love fairy tales. Designed for younger children school age, aspiring artists.
Target: development of love for Russians folk tales, development of a sense of patriotism;
- introduce children to Russian folk tales;
- be able to draw step by step fairy tale characters;
- consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of composition construction;
- consolidation of animal drawing skills;
- development creativity, fantasies.
Hello! For work we will need:
-watercolor paper, A3 size,
- watercolor paints,
-squirrel brushes No. 3, 6, 8,
-graphite pencils of different softness,
-stationery knife,
-a jar for water,

1. First we plan hard light pencil movements general composition, where the fox and the rooster will run, the cat. Mark the hills and the horizon line in the background. Try to use the eraser carefully so as not to damage the surface of the sheet (after pressing hard on the pencil, marks remain on the paper, and all errors appear through the watercolor). Therefore, it is important to make a neat watercolor drawing!
At this stage, try to correctly determine the proportions of fairy-tale characters.

2. Then we take soft pencil(M or B) and clarify the drawing. We draw the elongated muzzle of the fox, ears, and fluffy tail. Since the character is a fairy tale, we will dress her in a Russian folk sundress). We draw a rooster with an open beak and an elongated neck, as he calls the cat for help.

3. Then we draw a running cat. In the background we will draw a hut from where the fox stole the rooster and runs into spruce forest. On the hillock, which is closer to the viewer, we will draw larger flowers, on the distant hillocks - smaller ones.

4. We finish drawing the fence near the hut and the spruce forest.

5. To the right of the fox, draw a large spruce. It will indicate that the fox is running into the forest.

6. Then we start painting with watercolors. I decided to draw a red (“beautiful”) sundress for the fox (the main characters should be bright).

7. Let’s draw a bright, colorful rooster with multi-colored feathers on its tail. Blue Let's draw folds on the fox's sundress to make it look more voluminous (when running, the lower part of the sundress develops).

8. Draw a light brown path along which the fox is running.

9. Bright juicy green color the hill along which the fox is running. The remaining hillocks will not be such a bright green color.

10. I decided to paint the sky using the “raw” technique. First, use a completely wet brush to wet the sky and forest. The paper should be well wet, but there should be no puddles. Then we draw light yellow clouds (they are warm, as they are illuminated by the sun). It is better to use cadmium yellow rather than lemon color. Then we take blue paint with a brush (make sure that there is little water in the brush) and draw the sky, outlining the clouds.

11. While the bottom of the sky is not dry, let’s draw a spruce (emerald green + a little purple). When painting “wet”, it is important to monitor the amount of water in the brush and the moisture content of the sheet.

Like this wool painting it turned out))).

12. Let’s draw the spruces that are closer to us in warmer green (green + a little blue).

13. Decorate a large fir tree with this decorative brushstroke.

14.Then let's go back to the background and paint the hut.

15 Let's draw the logs, carved frames on the windows and let's move on to the cat).

16. Let’s draw a cat like this striped pants and a white blouse. Let's draw him angry (he is angry with the fox).
Kosovorotka is a shirt with an oblique collar, that is, with a slit on the side, and not in the middle, like regular shirts. The cut on the side of the blouse, according to Academician Likhachev, was created specifically to pectoral cross did not fall out during operation.
Linen kosovorotkas have traditionally been widely used in Russia in civilian use, being synonymous with Russian men's shirts, and also as soldier's underwear. Kosovorotka in late XIX centuries, Russians were the basis of any costume. Shirts with red checkered and striped fabric were found everywhere. They were working and festive, everything depended on the richness of the decoration.
Shirts were worn untucked, not tucked into trousers. They were belted with a silk corded belt or a woven wool belt. The belt could have tassels at the ends.

17. Draw yellow centers for the flowers. (You can draw flowers as you wish).

18. Let’s highlight the fox’s eyes with black for expressiveness, with small lines watercolor brush(red ocher + orange) “comb the fox.” The result is such a fluffy tail).

19. Let’s not forget to draw the feathers of our cockerel!

I wish you creative success!

Children love to look at pictures, especially those with images on them. famous characters from fairy tales and cartoons, surrounding objects. Pictures of fairy tales by Pushkin, Andersen, folk tales (“Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “The Ringed Hen” and others) contribute to the formation of children’s verbal communication skills and the development of visual attention.

Popular fairy tales

The most popular among children are the heroes of fairy tales by Pushkin, Andersen, “Kolobok”, “Teremok” in pictures. For every child, a fairy tale is not just a writer’s fantasy, but a special reality in the world of feelings.

When listening to a fairy tale, children deeply empathize with the characters. They awaken an impulse to help those in need and to protect them. For a preschooler, the perception of a fairy tale is his specific activities, expressed in game form. This allows him to freely fantasize and dream.

Pictures of heroes of folk tales “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, stories of Pushkin, Andersen, cartoon characters have found wide use in educational games for children preschool age.

How to play?

For example, consider didactic game"Guess the fairy tale." Its main task is to strengthen the children’s skills in guessing a fairy tale based on the specified signs, as well as finding and describing the characters. In front of the children different places arrange pictures with images different fairy tales. Each of them is given pictures of cartoon characters, heroes of Russian folk tales, for example, “Kolobok”, “The Ryaba Hen”, “Swan Geese”, “Teremok”, fairy tales by Pushkin and Andersen. First, the children look at them carefully, and then line up one after another. At the same time, they hold their pictures in their hands. Then the teacher asks riddles. And when he asks the question: “What kind of fairy tale is this?”, each child runs up to the picture with the corresponding fairy tale depicted. Then they give everyone a few minutes to prepare and give clear answers to questions about the heroes of the fairy tale and what actions they perform in it. It is necessary to give each of them a certain characteristic.

You can play with pictures of fairy tale heroes in a slightly different way. The leading player has the heroes of Russian fairy tales in pictures. And everyone else has six large sheets depicting six fairy-tale characters. First, children name these characters, and then move on to the game itself. The leading player takes any picture face down and names the character. The one who has the lotto sheet with this character takes the picture and covers the corresponding image on it. The first one to cover all the images on the lotto will be considered the winner. Start playing these games with children from three years old to school.

Set of cards

Here you can download free cards depicting fairy tale heroes in pictures - click on the picture below to download a selection of fairy tale and cartoon heroes.

Beautiful pictures of the most famous heroes fairy tales and cartoons.

Individual characters

crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, as well as Mishka:

Rooster and Pinocchio - pictures:

Little Mook and Thumb Boy pictures.

How to instill a child's interest in art? People look at paintings, listen to music, read fiction and poetry, they admire architecture, dance, theater, cinema... You can listen to music and not understand, you can look at paintings and not feel anything... The perception of art begins in early childhood.

Early acquaintance with the world of beauty cultivates taste, develops visual memory, imagination, observation, teaches to think, generalize, analyze, find beauty in everyday things.

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From early preschool age, children should become familiar with one of the types visual arts- painting. Painting is perceived easily if the family understands, loves and feels works of art. Parents interested in aesthetic development children can organize small joyful meetings with art.

Fairy tales accompany children almost from the cradle, and imagine the images of many fairy-tale heroes they will be helped by the paintings of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is a storyteller artist who created fairy tale paintings, epic paintings: “Alyonushka”, “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolf»…

The artist called himself a “storyteller,” epic writer, guslar.” The word “epic” comes from the word “byl”, fairy tale - from the word “tell”, guslar from the word “harp” (ancient musical instrument). The artist’s homeland is the Vyatka region, the village of Lopyal. Nature itself, mysterious and harsh, inspired him with images of heroes of ancient epics, beliefs, and legends.

Painting "Alyonushka"

The plot of the painting “Alyonushka” is taken from Russian folk song: “Like an aspen - it’s bitter - it’s me who is poor - bitter.” A barefoot peasant girl ran to a forest pool to drown her grievances and sorrows in it. Alyonushka sits motionless on a pebble, with his head on his knees. The evil fate dried up her soul. The drooping, fragile figure seemed to be petrified, frozen with hopeless grief. Perfect eyes extinguished from melancholy and loneliness.

Nature alone hears and understands Alyonushka. The gloomy sky is covered with gray clouds, sad aspen trees are shedding tears-leaves from bitter resentment. A light breeze gently strokes your hair. The dense forest forms a wall, protecting the poor thing from a terrible fate. All elements of the landscape have symbolic meaning: a dark pool symbolizes a girl’s melancholy, and the cutting sedge around the stone portends imminent misfortune.

The painting “Alyonushka” shows the emotional connection between man and nature, their mutual understanding.

This is interesting:

The heroine of the film reminds many of the character in the Russian fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” However, in this tale the plot was completely different: the unfortunate little goat Ivanushka ran to the pond to complain about his fate to his sister:

“Alyonushka, my sister.
The fires are burning flammable,
The cauldrons are bubbling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me."

And she answered him:
“Oh, my brother Ivanushka.
The heavy stone pulls to the bottom,
Silk grass has tangled my legs,
The fierce snake sucked out my heart.”

Read the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, discuss its plot. Find the plot differences in the fairy tale and the picture.

Listen with your child folk song, which will help you understand the mood of the picture.

“Is it the wind that bends the branch,
It is not the oak tree that is making noise.
That's mine, my heart is groaning,
How autumn leaf trembles."

Ask your child whether he likes this picture, what feelings it evokes, what he thinks about Alyonushka.

  • Why did she run into the forest?
  • Who sympathizes with her? (spectators, nature)
  • How does the artist feel about her?
  • According to the fairy tale, an evil witch pushed Alyonushka into the water, and who in Vasnetsov’s painting wishes her well? (aspen, swallows).

After discussing the picture and the fairy tale, do not forget to make a joint conclusion about what should connect man and nature.

Painting “Three princesses of the underworld”

The painting was created based on a Russian folk tale about how the peasant son Ivan found three kingdoms underground - golden, precious stones and iron. The painting was painted by order of the merchant S.I. Mamontov to decorate the office of the Severodonetsk railway.

The plot of the fairy tale in the film is different: the iron kingdom is replaced by a coal kingdom. Two princesses appear against the backdrop of a flaming sunset. The first guards the most expensive metal - gold. The proud and arrogant princess is dressed in gold-woven clothing. Her headdress is cast from pure gold. She holds in her hands a handkerchief decorated with gold threads.

The second one looks down on her younger sister. Her clothes are strewn with blue sapphires, red rubies, purple amethysts, and dazzling diamonds. Emeralds twinkle on the head.

The youngest princess stands modestly in the shadows, right at the descent into the dungeons. Black dress and the hair is decorated with pearls and diamonds, and a small light shines on the head. The princess guards the most needed treasure - coal.

  • Read the fairy tale “The Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom.”
  • Now try to solve the riddle: what underground treasures are guarded by the three princesses?
  • How did the artist Vasnetsov change the plot of the fairy tale?
  • What does the youngest princess protect?
  • What is shown on foreground paintings? (Black lumps of coal)
  • How does the artist feel about the younger princess?
  • What is more important in life: gold, precious stones or coal? (jewelry is made from gold and precious stones, and coal gives people heat and light)

Painting “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”

The painting depicts an episode from the fairy tale by A. A. Afanasyev: “Ivan Tsarevich, sitting on the Gray Wolf with Beautiful Elena, loved her with all my heart...” From this feeling, a branch of an apple tree blossomed into white and pink flowers in the cold forest. A blooming apple tree symbolizes spring, as the awakening of nature from sleep and love, as the birth of the most beautiful feeling of man. IN fairy forest Elena the Beautiful is cold. She bowed her head to her savior, who hugs her tightly. He is ready to fight for his love.

The prince kidnapped an overseas princess from distant countries, from the king of Dalmatia, so she wears an oriental outfit: a skullcap studded with precious stones, a brocade robe, and golden shoes with curved toes. The beauty seems to be under a spell, as if half asleep. The young are fleeing from pursuit. A huge wolf rushes through the dark forest. Surprising individual parts pictures indicating the swiftness of the action: wolf ears pressed down, a blossoming tail, a protruding tongue, fluttering princesses, a flying heavy sword in the scabbard of Ivan Tsarevich...

  • Read and discuss the fairy tale by A. A. Afanasyev “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.”
  • Ask your child what is shown in this picture?
  • Why does this picture seem alive? (a huge wolf rushes at speed...)
  • Who is sitting on the Gray Wolf?
  • Why does Ivan Tsarevich hug the princess? What is her name?
  • Are there any clues in the painting that Helen the Beautiful was an overseas princess?
  • What miracle happened in the dark forest? (the apple tree blossomed).
  • Why did the apple tree blossom?
  • What is love? Why is this feeling compared to the delicate flowers of an apple tree blooming? (for love nothing is impossible...)
  • Who in this picture can interfere and help the heroes?
  • Did you like this picture? What does she teach?

Painting "Bogatyrs"

The painting shows heroic outpost. The three main characters Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich stand guard over the Russian land. Behind them are endless forests and fields. Clouds float across the sky, which are not afraid of evil clouds. The clouds seem to part before the heroic power.

In the center is the eldest of the heroes - Ilya Muromets. He was peasant son and devoted his whole life to serving the people. Many epics tell about Ilya Muromets and his exploits:

  • "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
  • "Ilya Muromets and Kalin the Tsar"
  • "Ilya Muromets and the Poganoe Idol",
  • “The quarrel between Ilya Muromets and Prince Vladimir”...

The hero was endowed with unprecedented physical strength and wielded weapons for “close combat” - a heavy club and a round shield. Below him is a mighty black horse, the color of which matches the “mother earth” from which the hero drew his heroic strength. It seems that the ground has cracked under the weight of the horse and its rider.

Left right hand Ilya - Dobrynya Nikitich, distinguished by wisdom and foresight. His bright and fast horse Beleyushka has already sensed the enemy, and Dobrynya takes out her magic sword from its sheath.

The exploits of Dobrynya are told in several epics: “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich”... Dobrynya is a warrior, a defender of the Russian land, with a subtle mind and the ability to deal with people. He plays excellent chess, is a good guslar player, and shoots a bow better than anyone else.

The third hero is the “young daring” Alyosha Popovich. The epic “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich” tells about his struggle with the enemies of Rus'. He is brave, cunning, decisive, cunning, but also boastful and sometimes unreasonable. Alyosha loves the land selflessly and is ready to lay down his head in battle for it. His weapon is designed for " ranged" - a bow and arrows, so his red horse is still calmly nibbling the grass. Behind the hero’s shoulders is not only a quiver of arrows, but also “samoguda harps.”

Small defenseless fir trees grow in front of the strong heroic horses. The artist Vasnetsov tells us that Christmas trees will grow mighty and strong if a person protects them. All our abundant land can give us water from its springs, feed us with the bread of its fields, shelter us in the shade of cool forests, but it cannot do one thing - protect itself.

The artist’s mystery is hidden in the painting “Bogatyrs”. In the guise of Dobrynya Nikitich, the most noble knight, Vasnetsov conveyed his portrait features. The artist mentally tried on the heroic armor and took on the heroic appearance.

Read the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” so that your son (daughter) can understand what the epic is.

Explain the differences between epics and fairy tales.

Ask your child the following questions:

  • Why Ilya Muromets became the favorite hero of the Russian people.
  • Who did the Russian heroes protect? (weak old people, children, women, native land...)
  • What were our defenders like?
  • What was the name of the oldest hero?
  • It is known that, according to the instructions of the wandering sages, Ilya saw his future horse in the foal. What external signs helped the hero choose a horse to match himself? (White spot on the horse's nose and hind leg).
  • Which of the heroes was of princely origin? What sets him apart from other defenders? Who is Dobrynya Nikitich like?
  • Which of the heroes is the youngest? What elements of the picture indicate that Alyosha Popovich was a master at fighting and telling fairy tales? (quiver with arrows and samogud harp).
  • Which hero did you like best and why?

It’s best to end the conversation with a small epic story about the source heroic strength. “Once upon a time, wanderers told Ilya Muromets, “who sat for thirty years and three years,” how to gain powerful strength. They brought him a ladle with spring water, saying the following words: “Drink the rest. The remainder of this is the water of all the deep rivers and lakes, the dew from all the grain fields, all the green meadows of Rus'. Drink and you will feel heroic strength.”

Where did our ancestors get their heroic strength? The source of heroic strength was and remains the native land.

Paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov were included in the gold fund Tretyakov Gallery. They can be viewed and read. Everyone who repeatedly visited the gallery and saw Vasnetsov’s paintings with their own eyes always found in them something that they had not noticed before. I wish everyone interesting walks into the world of beauty.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introducing students to the view book graphics– illustration.
  2. Studying the means of expression used in the work of illustrators I. Bilibin, E. Charushin, E. Rachev.
  3. Creating a sketch for the plot of your favorite fairy tale with the definition of composition, spatial arrangement of the main story group in a thematic drawing.

Materials and equipment: multimedia equipment; presentation (Appendix 2); exhibition of Russian folk tales, loved by children, paper, pencil or charcoal.

During the classes

We will open a wonderland
And we will meet the heroes.
In the lines on pieces of paper,
Where are the stations at the points?

  • What kind of wonderland awaits us today?
  • Guys, did you all visit the book exhibition in our class?
  • What should a book for children be like in your opinion?
  • What must be in the book?

You will find out what the pictures in the book are called by solving the crossword puzzle.

(Annex 1) . Working with a crossword puzzle is a group task.

What do you think illustration is?

<Слайд 1>

Today we will get acquainted with the illustration.

Illustration- this is a type of book graphics, its basis.

<Слайд 2>

The term "illustration" can be understood in both the broad and narrow sense of the word. IN broad meaning This is any image that explains the text. In a narrow, strict sense, illustrations are works intended to be perceived in a certain unity with the text, that is, located in the book and participating in its perception during the reading process. Illustrations for a literary work together with it represent a single whole. Book illustrations removed from the text can sometimes become unclear and inexpressive.

What is the name of the artist who illustrates a literary work? An illustrator is an artist who designs a book, revealing the content of a literary work through artistic graphics.

<Слайд 3>

The famous Russian illustrator Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin was a writer and artist. Name the works of E.I. Charushin with which you are already familiar. He illustrated his books and works of other writers (Marshak S. “Children in a Cage, “Teremok””).

<Слайд 4, 5>

He loved very much native nature and he portrayed animals like no one else. The artist often visited the zoo and made many drawings from life. After all, in order to truthfully portray an animal, you need to study it well, know not only the appearance of the animal, but also its movements, habits and even character.

<Слайд 6>

There's a tiny fluffy kitten lurking in the corner of the page. The back is curved, the tail is a pipe, the ears are erect. I just want to stroke it, run my palm over the page, over the fluffy warm skin. But take a closer look! Is this a kitten? No, the little lynx is looking at us with wide eyes.

He has his own techniques for conveying shape, color and texture. His characters are realistic and fabulous at the same time. He strives to express the character of each animal in laconic ways, to convey the joy of communicating with the living. EI Charushin developed his own method of illustration - purely pictorial. He draws not in outline, but, one might say, anti-contour, unusually skillfully, with spots and strokes. The animal may be depicted simply as a “shaggy” spot, but in this spot one can feel the alertness of the pose, the characteristic movement, and the peculiarity of the texture - the elasticity of the long and stiff fur raised on end, together with the downy softness of the thick undercoat.

<Слайд 7>

Wonderful artist– Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev. He is a wizard, under whose brush a fairy tale comes to life to such an extent that you look and look at hares, foxes, bears, and you just can’t stop looking at them.

<Слайд 8,9>

All animals and beasts– the heroes of Rachev’s drawings are “dressed” like people, in human clothing, thereby Rachev shows what kind of fairy tale plot and hide in fabulous images real life and real human relationships. Rachev's colored drawings are elegant, colorful, and decorative. The artist worked in watercolors, which he laid in a thin transparent layer, gouache and charcoal.

<Слайд 10>

Look, guys, how different the manner of performing animals is between Rachev and Charushin. Name the differences in the image. What means of expression does each artist use?

<Слайд 11, 12>

Today we will take a closer look at Ivan Bilibin’s illustration style. This artist illustrated original and folk tales. Remind me which fairy tales are copyrighted or folk tales? He created his own graphic style. Studying helped him with this folk art, decorative paintings. The illustrations lovingly convey the spirit of hoary antiquity, which the artist resurrects in every detail. With exceptional care and reliability, he draws fabric patterns and details ancient architecture, finishing of all kinds of caftans, fur coats, shower warmers, scarves, shoes, sundresses. There are always decorative frames for each illustration; they echo the main idea of ​​the painting, and by looking at them you can get to know the artist’s idea even better. <Слайд 13, 14, 15,16>

Here Ivan Tsarevich grabbed the Firebird by the tail.

<Слайд 17>

But Baba Yaga from the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”. These illustrations clearly express characteristics artist's drawing - the image occupies the entire surface of the sheet, clearly defined contours of the figures of the characters, forest, sky, trees, patterns are developed in detail. His illustrations are colorful, elegant, and multi-colored. <Слайд 18>

Artists love to illustrate Russian folk tales. Why do you think? What Russian folk tales do you like?

Children are encouraged to take their favorite story from the book fair.

What story would you like to illustrate? Individual answers /2-3 children/ Try to create a sketch for an episode of a fairy tale.

As the sketches progress, the teacher individually analyzes the compositional structure and choice of plot group.

Lesson summary and homework:

Which artists did we get to know? Are there any differences in the illustrations? different artists? Can an illustration exist as an independent work? <Слайд 19, 20, 21>

Carefully re-read your favorite fairy tale and think about the compositional structure of the illustration.