Space drawings in watercolors. How to draw space with a pencil step by step

Necessary materials:

  • half of whatman paper;
  • watercolor paints;
  • white gouache;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • a glass of water;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • Toothbrush.


To make the drawing unusual, space can be depicted in a circle. To do this, in the center of whatman paper we draw a circle of the required size according to a pre-prepared template. Then moisten the surface of the circle with water using a thick brush - this will allow you to get smooth stains of watercolor paint. Draw the center of the circle light shades: yellow, orange, lilac, blue.

Now we add two shades on the palette of blue color: mix one with purple paint, the other with black. Apply the resulting colors to the drawing in small and random strokes. In this case, the brush should be washed after each shade. It is necessary to draw the image from the edges of the circle, gradually approaching the center of the illustration. Try not to apply dark colors over light colors, since it will be impossible to return the original version.

When the circle is completely filled in, you can begin to draw the details of the cosmic landscape. In the center of the circle, where the bright hues drawing, apply red and yellow watercolors with a thin brush.

All that remains is to complete the picture with many bright stars. To do this on toothbrush apply gouache white and, bending the edges of the bristles, spray paint onto the image.

If you wish, you can draw several passing comets and a couple of small planets.

How to draw space with gouache

Necessary materials:

  • hoop with thick paper;
  • gouache;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • die cutting from white cardboard in the form of beautiful geometric patterns;
  • beautiful photo card;
  • colored cardboard;
  • printed paper;
  • white acrylic paint.


We moisten the blank in the form of a hoop with thick paper generously with water. Then use diluted gouache paints to create a blue-violet background. When the drawing is dry, use a thin brush to apply white dots with acrylic paint, which will imitate shining stars.

We supplement space landscape geometric shapes– constellations made using a pre-prepared template, a thin brush and white paint. Cut out from colored cardboard and printed paper various figures and create a beautiful composition from them, in the center of which there will be a successful photograph. Glue the resulting composition to the image.

Drawing on the theme “Space” is an endless field for creative experiments. When depicting the Universe “on canvas,” a small or adult artist makes individual decisions: what paper to use, what colors to choose, how to design the composition and how to complement it. Depending on the choice of materials and execution technique, the design can be more vivid or less pronounced, rich in details or laconic and abstract. Space with planets, stars and a satellite, drawn in pencil or gouache, cannot be compared with watercolor in terms of realism. A small galaxy created with a sponge and acrylic paint will become the greatest pride of a novice artist or talented child. And if you've never had to practice before similar creativity, don't be upset. We will tell and show how to draw space in step-by-step master classes with photos and videos.

Drawings with colored pencils or paints on the theme “Space” - step-by-step master class for children

Children's drawings with paints or pencils on the theme “Space” are an excellent way of self-realization for the little ones. By depicting the cosmic abyss, colorful planets and fiery comets, children show their imagination, discover new talents, and show their individuality. And if in a master class on creating illustrations several different techniques, the process immediately becomes many times more interesting, entertaining and educational.

Necessary materials for children's drawing with pencil and paints on the theme “Space”

  • thick white paper
  • black Whatman paper
  • compass (or round objects different diameters - lids, saucers, glasses)
  • pencil
  • gouache paints (including white)
  • brushes of different thicknesses
  • stationery scissors
  • PVA glue

A step-by-step master class for children on creating a bright drawing on the theme “Space”

  1. Place a thick white sheet on the work surface. Using round objects of different diameters and an ordinary pencil, draw nine circles on paper.
  2. Depending on the diameter, the circle will be one or another planet. For example, the most big figure- Jupiter, and the smallest one is Mercury.
  3. Using gouache paints, apply characteristic colors to the circles. You can look at the real colors of the planets in a children's encyclopedia, or you can create unusual fantasy planets to suit your taste.
  4. When the paint is completely dry, cut out the resulting shapes using sharp scissors along the contour.
  5. On a black Whatman paper (you can use half) leave the splashes white gouache paint. To do this, take a little gouache on your brush and wave it over the paper several times.
  6. Plan the location of your planets "in space". Place them carefully on whatman paper and take a closer look. If you like the composition, proceed to the next stage.
  7. Using office glue or PVA, secure all the elements in place.
  8. Press each planet firmly with the palm of your hand or a thick textbook to ensure the pieces stick firmly. Do not overdo it with glue so that excess mass does not leak out to the sides. On a black background, the spots will be especially noticeable.
  9. After the glue has completely dried, remove the textbook and evaluate the result. Drawing with colored pencils or paints on the theme “Space” step by step master class completely ready for children! Photo 11

How to paint space with watercolors - an unusual idea for beginners

Using watercolor paints to create a “Space” drawing is much simpler than it seems at first glance. On a wet basis, the colors independently mix into bizarre galactic patterns, realistically displaying wondrous nebula and fine stardust. Even a child can cope with such a simple technique visual arts. And for adults, we offer a more complicated option for beginning artists - an unusual idea to paint space with watercolors in a geometric shape.

Necessary materials for painting “Space” in watercolor for beginners

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • water and brushes of different sizes
  • watercolor paints
  • acrylic paints (black and white)
  • salt
  • ruler
  • protractor
  • sharpened pencil
  • masking fluid for watercolors (Art Masking fluid)

How to paint space in watercolor in an unusual way - step-by-step instructions

  1. Take the “pacific” as the basis for the image - a sign of peace and love. Using a template from the Internet, change the outline to dense white paper. You can also draw the drawing yourself using a ruler and compass.
  2. To prevent watercolor stains from getting into restricted areas, use a special masking agent. On last stage preparing the drawing, it is easy to remove it from the white area.
  3. Fill in the sign with watercolor masking without going beyond the outline. Wait until completely dry.
  4. Wet the areas between the axes of the sign thoroughly. clean water. This way the paint will form more realistic “cosmic” stains.
  5. Apply a drop of blue watercolor to one of the wet areas. Don't make too harsh strokes; let the paint spread on its own.
  6. Add black watercolor or ink to the blue tones to create a natural galaxy effect.
  7. Thus, fill all the free areas with colorful stains. When the watercolor has dried a little, add a yellow glow and purple reflections.
  8. Don't be afraid to protrude into the white areas of the sign. When you're done, you can clean them.
  9. More wet picture sprinkle with coarse salt. Sprinkle the resulting space with small specks of white acrylic paint.
  10. When the image is completely dry, sketch out the outlines of the marvelous space town with a pencil. Using thin brush And white paint, draw all the lines.
  11. As a final step, remove the thin film of watercolor masking from the white areas of the sign. The contours will become smooth and clear, and the fields will become snow-white.
  12. Now you know how to paint space with watercolors - unusual idea for beginners will allow you to create with your own hands beautiful panel for home or bright postcard for a dear person. Photo 25

How to draw the perfect cosmos with stars, satellites and planets with a sponge on home ceramics

Most often they draw space watercolor paints- fast, convenient, practical. But what if you want to cover a household item that is completely unsuitable for watercolor with a fashionable galactic image? After all, ceramics, wood and other popular materials absorb watery paint, leaving only faded shades on the surface. In this case, it is better to use pigment ink or acrylic paints in combination with a soft sponge or foam sponge. This way the image will be successfully fixed and will retain its brightness and clarity for a long time.

To learn how to quickly draw space with planets and stars with a sponge and acrylic paint on ceramics, see our next master class with photos.

Necessary materials for the drawing “Space with stars and planets” on home ceramics

  • old plain ceramic dishes
  • acrylic paints
  • spray with water
  • sponges or sponges of different sizes
  • synthetic brush
  • Matt lacquer

How to paint space with stars on ceramics with a sponge and acrylic paints

Another interesting and original option on how to paint space with paints

Watercolor images of space are good in themselves. They seem to be imbued with a special atmosphere of depth and mystery. But even such seemingly extraordinary drawings can be made even more entertaining. For example, by connecting space background with city panorama. You will learn how to paint space with paints for such an original and unusual option in our next step-by-step master class.

Necessary materials for the original painting “Space” with paints

  • thick landscape paper or watercolor paper
  • watercolor paints
  • masking fluid for watercolors
  • white acrylic paint
  • medical alcohol
  • salt
  • pencil and ruler
  • brushes of different thicknesses
  • artistic adhesive tape
  • black gel pen

How to paint space in an interesting and original way - step-by-step instructions

  1. Swipe with pencil horizontal line in the lower half of the sheet. This way you will limit the drawing area. From the line up, draw several slender houses by hand. Don't worry about their symmetry. The more chaotic the buildings, the more original the drawing will look.
  2. Apply artistic tape underneath the line. It will serve as a limiter for paints.
  3. Paint over the houses with white watercolor masking. Wait for the liquid to dry.
  4. Moisten empty seats on a sheet with clean water. Spread on a wet surface of paper various shades blue: from deep inky to sky blue.
  5. Add to different tones of blue watercolor additional colors- lilac, pink, green, etc. The galaxy should turn out bright and more or less natural.
  6. Sprinkle the wet pattern with table salt. As soon as the “space” dries, shake off the grains.
  7. Using white acrylic paint and an art brush (you can use a toothbrush), leave small white drops - stars - on the drawing.
  8. Place drops of alcohol in several places. The substance will slightly blur the paint and give the image a more complete look.
  9. Use an eraser to lift the masking layer and remove the thin film. Now the places for houses are in perfect order.
  10. Using a black pen, draw windows and doors on the houses. Remove the art tape.
  11. So interesting and original version How to paint space with paints will appeal not only to children. Even adults will enjoy spending time with such an exciting creative process.

How to quickly draw and successfully use the “Space” drawing in gouache

To beautifully draw space with gouache and use it in an original way in your home interior or as a souvenir, you need to make a blank yourself. To do this you will need thick paper and an ordinary wooden hoop. By carefully pressing a damp white sheet between the circles of the hoop, and then drying it with hairdryers, you will create an ideal field for “cosmic” creativity.

Necessary materials for drawing “Space” with gouache paints

  • blank - hoop with paper
  • gouache paints
  • white cardboard cutouts (feather, polar bear, diamond, etc.)
  • good photo
  • white acrylic paint
  • tinted or printed paper

Master class on the creation and original use of gouache drawing “Space”

By viewing our step-by-step master classes with photos and videos, you learned how to draw space with a pencil, gouache, watercolor or sponge with acrylic paints. Spend a little more time on the process, and your drawing on the theme “Space” with planets, stars and a satellite will be ideal not only for children, but also for novice artists.

There is no doubt that any person, thinking, so to speak, about the eternal, imagines the depths of space with its unexplored expanses and tries to express his feelings in the form of a painting or drawing. Let's see how to draw space using various means and techniques.

What do we associate outer space with?

The primary association of outer space, even on a subconscious level, for any person is reduced to infinity, although not everyone imagines what it is.

If you approach the question of how to draw space step by step, you should pay attention to some elements that are most often depicted in paintings. First, a spatial structure is created. These can be galaxies or nebulae with rarefied gas, then stars visible to the naked eye or through modern telescopes are included here.

Only then can we assume the presence of a planetary system, although in most cases the question of how to draw space comes down to depicting objects known to us in solar system, because we don’t know what the surfaces of other planets look like star systems(the nearest distance is 4 light years - Proxima of the Centaurus constellation).

And, naturally, to depict his view of what may be there, even a novice artist uses absolutely different instruments, most suitable to his imagination.

If you look at all the drawings and paintings, you will notice that most often they depict stars (constellations), nebulae, galaxies and planetary systems.

In the first, second and third cases, the question of how to draw space is solved quite simply. On any dark background (even black or gray) inclusions are applied in the form of stars, varying in size and light activity. This is the easiest way.

As for nebulae, they often appear colored not only in the ultraviolet or infrared spectrum, but also in the visible to the human eye range. It is from this perspective that it is worth considering the question of how to paint space in watercolors. It is best suited for this due to the fact that when mixed with water, you can get smooth shades and transitions that are inaccessible to, say, gouache or oil paints. But more on that later.

How to get inspiration?

If you’re really thinking about how to draw space, or rather, get some kind of charge that can give impetus to an outburst of emotions, first you should just look at the night sky in clear weather.

Alas, in our hemisphere the sky looks only like darkness interspersed with stars. Another thing is the Southern Hemisphere, where Milky Way(this is the name of our galaxy) looks in all its glory.

On the other hand, music is enough a powerful tool to activate thoughts. If previously so-called space music was associated with bands like Space or Zodiac, today it is enough to listen to compositions in the Ambient, Chillout or Downtempo style, which use complex sound effects.

How to paint space with paints?

Now about the colors. Based on the above, the most decisive question will be how to paint space in watercolors.

Here it is worth paying attention to the colors themselves. First you need to apply dark background onto a sheet, let the paint and paper dry a little, and then dilute the depth by adding water as usual. You understand that space cannot be equally dark.

After this, you can begin drawing images of galaxies or planets. By the way, it is with the help of watercolors that it is best to depict colored gas nebulae. But you can specify some elements using additional means in the form of gouache or oil.

How to draw space with a pencil?

With pencils the situation is somewhat worse. The fact is that it will not be possible to achieve the blurriness inherent in space.

Here it is better to use vertical, horizontal or oblique shading with a long stylus. In addition, even drawing some global elements requires knowledge of additional effects.

Additional effects

In the case of paints, everything is clear. Regular dilution with water gives a fairly powerful effect. But few people know what else is in Soviet times a method was invented to obtain smooth transitions when drawing with a pencil.

You just need to grind off the lead a little onto a separate piece of paper, then take the powder and smear it over the image on the paper. The effect is simply amazing. By the way, this applies not only to simple pencils, but also to colored pencils. This is called retouching.

Separately, it is worth noting that when it comes to the question of how to draw space, some authors of paintings do not limit themselves only to using standard means. For example, adding sparkles to symbolize stars is quite a hot topic.

Which is better to use?

Now a few words about what is better: a computer program or hand drawing? Both. Of course, applications for creating and processing graphics have their own quite powerful capabilities, but many people first record their flight of thoughts on paper, after which they scan the drawing and convert it into the desired format.

However, programs like Adobe Photoshop or the same package Corel Draw suggest using complex gradient fills as templates, which can be obtained regular drawing It's just not possible.

Based on this, we can simply advise you to initially make a sketch of the future drawing or painting, and only then decide whether it should be processed in a computer program or left unchanged. In principle, both options are acceptable. Although the solution to the question of how to paint space in the usual way seems preferable.

It’s another matter if the artist does not want to digitize the painting. This is understandable, because a sheet of paper or canvas looks natural. Unlike computer images, when viewing, you can touch the painting and see the paint application technique used by the author of this or that masterpiece.

So the month of April has come... with hope for warmth and bright sunshine, with flowers and joy... Very soon the world will celebrate Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday that includes important events And greatest discoveries, achievements of human civilization and the discovery of inaccessible secrets and worlds.

IN different time The children and I conducted various activities on the topic of Space; links to some of them will be at the end of the article and in. And today I invite you and your children to arm yourself with pencils and paints and go paint space!

Hooray! I announce the opening new section “Learning to Draw” and I invite you to meet the artist Julia, who shared her drawing skills with us.

How to draw space step by step

Drawings on the theme of space are a common April assignment in schools and kindergartens. Julia offers us two options for the space theme: different ages: for preschoolers and primary school students.

I know that many parents are categorically against templates and examples in drawing. But I am also convinced that in order to learn to draw, sometimes you need a push, an example, which, when embodied, the child will believe in himself and begin to reveal his capabilities and talents. Shall we try?

Drawing “Rocket in space” for children 4-5 years old.

The drawing is so simple and easy that it seems to me that it does not need additional descriptions. However, if you prefer the video format of the lesson, then watch this video:

Drawing on the theme “Space” for children 6-7 years old.

And here is the video MK of the rocket’s drawing, posted on ours:

These are the simple and accessible drawings about space that the artist Julia offered us today. And I am grateful to her for her beautiful creativity.

What do you think of these drawings about space? And what do you and your children like to draw on? given topic? By the way, you can send your drawings for this MK to me by email, I will post them in this article.