Let's draw Rapunzel step by step. How to Draw Rapunzel Tangled

Nowadays, many children simply love watching cartoons. Moreover, completely different topics. Today they enthusiastically talk about the cartoon they watched the day before, where evil monsters attacked the planet, and tomorrow they will cry, sympathizing with the princess who was locked in a high tower evil stepmother. Let's look at how to draw Princess Rapunzel in this article.

Every girl will be pleased to have a portrait of a fairy-tale princess in her room. Then you can even hang it on the wall, having previously placed it in a frame. So, let's begin.

How to draw Rapunzel step by step

  • Initially draw a middle or big circle. Note the main features. Then mark the line of the torso, shoulders and neck.
  • Start drawing the shape of the girl's face, and then move on to the eyes, nose, and mouth. remember, that main feature Disney characters have huge expressive eyes.
  • Now draw the long, voluminous, golden hair. Don't forget about small parts. This means clear eyebrows, thick eyelashes, white teeth, scarlet lips. Then move on to other elements. Draw a line for the neck and a peeking ear. Mark the line of the hand in the drawing.
  • At this stage, you need to draw small details. Mark the ruffles on the blouse and the top of the dress. Then draw the hand and fingers gripping the plate.
  • Don't forget to finish the sleeve of the dress and the nails on your hand.
  • Detail the hand and add definition to the plate that is in the girl's hands.
  • Erase the lines that were used as a basis for the drawing in the first step.
  • You can start coloring.

Now you know how to draw Rapunzel. Choose characters your child loves and draw them in the same way. Let the collection of paintings on the wall be replenished with more and more new drawings by your baby. This will allow us to see in the future how it developed.

Today we will find out how to draw Rapunzel. She is simply a stunning beauty with a lively and persistent character.

So, I suggest we get started. We take a pencil in our hands and begin.

How to Draw Rapunzel Tangled

Step one. At the top of the sheet we will place an oval - the head. Let's draw on it auxiliary lines in the form of a cross. These are the levels of the eyes and nose.

Step two. Let's draw the axes of the body: from head goes a small neck, it is attached to a rectangle - the chest, then draw a graceful curve of the body downwards, then a rectangle at the level hip joint. We will attach the arms and legs to the resulting parts. Well, like real artists, with the help of rectangles we will outline future palms and feet. Let's mark the nodules on the knee and elbow joints.

Step three. This stage is very difficult and painstaking. So let's be patient and get started. From our angular skeleton we need to get a smooth, graceful figure of a girl. Let's start with the face: sharpen the chin, draw small, neat ears from eye level down. We draw smooth lines of the arms around the axes of the skeleton and draw out the palms.

From the broad chest we draw tapering lines to determine thin waist. And from it again to the sides, we outline the lower rectangle. And we continue to smoothly go down. We get a long feminine skirt.

Step four. Let's draw a face. At eye level we draw two large round eyes, and above them - thin eyebrows. On the horizontal axis we will show a thin nose ending in a triangle. Let's place the smile a little lower.

Step five. And the most interesting. Now we will dress our beauty in a dress, draw all the ruffles and folds. And, of course, Rapunzel’s beautiful silky hair. They go down from the head, are picked up by the hand, go down to the floor and wrap around the dress. Well, that seems to be all. Don't forget to erase the auxiliary lines and hopefully now you will know how to draw Rapunzel step by step.

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The most beautiful and bright characters, perhaps, are obtained when drawing your favorite cartoon characters. This is due not only to a certain sympathy that they evoke, but also to positive emotions, arising during the very creative process. So, today we will draw a wonderful princess, main character known to many animated film called "Tangled." Read on to learn how to draw Rapunzel.

Where to begin?

You should start drawing the blond princess Rapunzel by preparing the materials necessary for work: pens or a simple pencil, eraser, sheet of paper and pencils, paints or markers. Next, take an ordinary blank sheet of paper (both landscape and notebook paper will do, the main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the future image).

Before drawing Rapunzel, take a simple pencil and draw an elongated circle at the top of the sheet. Mentally divide it with lines along and across. Then draw these lines on paper. These will be the boundaries of the eyes, nose and mouth. However, you should not put too much pressure on the pencil, since this is only a primary sketch, which means that the auxiliary lines will be erased in the future.

How to draw body axes for sketching?

The next step that needs to be taken before drawing Rapunzel completely is to draw the axis of the body on the paper. To do this, first draw a small line from the oval of your intended face (this will be the neck), then draw a small square. Inside it, mark a shoulder line: draw a line parallel to the top side of the quadrilateral and end it with two points (at the beginning of the line and at the end).

Then, from the edge of the intended neck, draw a line to the end of the square, as if dividing it in half. Then return to the shoulders and from the established point draw two more small segments on both sides. These will be the hands. In this case, one of them must be drawn bent at the elbow, and the second - straight. Circle the places for your palms with small rectangles.

The next step in the list of our actions will be drawing the further “skeleton” of the figure fairy tale heroine. And if you think that this is a simple sketch in the “arms, legs, cucumber” style, you are very mistaken. All these lines, circles and squares are the necessary steps to create the initial pencil sketch. Remember: before you draw Princess Rapunzel in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing her in the cartoon, you must make some preliminary sketches.

Drawing the body of Princess Rapunzel

So, we have an oval face, as well as shoulders and arms. Next we return to the square (this is top part the heroine’s torso) and draw a straight line down from it. Extend it to a distance equal to half the length of the neck and torso line. Then we draw a small rectangle, which will later become the bottom part of the picture. We divide it in half twice. We divide the upper square, located on the left, into two equal parts and place a point in the area where the halves are separated. We carry out a similar procedure on the opposite side. We'll talk about how to draw Rapunzel later.

From the marked points we draw two lines down. These will be the legs. We outline the area of ​​the knees (also with dots) and draw lines down from them. Instead of feet, when you're done sketching, draw two tiny rectangles.

Forming a graceful princess figure

Have you not yet figured out how to draw Princess Rapunzel from such a “clumsy” sketch at first glance? Let's talk about this transformation in more detail. So, we have a somewhat angular drawing, from which we need to create an elegant body of a princess. We begin transforming the sketch into beautiful picture from the face. To this end, carefully erase the lower part of the oval and make the chin sharp. We erase the excess with an eraser.

In the area of ​​the horizontal line (drawn in the supposed eye area) we draw two ears. The next step is to draw two lines in the neck area, drawing the shoulders, arms, upper and lower body. Here we do exclusively smooth lines and eliminate unnecessary strokes from a sheet of paper.

Attention! Before drawing Rapunzel, gradually draw smooth lines of the body with a pencil in the following sequence: face, ears, neck, shoulders, arms, upper part and lower part. At the same time, it’s better not to start drawing fingers right away. Instead, draw some kind of mitten. Draw the bottom of the figure in the form of a long skirt.

Paying attention to Rapunzel's face

At the next stage we draw a face. To do this, first draw a demarcation line in the area big eyes heroines (pupils, eyelashes and eyelids). Then move a few millimeters away from the eyes and draw in the eyebrows. After this, just below the right eyebrow, draw a line and depict a nose (this is done very simply, it looks like a triangular arrow). Under the nose you should outline the lips, stretched into a smile. We'll talk about how to draw Rapunzel correctly with a pencil below.

Once the face is ready, start drawing out the dress, paying attention to small details (folds and ruffles). Draw graceful flounces around the shoulders. Outline the contours of the chest and draw ruffles at the waist and neckline. Don't forget to lengthen the sleeves (do this along the entire arm). Next draw long skirt with numerous folds, and on last stage take care of the hair - Rapunzel's pride.

Create playful wavy bangs in the forehead area. Lower your curls to your hips and smoothly bring them over left hand. The end result is that the princess is holding part of her blond hair in her palm. Bring your curls down and twist them at the bottom of the dress (about two turns will be enough). Now all that remains is to erase the extra lines and color our heroine with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints of your choice.

How to color Rapunzel on paper

The last step will be to draw the finished pencil sketch. To do this, color the princess's hair yellow. Make the eyes green, the lips red, the cheeks pink, and the dress purple (use light purple and dark purple). If you decide that from under long dress If the toes of your pumps should be visible, be sure to use a color to match them to your outfit. Don't forget about the combination of light and shadow if you want to make the drawing more realistic and three-dimensional. The picture is ready.

Now you know how to draw Rapunzel with a pencil step by step. As you can see, this is not an easy and very painstaking job.

Rapunzel is a girl who early childhood was imprisoned in a high tower. Over the years, her hair became very long. Now this feature is the main feature of such disney princess. Therefore, if your child has long dreamed of drawing such a girl with long hair from a cartoon, then today with the help of this lesson you can learn how to draw Rapunzel and color her beautifully with colored pencils. Then take a sheet and repeat each step. When finished, fill in the outline image with paints or pencils.

You receive a finished drawing. Now your child will not ask the question of how to draw Rapunzel step by step on a sketchbook sheet.

Drawing materials that will help you understand how to draw Rapunzel:

- colour pencils;

- a sheet of paper in an album or sketchbook;

- eraser and pencil NV.

We prepare all the tools and materials so that we can start learning from the lesson how to draw Rapunzel step by step with a pencil on clean slate paper. To do this, sharpen each pencil and take a blank sheet.

Now you can go straight to the process, where kids and their parents can understand how to draw Princess Rapunzel from their favorite cartoon.

Drawing steps:

  1. First, let's determine how to draw Rapunzel with a pencil. We select suitable image and a frame from a cartoon or fairy tale. Then we determine the dimensions of the future fragment of the illustration and begin to draw the human figure. Draw an oval silhouette of the head, dress and arms on the left side.
  2. Next, we draw the lower hem of the dress, which develops under the influence of the girl’s movement. We finish drawing the legs at the bottom. We will also divide the head into four parts and determine the location of the most important parts of the face. Now you can move on to the next stage so that you and your child can receive beautiful drawing Rapunzel in her album.
  3. A girl named Rapunzel has a very long hair. They should be well looked after. Therefore, we finish drawing a comb in our hands, with which she tidies herself up or prepares for the ball. Her hair is so long that it not only reaches her ankles, but also lies around the girl.
  4. We complete the details of the clothing and determine the outline of the entire drawing. We will also add folds and lines of curls.
  5. We draw small details in more detail. We draw the girl’s face especially carefully.
  6. To give a more natural skin tone, use beige, light pink and dark brown pencil.
  7. Rapunzel's hair has a golden hue. Therefore, to color them we use yellow and light brown pencil colors.
  8. We cover the dress and comb with light pink strokes. To darken we use purple color.
  9. We create the shadows and outline, as well as the background and floor. To do this, take a blue, dark brown and black pencil.
  10. So we get a drawing depicting our beloved princess named Rapunzel, who is combing her hair and getting ready for the ball.