Monuments of the Donetsk region. Development of a lesson “historical monuments of Donbass” for the course “citizenship lessons of Donbass” Monument to the victims of Donbass

According to Zakharchenko, on Monday another monument was erected in Donetsk - the deceased commander of the Sparta battalion of the self-proclaimed DPR Arsen Pavlov with the call sign "Motorola".

"Today marks exactly one year since the death of Arsen Pavlov. A monument to him was unveiled today in Donetsk. He gave his life for the ideals and faith that he lived and believed in. To all volunteers, to all residents of the Russian Federation, to the residents of Rostov - a huge bow from the residents of the Donetsk People's Republic republic," Zakharchenko said.

History with the monument

The customer of the monument is the interregional public organization "Union of Donbass Volunteers". According to the acting head of the Rostov branch of the organization, Timur Okkert, the monument was erected using extra-budgetary funds; just under 1 million rubles were spent on it.

The height of the monument is 6.5 meters, the stele with a square base is lined with granite slabs, and the cross of the “Union of Donbass Volunteers” is installed on it.

The pedestal for the future monument appeared in the Ostrovsky Park in the first half of September. The concept of the monument was approved on September 15 by the Rostov-on-Don interdepartmental commission on naming socially significant places, installing memorial signs, perpetuating the names of prominent people and memorable events. According to the object’s passport, work on installing the monument began almost 1.5 months before the commission’s official approval.

Pogodin Ilya

Project Manager:

Voloshchuk Anna Nikolaevna


Municipal educational institution "School No. 1" of the city of Zhdanovka

In the presented research project about the archaeological monuments of Donbass, the author conducts a chronology of archaeological cultures that existed on the territory of Donbass. This research work also examines archaeological sites of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras, and also provides information about nomads on the Donbass land.

In this research work on the history of "Archaeological monuments of Donbass", the author explores and systematizes information about the archaeological monuments of the culture of Donbass in the period from Primitive times to the times of Kievan Rus. During the preparation of the project, scientific and educational literature, articles in periodicals of Donbass and the Russian Federation were used.

In the process of a research project on history on the topic "Archaeological monuments of Donbass", historical and theoretical information about the work and research of archaeologists in Donbass is reviewed and studied, an analysis of their works is presented, as well as a description of the archaeological monuments they discovered from different eras.

1. Archaeological sites of the Paleolithic era.
2. Archaeological sites of the Mesolithic and Neolithic era.
3. Archaeological monuments of the Cimmerian culture era.
4. Scythian burial mounds.
5. Sarmatian culture.
6. Chernyakhov archaeological culture.
7. Nomads on the territory of Donbass.
8. Reserve " Stone graves»


I think that every cultured person who loves his homeland should study its history. This is very curious and interesting.

Donetsk region– one of the most interesting historical and cultural regions of the South of Eastern Europe. The regions of the Northern Azov and Podontsovo regions have a large number of monuments of different periods. By 1985 there were over 2 thousand.

On the territory of our region, traces of not only primitive man were discovered, but also sites of people from the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. It is also a well-known fact that the Donetsk steppes were inhabited by nomads for more than 15 centuries.

The object of my research are archaeological monuments of Donbass, and the subject is Stone Age human sites and monuments of the period of nomads on the territory of Donbass.

This topic is very relevant currently. Today, more than ever, there is a growing need to consolidate our society, strengthen spiritual unity, interethnic harmony, cultivate a sense of patriotism, and pride in our region - Donbass.

Target . In my work, I tried to research and systematize information about the archaeological monuments of the culture of Donbass in the period from Primitive times to the times of Kievan Rus. During the preparation, scientific and educational literature, articles in periodicals of Donbass and the Russian Federation were used.

Our region attracted the attention of historians back in the 19th century. Its archaeological study goes back more than a hundred years. This period of time, in terms of the scale of work and focus, can be divided into several periods related to the history of the region. It is worth highlighting the pre-revolutionary period, especially the beginning of the 20th century, when the study of ancient monuments turned the region into a kind of standard of archaeological cultures of different eras.

The second period can include the 20–30s. This is the time of work of enthusiastic local historians (N.V. Sibilev, S.A. Loktyushev, P.M. Pinevich, M.V. Evseev), who discovered wonderful monuments that attracted the attention of academic science to the Donbass. This is, for example, the discovery of the Mariupol burial ground and the Amvrosievskaya site.

This same period can be extended until the mid-60s, since work during the war and restoration of the national economy was stopped and resumed only in the mid-50s.

Since the mid-60s, systematic and systematic work has begun in the region. Since 1971, new construction expeditions of the Academy of Sciences have been working in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. A notable contribution to the study of the region’s monuments was made by famous Ukrainian archaeologists S. S. Berezanskaya, D. Ya. Telegin,

O.G. Shaposhnikova, V.N. Gladilin, S.N. Bratchenko, who carried out excavations of Paleolithic and Neolithic sites, settlements, and burial grounds of the Bronze Age. In the 70–80s. Donetsk, North Donetsk, Azov archaeological expeditions of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR worked.

A significant factor that influenced the nature of archaeological work in the region was the creation of Donetsk State University in 1965. DonSU has concentrated teachers and staff who are passionate and devoted to archeology (D. S. Tsveibel, T. A. Shapovalov,

V. Ya. Ustenko, A. A. Moruzhenko). It was they who trained a group of students who launched further research into archaeological sites in the Donetsk region. Every year archaeological teams went into the field, archaeological circles and scientific seminars began to work at the department, and for many years excavations of a Timber-frame culture settlement near the village were carried out. Ilyichevka (T. A. Shapovalov).

D. S. Tsveibel discovered a number of new Stone Age monuments, research began on the remains of ancient metallurgical production on the territory of the Artemovsky district (S. I. Tatarinov), settlements of the Timber-frame culture (O. Ya. Privalova), medieval settlements (M. L. Shvetsov) .

The archaeological study of the Donetsk region has received a new impetus since 1978, when a new-building archaeological expedition began to operate at the Department of Archaeology, History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages of Donetsk State University on the initiative of A. A. Moruzhenko and under her leadership. Its employees were actively engaged in security excavations of mounds in the construction zones of reclamation irrigation systems, structures and industrial facilities.

Over 8 years (1978–1985), 111 mounds were excavated and 535 burials were examined. Along with this, work was carried out to identify and record archaeological sites in order to register burial mounds.

The results of the work of Donetsk archaeologists were approvingly assessed by specialists at various conferences and meetings. During these years, archaeological research was also carried out by employees of the Donetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. In parallel with field work, the painstaking collection of material for the archaeological monuments of Donbass was carried out by O. Ya. Privalova and A. I. Privalov. This work culminated in the publication of " List of monuments of Donetsk region».

In the 70s, seven archaeological expeditions (Donetsk State University, museum, society for the protection of historical and cultural monuments) worked in the territory of the Donetsk region alone. Invaluable assistance in the work was provided by archaeological circles of schools and Palaces of Pioneers. Sometimes schoolchildren turned out to be the main research force of the expedition. Archaeological specialists remember with gratitude the work of archaeological circles in the city of Novoazovsk, village. Kalchik, Volodarsky district, Donetsk, Artemovsk, Enakievo, Gorlovka, Kurakhovo. For many members of the circle, archeology has become a profession.

It should be noted that in the period 1965–1985. The Donetsk school of archaeologists was formed, uniting specialists from various fields (Paleolithics, Bronze Ages, nomads). Much credit for this belongs to the teachers of Donetsk State University.

Thanks to the wide scope of archaeological excavations during this period, colossal material was accumulated, which allows us to trace the continuous history of the tribes and peoples who lived in the Donetsk region from ancient times to the 15th–16th centuries, and to develop a number of problems of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Middle Ages.

1. Archaeological monuments of Donbass of the Paleolithic era

Archaeological research indicate that the territory of the Donetsk region has been inhabited since ancient times. About 150 thousand years ago, hunters of elephants and cave bears lived on the spurs of the Donetsk Ridge (confirmation of this are finds near Artemovsk and Makeevka). Ancient Stone Age sites were discovered near Amvrosievka, in the upper reaches of the Kazennaya Balka rivers, near the villages of Bogorodichnoye, Prishib and Tatyanovka.

Thanks to archaeological searches and excavations, it is known that not far from the place where the city of Khartsyzsk is located today, people appeared in the Middle Paleolithic (from “palaios” - ancient and “litos” - stone) or the Old Stone Age at the end of the Acheulean era approximately 130 thousand years before AD This is evidenced by rare finds characteristic of this cultural and chronological period of history - hand axes.

The favorite material for making stone tools was flint. It pricks easily and produces a sharp and durable edge. Flint is harder than glass and can easily be used to process wood, bone and other materials. A piece of flint was processed with a small stone chipper. Chips and cores (nuclei) were formed - what was beaten off. Then the flint chip was chipped with small chips, which are called retouch.

With its help, various products were made. The most characteristic tool of the initial period of the Middle Paleolithic are hand axes. These are large tools with a pointed end and a rounded heel for gripping in the hand. The chopper was processed on both sides. It was intended for cutting animal carcasses, cutting branches and other operations, that is, it was universal.

In terms of its scale and the number of items found, the Amvrosievskaya site, discovered near the city of Amvrosievka in the Kazennaya ravine on the banks of the Krynka River in 1935 by the remarkable Donetsk archaeologist and local historian V.M. Evseev, is the largest known Late Paleolithic monument in Europe. The parking area is about 6 hectares. One of the most unique finds of the Paleolithic era was discovered here - a stone handaxe, whose age is determined to be approximately 200 thousand years.

Amvrosievskoe chopper, like all flint products of this time, is covered with a white patina (patina on the surface). The patina testifies to the very great antiquity of the find. In 1971, not far from Khartsyzsk, in the northeast of Makeyevka, archaeologists find another silicon handaxe. It is also covered with patina. The flint handaxe from Makeevka is one of the most impressive early Middle Paleolithic finds in Donbass. Hand axes made of silicon are intended for cutting branches and cutting up animal carcasses.

When beaten, fresh silicon produces sharp cutting edges and, at the same time, is so hard that primitive man prefers it to other natural materials. Primitive man also used pieces of wood, horns, and bones as tools. Similar hand axes were found at the site of ancient camps near the city of Artemovsk. They are also covered with patina. Remains of archanthrope camps have also been preserved in Izyum, near Lugansk, near the village of Kirovo, Artemovsky district. All these finds indicate a rare but uniform settlement of the region.

Kostishche at the Amvrosievskaya site contains the bones of about 1000 bison. In ancient times, a bison path ran along the ravine, along which they climbed from the watering hole to the steppe. For many years, mostly in the fall, hunters set up an ambush on the trail and killed several steppe giants with spears. The spears were equipped with horn and wooden tips with flint inserts.

The bison were butchered here. The most valuable parts of the carcass were taken to a neighboring site, leaving heavy skulls with horns, leg bones and others at the slaughter site. Over many years of successful hunting, the ravine was almost completely filled with the bones of animals killed by hunters. Along with the remains of bison, fragments of arrowheads, flint inserts and knives were found. In total, 15,000 different flint objects were found.

In between driven collective hunts, when the whole clan gathered together, small groups of hunters wandered in search of small herds or single animals. At the places where hunters stopped for short periods, the remains of hearths, animal bones and flint products have been preserved. Traces of such short-term camps were discovered near the village of Kuibyshevo, Volodarsky district. Over many millennia, these remains (archaeologists call them the cultural layer) were covered with a layer of earth and soil and now lie at great depths.

In the more northern regions of Ukraine at that time, mammoth and reindeer dominated. Hunters specialized in hunting these animals. People learned to build round houses - half-dugouts - from mammoth bones. The remains of such houses, in contrast to the light hut-like dwellings of buffalo hunters, have been well preserved to this day. In our region, traces of mammoth hunters were found near the village of Prishib, Slavyansky district, in the north of Lugansk region.

About 100 thousand years ago, the archanthropes were replaced by paleoanthropes (ancient people). They were more advanced ancestors of modern people. They are often called Neanderthals. Paleoanthropes knew how not only to maintain a fire, but also to start it. Their speech was still undeveloped. At the same time, the first ideological ideas and the custom of burying their dead relatives appeared among paleoanthropes.

Paleoanthropes were well adapted to the harsh conditions of the Ice Age and successfully hunted bison, saiga, cave bears, mammoths, deer and other animals. The main hunting weapons of the paleoanthropes were throwing spears with flint tips. Stone tools were made with special care. Scrapers, knives, points and other tools have a variety of shapes. Different groups of paleoanthropists made stone tools in different ways.

In Donetsk region Several dozen sites from this time are known. In terms of size and amount of household waste, they are much larger than the archanthrope camps. In 1962-1965. archaeologists carefully excavated two ancient sites of paleoanthropists near the village of Antonovka, Maryinsky district. Bison bones and many tools processed on both sides were found here.

In 1968-1970 Donetsk archaeologist D.S. Tsveibel explored a site of this era in the village of Belokuzminovka, Konstantinovsky district. Cores, flint fragments, side scrapers and tools with jagged edges were found. Another monument is known near the village of Kurdyumovka not far from Artemovsk. In the ancient layer at a depth of about 10 meters lay the bones of ancient bison and rhinoceros, flint scrapers and pointed points.

In the process of work, the stone tools of the paleoanthropes wore out, the blades became worn out and became dull. Examination of traces of work on the blades under a microscope shows that most stone tools were intended for butchering the carcasses of killed animals. In addition, traces of work on leather and wood have been preserved. This indicates the paleoanthropists’ skills in making primitive clothing from animal skins and some kind of wooden devices (spear shafts, knife handles, baskets, beaters, etc.).

Judging by the nature of the wear of stone tools, the main occupation of paleoanthropes was well-organized hunting of large animals. The harvested animal was completely eaten at the slaughter site. The main hunting object of Donbass paleoanthropes were large ungulates, mainly bison. Bones of deer, horses, and wolves were also found at sites in the Azov region.

Scientists believe that the bulk of archanthropes and paleoanthropes came to Eastern Europe from the west. The physical appearance of the paleoanthropes of Donbass is still poorly known. Judging by the discovery of a tooth at a site near the city of Taganrog in the Azov region, local paleoanthropes were close in their development to modern humans.

In 1996, not far from the city of Khartsyzsk, near the village of Proletarskoye, monuments from the Late Paleolithic period were discovered in the Quaternary deposits of an ancient ravine. They are open by G.P. Pimenov - head of the "Young Archaeologists" circle at the House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in Khartsyzsk.

According to the definition of senior researcher of the archeology department of the Donetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, Yu.G. Koval's collected material (prismatic plates) is typical for Late Paleolithic sites in the steppe zone. In this era, a person of a modern physical type appears for the first time - a non-anthrope or Cro-Magnon man (Homo sapiens).

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There are a huge number of different monuments in the Donetsk region. The site presents the most significant and interesting monuments of the Donetsk region.

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    0 m to city center

    In the center of Donetsk there is a monument to one of the most famous poets of Ukraine. The monument to Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko is located on Teatralnaya Square, where Shevchenko Boulevard and Artyoma Street intersect. By decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, the sculpture was installed in 1955. The installation was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Rada. The monument is the dominant feature of Theater Square; it is from it that the avenue, which was named in honor of the great writer, extends like a beam.

    0 m to city center

    Fans of the British band don't have to fly to England to admire the sites associated with the Fab Four. Near the Liverpool student cafe, on the street. Artema, 131-a, there are figures of four Beatles. They were made by the Ukrainian architect V. Antipov in 2006 from plastic and painted bronze.

    0 m to city center

    In the very center of the student dormitory territory of DNTU (Technical University), on Artyoma Street 96, there is a monument to the official founder of Donetsk, John Hughes. The Welsh arrived in the territory of what is now the Donetsk region in the 19th century and established the metallurgical industry, for which the city is still famous. Until 1924, for quite a long time, the city was called Yuzovka in honor of an enterprising Englishman.

    0 m to city center

    In the very center of the student dormitory territory of DNTU (Technical University) there is a monument to the official founder of Donetsk, John Hughes. The Welsh arrived in the territory of what is now the Donetsk region in the 19th century and established the metallurgical industry, for which the city is still famous. Until 1924, for quite a long time, the city was called Yuzovka in honor of an enterprising Englishman.

    0 m to city center

    Not far from the Olympic sports stadium there is a sculpture to Sergei Bubka. Sergei Bubka is an Olympic champion in high jump. The athlete is known throughout the world for setting the pole vault record thirty-five times. The monument itself was erected in 1999 during the life of the athlete himself; Vladimir Stepanovich Buchek was invited as an architect, and Nikolai Vasilyevich Yasinenko was invited as a sculptor.

    0 m to city center

    The sculpture of Archangel Michael is located in front of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral. It was installed in 2002, the author of the project is architect Georgy Kurovsky. Initially it was located in Kyiv. Archangel Michael is considered the patron saint of this city. Back in the 16th century, a similar image of an angel can be found on the coat of arms of the Kyiv Voivodeship. In 2001, the administration of Kyiv decided to remove the sculpture, replace it with a more monumental one, and transfer the old one to Kharkov in honor of the 350th anniversary of the city.

    0 m to city center

    The monument to the party leader Fyodor Andreevich Sergeev is located at the intersection of Artyoma Street and Prospekt Mira. F. Sergeev is better known under the pseudonym “Comrade Artyom”, because he signed his letters with this name. Fyodor Andreevich played an important role in the history of Soviet Ukraine.

    0 m to city center

    On the territory of the park named after A. S. Shcherbakov there is a sculpture “The Good Angel of Peace”. Designed by O.V. Oleinik and P. T. Stronsky and installed in 2008 on the day of the city. The monument is a tall sculpture of an angel, covered with gilding. The angel walks on the hemisphere, which symbolizes the Earth, and carries a dove in his hands. The dove has long been considered a symbol of peace and hope. The figure stands on a granite column that rises above the square.

    0 m to city center

    One of the most majestic and monumental monuments of Donetsk is located on the territory of a large park named after the Lenin Komsomol. This sculpture was installed in 1984 and is dedicated to the wars that liberated the Donetsk region in 1943 during World War II. Donetsk residents come to this memorial to remember the soldiers-liberators on Victory Day.

    0 m to city center

    The largest monument to victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is located in the park named after. Bervi-Flerovsky. A monument was erected in memory of the eight thousand Donetsk residents who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident. At least 200 people died and 1,600 suffered varying degrees of disability. The monument was created in 2005 by the authors of the project, Yu. I. Baldin and Buchek.

    0 m to city center

    On October 15, 2010, a monument to Soviet soldiers who died in Afghanistan appeared in Birch Grove. At one time, five people returned from the city of Krasnoarmeysk to participate in the resolution of the Afghan conflict. It was in their honor that the monument was opened.
    The conflict in Afghanistan, much like the Great Patriotic War, affected almost all the men of the Soviet Union. Almost all the recruits went there, guys who were already 18 years old and it was time to repay their debt to the Motherland. This, essentially unnecessary war, claimed thousands of lives and maimed even more.

    0 m to city center

    There is a monument to K.S. in Krasnoarmeysk. Moskalenko - Soviet military leader. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal.
    Many significant events of the Great Patriotic War are associated with the name Moskalenko. The troops commanded by Kirill Semenovich distinguished themselves in the battles of Moscow, Kharkov, and even Stalingrad. After the war, Moskalenko participated in the arrest of Beria, in the preparation of the first space flights, and accompanied Yuri Gagarin on his first flight. In some other cities of Ukraine, the memory of Moskalenko was also immortalized: the military communications school in Poltava and a street in Gorlovka were named after the marshal.

    0 m to city center

    The monument dedicated to the former Russian Defense Minister Marshal Igor Sergeev was erected on April 22, 2008. This monument is one of the youngest urban objects of this type. Its opening was timed to coincide with the seventieth birthday of the Russian marshal and was accompanied by a solemn ceremony in the presence of numerous delegations from Moscow and Kyiv. The monument was erected in the park opposite school No. 22, where he studied and, from which the future famous marshal graduated in 1955. The monument consists of a portrait of the minister engraved on a granite stele, as well as the inscription: “To the Marshal of Makeyevka, Igor Sergeevich Sergeev.”

Located in the east of Ukraine, the million-strong city of Donetsk is the administrative center of the region of the same name. From 1869 to 1923, in memory of its founder John Yuzovka, it was called Yuzovka. Then it was called Stalino, and since 1961 its modern name.

The city has a rich history associated with industrial development. Along with this, it became a famous cultural center. It is officially registered over 250 cultural heritage monuments. It attracts guests with the best hotels in Ukraine, the most modern sports and entertainment facilities.

In 2001, a memorial sculpture to the English engineer John Hughes was erected on the territory of the Donetsk National Polytechnic University. A hereditary British metallurgist, at the age of 55 in 1869 he bought a plot of land from the Russian Prince Kochubey on the banks of the Kalmius River. He builds a metallurgical plant and a workers' settlement for it, called Yuzovka. Thanks to the plant, the village developed and became a city called Donetsk. The plant today is one of the leaders in the metallurgical industry.

Location: Artema street - 96.

This temple was consecrated in 1886. It was founded under him fraternal school. In the thirties of the last century, the church was destroyed for building materials. In 2006, a new cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration was built of stone on the Cathedral Square of the city.

There is a bronze statue at the entrance Archangel Michael. The Church of Sergius of Radonezh was built next to the cathedral. Its highly artistic interiors were created by the country's best artists.

Location: Artema street-1.

One of the outstanding people who left an indelible mark on the history of this city was the Englishman John Hughes. He founded this city and built a metallurgical plant that made it famous. In 1873, not far from the factory, he built a red brick house for his family. The building was decorated with a balcony with openwork metal railings and a spacious beautiful terrace. A garden was laid out around it.

After the Yuzov family returned to their homeland, it was used for the residence of the company's managers; a maternity hospital and other organizations were located here. There are plans for its restoration and display as a historical object of interest to city residents and its guests.

Location: Klinicheskaya street.

When Donetsk was called Yuzovka at the end of the 19th century, it was crossed by a single street called the First Line. In the 20s of the last century, an asphalt surface appeared on it. It was renamed the street named after the famous revolutionary Artem.

Today it is a busy ten-kilometer highway with heavy traffic. It houses theaters, educational institutions, business centers, hotels, shopping malls and other important urban infrastructure facilities. Among the most interesting objects are the opera and music-drama theaters, the building of the former Ministry of Coal Industry.

In 1938, four testers conducted experiments in the stratosphere on the effect of high altitude pressure on the human body. They flew on a special substratostat filled with hydrogen. When the oxygen equipment failed, they died from suffocation. The gondola of the device fell in a city park.

In this place in 1953, a two-meter bronze monument was erected depicting a pilot peering into the sky. Below it is a five-pointed star and a memorial plaque with bas-reliefs of four fallen stratonauts.

Location: Pushkin Boulevard-2.

In the city park of culture and recreation in 1984, the Monument to the liberators of Donbass from the Nazi invaders in 1943 was built. This is one of the largest sculptural complexes in this region of Ukraine. Next to it is a site where military equipment from the war period is exhibited.

There is a memory bell, a stele in honor of underground fighters and partisans, and a veteran's park. In the interior of the monument there is a museum of the Great Patriotic War with a rich exhibition and a hall of military newsreels, various thematic exhibitions are shown.

Location: Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Lenin Komsomol.

In the center of Donetsk, shows are regularly held at the Nemo Dolphinarium. It is part of a network of similar complexes with the same name. The performances include bottlenose dolphins - Black Sea dolphins, fur seals from South America and sea lions. The entertainment enterprise, along with making a profit, popularizes knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas.

The Dolphinarium provides adults and children with opportunities to snorkel and swim with dolphins. Dolphin therapy sessions are organized here. In the future, it should turn into a multi-level complex with underwater reservoirs, hotels and restaurants. Unfortunately, there was a fire in the dolphinarium and nothing is known about possible restoration yet.

Location: Stadionnaya street - 1D.

There are no similar museums in Ukraine. It appeared thanks to the activities of the Heritage charitable foundation. The museum's funds were replenished by exhibits received from Ukraine and Russia, gifts from photojournalists and residents of other cities. There are fascinating exhibitions about the work of journalists who captured many outstanding events with their cameras. Particular attention is paid to photojournalists of Donbass.

The museum houses their personal belongings, awards, documents and photographs. There is a unique collection of photographic equipment here, and a photography library has been created.

Location: Shakespeare street - 11.

Aquosphere" - one of the largest and most modern in Ukraine. It was opened in December 2012. Its uniqueness is that the huge dome of the room can be moved apart, and visitors spend time in the open air. Five thousand people can relax in it at the same time. There are several unique water slides here.

There is a 25-meter-high, 85-meter-long complex attraction, a calm river and a wave pool. An artificial beach and a special area for children have been created. The water park is among the ten best in Europe.

Location: Shcherbakov Park, Stadionnaya Street - 1st.

In front of the Donetsk City Council there is a copy of the Tsar Cannon located in the Moscow Kremlin. It was manufactured at one of the enterprises of the Russian Izhevsk and donated to the city by the Moscow government. This was a reciprocal gesture to the gift to the capital of Russia of a copy of the unique Mertsalov Palm.

Unlike the original, the cannon installed in Donetsk differs in that its barrel is cast from cast iron rather than bronze. It is 6 cm shorter than the original and weighs 44 tons. The cannon, along with a 20-ton carriage, was delivered to the city by two powerful tractors.

One of the most important landmarks is the stadium with that name. It was built in 2009 and is the base of the famous football club Shakhtar. It is natural that the design of the complex is made in black and yellow team colors. It is often called a flying saucer due to its special roof design and completely glass-enclosed façade.

Huge 53 thousand capacity arena amazes with the originality of the architectural solution. Those entering the stadium are greeted by a fountain, which is a 28-ton granite ball rotating in two powerful jets of water. It is a contender for inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest rotating ball.

Location: Chelyuskintsev street - 189e.

Since 2008, the city has had a renovated planetarium, which has been operating since 1962. Today it is the best of two hundred digital planetariums in the world. It is equipped with the most modern digital equipment that allows you to create three-dimensional images of the planets of the solar system, the effect of presence in space travel.

Here, unique audio and visual effects are simulated, and family viewings of films about cosmonautics and astronomy are organized. The planetarium is named after pilot-cosmonaut G.T. Beregovoy.

Location: Artema street - 46B.

Near the city administration you can see a park of metal sculptures. It represents unique works of art made by outstanding blacksmiths of Donetsk and Ukraine. It began in 2001 with a dozen forged sculptures. Now there are more than one and a half hundred of them.

Location: Artema street - 98.

Installed opposite the Olympic sports complex and depicts the great athlete Sergei Nazarovich Bubka. He is a thirty-five-time world record holder in pole vaulting, a six-time world champion and an Olympic champion. Today S.N. Bubka is a member of the International Olympic Committee, chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, an honorary citizen of Donetsk.

The monument was erected in August 1999. It is a sculpture of an athlete with a pole preparing to jump. The height of the pedestal under the monument, 6 meters 15 centimeters, is equal to the record set by the athlete in indoor pole vaulting.

Location: Artema street - 145.

This monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War was erected near the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. In this place, during the occupation of Donetsk by Nazi troops, a concentration camp was created where 25 thousand Soviet prisoners of war were kept. Dead prisoners were buried in the park near the Palace of Culture.

Later, a hill was raised in this place and a small monument was erected. For the 20th anniversary of the Victory over Germany, a monument of six twelve-meter pylons was erected. They are connected at the top by a wreath welded from metal sheets. There is an eternal flame between the pylons; they are illuminated from the inside. Victory Day and the anniversary of the liberation of the city are celebrated here annually.

Location: Kuibysheva street-67.

Next to the railway station built in 1951, in the premises of a former depot, a unique museum of the history of the Donetsk Railway was opened in 2001. Its peculiarity is that here you can see rare examples of railway rolling stock. These are over fifty locomotives and carriages of different years of production, more than a thousand other rare exhibits.

These include the carriage of Marshal K.E. Voroshilov, made in 1898, and the legendary steam locomotive “Cuckoo”. In addition to archival documents and photographs, you can see here railway tools and apparatus, a Morse telegraph, and uniforms of railway workers of yesteryear.

Location: Artemovskaya street - 47.