Interethnic relations today brief theses. Report: Interethnic relations

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 15"

Public lesson on the topic of:

"Nations and Interethnic Relations"

Conducted by the teacher

history and social studies

Krylova L.V.

Michurinsk - 2016


Epigraph to the lesson: “If I’m not like you in some way,

I don’t insult you at all with this, but, on the contrary, I reward you.”

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

Target: continue work on developing students’ knowledge about nations, interethnic relations in society,

Formation of the ability to use acquired knowledge in practice,

Nurture feeling national pride and respect for representatives

of another nationality.

Students should know that:

1) communities occupy an important place in the structure of society,
uniting people along national lines;

    the historical path of each people explains the emergence
    national traditions and customs;

    aggravation of interethnic relations occurs due to territories, socio-economic conditions, etc.;

    every person, no matter what nation he belongs to, must
    feel like an equal citizen;

    inciting ethnic hatred is prohibited by law.

Students must understand what: ethnicity, nation, nationality, tribe, nationality, culture of interethnic relations.

Students should be able to:

    explain the meaning of basic concepts;

    name the various causes of national conflicts;

    determine the meaning of national traditions;

    find ways to prevent national conflicts.

During the classes

I. Org moment.

II. Checking homework.

I. Test.

1) A social group is:

a) any group of people that has any socially significant characteristic (gender, age, profession, power, etc.);

b) a group representing a certain social
the standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;

c) any group, real or imaginary, valued high or low, with which an individual relates his behavior or future.

2) Which of the following falls under the definition of a social group?

a) class; b) social class, c) family; d) all of the above.

3) What concept does the following definition refer to: “the position of an individual occupied in society in accordance with age, gender, origin, marital status?

a) “prestige”, b) “social status”; c) "authority".

4) What are the signs of ascribed status?

a) Nationality, qualifications;

b) social background, nationality;

c) education, qualifications.

5) What is the name of the behavior that is expected from a given person? social status?

a) achieved status; b) prestige; c) social role.

6) Pianist K. received at the competition for young performers certificate of honor. That's an example:

a) social status,

b) social role,

c) social sanction.

7) Continue the sentence.

The status of a school student presupposes...

II. Learning new material.

    Ethnic communities.

    Causes of interethnic conflicts.

    Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts.

4. Interethnic relations V modern society.

Teacher's word.

In addition to classes, estates and other groups, the social structure of society is also made up of historically established communities of people.

In history courses we looked at such historically established forms of community of people.

What historical community united people in primitive society?

Based on the strengthening of inter-tribal ties and the mixing of tribes, a single language is formed, a territorial and cultural community arises and...

What historical community unites people at this stage? (Nation)

The development of economic ties within and between nations led to their transformation into nations. Nations arose from both related and unrelated tribes and nationalities as a result of their connection, “mixing”.

Nation- historical community of people, characterized by the unity of the territory, economic life, historical path, language, culture, national character.

These historical communities in science it is usually called ethnic.

Ethnic communities

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tribe people nation.

Ethnic groups - these are large groups of people who have a common culture, language, and awareness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.

Modern humanity represented by approximately three thousand different peoples, and in our country there are more than a hundred of them. At the same time, there are about 200 independent states in the world.

What conclusion can be drawn from the given data?

(Most peoples live in multinational states).

Dream the best people of all times and peoples was the creation of a state of friendship and brotherhood, a society of harmony between nations, “when peoples, having forgotten strife, great family will unite,” as A.S. wrote. Pushkin.

But, unfortunately, in modern world we see a lot of ethnic conflicts. In this concept, the word “conflict” is already familiar to us. Let's remember what it means.

(“Conflict” is a clash, interethnic – between representatives different nationalities).

Interethnic conflict – disputes, clashes that arose between large groups of people of different nationalities, between states.

Give examples of interethnic conflicts known to you.

What is the cause of ethnic conflicts?

To answer this question, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the material in the textbook.

Causes of interethnic conflicts.

(appears after students name this reason)

1. Territorial disputes .

From history we know that in different periods there was movement

some peoples, conquest, migrations, during which the territory occupied by one or another people changed repeatedly. Borders have changed several times. IN currently When a territorial dispute arises, it is very difficult to prove anything, and an attempt to resolve this issue by force leads to unimaginable disasters.

2. Inequality socio-economic conditions.

Differences in living standards, different representation in highly paid professions, in government bodies - all this becomes a source of discontent and gives rise to a conflict situation.

3. Infringement of rights on national and religious grounds.

If a state introduces restrictions on the use of the language of a people who are a minority, if the national religion is persecuted, then relations in society become tense.

4. National prejudices, low culture.

Some people believe that there are “bad” and “good” nationalities. They are irritated by people who are different from them in language, religion, and way of life. Prejudices, which are the result of ignorance of the history, traditions, culture of other peoples, and often the result of malicious lies, give rise to offensive statements towards people of other nationalities.

We decided to find out how strong national prejudices are among teenagers at our school by conducting a survey on the topic of interethnic relations in grades 8-9.


1.Does it matter to you what nationality you belong to?

2. Do skin color and nationality influence intellectual and moral

human qualities?

3. Do you have friends of other nationalities?

4. Are you ready to help a person of a different nationality in trouble?

5. How would your parents feel if your friend came to your house?

whose nationality is different from yours?

6. Is it necessary to discuss the topic of interethnic relations?

Analysis of the survey showed that:

1. Most of the respondents are proud of their nationality.

2. For the majority of students, a person’s intellectual and moral qualities do not depend on nationality.

3. Slightly more than half of the students have friends among representatives of a different nationality.

4. The vast majority of guys are ready to help a person of a different nationality in trouble.

5. 80% of parents have a positive attitude towards their child’s friendship with a person of a different nationality.

6. 75% of students believe that in interethnic relations not everything is as good as they would like.

You guys must understand that in the modern world not only states are multinational, but also cities and villages. Teams with multinational composition these days have become the norm not only on earth, but also in outer space.

Historically, our state developed as a community different nations, cultures and religions.

Even the writer Alexey Stepanovich Khomyakov noted in the second half of the 19th century:

“The Russian looks at all the peoples bordered in the endless plains of the Northern Kingdom as his brothers. A dashing Cossack of the Caucasus takes a wife from a Chechen village, a peasant marries a Tatar or a Mordovian, and Russia calls the Negro Hannibal its glory and joy.”

And in the 20th century, the poet and playwright Yuliy Kirsanovich Kim (his father is Korean, and his maternal grandfather is from Kaluga region) wrote (read by student):

...In part, I am quite purebred,

All Saints, from Kaluga Christians,

But according to my father, I am a Chuchmek, a foreigner,

And he must go back to his Pyongyang.

Where should I go, according to your law?

My land is now partly only mine.

Go to the Volga, wander around Pskov

Do I have the right to only have one leg?

I have a nightmare of national strife.

In the morning I hear the curse of my blood:

One screams that I'm a brainless idiot,

Another reason is that he is a Jew.

...And my language, beloved and familiar,

This region fed him for half a century.

So is he Russian or Russian-speaking?

What common idea unites Khomyakov’s statement and Kim’s poem? What feature of interethnic relations in our country do they reveal? (Interethnic marriages)

From mixed marriages children are born who combine different ethnic branches into one tree human life. Science asserts: today there are not only purebred peoples, but also individual people among their ancestors who would not have been present for sure (or with a greater degree of probability) representatives of different ethnic groups. Any claims to “pure blood” are deception, a path to a dead end, and a bloody dead end, as evidenced by both the experience of history and the experience of our days.

How to prevent national conflicts?

When resolving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations:

Refusal of violence and coercion,

Peaceful settlement of controversial issues;

Seeking consent;

Equality of nations and peoples;

Recognition of human rights and freedoms the most important value.

These humanistic principles are reflected in the Constitution Russian Federation

What norms on the development of nations and national relations are contained in the Russian Constitution?

Guys, you were given the task: in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Chapters 2 and 3, find the articles that regulate national relations.

What articles are these? (vv. 19,26,29,68,69). Please comment on them.

Article 19.

The state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, affiliation public associations, as well as other circumstances. Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation is prohibited.

Article 26

    Everyone has the right to determine and indicate their nationality. No one can be forced to determine and indicate their nationality.

    Everyone has the right to use their native language, free choice language of communication, education, training and creativity.

Article 29

Propaganda or agitation that incite social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity are not permitted. Promotion of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited.

Article 68.

The Russian Federation guarantees to all its peoples the right
for preservation native language, creating conditions for its study and development.

Article 69.

The Russian Federation guarantees the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties Russian Federation.

Our state does a lot to ensure that every person, no matter what nation he belongs to, feels like an equal citizen in any part of our country and has the opportunity to enjoy all the rights guaranteed by law. But a lot depends on everyone individual person, from you and me. It is necessary to show respect and patience for people of other nationalities, their beliefs, customs, sympathy for refugees, migrants, most of them did not leave their native places because of a good life. We need to learn to live in harmony in this diverse world.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If I am not like you in some way, I do not insult you at all, but, on the contrary, I reward you.”

His words are not only a lesson to us living in the 21st century, but also confirmation that the world, like nature, is diverse and that is what makes it beautiful. Its beauty is that peoples and nations live on earth, unique in their culture, traditions and customs. We are connected to each other by visible and invisible threads. It is in our interests to make our lives happy, comfortable, joyful, so that subsequent generations not only continue our traditions, but also admire our ability to forgive, do good and be tolerant of each other.

Homework:§ 25, formulate the rules of relationships between people of different nationalities.

Summing up the lesson.

Behind long history of humanity, various nations formed and changed, mixing with others and introducing their own characteristics into them. These processes are associated with settlement and movement large groups of people.


In modern society, the formation of nations has become established, although there is still room for local changes. Nations do not exist in isolation; on the contrary, they are in constant interaction. Let's find out what interethnic relations are and briefly consider their varieties.

Interethnic relations are a type social relations, the participants of which are various nations.

There are two main types of interethnic relations:

  • within one state;
  • between nations of different countries.

The study of the problem of interethnic relations began in America. In this country, the question of the relationship between the white and black population, which, due to the peculiarities of historical development, had to adjust joint activities within one state.

Problems of interethnic relations

The interaction of nations does not always proceed peacefully; sometimes difficulties and contradictions that arise cause aggression and even military clashes.
The reasons for this may be:

  • different levels of development and culture of peoples;
  • the desire to survive and achieve privileges, get rid of discrimination;
  • struggle for economic resources.

We can give examples of countries in which relations between nations were peaceful ( Modern America) and non-peacefully (Conquest of neighboring peoples by the Roman Empire).

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

The most acceptable way to establish ties between peoples is the formation of multinational states. They recognize the rights and freedoms of all nations, prohibit discrimination on national grounds, and allow the use of their native language in everyday life and education.

Despite the universal recognition of the right of nations to preserve their traditions, free use of language, Everyday life Conflicts between representatives of different nations happen quite often. They occur because some people are not ready to put up with a foreign culture that seems strange and wrong to them. This attitude towards the traditions of other peoples and confidence in the correctness of only one’s way of life is called ethnocentrism.

Racial and national discrimination does not correspond to the principles operating in the modern world community, therefore any forms of its manifestation raise the need to regulate and take measures to prevent such cases.

National politics

In Russia, as a multinational state, in conditions of constant international integration (establishing relations with other states), the question national policy is one of the most important.

The state strives to prevent national hatred by destroying and preventing any differences in the rights of peoples. Thus, the use of the native language is permitted, including in educational institutions, as school subject. Trends in the development of interethnic relations in Russia are associated with the organization of peaceful and constructive dialogue different cultures, their mutual enrichment, mutual acceptance and respect (tolerance).

What have we learned?

Having studied the topic of 11th grade social studies, we found out that interethnic relations are relations between the peoples of one or several states. The issue of nations and interethnic relations is of particular importance in modern society. It is called upon to eliminate any manifestations of discrimination against nations, to open Free access every person for the benefit of society.

Pre-class society is represented by such forms of community of people as clan and tribe.

Genus- a group of blood relatives descended from the same line.

Tribe- association of several genera.

Nationality- a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, culture, follows the tribe and precedes the nation.

Nations emerge during the period of development of capitalist relations.

Nation- a historically established community, characterized by developed economic ties, common territory, language, culture, psychological make-up, and self-awareness.

Signs of a nation:

1. unity of territory

2. unity of language

3. common historical destiny

4. general culture

5. general self-awareness - knowledge of the history of one’s people, careful attitude to the national traditions, sense of nationality dignity

6. stable statehood

7. unity of economic relations

8. developed social structure

Nationality- belonging to a certain nation

National minority- a significant group of people of a certain nationality living on the territory of a certain state, who are its citizens, but do not belong to the indigenous nationality.

Diaspora – the presence of a significant part of the population outside the country.

Ethnos-a set of people who have a common culture and are aware of this commonality as an expression of community historical destinies. It is a general concept for a tribe, nationality, nation.

Gumilev. Theories of passionarity. The selected biochemical energy erupts streams of energetic lava onto the earth, which leads to the emergence of an ethnos. When passionarity leaves ethnic groups, they die.

Interethnic relations:

1. relations between different states

2. relations between different nationalities within one country

Forms of interethnic relations:

1. peaceful cooperation

Ethnic mixing (inter-ethnic marriages)

Ethnic absorption- assimilation- complete dissolution of one people into another (VPN, development North America)

2. ethnic conflict

Main directions in the development of interethnic relations:

1. integration- desire for interaction, expansion of connections, perception of the best (EU)

2. differentiation- the nation’s desire for self-development, sovereignty, confrontation between different ethnic groups (protectionism, extremism, separatism, etc.). Separatism- the nation’s desire for separation, isolation.

Interethnic conflict- extreme form of contradiction between rivals national formations created to protect national interests.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

1. socio-economic - inequality in living standards, access to benefits

2. cultural and linguistic - insufficient use of language and culture in public life

3. ethnodemographic - differences in the level of natural population growth

4. environmental

5. extraterritorial - non-coincidence of borders with the boundaries of settlement of peoples

6. historical - past relationships between peoples

7. confessional

Types of interethnic conflicts:

1. state-legal - dissatisfaction with the legal status of the nation (Chechnya-Russia)

2. ethno-territorial (Nagorno-Karabakh)

3. ethno-demographic - restrictions for newcomers compared to the indigenous nationality (Confederation of Peoples of the Caucasus and Russian authorities)

4. socio-psychological - violation of human rights (rights of Russians in the Baltic states)

Discrimination- belittlement, belittlement, infringement of rights

Nationalism-ideology and politics based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity.

Chauvinism- extreme degree of nationalism.

Genocide - deliberate and systematic destruction of a population on racial, national or religious grounds.

Segregation-type of racial discrimination.

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

1. humanistic approach to solving national problems. problems

Voluntary search for consent and non-violence

Recognition of the priority of human rights over the rights of the state, society, peoples

Respect for the sovereignty of peoples

2. negotiations between conflicting parties

3. information path - exchange of information between the parties about possible measures to overcome conflict situations.

4. application of the legal mechanism.

Nations and interethnic relations

Ethnic communities (ethnic groups) - stable groups of people united by economic ties, territory, customs, beliefs, language and

other connecting factors.

Basic forms ethnic communities

For example: on the basis of the unification of eastern tribes, such as the Krivichi and others, the Old Russian people were formed. It was the common root of the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian nationalities, which subsequently formed into a nation.

IN social structure In society, groups of people united along national lines play an important role. A person’s nationality is his belonging to a particular nation or nationality. There are now more than 2 thousand nations, nationalities, and tribes growing on Earth. There are many more nations and nationalities than states. Therefore, among the states there are many that are multinational.

In the modern world, national conflicts have not been eliminated. In the Middle East, for example, armed clashes between Arabs and Israelis have been going on for many years. National conflicts often arise in other countries of Asia and Africa. National contradictions are at times intensifying in the USA, Belgium, Canada, and Spain. An aggravation of national relations occurred in Yugoslavia, where there is still an armed struggle between peoples different nationalities. Tensions in interethnic relations in Russia are one of the characteristic features crisis-catastrophic state of society. It causes the greatest concern not only in our country, but also among the world community.

The fate of an individual cannot be separated from the fate of his people. The criminal actions of the fascists to destroy entire peoples, including the Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, etc.), Jews, ruined the fate of millions of families, brought misfortune to many people and showed that a person cannot be indifferent to the troubles of his people. People have a sense of national pride. But they understand national pride differently. For example, the best representatives of the Russian people have always been proud of the creations of masters, the outstanding achievements of Russian culture, and the asceticism of fighters against exploitation and oppression. The national pride of the Russian people includes respect for national interests other peoples, recognition that other peoples also have the right to national pride.

This position is opposed by another: “Everything that is ours is good, everything that is someone else’s is bad.” People who share this position are ready to justify the good and bad that happened in the history of their people, and to denigrate the history of another people. Such limitedness leads to national discord, to troubles not only for other peoples, but also for one’s own.

In the historical past, different nations had glorious pages. They are associated with the achievements of material and spiritual culture, which aroused and still arouse the admiration of many nations. But there are also dark pages in history that are perceived with pain and that cannot be hidden. Inconvenient facts of the historical past should not be hidden, but assessed as they deserve.

Historical path of every nation is the emergence and establishment of national traditions and customs, the attitude towards which is ambiguous. Many nations have a good tradition of hospitality, a glorious tradition of helping other nations in trouble. So, after the terrible earthquake in 1988. in Armenia, the people of our country and other countries of the world provided selfless assistance to the Armenian people - they donated blood, sent medicines and clothes, helped clear the rubble and restore cities and villages.

But there are also outdated, bad traditions. For example, bloody revenge. The younger generation cannot blindly perceive national traditions and customs. It is able to independently determine what is historical experience worthy of admiration and what is condemnable.

The German fascists, having attacked the Soviet Union in 1941, counted on the outbreak of national clashes. They miscalculated. All the peoples of our country courageously defended their common Motherland, fought shoulder to shoulder at the front, and helped each other in the rear. Among the Heroes Soviet Union Russians and Ukrainians, Belarusians and Tatars, Jews and Kazakhs, Georgians and Armenians, Uzbeks and Mordovians, Chuvash and Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs and Ossetians, Mari and Turkmens, Tajiks and Latvians, Kyrgyz and Lithuanians and representatives of other peoples of the USSR.

The experience of the history of civilization shows that national conflicts can be prevented or mitigated by implementing the principles of territorial, national-territorial autonomy and respecting human rights. These provisions are reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of Freedom of Man and Citizen. It states that every citizen of Russia has the right to freely determine his nationality. No one can force him to indicate nationality. A person himself considers himself to be one or another nationality, based on self-awareness, proficiency in the language he speaks and considers native, adherence to the traditions and customs he observes, and the culture that is close to him.

And at the same time, any speech that incites national, racial or religious hatred or constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence is prohibited by law. In accordance with this norm, the Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen states that insult national dignity the person is prosecuted by law. Russian laws provide for criminal liability for limiting the rights or establishing direct or indirect advantages of citizens on racial and national grounds, as well as for preaching racial and national exclusivity or disdain.

Cooperation and mutual understanding between nations is a great achievement of the peoples of our country, which must be preserved and strengthened at all costs.

However, in the late 80s and early 90s, in some areas of the country there was a deterioration in interethnic relations, intolerance and conflicts on an interethnic basis arose. They knock people out normal life, and in some cases lead to numerous casualties. Instigators have emerged who would like to use interethnic tensions for criminal purposes. Such actions are unacceptable. They can lead to general disaster.

The peace and well-being of people and the fate of the country largely depend on solving the problems of interethnic relations.

That is why the state needs to implement measures to normalize interethnic relations and solve the problems that have accumulated in this area on the basis of the principles of friendship and cooperation of peoples. And at the same time, a lot depends on each person. No one should put up with nationalistic manifestations or artificial opposition of nations. We must be guided by the fundamental criterion: every person, no matter what nation he belongs to, must feel like an equal citizen in any part of our country and have the opportunity to enjoy all the rights guaranteed by law. The equality of nations and peoples is inextricably linked with the equality of people, regardless of their nationality. This is the highest principle of humanism of civilization.

What is interethnic relations? These are certain relationships that arise between ethnic groups, which cover all spheres of public life without exception.

In the modern world, relations between peoples play a big role, since the process of globalization determines constant contacts and cultural exchange between ethnic groups. Interethnic integration is taking place. An example of such integration is the EU, where peoples unite culturally, economically and politically.

In addition to the political integration strategy (EU), there are other types of integration process. Example – USA, “melting pot” concept. This expression means that in America people belonging to different ethnic groups mix, the peoples that make up the United States are united into a common ethnic group “Americans”. The USA is a country founded by emigrants from all over the world.

Another process is possible, called ethnic mixing (mixing). It occurs when, in the mixing of several ethnic groups, one new one is formed. For example, the tundra peasants in Yakutia are a people who have absorbed both Russian and Yakut national characteristics. The tundra peasants retained the Orthodox faith, but entered into marriages with the indigenous peoples of Siberia. There was a mutual exchange of everyday life, which led to the formation of a new ethnic group.

There is a phenomenon of assimilation, when the culture of one people is “absorbed” by another. One of the nations is deprived own language, national identity, customs, traditions, culture. This process can occur either peacefully (assimilation by Russian settlers of the Finno-Ugric peoples of northeastern Rus': Chud, Merya, all) or violently (Arab conquerors assimilated the Christian population who had lived for a long time in the Middle East).

Scientists highlight the process of acculturation, in which two cultures that are different from each other become similar to each other and mix. Nations can both integrate and differentiate.

Based on nationality, states are usually divided into multinational and mononational. The Russian Federation is a striking example multinational state, because almost 200 different peoples live in Russia. For example, Portugal can be called a mononational state, where the Portuguese ethnic group makes up the overwhelming majority. National problems can arise in almost any country, so the authorities must know about the main types of national policies:

  1. The policy of multiculturalism. Its goal is to preserve in the state individual differences in culture between peoples and ensure peaceful coexistence while preserving the identity of ethnic groups. The American “melting pot” is the direct opposite of this method, because it does not preserve the uniqueness of peoples in the state, but the unification of nations into one large ethnic group.
  2. Nationalism. This policy extols the nation, the people as highest value. Outbursts of nationalism have more than once led to negative consequences, populists, and demagogues repeatedly appealed to a sense of national greatness and pride in order to persuade people to take cruel measures against other peoples. Nationalism is not popular when there are friendly relations between nations in the state; it becomes more active if hard times. Populists manage to appeal to a primitive sense of national pride when the situation in the country is unstable and interethnic conflicts are brewing.
  3. Chauvinism. The policy is named “in honor” of Chauvin. He was a soldier in the Napoleonic army and fiercely approved of conquest French Emperor. The term “chauvinism” refers to excessive, excessive nationalist policies.
  4. Discrimination. Such a policy deprives people of any nationality of certain rights and puts them in a humiliated position in relation to the “privileged” people. Jews in Russian Empire were subject to serious discrimination. There was a “Pale of Settlement” - a limited territory in which Jews had the right to live.
  5. Apartheid. Extremely severe discriminatory measures are applied to a certain ethnic group. Apartheid became especially widespread in South Africa, where the descendants of the Boer colonists did not accept indigenous people Africa as equal people. Africans were allocated certain territories outside of which they were forbidden to live. Their places of residence were called “bantustans”.
  6. Segregation. If such a policy is pursued, then a certain ethnic group is deprived of part of its rights due to nationality.
  7. Genocide. Total extermination of unwanted people. Destruction of civilians on ethnic, religious, or other grounds. The creation of concentration camps and other measures aimed at the complete, total destruction of the people. The Turks committed genocide during the First World War. The Turks killed Armenians, Pontic Greeks and Assyrians. It is worth noting that Türkiye still refuses to recognize the fact of genocide.
  8. Holocaust. The policy of Nazi Germany aimed at the complete destruction of the Jewish people and everything connected with them. More than half of the world's Jews died in the Nazi Holocaust.
  9. Separatism. Separatists are people who strive to separate themselves. own people from the state. Separatists modern life You can name the Spanish Basques, who have been seeking independence for many years.

Interethnic relations. Ethnosocial conflicts. Ways to resolve them

An interethnic conflict is a clash of interests of peoples. It can occur for various reasons, which are outlined below:

  • Religious reasons. Crusades, Reconquista, Arab conquests.
  • Economic reasons. A dispute over any resource, property, profitable territory. France and Germany long years entered the fight for Alsace and Lorraine, where valuable coal deposits are located.
  • Cultural. Peoples living in the same state and having different ways of life and traditions may enter into conflict on cultural grounds.
  • "Clash of Civilizations". When two large people, defending two different models values ​​collide, a clash of civilizations occurs. Wars of merchant Carthage and agrarian Rome - shining example such a conflict.
  • Historical reasons. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been in conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh for many years.

Types of interethnic conflicts:

  • Stereotype conflict. The people have a negative perception of their neighbor, due to the historical past. This leads to conflict, for example, between Palestinians and Jews.
  • Ideological conflict. A nation makes territorial claims to lands that it considers historically its own. Byzantium had such claims to the territory of the former Roman Empire.

Interethnic conflicts must be resolved so that peoples can interact normally. There are the following strategies for resolving conflict situations:

  • Determine what demands the warring parties have and try to find a compromise solution.
  • Use sanctions. Economic restrictions and military intervention. The last method is very controversial. On the one hand, it is possible to destroy the radicals, but on the other hand, this may lead to a further escalation of the conflict.
  • Reach a temporary break. The parties will calm down and be ready to cooperate.
  • Take preventive measures to prevent conflict.

Nations and interethnic relations – important topic in modern society.