What kind of car do the Pynzaris have now? Alexandra Gozias - biography, information, personal life

Alexandra Gozias. Born on June 2, 1990 in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. Participant in the show “Dom-2”.

Alexandra Gozias's height: 165 centimeters.

Alexandra Gozias by zodiac sign: Twins.

After high school she completed hairdressing courses.

She was married to Ilya Krotkov. At first the couple lived in a civil marriage, but after the birth of their daughter they officially got married. However, the marriage did not last long - about a year. As the girl explained, her husband tried to establish tyranny in the family, so she decided to break up with him.

Moreover, she allegedly had such plans even during her pregnancy, i.e. before the wedding. But for a long time she forgave domestic violence (including because of the child) - until she finally decided to break up. By the way, fans of the reality show often raised the question of what exactly Sasha Gozias saw in her ex-husband? According to viewers of the TV show, his appearance and character as a man do not reveal any beauty or charm in him.

At the beginning of 2015, Gozias went to Kaliningrad for the casting of the project “Dom-2”. During the interview, the girl said that she was looking for her other half, but at the same time she was ready for any shocking reaction from the public - which, as you know, is important for this scandalous show.

The organizers of the project liked her so much that they bypassed Polyana and sent her to Love Island. It turned out that she got into the program on the route “Baltiysk - Seychelles”.

I came to Evgeny Kuzin. However, despite all the girl’s efforts, there was no reciprocal sympathy. Cousin refused to build a relationship with the girl and declared himself a couple with another Alexandra, Artemova.

After staying in the Seychelles for a month, Gozias returned to Polyana alone.

At Polyana I tried to build a relationship with Ilya Yabbarov. At one time it seemed that they would succeed. Yabbarov had just broken up with his ex-girlfriend. Once Alexandra was caught with Yabbarov hugging in bed (the photo was leaked to the Internet by Andrey Cherkasov).

At the moment when the girl was trying to start a relationship with Yabbarov, her ex-husband, Ilya Korotkov, came to the project. According to the latter, he wanted to bring his ex-wife back in order to restore the family and raise their common daughter together.

At the same time, he and Ilya Krotkov constantly argued on the project, telling each other all the ins and outs. He claimed that she cheated on him in marriage, she, on the contrary, claimed that he cheated. For some time after he came to the project, Alexandra moved into separate apartments with him and lived as with her husband. But then she left him again.

According to Sasha, she refused to step on this rake a second time. However, things didn’t work out with Yabbarov either.

But her relationship began with Sergei Khudyakov, who at that time was new to the project. True, this fleeting relationship did not bring her any loving consolation.

On February 5, 2016, Konstantin Ivanov came to the Dom-2 show. In the past, he was officially married (the name of his ex-wife is Christina). Has a son, Prokop. According to Ivanov, the divorce happened due to the difficult character of his wife. Although, according to Christina, the man turned out to be unfaithful in the marriage and allowed himself to raise his hand against her several times.

At first, Konstantin tried to build a relationship with the scandalous participant Olga Rapunzel. It turned out that they already knew each other and had been communicating for six months. At that time, Olga was in a relationship with Dmitry Dmitrenko, Konstantin tried to fight her off, but was unsuccessful.

And then he turned his attention to Alexandra Gozias. Konstantin and Alexandra began to communicate more closely together once they were in the Seychelles. Ivanov was attracted by the girl’s strong character, the man began to court Alexandra, and after a few days they declared themselves a couple.

At the initial stage, their relationship was accompanied by problems. They quarreled and then made up.

And on August 2, 2016, the couple stunned the public with the announcement of their marriage. This was the most original wedding of the project. Gozias and Ivanov cemented their relationship in the detention center (on August 1, Alexandra was locked up for foul language). The marriage was registered by the head of the punishment cell, Ilya Yabbarov.

But whether the real wedding will take place is an open question.

Alexandra Gozias - Troll of the Year 2016.

In 2016, the popular show “Dom-2” held two competitions at once: the annual competition “Person of the Year 2016” and “Troll of the Year 2016”.

According to the terms of the second competition, the winner is the one who best gets hold of his colleagues. The winner is determined by the audience. And in their opinion, Alexandra Gozias became the troll of 2016. She was ahead of Semyon Frolov by 12%, so the prize of 200 thousand rubles goes to her. Gozias said that she uses the money she won to spend her parents and their daughter on vacation at a mountain resort.

What kind of cars do the current reality show characters drive?

Black magician Vlad Kadoni has a compact convertible Mercedes’ Smart Roadster, of course, black. In one of the broadcasts, he rode it into a clearing, and everyone who wanted could take a closer look at it. The cost of such a cool car, or, as Kadoni affectionately calls it, a black spider, is also cool: from 425,000 to 471,000 rubles. Recently, Vlad Kadoni became Man of the Year and won a Mazda 6, a Japanese D class car costing from 739,000 to 1,178,000 rubles. But Vlad sold the winnings (especially after Irina Alexandrovna’s “kind” parting words), and donated part of the money to children with cancer. Once he himself was given such a diagnosis, it was not confirmed, but pain and compassion for such children settled forever in the heart of Vlad Kadoni.

Mikhail Terekhin is a conservative. He prefers one brand of car. He once owned a BMW 3 Series sedan, but the car was stolen. Misha strained himself, saved up, his parents helped, and now the former policeman is rapidly flying on his bird-troika around Moscow. The price of Mishina's dream come true varies from 2.9 to 3.9 million rubles. Sergey and Dasha Pynzar are the owners of a cheerful yellow Audi TT. The cost of such a car reaches 2.5 million rubles. When Sergei came to the maternity hospital to pick up his wife, everyone saw their new car - a bright red Honda. The Internet community is sympathetic to the young couple and is happy to have them.

Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova is an experienced driver and confidently drives. Her car is a black Hyundai Santa fe. The price of such a new car is from 1 million rubles to 1.6 million rubles. Rita Agibalova has changed many cars. Until recently, she had the same car as Vlad Kadoni - Mercedes’ Smart Roadster, only yellow. In September, the Agibalov family placed an order (and paid for) for three Nissan Zhuk cars - the price of one was about 650 thousand rubles. Olya ordered a red car - a good wedding gift, Margarita chose white, and Irina Aleksandrovna chose black. “Hold on tight to the steering wheel, driver!” - this is what I would like to wish to all these beautiful women setting off on their journey.

You read about this sophisticated fleet of vehicles and somehow you’re not even surprised. But if the participants of House-2 purchased electric bicycles, then yes, they would be very surprised, downright amazed! On one charge, such a bike runs 35-50 km at a speed of 35-40 km. This is an excellent tool in the fight against crazy traffic jams. An electric bicycle is very light, you can lift it with one hand and carry it into the house, and there are also folding models. Throw it in the trunk of the car and go fishing or barbecue for the whole weekend. You can ride to your heart's content along forest paths and along the river bank.

New competitions at Dom-2 will bring new victories and new cars. Many participants were allowed to work. The editors of KnowEverything hope that doing business will also add new models to the Dom-2 vehicle fleet. And next time we promise to tell you more about the cars of the show's hosts.

Reality show “House 2”... Let's remember in what year we first saw it on TV screens? It’s difficult to answer, isn’t it? Years go by, construction continues, the hosts, the participants themselves and, naturally, their fees change. According to the residents of the Television House themselves, income depends on several factors: scandalousness, popularity and time spent on the project. For example, the fees of even beginning star “household members” reach five thousand dollars. It is not surprising that with such earnings, many of the participants can afford to live in luxury and prosperity. And what is a dream for us, ordinary people, becomes a daily necessity for them. TV viewers are interested in absolutely everything: what outfits they prefer, what their hobbies are, what cars they drive. And it was the cars of the participants of House 2 that became the topic of our article today.

Analysts from the “Stock Leader” magazine, working in the “Show Business News” section, tried to figure out which of the participants owned the most expensive car and, along the way, compiled the top ten most-expensive cars. So, let's look at the cars of the House 2 participants in descending order.

The ten best cars in the TV house parking lot

It was Victoria Bonet who was lucky enough to become the owner of a Porsche Cayenne car worth about 135 thousand US dollars. First place goes to her.

In second place was a car owned by Mikhail Terekhin, also a former resident of the star house, and part-time fiance of Ksenia Borodina. Mikhail once worked in the criminal police, and now he drives around the capital’s roads in a black BMW X5. This machine is valued at 85 thousand dollars.

Third place went to two beautiful young ladies: Alena Vodonaeva and Ksyusha Borodina. They own Infiniti cars worth from 83 to 100 thousand dollars. By the way, Ksyusha topped the rating of the most popular participants in the show in September of this year. She recently switched to an Infiniti, before that there was a Ford Focus in her garage, and even before that a Honda Acord.

Fourth place among the leaders was taken by Daria Pynzar, a pretty blonde and current participant in the show. Daria owns an Audi TT, which is provocatively orange. The cost of such “beauty” is approximately 69.5 thousand American rubles.

Another blonde, Olga Buzova, took fifth place in the ranking. Having taken the place of the project leader, Olya decided that she needed to live up to the position and exchanged the MINI Cooper for the more expensive and respectable Audi Q5. The price of the car is from 60 to 70 thousand US dollars.

Elina Koryakina's Ford took sixth place in the ranking. A car costing from 60 thousand dollars is a good purchase for a young girl. Elina is not proud of her purchase and happily gives rides to her “wheelless” household members, in particular Andrei Samsonov.

Sergei Pynzar took seventh place on the list. The young Ukrainian owns a red Honda Accord, which costs about 29 thousand dollars.

Eighth place was again shared between the ladies: Irina Agibalova and Valeria Masterko. Their choice fell on the Mazda 6 car, for which they had to pay about 26 thousand American rubles. By the way, the oldest participant in the project, Irina Agibalova, has already moved to her third car. The cost of the first two (Hyundai Santa Fe and Porsche Cayenne) was much higher than today. What made her change them remains a mystery.

The owners of the black Mazda 3, husband and wife Gazhienko, took ninth place. And finally, the honorable last place went to Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. His light blue Daewoo Matiz costs nothing - 7-10 thousand dollars. Wenceslav owns another car, a rare Moskvich 412. He says he is much more proud of his latest acquisition.

The best cars of former project participants

Some of the first participants in the show also boast expensive cars. For example, Stepan Menshikov drives a Hummer H2, Nastya Kovaleva owns a Toyota Camry, Liza Kutuzova, having left the project, purchased a Land Rover, and Vlad Kadoni became the proud owner of a Mercedes Smart Roadster.

As you can see, not only the current residents of the TV House can afford luxury cars. People in the project change, leave and come back again, quarrel and make peace. One thing remains unchanged - their ratings do not fall, they are in demand and famous in show business, which means it is not in vain that they have lived for so many years under the tireless surveillance of video cameras.

The reality show “Dom-2” has become not only the longest-running project on Russian television, but also an excellent way to earn money for its participants. According to the “household members” themselves, depending on the time spent on the show and the degree of “scandalousness” (and, as a result, the ratings of the project), the fees of beginning stars range from 700 to 5,000 US dollars.

It is not surprising that with such an income, many of them, especially the “experienced” ones, can afford quite expensive purchases. What is a “luxury item” for many residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the CIS countries, is an everyday necessity for the participants. We are talking about cars.

Whose vehicle became the most expensive in the Dom-2 fleet? - Analysts in the "" section of the "Stock Leader" magazine looked into it.

- The most expensive car belongs to former project participant Victoria Bonya. The fragile girl drives a Porsche Cayenne (cost about $134,600).

- In second place was the BMW X5 of Ksenia Borodina’s lover Mikhail Terekhin(worth approximately $85,230) from a former member of Dom-2, a former criminal police officer.

Third place was shared by former reality show participant Alena Vodonaeva and Dom-2 host Ksenia Borodina, who own an Infiniti (price ranges from $82,900 to $100,000).

Let us note that Ksenia Borodina, who topped the September ranking of the most popular participants of “House-2” (more details -), got behind the wheel of a new foreign car after the Ford Focus and Honda Acord.

- In fourth place was one of the blondes from “House-2” Daria Pynzar, which drives an orange Audi TT ($69,500).

- Olga Buzova took fifth place, who, having become the youngest presenter of “House-2”, replaced the bright MINI Cooper with a more respectable Audi Q5 (price from 60,100 to 69,500 US dollars).

- Sixth place is taken by Elina Karyakina’s Ford SUV(worth 60,000 - 64,300 US dollars), on which the girl happily drove the “wheelless” participant of “House-2” Alexei Samsonov.

- The seventh place in the list of the most expensive cars in the Dom-2 fleet is occupied by the red Honda Accord($28,800) from Sergei Pynzar, a native of the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk.

- Eighth place was shared between two reality show participants Irina Agibalova and Valeria Masterko, who are happy to drive a Mazda 6 (costing about $26,300).

By the way, this is already the third car in the car collection of “TV grandma” Irina Agibalova. Before this, the oldest participant in “House-2” was the owner of the more expensive Hyundai Santa Fe and Porsche Cayenne. The woman does not say what forced her to switch to a less expensive car.

- Ninth place is occupied by the black Mazda 3, which is owned by the Garzhienko spouses (cost from 23,000 US dollars).

- Perhaps the most modest car is owned by Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky - a light blue Daewoo Matiz, which can be purchased for between 7 and 10 thousand US dollars. By the way, recently a participant in a reality show received the title “Burd of the Year at Dom-2” and acquired another “steel horse” - Moskvich 412.

Many people are wondering, what do the participants and presenters come to the Dom-2 project with? On air, they often talk about the service Gazelle, which supposedly delivers participants and presenters to the project’s clearing. But how are things really? Below is the vehicle fleet of DOMA-2:
1. Ksenia Borodina got behind the wheel of a budget Ford Focus car for the first time, which pleased her for a long time

The longer Ksenia was on the reality show, the more prestigious her car should have been. It doesn't matter when participants drive more expensive cars, and she decided to switch to a Honda Acord

Honda suited her quite well, but that was not the case. After all, it has become very fashionable to drive SUVs. Just imagine how cool the fragile Ksenia Borodina looks in a big Infinity

2. Ksenia Sobchak is more ambitious when choosing a car. She has a large fleet of vehicles, which includes more than one pair of cars, but prefers not to change horses at the crossing. For a very long time she drove a Mercedes

When Ksyusha decided to put aside her desire to participate in the scandals of social life, she decided to change the car to a more representative class. This car turned out to be the BMW 7 LONG

Sobchak loves to show off his Bentley on weekends

3. Olga Buzova is the youngest host of the reality show Dom-2, but she succeeded in cars no worse than Ksenia Borodina. Having become the host of the project, she decided to show her sophisticated nature and bought herself a Mini Cooper

Seeing that all the socialites started driving SUVs, she decided to keep up and bought herself an Audi Q5

4. Natalya Varvina, having won the “Person of the Year at DOM-2” competition, received a Mitsubishi Lancer X as a prize

5. Viktor Khorikov is known to be from a very wealthy family. At the very beginning of his stay at DOM-2, he drove a Ford Focus, which was later transferred to Rita Agibalova

After the project, he matured and switched to a sports Audi

6. Antti Kurihen from Finland, sports car enthusiast

7. Daria Pynzar is the blonde of the Dom-2 project, and naturally, she has an Audi TT

8. Maria Adoevtseva came to the project as a simple girl. Now she is not only famous, she also drives a Mercedes Smart

9. After the project, Gennady Dzhikia became the director of a car company and got behind the wheel of a Mercedes Brabus

10. Alena Vodonaeva used to be a scandalous participant in DOM-2, and is now a socialite who drives an Infinity

11. Victoria Bonya was included in the list of the hundred sexiest women in Russia, maybe it helped her that such a fragile girl like her drives a Porsche Cayenne

12. Margarita Agibalova loves to show off her wealth and her financial capabilities. For her 18th birthday she received a Mercedes Smart Roadster as a gift

She thought it was a very small car for her and asked her mother to buy something bigger. Irina Alexandrovna (her mother) bought a Ford Focus from Viktor Khorikov

Recently the entire Agibalov family decided to change their vehicle fleet and Rita switched to a Nissan Juke

13. Elina Karyakina came to the project and immediately talked about how she was not in poverty. Alexey Samsonov (her boyfriend on the project) loved to ride with her in a Ford SUV

22. Sergey Pynzar came to Dom-2 on the Dnepropetrovsk-Moscow train, and now he drives home in a Honda Accord