Famous Dagestanis. Dagestan girl names, female names

The names of all Dagestan peoples, including the Kumyks, are almost the same. Played in this important role religion Islam, professed by the majority of the population of Dagestan, regardless of nationality. Therefore, most of the names came from the east and have Arabic, Persian and Turkic roots. True, their pronunciation in individual languages ​​may be different. IN Lately personal names began to be borrowed from Russian and other languages Western countries.

Below is a list of the most common Dagestan boy names and their meanings.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter A:

Abdi – (Arabic) “slave (of Allah)”;

Abdullah – (Arabic) means “servant of God.”

Abdul - (Arabic) truncated form of the name Abdullah.

Abdulaziz – (Arabic) means “slave (of Allah) the mighty.”

Abdulazim - (Arabic) means "slave of (Allah) the great."

Abdulbari – (Arabic) translates as “slave (of Allah) of the discerning.

Abdullabek - (Arabic) consists of the Arabic Abdullah "servant of God" and the Turkic "bek" - "strong, durable, mighty", "prince".

Abdulwali – (Arabic) translates as “slave of the Patron”, “slave of the Owner”.

Abdulwaris – (Arabic) translated means “slave of the One to whom everything goes.”

Abdulwahid (Abdulwagid) – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the One.”

Abdulwahhab – (Arabic) translates as “the servant of (Allah) the Bestower.”

Abdulgani – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the Possessor of everything.”

Abdulgafur – (Arabic) translated means “slave of (Allah) the Forgiving.”

Abdulhamid (Abdulhamid) – (Arabic) means “slave (of Allah) who praises.”

Abduljalil – (Arabic) translated means “slave of the Great.”

Abduljamal – (Arabic) means “slave (of the embodiment) of the Beautiful.”

Abduljabar - (Arabic) means "slave (of Allah) the mighty."

Abdulkerim (Abdulkarim) – (Arabic) means “slave of Allah, the magnanimous, generous.”

Abdulkadir – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the Mighty.”

Abdullatif - (Arabic) means "servant of the Merciful."

Abdulmejid (Abdulmajid) – (Arabic) name, means “slave of the Glorious.”

Abdulmalik – (Arabic) means “slave of the Lord.”

Abdul Muslim – (Arabic) means “Righteous is a slave (of Allah).”

Abdulmu'min - (Arabic) means "Believing servant (of Allah)."

Abdulfattah – (Arabic) means “slave of the Victor.”

Abdulhakim – (Arabic) “slave of the Wise.”

Abdulkhalik – (Arabic) means “slave of the Creator.”

Abdulhalim - (Arabic) means "slave of the Soft-hearted."

Abdulhamid – (Arabic) means “slave of the Glorified One.”

Abduragim – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the Merciful.”

Abdurahman – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the Merciful.”

Abdurazaq – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the Bestower of blessings.”

Abdurashid - (Arabic) means "slave (of Allah) who guides on the right path."

Abdusalam – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the Savior.”

Abdusalim – (Arabic) means “slave of (Allah) the Healthy.”

Abdusamad – (Arabic) means “slave of the Eternal.”

Abid - (Arabic) means "worshipper".

Abuzar – (Arabic) means “grains (of salt)”, “ant”.

Abumuslim – (Arabic) means “father of Muslim.”

Abuk – (Arabic) affectionate form of the word Abu, meaning “father”.

Abubakar - (Arabic) means "father of Bakar." (see Bakar).

Abusaid - (Arabic) means "father of the happy."

Abutalib – (Arabic) means “father of Talib” (see Talib).

Avaz - (Persian) borrowed from Arabic, meaning "replacement".

Aga – (Turkic) translated means “lord”, “master”.

Agasi – (Turkic) translates as “lord”, “chief”.

Agabek – (Turkic) consists of “Aga” - “lord” and “Bek” - “strong, mighty”, “prince”.

Agakhan – (Turkic) means “mighty king”.

Agadadash – (Turkic) consists of “Aga” - “master” and “dadash” - “brother”.

Adam – (Arabic) of Hebrew origin, translated means “man”.

Adil (Adil) - (Arabic) name, means "fair".

Adilgirey - (Arabic-Turkic) name, consists of the Arabic "Adil" - "Fair" and Gerey - "venerable".

Adilkhan – (Arabic-Turkic) translates as “fair king”.

Azad – (Persian) means “noble, free.”

Azamat – (Arabic) means “greatness”, “glory”.

Azar – (Persian) means “fire”.

Aziz – (Arabic) means “great, dear.”

Azim - (Arabic) means "great".

Aydemir – (Turkic) translated means “Ay” - “moon” and “demir” - “iron”.

Aydun – (Turkic) means “moonlight”.

Ai – (Turkic) “moon”. The figurative meaning is “Beautiful, handsome.”

‘Ainuddin – (Arabic) means “essence of faith.”

Ak – (Turkic) component of a compound name in translation means “white”, “pure”.

Akbar (Akber) – (Arabic) means “great, elder.”

Aqeel – (Arabic) means “wise.”

Akim - see Hakim.

Akif – (Arabic) means “zealous, hermit.”

Alam – (Arabic) means “knowing best.”

Alahverdi – (Arabic-Turkic) means “God gave.”

Alauddin – (Arabic) translated means “sublimity of faith.”

Aldan – the name goes back to the Scythian “Adan”, which means “steel”.

Alesker - see Aliaskar.

Alekber - see Aliakbar.

Ali – (Arabic) means “exalted”.

Aliabbas - (Arabic) means "Ali the stern."

Alibayram – (Arabic-Turkic) means “Ali’s holiday.”-

Aliakbar – (Arabic) means "Ali the Great"

Aliaskar (Aliasker) – (Arabic) means “Ali warrior.”

Alim – (Arabic) means “knowing, aware.”

Alibek – (Arabic-Turkic) means “Mr. (Prince) Ali.”

Alibulat – (Arabic-Turkic) means “steel Ali”

Aligaji - (Arabic) means "Ali the pilgrim".

Aligaidar - (Arabic) means "Lion Ali".

Alimpasha – (Arabic-Turkic) translated means “knowing governor.”

Alif - (Arabic) means "friend".

Alikhan - (Arabic-Turkic) means "Ali"

Alisher - (Arab-Turkic) consists of "Ali" see and "sher" - lion (of God).

Aliyar – (Persian) means “He who is helped by Ali.”

Alkhas (Alkhaz) – (Arabic) means “special, special”

Altyn (Altynbek) – (Turkic) means “gold”.

Amid – (Arabic) means “head, elder.”

Amin – (Arabic) means “faithful, trusted.”

Amir – (Arabic) means “leader, guardian of the kingdom.”

Amirali - (Arabic) name, means "leader Ali".

Anas – (Arabic) means “joy, joy.”

Anwar - (Arabic) means "radiant".

Anvarali - (Arabic) means "radiant Ali".

Ansar – (Arabic) means “companion”.

Apandi - see Efendi.

Arab means "Arabic".

Arafat is the (Arabic) name of a mountain near Mecca, a gathering place for pilgrims. The figurative meaning is “sacred mountain”.

Argun – (Turkic) means “horse”.

Arip (Arif) – (Arabic) means “learned, wise.”

Arzu (Arzulum) – (Persian) means “desire, desire.”

Arsen – (Georgian) goes back to Greek, which means “brave, well done.”

Arslan – (Turkic) means "lion"

Arslangerey is a (Turkic) compound name, consisting of “Arslan” - “lion” and Gerey - “strong, mighty”.

Arshak – (ancient Iranian) means “man, courageous.”

Ardash – (Arabic) means “elder”.

Assad - (Arabic) means "lion".

Asadullah - (Arabic) means "lion of Allah."

Asa - (Persian) means "calming".

Aslam – (Arabic) means “unharmed.”

Aslan - see Arslan.

Asluddin – (Arabic) means “foundation of faith.”

Aseldar (Aselder) – means “Asian (Ossetian) ruler.”

Ata – (Turkic) means “father”, “elder”, is a component of a compound name.

Atabay – (Turkic) means “powerful, rich.”

Atabek – (Turkic) means “commander-in-chief”, literally “ata” - “father”, “bek” - “lord”.

Atanas – (Georgian) means “immortal”.

Ataman – (Turkic) means “chief, senior khan.”

Attar – (Arabic) means “pharmacist”, “seller of incense”.

Atlu (Atly) – (Turkic) means “horseman”.

Atsyz – (Turkic) means “nameless”.

Akhalav – derived from the Georgian “akhali” - “new”.

Ahmad - (Arabic) means "praised".

Ahmed - see Ahmad.

Akhund – (Persian) means “lord”, “lord”,

Ahsan – (Arabic) “the best, the most kind.”

Ashik – (Arabic) means “loving, selflessly devoted.”

Ashraf (Ashrap) – (Arabic) means “most noble”.

Ashug – (Turkic) from Arabic word ashk means "singer"

Ashur – (Arabic) name for the tenth day lunar month Muharram,

Ayub – (Arabic) means “repentant”.

Ayatullah - (Persian) name borrowed from Arabic, means “marked by Allah.” Baba – (Persian) means “father”.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter B:

Babajan – (Persian) means “holy father, father of the soul.”

Babak is a (Persian) affectionate form of the name Baba.

Babak - see Babak.

Bagand - (Dargin) male name, goes back to the Arabic Muhammad ("Magomed").

Bagautdin (Bakhautdin, Bagavutdin, Bagavudin, Bagavdin) – (Arabic) means “brilliance (greatness) of faith.”

Baghdasar – (Turkic-Persian) means “with a radiance above your head.”

Bagheer – (Arabic) means “studyer.”

Bagomed - see Bagand.

Badih – (Arabic) means “rare, excellent, perfect.”

Badruddin - (Arabic) translates as "full moon of faith." The figurative meaning is “luminary of faith.”

Badrullah is a (Persian) variant of the name Badruddin.

Bazargan – (Persian) means “merchant”.

Bai – (Turkic) means “rich”, “lord, master”.

Bayram – (Turkic) means “holiday”,

Bayramali - (Turkic-Arabic) consists of Bayram - holiday and Ali - mighty. Baysoltan – (Turkish-Arabic) means “rich sultan”.

Baysungur – (Turkic) means “gyrfalcon”, “falcon”,

Baytaza – (Persian) means “new master”.

Barzulav - (Persian) means "eagle".

Barat - (Persian) borrowed from Arabic, meaning "born on the night before Muslim holiday", "forgiven".

Bartsu – (Lak) name from the word barts - “wolf”, meaning “wolf cub”.

Basir – (Arabic) means “discerning.”

Batyr – (Turkic) from the Persian Bahadur, meaning “hero, hero.”

Bahadur - (Persian) see Batyr.

Bahram – (Persian) means “drives away the evil spirit.”

Bakhtiyar – (Persian) means “happy”.

Bakhti is a shortened form of Bakhtiyar.

Bashir – (Arabic) means “messenger of joy.”

Bek – (Turkic) translated means “ruler, lord, bek.”

Bek – (Turkic) word “bek”, served as a title (“prince”, “lord”), is a component of a compound name.

Bekbulat – (Turkic) means “strong as steel.”

Bekmurad – (Turkic) means “very desirable”; consists of “bek” - “prince” and “murad” - “desire, dream”.

Bey - see Bek.

Baybars – (Turkish) means “mighty tiger (leopard).”

Beibut – (Turkic-Arabic) means “wielder of steel.”

Bektash – (Turkic) means “strong as a stone.”

Berdi – (Turkic) literally translated “(he) gave” figurative meaning- “gift”, “God-given”.

Bilal – (Turkic) name, translated means “healing”.

Bolat - see Bulat.

Bulat - goes back to the Persian, "pulad", which means "steel",

Bulbul - (Persian) means "nightingale".

Burhan – (Arabic) has several meanings: “argument, proof, light, glory, protection.”

Bustan – (Persian) means “flower garden.”

Buta – (Turkic) translated means “newborn camel”.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter B:

Wahab – (Arabic) name Wahab – means “giver”.

Vahid - (Arabic) name Vahid - means "one".

Vagif - (Arabic) name Waqif - means "informed".

Wazir – (Arabic) means “assistant, minister.”

Wazif - (Arabic) means "praising".

Weiss - see Uwais.

Vakil - (Arabic) means "authorized".

Waqif – (Arabic) means “informed, knowledgeable.”

Wali – (Arabic) translated means “friend, close (to Allah), “saint.”

Walid – (Arabic) means “child”.

Waliyullah - (Arabic) one of the epithets of Caliph Ali, friend of Allah."

Waris – (Arabic) and means “heir, successor”

Vatan - translated means "homeland".

Vahid - see Vahid

Wahhab - see Wagab Habib (Habib) - (Arabic) means "friend, beloved."

Dagestan male names starting with the letter G:

Haji (Hajji) – (Arabic) means “one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).” Gadzhiyav - see Gadzhi.

Gadis - see Hadith

Ghazi – (Arabic) means “warrior for the faith, winner”

Gaidar - (Turkic) name "Haidar", translated means "lion".

Ghalib – (Arabic) means “winner”.

Galim - (Arabic) see Halim.

Gamzat - see Hamza.

Hamid – (Arabic) means “rich, needing nothing.”

Ganipa – (Arabic) means “true”.

Gapur (Gafoor) – (Arabic) means “forgiving, merciful.”

Harun - (ancient Greek) name Aron, meaning "mountain".

Hasan - see Hassan.

Ghafoor – (Arabic) means “forgiving, merciful.”

Ghaffar – (Arabic) means “all-forgiving.”

Girey – (Turkic) translated means “strong, mighty.”

Gitin – (Avar) means “small”.

Gitinavas – (Avar) means “little boy”.

Golokhan – (Avar) means “youth”, “young man”,

Gudul – (Avar) means “friend, buddy.”

Gulla – (Avar) from the Persian word golule – means “bullet, projectile, ball, spherical object!

Huseyn – (Arabic) is an affectionate form of the name Hasan - “good” (See also: Husayn). Dabagilav – (Avar) means “a person engaged in tanning leather.”

Dagestan male names starting with the letter D:

Daglar – (Azerbaijani) literally translates as “country of mountains”.

Dada – (Turkic name) means “father”, grandfather or paternal great-grandfather. Dadash – (Turkic) means “brother”.

Dayr (Dagir) – comes from the Arabic “Tahir”, which means “pure, unsullied” (see Tagir).

Damada – (Avar) from the Georgian “Tamada”, which means “leader of the feast”.

Daniel – (Hebrew) Daniel, meaning “gift of God.”

Darwish – (Persian) translated means “poor man, ascetic, mendicant.”

Daoud – (Arabic) from Hebrew David, which means “loving, beloved.” Datsi – (Avar) this name means uncle.”

Dashtemir - see Tashtemir.

Devletkhan – (Arabic-Turkic) consists of the Arabic “davlat” (davlet) - “happiness”, “wealth” and the Turkic “khan”,

Jabbar - (Arabic) means "mighty, omnipotent."

Jabir - (Arabic) means "coercion, violence."

Jabrail - (Arabic) from the Hebrew Gabriel, which means "God's warrior."

Jawad - (Arabic) means "generous, generous."

Jalal - (Arabic) means "greatness".

Jamalutdin - (Arabic) means "greatness of faith."

Jalil – (Arabic) means “great, majestic.”

Jamal – (Arabic) means “beauty, perfection.”

Jamil - (Arabic) means "beautiful".

Jan – (Turkic) name, means “soul”.

Dzhangishi – (Persian-Turkic) means “soul-man”.

Jambulat – (Persian) means “steel soul”.

Dzhigit – (Turkic) means “dashing rider”, “ brave warrior", "brave".

Jumali – (Arabic) consists of “juma” - “Friday” and “Ali”.

Dibir – (Persian) means “scribe, scribe”.

Durpal - see Tulpar. Jalal - see Jalal.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter Z:

Zhamidin - see Jamidin

Dagestan male names starting with the letter Z:

Zabit – (Arabic) “dabit”, which means “manager, boss”.

Zabit - (Persian) name, meaning "solid".

Zagid – (Arabic) means “ascetic”.

Zaid – (Arabic) “addition”.

Zagir – (Arabic) name, means “helper”.

Zaidullah – (Arabic) translated means “gift of Allah”

Zainal – (Arabic) means “decoration”.

Zainullah - (Arabic) means "adornment of Allah."

Zaynalabid – (Arabic) translated means “the best of worshippers.”

Zainulabidin - see Zainalabid.

Zaynutdin – (Arabic) means “decoration, perfection of faith.”

Zakarya - (Arabic) goes back to Hebrew, meaning “mention of God.”

Zakir – (Arabic) means “one who praises (Allah).

Zalim – (Arabic) translated means “oppressor, oppressor, tyrant.”

Zalimkhan - (Turkic) consists of "zalim" and Turkic - "khan".

Zaman – (Arabic) translated means “epoch”, “time”.

Zamir – (Arabic) comes from “damir” - “heart”.

Zarif – (Arabic) means "handsome and witty"

Zaur – (Turkic) means “manifestation”, “victory”.

Zafar - (Arabic) means "victory".

Zahid - see Zagid.

Zahir - see Zagir.

Zikrullah – (Arabic) means “mention of Allah.”

Zinatullah – (Arabic) means: “may Allah make him beautiful.” Ziyautdnn – (Arabic) means “light of religion.”

Zubair – (Arabic) means “strong”.

Zubaid - (Arabic) means "gift".

Zubaydullah - (Arabic) means "gift of Allah."

Zulal (Zulaw) – (Arabic) means “transparent, pure.”

Zulkarnay – (Arabic) means “two-horned”, nickname of Alexander the Great.

Zulfaqar (Zulfikar) – (Arabic) means “having vertebrae”, this is the name of the sword of Caliph Ali.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter I:

Ibad is a truncated form of the epithet of Muslim rulers “protector of slaves (of God).”

Ibrahim – (Arabic) from Hebrew Abraham - “father of nations.”

Igid – (Turkic) name, see Dzhigit

Idris is the (Arabic) name of the prophet Enoch, translated from Arabic means “diligent.”

Izzat – (Arabic) means “power, respect.”

Izzutdin – (Arabic) translated means “power of faith.”

Ikram – (Arabic) means “honor”, ​​“respect”.

Ilyas – (Arabic) from Hebrew “power of God.”

Imam - (Arabic) spiritual mentor, head of the Muslim community.

Imamali is an (Arabic) compound name consisting of “Imam” and “Ali”.

Imamutdin – (Arabic) translates as “representative of faith.”

Iman – (Arabic) means “faith”.

Imanali is an (Arabic) compound name consisting of “Iman” and “Ali.”

Imran – (Arabic) means “life”, “prosperity”.

Inal – (Turkic) translated means “ruler, ruler.”

Inam – (Arabic) means “reward”.

Irshad – (Arabic) translated means “guidance”.

Isa – (Arabic) from the Hebrew Jesus, translated means “mercy of God.”

Isakuli – (Turkic) means “slave of (the prophet) Isa.”

Isalutdin - (Arabic) means "support of faith."

Iskandar – (Hebrew) “Conqueror of husbands.”

Islam is the (Arabic) name for the Muslim religion and means “surrendering oneself to Allah.”

Islambek – (Arab-Turkic) name consists of “Islam” - “surrendering oneself to Allah” and “bek” - “lord”.

Ismail – (Arabic) from Hebrew, meaning “God hears.”

Ismat – (Arabic) means “protection”.

Ismatullah – (Arabic) means “one who is under the protection of Allah.”

Ishaq – (Arabic) from Hebrew, meaning “laughter”.

Ikhlas – (Persian, name, goes back to Arabic, means “selfless friendship, sincerity.” Qabil – (Arabic) means “strong, skillful.”

Dagestan male names starting with the letter K:

Kabir – (Arabic) means “great”.

Qaghir – (Arabic) means “strong, powerful, conquering.”

Qadi – (Arabic) means “judge”.

Qadir – (Arabic) means “almighty.”

Kadir - see Kadir.

Kazbek – (Turkic) name Caucasus Mountains, consists of “Kazi” - “judge” and “bek” - “prince”, “lord”.

Kazbulat - see Khasbulat.

Kazi - see Qadi.

Kazim - (Arabic) means "restrained, patient."

Kazimali – (Arabic) consists of “Kazi” - “judge” and “Ali”.

Kazimbek (Kyazembek) – (Arabic-Turkic) consists of “Kazim” - “restrained” and “bek” - “lord”.

Kazikhan – (Arabic-Turkic) consists of “Kazi” - “judge” and “Khan” - “ruler”.

Cairo – (Arabic) from the name of the Egyptian city of Cairo, found as a component of complex names such as: Abdulkair, Kairhan, etc. 2) one of the forms of the name Kagir (see)

Kalantar - (Persian) means "elder".

Kalsyn – (Turkic) means “let him live, let him remain.”

Kamer (Qamar) - (Arabic) means "Moon".

Kamal - (Arabic) means "perfection".

Kamalutdin – (Arabic) translated means “perfection of faith.”

Kamil – (Arabic) translated means “perfect.”

Kanbar (Kanber) - (Arabic) name, means "lark".

Kantemir - (Turkic) see Khantemir.

Kara – (Turkic) translated means “black”. It also has a figurative meaning of “mighty, strong, great.”

Karabatir – (Turkic) translated means “mighty hero”.

Karabek – (Turkic) translated means “mighty ruler”.

Karam – (Arabic) translated means “magnanimity, generosity.”

Qari - (Arabic) name means "reader of the Koran."

Karim – (Arabic) name translated means “generous, generous.”

Karimullah - (Arabic) translated means "generous Allah."

Karihan is an (Arabic-Turkic) compound name, consisting of “kari” and “khan”.

Qasim (Kasum) – (Arabic) translated means “distributor”, “breadwinner”.

Kasym - see Kasim

Kafur – (Arabic) means “camphor”. The figurative meaning is “white, pure.”

Kahraman – (Persian) translated means “lord, hero.”

Kerim - see Karim.

Karimkhan - (Arabic-Turkic) name "Karim", and "Khan".

Kichi – (Turkic) translated means “small.”

Klych – (Turkic) literally means “sword”, figuratively meaning “victor”.

Kudrat – (Arabic) translated means “strength, power.”

Kumush (Kyumush) – (Turkic) means “silver”.

Quraysh - (Arabic) goes back to the name of the Arab tribe Quraysh.

Kurban - (Arabic) name, means "sacrifice". "Kurban Bayram" is the holiday of sacrifice.

Kurbanali – (Arabic) translated means “sacrificed by Ali.”

Korkmas – (Turkic) translated means “fearless”.

Kukhmaz - see Korkmas.

Kylych - see Klych.

Kazim - see Kazim. Latif (Latip) – (Arabic) translated means “merciful, kind.”

Dagestan male names starting with the letter L:

Lachin – (Turkic) means “falcon”,

Luqman – (Arabic) means “breadwinner”. This is the name of a legendary Arab sage mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Lutfi - (Arabic) from the venerable Muslim title Lutfutdin. Translated it means "kindness". Mawlid – (Arabic) which means “boy”.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter M:

Magad (Mahad) - (Arabic) shortened form of the name Magomed.

Magaram – (Arabic) “Muharram”, which means “forbidden”.

Magid - see Magidin

Magdi - see Mahdi.

Magidin - (Arabic) "muhiddin" - means "supporter of faith."

Magoma, Magomed - from m. Muhammad.

Magush – (Persian) “mighty”, which means “magician”, “magician”.

Majid (Mejid) – (Arabic) name translated means “glorious”.

Majnun – (Arabic) translated means “mad, distraught.”

Mazhar (Mazgar) – (Arabic) name, which means “manifestation”.

Maimun – (Arabic) which means “happy”.

Maksud – (Arabic) which means “desired”.

Maksum – (Arabic) meaning “distributed; destined by fate.”

Malik – (Arabic) means “king, ruler.”

Malla (Molla) – (Arabic) “maulana”, which means “our lord”.

Mama is one of the many contracted forms of the Arabic name Muhammad used in Dagestan. (Stress on the last syllable).

Mamed - acquisitive form on behalf of Magomed.

Manur – (Arabic) which means “victorious”.

Marwan (Mervan) - (Arabic) which means “flint”.

Mardan – (Persian) meaning “king of brave men.”

Maruf – (Arabic) which means “famous”.

Maslama - (Arabic) means "refuge".

Masum – (Arabic) which means “sinless”.

Makhach – diminutive form named after Muhammad.

Makhsum - see Masum.

Mahdi (Mehdi) – (Arabic) translated means “glorified.”

Mahram – (Tajik) means “close friend”.

Melik - see Malik

Mir is a truncated form of Amir, a component of compound names.

Mirza – (Arabic-Persian) “amirzada”, which means “born of an amir (overlord)”, “descendant of a ruler (overlord)”,

Misri – (Arabic) “Misr”, which means “fertile land”.

Mithad – (Arabic) "midhad", which means "praise".

Mubarak is an (Arabic) name that means “blessed.”

Murad (Murat) is an Arabic name, which means “desired”.

Murza - see Mirza.

Murtaza – (Arabic) “murtaza”, which means “chosen one”, just like Mustafa, Mukhtar.

Murshid – (Arabic) translated means “mentor”, “spiritual father”.

Mustafa – (Arabic) translated means “the chosen one [of Allah], an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad.

Musa – (Hebrew) means “child”, the name of the Prophet Musa (a.s.).

Muslim – (Arabic) means “Muslim”, i.e. a person who has converted or professes Islam.

Mutalib – (Arabic) means “seeker.”

Mutalim – (Arabic) means “student, student”; in the literal sense: “thinking, reflecting.”

Mu'min - (Arabic) which means "believer, true believer."

Muhammad – (Arabic) translated means “praised, glorified.”

The name of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (a.s.) is one of the most common names. Due to linguistic features among many Muslim peoples, there are various options writing and pronunciation of this name.

For example: Mukhamed, Magomed, Magomad, Magoma, Magamat; as well as truncated forms - Mamed, Mamat, etc. Given name included in a large number of complex - double names.

Muhammadaziz – (Arabic) “Muhammad the great”, “Muhammad the dear”.

Muhammadazim – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad the Great.”

Muhammadali is a complex name, Muhammad + Ali.

Muhammadamin - (Arabic) "Muhammad is the trustee of [Allah]."

Muhammadwali – (Arabic) translated “Muhammad the Holy One”,

Muhammadarif - (Arabic) "Muhammad the wise."

Muhammadgazi - (Arabic) "Muhammad the winner."

Muhammadghafur – (Arabic) “Muhammad is forgiving.”

Muhammaddarwish is a compound name, Muhammad + Darwish.

Muhammadjafar is a compound name, “Muhammad” + “Jafar”.

Muhammadzakir is a compound name, “Muhammad” + “Zakir”.

Muhammadkamil - (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad the perfect.”

Muhammadkarim - (Arabic) translated means "Muhammad the magnanimous."

Muhammadkasym - (Arabic) compound name, "Muhammad" + "Kasim".

Muhammadmasul - (Arabic) translated means "Muhammad the infallible."

Muhammadlatif - (Arabic) translated means "Muhammad the Merciful."

Muhammadmumin - (Arabic) translated means "Muhammad the believer."

Muhammadmurad - (Arabic) compound name, "Muhammad" + "Murad (desired)."

Muhammadnabi – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad is a prophet”,

Muhammadnazir - (Arabic) translated means "Muhammad is the harbinger." Muhammadniyaz - (Arabic) translated means “begged from Muhammad.”

Muhammadrasul – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad is the messenger of [Allah].”

Muzhammadrahim – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad the Merciful.”

Muhammadriza - (Arabic) translated means "Muhammad is the chosen one."

Muhammadsadiq – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad the faithful.”

Muhammadsaid - (Arabic) translated means "Muhammad the happy"

Muhammadsayid – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad is the leader.”

Muhammadsalih – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad the righteous”, “Muhammad + Salih”.

Muhammadtayib – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad is good.”

Muhammadtahir – (Arabic) translated means “Muhammad is immaculate.”

Mukhtar – (Arabic) means “chosen one”.

Muhu - (Arabic) a form of endearment from the Arabic "Muhammad".

Mutsalkhan – (ancient Turkic) means “prince, feudal lord” + “khan” (see also Nutsalkhan)

Dagestan male names starting with the letter N:

Nabi – (Arabic) means “prophet”

Navruz – (Persian) from the name of the holiday, Navruz is Bayram, which means “new day”.

Nadin – (Persian) “rare, extraordinary”; (Arabic) "warning."

Nadirshah – (Persian) means “peerless Shah”.

Najmuddin - (Arabic) means "star of faith."

Nazar – (Persian) borrowed from Arabic, means “mercy”, literally translated “look”.

Nazarali - (Arabic) means "mercy of Ali."

Nazarbek - (Arabic-Turkic) means "Princely Grace".

Nazarbiy – see: Nazarbek.

Nazim - (Persian) goes back to Arabic, meaning “keeps in order, organizer.”

Nazir - (Arabic) means "minister".

Nazif – (Arabic) means “warning.”

Nazirkhan – (Arabic-Turkic) means “warning ruler”

Naib – (Arabic) means “deputy”.

Nail – (Persian) name borrowed from Arabic, translated means “one who achieves success.”

Nariman – (Persian) translated means “courageous”.

Nasib – (Turkic) means “happiness”. (Arabic) means "relative, son-in-law."

Naseem – (Persian) borrowed from Arabic, meaning “light breeze”, “pleasant”.

Nasir - (Arabic) has two meanings in translation: “helper, friend”, “winner, helping”.

Nasr – (Arabic) means “victory”, “gift”.

Nasruddin - see Nasruddin.

Nasruddin - (Arabic) means "victory of faith."

Nasrullah - (Arabic) means "help of Allah."

Nizam - (Arabic) words "Nizamulmulk" - "organization of the kingdom."

Nizamutdin - (Arabic) name means “organization of faith”, “order of faith”.

Nimatullah – (Arabic) means “good”, “gift” from Allah.

Niyaz - (Persian) borrowed from Arabic, means "mercy".

Nuker – the (Turkic) word “nuker” translated means “bodyguard, warrior, soldier.”

Hyp – (Arabic) means “light, radiance.”

Nurislam – (Arabic) translated means “light of Islam”

Nurullah – (Arabic) translated means “light of Allah.”

Nurutdin – (Arabic) means “light of faith.”

Nuzh – (Arabic) name of ancient Semitic origin, translated from Hebrew means “consolation”

Nutsal - (Avar) male name, existed as a term that denoted the supreme ruler of a given district, khan, prince.

Nutsalkhan – (Avar) compound name, consists of “Nutsal” + “Khan”, (see, Mutsalkhan). Rim – (Tajik) name from the Arabic word “abad”, translated means “prosperous”.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter O:

Olmes – (Turkic) name means “tenacious”, literally: “will not die”.

Omar is a (Turkic) form of the Arabic name Umar.

Orazai (Urazai) – (Turkic) name from the words “uraza” - “fast” and “ay” - “month”. This name was given to children born during the Muslim fast.

Osman is a (Turkic) form of the Arabic name Usman.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter P:

Pazil - see Fazil.

Paizutdin - (Persian) means "shelter".

Patali - see Fatali.

Patah - see Fattah.

Pakhrudin - see Fakhrutdin.

Pacha, Pasha – (Persian) “padishah”, which means “king of the universe”.

Pir – (Persian) name “means “mentor, spiritual father.”

Pirbudag – (Persian-Azerbaijani) name consists of “pir” and “budag” (“butak” - branch).

Porsuk – (Turkic) name, means “badger”.

Pulat - see Bulat

Rabadan - see Ramadan.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter R:

Ravdan - see Ramadan.

Rahim - see Rahim.

Rajab – (Arabic) name means "born in the month of Rajab"

Razzaq – (Arabic) means “giver of daily bread.”

Ramadan - (Arabic) means "born in the month of Ramadan."

Ramadan - see Rabadan.

Ramiz – (Arabic) name, means “symbol, sign”

Ramidin - (Arabic) compound name "rami" - shooter and "din" - religion.

Ramihan - (Arabic) compound name "rami" - shooter and Turkic - "khan".

Rasim – (Arabic) derived from Rasm, which means “picture, portrait”

Rasul - (Arabic) name translated means "messenger of [God]"

Raruf – (Arabic) translates as “loving”.

Rafik – (Arabic) means friend.

Rahim – (Arabic) means "merciful"

Rahman – (Arabic) translated means “merciful.”

Rahmat – (Arabic) translated means “mercy”

Rahmatullah - (Arabic) "mercy of Allah."

Rakhmet - see Rakhmat.

Rashid – (Arabic) translated has two meanings: 1) “leader, leader”; 2) “walking the right path.”

Rashit - see Rashid.

Rizvan – (Arabic) translated means “chosen one of [Allah].”

Rustam – (Persian) means “mighty, strong”.

Rustambek – (Persian) compound name, Rustam + Bek

Ruslan - (Turkic) Arslan, once in the Russian language this name changed.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter C:

Saadi - (Persian) borrowed from Arabic, meaning "happy, fortunate."

Sabir – (Arabic) trans. "patient".

Sabit – (Arabic) has two meanings: 1) “strange”, 2) “persistent, firm”. .

Sabur – (Arabic) means “long-suffering.”

Sadiq – (Arabic) translated means “sincere friend.”

Sadruddnn – (Arabic) means “head of faith.”

Sadullah – (Arabic) means “true” in translation.

Said – (Arabic) translated has several meanings: “happy, successful”; "growing, going up"; "hunter".

Saidamir – (Arabic) compound name, Said + Amir.

Saidahmed - (Arabic) compound name, Said. +. Ahmed.

Saidmurad - (Persian) borrowed from Arabic, meaning "happy".

Sayfutdin (Sayputdin) – (Arabic) means “sword of faith.”

Saifullah (Saipulla) – (Arabic) means “sword of Allah.”

Salawat – (Arabic) means “blessing [of prayer].”

Salam – (Arabic) means “peaceful”.

Salamat – (Persian) name of Arabic origin means “well-being, safety.”

Salah - (Arabic) means "piety, righteousness."

Salim - (Arabic) translated - "unharmed, healthy."

Salih – (Arabic) translated means “good, righteous.”

Salman – (Arabic) means “prosperous”.

Samad – (Arabic) translates as “eternal”.

Samad - see Samad.

Samir – (Arabic) translates as “interlocutor”.

Samur – (Persian) means “sable”

Sarda – (Persian) translates as “commander-in-chief, leader.”

Safar – (Arabic) name of the second month of the Muslim lunar year, "born in the month of Safar."

Safiyullah (Sapiyullah) - (Arabic) translated - “the chosen one of Allah.”

Sakhawat – (Persian) of Arabic origin, means “generosity”. Sahr – (Arabic) means “rock, cliff”.

Selim - see Salim.

Siyavush – (Persian) translates as “black horseman”.

Saltan - see Sultan.

Sulaiman (Suleiman) – (Hebrew) origin, meaning “peaceful, protected.”

Sultan – (Arabic) translated means “lord, emperor.”

Suyum – (Turkic) means “joy”. Tagir – (Arabic) means “unsullied”, “pure” (See Zaire).

Dagestan male names starting with the letter T:

Tadjeddin – (Arabic) translated means “crown (leader) of faith.”

Tadjuddnn - see Tadjeddin.

Tazabek – (Turkic) consists of “Taz” - pure and “Bek” - strong, durable, mighty, prince.

Taigib – (Arabic) means “kind, good.”

Tawfik – (Arabic) means “success”.

Tahir - see Tagir.

Tashtemir – (Turkic) consists of “Tash” - stone, and “Temir” - iron, meaning “strong, sturdy”.

Teymur - see Temur.

Temirbek – (Turkic) means “iron prince”.

Temur – (Turkic) means “strong, resistant”, literally “iron”.

Timur - see Temur.

Tofik – (Arabic) Tawfik - “success”.

Tulpar – (Turkic) means “war heroic horse, fleet-footed horse.”

Tursun – (Turkic) means “survivor,” literally “let him remain.”

Dagestan male names starting with the letter U:

Ubaydullah – (Arabic) means “slave of Allah”.

Uwais - (Arabic) literally means "wolf cub".

Ullubiy – (Turkic) means “senior prince”.

Ulug – (Turkic) means “great”.

Ulugbek is a (Turkic) compound name, translated as “great ruler”.

Umar – (Arabic) means “pilgrim”.

Urazai - see Orazai.

Uthman - (Arabic) means "bone setter".

Usta – (Turkic) translated means “master”.

Ustad (Ustaz) - (Persian) means "mentor" Fazil - (Persian) Arabic origin, fazul - means "worthy, excellent".

Dagestan male names starting with the letter F:

Faizutdin – (Arabic) means “one who benefits the faith.”

Faizullah - (Arabic) translates as "mercy of Allah."

Farid – (Arabic) translates as “incomparable, unique.”

Farhad – (Persian) translates as “understandable, intelligent.”

Farhat – (Arabic) means “joy”

Fattah – (Arabic) translates as “winner”.

Fatali (Fathali) - (Persian) name of Arabic origin, meaning "victory [belongs to] Ali."

Fathullah – (Arabic) name translates as “pride of faith”,

Fikret – (Arabic) means “idea”. Habib – (Arabic) means “beloved”, “friend”.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter X:

Habibuddin – (Arabic) “friend of the Faith.”

Habibullah – (Arabic) means “favorite of Allah”

Khabir – (Persian) means “knowing”.

Hajj - (Arabic) means "pilgrim".

Hadith – (Arabic) means “new”.

Khazar – (Turkic) from the name of the ancient Turkic tribe Khazars located near the Caspian Sea.

Hazrat – (Arabic) literally means “presence”, figuratively meaning “lord”, “highly revered”, “saint”.

Haydar – (Arabic) translated means “lion”.

Khairutdin – (Arabic) trans. "virtuous in faith."

Khairullah - (Arabic) means "mercy of Allah."

Hakam – (Arabic) trans. "judge".

Hakim – (Arabic) trans. "sage".

Khalid – (Arabic) translates as “eternal, constant.”

Khaliq – (Arabic) translates as “creator, creator.”

Khalil – (Arabic) “true friend”

Halim – (Arabic) “kind, gentle.”

Hamza – (Arabic) “sharp, burning.”

Hamid – (Arabic) has two meanings: 1) “glorifying”; 2) "glorified".

Khan – (Turkic) is most often used as a component of a compound name. Translated it means "ruler". At first it was used as a title, then it became a personal name.

Khanbek – (Turkic) compound name: Khan + Bek.

Khantemir – (Turkic) compound name: Khan + Temir.

Khanmurza – (Turkic) compound name: Khan + Murza.

Khas – (Arabic) means “special, best.”

Hasan – (Arabic) “kind, good”

Khasbulat – (Arabic-Turkic) compound name: Khas:+Bulat.

Hafiz – (Arabic) translated means “protector”, an epithet of Muslim rulers: “guardian” is the title of experts in the Koran and Muslim traditions.

Hashim – (Arabic) literally translates as “crumbing [bread].”

Khurshid – (Ancient Iranian) means “shining sun”.

Husayn – (Arabic) “kind, good”, affectionate form of Hassan,

Hussein - see Husain. Tsakhay – (Lak) name, from the word tsakhui “beautiful name”.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter C:

Tsevekhan – (Avar) means “leader, leader.”

Dagestan male names starting with the letter H:

Chamutdin - see Shamsutdin.

Chelebi – (Turkic) translated means “prince”, “educated”.

Genghis – (Mongolian) translated means “great, powerful.”

Genghis Khan – (Mongolian) trans. "Great Khan"

Chopan - see Chupan.

Chupan – (Turkic) “shepherd, herd driver.”

Dagestan male names starting with the letter Sh:

Shaban – (Arabic) “born in the month of Shaban.”

Shakir – (Arabic) “grateful, grateful.”

Shakur – (Arabic) “grateful”, “responsible to good and evil”.

Shamil - see Shamdil.

Shamsutdin - (Arabic) means "luminary of faith", Literal translation - "sun of faith."

Shamsulla - (Arabic) by analogy with Shamsutdin “sun of Allah”.

Shamdil – (Hebrew) “heard by God”,

Shamshir – (Persian) means “sword”.

Shafi – (Arabic) means “intercessor”, “healer”.

Shah - (Persian) mainly used as a component of a compound name, means king, ruler, title of Iranian rulers.

Shahabbas is a (Persian) compound name, Shah + Abbas.

Shahbaz – (Persian) “falcon king”, “royal falcon”.

Shahid – (Arabic) translated means “died for faith.”

Shahmardan – (Persian) translated means “king of the courageous.”

Shahmurza – (Persian-Turkic) compound name, Shah + Murza.

Shahmurad is a (Persian-Arabic) compound name, Shah + Murad.

Shahnawaz – (Persian) translated means “merciful”, literally “king of mercy”.

Shahnazar – (Persian) “mercy of the [holy] king.”

Shahsavar – (Persian) “skilled horseman.”

Sheikh (Shaikh) – (Arabic) means “leader, head, elder.”

Shir – (Persian) means “lion” and is a component of compound names.

Shirvan – from of the same name historical region in Northern Azerbaijan. Shirmuhammad – (Persian-Arabic) compound name, Shir + Muhammad.

Shirkhan is a compound name, Shir + Khan.

Shikh - see Sheikh.

Shihabutdin - (Arabic) name, "light of faith."

Shihammat - (Arabic) from the words: Shikh (Sheikh) + Ahmad.

Shuaib - (Arabic) language means "branch". Ekper - see Akbar

Dagestan male names starting with the letter E:

Eldar – (Turkic) means “leader”.

Elmurad – (Turkic) means “happy” in translation.

Elmurza is a (Turkic) compound name: el - “country”, murza - “descendant of the ruler”. Emii - see Amin.

Emir - see Amir.

Emran - see Imran.

Erdzhigit – (Turkic) translated means “well done, daring.”

Effendi - (Turkic) originating from Greek, trans. "Mr." Yuzbash – (Turkic) “centurion”, “leader of a hundred”.

Dagestan male names starting with the letter Y:

Yuldash – (Turkic) “friend, companion”.

Yunus – (Hebrew) "dove"

Yusuf (Yusup) – (Arabic) from Hebrew Joseph: “increased.”

Dagestan male names starting with the letter I:

Yavash – (Turkic) means “calm”.

Yadgar – (Persian) means “memory, relic.”

Yazid – (Arabic) translated means “given”.

Yakub – (Arabic) from Hebrew Yakov - ""following"

Yakut – (Arabic) means “ruby, yakhont”. (Also used as a female name).

Yarali – (Persian) means “friend of Ali”.

Yarash – (Turkic) means “harmony”.

Yahya is the (Hebrew) name of the Prophet Yahya.

The NNT TV channel has compiled a list of the “30 most popular athletes of Dagestan” for 2015. First place in the ranking was taken by UFC fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov, second by freestyle wrestling world champion Abdulrashid Sadulaev, and third by mixed martial arts fighter Rasul Mirzaev.

The top ten also included UFC fighters Ali Bagaudinov, Rustam Khabilov, Islam Makhachev, Rashid Magomedov, silver medalist World Freestyle Wrestling Championship Abdusalam Gadisov, European Muay Thai champion Jabar Askerov, IBO and WBA world champion (2012-2014) Khabib Allahverdiev.

A shortlist of about 60 names of athletes was compiled by the sports editors of the NNT television channel. The Echo of the Mountains media holding provided data on the number of mentions in the media in 2015. A total of 2000 sources were studied - television, radio, print media, news agency, Internet media.

A population survey was also conducted from December 24 to December 29, 2015 among 3,500 respondents in 52 districts of the republic.

30 popular Dagestan athletes:

1.Khabib Nurmagomedov - professional mixed style fighter

2. Abdulrashid Sadulayev – world champion in freestyle wrestling

3. Rasul Mirzaev - professional mixed style fighter

4.Ali Bagaudinov - professional mixed style fighter

5. Rustam Khabilov - professional mixed style fighter

6. Islam Makhachev - professional mixed style fighter

7.Abdusalam Gadisov - silver medalist of the world champion in freestyle wrestling

8. Jabar Askerov - European champion in Thai boxing

9. Khabib Allahverdiev - world champion according to IBO and WBA (2012-2014)

10. Magomed Malikov - professional mixed style fighter

11. Rashid Magomedov - professional mixed style fighter

12. Ramazan Emeev – M-1 Global champion

13.Ali Gadzhibekov – football player of FC Anzhi

14. Kamal Khan-Magomedov – champion of the European Games in judo

15. Marat Gafurov – ONEFC champion

16. Ayub Gimbatov - professional mixed style fighter

17. Timur Valiev - professional mixed style fighter

18.Muslim Salikhov – five-time world champion in wushu sanda

19.Islamnur Abdulavov – football player of FC Anzhi

20. Magomedrasul Gazimagomedov – world champion in freestyle wrestling

21. Magomed Abdulkadirov - world champion in grappling (UWW)

22.Kamil Agalarov - football player of FC Anzhi

23. Omari Akhmedov - professional mixed style fighter

24. Khalid Murtazaliev - professional mixed style fighter

25.Ruslan Abdullaev – world champion in grappling

26. Abdurakhman Bilarov – world champion in jiu-jitsu

27. Abubakr Nurmagomedov - professional mixed style fighter

28. Bozigit Ataev – five-time world champion in wushu sanda

29. Ilyas Bekbulatov – champion of Russia in freestyle wrestling

30. Shamil Gasanov – football player of FC Anzhi


Basically the same, because the bulk of Dagestanis are Muslims. Most Dagestan names have eastern roots and come from Arabic, Farsi and various Turkic languages. Currently they have begun to be used different names from Russian and other languages ​​of Western countries. This article will tell you about beautiful Dagestan surnames.

A little about Dagestan

This country is a Russian region in the North Caucasus, which borders Chechnya and Georgia to the west, Stavropol Krai and Kalmykia to the north, the Caspian Sea to the east, and Azerbaijan to the south. Due to its own instability and proximity to Chechnya, Dagestan is an unsafe place to travel, but it still attracts tourists.

Dagestan is one of the most multinational regions Russian Federation. Population of this region is more than three million people. Dagestan has a high population density due to its small territory, a large proportion of the urban population, but there are still more rural residents in the country.

Choosing a name in Dagestan

Regardless of what country the parents of the unborn child live in, what nationality they are and what profession they have, they always want to give the most beautiful and euphonious name for their baby. Many books are re-read, advice from popular magazines is studied, as well as various articles. All this is done in order to make the most successful choice.

In many countries, it is customary to give names taking into account the provisions and advice of the professed religion, and here it is important not to anger God with an inappropriate name for the child. This religion is professed, for example, by the inhabitants of Dagestan, a high-mountainous country with strict morals and customs. When choosing what to name a male child, ancient names are used here, which go back to the ancients eastern traditions. Arab, Iranian and Turkish organically fit into Dagestan culture. These names have been around for many generations and are still given to sons at birth.

The choice of the correct and appropriate name is dictated by the Islamic religion, because all babies in Dagestan are usually named according to religious tradition.

The origin of the surnames and names of this people

Surnames and given names are traditionally classified as follows:

  • the original names and surnames of the Dagestan peoples (although the Turkic influence is noticeable here too);
  • names and surnames that have Arabic and Persian roots;
  • names of Georgian and Armenian origin(Caucasian Christians);
  • names and surnames with Turkic roots;
  • Also, among the newest North Caucasian names, traditional Russian and European names are sometimes found.

The most popular Dagestan names

What names are considered popular in Dagestan? Any male name in Dagestan must contain some kind of wisdom and personify the masculinity, strength and courage of the highlanders. This is the key to his success. Parents usually start from these concepts when choosing what to name their son.

Most of the Dagestan male names are of Arabic origin and are directly related to the Islamic faith. The first part of many Arabic names is translated as “slave of Allah” - “Abdu”, and then comes the addition - powerful, generous, united, warm-hearted. Examples of such names: Abdullah, Abdusasim, Abdulvaris, Abduljabar.

Women's classic names Dagestani:

  • Arivdzhan - of Turkic origin translates as "beautiful soul."

  • Arivkyz is a Turkic name that means " beautiful woman".
  • Asiyat is of Arabic origin and means “calming.”
  • Atikat - translated from Arabic as “fragrant”.
  • Afisat is also an Arabic name, translated means “middle”.
  • Aizmesei - with Turkic languages translates as "lunar beauty".

Choosing these names is quite simple. In Dagestan, a woman is valued for her calm, quiet character, the ability to follow her husband, humility and, of course, beauty.

Characteristics of some Dagestani names

One of the most popular names in Dagestan is the name Ali, which has ancient Arabic origin. Ali is a man with great self-confidence. His leadership qualities make him the life of the party. His leadership character and intuition, which is clearly manifested in financial matters, will help him in his career.

Another common name among Dagestanis is Baysal (translated from Arabic as confident). People with this name love cleanliness and order. In the labor sphere, Baysal's path is not easy. He doesn't like being bossed around. Of course, this leads to conflict situations, which negatively affects his progress in career ladder. There are two options left: either Baysal will open his own business, or he will be able to curb his temperament. It is worth noting that the first option is more realistic and promising. Baisal is endowed with excellent qualities for running a business and can achieve great results in it.

Dagestan surnames of Turkic origin

Many names and surnames of the inhabitants of Dagestan (speaking dialects of the Nakh-Dagestan group) are of Turkic origin. Many people wonder why some people who are not representatives Turkic peoples, have Turkic names and surnames.

Indeed, upon careful study of the names and surnames of Dagestanis, we can conclude that a large number of them are of Turkic origin, since the ethnic groups of mountainous Dagestan were in active contact with the Turks. Examples of such male Dagestan surnames: Yamadayev, Arsamerzoev, Mirzoev, Myrzakhanov, Nogamirzaev, Aksagov, Aslanbekov, Khasanbekov, Tipsurkaev, Arsangiriev, Akhmadkhanov, Giriev, Gerikhanov, Salgiriev, Inalov.

Original mountain surnames of Dagestanis

As you know, Dagestanis are a generalized name for various ethnic groups living on the territory of this small Caucasian republic. Let's name the five main nationalities of Dagestan: Avars, Kumyks, Dargins, Laks, Lezgins.

Examples of “indigenous” surnames of these peoples are the following: Baloev, Nashkhoev, Peshkhoev, Galaev, Yalkhoroev, Vielkhoev, Akiev, Kiev, Mirzhoev, Khaikharoev, Gandaloev, Belkhoroev, Tsechoev, Muzhakhoev, Terloev, Dishniev, Mulkoev, Gukhoev, Chinkhoev, Zumsoev, Chentiev, Khacharoev, Khildekharoev, Maistoev, Melkhiev, Sharoev, Tsesiev, Shikaroev, Kiseloev, Sondukhoev, Khulandoev, Khakmadoev, Khimoev, Tumsoev, Vashandaroev, Khakoev, Varandoev, Phamtoev, Satoev, Gatoev, Myarshoev, Keloev, Khalgiev, Tsogunoev, Nizhloev , Begocharoev, Daev, Bosov. These are one of the most common Dagestan surnames. Officially, there are more than thirty nationalities in the republic.

Surnames of Arabic origin

Dagestan is a country dominated by Islam, therefore big influence influences Dagestan traditions arab culture, including the names of residents of the country. Below is a list of common surnames in Dagestan that are of Arabic origin: Suleymanov, Kadyrov, Musaev, Akhmadov, Akhmetov, Aliev, Abdulvakhabov, Vakhabov, Abdulkarimov, Abdulkhalimov, Khalimov, Khamidov, Khadzhaev, Dzeitov, Dzaitov, Dzhabarov, Jafrov. This is, of course, far from full list Dagestan surnames.

The meaning of the name that parents give to their newborn baby has a strong influence on his future life. The first and last name are the calling card of an individual in society. It is the name that reflects the character and temperament of a person, as well as his inclinations and talents.

It is not so easy to officially determine the richest people in Dagestan. This can be done based on the data provided by the world-famous Forbes magazine or based on data from the tax service. We tried to collect reliable information about the richest people in Dagestan.

It is worth noting that all the people from the TOP 5 come from the DagASSR and represent different ruling clans. In addition, they are political and statesmen, do charity work.

5th place – Mukhtar Majidov – fortune 0.5 billion dollars

Born in 1962 in Dagestan, philanthropist, politician, businessman and founder of the banking system of the Republic of Dagestan. Started labor activity mechanic in the ATP-2 convoy. Served in the border troops from 1982 to 1984.

From 1990 to 1997, he served as director of Credo Bank. From 1997 to 2000, he was Chairman of the Board of RTB Bank in Moscow.

In December 2002, he founded OJSC NPK Russian Radioelectronics, which later served as the basis for the Russian Silicon Valley.

Was an investor in the first IT park in the Republic,

and today this park is the largest in the North Caucasus Federal District. He has the title of Honored Worker of Industry, as well as the medal “For Merit in the Development of Engineering Education.”

Married, has six children.

The editors of the website yuBusiness.ru have prepared for you an article about the richest people in Russia - read more about who has more millions in the Russian Federation

4th place - Magomedgusen Nasrutdinov - fortune 0.6 billion dollars

Nasruddinov was born in 1966 in the village of Manas. Currently, he is the owner of the DagGaz company, a subsidiary of Gazprom. He is a representative of the international Nasruddinov clan. His main ally is deputy Kerim Huseynov, as well as Rafik Aslanbekov, who long time was the director of the DagGaz company.

In 1992, Magomedhussein graduated from the Faculty of Law of Dagestan State University, and in 1999 – from the Dagestan State University Technical University. He started his career as a simple worker. And in 1997 he headed Mezhregiongaz LLC.

From 1999 to 2002 he headed Dagestanregiongaz LLC.

In 2009, he was involved in a case of fraud in special large size, but was acquitted by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan. Since February 6, 2013, he has been acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic.

Married, has two children.

3rd place – Sefer Aliyev – fortune 0.8 billion dollars

According to official information Sefer Aliyev is the owner of the AS empire, which supplies equipment for gas stations from the world's leading manufacturers.

Aliyev was born in 1961 in the village of Arkit. In 1983 he graduated from DSU, after graduation he worked as a mathematics teacher. From 1992 to 1997, he served as head of the department at the Sapphire Research Institute. From 1997 to 2007 he was the general director of the AS company.

In 2007 he entered politics.

Namely, he was appointed to the position of chairman of the committee of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan in the department of construction and housing. From 2010 to 2013 he served as Minister of Land and Property Relations.

It should be especially noted that Aliyev has a doctorate degree economic sciences. Married, has three children.

2nd place - Gavriil Yushvaev - fortune 1.7 billion dollars

He is a member of the board of directors of the Wimm-Bill-Dan company, born in 1957 in Makhachkala. From 1980 to 1989 he served a sentence for robbery. After liberation, together with his comrade David Yakobashvili, they opened the Trinity car dealership, where they sold expensive American cars. A little later, the Metelitsa casino was opened. In 1993 they founded the Wimm-Bill-Dan company, which was sold to Pepsi Co. in 2011. Yushvaev received 1.1 billion for this deal.

In 2013, Yushvaev bought a stake (38%) in Polyus Gold from Mikhail Prokhorov for 3.6 billion. In addition, Gavriil Yushvaev is a co-owner of companies such as Eisk Port Elevator OJSC, RusAgroProject CJSC and Cattle Farm Naroosanovsky O.J.S.C."

It is noteworthy that Yushvaev does not have higher education and this did not prevent him from taking second place in the list of the richest people in Dagestan.

Married, has seven children.

1st place - Suleiman Kerimov - fortune 6.9 billion dollars

Kerimov Suleiman Abdusaidovich, the richest member of the Federation Council, was born on March 12, 1966 in Dagestan. In 1984-1986 he served in the Strategic Missile Forces. In 1989 he graduated from Dagestan State University. Owns a 40% stake in Polyus Gold International. The initial capital of $5 billion was received from the sale of Uralkali shares. Most He used this amount to pay off debts.

He has been the owner of the Anzhi football club since 2011.

And immediately Suleiman Kerimov acquires such famous players as

  • Yuri Zhirkov,
  • Roberto Carlos,
  • Samuel Etoo,
  • Odil Akhmedov.

But in early August 2013, the club owner decided to significantly cut costs by selling all the star players.

I would also like to note that Kerimov is a co-owner of such foreign companies as Nafta-Moscow - Cyprus, Altitude JSC - Bermuda, ANiketa Investments Limited - Cyprus.

Suleiman Kerimov is actively involved in charity work and is currently the third person in Russia in the ranking of businessmen who spend money on charity.

He gained worldwide fame after the accident in Nice with Tina Kandelaki.

Has 2 yachts and 2 private planes. Married, three children.

In the car fleet, every top person has a car, the cost of which is amazing, but even multi-billionaires rarely see

Video: Discovery channel about rich people

The names of all Dagestan peoples, including the Kumyks, are almost the same. The religion of Islam, professed by the majority of the population of Dagestan, regardless of nationality, played an important role in this. Therefore, most of the names came from the east and have Arabic, Persian and Turkic roots. True, their pronunciation in individual languages ​​may be different. Recently, personal names have begun to be borrowed from the Russian language and other languages ​​of Western countries.

Below is a list of the most common Dagestan girl names and their meanings.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter A:

Abida (Abidat) – (Arabic) feminine form from the Arabic name Abid - “worshipper”.

Agabich - (Turkic) female name, means "wife of the lord."

Agabaji is a (Turkic) female name, consisting of “aga” and “baji” - “sister”: older sister.

Agaperi – (Turkic) consists of “aga” and “peri” - “beauty”.

Agakhanum – (Turkic) consists of “aga” and “khanum” - “lady”.

Adawiya - (Arabic) means "from the tribe of Adi."

Adila – (Arabic) derived from the masculine Adil -


Adina – (Persian) means “Friday”, “holiday”.

Azada – (Persian) derived from the masculine Azad - “noble”.

Aziza – (Arabic) derived from the masculine Aziz - “great”, “dear”.

Azima – (Arabic) derived from the masculine Azim - “great”.

Aibala – (Turkic) consists of “ay” - “moon” and “bala” - “child”.

Aimesey – (Turkic-Arabic) name, meaning “lunar beauty”.

Aisha is the (Arabic) name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad. Translated it means “living, existing.”

Aina – (Persian) name, means “pure, bright”, literally “mirror”.

Alima – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Alim: “knowing”, “informed”.

Aliya – (Arabic) name, translated means “exalted”.

Alma is a (Turkic) name that means “apple”.

Almagul – (Turkic) name, translated means “apple flower”: alma - “apple” and gul - “flower”.

Diamond – (Turkic) name Greek origin and translated means “diamond”, “precious stone, diamond”.

Amina (Aminat) – (Arabic) name, means “safe”, “faithful”.

Ana is a (Turkic) female name, which means “mother, mother”. Mainly used as a component of complex names.

Anisa – (Arabic) name, derived from the masculine Anis - “friend” (girlfriend).

Aram - (Persian) name, means "peace, consolation."

Arifa – (Arabic) name, derived from the masculine Arif - “learned, wise.”

Aruvjan (Arivjan) – (Turkic-Persian) means “beautiful soul”

Aruvkyz (Arivkyz) – (Turkic) means “beautiful girl”.

Asiyat – (Arabic) Asiyat means “comforting”.

Atikat – (Arabic) means “fragrant”.

Afisat – (Arabic) “aswat”, meaning “middle”.

Afiyat – (Arabic) translated means “prosperity”.

Ashraf – (Arabic) translated means “high-born, blessed.”

Ashura – (Arabic) “the tenth day of the month of Muharram, the day of the death of Imam Hussein).”

Albina – (Latin) means “white, light, blonde.”

Dagestan female names starting with the letter B:

Bagdagul – (Turkic) formed from the words “bagda” - “in the garden” and “gul” - “flower”: garden flower.”

Badan - (Persian) means "almond".

Baiza (Bayzat) – (Arabic) means “whiteness”.

Balakyz – (Turkic) derived from the words bala - “child”, kyz - “girl”.

Bani – (Persian) “banu”, which means “lady”.

Bariyat – (Persian) “pari (peri)” - “fairy”.

Basirat – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Basir: “insightful.”

Bati – (Avrian) truncated form of the name Patimat.

Baharay – (Persian-Turkic) name, derived from “bahar” - “spring” and “ay” - “moon”

Bella – (Latin) “beautiful.”

Benevsha – (Persian) means “violet”.

Bibi – (Turkic) means “mistress”, “woman of the highest circle”.

Bike (Biike) – (Turkic) means “lady”, “princess”.

Bislimat - see Muslimat.

Boranbiyke – (Turkic) name, consists of “boran” - “hurricane”, “biyke” - “lady”.

Buniyat - (Persian) name means "aspiring to the high."

Bustan – (Persian) name meaning "flower garden".

Burliyat - (Turkic) name goes back to the name of a diamond, of French origin; means "brilliant".

Dagestan female names starting with the letter B:

Vagidat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Vahid (Wahid), which means “the only one.”

Vazipat, Wazifa – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Wazif, which means “praising”.

Walida is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Walid, which in Arabic means “child”, “descendant”.

Wajibat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the Arabic name Wajib, meaning "necessary".

Dagestan female names starting with the letter G:

Habibat - see Habiba.

Gavhar - (Persian) name means "precious stone, pearl."

Hanifat - (Arabic) name Hanifa means "true".

Gelin – (Turkish) name means “bride”.

Genzhe - (Persian) name means "treasure".

Gözel – (Turkic) name means “beautiful”.

Gyogurchun (Gyogyurchyun) – (Turkic) name translates as “dove”.

Guvarsha – (Kabardian-Circassian) name means: “princess”.

Gulkyz – (Turkic) name consists of “gul” - “flower” and “kyz” - “girl”.

Gulnara - (Persian) name means "pomegranate flower".

Gulzar - (Persian) name means "flower garden".

Guljan (Guljanat) – (Turkic) name consists of “gul” - “flower” and “jan” - “soul”

Gulistan - (Persian) name means "flower garden".

Gulaba - (Persian) name means "rose water".

Guri (Khuri, Khuriya) – (Arabic) name means “paradise gurias”, i.e. beauties.

Guzgyu (Gyuzgyu) – (Turkic) means “glass”, “mirror”.

Gulzahra (Gulzagyra) – (Persian) name means “with a face the color of a rose.”

Guljennet – (Turkic) name means “flower of paradise”.

Gulmira (Gulmira) – newly formed modern name, the first part of which goes back to the Turkic “gul” - “flower”.

Gulnaz – (Turkic) name consists of “gul” - “flower”, and “naz” - “whim”. Translated as "capricious flower".

Gulperi – (Turkic) name, consists of “gul” - “flower” and “peri” - “fairy”. Translated as "fairy flower".

Dagestan female names starting with the letter D:

Daghirat – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Daghir (Tahir), meaning “pure”. Javgarat – (Persian) means “precious stone, pearl.”

Jamila (Jamila) – (Arabic) name means “beautiful, kind.”

Jannat (jennet) - (Arabic) name means "paradise".

Jahan (jagan) – (Persian) name means “peace, universe.”

Janisat - (Persian-Arabic) name consists of the words jan - “soul” and nisa - “woman”.

Djeyran – (Turkic) translated means “roe deer, goitered gazelle”.

Juma - (Arabic) name means "born on Friday."

Dilyara (Dilara) – (Persian) name means “beauty”, “beloved”.

Dinara is the (Arabic) feminine form of Dinar, which means " gold coin, dinar".

Duriya – (Arabic) from the word durr, which means “pearl”.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter Z:

Jasmine – Yasmina (Persian) – similar to the Jasmine flower.

Zhubarzhat - see Zubarzhat

Zhavgarat - see Dzhavgarat.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter Z:

Zagidat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Zagid, which means “ascetic”, “companion”.

Zagirat - see Zaira.

Zaira – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Zagir, translated means “bright, blooming, beautiful.”

Zainab – (Arabic) name means “plump, portly.” This was the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

Zalina - (Iranian) name Zarina, which means "golden".

Zamira – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Zamir (Samir), which translated means “interlocutor”, “interlocutor”.

Zarema – (Persian) “zar” - which means “gold”. Translated: “golden, like gold.”

Zari – (Persian) name means "golden brocade"

Zarifa is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Zarif, which means “beautiful, witty.”

Zahra – (Arabic) name means “brilliant, sparkling”, “with a shining face”.

Ziyarat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Ziyar, which means "pilgrim".

Zubaydah is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Zubaydah, which means "gift". Zubarjat – (Arabic) name means “emerald, the same as emerald.”

Zulaikha (Zuleikha) – (Arabic) name means “smooth, portly.”

Zulhijat - (Arabic) name, goes back to the name of the twelfth Muslim month.

Zulfiya – (Persian) name means “owner of curls.”

Zumrud – (Persian) name means “emerald”, “precious stone”.

Zumrad - see Zumrud.

Zuri – (Dargin) name, means “star”.

Zuhra – (Arabic) name means “radiance”, “whiteness”, “brilliant, radiant”, “planet Venus”.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter I:

Izafar - (Arabic) name means "addition".

Izdeg - (Mountain-Dagestan) name found in almost all languages ​​of Dagestan, but in different modifications: Izdek, Izdag, Izdaga, Izgad, Izadgi, Izaga, etc. It is believed that it contains the same components as the term degiza/digiza " mother-nurse"; nanny; but arranged in reverse order.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter K:

Kabirat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Kabir, which means “great”, “big”.

Qadria – (Arabic) name means “valuable, worthy.”

Kyztaman – (Turkic) name consists of kyz - “girl” and

taman - "enough."

Kamila (Kamilya) – (Arabic) female form Kamil translated means “perfect, impeccable”; "complete, absolute"; "mature".

Karima – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Karim; translated means "generous, generous."

Cachar – (Arabic) one of the modifications of the name Chakar (see).

Kubre – (Arabic) “kubra”; means "greatest", "largest".

Dagestan female names starting with the letter L:

Lala - (Persian) name means "tulip".

Layla – (Arabic) name means “night lily”

Dagestan female names starting with the letter M:

Madina (Madinat) – (Arabic) name from the title holy city Medina.

Maida (Maidat) – (Persian) name means “little”

Maysarat – (Arabic) name means “wealth, abundance.”

Mazifat – (Arabic) name means “protected”.

Malika (Malikat) – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Malik, which means “lord, king”. Here: “mistress, queen.”

Marjanat (Marjan) - (Arabic) name means "corals; beads; small pearls."

Marziya (Marziyat) – (Arabic) name, means “pleasant, praiseworthy, satisfactory”, “prosperous”.

Marina is a (Latin) name and it translates as “sea”

Mesedu – (Avar) name meaning in figuratively“beauty, princess”, from the word mesed “gold”.

Mina is a (Persian) name meaning "glaze".

Minai – (Turkic) name, means “birthmark”.

Mugubat is an (Arabic) name that means "love".

Muslima (Muslimat) – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Muslim, translated means “saved”, “surrendered to Allah”.

Muminat – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Mumin (Mu’min), means “believer”

Dagestan female names starting with the letter P:

Paizat - see Faiza.

Pakizat – (Persian) name means “pure, immaculate.”

Pari - (Persian) name means "beauty, fairy."

Parizad - (Persian) name means "beauty", literally: "nee peri".

Patimat - see Fatima.

Peri - see Pari.

Pirdavus – (Persian) name translated means “Garden of Eden”.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter R:

Rahimat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Rahim, which means "merciful."

Raziyat (Razia) – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Razi, translated means “pleasant”.

Raisat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Rais, which means “head, chief.”

Rasima - (Arabic) name means "picture, portrait."

Rashidat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the name Rashid, which translated means: “leader, leader,” “walking the right path.”

Rukiyat - see Rukiyat.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter C:

Sabina - (Latin) means "Sabine woman".

Sabira - (Arabic) feminine form of the name Sabir, meaning "patient".

Saida – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Said, translated means “happy”, successful.”

Saimat – (Arabic) name means “observant, fasting”, “fasting”.

Sakinat - (Arabic) name means "calm".

Salamat – (Arabic) name means “well-being, safety.”

Salima – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Salim, translated means “unharmed, healthy.”

Salihat – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Salih, translated means “good, righteous”

Saltanat - (Arabic) name means "power, greatness."

Samira – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Samir, translated means “interlocutor”.

Saniyat is an (Arabic) name formed from an ordinal number.

Sapira – (Persian) “sayfur”, which means “fine silk fabric”.

Sapiyat – (Arabic) name means “pure, immaculate”, “chosen one”.

Sarah (Sarat) is a (Hebrew) name that translates as “my lady.”

Sarykiz – (Turkic) name means “fair-haired girl, blonde.”

Safiya - see Sapiyat.

Safiyat - see Sapiyat.

Sidret (Sidrat) is an (Arabic) shortened form of the name Sadrutdin, which in semantic translation means “standing in front of the fighters for the Muslim faith.”

Sima – (Persian) name means “image”.

Sona (Suna) – (Azerbaijani) name means “bird with beautiful plumage”, “pheasant”.

Suriya - (Arabic) "Suraiya", which means "Piyald" (the name of the constellation). Sukainat - see Sakinat.

Sultanat (Soltanat) – (Arabic) female name derived from the male Sultan, translated as “Sultana”, i.e. the king's wife.

Suna - see Sona.

Suyun – (Turkic) name means “joy”.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter T:

Tavus – (Turkic) name translated means “peacock”.

Taibat – (Arabic) from the male name Taib, meaning “good”, “pleasant”.

Tolganay – (Turkic) name, translated means “full moon”

Totu – (Turkic) name means “parrot”.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter U:

Uzum – (Turkic) name is derived from “yuzum”, which means “grapes”.

Umuzhat – (Arabic) name is derived from the word “umud”, which means “hope”.

Unayzat – (Arabic) female name, from the diminutive common noun “unayzat”; means "kid" or "goat."

Ustanai – (Persian) feminine form of the name Usta, meaning “master”

Dagestan female names starting with the letter F:

Fazilat – (Arabic) name, translated means “worthy”.

Fazu is a truncated form of the female name Faiza.

Faida - see Faiza.

Faiza - (Arabic) feminine form of the masculine name Faiz, meaning "victor".

Farida – (Arabic) female name, translated means “pearl”, “rare”.

Fariza - see Farida.

Fatima – (Arabic) name means “weaned”. This name belonged to the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and his wife Khadijat (r.a.).

Firuza – (Persian) female name, derived from the name gemstone turquoise.

Firdaus - (Persian) name, trans. "heavenly".

Dagestan female names starting with the letter H:

Chinig – (Persian) name, translated means “porcelain”.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter Sh:

Shamai – (Turkic) word “sham”, which means “candle, light”.

Shamsiyat – (Arabic) “shams”, which means “sun”.

Sheker – (Turkic) translated means “sweet”; literally "sugar".

Sherifa – (Arabic) feminine form of the name Sharif means “sacred”, “noble”.

Shirvanat is the (Arabic) feminine form of the masculine name Shirvan.

Shushe – (Persian) name, translated means “clean, transparent like glass”, literally translated as “glass”.

Dagestan female names starting with the letter E:

Eilikhanum – (Arabic) Turkic name, translated “queen-like.”

Elmira - see Elvira.

Elvira is a (Spanish) name that means “the one who protects everyone, protects everyone.”

Dagestan female names starting with the letter Y:

Yulduz – (Turkic) name means “star”

Dagestan female names starting with the letter I:

Yakunt – (Arabic) name, means “ruby, yakhont”.