Fate stay night rin. Briefly about previous film adaptations

"Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works" is an anime adaptation from the studio ufotable, created based on the visual novel Fate/Stay Night and covering only the plot of the second route (story development) called Unlimited Blade Works. Moreover, Fate/Stay Night is part of the Nasuverse of the universe that unites all the works of the Type-Moon studio, namely Tsukihime and Kara No Kyoukai.



What is Fate/Stay Night

Fate/Stay Night (or F/SN for short) is an eroge visual novel from Japanese developer Type-Moon, which was founded by screenwriter Kinoko Nasu and illustrator Taxi Takeuchi in 2000, not counting Takashi and Kinoko's first collaboration in 1998 Kara no Kyoukai, which they re-released in 2004, but we won’t talk about it separately, like the rest of the anime adaptations of short stories by the Type-Moon studio. F/SN is part of the Nasuverse - a universe that unites all the works of the Type-Moon company, and talks about a certain ritual, at the end of which one of its participants will be able to fulfill their wish.

The plot of Fate/Stay Night tells the story of the Holy Grail War, which occurs every sixty years in the Japanese city of Fuyuki. Only seven magicians and seven servants always participate in the war itself, for the reason that the grail can only be touched by a servant, a hero of the past or future summoned by the magician. And the war will go on until there is only one pair of magician and servant left. Shirou Emiya becomes a participant in the fifth grail war, which for unknown reasons began ten years after the end of the previous one.

In the novel itself there are three alternative plot developments, or, more simply put, three routes: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, Heaven's Feel. And as the plot develops alternatively, there is also a focus on the main character’s relationship with one of the heroines, of which there are three, and one of the routes is devoted to the relationship with each of them. But in addition to developing relationships with one of the heroines, each of the three routes is aimed at revealing the image of Shirou Emiya and his views on what is happening from different points of view, after which all the images come together, forming the final image of the main character.

In Fate, he adheres to the ideals of protecting others and being a kind of "defender of justice". In Unlimited Blade Works, he begins to realize that his ideals and the concept of "defender of justice" do not fully correspond real world. In Heaven's Feel we see how his ideals are destroyed.

Fate/Stay Night in the history of the Nasuverse

The Holy Grail War itself began when one of the strongest families of magicians lost knowledge of the third true magic of the Nasuverse, which actually granted immortality, and in order to achieve a similar effect, the concept of the grail was developed. But to implement the concept itself, the forces of two more families were required, with the help of which the summoning of servants and command spells were developed. And in fact, the war was a complex ritual that only required the defeat of all seven servants, but each family pursued its own goals, after which the ritual turned into a bloodbath, where the murder of the masters became in the fastest way receiving the grail.

About Servants and Command Spells

Servants are divided into seven classes and each of them is unique in its own way, just like the servants themselves. Servants are souls of the past or future, glorified by their deeds, since the concept of time does not exist in the abode of heroic souls. Also, each servant has the so-called “Heavenly Phantasm”, which in its own way is the embodiment of the hero’s secret, for he owned it during his lifetime, and with it he earned a name for himself. The phantasm itself can appear either in the form of a weapon or a thing, magic, ability, gift, or curse of the hero himself. Celestial Phantasms are the servants' trump card, allowing them to tilt the tide of battle in their favor.

  1. Saber- servants who during their lifetime were renowned for their swordsmanship skills, which is why they are considered swordsmen, are usually considered best class with the highest stats, is one of the three knightly servant classes along with Archer and Lancer.
  2. Archer- servants who specialize in ranged combat, in most cases during their lifetime they were famous archers, but there were exceptions who used shells instead of bows and arrows, the only class of servants who can independently maintain their spiritual head start and stay in the human world for about two or three days , even without having a master.

  3. Lancer- like sabers, they specialize in close combat, but unlike sabers, they prefer swords and blades, they use spears, pikes and similar weapons.

  4. Rider- a class that focuses on the speed and power of riding phantasms, which can range from an ordinary horse to some kind of supernatural chariot.

  5. Assassin- a class whose specialization is stealth, which can allow them to remain unnoticed, but because of this they have little combat skills, as a result of which their targets are most often masters, not servants.

  6. Custer- a class that can be called magicians, since they have quite a lot of experience in the magical arts.

  7. Berserker- a class of servants that for some reason fell into madness, the most uncontrollable class of all, and can still strengthen themselves through madness, which increases combat power. But the servant himself becomes even more difficult to control, which can lead to the murder of his own master

Command spells are given to magicians as a sign of a master, they appear in the form of three marks located side by side, usually they are on the hand, but there are exceptions. The command spells themselves exist as three absolute orders that can force a servant to do anything, even against his will. But, having exhausted all three spells, the master thereby destroys the contract with his servant, after which the servant disappears, and the magician will not be able to call himself a master and will have to leave the war. But the magician has one way to return to the war, this is to conclude a contract with one of the remaining servants who remained after breaking the contract with the master.

Briefly about previous film adaptations

Still, the film adaptation of F/SN: Unlimited Blade Works from Ufotable is not the first; there were two more from another studio, which were very problematic in terms of adaptation, but they are worth writing about briefly. F/SN 2006 from studio Deen was supposed to be a film adaptation of the first route, which focuses on the relationship between Shiro and Saber, and the decision to film the first route was, in principle, correct, the first route was most suitable for introducing the viewer into the world of F/ S.N. But the problem with Deen's series was twofold. The first is that the series began to stretch out with scenes of gatherings with the main character, cooking, shared dinners, Shiro’s exercises in the art of wielding a sword, the same thing happened in the novel, but there it was clear how the time balance was maintained between gatherings, training and plot events, while in the film adaptation of Deen there were too many of these gatherings in the first half. And the second problem was that the studio suddenly decided to add plot points from other routes, which were absolutely unnecessary, since they did not add anything new to the story and in the end they only asked questions to which there was neither an answer nor a pathetic hint. Also from studio Deen there was also feature film which was F/SN: Unlimited Blade Works from 2010, the problem of which is the short running time, because if Fate 2006 is like independent work looked pretty good (especially for a person who is not familiar with the original novel), then the full-length film F/SN: UBW of 2010, as an independent work, is perceived absolutely nothing like that. Because for the events of any of the routes, one and a half or two hours is too short, and because of this, explanations of the very essence of the war and the motivation of individual characters are lost, after which the viewer who is not familiar with the original will be left with a bunch of questions. As one could understand from what was written above, the previous two film adaptations from Deen were very contradictory; if the first film adaptation was spoiled by the unexpected insertion of plot points from other routes (although for a person not familiar with the original, it may seem quite good), then the second film adaptation was spoiled by a short timing.

Plot problems

The plot of this film adaptation is not bad at all, even good, and as an adaptation of one of the novel’s routes, it is perhaps the best. But no matter how good the plot is, this does not negate some problems, some of which also apply to the novella itself. Of all the disadvantages that can be counted, they are: the stretchiness of the second second half; naive main character, who leveled up too quickly for the final battle; one of the characters doesn’t even understand what he’s doing in the holy grail war; UBW and all other two routes cannot be counted as a continuation of Fate/Zero.

  1. Perhaps one of the main and few problems of the series is the length of the second half. For the most part, the series was drawn out with dialogues that should not be very long, of course, the drawn-out dialogues do not make you sleepy, because they are also diluted with a portion of good action, but look, for example, at how half of the second season “Saber, Rin, Shiro and Archer are discussing how Archer came to the point of becoming a servant, how this changed not only his ideals, but also himself, is a rather dubious matter.
  2. But it’s simply impossible not to note the second point, since this is the main problem of both the series and the novel. Shirou Emiya is an overly naive character, and his naivety comes from his ideals of “becoming a defender of justice” and helping almost everyone, which is why he goes where he can even die, here, of course, an analogy can be drawn with Naruto, but they are in their ideals and based on different characters. While Naruto shouts to everyone “let’s live together”, after which the enemies completely merge and go over to his side, Shiro denies any possibility of convincing his enemies, because he understands that trying to convince a person who wants to kill you is extremely stupid, and realizes that for To protect his ideals, he must kill his enemies. Another problem with this character is that he leveled up too quickly for the final battle, of course the authors tried to justify this, but the justification was clearly incomplete, taking into account how difficult it was for him in the last battle, and in the last one he had just plenty of opportunities to lose.
  3. There is a justification for how one of the characters should not participate in the war, but this justification is found only in the Heaven's Feel route, which is a minus for the UBW route. The problem is that this character is from a family of magicians, which, although it owns magical chains that conduct magic through the body, but they have completely lost the ability to use them, which is why the question arises “how was he able to summon a servant if he is not even a magician?” Of course the answer exists, but in UBW they won’t even give you a hint of him.
  4. Here is the previous work of the Ufotable studio - Fate/Zero, the background to the original novel, also became a kind of problem, not so much for the plot, but for the title as a whole. And the problem was not even the backstory, but the fact that many expected to see its continuation, but instead received a full film adaptation of one of the routes, the script of which no one began to rewrite because of Zero. What, in principle, should be expected from Ufotable, from a studio that has already shown more than once that only it can treat scripts from the Nasuverse well. And I think it should be mentioned that UBW as a continuation of Zero is absolutely unsuitable, since Zero is not the first part and cannot be it, since it was written two years later than the novel itself, and it is similar only as a possible backstory, which Moreover, it was written by a completely different author. Therefore, all sorts of inconsistencies arise between Zero and F/SN. In addition, the story of Zero is more tense and dark in atmosphere, while the routes of Fate and UBW are lighter. So if, before watching Unlimited Blade Wroks, you decide to watch Fate/Zero, then keep in mind that this is not a direct backstory, but only a possible one.

As an independent work and film adaptation

As an independent work, for a person not familiar with either the novel or Zero, UBW may be quite to the taste, despite the excessively drawn-out and overly naive main character, because this is in any way better than the huge cliched and clichéd garbage that is released from season to season. This is the fourth year in a row and everything is looking brighter here. After all, there is a good plot here with a fairly competent narrative, with drama and a bit of romance, a pleasant soundtrack and decent action. And as an adaptation of one of the visual novel routes, it’s almost perfect. Why practically? As was written above, the second half came out with drawn-out dialogues that could have been trimmed. But if we forget about the prolixity, the authors were able to maintain everything that was required of them, namely the balance between the ordinary affairs of the characters and the plot component, while cutting out almost all unnecessary content that was not related to the plot and the development of characters.

But if the viewer wants a darker atmosphere, for example, like in Fate/Zero, then it’s probably worth waiting for the film adaptation of the third route of Heaven’s Fell. True, there are two problems with the film adaptation of the third route, the first is that it should be released in the format of a full-length film, in which It’s clear that the entire plot cannot be contained, and the second problem is that there is exactly the same amount of information about it as there was information about Kizumonogatari until the fall of 2015. So we can still hope that Peter Jackson bit not only the Shaft studio but also Ufotable.

Main characters

Shirou Emiya - lost his parents during a terrible incident in the fourth grail war and almost died himself when he was found and saved by a magician named Emiya Kiritsugu, one of the participants in the fourth war. Subsequently becoming the adoptive father of young Shiro, for whom he became a role model, because Kiritsugu tried to help all people using his abilities. But he himself did not dare to teach Shiro any spells, so he taught him only one magic. Having become Saber's master in the fifth grail war, Shirou learns that the incident that took not only his parents, but also many other lives, is a consequence of the war, after which he decides to participate in it in order to prevent another catastrophe.
Shiro- an overly kind and naive character, with a developed sense of justice. Most likely the reason for this is the fire that took many lives, which is why he considers it unfair that he is the only one who managed to survive.

Rin Tohsaka- a girl from Shiro’s parallel class, the hereditary head of the Tohsaka family of magicians, one of the three great families that founded the Holy Grail War. Her family's magic consists of storing magic in gems, the size and strength of which vary depending on the amount of magic put into creation. Resolutely prepared for war long time, since her father Tokiomi Tohsaka died while participating in the fourth grail war. He wants to win the war not only for the sake of his late father, but also to prove his strength. She intended to summon Saber, but for reasons unknown to her, she summoned Archer.
Rin- is a shrewd and resourceful person, although in private conversations she is more harsh, insidious and domineering, and her manner of speech is often unfriendly and dismissive towards other people, especially those whom she cannot stand.
Saber - servant Shiro intends to get the grail, considering it her duty, in order to correct, in her opinion, one terrible mistake, which is the main goal of participating in the war. She also participated in the fourth war, but was unable to get him when she was closer to him than the others. She is considered the strongest servant that Rin intended to summon, but Shirou did it instead.
Saber - constantly insists that first of all she is a warrior, and that gender is for her of great importance does not have. She is quite loyal, reserved, but in fact tries to suppress her emotions in order to fully concentrate on winning the war.

Archer - a servant called by Rin to participate in the war, but he himself does not want the grail, since, judging by his words, he was able to achieve his goal during his lifetime. Although Archer is a servant class that uses mainly ranged weapons, this does not prevent him from using swords instead of a bow, and sometimes even combining these attacks.
Archer - Quite a contradictory personality, he can seem cynical, but at the same time remains a devoted defender. He may seem like a fairly pleasant person, but quite often he ends dialogues or discussions on a sarcastic note. He does not approve of Shiro's ideal of being a "defender of justice" since he himself once followed the same path, but in the end everything turned against him. But for the same reasons his ideal cannot be denied.


The art is generally good, and there are no special complaints about the animation; the artists clearly put a lot of effort into the background and characters. And yes, the background rendering was done in 3D, and quite competently at that. If you compare the art of UBW with any other anime, then it would probably be the recently released part of the K Project: Return Of Kings franchise. And if we compare them, then for UBW in this regard everything looks more elaborate and the characters do not stand out against the background, while in “K Project: Return Of Kings” there were quite a lot of such moments, but about the problems of the new part of “K Project " is worth a separate article.

Translation: Nestan
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Remember! Articles about Servants are terrible spoilers and if you don’t want to spoil your enjoyment of the game, renovel or anime, then don’t read;)


Japanese name: アーチャー
187 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Hair color:
Eye color: grey

Japanese name for Soul:
Tohsaka Rin
Worldview: True Neutral
NF: ?
Force: D

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance (D)
Independent action (B)

Personal skills:
Eye of the Mind (True) (IN)

Heavenly Phantasm:
Unlimited Blade Works
Endless Sword Creation ; type: support/barrier (E ~ A++)
Kansho and Bakuya; type: anti-personnel (C-)
Kaladabolg II – Fake Spiral Sword ; type: anti-personnel (minimum B)
Ro Ayas
– Seven Rings Covering the Burning Skies ; type: support/barrier (?)
Hrunting– Red Plains Hound ; type: anti-personnel (?)

Archer (Archer) – Servant of Tohsaka Rin ( Tohsaka Rin) in the Fifth Ritual of Heaven's Touch. Good fighter in hand-to-hand combat, skilled in handling weapons, knows Magic, cooks well and even cleans the house, although he tries to avoid the latter... Realist, tries to look at things soberly, secretive. At the same time, he is reliable, polite and courteous, which makes it difficult to be offended by his sarcasm and caustic remarks. He doesn't lie, but he knows how to keep secrets. His sarcastic manner of communication is a unique way of giving advice, directing the interlocutor’s thoughts in the right direction. Does not approve, cannot approve of Shirou Emiya's ideal ( Emiya Shiro) – “Defender of Justice”, but at the same time cannot deny it.

True personality

Archer is a possible future version of Shirou Emiya, who made a contract with the World and became a Heroic Spirit after his death.EMIYA . Not a true hero, not an anti-hero, although he calls himself the Vengeful Phantom. He was summoned by Rin Tohsaka using a catalyst - a precious pendant, which later came into the possession of Shirou Emiya after Rin Tohsaka used the pendant to heal a wound inflicted by Lancer.

His past is similar to Shirou Emiya's, but only before the events of the War. His further biography is shrouded in mystery; only some events from his life and possible assumptions are known.
There is a possibility that he also summoned Saber like Shirou, and Tohsaka's Servant was another Heroic Spirit. Most likely, he was unable to free Saber from her dream and may have lost the War. He was strongly attached to Elijah and regrets her imminent death. As a consequence of the first assumptions, the chance that Avalon remained in his body increases (There is no exact information about this, only assumptions - approx. translation ).
Later, during an earthquake, fire or other terrible disaster, he, due to lack of his own strength, asked for help from a Higher Power. In order to save the lives of people, whose number barely reached a hundred, he rewrote their fate by concluding a contract with the World, and was obliged after death to serve the World as the Guardian of Counteraction ( Counter Guardian). Much later, he tried to embody his ideal of “Defender of Justice,” but he was constantly used as a convenient tool to achieve his goals, deceived and betrayed. But he still hoped for the best. Perhaps it was then that an incident occurred on the River Thames in England, which he does not like to remember. At the very end of his life, he tried to stop the war, but was falsely accused by the man whom he saved, and who was the one who started this war. He was branded as a secret leader and sentenced to the gallows. But even then, he thought that by becoming a Heroic Spirit, he would save many people after his death. However, he was summoned to real Hell, forced only to kill. Forced to observe this vicious circle of humanity, to go against his ideals, he began to deny himself and his ideal. His desire is to break out of this vicious circle, to remove himself from the Throne of Heroes, destroying his past self with his own hands, thereby creating a time paradox that greatly increases the chance of the disappearance of the Hero EMIYA.

His words about not knowing who he is, citing incorrect summoning and memory loss, are possibly partly true and partly false. He no longer has the memory of Shirou Emiya, although he can remember key moments - saving Kiritsugu and summoning Saber. While the Master was sleeping, he assessed the current situation and realized that he had a chance to achieve his goal. This was confirmed when the girl who called him in the morning called herself Tohsaka Rin.

Archer is nothing like Shiro. Even if their origins are the same, their subsequent lives are different. His dark, perpetually tanned skin, white hair and grey eyesby-effect using Copy magic.


Besides Copy and Fortify, he has other magic skills like Magic Resistance and Detect, basic magic skills, but not offensive magic.

He does not have his own Heavenly Phantasms, he only copies others, however, it can be said that his Mirror of the SoulUnlimited Blade Works - his Heavenly Phantasm. Its copies are weaker than the original by a rank, but can approach the original in power when used as Broken Phantasms ( Broken Phantasms). The Heavenly Phantasm of any Servant can be used as a bomb, but will be lost, but Archer is able to use this technique as many times as he wants. But still, even if he copied Excalibur exactly, he would not have enough prana to fully release the holy sword's potential.

His red cloak is a conceptual weapon made from the Burial Cloth of an unknown saint. It does not protect against physical attacks, but gives the wearer resistance to Magic. His armor and bow are made from a special material that is to be discovered by humanity in the future, and is designed to withstand an NF attack.


In the arch Fate, Archer is an unknown hero who sacrifices himself so that his Master, Rin, along with Shirou and Saber, can escape. Before the battle with Berserker, he gives advice to Shirou. Killed in battle with Berserker, but before dying, he was able to kill Berserker six times, halving the life pool of the God's Hand ( God Hand). Tohsaka assumed that he was one of the Saber Knights.

In the arch UBW, Archer acts as an antagonist to the hero of the story - Shiro. Here he betrays Rin, allowing Caster ( Caster) use a Rule Breaker on it ( Rule Breaker) and taking her side, citing the highest chance of achieving the Grail. Later, he betrays his allies: Caster dies in a rain of swords, Soichiro is cut in half by Archer's blades. This is where his true intention is revealed - he wanted to be free from Command Spells ( Command Seal) Rin to achieve his goal. He kidnaps Rin, who has already made a contract with Saber, forcing Shirou into a one-on-one battle. Saber watches Archer and Shirou fight. During the battle, the confidence and belief that his dream was beautiful makes Archer hesitate and he allows himself to be pierced by the sword. A little later, he protects everyone by taking on a volley from the Gates of Babylon ( Gate of Babylon), and goes into a ghostly form. Then he saves Rin and Shinji from the Grail and finishes off Gilgamesh. And then disappears into the dawn with a smile on his lips, confident that Rin will stop Shirou from going down a path that he will regret.

In the arch Heaven's Feel, Archer abandons his desire to kill Shiro, deciding to follow his duties as the Counter Guardian to eliminate the Shadow. During the battle with Dark Saber, Assassin and Shadow, his spiritual center was destroyed and he was mortally wounded. Since Shirou abandoned his ideal in order to save Sakura, Archer asks Kotomine ( Kotomine) transplant his left arm to Shiro, who lost his protecting Illya (he follows the Guardians' creed, sacrificing one life to save another, rather than losing both). A further reference to him is using his hand as a Phantasm by removing Martin's Burial Cloth from it.

Not a heroic spirit in the same sense as the other servants. His true identity is from the alternate timeline "Fate/Stay Night", who made a contract with Gaia and became a heroic spirit.

In payment for the concluded contract, it acts as a keeper of the balance for the whole world. He was drafted into the Fifth Holy Grail War because he was still in possession of the gem that she had used to save his life in the past after he was mortally wounded. Thus the jewel became the catalyst for his summoning. After completing each of the three Fate/Stay Night arcs, there is a possibility of becoming an Archer, but the chance of this event is as close to zero as possible.

After the victory in the Fifth Holy Grail War, together with his servant, he was even more inspired than before by the dream of following in the footsteps. Until the very end, he stubbornly trained himself and at the same time began working as a freelance magician, like his adoptive father. At the age of 20, he received a red robe, symbolizing him as a magician, as a gift from a funeral home. For an unknown reason, before becoming the Guardian of the Balance, he encountered and entered into battle with an entity similar to the Shadow and Angra Manya, being forced to retreat due to the inability to oppose anything to the enemy (it is for this reason that Archer has some ideas about Shadows in "Heaven's Feel").

Around age 30, he made a decision that completely changed his life. In payment for saving the lives of hundreds of people dying due to the disaster and for the sake of saving even more human lives (as a heroic spirit after his death), he enters into a contract with Gaia and becomes a hero. However, despite desperate attempts to end the war, Archer was branded as the initiator of this war and was subsequently betrayed and killed by his own allies. However, despite the death from the betrayal of people in whom he believed and trusted, Archer does not blame humanity. However, the World ironically gives him the task as the keeper of the balance to “kill all people in a certain place, until humanity, standing on the verge of complete self-destruction, completely destroys its species.”

Archer truly believed that he would continue to save people's lives, fulfilling the duty of the heroic spirit, but was forced for the sake of humanity as a whole to take the lives of many people, which went against his main dream of "saving everyone."

After he was forced to watch people seek to destroy themselves after all those countless confrontations with their own ideals, Archer begins to deny both his ideals and his very identity.

Even knowing that the Throne of Heroes is isolated by time and space, Archer desperately believes that his only chance of freeing himself is by being summoned to an era where he is still alive, destroying his past identity, hoping that the double paradox caused by death before he could conclude a contract with Gaia and the existence (Archer) in the future, which has already concluded this contract, will be a sufficient condition for creating a time paradox of enormous proportions, which will be able to erase the existence of Archer as the keeper of the balance.


from the Fifth Holy Grail War, Archer is approximately 20 cm shorter. It is unknown whether such rapid growth is due to the use of magic or not, but it is known for sure that it is due to the use of projection magic that Archer's skin, hair, and eye color are different from his own versions from the past.

Wears clothes made from a material that, as of today, has not yet been discovered by humanity. His red robe is a Holy Shroud, similar in type to the one he receives from the third arc of "Fate/Stay Night" - "Heaven's Feel".


Archer's personality is quite contradictory: he can appear cynical and nihilistic while at the same time remaining a devoted protector. He doesn't lie, but he keeps his secrets, revealing only half the truth. He may seem like a pleasant person, but most often he will end the conversation on a sarcastic note, which is especially noticeable if you ask him for advice. He cannot approve of the ideal, the Hero of Justice, due to his own bitter experience, but he cannot deny this ideal for the same reasons.

After the call, he explains that his memory is confused due to the incompleteness of his call, but this is only half the truth. He was able to clearly assess the situation on the night of his call, sincerely believing that his only goal was to kill. He forgot the name "Rin Tohsaka" during his past life, but instantly remembers everything when she appears in front of him.

He declares that he has no memory, but he remembers the day when he saved his life, and the feelings that he felt when looking at the smile of his savior.

"Fate/Stay Night TV Reproduction"
Fate Project

Fate/stay night (Japanese) フェイト/ステイナイト Feito sutei naito, lit. "Fate/stay night") originally a Japanese visual novel developed by Type-Moon and released on January 30, 2004 on . The novel was subsequently adapted by Studio Deen into an anime series of the same name, broadcast from January 7 to June 17, 2006. Since December 26, 2005, a manga of the same name has also been published.

On October 28, 2005, a direct sequel to the visual novel entitled Fate/hollow ataraxia (Japanese) フェイト/ホロウアタラクシア Feito/horo: ataracusia) . Visual novel version called Fate/stay night Realta Nua was released on Playstation 2 on April 19, 2007 and is voiced by a voice actor for the anime series.

There are 3 scenarios in the visual novel: "Fate"( "Fate"), "Unlimited Blade Works"( "Endless Edge of Blades") and "Heaven's Feel"( "A Touch of Heaven"). The Fate script was adapted into a 2006 anime series. On January 23, 2010, a feature film based on the Unlimited Blade Works script was released. In October 2014, the Unlimited Blade Works series was released.


Type-Moon was founded in 2000 by illustrator Takeshi Takauchi and screenwriter Kinoko Nasu. Their first project was the light novel Kara no Kyoukai, published back in 1998. The novella turned out to be dark, philosophical and difficult for the average reader to understand, which is why sales were low. But Type-Moon got noticed and they got money.

Subsequently, the two friends decide to move up a level and write their first visual novel, Tsukihime (2000). The visual novel turned out to be as dark and philosophical as KnK, but on the plus side there were elements of comedy and hentai. The visual novel received fairly high praise in the press, and three years later it was filmed as a TV series.

Thanks to Tsukihime Type-Moon they earned more more money and threw all their energy into creating their Opus Magnum - Fate/stay night (2004). The experience gained from past projects was not in vain. FSN had everything at once. Philosophy, darkness, comedy, as well as a huge, well-developed universe, with its own laws and history. The success was phenomenal. The sales record was broken on the first day. Type-Moon resurfaced and created a franchise, releasing sequels, prequels and spin-offs. Since then, three anime series and one film have been released in the universe, which in essence is a brief retelling events of the second route. In 2017 they promise to release a series based on the PSP game Fate/EXTRA and a film based on the third route of the original novel.

The plot of all works takes place in the same universe, which fans nicknamed “Nasuverse” in honor of the main screenwriter of Type-Moon. The world of Nasuverse is very similar to ours, but with one difference - it contains magic and enchantment, carefully hidden from ordinary people. Some characters from various short stories are interrelated with each other.


High school student Emiya Shiro becomes an unwitting participant in the so-called “Holy Grail War”, which takes place from time to time in the Japanese city of Fuyuki. This is the struggle of seven magicians for the possession of a legendary artifact - the Holy Grail, which will fulfill any desire of the winner and, thus, change his fate.

Every mage, from the moment he begins to participate in the war, summons a servant - one of the great heroic souls of the past or future - to fight on the side of his master. The battle is fought until only one pair of master and servant remains. Emiya Shiro, against her own will, summons a swordswoman who has set herself the goal of getting to the Grail by any means. However, he does not want to participate in the battle. Emiya begins to be helped by Rin Tohsaka, a powerful magician who studies at the same school as Shiro. But the rules of the Holy Grail War indicate that sooner or later they will have to fight each other, and the most likely outcome for the loser is death.


Shiro Emiya (Japanese: 衛宮士郎 Emiya Shiro:) - A second grade student at Fuyuki City High School. Lost his parents in the last Grail War that took place in the city 10 years ago. His adoptive father, Emiya Kiritsugu, was a magician and participated in the war as a master. He became a role model for young Shiro, as he strived to help all people using his abilities. At the same time, Kiritsugu did not dare to teach Shiro any spells, with the exception of a single technique. After the death of her father, Fujimura Taiga, the granddaughter of an old friend of Kiritsugu and a teacher at school, began to look after Shiro. Becoming a member another war for the Holy Grail, Emiya does not want to fight with anyone, but learns that the catastrophe that has orphaned him is a consequence of the War. If the artifact falls into the hands of a madman, the disaster may repeat itself.

  • Fate: Accepted Saber's disappearance and continued to live a quiet life. In the true ending, Realta Nua lived his life as a hero and, after his death, met Saber again in Avalon.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Good ending - began to live with Rin and Saber. True ending - leaves with Rin for London.
  • Heaven's Feel: Normal ending - sacrificed himself to destroy the Grail. True ending - received a new body and began to live with Sakura and Rider.
Voiced by: Noriaki Sugiyama

Rin Tohsaka (Japanese: 遠坂凛 Toh: Saka Rin) - a girl from Shiro's parallel class. A representative of the hereditary dynasty of magicians, the founders of the Grail War. Rin is determined to participate in the war and prepares to summon Saber, but by mistake (in reality this is not a mistake, as stated in the Unlimited Blade Works thread) she summons Archer instead, which confuses all her plans. At first, having met Shiro, she sees him as an enemy, but over time she becomes his reliable ally and friend. Sakura's sister.

  • Unlimited Blade Works: Good ending - began to live with Shiro and Saber. True ending - leaves with Shiro for London.
  • Heaven's Feel: Normal ending - started a family and stayed in Fuyuki. True ending - went to the Association. Later visits Shiro, Sakura and Rider.
Voiced by: Kana Ueda

Sakura Matou (Japanese: 間桐桜 Mato: Sakura) - close girlfriend Shiro, who had been taking care of him for the last year and a half before the events described, was originally assigned to Shiro by her grandfather as an observer. Representatives of the Makiri dynasty (now called Mato) were strong magicians, but over time their family lost the ability to perform magic, that is, Sakura’s magical skills were suppressed. She loves Shiro very much, but is afraid to admit it to him. Sakura was the victim of cruel magical experiments by her grandfather, Zouken Matou. Because of them, she became the container for Angra Mainyu, a servant of the Grail and a member of the eighth class who cannot be summoned normally. Rin Tohsaka and Sakura Matou are sisters from the Tohsaka clan, separated in childhood. Sakura is the youngest. In order to save the eldest daughter and maintain friendly relations with the Matou family, the girls' father and mother gave Sakura to be raised by Zouken. The Matou family gains their power by controlling the worms and allowing them to live in their body.

  • Fate: Continued to live a quiet life.
  • Heaven's Feel: Normal ending - she moved into Shiro's house and waited for him until her death. True ending - she lived happily with Shiro and Rider, but she is still connected with Akaseya and has a huge supply of magical energy.
Voiced by: Noriko Shitaya

Illyasviel von Einzbern (Illya) (Japanese) イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン Iriyasufi:ru von Aintsuberun) - a little girl participating in the war on behalf of the Einzbern family, whose representatives were one of the initiators of the Grail Wars. At the beginning of the series, he lives in the forest castle of Einzbern, where family members stay during wars. A very powerful magician. Illya managed to summon Berserker - the most physically powerful servant - and easily control him, converting her magical powers into energy for his servant. A homunculus, intended to serve as a vessel for part of the Grail at the end of the War and, as a consequence, die. Likes to pester Shiro and call him "brother". First appears as main opponent Shiro and Rin. Daughter of Emiya Kiritsugu, Shiro's adoptive father. Initially, she had an ambivalent attitude towards Shiro: on the one hand, she envies the boy for whom her father abandoned her, but she believes that if Kiritsugu found something in him, then there must be something. She is actually eighteen years old. After the death of Berserker, he remains with Shiro.

  • Fate: Moved to Fuyuki and lived a normal life, but her lifespan will not exceed a year.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Killed by Gilgamesh.
  • Heaven's Feel: The normal ending is unknown. The true ending is that she sacrificed herself for Shiro, revealing to him the truth about her birth before disappearing.
Voiced by: Mai Kadowaki

Shinji Mato (Japanese: 間桐 慎二 Mato: Shinji) - Member of the Matou family, Rider's temporary master, Sakura's half-brother. Since childhood, he dreams of becoming a strong magician. From the moment Sakura became a member of the Matou family, Shinji tried his best to support her. On her birthday, he overheard a conversation between his family and Sakura, which stated that Sakura should become their representative in the Holy Grail War. Shinji decided that Sakura had been mocking him all this time. Since then they have been in a very tense relationship. Shinji often hits Sakura for some small thing. He tries to surpass Shiro Emiya, but fails. He entered into a fake contract with Ryder, which he does not provide with mana and treats it like a thing. Later, when Sakura made a contract with Rider, she saved Shinji in his battle with Shiro.

  • Fate: Killed by Illya after being defeated.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Survived and was able to establish a relationship with Sakura.
  • Heaven's Feel: Brutally killed by Sakura.
Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya

Soichiro Kuzuki (Japanese: 葛木宗一郎 Kuzuki Soichiro:) - a teacher who teaches at the same school where Shiro and the others study. His servant is Caster. He is cold-blooded, ruthless, and fights his opponents dispassionately.

Voiced by: Kazuhiro Nakata
  • Killed in all arcs.
  • Fate: Killed by Shirou during the Grail Summoning.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Killed by Lancer.
  • Heaven's Feel: After the battle with Shiro at the Grail, he dies after his black heart is stopped by Dark Sakura.


Each servant belongs to one of seven classes:

  • Swordsman - " Saber»;
  • Archer - " Archer»;
  • Spearman - " Lancer»;
  • Rider - " Rider»;
  • Warrior - " Berserk» ;
  • Murderer - " Assassin» ;
  • Caster - " Custer».

The class of a servant is given in accordance with his “noble phantasms” - distinctive features hero, important reasons his glory (Gorgon Medusa, for example, is capable of turning people to stone, although not literally). Each servant is interested in obtaining the Grail no less than the master, since the fulfillment of a desire awaits everyone. Each artist has a three-part pattern on his arm that resembles a tattoo (the pattern depends on the personality of the artist). These are command spells. They allow you to overcome the limitations of servants: with their help, you can give orders that contradict the intentions of the servants, even suicide, or their physical capabilities. The command spell can be used three times until the last part of the pattern disappears, in which case the person ceases to be a master. He can sign a new contract, but usually this does not happen.

Saber (Japanese: セイバー Seiba:) - Shiro's servant. He considers obtaining the Grail his main goal and duty. Seems cold-blooded and selfish, although she also has human feelings which she carefully hides. She was summoned by Emiya Kiritsugu in the last, fourth war, but lost the last fight. Real name: Arturia Pendragon, King Arthur. Saber believes that another person, less soulless and callous than herself, is worthy of the title of King of England. Participates in the War for this purpose. Considered to be the strongest servant. Rin Tohsaka wanted to summon her, but Shiro Emiya accidentally did it by mistake.

  • Fate: Destroys the Grail and disappears.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Good ending - continues to live as Rin's servant. True ending - destroys the Grail and disappears.
  • Heaven's Feel: Killed by Shadow in the middle of the War, later turned into Saber-Alter and finally destroyed by Shiro and Rider.
Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi

Archer (Japanese: アーチャー A:cha:) - servant of Tohsaka Rin. Claims that he does not remember his real name. In Unlimited Blade Works, he is revealed to be Emiya Shiro from a possible future.

  • Fate: Dies at the Hands of Berserker after killing him 5 times.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Disappears in the ending after asking Rin to take care of herself.
  • Heaven's Feel: He was mortally wounded by a shadow while protecting Rin. Later he asked for his arm to be transplanted into Shiro, after which he disappeared.
Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe

Lancer (Japanese: ランサー Ransa:) - Archer and Saber's first opponent, the first servant Shiro encountered. Appreciates beautiful fights, participates in war only for his own entertainment. He lost his master on the fourth day of the War and became a servant of Kotomine Kirei, a priest of the local Fuyuki church. Lancer's true name is Cuchulainn, a hero of Celtic myths.

  • Fate: Died at the hands of Gilgamesh near the end of the story.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Committed suicide on Kirei's orders, but managed to kill him too, protecting Tohsaka Rin.
  • Heaven's Feel: Killed by the Shadow early in the War, then devoured by the True Assassin.
Voiced by: Nobutoshi Kanna

Rider (Japanese: ライダー Raida:) - a servant summoned by Matou Sakura, but fell under the control of her brother, Matou Shinji. Rider is secretive, taciturn and cautious, hates her temporary master, but has sympathy for Sakura and tries to help her whenever possible. Since Shinji Mato is not a magician, he is not able to supply Rider with energy and support her in battle, and her characteristics themselves are reduced, so she has to attack people, absorbing the energy of their souls. Real name - Gorgon Medusa. Rider is able to control her eyes, paralyzing all living things within sight, but wears a blindfold as a precaution.

  • Fate: Died in a fight with Saber.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Killed by Soichiro early in the War.
  • Heaven's Feel: Attacked people and was defeated by Saber, later saved Shiro from the True Assassin. When Shinji kidnapped Sakura, it was revealed that it was Sakura who summoned Rider and created the “Book of Command Spells” for Shinji. She cares about Sakura very much, but goes against She is protected by Shiro at the last conscious request of Sakura.On the last day of the War, together with Shiro she fights with Saber-Alter and wins, in the true ending she lives calmly with Sakura and Shiro, in the normal ending her fate remains unknown.
Voiced by: Yu Asakawa

Berserker (Japanese: バーサーカー Ba:sa:ka:) - servant of Elijah. Real name - Hercules, famous hero Greek mythology. His colossal physical strength and endurance are supported by the Heavenly Phantasm "Hand of God", which gives Berserker an additional 12 lives - one for each feat he has accomplished during his life. This Phantasm also gives the servant protection from any low- and medium-rank damage and immunity to weak magic. Servants of the "berserker" class are usually wild and uncontrollable, but Hercules unquestioningly obeys his little mistress and obeys her in everything.

  • Fate: Killed by Saber and Shiro.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Killed by Gilgamesh while protecting Illya.
  • Heaven's Feel: Defeated by Shadow and Saber-Alter, turned into a dark Berserker and defeated by Shiro with the help of his own True Phantasm (Nine Lives: The Shooting Hundred Heads).
Voiced by: Tadahisa Saizen

Custer (Japanese: キャスター Kyasuta:) - a servant who tricked her master into wasting all his command spells and killed him. Without calculating, she was left with practically no energy and on the verge of extinction. Found by Kuzuki Soichiro (the teacher of the Fuyuki school where Shiro studies) and became his servant. In love with Kuzuki. Real name - Medea.

  • Fate: Killed by Gilgamesh while attacking Shiro's house and demanding Saber become her servant.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: The main antagonist of the arc, managed to take control of several servants at once (Assassin, Archer, Saber). But she was betrayed by Archer and died protecting Soichiro.
  • Heaven's Feel: Killed by Saber at the beginning of the War, but resurrected by Zouken as a puppet. Defeated by Saber and Archer.
Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka

Assassin (Japanese: アサシン Assassin) - Sasaki Kojiro. He was summoned not by a human magician, like other servants, but by Caster. Because of this, he is limited in movement and limited in combat abilities. He does not occupy the position of a Servant in war and serves solely as a gatekeeper guarding the entrance to the Ryudoji Temple.

  • Fate: Defended the gate to the temple. During Sakura's liberation from Caster, Saber was defeated.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: Defended the Temple Gate to the end, defeated by Saber.
  • Heaven's Feel: A mysterious ritual was performed on him, and a True Assassin escaped from him, who later devoured his body to restore his personality.
  • Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki

Gilgamesh (Japanese: ギルガメッシュ Girugameshu) - a cursed servant from the last (fourth) Holy Grail War, Archer class. Two-thirds god and one-third man, ruler of ancient Uruk. Arrogant and mysterious, his desire is to obtain the Saber. At the end of the last War, he was partially exposed to the influence of Angra Mainyu, which made his body material. Gilgamesh - strongest participant Holy Grail Wars.

  • Fate: Defeated by Saber with the help of Avalon.
  • Unlimited Blade Works: One of the main antagonists of the arc, planned to bring Angra Manya into this world. Defeated by Shiro.
  • Heaven's Feel: Devoured by Sakura when he tried to attack her.
Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki


Opening topics:

  • "Disillusion" episodes 1-14
Performs Sati Tainaka
  • "Kirameku Namida wa Hoshini" episodes 15-23
Performs Sati Tainaka

Closing topics:

  • "Anata ga Ita Mori" episodes: 1-13, 15-23
Performs Jyukai
  • "Hikari" episode 14
Performs Jyukai
  • "Kimi to no Ashita" episode 24
Performs Sati Tainaka


  • Composer and arranger:

In the world of Naruto, two years flew by unnoticed. Former newcomers joined the ranks of experienced shinobi at the rank of chunin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninjas of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of combat skill. Sakura became the assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to his expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that they are only using the other for the time being.

The brief respite ended, and events in Once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife sown by the first Hokage are sprouting again. The mysterious Akatsuki leader has set in motion a plan for world domination. There is turmoil in the Sand Village and neighboring countries, old secrets are resurfacing everywhere, and it is clear that someday the bills will have to be paid. The long-awaited continuation of the manga has breathed new life into the series and new hope into the hearts of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (51343)

    Swordsman Tatsumi, a simple boy from the countryside, goes to the Capital to earn money for his starving village.
    And when he gets there, he soon learns that the great and beautiful Capital is just an appearance. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness that comes from the Prime Minister, who rules the country from behind the scenes.
    But as everyone knows, “Alone in the field is no warrior,” and nothing can be done about it, especially when your enemy is the head of state, or rather the one who hides behind him.
    Will Tatsumi find like-minded people and be able to change something? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (51750)

    Fairy Tail is a Guild of Hired Wizards, famous throughout the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, having become one of its members, she had ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world... until she met her comrades - the explosive fire-breathing and flying Natsu, who sweeps away everything in his path talking cat Happy, the exhibitionist Gray, the boring berserker Elsa, the glamorous and loving Loki... Together they will have to defeat many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46157)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Shiro are half-brother and sister, complete recluses and gambling addicts. When two loneliness met, an indestructible union was born " Empty place", terrifying all Eastern gamers. Although in public the boys are shaken and distorted in ways that are not childish, on the Internet little Shiro is a genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology who cannot be fooled. Alas, worthy opponents soon ran out, which is why Shiro was so happy about the chess game, where the master’s handwriting was visible from the first moves. Having won to the limit of their strength, the heroes received an interesting offer - to move to another world, where their talents will be understood and appreciated!

    Why not? In our world, nothing holds Sora and Shiro, and the cheerful world of Disboard is ruled by the Ten Commandments, the essence of which boils down to one thing: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are resolved in fair play. There are 16 races living in the game world, of which the human race is considered the weakest and most untalented. But the miracle guys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elquia - the only country of people, and we believe that the successes of Sora and Shiro will not be limited to this. The Earth's envoys just need to unite all the races of Disbord - and then they will be able to challenge the god Tet - by the way, an old friend of theirs. But if you think about it, is it worth doing?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46220)

    Fairy Tail is a Guild of Hired Wizards, famous throughout the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, having become one of its members, she had found herself in the most wonderful Guild in the world... until she met her comrades - the explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in his path Natsu, the flying talking cat Happy, the exhibitionist Gray , the boring berserker Elsa, the glamorous and loving Loki... Together they will have to defeat many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62532)

    University student Kaneki Ken ends up in a hospital as a result of an accident, where he is mistakenly transplanted with the organs of one of the ghouls - monsters that feed on human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people he turns into an outcast subject to destruction. But can he become one of the other ghouls? Or is there no more room for him in the world now? This anime will tell about the fate of Kaneki and the impact he will have on the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between two species.

  • (34898)

    The continent that lies in the center of the Ignola ocean is the large central one and four more - Southern, Northern, Eastern and Western, and the gods themselves look after it, and it is called Ente Isla.
    And there is a name that plunges anyone on Ente Isla into Horror - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He's the boss other world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao declared war on the human race and sowed death and destruction throughout the continent of Ente Isla.
    The Lord of Darkness was served by 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alciel and Malacoda.
    The four Demon Generals led the attack on the 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared and spoke out against the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the west, then Adramelech in the north and Malacoda in the south. The hero led the united army of the human race and launched an attack on the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness stood...

  • (33385)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of a thin blue-eyed youth in tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is determined by the number of believers, but our hero has no temple, no priests, all donations fit into a sake bottle. The guy in the neckerchief works as a handyman, painting advertisements on the walls, but things are going very badly. Even the tongue-in-cheek Mayu, who worked as a shinki—Yato’s Sacred Weapon—for many years, left her master. And without weapons, the younger god is no stronger than an ordinary mortal magician; he has to (what a shame!) hide from evil spirits. And who needs such a celestial being anyway?

    One day, a pretty high school girl, Hiyori Iki, threw herself under a truck to save some guy in black. It ended badly - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to “leave” her body and walk on the “other side.” Having met Yato there and recognizing the culprit of her troubles, Hiyori convinced the homeless god to heal her, for he himself admitted that no one can live long between worlds. But, having gotten to know each other better, Iki realized that the current Yato did not have enough strength to solve her problem. Well, you need to take matters into your own hands and personally guide the tramp on the right path: first, find a weapon for the unlucky one, then help him earn money, and then, you see, what happens. It’s not for nothing that they say: what a woman wants, God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33282)

    IN high school Suimei University of Arts has many dormitories, and there is the Sakura apartment building. While hostels have strict rules, everything is possible at Sakura, which is why its local nickname is “madhouse.” Since in art genius and madness are always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the “cherry orchard” are talented and interesting guys who are too far out of the “swamp”. Take, for example, the noisy Misaki, who sells her own anime to major studios, her friend and playboy screenwriter Jin, or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only via the Internet and telephone. Compared to them, the main character Sorata Kanda is a simpleton who ended up in a “psychiatric hospital” just for... loving cats!

    Therefore, Chihiro-sensei, the head of the hostel, instructed Sorata, as the only sane guest, to meet his cousin Mashiro, who transfers to their school from distant Britain. The fragile blonde seemed like a real bright angel to Kanda. True, at a party with new neighbors, the guest behaved stiffly and said little, but the newly minted admirer attributed everything to understandable stress and fatigue from the road. Only real stress awaited Sorata in the morning when he went to wake up Mashiro. The hero realized with horror that his new friend - great artist absolutely out of this world, that is, she’s not even able to dress herself! And the insidious Chihiro is right there - from now on, Kanda will forever look after her sister, because the guy has already practiced on cats!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33565)

    In the 21st century, the world community finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to a new level. Those who are able to use magic after finishing the ninth grade in Japan are now welcome in magic schools - but only if applicants pass the exam. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, the best hundred are enrolled in the first department, the rest are in the reserve, in the second, and teachers are assigned only to the first hundred, “Flowers”. The rest, the “Weeds,” learn on their own. At the same time, there is always an atmosphere of discrimination in the school, because even the forms of both departments are different.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born 11 months apart, making them the same year in school. Upon entering the First School, the sister finds herself among the Flowers, and the brother among the Weeds: despite the excellent theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an exemplary sister, as well as their new friends - Chiba Erika, Saijo Leonhart (or just Leo) and Shibata Mizuki - at the school of magic, the quantum physics, Tournament of Nine Schools and much more...

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (29551)

    The "Seven Deadly Sins", once great warriors revered by the British. But one day, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and killing a warrior from the Holy Knights. Subsequently, the Holy Knights stage a coup d'état and seize power into their own hands. And the “Seven Deadly Sins”, now outcasts, scattered throughout the kingdom, in all directions. Princess Elizabeth was able to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Sins. Now all seven must unite again to prove their innocence and avenge their expulsion.

  • (28371)

    2021 An unknown virus "Gastrea" came to earth and destroyed almost all of humanity in a matter of days. But this is not just a virus like some kind of Ebola or Plague. He doesn't kill a person. Gastrea is an intelligent infection that rearranges DNA turning the host into scary monster.
    The war began and eventually 10 years passed. People have found a way to isolate themselves from the infection. The only thing that Gastrea cannot tolerate is a special metal - Varanium. It was from this that people built huge monoliths and surrounded Tokyo with them. It seemed that now the few survivors could live behind the monoliths in peace, but alas, the threat has not gone away. Gastrea is still waiting for the right moment to infiltrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. There is no hope. The extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus also had another effect. There are those who are already born with this virus in their blood. These children, the "Cursed Children" (Exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus is many times slower than in the body of an ordinary person. Only they can resist the creatures of “Gastrea” and humanity has nothing more to count on. Will our heroes be able to save the remaining living people and find a cure for the terrifying virus? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (27481)

    The story in Steins,Gate takes place a year after the events of Chaos,Head.
    The game's intense story takes place partly in the realistically recreated Akahibara district, a famous otaku shopping destination in Tokyo. The plot is as follows: a group of friends installs a device in Akihibara to send text messages to the past. A mysterious organization called SERN is interested in the experiments of the game's heroes, which is also engaged in its own research in the field of time travel. And now friends have to make enormous efforts to avoid being captured by SERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added series 23β, which is alternative ending and leading to continuation in SG0.
  • (26756)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and many more from around the world suddenly found themselves locked in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Legend of the Ancients. On the one hand, gamers were transported to new world physically, the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, the “fallen people” retained their previous avatars and acquired skills, user interface and leveling system, and death in the game only led to resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest large city. Realizing that there was no great goal, and no one named the price for exit, the players began to flock together - some to live and rule by the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Shiroe and Naotsugu, in the world a student and a clerk, in the game - a cunning magician and a powerful warrior, have known each other for a long time from the legendary “Mad Tea Party” guild. Alas, those days are gone forever, but in the new reality you can meet old acquaintances and just good guys with whom you will not be bored. And most importantly, an indigenous population has appeared in the world of Legends, who consider the aliens to be great and immortal heroes. Involuntarily, you want to become a kind of knight of the Round Table, beating dragons and saving girls. Well, there are plenty of girls around, monsters and robbers too, and for relaxation there are cities like hospitable Akiba. The main thing is that you shouldn’t die in the game, it’s much more correct to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27825)

    The ghoul race has existed since time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mainly in their raw form. Lovers of human flesh are outwardly indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and tenacious - but there are few of them, so ghouls have developed strict rules for hunting and camouflage, and violators are punished themselves or quietly handed over to fighters against evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but as they say, they are used to it. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat; moreover, they view them as an ideal basis for creating super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time...

    The main character Ken Kaneki faces a painful search for a new path, because he realized that people and ghouls are similar: they just eat each other in literally, others - figuratively. The truth of life is cruel, it cannot be changed, and the one who does not turn away is strong. And then somehow!

  • (26934)

    In the world of Hunter x Hunter, there is a class of people called Hunters who, using psychic powers and trained in all manner of fighting, explore the wild corners of the mostly civilized world. Main character, a young man named Gon (Gun), the son of the great Hunter himself. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, having grown up, Gon (Gong) decides to follow in his footsteps. Along the way he finds several companions: Leorio, an ambitious medical doctor whose goal is to get rich. Kurapika is the only survivor of his clan, whose goal is revenge. Killua is the heir to a family of assassins whose goal is training. Together they achieve their goal and become Hunters, but this is only the first step on their long journey... And ahead is the story of Killua and his family, the story of Kurapika’s revenge and, of course, training, new tasks and adventures! The series stopped with Kurapika's revenge... What awaits us next after all these years?

  • (26528)

    The action takes place in an alternate reality where the existence of demons has long been recognized; There is even an island in the Pacific Ocean - “Itogamijima”, where demons are full citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojou for some unknown reason turned into a “purebred vampire”, the fourth in number. He begins to be followed by a young girl, Himeraki Yukina, or "blade shaman", who is supposed to monitor Akatsuki and kill him if he gets out of control.

  • (24818)

    The story tells of a young man named Saitama, who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. He is 25, bald and handsome, and, moreover, so strong that with one blow he can annihilate all dangers to humanity. He is looking for himself on the difficult path of life, simultaneously handing out slaps to monsters and villains.

  • (22674)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be will be decided by roulette. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Judgment.
