Ksenia Omarova Instagram. Kurban Omarov: biography, occupation

Name: Ksenia Borodina (Ksenia Omarova)

Age: 35 years

Height: 165

Activity: TV presenter, actress

Ksenia Borodina: biography

Ksenia Borodina is one of the brightest Russian TV presenters, which is the permanent “mistress” of the longest-playing Russian television reality show "Dom-2".

Over the years of working on TV, Ksyusha has gained unprecedented popularity in society. The successes, achievements and personal life of the TV star are widely discussed today by her many fans, who tirelessly follow all the news about Borodina.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina was born in Moscow on International Women's Day, March 8, 1983, into a wealthy Armenian family. According to the zodiac sign Pisces. At birth, she received her father's surname - Amoeva, which she changed to maiden name mother upon reaching adulthood. This decision was a consequence of the fact that even in the first year of her life, her parents separated, and Ksyusha’s father no longer took part in raising the girl, not even appearing on her 18th birthday.

After the divorce, Ksyusha’s mother married Italian architect and moved to his homeland, the island of Capri. She entrusted the upbringing of her daughter to her grandparents, so the future TV star spent her childhood in the Kuntsevo district of Moscow, where she grew up with street children under Soviet-era conditions.

Ksenia made frequent visits to sunny Italy, but her attachment to Russia again brought her back to Moscow. Until grade 9, Ksyusha attended Moscow school No. 749, and in grade 9 she transferred to a private lyceum specializing in in-depth study foreign languages, which she graduated with success.

At the age of 17, Borodina continued her education in the summer English school"Multilingual", living in the family of a simple builder and nurse. But at that time she already had her first love in Moscow - the boy Sasha from the next door. Therefore, the month spent abroad without Alexander seemed future star terrible, and the girl firmly decided to return to the Russian capital, despite the persuasion of her parents.

Upon arrival in the Russian capital, Ksenia Borodina immediately entered the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, where she was immediately accepted as a second-year student. Soon she broke up with Alexander and made a firm decision to become a TV star.


The creative biography of Ksenia Borodina dates back to her university years. The future TV star took her career seriously in order to break into harsh world show business. She regularly sent her photos and resume to various castings, and passed numerous auditions for new television projects. But conquering show business turned out to be a difficult and almost impossible task for Borodina.

Repeated failed attempts to become a TV star led Ksenia to despair, and she, giving up her hands, was about to fly to Italy to visit her parents. But during this period she unexpectedly received a call and was informed about her approval for the TV show “Dom-2”.

“Dom-2” was the debut of an aspiring star, which became fateful in the future career of Ksenia Borodina. With the popularity of the show and the noise growing around it, the persona of the project's host became increasingly visible to the public.

Ksenia Borodina’s co-host was a TV star, with whom it was quite difficult to compete on screen. Nevertheless, Borodina managed to gain her authority among the participants of the television project and take a worthy position as a “foreman” of a love construction site, which she has held for over 10 years.

Having reached the Olympus of television fame, Ksenia Borodina began to appear in other large-scale projects on Russian television. In 2011, the girl took part in the 11th season of “Dancing with the Stars” and the television project “Cruel Intentions”.

Twice Borodina became a participant in the intellectual and entertainment show “Where is the Logic.” The first time she came to the program with her husband, and the second time with her co-host.

Also in the period 2012-2013, Borodina hosted the show “Reboot” on the TNT channel. In 2016, after a short break, Ksyusha returned to “Reboot” and hosts the program to this day. The show's ratings are high.

The reality show “Dom-2” did not limit Ksenia Borodina. She uses her creative potential and outside the project. In 2007, Ksyusha tried her hand at being a writer - she published the book “The Laws of Love.” Ksenia promised that this would not be her only creation and spoke about plans to work in the autobiographical genre. 4 years later, in 2011, she saw the light A new book TV presenter called “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.”

In 2008, Ksenia Borodina, together with a stylist, opened the Celebrity beauty salon. After a short time, the TV personality developed her beauty business to a serious scale, opening a network of beauty studios under her own name. Ksenia successfully combines working on a television project and running a business with speaking at all kinds of events as a guest star.

In addition to the show “Dom-2” and business, the popular TV presenter also proved herself as an actress - she starred in the film “Zaza” as the protagonist’s girlfriend. Later, Ksenia Borodina starred in the films “The Lavrova Method”, “Deffchonki” and “Happy March 8, men!”

Maria Berseneva and Ksenia Borodina in the film "Happy March 8, men!"

In 2016, rumors appeared that Ksenia Borodina was leaving Dom-2. Supposedly it will be replaced former member TV project. But the information was not confirmed, and, as before, Ksenia remains the permanent presenter of Dom-2. True, since December 2008, Olga Buzova became her co-host.

Many believe that there is an eternal confrontation between the presenters, although Ksenia says that this conflict is far-fetched.

Personal life

The personal life of Ksenia Borodina is full of joy and sadness, and her numerous novels are widely discussed by the public. At one time, Ksyusha dated the lead singer of the Dynamite group, Leonid Nerushenko, who later died in a terrible accident. For Ksyusha, the death of her lover was a serious blow, which she took very hard. But time healed Borodina’s mental wounds, and she again opened her heart to love.

In 2006, the TV presenter tried to build love with Oscar Karimov, a participant in the Dom-2 project, whose relationship became “office romance No. 1” in the biography of Ksenia Borodina. This romance did not last long, and the couple broke up.

In 2008, Ksyusha married businessman Yuri Budagov. Their first meeting took place three years before the wedding on the set of the show “ Comedy Club", where the future husband and wife were present as guests. The wedding of Borodina and Budagov took place in an atmosphere unconventional for TV stars - the celebration was held according to a very modest scenario, according to which Ksyusha did not even wear White dress bride, but went to the registry office in a golden evening dress.

In the marriage of Borodina and Budagov, a daughter, Maria, was born, although more often she calls her Marusya. In honor of the birth of her daughter, Ksenia immortalized her name with a tattoo on her arm. Unfortunately, Borodina, like her parents in their time, failed to save the marriage. In 2011, the family broke up with big scandal. According to Ksyusha, the divorce from Yuri was a consequence of his wild life and a bad attitude towards her.

After a short time, Borodina again decided to arrange her personal life. She started " love affair at work No. 2" with a former participant of "House-2".

During their romance, Borodina was involved in a serious car accident. According to witnesses, in her white Range Rover Mikhail Terekhin was also Ksyusha. The media vied with each other to publish this news, claiming that Borodina was driving drunk. But the TV presenter said that the car was driven by her driver. She reported this to "Instagram", she also wrote there that no one was seriously injured in this incident.

The lovers had a rather heated relationship - they either quarreled across half the country, then reconciled again. As a result, the couple separated. Later, the TV presenter said that she could not bear difficult character Mikhail. According to her, he was too demanding and often limited her freedom.

On July 3, 2015, Borodina married a businessman, a Dagestani by nationality. The TV star took her husband's last name. This time the celebration was truly royal.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban can safely be called the event of the summer of 2015. The hall where the dinner was held resembled a winter landscape: a real forest of snow-covered trees, white flowers, frozen streams of crystal chandeliers. The surprise of the evening was a four-meter cake created by the best pastry chef in Moscow. The wedding dessert was also made in a snow theme.

On December 22, Ksenia Borodina gave birth to her beloved daughter Teona in one of the elite metropolitan clinics.

In July 2016, the media was full of information about the family. The couple, who had previously posted joint photos with declarations of love on social networks, removed each other from friends and stopped answering questions from fans about their personal lives. The couple did not comment on this information for some time; later Borodina admitted to the press that the reason for the separation was Omarov’s infidelity.

Only the lazy did not discuss the divorce of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov, but unexpectedly for everyone, the spouses reconciled after some time. On Instagram, Ksenia Borodina posted joint photos with her husband and said that her differences with her husband had been resolved. She persistently asked fans not to spread rumors about her personal life, assuring that she loved her husband and was not going to divorce him.

In addition to the reality show “Dom-2” and her vibrant personal life, Ksenia Borodina is interested in football, she is a fan of FC Lokomotiv. Also among Borodina’s hobbies there is a place for poetry. Borodin names many of his favorite poets: lyrical works whom he knows by heart.

Ksenia Borodina now

In 2018, the TV presenter celebrated her 35th birthday. Ksenia celebrated her anniversary with guests in Milan.

For several days after the celebration, Borodina published photographs on Instagram, which gave rise to many rumors. Despite the fact that the girl was wearing a light, tight dress, fans could see that she was almost 7 months pregnant. But, probably, the attention from the press was so intrusive that she still decided to comment on the current situation:

“It turns out that they saw me in this dress pregnant belly. Have you already decided who I am? Fat with a belly or too skinny?”

She also said that she is completely satisfied with her shape (with a height of 165 cm, her weight is 46 kg). So the rumors that the presenter is pregnant with her third child are nothing more than fan speculation.

Ksenia Borodina with daughters Marusya and Teona

By the way, Borodina approaches everything with great irony. In July 2018, she trolled her followers by posting a video where she first stroked her rounded belly, and then suddenly hit it with her hands. The caption under the post read:

Date of birth: 08/25/1980
Place of birth: s. Khadzhalmakhi, Republic of Dagestan

Biography of Kurban Omarov

Kurban Omarov was born on August 25, 1980. Kurban comes from the Dagestan village of Khadzhalmakhi. Kurban Omarov was brought up in big family, with mom, dad and brothers. He is the eldest child in the family.
Kurban Omarov's parents did a good job raising their son. According to him, he was brought up in strictness, but fairness; this is the kind of upbringing he wants to give to his children. Kurban's father is a successful businessman in the city of Makhachkala, his mother is a housewife.

Many fans of the couple Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov, watching videos and photographs of the family, put Kurban as an ideal, thinking that he was successful and wealthy with youth. But this is a big misconception. After Omarov moved from Dagestan to Moscow, his life was not sweet. For many months the young man could not find himself in big city. After a grueling search, Kurban began working in law enforcement.
Since 2003, life young man changed, he began to engage in his father’s construction business. Almost immediately, Kurban began earning good money and purchased real estate in Moscow. In 2007, Omarov was one of the most successful businessmen not only in Dagestan, but also in Moscow. The young man had more than 10 registered companies on his account.

Personal life

Before meeting Kseniy Borodina, Kurban Omarov was not a public figure. Omarov hides his entire past personal life and ex-wives. It is known that Kurban had two wives, before Ksenia Borodina. He has a son, Omar, from his previous marriage. Now Omar lives with his father and Ksenia.
Kurban Omarov's ex-wife has nothing to do with show business. Who this girl is and what she looks like is unknown. Photos of Kurban's son with the same woman often appear in the press. Kurban does not comment on these rumors in any way.

Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina and Kuban met in 2012, at the birthday party of a mutual friend. After several months of communication, the couple began an affair. Photos of them together began to appear on the Internet. Then Ksenia did not give any answers to questions about her man. Only after a year of communication, Ksenia officially introduced her man on her Instagram. Almost immediately after Borodina introduced her lover, the guys got married. In 2015 it was one of the highlights of the year. Almost all the girls in Russia dreamed of the same wedding.
A few months after the wedding, Ksenia gave birth to a daughter. As Kurban admitted in an interview on Channel One, it was the happiest day of his life. Borodina and Omarov named their daughter Teona, this Dagestan name. Kurban insisted on this.

Instagram of Kurban Omarov

Recently, Kurban Omarov has become very popular on the Internet. Kurban Omarov's Instagram has more than 600 thousand subscribers. Cuban maintains a very interesting blog. In his photographs you can often see Ksenia and his children. On Instagram, Kurban is signed as Winter. This is what his friends have called him since childhood. Now almost everyone associates Kurban with the name Winter.
Also, Kurban runs his own YouTube channel together with Ksenia. The channel is called Father. Kurban's videos are family-friendly and sincere. It's always nice to see something like this happy family. Despite the popularity of Kurban Omarov, few people know about his YouTube channel. But according to Kurban, it’s all a matter of time; he has big plans to conquer YouTube.

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Until quite recently, alien to the world of social life, Kurban Omarov, after his wedding to Ksenia Borodina, turned into one of the tycoons of domestic show business. Details of the personal life of this couple became one of important topics in the yellow press.

Brief information

A man named Kurban Omarov was born in 1980 in the Caucasus into a mixed Russian-Dagestan family. His father, a prominent construction magnate in Makhachkala, did everything to ensure that his son did not need anything. As a result, the boy received an excellent education, having studied at universities in both England and Russia.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the young man went to conquer the capital, and a few years later he had his own business. Today, Zima, as Kurban’s closest friends call him, is at the head of a large conglomerate of companies whose specializations are diverse:

  • Development and related construction work;
  • Logistics services;
  • Taxi;
  • According to some reports, he owns a diamond business.

The father is a co-owner of some of Kurban's enterprises.

Kurban Omarov's first wife

Until relatively recently, the tabloids ignored the life of a businessman who shuns social life. As a result, facts from his personal life have to be collected bit by bit:

  • Zima married for the first time in 2005, but a couple of years later the marriage was dissolved;
  • For the next few years, the young man preferred not to tie the knot, which did not prevent him from cohabiting for more than five years with the woman who gave him a son;
  • For some time he dated model Alena Storm;
  • In 2015, Omarov again decided to tie the knot of Hymen, this time with the star of the scandalous television project “House 2” Ksenia Borodina.

The future spouses met in 2012 at a party at one of former members reality show. But the relationship between Borodina and Omarov did not develop immediately: only two years later they announced their romance.

Marriage to Ksenia Borodina

In the middle of summer 2015, a wedding was held on a grand scale in one of the most expensive restaurants in the capital. The result was, perhaps, the most resonant event in bohemian life in Moscow.

Journalists tracked every step of the newlyweds from the Ukraine Hotel, where the bride was getting ready, to the trip in a luxury car to the registry office. About two hundred people attended the “wedding of the year,” among whom were:

  • Olga Buzova;
  • Ilya Yudichev;
  • Group "Ivanushki international";
  • Irina Dubtsova.

Designers hired specifically for this event took care of the visual component of the holiday: the dresses of all the bridesmaids were designed in an elegant coral color, and the restaurant was decorated with flowers on a white background in the style of a winter fairy tale.

The guests were delighted with the food, which was a separate “highlight” of the celebration. The newlyweds did not stint treating everyone with caviar, rare fruits and expensive sweets.

The result of the marriage was a daughter, who was named Theona.

Borodina divorces Kurban Omarov

However, the family idyll did not last long. Already a year later life together Rumors began to appear about the impending breakup of the famous couple due to the fact that the spouses stopped posting joint photos online.

And, to the disappointment of fans, the rumors were confirmed: in July, Borodina officially announced the breakup of the family, declaring the reason husband's constant cheating(even during pregnancy). This information was confirmed in mid-July 2016, when photographs of Kurban with actress Nastasya Samburskaya on vacation in Europe appeared on the Internet.

At the same time, Borodina quarreled with her husband’s friends, who successfully covered up Omarov’s adventures.

In addition, she immediately announced herself ex-girlfriend Winters, Alena Storm, who expressed words of support for Ksenia and also spoke about the man’s flighty behavior. The girls published joint photo ambiguous content, which brought even more confusion into an already complex story.

The couple did not celebrate their wedding anniversary. On this day, Ksenia decided not to star in a reality show, but to spend the day with her closest friends and two daughters.

On July 19, Ksenia decided to finally put an end to this soap opera by announcing a divorce and hiring one of the most expensive lawyers in the country.

Did Borodina and Kurban Omarov break up?

At the beginning of August 2016, history took on unexpected turn. The couple was filmed shopping together in one of the stores near Moscow. Winter and Ksenia were choosing household goods with such an air that all the rumors about divorce were nothing more than journalistic speculation. After shopping, the couple got into their cars and went home. And this after statements about refusal to communicate with each other.

Soon Borodina's husband gave his vision of the situation, saying that he was ready to remain friends with Ksenia for the sake of the child.

As of early August 2016, they remained married, but wedding rings still weren't worn.

Constant plot twists in this complicated story made some journalists doubt: was it all a well-executed farce in order to attract the attention of the media and fans?

Instagram of Kurban Omarov

Stars of Russian and not only show business actively promote themselves on social networks and Internet resources in all possible ways.

The reasons for this are obvious:

  • So a star can, bypassing unscrupulous journalists, give his point of view on this or that event in his personal life;
  • This is also a great opportunity to generate interest among fans;
  • In some cases, a celebrity's popularity online can exceed their fame in real life.

The spouses Ksenia and Kurban were no exception and also made full use of the opportunities photoblog "Instagram" to confirm or debunk some rumors. The couple gave fans the opportunity to see with their own eyes all the details of their personal life. At first, the pictures showed the quiet family comfort of an “ideal” family, worthy of emulation. IN Lately popular photo blog becomes a tool dirty game and mutual accusations in which even children suffer.

In June 2016, both husband and wife simultaneously deleted their Instagram pages. Some time later, Omarov started a new one. However, fans of the star believe that new account has nothing to do with Kurban and was started by an online hooligan.

If 2015, when Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina got married, was marked by the “wedding of the year,” then the year 2016 risks going down in history with an equally memorable divorce. The speed with which the wind changes in this relationship star couple, can speak of a well-staged performance for the needs of an undemanding public.

Video about a businessman

In this video, businessman Kurban Omarov will personally comment on the rumors about his disagreement with Ksenia Borodina, which of this is true and which is the fabrication of journalists:

So, all cards are revealed - Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina are really getting divorced, having been married for less than a year. The latest news was reported last night by Ksenia Borodina herself, whose Instagram was attacked by her devoted fans for a whole month, hoping to find out what happened between Ksenia and her second husband.

Ksenia Borodina spoke about Kurban Omarov's infidelities

Last night, for the first time ever, Ksenia Borodina commented on her breakup with Kurban Omarov. The presenter of “House-2” said that in this moment she files for divorce. At the same time, the TV presenter noted that Kurban is not at all the same as others see him:

It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (how he presents himself to the public)

I remembered this night of December 12th for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is the pure truth, and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered” his hard parties with cheating. I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the man Borodina, if you’re not afraid, we all walk under God

Ksenia Borodina also promised to later tell subscribers in detail the whole truth about her life with Kurban Omarov.

Ksenia Borodina's Instagram subscribers left 18 thousand comments overnight under a post about Kurban Omarov's infidelities

Despite quite late time publication of Ksenia Borodina’s post, the TV presenter’s followers heatedly discussed all night last news on her microblog. In just 12 hours, subscribers left more than 18 thousand comments, in which they not only support their favorite, but also share personal stories which we had to endure.

Such support from fans touched Ksenia Borodina. Before late at night the host of the Dom-2 show re-read the words of support from her subscribers, and then thanked them, leaving a new photo of her daughters, Marusya and Thea:

You know, I didn’t expect... I didn’t expect at all that you would support me like that. Thank you very much!! You are my army! There are so many of you, you are all different, but today I felt each of you as if you were sitting next to me! I read everything! I'm just tired of being silent... I read great amount direct messages with similar stories(((I’m sorry.. I’m very sorry... Someone stays, someone forgives, I’ve never judged anyone, it’s just that my story is different.. And there are a lot of pitfalls! I you I only ask that you always remember about yourself and think about your inner peace! About your children, about your health! Everyone makes mistakes and I am no exception... Everyone says that I am strong.. Perhaps this is so.. What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger! strong man, will see my weakness, it will be a joy for him, to understand that there is a small and fragile woman nearby who wants love like everyone else! Good night

Participant's name: Ksenia Kimovna Borodina

Age (birthday): 8.03.1983

Moscow city

Family: married to Kurban Omarov, daughter Teya (December 22, 2015), daughter Marusya (June 10, 2009).

Height and weight: 165 cm

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As a child, when she was only one year old, her parents filed for divorce, as a result of which she spent her childhood with her grandparents, while not forgetting to visit her mother every year, who then lived in Italy with her new husband.

For some time, Ksenia studied at the English school “Multilingua”. When she turned 18, she decided to change her last name because of all the grievances against her dad, and decided to take her mother’s last name.

This happened due to the fact that her dad did not even come to her birthday and had not visited Ksenia since the divorce.

After completing studies at a private educational institution, Ksyusha decides to go to the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, and immediately to the 2nd course. There she is studying to become a tourism manager.

Ksyusha also has a younger cousin Nikita, with whom she had not communicated for a long time.

While studying at university, she often tried to break into show business., sending your photos and resume to castings.

Almost all the time she was refused, but at one point she was informed that she was being hired as the host of the “House 2” program. So she began hosting the show in 2004.

This show was the debut in her career. Ksenia Borodina also became more and more popular and received her own army of fans.

When did she become famous TV presenter, she began to be invited to various television shows. She became a frequent guest on Andrey's talk show Malakhova “Let Them Talk”, and in 2011 she even took part in “Dancing with the Stars” and “Cruel Intentions”.

With the help of the reality show "House 2" Ksyusha discovered many talents
, and she used them constantly.

So, for example, in 2007 she tried to write a book, and as a result, Ksenia successfully published “The Laws of Love.” It was dedicated to the relationship between a man and a woman.

Thanks to her experience on the “House 2” program, the girl tried to convey her vision of relationships in the book, and also tried to answer the question “How to build a relationship?”

In addition to this book, Borodina promised that this publication would not be the last and that she would soon try to publish more books in the genre of autobiography. 4 years later, in 2011, a new book by Ksenia Borodina was published - “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.”

In addition to publishing his books, Ksyusha Borodina is engaged in private entrepreneurship. Together with Sergei Zverev, they opened the “Celebrity” beauty salon. After some time, the salon grew into a whole network of beauty salons.

Borodina was also a presenter at various events and corporate events. In addition to working as a TV presenter, the girl tried her luck and decided to become an actress. She had a role in the film “Zaza”. She also had minor roles in the films and TV series “The Lavrova Method”, “Deffchonki” and “Happy March 8, Men”.

In 2016, gossip leaked that Ksyusha wanted to leave the “House 2” project in the near future..

There were reports that her place might be taken by, who previously participated in the project. There was also no information about what exactly Ksenia will do after the “House 2” program.

Ksyusha’s relationship with the guys didn’t really work out. At first she had a relationship with Leonid Nerushenko, who sang in music group"Dynamite", but unfortunately in 2006 it crashed in a terrible accident.

For her, this event became very scary. Death loved one she couldn't bear it for a long time.

But soon she moved away and after some time Ksyusha tried to arrange a relationship with one of the participants in the reality show “House 2” Oscar Karimov, but the relationship practically did not work out and the couple broke up.

Their relationship lasted only a little over one year.

In 2005, on the set of Comedy Club, she met entrepreneur Yuri Budagov, where they sat next to each other as guests.

In August 2008, Ksyusha and Yura got married, a rather modest one at that, and already in June 2009 a girl, Marusya, was born. In honor of this event, Ksyusha even gets a tattoo with her daughter’s name, which she placed on her arm.

Unfortunately, their family existed for a short time and in 2011 they separated, and with scandal. As it turned out, one of the reasons for the divorce was Yuri’s negative attitude towards Ksyusha, as well as his wild lifestyle.

Although, according to the couple’s friends, it is believed that the divorce happened due to Ksenia Borodina’s strong passion social life, she practically did not appear at home, since she spent a lot of time on the TV show “House 2” and at various events.

After a short period of time, Ksenia Borodina again tries to build service relations , this time the choice fell on Mikhail Terekhin. They had weird relationship- That major scandals, That normal life. As expected, this relationship did not last long.

In 2012, she meets Kurban Omarov and in 2014 they begin a romantic relationship.

In July 2015, the wedding of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov took place. She takes his last name, and on December 22 they had a daughter, who was named Teona.

In the summer of 2016, there was a huge amount of information in the media about scandals within her family. On social media networks, they removed each other from friends, and did not answer anyone’s questions about their personal lives.

After some time, Ksenia Borodina reported that the cause of the scandal was Omar’s frequent infidelities. There were rumors that Kurban was having an affair with Samburskaya, but it turned out that they only had a business relationship.

They posted joint photos on the Internet and asked their fans not to spread stupid rumors, since they have reconciled and are not going to get divorced.

Interesting facts about Ksenia Borodina:

  • Studied at an English school;
  • There is a cousin with whom she does not communicate;
  • She changed her last name out of resentment towards her father;
  • She was in a relationship with Leonid Nerushenko, who was killed in an accident;
  • There is a tattoo on my arm with my daughter’s name – Marusya;
  • Cheerleader football club"Locomotive";
  • Is interested in poetry;
  • She became the author of several books;
  • Married to Kurban Omar;
  • It was parodied on the show "Big Difference".

Photo by Ksenia

Ksenia Borodina's Instagram is one of the most popular in Russia.