Download the game dirty roof 2. Game "pooping simulator"

A must play for all lovers of dark humor. Our new game Pooping Simulator will reveal to you the unexpected depths of human nature (in the literal sense of the word).

But we categorically do not recommend downloading it to refined, too squeamish and sublime natures. After all, the Pooping Simulator will deprive them of peace and faith for a long time that “everything in a person should be beautiful,” as the unforgettable Anton Pavlovich stated. The Pooping Simulator game is a pretty successful attempt to make fun of human physiology. And if your nerves are strong enough, and the sight of human waste products doesn’t make you sick, welcome to our specific entertainment.

You either have a sense of humor or you don’t – there’s no middle ground

I must say that the developers of this toy definitely have a sense of humor, but it manifests itself in a rather specific way. How else can one characterize the process of creating entertainment dedicated to the process of feces production by a hero dressed in a jumpsuit strongly reminiscent of the costumes of Superman and Batman. One gets the feeling that this awkward creature was invented as an antipode to the famous comic book heroes, who are so impeccable that at some point you simply stop believing them. In which of the comics, pray tell, did the same Batman or Spider-Man suffer from stomach pains, suffer from doubts, or show any other human weaknesses? It’s impossible to even imagine something like this. To paraphrase a famous saying, we can say that “supermen don’t poop.” So the Pooping Simulator game will introduce you to someone who does it, not only regularly (like all ordinary people), but also mega masterfully. We can say that we have before us a true master of his craft: talented, enthusiastic and very skillful. However, it’s good that he is with all his abilities on a PC monitor, and not next to you in real life. It is unlikely that anyone would dare to observe such talents “in nature” - without a gas mask and a protective suit. So let's take a moment and have a good laugh at the online adventures of our anti-hero.

Pooping simulator: the richness and diversity of human nature

So, in the game you have to get acquainted with all the variety of the hero’s talents, which he demonstrates during.....ummmm..... going to the toilet. It turns out that you can perform the daily ritual of emptying the intestines not simply by sitting on the toilet, but in a dozen very exotic ways, each of which the developers of this strange game even gave their own name. And you have the opportunity to get to know all of them in detail. We’re not sure that this knowledge will add poetic colors to your picture of the world, but it’s clear that it will diversify it.

As we said, our asshole hero loves to turn his trips to the toilet into a real extravaganza. On both sides of the game screen there are a dozen buttons with numbers from 1 to 10 and names that generally characterize the features of the process that will occur after they are pressed. It turns out that our hero can do THIS during meditation, depicting a bomb exploding, preparing sushi, etc. Each action is accompanied by appropriate music and sounds that are usually made in the toilet. It should be noted that the sounds were very loud.

The toilet is a place where rules can be broken or there are simply no rules

Since the Poop Simulator is a joke toy, there are no special rules in it. All she expects from the player is his good mood and infectious laughter. And what rules can there be in the toilet? So choose how your character would like to have a bowel movement and smile as you watch them try.

Here you need to produce poop by clicking on the big brown smiling poop in the center of the screen! By clicking on the “glove”, you earn points and move further in the game. For the same bonuses, you can purchase various creatures and buildings that will add even more points to you. All buildings can be upgraded. To do this, just go to the “Upgrades” section. By upgrading, you will speed up and increase the release of poop. The amount of feces produced per second may also be increased.

How to play?

At the start, just click on the big turd and you will be awarded points. At the top of the screen is written the number of Poops and Poops given out per minute (Poops(per/sec). To the left and right hang those living creatures, things and buildings that can be purchased for crap.
For example, a cursor can be purchased for only 10 poops, a child for 100 poops, a toilet for 1000, a cow for 9999, a sewer for 99100, and so on. All these acquisitions will put excrement production on stream, and very soon you will have tons of waste.
The more poop you have, the more custom buildings you can purchase. Make your brown world as interesting and unusual as possible! It turns out that living in a poop world can be very interesting!

Have you dreamed of going on a journey with an unusual hero, then you will definitely like the Poop Poop Simulator game. Here you will meet a character who needs to eat. Of course, he tried to find and collect food for himself, but nothing worked out for him. In order for him to achieve his goal, he needs the help of a dexterous and nimble player who does not retreat back under any circumstances.

After opening the game, you find yourself in a virtual world through which you will walk. Each location has a wide variety of fruits that you need to collect. But you should keep in mind that most treats are guarded by pigs, and if you come into contact with them, you will lose one try. In order to move to the next round, the poop needs to collect all the treats, after which a portal will open. Hurry up, as travel time is limited. Thanks to the hero's unusual abilities, you will be able to climb high ledges and soar in the air. Each selected fruit will bring the user points shown to you on the bottom panel. There you can also see how many attempts it took to overcome obstacles.

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