Evgeny Kuzin announced Sasha Artemova’s pregnancy. Sasha Artemova's pregnant belly spotted Alexandra Artemova pregnant with cousin's baby

Alexandra Artemova became famous thanks to her participation in the television project “Dom-2”, where she lived for a long time. The celebrity is very popular on social networks: her photographs are always beautiful and bright, and her captions are catchy and interesting. A celebrity is often admired by fans, because the outfits in which the celebrity is photographed are usually stylish and fashionable.

However, the last photo that Alexandra posted on Instagram did not evoke admiring comments from fans. Subscribers saw the fatigue on the face of the Dom-2 star, and many even suggested that the celebrity did not look her best as a result of pregnancy.

“You look like you haven’t slept for three nights and are sick.”

“Sasha, you look very bad, what happened to you?”

"Very pale and tired. Maybe pregnant? We are waiting for the secret to be revealed."

“Well, that’s right, you’re pregnant. You can see it right in your face.”

“Sashka, are you expecting a baby? You look like you’re suffering from toxicosis.”

However, not all fans were sure that the celebrity was carrying a child. Many fans thought that Sasha simply chose a bad outfit and asked the star not to dress like that again.

“Some kind of unfortunate look. Is the skirt wrinkled or something? Somehow everything is not the first freshness.”

“Disgusting. What kind of collective farm? I love Sasha very much, there’s clearly something wrong with this image.”

“Horrible. I don’t like your outfit at all. Maybe you don’t like it yourself, that’s why your face is like that?”

“Why did you post this photo? You obviously don’t look your best here. Your face is strange, and your outfit is not very nice at all.”

"Please don't wear this anymore. You have cool things, I know. And this collective farm is not worth wearing anymore."

However, Alexandra's real fans said that the star looks great. They justified the celebrity by saying that she did not get enough sleep due to a busy schedule and therefore appeared tired in the photo.

Recently, the star’s publications have caused more and more criticism from fans, for example, recently.

Sasha Artemova boasted to her subscribers of photos and videos from the registration of her marriage with Evgeny Kuzin. The girl arrived at the registry office in a trouser suit that effectively hugged her figure. But there was a noticeable roundness ahead. Few people will believe that Sasha overate so much that her stomach looked like a pregnant woman.

The confidence of users was reinforced by the fact that a couple, who had been avoiding the wedding for a long time, suddenly organized the celebration in one month and hurried to get married. At first, this haste was explained by greed, because the presenters promised to take away a million if the lovers did not speed up.

However, later the audience doubted that it was all about finances and made a bolder proposal, suspecting Sasha that she would soon become a mother, and therefore the wedding with Cousin became a priority for her. According to Nicole Kuznetsova’s forecasts, this marriage can be happy.

Alexandra Artemova // Photo: Instagram

"Nice outfit. It's a shame it ruins your stomach. It’s still wonderful when the bride is not pregnant,” “Sasha is great, but his belly is almost out of character. One can only be happy for her and Zhenya,” the audience speaks out.

Viewers also noticed the presence of the belly today during the ceremonial part of the celebration, but it would be logical if Sasha stopped overeating before the wedding. So the belly there is clearly not because of food, fans are sure, preparing to congratulate Alexandra after she officially admits it.

23-06-2017, 16:30 // 6 904

Sasha Artemova gave serious reasons to her fans to suspect her of pregnancy. And not just one, but several at once, although doubts about the reliability of the rumors still remain. But this is a common thing.

The other day, Sasha Artemova warned fans that she would tell them good news. And she didn’t even hint which one. It is not surprising that fans decided to draw conclusions and made them the way they like..

So they started talking with renewed vigor about Alexandra’s pregnancy. Moreover, Sasha stopped posting full-length pictures, that is, as if she was hiding her belly. And that means there is something to hide. So once again followers are discussing Artemova’s pregnancy, which has become a record holder for pregnancy.

“It’s time for Artyomova to become a mother,” “Alexandra, stop talking about the wedding, it’s time to have children,” “Sasha, you will make wonderful parents, don’t delay,” - followers ask.

Sasha, meanwhile, continues to try on wedding dresses. True, although she tries in every possible way to demonstrate her ability to choose the best, she succeeds poorly. Critics are constantly attacking us because of the wrong dresses and inappropriate styles.

Two other brides - Rapunzel and Romanets - have already named the price of their outfits. Artemova’s pka ​​is silent. Since Romanets decided to outdo Rapunzel and put 100 thousand on her dress to the 600 thousand declared by Gorigorievskaya, then Sasha needs to add at least 100 more and show off the outfit for at least 800.

The young family is congratulated on the upcoming addition. Evgeny Kuzin posted a joint photo with his beloved wife on his microblog, under which he made it clear that there would soon be three of them.

Alexandra Artemova and Evgeniy Kuzin
​Photo: Instagram

In the family of ex-participants of "DOM-2" Alexandra Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin, apparently, a new addition is expected. At least, this is how one can interpret the young man’s post, which he made this Saturday, April 14.

Evgeny Kuzin posted a photo on the microblog in the company of his beloved wife, which they took during a recent trip to Abrau-Durso. The couple is captured inside a beautiful installation - a metal heart.

“The heart is in us,” Kuzin signed the photo, adding emoticons in the form of three hearts to the comment.

Subscribers of the ex-participant of the reality show immediately realized that the third heart was probably still inside Sasha Artemova. Thus, they concluded that Cousin had so gracefully informed everyone that his beloved beautiful wife was in an interesting position, and they immediately began to congratulate the couple on the upcoming addition.

“Happiness to you guys! I can imagine what a beautiful baby these handsome guys will have!”, “Clever girls! Keep it up! All the best to you”, “This is wonderful, good luck to you!”, “Great news, congratulations on the upcoming addition!” - fans of Alexandra and Evgeniy are sincerely happy for their favorites.

Let us remind you that Kuzin and Artemova had a magnificent wedding at the end of November last year. Sasha eclipsed all the DOMA-2 brides with her wedding dresses. After the celebration has died down, the couple makes it clear that they are managing to build a harmonious relationship. Sasha Artemova managed to make friends with the son of Zhenya Kuzin from her marriage to Rita Agibalova. The other day the entire family was visiting Evgeniy’s parents in Novorossiysk.

Plus, the young wife clearly knows how to motivate her husband to succeed and take action. For New Year, for example, Evgeniy gave Alexandra a luxurious gift - an Infinity car. Artemova immediately boasted about her husband’s gift on a social network, thanks to which he received his moment of fame in the form of enthusiastic reviews from users about his chic gesture.