Orthodox culture has given humanity. Orthodox culture is a subject that reveals light

Administrative documents play a very important role important role in the management of institutions, enterprises and organizations. Currently, the main types of administrative documents are: resolution, order, instruction, decision, order. It is mandatory to publish administrative documents on the following issues:

  1. organizational;
  2. production planning;
  3. construction, material and technical supply;
  4. sales;
  5. finance and credit;
  6. labor and wages.

These, of course, are not all the issues on which it is necessary to create administrative documents, but they are the most typical and stable grounds for their mandatory publication. Administrative documents are of an administrative nature. They are addressed to lower or subordinate organizations, groups or individual officials. The scheme for preparing administrative documents is as follows:

  1. comprehensive study of the issue, preparation of a draft document;
  2. approval of the text and its signing;
  3. discussion and adoption of a document at a meeting of a collegial body (resolution, decision).

Draft administrative documents can be prepared by individual specialists or structural divisions. The main administrative document is an order. Order(by main activity) - legal act, issued by the head of the enterprise, acting on the basis of unity of command, to resolve the main and operational tasks of the enterprise. Orders are issued:

  1. the order of the enterprise's activities;
  2. decisions and instructions on organizing work;
  3. organizational events;
  4. results of the work;
  5. audit results.

Orders are issued only when necessary. Changes, additions, and cancellations of orders are made only by orders. Preparation of draft orders includes the following stages:

  1. studying the essence of the issue, legislative acts, other documents published on this issue, elaboration of information and reference documents of the enterprise;
  2. preparation of document text;
  3. approval of the text of the document;
  4. signing the order;
  5. bringing to the attention of performers.

The preparation of the order is entrusted to a structural unit, a group of specialists, or an individual official. The text of the order consists of two parts:

  1. a statement that sets out the facts, reveals the reasons and goals that served as the basis for the creation of the order. If the order was based on a government document, then you must indicate the name of the document, its author, date, number and title;
  2. administrative.

The administrative part of the text of the order begins with the word I ORDER and is written from the zero position of the tabulator. The text is divided into paragraphs. Management points are built according to the following scheme: executor (position name, initials and surname, or structural unit, or organization) - action - deadline. The last paragraph of the order is formulated as follows: control over the execution of the order is assigned to: job title, initials and surname. If the manager himself will monitor the execution of the order, then the control clause is omitted. The date of the order is the date of its signing, the date of its commencement. The order is signed by the head of the organization. Making changes and additions to a signed order is not permitted without the permission of the signatory. A mailing list is compiled for the draft order to the units and officials affected by the order. Before signing, the draft order is endorsed by the heads of structural divisions, officials responsible for its execution, and a lawyer.

External coordination with other organizations can also be carried out if the order affects their interests. Approval is issued with the stamp “Approval”. Order details:

  1. Name of the organization;
  2. name of the document type - ORDER;
  3. date, number;
  4. place of compilation;
  5. title;
  6. text;
  7. signature;
  8. visa approval.

Copies and extracts are made from orders for ease of use within the organization. Extract from the order- a copy of the main part of the document text, which is necessary for work. The stating part of the text is written in full. Details of the extract from the order:

  1. name of the ministry or department;
  2. Name of the organization;
  3. name of the document type - EXTRACT FROM ORDER;
  4. date, number (same as the order);
  5. place of compilation;
  6. title;
  7. part of the text;
  8. signature (other than personal signature);
  9. certification inscription (separated from the signature by 2-3 intervals).

Orders are issued on general forms.

The next type of administrative document is an order. Order- a legal act of management of a state body that is binding on citizens and organizations to which it is addressed. They are published by enterprises, organizations, governments, district administrations, etc. The following types of orders are distinguished:

A) long-acting; b) concerning a specific issue.

The text of the order has a stating and an administrative part. The stating part of the text of the order- the part in which the purposes and reasons for the order are indicated. It is advisable to use the following wording: “In accordance with”, “In connection with”, “For the purposes of”. The administrative part of the text of the order begins with the word I OBLIGATE, it indicates the prescribed actions. The order form consists of the following details:

  1. name of company;
  2. name of the document type;
  3. date, number;
  4. place of publication;
  5. title;
  6. text;
  7. signature;
  8. approval mark.

The text is drawn up on A4 format. The draft order is agreed upon with persons interested in this document. The executors of the order can be institutions, structural divisions, and officials.

Another type of administrative document is an instruction. Note- administrative document issued by authorities government controlled, ministries, departments, organizations on organizational and methodological issues. Issues of an organizational and methodological nature include the following:

a) organization of execution of orders;

b) organization of execution of instructions.

The right to issue instructions in organizations is granted to managers, their deputies, and heads of structural divisions, who act with the rights of unity of command within the limits of their competence. The text of the instruction, as a rule, consists of two parts: stating; administrative. The stating part of the instruction text reveals the reasons for issuing the document and begins: “In pursuance of...”, “For the purposes of...”, “In accordance with...”.

The administrative part of the instruction text begins with the word I PROPOSE, it indicates the prescribed actions. The text can be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs. Each item is constructed according to the following scheme: the surname and position of the performer in the dative case after the word I PROPOSE - action - deadline. The last paragraph of the instruction assigns control over the execution of the document to a specific official. The date of the indication is the date of its signing. The instruction is issued on A4 format. The instruction form consists of the following details:

  1. name of the ministry or department;
  2. Name of the organization;
  3. name of the document type;
  4. date, number;
  5. place of publication;
  6. title;
  7. text;
  8. signature;
  9. approval mark.

The next type of administrative document is a decision. Solution- an administrative document of a collegial governing body issued by ministries, departments, scientific councils. The text of the decision consists of stating and administrative parts. In the stating part the reasons for issuing the document and the goals that are achieved in its implementation are stated.

In the administrative part indicate the name of the body making the decision, then - the word DECIDED on a separate line. The administrative part is divided into paragraphs. Each item is constructed according to the following scheme: surname and position of the performer in the dative case - action - due date. The decision is signed by the chairman and secretary of the collegial body. The decision form consists of the following details:

  1. Name of the organization;
  2. name of the document type;
  3. date, number;
  4. place of publication;
  5. title;
  6. text;
  7. signatures (chairman, secretary);
  8. visas.

The next type of administrative document is a resolution. Resolution published by higher authorities state power, committees and commissions formed under government agencies.

introduction........................................................ ........................................................ 3

1. Classification of administrative documents.................................................... 5

2. Stages of preparation of administrative documents.................................... 7

2.1 The procedure for issuing administrative documents in the context of collegial decision-making………………………………………………………7

2.2 The procedure for issuing administrative documents in conditions of sole decision-making…………………………………………………………….9

3. Rules for drawing up administrative documents.................................... 12

Conclusion................................................. ............................................ 18

List of sources and literature......................................................... 19



The activities of an institution, organization, enterprise are reflected in various documents that are interconnected and constitute documentation systems used in a certain area.

We can give a classification of documentation systems, the ratio of which in the office work of different institutions is not the same:

Organizational documents;

Administrative documentation;

Information and reference documents and reference and analytical documentation;

Planning documentation;

Reporting and statistical;

Personnel documentation;

Accounting documentation.

Among the wide variety of documents of enterprises and organizations included in listed groups, organizational and administrative management documentation (ORD) occupies a central place.

ORD is classified into three groups:

1) organizational documents (charters, regulations, instructions, staffing table and etc.);

2) administrative documentation (orders, instructions, resolutions, decisions, instructions, etc.);

3) information and reference documentation (letters, acts, protocols, certificates, etc.).

In my work, I examined the system of administrative documentation in more detail.

The purpose of the work is to consider the stages of preparation and rules for drawing up administrative documents.

Job objectives:

1. give a classification of administrative documents;

2. determine the stages of preparation of administrative documents depending on the conditions of decision-making;

3. consider the rules for drawing up administrative documents.

The relevance of this topic is that administrative documents regulate and coordinate activities that allow the governing body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it and thereby obtain the maximum effect from its activities, which is especially important in a market economy.

When studying this issue GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems” were used. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork” and standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536.

Also, when determining the stages of preparation of administrative documents, the textbook “Office Management. Organization and technology of documentation support for management”, ed. prof. T.V. Kuznetsova.

When studying the rules for drawing up administrative documents, we used the textbook “Rules for drawing up documents: Commentary on GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents” Chukovenkova A.Yu. and Yankova V.F., as well as the educational and methodological complex “Document Management and Office Work” by Panfilova T.A. and Kondratieva T.N.

The textbook edited by me provided great assistance in writing the work. V.A. Kudryaev "Organization of work with documents."


Administrative documents are documents that record decisions on administrative and organizational issues of the organization’s activities. These documents regulate and coordinate activities and allow the governing body to ensure the implementation of its tasks.

Regardless of the organizational and legal form, the nature and content of the organization’s activities, its competence, structure and other factors, the management of any organization is vested with the right to carry out executive and administrative activities and, accordingly, issue administrative documents.

Administrative documents contain decisions that go from top to bottom through the management system: from the governing body to the governed body, from the head of the organization to structural divisions and employees. It is these documents that implement vertical controllability of objects.

In legal terms, administrative documents relate to legal acts: they express specific legally authoritative instructions of the subjects of management. The specificity of such instructions is manifested in the fact that with the help of administrative documents, problems and issues arising in the field of management are resolved; their addressees are specific institutions, structural units, officials or employees; they are legal facts that give rise to specific administrative-legal relations.

Taking into account the scope of their action, administrative documents are divided into:

1) legal acts of the federal level - acts issued by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities (ministries, committees, agencies, services, etc.);

2) legal acts operating at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - republics, territories, regions, cities of republican significance of Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous regions and districts, as well as territorial entities;

3) legal acts of organizations, institutions, enterprises.

The following types of administrative documents are also distinguished: order, order, instruction, decision, resolution.

The basis for issuing an administrative document may be:

¾ the need to implement adopted legislative, regulatory legal acts and other decisions of higher authorities and earlier decisions made this organization;

¾ the need to carry out one’s own executive and administrative activities, determined by the functions and objectives of the organization.

From the point of view of the procedure for resolving issues (decision making), all administrative documents are divided into two groups: documents issued under collegial conditions and documents issued under conditions of individual decision-making. In the next chapter, I will consider the stages of preparing administrative documents depending on the given decision-making conditions.

2. Stages of preparation of administrative documents

2.1 The procedure for issuing administrative documents in the context of collegial decision-making

Preparation of administrative documents for collegial decision-making includes the following stages:

1) Preparation of materials for a meeting of the collegial body.

2) Submission of materials for consideration by the collegial body.

3) Discussion of the issue (prepared materials) at a meeting of the collegial body.

4) Making a decision based on the materials reviewed.

5) Drawing up minutes of the meeting.

6) Publication of an administrative document.

7) Bringing the decision to the executors.

The first stage involves the collection of information on the issue and its analysis and ends with the registration analytical report. This work is carried out in accordance with the work plan of the collegial body by a specialist or group of specialists from the relevant structural unit. The necessary information may be requested from other departments, subordinate and other organizations. The certificate must contain comprehensive and comprehensive information and specific proposals for solving the problem. It must be agreed upon by all specialists interested in the decision being prepared and signed by the head of the department presenting the issue for consideration. Along with the certificate, a draft decision of the collegial body is being prepared. Information on the issue and a draft decision are drawn up on standard sheets of paper. The draft decision contains the rationale for the decision and the administrative part - instructions.

At the second stage, the prepared materials - a certificate and a draft decision - are transferred to the secretary of the collegial body - as a rule, 10-15 days before the meeting. This time is necessary to reproduce the submitted materials and distribute them to members of the collegial body for preliminary study. Before the meeting, members of the collegial body should have the opportunity to study the materials in order to have an idea of ​​the issue that will be considered at the meeting.

At the third and fourth stages, the chairman of the collegial body gets acquainted with the presented materials, organizational measures are taken to prepare the meeting (an invitation, agenda, materials for the meeting are sent to members of the collegial body), the presented materials are discussed at the meeting, opinions are expressed on the draft decision and proposals for changing it and addition. As a result of the discussion, amendments to the draft may be made, which are accepted if members of the collegial body vote for them. As a result of the discussion, a decision is made by a majority vote or a qualified majority (2/3 of the votes).

The fifth stage reflects the specifics of the activities of collegial bodies: it is recording the progress of the meeting in the minutes. During the meeting, rough handwritten notes of the proceedings of the meeting, stenographic recording or sound recording on tape are kept. In higher authorities and management, sound recording is accompanied by shorthand recording. After the meeting, minutes of the meeting are drawn up based on the recordings. If the minutes are drawn up on the basis of handwritten notes, it is advisable to agree with the speakers on the recording of their speeches. In this case, the speaker endorses the protocol in the left margin opposite the recording of the speech. After approval, the protocol is signed by the chairman of the collegial body and the executive secretary.

The sixth stage is the publication of an administrative document by decision of the collegial body. Decisions of collegial bodies are formalized by resolutions or decisions. Resolutions are issued by the highest bodies of state power and administration (for example, the Government of the Russian Federation), representative and collegial executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (for example, the Moscow City Duma, the Moscow Government, etc.). Collegial bodies of institutions, organizations, enterprises (for example, the general meeting of founders (participants), shareholders, the board of directors of an open joint-stock company) issue decisions. Decisions of an informational nature, as a rule, are not formalized in the form of an administrative document and are recorded only in the protocol. In management practice, such decisions are called protocol decisions; they are conveyed to the executor by extracts from the minutes of the meeting.

The seventh stage is the replication of the document, its distribution (as soon as possible) or transfer to the performers.

2.2 The procedure for issuing administrative documents in conditions of sole decision-making

The procedure for issuing administrative documents in conditions of sole decision-making - orders, instructions, instructions - includes the following stages:

1) Initiating a decision (justifying the need to issue an administrative document).

2) Collection and analysis of information on the issue.

3) Preparation of a draft administrative document.

4) Approval of the draft document.

5) Finalization of the draft administrative document based on comments.

6) Making a decision (signing a document).

7) Bringing the administrative document to the executors.

The documentation procedure is the organizing principle in the preparation and publication of an administrative document and is designed to ensure its compliance with current legislation.

Draft administrative documents are prepared on a planned basis (in accordance with a previously developed plan or program), on behalf of the organization's management, on the initiative of the heads of structural divisions or subordinate organizations, as well as individual specialists. The justification for the need to issue an administrative document can be set out in a memorandum, a certificate of analytical or informational content, a proposal, a conclusion, an act, or an official letter. These documents act as the trigger for a decision.

Draft administrative documents are prepared by specialists from structural divisions. If a draft document affects the interests of various departments, by decision of the organization’s management, a temporary commission is created or a group of workers is appointed to prepare a draft administrative document.

Collection and analysis of information to develop management decision provides for the collection of objective, sufficient and timely information. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the sources of such information - these could be legislative acts and regulatory documentation; current documentation of the organization; documents coming from superior and subordinate organizations; archival documents; publications in periodicals; scientific materials, etc. The result of collecting and analyzing information on the issue is the development of a management decision, and, as a rule, in the process of analyzing the information, various options decisions and after a comprehensive assessment of them, one, the most acceptable, is selected.

Preparation of a draft administrative document: registration of the developed decision in the form of a draft administrative document is carried out not on a form, but on a standard sheet of A4 paper according to the same rules as the final document. The word “Project” is entered in the upper right field. The text of the document is formatted in the same way as if it were final version document.

Approval of a draft document involves approval (if internal approval is sufficient to issue the document) and external approval (if it is necessary to carry out an examination of the solution in other organizations).

Ensuring high-quality preparation of draft documents and their coordination with interested parties is the responsibility of the heads of departments that submit the draft.

Projects and appendices to them are endorsed by the executor and the head of the department that submitted the project, by the heads of departments for which tasks and instructions are provided in the project, as well as by the head of the preschool education service and the legal service (endorses draft regulatory legal acts).

Visas are issued for back side the last sheet of the first copy (original) of the draft document in its lower part.

During the approval process, comments and additions to the draft document may be made. They can be entered directly into the submitted draft document or drawn up on a separate sheet as a special opinion or comments. In the latter case, when endorsed on the draft document, in addition to the signature of the endorser and the date, the following mark is affixed: “Special opinion is attached” or “Comments are attached.” A special opinion, drawn up on a separate sheet, is attached to the draft document and returned to the project developers for finalization of the document. When submitting the finalized document to the manager for signing, all dissenting opinions and comments will have to come along with the document for the manager's consideration.

However, if fundamental changes are made to the project during the approval process, it is subject to reprinting and re-approval. It must be remembered that re-approval is not required if, when finalizing the draft document, only clarifications of an editorial nature were introduced that did not change its content.

Finalization of the draft administrative document based on comments involves introducing comments into the draft document based on the results of approval, finalizing the agreed draft document on the organization’s letterhead and presenting it to the head for signing.

Control over the correct execution of draft documents is carried out by the management documentation support service (DOU).

If the draft administrative document was prepared on behalf of a higher organization, the draft document is drawn up not on the organization’s letterhead, but on standard sheets of paper and sent to the higher organization with a covering letter and an explanatory note.

Decision making, i.e. The signing of the administrative document by the manager is the decisive stage in the preparation of the administrative document. The manager’s signature turns the draft document into a full-fledged document with legal force.

Draft documents are printed on standard forms of the established form and presented for signature, if necessary, with a certificate, which must contain summary the essence of the project, justification for its necessity, as well as information on the basis on which the project was prepared and with whom it was agreed.

Bringing the administrative document to the executors means replicating the document, sending it out (as soon as possible) or transferring it to the executors.

3. preparation of administrative documents

An order is a legal act issued by the head of an organization (its structural unit), acting on the basis of unity of command in order to resolve the main and operational tasks facing this body. IN in some cases may concern a wide range of organizations and officials, regardless of subordination.

Orders on core activities are issued during reorganization, liquidation of an institution, approval and change of structure and staff, in order to approve and (or) put into effect documents (regulations, instructions, rules, regulations, etc.), if necessary, regulate issues of financing, material technical support, scientific and technical policy, information and documentation support, social policy etc. For an example of drawing up an order for the main activity, see Appendix 1.

Orders on personnel (personnel orders) regulate the reception, movement, dismissal of workers, the provision of leaves, the assignment of ranks, the imposition of penalties and incentives for workers. For an example of an order for personnel, see Appendix 2.

Draft orders for core activities, prepared for approval, are drawn up on standard sheets of paper with all the necessary details applied and the indication “Project” in the top field of the document on the right. Draft orders are drawn up on the basis of a thorough and comprehensive study of issues that require resolution, so that the instructions contained in the drafts are specific and realistic, comply with current legislation, are provided with sufficient material, technical and financial resources, and eliminate the need to adjust the decisions made in the future.

The title is a mandatory detail of the order; it must be formulated clearly, as briefly as possible, expressing the main content of the document, and must answer the question “About what?”, for example: “On the creation of a branch of the company in Tver”, “On changing the charter of the company ".

In orders the text is presented in the first person singular(“I order”, “I offer”, “I ask”).

The text of the order consists of two parts: stating (preamble) and administrative.

The ascertaining part provides the rationale for the prescribed actions. If the basis for issuing the order was a legislative or regulatory legal act of a higher organization or a document previously issued by this organization, its name, date, and number are indicated in the ascertaining part. If the order is issued on its own initiative, i.e. in fulfillment of the functions and tasks assigned to the organization, the ascertaining part formulates the goals and objectives of the prescribed actions, sets out the facts or events that led to the issuance of the order.

The preamble may begin with the words “For the purpose of”, “In pursuance of”, etc.

The ascertaining part is separated from the administrative part by the word “I ORDER”, which is printed on a new line from the field in capital letters. The stating part may be absent if the prescribed actions do not require explanation or justification.

The administrative part must contain a list of prescribed actions, indicating the performer of each action and the deadline for execution. In this case, the administrative part is divided into paragraphs if the execution of the order involves several performers and the performance of actions of different nature. Items that include managerial actions of an administrative nature begin with a verb in the indefinite form. For example: "1. Create working group included..."

If the action involves a specific performer, the corresponding paragraph of the document must begin with an indication of the position and surname of the performer (the initials in the text are placed after the surname) in the dative case. Organizations or structural divisions may be indicated as performers. Information about a managerial action is conveyed by a verb in an indefinite form and an object indicating the object of the action. For example:

1. Head of the Production and Implementation Department information systems Vorobyov K.V. prepare a draft “Terms of Reference...”.

The indication of the execution date is printed on a separate line and is formatted as the execution completion date. For example: “Deadline for submission is 07/15/2003.”

The last paragraph of the administrative part indicates specific persons who are entrusted with control over the execution of the administrative document. For example: "5. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the deputy general director Yaroslavtsev T.P."

If an order changes, cancels or supplements a previously issued document or some of its provisions, then one of the paragraphs of the administrative part of the text must contain a link to the document being canceled (document clause) indicating its date, number and title. The text of the paragraph must begin with the words “Recognize as invalid...”.

The order should not include the clause “Order to be brought to the attention of...”. The divisions (officials) to whose attention the order is brought are listed in the distribution index, which the executor prepares along with the draft order.

Before being submitted for signature, the draft order is endorsed by all interested departments and officials. Visas are affixed on the first copy of the order at the bottom of the last sheet of the document or on the back of the last sheet.

If there are reference or analytical annexes to the draft order (graphs, diagrams, tables, lists), references are given in the text of the order in the relevant paragraphs of the administrative part: “(Appendix 1)”, “(Appendix 2)”. On the appendix itself, in the upper right corner of the first sheet, the word “Appendix” is printed (if there are several attachments, they are numbered) and it is indicated which order or point of the order the appendix relates to.

If the appendix to the order is an approved document (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.), the following mark is made in the corresponding paragraph of the administrative part: “(attached)”, and the document approval stamp is issued on the appendix in the upper right corner.

Attachments to draft orders must be endorsed by the executor who prepared them and by the heads of structural units.

Orders are signed by the head of the organization or his deputy, who officially acts as the head during his long absence (business trip, vacation, illness).

Orders are issued on an order form (a form for a specific type of document).

Mandatory details of the order are: name of the organization, name of the type of document (ORDER), date, registration number of the document, place of preparation or publication, title to the text, signature, visa approval of the document.

An instruction is a legal act issued by a government body, mainly on issues of an informational and methodological nature, as well as on issues related to the organization of the execution of orders, instructions and other acts of this body and higher management bodies.

The right to issue instructions also belongs to the heads of organizations, institutions and enterprises when formalizing decisions on operational production and administrative issues.

In general, instructions are drawn up and executed similarly to orders, but the key words in the text of the instruction can be: “I OBLIGATE” or “I OFFER” - depending on the content of the instruction.

If instructions are sent to subordinate organizations in order to communicate the rules to them general or other information, they are drawn up on a general form with the details located in the corner and the “Addressee” details in the upper right corner. For an example of instructions, see Appendix 3.

Mandatory details of the indication are: name of the organization, name of the type of document (INDICATION), date, registration number of the document, place of preparation or publication, title to the text, signature, approval visas for the document.

An order is a legal act issued individually by the head of, mainly, a collegial government body in order to resolve operational issues. As a rule, it has a limited validity period and concerns a narrow circle of organizations, officials and citizens.

Orders are also issued by deputy first managers, chief specialists, and heads of structural divisions on operational issues of economic, production, and administrative activities.

The procedure for drawing up and issuing orders is generally similar to the procedure for issuing orders for the main activities of the organization. The differences are as follows: the administrative part is separated from the stating part by the word “I OFFER” or “OBLIGE”, which, just like in orders, is printed on a separate line from the field in capital letters, or without any word, i.e. immediately follows the stating part after the colon.

Orders are drawn up on an order form (a form for a specific type of document). For an example of an order, see Appendix 4.

Mandatory details of the order are: name of the organization, name of the type of document (ORDER), date, registration number of the document, place of preparation or publication, title to the text, signature, visas for approval of the document.

A decision is a legal act adopted by collegial and advisory bodies of institutions, organizations, and enterprises in order to resolve the most important issues of their activities. Decisions are also called joint administrative documents adopted by two or more governing bodies, one of which operates on the basis of collegiality, and the other on the basis of unity of command.

The text of the decision consists of two parts: stating and administrative, separated by the word “DECIDED” (“DECIDED”, “DECIDED”, “DECIDED”), which is printed in capital letters on a new line from the margin. If the decision does not require justification, the text begins as follows: “The Board of Directors DECIDED: …”.

In decisions made by collegial and advisory bodies, the third person singular form of text is used (“DECIDED”, “DECIDED”, “DECIDED”). In joint decisions of two or more organizations, the text is presented in the first person plural("DECIDED").

If necessary, the stating part may contain references to laws and other regulations.

The administrative part is stated in paragraphs.

The draft decision must be agreed upon with all interested structural units and organizations.

The decision acquires legal force after it is signed by the head of the body of the collegial governing body, assigned a number to the document (i.e. registration) and dated. The date of the decision is the date of the meeting of the collegial body at which it was adopted.

The decision is drawn up on a decision form (a form for a specific type of document). For an example of a decision, see Appendix 5.

Mandatory details of the decision are: name of the organization, name of the type of document, date, registration number of the document, place of preparation or publication, title to the text, signature, visas for approval of the document.

A resolution is a legal act adopted by the highest and some central bodies of the federal executive power, acting on the basis of collegiality, as well as representative and collegial executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to resolve the most important and fundamental tasks facing these bodies and establish stable norms, rules

Resolutions are also adopted by governing collegial bodies public organizations on the most important and fundamental issues of their activities.

The procedure for drawing up and issuing resolutions is generally similar to the procedure for issuing decisions. The differences are as follows: the administrative part is separated from the stating part by the word “RESOLVED” or “DECIDED” (in joint resolutions of two or more organizations), which is printed on a separate line from the field in capital letters.

Resolutions are drawn up on a resolution form (a form for a specific type of document). For an example of a resolution, see Appendix 6.

Mandatory details of the resolution are: name of the organization, name of the type of document, date, registration number of the document, place of compilation or publication, title to the text, signature.


It is impossible to manage an organization (enterprise, institution) without the use of administrative documents. The timeliness and correctness of making management decisions largely depends on how correctly administrative documents are drawn up and executed, and how work with them is organized.

Administrative documents reflect and take into account the activities of the organization; they record important decisions that affect the work of the entire enterprise. When checking the work of an organization or conducting an audit, they check first of all the documents. Therefore, the maintenance of many documents is required by law.

The rules for drawing up documents are enshrined in legal and regulatory acts issued by federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, governing bodies of commercial and non-profit organizations and their associations.

Documentation requirements are also set out in state standards for documentation. A standard, as an information and technical document (sample, standard, model) establishes a set of norms, rules, and requirements for the object of standardization.

The application of standards in practice helps to improve the quality of documents, and as a result, more efficient operation of the organization.

List of sources and literature


1.1 GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. – Enter. 2003-07-01. – M.: Gosstandart of Russia: Standards Publishing House, 2003.

1.2 Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536. - M., 2006.


2.1 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – 592 p.

2.2 Chukovenkov A.Yu., Yankovaya V.F. Rules for document preparation: Commentary on GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2005. – 216 p.

2.3 Kuznetsova T.V., Kuznetsov S.L. Personnel records management. – M.: LLC “Intel-sintez APR”, 2005. – 400 p.

2.4 Office work (Organization and technologies for documentation support of management): Textbook for universities / Kuznetsova T.V., Sankina L.V., Bykova T.A. and etc.; Ed. prof. T.V. Kuznetsova. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. – 359 p.

2.5 Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements: Guidelines on the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. / Rosarkhiv; VNIIDAD; Comp.: M.L. Gavlin, A.S. Krasavin, L.V. Kuznetsov and others; General ed. M.V. Larin, A.N. Sokova. – M., 2003. – 90 p.

2.6 Panfilova T.A., Kondratyeva T.N. Document management and office work: Educational and methodological complex. – Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2005. - 272 p.

Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – P. 45.

Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – P. 46.

Right there. – P. 46.

Office work (Organization and technologies for documentation support of management): Textbook for universities / Kuznetsova T.V., Sankina L.V., Bykova T.A. and etc.; Ed. prof. T.V. Kuznetsova. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. – P. 79.

Office work (Organization and technologies for documentation support of management): Textbook for universities / Kuznetsova T.V., Sankina L.V., Bykova T.A. and etc.; Ed. prof. T.V. Kuznetsova. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. – P. 86.

introduction........................................................ ........................................................ 3

1. Classification of administrative documents.................................................... 5

2. Stages of preparation of administrative documents.................................... 7

2.1 The procedure for issuing administrative documents in the context of collegial decision-making………………………………………………………7

2.2 The procedure for issuing administrative documents in conditions of sole decision-making…………………………………………………………….9

3. Rules for drawing up administrative documents.................................... 12

Conclusion................................................. ............................................ 18

List of sources and literature......................................................... 19



The activities of an institution, organization, enterprise are reflected in various documents that are interconnected and constitute documentation systems used in a certain area.

We can give a classification of documentation systems, the ratio of which in the office work of different institutions is not the same:

Organizational documents;

Administrative documentation;

Information and reference documents and reference and analytical documentation;

Planning documentation;

Reporting and statistical;

Personnel documentation;

Accounting documentation.

Among the wide variety of documents of enterprises and organizations included in the listed groups, organizational and administrative management documentation (ORD) occupies a central place.

ORD is classified into three groups:

1) organizational documents (charters, regulations, instructions, staffing, etc.);

2) administrative documentation (orders, instructions, resolutions, decisions, instructions, etc.);

3) information and reference documentation (letters, acts, protocols, certificates, etc.).

In my work, I examined the system of administrative documentation in more detail.

The purpose of the work is to consider the stages of preparation and rules for drawing up administrative documents.

Job objectives:

1. give a classification of administrative documents;

2. determine the stages of preparation of administrative documents depending on the conditions of decision-making;

3. consider the rules for drawing up administrative documents.

The relevance of this topic is that administrative documents regulate and coordinate activities that allow the governing body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it and thereby obtain the maximum effect from its activities, which is especially important in a market economy.

When studying this issue, we used GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork" and standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536.

Also, when determining the stages of preparation of administrative documents, the textbook “Office Management. Organization and technology of documentation support for management”, ed. prof. T.V. Kuznetsova.

When studying the rules for drawing up administrative documents, we used the textbook “Rules for drawing up documents: Commentary on GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents” Chukovenkova A.Yu. and Yankova V.F., as well as the educational and methodological complex “Document Management and Office Work” by Panfilova T.A. and Kondratieva T.N.

The textbook edited by me provided great assistance in writing the work. V.A. Kudryaev "Organization of work with documents."


Administrative documents are documents that record decisions on administrative and organizational issues of the organization’s activities. These documents regulate and coordinate activities and allow the governing body to ensure the implementation of its tasks.

Regardless of the organizational and legal form, the nature and content of the organization’s activities, its competence, structure and other factors, the management of any organization is vested with the right to carry out executive and administrative activities and, accordingly, issue administrative documents.

Administrative documents contain decisions that go from top to bottom through the management system: from the governing body to the governed body, from the head of the organization to structural divisions and employees. It is these documents that implement vertical controllability of objects.

In legal terms, administrative documents relate to legal acts: they express specific legally authoritative instructions of the subjects of management. The specificity of such instructions is manifested in the fact that with the help of administrative documents, problems and issues arising in the field of management are resolved; their addressees are specific institutions, structural units, officials or employees; they are legal facts that give rise to specific administrative-legal relations.

Taking into account the scope of their action, administrative documents are divided into:

1) legal acts of the federal level - acts issued by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities (ministries, committees, agencies, services, etc.);

2) legal acts operating at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - republics, territories, regions, cities of republican significance of Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous regions and districts, as well as territorial entities;

3) legal acts of organizations, institutions, enterprises.

The following types of administrative documents are also distinguished: order, order, instruction, decision, resolution.

The basis for issuing an administrative document may be:

¾ the need to implement adopted legislative, regulatory legal acts and other decisions of higher authorities and previously adopted decisions of this organization;

¾ the need to carry out one’s own executive and administrative activities, determined by the functions and objectives of the organization.

From the point of view of the procedure for resolving issues (decision making), all administrative documents are divided into two groups: documents issued under collegial conditions and documents issued under conditions of individual decision-making. In the next chapter, I will consider the stages of preparing administrative documents depending on the given decision-making conditions.

2. Stages of preparation of administrative documents

2.1 The procedure for issuing administrative documents in the context of collegial decision-making

Preparation of administrative documents for collegial decision-making includes the following stages:

1) Preparation of materials for a meeting of the collegial body.

2) Submission of materials for consideration by the collegial body.

3) Discussion of the issue (prepared materials) at a meeting of the collegial body.

4) Making a decision based on the materials reviewed.

5) Drawing up minutes of the meeting.

6) Publication of an administrative document.

7) Bringing the decision to the executors.

The first stage involves the collection of information on the issue and its analysis and ends with the preparation of an analytical report. This work is carried out in accordance with the work plan of the collegial body by a specialist or group of specialists from the relevant structural unit. The necessary information may be requested from other departments, subordinate and other organizations. The certificate must contain comprehensive and comprehensive information and specific proposals for solving the problem. It must be agreed upon by all specialists interested in the decision being prepared and signed by the head of the department presenting the issue for consideration. Along with the certificate, a draft decision of the collegial body is being prepared. Information on the issue and a draft decision are drawn up on standard sheets of paper. The draft decision contains the rationale for the decision and the administrative part - instructions.

At the second stage, the prepared materials - a certificate and a draft decision - are transferred to the secretary of the collegial body - as a rule, 10-15 days before the meeting. This time is necessary to reproduce the submitted materials and distribute them to members of the collegial body for preliminary study. Before the meeting, members of the collegial body should have the opportunity to study the materials in order to have an idea of ​​the issue that will be considered at the meeting.

At the third and fourth stages, the chairman of the collegial body gets acquainted with the presented materials, organizational measures are taken to prepare the meeting (an invitation, agenda, materials for the meeting are sent to members of the collegial body), the presented materials are discussed at the meeting, opinions are expressed on the draft decision and proposals for changing it and addition. As a result of the discussion, amendments to the draft may be made, which are accepted if members of the collegial body vote for them. As a result of the discussion, a decision is made by a majority vote or a qualified majority (2/3 of the votes).

The fifth stage reflects the specifics of the activities of collegial bodies: it is recording the progress of the meeting in the minutes. During the meeting, rough handwritten notes of the proceedings of the meeting, stenographic recording or sound recording on tape are kept. In higher authorities and management, sound recording is accompanied by shorthand recording. After the meeting, minutes of the meeting are drawn up based on the recordings. If the minutes are drawn up on the basis of handwritten notes, it is advisable to agree with the speakers on the recording of their speeches. In this case, the speaker endorses the protocol in the left margin opposite the recording of the speech. After approval, the protocol is signed by the chairman of the collegial body and the executive secretary.

An administrative document is an important component of office work in any commercial or government organization. We will tell you in our article what types of administrative documents exist, what is the procedure for their execution and storage. Some examples of administrative documents are also presented here.

In any organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, production structure and nature of activity, executive and administrative proceedings can be carried out with the publication of relevant documents.

By means of an administrative document, the management body of the enterprise ensures the implementation of the assigned tasks, in particular, it may concern the adjustment of funds, improvement of the organizational structure, ways of performing the main activities of the organization and many other issues within the enterprise that arise in the production process.

The decisions contained in administrative documents represent a vertical management system, going from the head of the enterprise to the structural divisions and directly to the performers (employees). An administrative document is endowed with legal force and refers to legal acts with the help of which issues in the field of management are resolved. Addressees of administrative documents: structural units, any specific institutions, employees and officials with whom certain administrative and legal relations arise. Depending on the action, administrative documents are divided into the following types:

  1. Legal acts of federal executive authorities (acts of an interdepartmental nature; acts that regulate relations between executive authorities and enterprises; acts the content of which affects the rights and freedom of citizens of the Russian Federation).
  2. Legal acts of the subjects of the federation and their territorial entities.
  3. Legal acts of state and commercial structures(enterprises).

The procedure for preparing administrative documents

Some of the most common types of administrative documents are:

  • resolutions and decisions (issued by collegial governing bodies);
  • orders, instructions, decrees (issued by governing bodies on the basis of unity of command).

Each document must comply with the requirements of legislative acts and must not contain provisions that contradict the law.

The preparation of any administrative documents is carried out in a similar manner and is a process with a different final stage of registration. It is recommended that the procedure for drawing up and processing administrative documents be noted in the office management instructions in each organization. As a rule, it contains the sequence of actions when working on a draft document and the requirements that ensure the legal side of the document.

In general, the preparation of an administrative document can be divided into several stages:

  1. Exploring the issue that is the reason for creating the document. At this stage, the range of issues that will be reflected in the document is determined; legislative acts and government decisions, previously existing administrative documents on similar issues are studied, which will ensure legal basis for an administrative document, its focus and possibility of implementation.
  2. Preparation of a draft administrative document. Preparation of a draft document, as a rule, is entrusted to one or several officials (or structural divisions). Work on complex project can be carried out by working groups with the involvement of scientists and practicing qualified specialists.
  3. Discussion and adoption of the document at a meeting of the collegial body (carried out during the preparation of resolutions and decisions).
  4. Coordination and signing of the document.

The type of administrative document determines the nature of its content, and at the same time, it consists of two main parts:

  • Ascertaining- an introduction to the essence of the issue under consideration, listing facts and events that are directly related to it.
  • Administrative- the main part of the document, which is set out in imperative form and its wording must be clear in accordance with the requirements of legislative acts; the content of this part should not contradict the meaning of administrative documents issued earlier, the wording should not reflect non-specific expressions (“improve”, “increase”, “pay attention”, etc.). Verifying the execution of an administrative document with the above wording can be difficult.

Administrative documents addressed to the management of enterprises whose activities are based on the principles of unity of command are drawn up in the first person singular (for example, “I order,” “I propose,” etc.). Administrative documents drawn up by collegial bodies must be written in the third person singular (for example, “resolves”, “decided”, etc.). These words separate the stating part from the administrative part and are printed in large font on a separate line. In cases where the administrative part involves the execution of various actions involving several performers, it must be divided into separate paragraphs by numbering Arabic numerals. A specific executor must be responsible for the implementation of each individual item, which is also noted in the administrative part with a mark of the prescribed action and the deadline for the execution of the document. The deadline for completing the document must correspond to the volume of expected work. At the same time, the time required to convey information to specific performers must be taken into account. As a rule, a deadline is set for each separate task, but may also have a general deadline for all items noted in the administrative document. At the end of the text of the administrative part there is a list of documents that have lost force or are subject to change in connection with the publication of a new act. In such administrative documents as decisions, orders and instructions, the last paragraph indicates the person responsible for the execution of this document.

Design and forms of administrative documents

The design of the administrative document depends on the nature of the content. Thus, for standard management situations, when it is necessary to issue an order on the creation, reorganization or liquidation of an organization, on the distribution or change of responsibilities, amendments to the organization’s charter, etc., there is a unified form that provides the necessary content and order of arrangement of information. Orders that concern personnel are drawn up in accordance with the requirements and unified forms that are approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a. Since 2013, the use of these unified forms is not mandatory. Registration of administrative documents is carried out on the form general form A4 size. The composition of the details includes:

  • coat of arms (emblem);
  • name of the organization - the author of the administrative document;
  • document's name;
  • number, index and place of compilation;
  • main text;
  • signatures;
  • approval marks.

Upon completion of the administrative document, it must be agreed upon with all interested persons (or organizations) and signed. Before signing, the project is approved by endorsement on the first copy directly by its author and the head of the structural unit who submitted this project for approval, and the document is also agreed upon by all executors noted in the document, responsible officials and a lawyer. Draft administrative documents, the execution of which requires financial support, must be coordinated with financial services. If the draft of any administrative document is not agreed upon, it must contain a reasoned conclusion. Before signing the document, its contents are carefully checked, in particular, Special attention is given to the digital data and names of all interested parties. Draft administrative documents that are adopted by collegial bodies (decisions and resolutions) are agreed upon at meetings, during which the content can be changed or supplemented. The finalized draft document is approved at a subsequent meeting.

  • orders and instructions - by the head of the organization or his deputy;
  • decisions and resolutions - by the chairman and secretary of the collegial body.

The administrative document comes into force from the moment the executor is informed or from the moment of signing. Communication to the performer(s) is carried out through replication and distribution in accordance with the list of interested parties prepared by the authors of the project. The effective date and validity period of the document are indicated in each copy of the act.

Resolution. This is a legal act adopted by the highest and some central bodies of collegial management in order to resolve the most important and fundamental tasks facing these bodies.

The text of the resolution may contain a stating part. In this case, an introduction (indicating the reason for issuing the document), evidence (listing the main facts), and a conclusion (statement of the purpose of issuing the resolution) are stated.

The dispositive part is mandatory, including the action to be taken, the deadline for execution, those responsible for execution (surname, initials of the official(s). The key word of this part is “RESOLVES: ...”. For example: The General Meeting of Shareholders RESOLVES: ...

Solution. This is a legal act adopted by the board of ministries or departments, academic councils, etc. in order to resolve the most important issues of their activities.

Decisions are drawn up according to the same scheme as resolutions, but keyword text is "DECIDED". For example: “^The Academic Council... of the university DECIDED...”, “The Board... DECIDED...”.

Order. This is an act of management of a state body, of an authoritative nature, issued within the competence assigned to an official or a state body in order to resolve operational issues.

Orders are issued by the government, ministries, departments, administrations of territories, regions, cities, districts, enterprises, organizations, institutions. For citizens and organizations to whom the order is addressed, it is binding.

An order may include a statement part, which, like a resolution, contains an introduction, evidence, and conclusion. The main part of this document is administrative. It indicates the action that needs to be taken, specific instructions, deadlines, and those responsible for execution. There is no keyword separating the ascertaining and administrative parts.

Note. An administrative document issued by ministries, departments, organizations, and managers primarily on issues of an informational and methodological nature, as well as issues related to the organization of the execution of orders, instructions and other acts.

Depending on the content, the administrative part of the instruction begins with the words “I PROPOSE...” or “I OBLIGATE...”. This is followed by numbered instructions and a clause on control over execution. The instruction must have a title. The introductory part is not required.

Order. This is a legal act issued by the heads of ministries, departments, departments, directorates, institutions, associations, organizations, enterprises operating on the basis of unity of command.

The order is issued to solve operational problems. It is the most common type of administrative document used in management practice. In the activities of organizations, orders differ on organizational issues, main activities and personnel composition. The order is mandatory for all employees of this organization.

The order is issued on a special form of the organization indicating the type of document - ORDER. The required details of the order are: the name of the parent organization (if any), the name of the type of document, the date and number of the document, place of publication, title to the text, signature, visas. The title should be short and clearly reflect the main content of the document. For example: On making changes to the job description; On appointment to a position; About undergoing a fluorographic examination.

The first part of the order indicates the reason or basis for the creation of the document. It usually begins with the words In connection with…. If the contents of the document do not need explanation, it contains only the administrative part.

The administrative part begins with the word “I ORDER...”. If management actions are required, then verbs in the indefinite form are used: make changes..., assign..., transfer..., announce.... If actions or tasks require a specific performer, the order begins with the position and surname of the performer in the dative case (initials are placed in the text after the surname). For example:


Chief Accountant T.N. Novikova open a separate current account...

The deadline for execution is given on a separate line and is issued in three pairs of Arabic numerals: 04/15/05.

The last paragraph of the order indicates the specific officials who are entrusted with monitoring the execution of this administrative document. The following formulations are used: Entrust control over the execution of the order to..., I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Information and reference and reference and analytical documents

Most documents created in organizations and received from outside contain information about the actual state of affairs in this and other organizations, which serves as the basis for studying administrative documents.

Information, reference and analytical documents include certificates, acts, memos, summaries, reviews, letters, etc. In relation to organizational and administrative documents, they are of an auxiliary nature and are not binding. The information contained in them can encourage action or can be taken into account.

Reference. There are two types of certificates: with information about facts and events of an official nature and with information certifying a particular legal fact necessary for a private person to submit to an organization or institution.

Certificate details: 1) name of the document genre; 2) the name of the person (last name, first name, patronymic) to whom it is issued; 3) text containing the required information; 4) name of the address (of the organization for which the certificate is intended); 5) signature official. The designation of the addressee is usually contained in the corner stamp of the organization or the stencil design of the certificate form; There is also a date indication most often provided. The legal force of a document is most often confirmed by the seal of the organization.

Main help language models:

Addressee designation: Given for presentation in...

Memorandum. This is a document addressed to management and informing them about the current situation, the fact that took place, the work performed, and also containing the conclusions and suggestions of the compiler. The memorandum is prepared both at the initiative of the employee and at the direction of management. The purpose of the initiative memo is to encourage the manager to make a certain decision. Reports as directed by management are most often of a reporting nature.

Details of the memorandum: 1) addressee (name of the official, his surname, initials); 2) the name of the genre of the document; 3) text (information, proposal and its argumentation); 4) a list of documentary applications (if required); 5) name of the organization (or in a stamp). The memorandum may contain a title.

The key word of the memorandum is - Please... Clichéd constructions are widely used: In connection with..., In accordance with..., There is a need (for what)..., To agree on the issue....

Explanatory letter. This is a document that explains the content of individual provisions of the main document (plan, report, project) or explains the reasons for any event, fact, or action. Explanatory notes are divided into two groups. The first includes documents accompanying the main document and explaining the content of its individual provisions. They are drawn up on the general form of the institution. The second group consists of explanatory notes about any situations, incidents, actions and behavior of individual employees. The text of such notes must be convincing and motivated. The layout of the text of the explanatory note is, in principle, no different from the details of the memorandum and their location.

Statement. An internal official document intended to bring narrowly focused information to the attention of an official. The addressee of the application can be an official within the same organization (official application), or a private individual (personal application). In some cases, the statement may be collective: when the problem addressed in the document concerns several people or the entire team.

Statements are always written on a specific occasion and are usually devoted to one issue. The purpose of a personal statement is to realize or protect one’s interests.

Personal application details: 1) addressee; 2) name of the applicant: last name, first name, patronymic (address, telephone number - when addressing from a private individual to an organization); 3) the name of the genre of the document; 4) text formulating the interests or rights of the applicant with the necessary argumentation; 5) list of documentary applications (if any); 6) signature of the applicant; 7) date.

The second detail of the document often causes difficulties: how to register the applicant’s surname - in the form genitive case with a preposition (from) or without a preposition? From a normative point of view literary language Both options are acceptable. In the first case, the addressing nature of the document is emphasized and the question is raised from whom? (from I.I. Ivanov), in the second case, the ownership of the document is emphasized - whose statement? (Ivanova I.I.). Currently, the second option for naming the addressee is more common - without a preposition.

Naming the genre also raises difficulties: should the word statement be written in capital or lowercase letters and should a period be put after it? Tradition recognizes both options: statement - Declaration. You can put a period because after the word statement the sentence ends. There is no need to put a full stop, because... the word statement is placed in a separate column, i.e. is a kind of rubric, and in rubrics there are no punctuation marks.

The date can be formatted either in three pairs of Arabic numerals (04/15/05) or expanded (April 15, 2005)

An official statement is organized according to the same scheme as a personal one.

The key word of this genre is Please. Language formulas are used: I inform you..., I bring to your attention..., In view of the fact that..., In connection with the fact that..., I ask for your permission..., I ask for an answer..., I ask for assistance..., I ask you to take action..., If you do not receive a response...

Act. A document confirming an established fact or event. Most often, acts are issued by commissions, in some cases - by one or more officials. The reasons for drawing up acts can be different, hence the large number of types of acts: acts of liquidation (institutions, enterprises, organizations); reception and transfer (when changing management, transferring affairs, material assets); destruction of files; inventory, etc. The act reflects only those facts that are accurately established by the persons signing the document.

The text of the act is divided into three parts: introduction, stating part and conclusions. The text of the introduction in all acts is formalized. It indicates the administrative document on the basis of which the act, the event or action that served as the reason for drawing up the act, its number and date are drawn up. This is followed by the word Compiled and the names (with initials) of the drafters of the act are listed.

The ascertaining part sets out the goals, objectives and essence of the work done by the drafters of the act, and its results. The final part of the act contains conclusions and recommendations. This part is optional - the text may end with a statement of facts. Signatures are placed at the end, but positions are not indicated before the names.

As in a number of other documents, the text in the act is preceded by a title, starting with the preposition o (about) and formulated using a verbal noun: On verification..., On writing off..., On acceptance and transfer...

Some types of acts require approval by the leadership of a higher department (ministry).