What to wear with striped pants. Fashionable striped trousers

Striped fashion is gradually but surely taking a leading position in stylish looks. Clothes of similar models have conquered the catwalks of world fashion houses. Combination different styles more relevant than ever this season. But few people know what to wear with black and white trousers and how to choose the right accessories for them.

To understand this issue, you will need to contact experienced stylists and read their articles. You can also use photographs of such images as a kind of fashion aid.

Will likely be difficult to use exact images how they wear striped trousers on the stage of podiums, but by viewing them, you can glean certain knowledge.

Having decided to include such interesting trousers in your wardrobe, it is wiser to immediately match them with existing items of clothing, otherwise you may end up with a situation where you have trousers, but not what to wear them with. Using them to create romantic looks is quite difficult, but you can try. But for business looks they are ideal.

Pants in black white stripe can be used in classic looks. A light, plain top and a jacket made of a similar fabric will look simply great in this combination. For more daring fashionistas who want to create a contrasting look, we recommend trying a dark silk blouse. For business options, items made from denser fabrics are better suited, although in summer you can also use silk or linen.

Despite the fact that striped trousers are suitable for almost everyone - both young girls and mature women, because they visually elongate the silhouette, additional attention should still be paid to the thickness of the stripes. After all, they can both emphasize piquant shapes and make the hips too thin or full.

Girls with excessively thin legs should avoid thin stripes on trousers. This print focuses on the thinness of the hips. But a fairly wide stripe, on the contrary, will visually add the missing volumes.

Horizontally printed products also add extra volume, and in some cases can even break the figure, so it’s worth taking this fact into account. Also, when choosing such clothes, it is important to remember that the stripes must be even, otherwise the impression of crooked legs will be created.

One more important parameter When choosing trousers, their width should be considered. Specimens that are not very wide, but also not overtly narrow, will fit better into more harmonious images. It is worth sticking to the golden mean.

Another equally serious rule is the permissible number of striped onions. There can be a maximum of two of them, even if you really want to add at least one more small thing, this is absolutely forbidden. An extra number of stripes will deprive the image of sophistication and sophistication, turning it into a cheap and tasteless outfit.

A very important attribute of any look is shoes. According to some stylists, only black or beige pumps in summer and patent leather ankle boots or leather cropped boots.

A fair question arises - are other shoes worn with striped trousers? Certainly! To soften the certain negligence that a large stripe, located vertically or horizontally, gives, you should definitely use sophisticated sandals or stilettos. But sports shoes may be inappropriate.

You can choose any item from accessories, but only one. The striped print is already very bright and effective. The chosen decoration should be short and match the stripes on the trousers.

Delicate silk, a shirt with a low neckline and a patent leather handbag can create a sophisticated silhouette in which you can safely show up at a dinner party or party.

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At many shows of fashion design houses you can see truly unique things that can touch even those hearts that have never liked such stylish clothes. Among other things, 2017 is full of new products that their creators are proud of and boldly declare that this season such products are at the peak of their popularity and fashion. Striped trousers, which can be seen in the photos of the most fashionable designer shows, are no exception to all this. Fashionable women's pants For 2017, girls prefer to buy striped clothing for business style. Unique styles in a classic cut allow you to combine stripes with a variety of jackets and blazers. Look at the photo various models and what to wear them with in everyday life:

In fact, this season you can see simply exceptional trouser models that captivate their fans with their unique style and stunning beauty. But, stylists say that first of all you should think not about the style, but about what kind of print will suit the girl’s figure and only then run for a fashionable new item for your wardrobe. The fact is that the stripe print can turn out to be very insidious if you wear it incorrectly or if you don’t know how to combine it with other wardrobe attributes.

Many stylists say that striped trousers are a very versatile item and that they go well with other wardrobe attributes, but this is not always the right judgment, especially for models that are fashionable in 2017. But let’s try to talk about this a little later, but for now, we suggest discussing several current products that complement the wardrobe of any modern fashionista.

Colors and preferences when choosing a style

In 2017, designers prefer to experiment not only with colors, but also with prints. No matter how it is positioned, this is probably why fashionistas pay attention to such a product as striped trousers. Colors and preferences when choosing suitable style should be adjusted to suit individual style. Of course, such experiments are winning more and more fans every season, because with the help of such a highlight you can correct your figure, make it slimmer, or, on the contrary, add volume where it is simply necessary. In some photos for this issue you can see the correct decisions of fashionistas who managed to look simply flawless in this clothing attribute.

Many stylists have repeatedly said that striped trousers are not as simple as they would like. Of course, some adhere to the idea that they suit absolutely everyone, yes, perhaps this is true, but each figure has its own colors and unique print. So, for thin girls who dream of making their shapes more feminine and attractive, we strongly recommend that you pay attention to a wide stripe, which will only thicken towards the belt. It is also possible for the stripes to intersect each other - this will create visual effect voluminous hips.

Our mothers also knew that vertical stripes make you look slim, and horizontal stripes make you look fat – but in 2017, everything depends not only on these factors, but also on the size and color of the print. So, for short girls, stylists recommend trying to wear trousers with a vertical pattern - this will visually elongate the figure, by the way, this solution can also be adopted by fat girls. There is only one thing - you shouldn’t choose a very wide stripe in this case, as it has a completely different effect on the image.

Horizontal wide stripes are not so popular among fashionistas, but this is because they should be very carefully selected according to the figure, and at the same time take into account what such products require the right combination with other wardrobe attributes. But stylists recommend such products for very skinny girls, especially if the girl chooses a wide black and white print. For such an outfit, you can choose a similar jacket or blazer and easily wear it on any occasion. Some new products of 2017 do not look bad with a horizontal cage, for example, the photo shows some of these design ideas.

This season, designers very often experiment with striped print colors, as many models and styles of trousers allow this. For example, ankle-length trousers with gold stripes will look very stylish - such a product is at the peak of its popularity today. You can evaluate many other models for yourself by looking at the photo below.

Wide striped trousers for fashionistas: successful images in the photo

Wide striped trousers are very popular among young fashionistas and are highly valued among fashionistas for a number of special reasons. Firstly, it is worth noting that such products are very popular with girls of short stature, since if such a print is located vertically, then this can visually add a pair extra centimeters to the height of the legs. In addition, a wide stripe can make the figure the way a girl wants it to be. For example, the photo below shows the most good images, which the girls were able to compose in 2017.

As for the color, it can be absolutely anything. But, more than all the others, the wide black and white stripe is very popular. The fact is that such trousers are easier to combine with other models and wear with other attributes women's wardrobe. But such a print does not tolerate competitors, so it is best that it be the only one in the image, otherwise you can easily overload the image and make it a little ridiculous.

But, in addition to the black and white wide check, designers, to create unique and unique models trousers often use other colors and shades. But usually there are no more than two or three of them to make the image stylish and feminine. So, you can pay attention to horizontal checkered trousers with gold or silver glitter. Such products are considered by stylists to be more elegant and discreet, so they can be combined with absolutely any other attributes of a woman’s wardrobe.

Designers pride themselves on what they can do with wide stripes to create trousers that are perfect for everyday wear, as well as evening or party wear. The fact is that everything depends on the location of such a pattern and on the style that will decorate women's trousers. So, for example, wide models with wide horizontal stripes can be used to create an outfit for visiting night club or fun party with friends.

So that girls can easily create looks for everyday wear, there are a large number of original models. So, for example, one of them is tight trousers, but when choosing them you should give preference to a black and white print, since multi-colored products will look simply tasteless. Thanks to photos that were specially selected for our fashionable readers. They will help you verify the uniqueness of the wide striped products that are presented below.

Of course, a very fashionable print is black and white wide stripes, but why not experiment with other different ones? color combinations. For example, it could be warm and delicate shades of blue and pink, combined with white; look at the photo to see how relevant such beautiful wardrobe attributes look.

What to wear with women's narrow striped trousers: beautiful products in the photo

According to stylists, only models with a narrow print can be more popular and more beautiful than trousers with a wide runner. In fact, such products are quite widespread among young fashionistas and women. The fact is that this pattern is more discreet and can be easily combined and worn with absolutely any item in a woman’s wardrobe. Girls choose many of these models, like those in the photo below, to put on a business outfit for work or school.

In 2017, a narrow stripe is a real find for any designer, because it helps to create images that are considered very stylish and feminine this season. Here, stylists often say that among all original ideas It’s not difficult to find exactly the model that suits your figure and will look great in any situation.

The fact is that designers often experiment with various styles trousers, complementing them with a narrow strip6 and creating original products. For example, women's pants will look very stylish in business style Of course, it is better to initially buy them with a suitable top, which can be a jacket or a fashionable jacket. In this look, you can safely go to school or to work in the office, as such outfits look very formal. Such bows look especially stylish in dark colors, while the stripe may not differ much in color, but at the same time it plays its irreplaceable role. If it is positioned vertically, it will make the silhouette visually elongated and add a couple of centimeters to your height. If, however, it is oblique or flaunts horizontally on the trousers, then such trousers will add volume to the hips. The photo below shows current models of trousers made in official and business style, you can admire them.

To compose casual look, you can turn your attention to trousers with a narrow stripe, which can have absolutely any shade and color. But, stylists say that in 2017, women's pants that are designed in light and soft colors are more fashionable and popular. For example, it could be blue, pink and shimmers of gold and silver.

What to wear with striped trousers in 2017: photo ideas

Many girls choosing women's striped trousers in 2017 simply do not know what to wear them with and how to style them correctly fashionable images. Therefore, our experts have collected several current ideas in the photo to help our fashionistas understand this issue and be able to choose the right beautiful and stylish outfit. Look at the photo for ideas for combinations in your everyday wardrobe:

Let's start, perhaps, with trousers with black and white stripes, which can be narrow or wide; initially, such trousers imply that such a print should be the main thing in the entire outfit. Therefore, stylists recommend immediately buying a suitable top without a pattern upon such a purchase. This print will look perfect in a business or office style, so in order to create the perfect look, you can pay attention to various plain jackets and jackets in the same tone. Among other things, if a girl prefers original outfits, then you can wear a similar product with long vests from thick fabric and light T-shirts in white or black.

As for the colored check, it generally does not tolerate any competition with other prints, which is why stylists often call such women’s trousers the highlight and basis of any look. To obtain nice outfit be sure to try combining them with various turtlenecks, tops and blouses, which should match at least one of the colors of the stripes on the pants. In the photo below, you can see how beautifully colored the line is with a correctly selected top, you can take some ideas into your arsenal.

In order to complete any look, you should learn how to properly wear and combine striped trousers with fashionable accessories in 2017. If we're talking about about jewelry, it is better to choose them quite simple; immediately discard multi-colored options in any case, since in this way you can only overload the entire outfit and make it ridiculous.

The handbag and shoes with which you can wear such trousers must necessarily be without original prints, even if this is the most popular and fashion model. It’s best if these are beautiful pumps and a small black suitcase; with them the image will turn out to be simply stunning and quite piquant.

Surprisingly, such a spectacular wardrobe item will suit any body type. Everything you need to compile stylish look with his participation, it is to choose the right stripes on clothes. Of course, thoughtful combinations with companion items are no less important, but if you can’t imagine life without catchy accents in your outfit and bright, memorable looks, then such an extraordinary solution is created for you. What to wear with striped trousers? We offer several interesting and non-trivial combinations to choose from.

How to choose clothes to match striped trousers?

When composing a look with striped trousers, you should remember that this item wardrobe does not get along well with bright and catchy neighbors. Their ideal companions secondary things will become of a single color, as well as with a simple color scheme print that occupies a small area. A neutral, pastel palette of shades and muted colors are preferred: white, gray, black, midnight blue, soft and powdery blues, pink, yellow, beige and others. The leaders are trousers with black and white stripes, but color variations are also acceptable. When putting together colorful sets, choose items that harmoniously match the color of the bottom.

If you decide to add a striped top to your look, then choose models that match the tone of the trousers. Attention! Such statement or blazers should exactly follow the pattern of the bottom, as in a suit pair, this ensures that balance is maintained in the look. You can combine a vertical stripe of trousers with a horizontal stripe of a long sleeve shirt and vice versa, but this bold option is only suitable for girls who are confident in their sense of style and true fashion experts.

Geometric, abstract prints in the form of inscriptions get along well with stripes. A small and discreet pattern is preferable, otherwise the image can be overloaded. In any case, always dilute the sets with monochromatic items in neutral colors, this will save you from any risks.

For your work wardrobe, limit yourself to just one striped item. Trousers of strict styles are trendy: classic, piped, seven-eighths long. Monochrome colors are favorites. Complement the trousers with a shirt, a laconic top, a turtleneck, a long sleeve, jackets, cardigans and jackets are also relevant. With their help you can create a traditional business look or casual style. Heeled shoes are required. For everyday outfits, tight-fitting, straight, wide trousers in classic, sports and pajama style are suitable. Dilute them with a top, sweatshirt, blouse in a solid color or with a spectacular print, this will make the outfit more colorful and less restrained.

Decent accessories for a catchy look

For business looks, shoes and accessories in neutral and neutral colors are preferred. pastel colors. This is the perfect option! If you are going on a walk with friends, a date in a cafe, then you can include a bag, belt or shoes in your image bright colors. Coral, rich yellow, sapphire, fuchsia and violet will be the best solution, but acidic shades are categorically unacceptable.

The content of the article

Fashion designers At their shows, they increasingly began to use striped trousers, which can be used in classic, business, as well as casual, new look and grunge styles. The main inspiration for striped clothing is Jean-Paul Gaultier, who simply worships this print. Therefore, you can safely buy striped clothes this season and combine them with plain blazers and jackets.

Popular models

When choosing striped clothes, first of all, pay attention to the strip itself, and only then to the styles. You can create the effect of voluminous hips using intersecting lines that thicken upward. Gold striped ankle-length trousers and office flared trousers with vertical stripes will be popular. Also often found are trousers that emphasize the silhouette, such as leggings, high-waisted trousers in the style of Marlene Dietrich, as well as classic pants straight cut with an arrow.

Tapered. Such models include pipe trousers in the style of Elvis Presley, jockey Jodhpurs and tapered riding breeches. All of these pants would look great with stripes. However, such models are suitable exclusively for tall and slender girls who can also wear heels. Street style For casual wear, bananas with ties at the ankle and original pleats near the waist, slims and afghans are suitable.

Tight-fitting. A striped jumpsuit with different strip widths will look very original. In this case, the stripe can be blue, coffee, gold or Marsala color. Choose the option that best helps you express your individuality. As for the styles, these can be leggings, carrots, stretch pipes or skinnies. Piece shirts, blouses, formal jackets and asymmetrical T-shirts will add sexiness to your look.

Wide. In retro style fashion, you can see striped high-waisted trousers. Featuring a tailored waistband, these styles will help define your figure and pair beautifully with tucked-in tanks and blazers. Pair these trousers with stiletto heels or platform sandals. The most popular styles of wide trousers are bananas with pockets.

Flare. Fashionable hippie chic of the seventies dictated flared trousers from the knee or from the hip. On slender girls, palazzo trousers with diagonal stripes “fil-a-fil” will look great; they will help you create a romantic vintage look with tops, T-shirts and vests. Flared trousers will fit perfectly into your bohemian look, so you can safely replace jeans with breeches, afghani or cargo trousers.


The main feature of striped trousers is the quality of the fabric from which they are made. This season, monochrome or multi-colored items, as well as raié stripes, are popular.

Such prints will look beautiful on flowing light and well-draped fabrics. Marine blue and white stripes are also in no hurry to go out of fashion.

Summer. These trousers can be made of linen, cotton, silk or viscose. Attention to slender legs will be accentuated by simple lines. It is very important to use a multi-colored print here. You can also experiment with the width of the stripe, as well as with a raié stripe or ombre effect. In the summer, striped Aladdin trousers, as well as pajama-style trousers or breeches, will be especially popular.

Classic. These trousers have a more limited color range. These can be straight trousers, flared trousers or chinos. Such models are suitable for the office, business meetings or negotiations. Pair these trousers with clothes in blue, black, white or red; sometimes a brown and beige palette can also work. A classic combination of these trousers with a trench coat, silk blouses, openwork T-shirt or jacket.

For a party. IN in this case you can break the norm and choose striped trousers made of shiny decorative thread. The ombre effect will also be popular. Of the styles, it would be better to give preference to European riding breeches or tapered trousers. For creating romantic image use bloomers that look like a skirt.


It will not be enough just to choose the right style of your trousers; it is also important to choose the right fabric texture and color, as well as shoes and accessories. This season, stripes of calm colors will be in fashion. But if you are looking for experimentation or rebellion, you can also choose a multi-colored print, as well as multi-color or patterned stripes, which are created from large quantity small flowers. To create a hippie, colorful or casual look, use a contrasting stripe, and for classic images- even-white.

Color stripe. This flat design will look great on wide trousers. The originality of the item can be emphasized with a blue stripe. A coffee, olive, beige or burgundy stripe on a white background is suitable for a seasoned style. These trousers should be combined with T-shirts, tops, accessories and shoes that match the color of one of the stripes. Blazers, cardigans or long sleeveless vests will fit perfectly into this look.

Trousers with colored stripes can be used in hippie style, as well as in Provence or vintage style. Multi-colored lines will allow every fashionista to feel confident and relaxed. Summer relaxed looks can be complemented with fashionable espadrilles. A plain yellow T-shirt with lime or menthol striped chinos will be a real total look this season.

Horizontal stripe. You should be very careful with such a strip, because it can add volume to your legs or shorten your legs. A wide horizontal stripe is suitable for a walk, going on a date or to the cinema, as well as for an evening out. Horizontal stripes that will widen towards the top and disappear on the hips of such styles of trousers as bell-bottoms, riding breeches or chinos can attract the attention of others.

Thin stripe. Tight-fitting trousers such as leggings or skinnies will look great with stripes in the style of Jean-Paul Gaultier. These trousers will suit even office style. They will look flirtatious dark background diagonal stripes in blue, pink or lime. And against a light background, a classic black stripe or nautical “vest” will look great.

Who is it suitable for?

A multifaceted print can transform your figure; it can also add height and make you slim. Overweight women You should choose trousers with vertical stripes, and thin girls can also try horizontal stripes. You can increase the volume of your hips or lengthen your legs using a thin and wide strip.

The stripe will look very harmonious on trouser styles such as cargo, jodhpurs, chinos or samurai hakama trousers. Feel free to expand your wardrobe!

What to combine with?

Stripes cannot be combined with any other print. Therefore, choose a plain top for striped trousers. Sometimes you can complement striped trousers with a checkered pattern, as well as a millefleur or fler-de-lis pattern. You can complement these trousers with wedge or heeled shoes. high heels, as well as an envelope clutch.

As for jewelry, pendants, bracelets, chokers, etc. will suit you. However, they must match the stripe. You can complement your trousers with striped logsleeves or blouses.

Blazers or T-shirts with slogans or discreet small prints will also go well with these trousers. In cool weather, you can wear a sleeveless vest, cardigan or long sweater on top.

Stylish looks

To maintain balance, opt for striped skinnies or chinos. These trousers are suitable for informal occasions, as well as for the office. Wide stripe on trousers perfectly demonstrates the universal looks of this season. One such look is a combination of two striped items. You can also wear striped trousers with a knitted shirt, turtleneck, top or jacket.