What can you do for your homeland? Principles, methods and goals of patriotic education of children

Of course, you can’t do without a Christmas tree. Some will install a real forest beauty, others will install an artificial one. But besides the big hero of the occasion, you can also make several small Christmas trees and place them in the rooms. Let the holiday be felt throughout the house!

You can make a Christmas tree at home from any material, from sweets to books. Today we will talk about how to make a New Year's symbol from paper. Simply put, take scissors, glue, paints... and get started.

Using colored paper You can make a Christmas tree of various modifications, from flat to voluminous. Yes, at least whole forest spruce!)

This beauty is very easy to make! We will need a sheet of colored paper or cardboard and scissors. Cut out a square and bend it as shown in the picture.

And the final stage:

New Year's decor is ready!

And the simplest option is to cut out two identical blanks from colored paper. After that, we bend them lengthwise and glue them together. The result is a tree like this. Decorate it to your liking.

Another easy option. We make a cone out of colored paper, decorate it and get a stylized Christmas tree.

Another simple option for making a stylized Christmas tree. Cut out a triangle from paper. Take the right one wooden stick, she will be a tree trunk.

We attach a base to the trunk so that the future tree stands vertically, for example, a cork or a piece of plasticine. Now we string the paper onto a stick, like a sail on a ship. And here is the result.

Is it truly original and wonderful?

Making a Christmas tree from corrugated paper with your own hands step by step

For this craft you will need corrugated paper and cardboard. You can choose paper of any color to make your New Year's decor unusual and match your interior.

Watch in this video a master class of 5 options step-by-step production Christmas trees made of corrugated paper on New Year 2019:

Now let’s describe the manufacturing process in a few words and photographs.

We cut out a sector from cardboard - two quarters of a circle and glue it into a cone.

The cone will serve as the trunk of the future Christmas tree.

Now let's start creating an analogue of branches and needles. There are several ways you can go here. You can make Christmas tree branches in the form of a belt around a cone. To do this, cut a strip of paper about five centimeters wide and long enough to completely go around the cone. We thread a thread along the inner edge of the strip that will be adjacent to the cone, stepping back half a centimeter from the edge. After this, roll the strip into a circle.

We make several such circles, and they should all be different in size - one smaller than the other. After all, they will fit on a cone like rings on a pyramid: at first big ring, then smaller, etc. So we put them on the cone. It turns out something like a “skirt”.

To prevent the rings from falling off, glue them to the cone. As a result, we get such a beautiful Christmas tree.

Instead of a cone you can use wooden rod, onto which we string circles made of paper.

We make the circles ourselves as follows. Take a strip of paper and fold it into an accordion shape. We fix it in the middle with a thread.

After that, we fan it out.

Now take the two halves and glue them together to make a circle. We also make circles of different sizes.

We string them onto the rod, starting with the largest and ending with the smallest. The result is a Christmas tree.

The process is more labor-intensive than previous options, but the result is wonderful.

How to make a Christmas tree from paper napkins

A Christmas tree made from paper napkins looks very beautiful. Here, just as in the version described above, a cone is used as a base. However, roses made from napkins are glued onto it. As a result we get:

We take the napkins, put them in a pile and fasten them in the center with a stapler. After that, cut out a circle from them.

The first layer is crumpled towards the middle. Then we do the same with the next layer.

And in this way we make all the layers so that the result is a rose.

You will need to make a lot of these roses. How much is difficult to say. It all depends on the size of the base - the cone.

Now we glue the finished roses to the cone, starting from the base to the top. We decorate with beads and as a result we get a beautiful Christmas tree.

Christmas tree made of paper - options for making a paper tree

Here is an option for making a paper Christmas tree that is suitable for small children. The fact is that the Christmas tree is made from the contours of a child’s palm.

Roll a cone out of cardboard. Next we take green leaf paper and child. He applies his palm, outlines it and cuts it out. You will need a lot of such palms. Now we take the cut out palms and glue them to the cone. It turned out to be a wonderful Christmas tree.

Continuing with the cone options:

As you can see, the cone is good in any form).

You can use wrapping paper.

How do you like this stylish little thing from old glossy magazines?

It is made easier than steamed turnips).

Another very simple applique style option that can be easily made by a child. Take a sheet of colored paper as a background. Next, we need several sheets different color. We cut strips of paper from them about half a centimeter wide. Their lengths are different: the first one is long, each subsequent one is slightly shorter than the previous one. We cut them, now we glue them onto the background sheet. Glue a star on top. The craft is ready.

Below is a video that shows how to make Christmas trees out of paper.

Christmas tree made from newspaper tubes

The Christmas tree can be made from any material. One of the simplest is a newspaper (although they are already disappearing from our lives). Tubes are rolled from it and then intertwined with each other. As a result, we get the following craft.

You can’t immediately tell that it was made from newspaper. The tubes can be painted in any color and the Christmas tree will be colored.

It all starts with what we do a large number of tubes. To do this, take a wooden stick and use it to twist newspaper sheet. Lubricate the edge with glue so that the tube does not unravel. We make a cone out of cardboard. We put it on a sheet of paper and start weaving. We glue the first row in the form of a pentagon.

Now we take the bottom tube and place it on top of the other. We take the next bottom one and put it on top again, and so on.

Thus, intertwining the tubes, we raise the “braid” to the very top.

We cut off the remaining long tubes at the end and attach a separately made star top.

The Christmas tree is ready. You can leave it white, or you can paint it.

There is another way of weaving:

And another model of the Christmas tree:

Making a Christmas tree from origami modules according to the diagram

One of the options for making a Christmas tree is to make it using the origami technique. Of course, this option is somewhat more complicated than all those described earlier, but the result is very impressive.

First you need to make modules. To do this, use the following diagram.

Approximately 650 such modules need to be made for a Christmas tree 20 cm high. Done. Now we collect the branches of the Christmas tree. We fasten the modules as follows: In the first row - 2 modules, in the second - 1 module.

We assemble the third row by attaching two more modules to the corners of the second row module. We insert it into the pockets located nearby, as a result the outer corners will stick out to the sides.

We assemble the twig, alternating first one, then two modules in each row.

We make either five or ten such branches. The splendor of the Christmas tree depends on their number. Now we glue the branches together, forming a circle.

You need to make several such circles. Depends on the height of the tree. For the trunk we use a wooden skewer or stick. We stick it into an eraser, plasticine, polystyrene foam - whatever is at hand.

Now we put the finished Christmas tree circles on a skewer. Glue the first row to the base. Then each subsequent row is glued to the previous one.

Having collected the entire Christmas tree, we make decorations for it. Below is a diagram of the assembly of another version of the Christmas tree from ready-made modules.

How to make a voluminous Christmas tree out of paper at home

Below are some pretty interesting options making a three-dimensional Christmas tree. The first option is that the Christmas tree is made from paper strips folded with ribbon and placed on a stick-trunk. We collect according to this scheme.

In the second option we take Blank sheet paper: white or colored - green. We bend it in half and draw the contours of the Christmas tree. You can use these stencils.

Or like this.

For one Christmas tree - three stencils. Cut along the lines. After which all three blanks are glued together and we get Christmas trees like this.

And finally original version Christmas trees big size, which glows from within. To make it you need carton boxes, from which we make pyramids. We dress each other. We put a lamp inside. As a result, we get such an original design.

Below is a pattern diagram for Christmas tree pyramid modules.

With a minimum of materials, but a maximum of desire, you can make something like this:

Here is also a worthy decor option:

Here are very laconic and stylish Christmas trees:

These are like this interesting crafts, I think they will decorate your home in new year holidays. Good luck and Happy New Year everyone!

In addition to the main Christmas tree in the living room, which is large and richly decorated, you can make a Christmas tree for each room with your own hands. Our master class is devoted to how to make it out of paper. But first, let's look at which paper Christmas trees are popular. They can be flat (on a wall, a postcard, a box with a gift) or three-dimensional (a cone, a “book”).

A very convenient material for making a cone-based Christmas tree is corrugated paper. The cone can be made from cardboard, thick paper, or buy a plastic blank. Strips of corrugated paper are glued onto the cone in a circle or spiral from bottom to top.

Using another technique, individual petals are made from corrugated paper. Both the stripes and petals can be made in one color, or you can take several similar shades, then the tree will turn out more picturesque, more natural.

You can make your Christmas tree-cone unusual by using not green, but, for example, pink corrugated paper.

You can decorate it with sparkles, sequins, buttons, bows. Or collect beads on a string and hang them on the Christmas tree, or you can just let her wear her beads.

Instead of corrugated paper for making pine needles Christmas tree, you can use ribbons, fabric, lace.

You can corrugate the paper by making small or large folds on the sheet and gluing the parts to the cone.

A bottle of champagne can serve as a cone, and instead of toys, candies are woven into paper needles. This bottle can be both a table decoration and a gift.

There is even an origami technique, where the sheet is folded many times, resulting in very neat geometric models.

The most realistic spruce branches are obtained when cuts are made on strips of corrugated paper, needles are twisted, and the paper is wound on wire. Small branches are then collected into larger branches.

Flat paper Christmas trees

Corrugated paper can not only be glued to a cone. It can be mounted directly on the wall, which is very convenient if you have limited space. A Christmas tree on the wall can be made from anything, just maintain a triangular shape and tiering. Thanks to the simple shape of the Christmas tree, it can be made up of any objects and materials: from paper stickers to shelves hung in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Christmas tree made of paper

There is another way to make a three-dimensional Christmas tree, without using a cone at the base. If you make 2 or more identical parts of a whole Christmas tree out of paper, stitch them along the vertical axis and lay them out like a book, you can get a very impressive tree.

We suggest making just such a Christmas tree. If you choose a carved stencil, it will become as elegant as lace.

Before making a Christmas tree out of paper, let's collect everything necessary materials and tools. The materials we will need are: a stencil pattern, watercolor paper and gouache. The thicker the paper, the better the tree will keep its shape after painting. Watercolor paper is designed for strong wetting; the water contained in the paint will not warp it, but printer paper and drawing paper will not work.

You will also need tools: a sharp paper knife, paper clips, 2 brushes, a dish sponge, a needle and thread. Choose a stationery knife with break-off blades or a small construction knife. We will paint the Christmas tree with a large brush or sponge, and with a small brush we will draw stars and the top of its head.

First we print the stencil. Take 2 sheets of watercolor paper and put a stencil on them, securing them with paper clips along the edges.

It is important that the sheets do not move when cutting. Place many layers of newspaper under the bottom; it is easier to cut on a soft surface and you will not damage the table.

Cutting openwork blanks is the longest and most difficult stage. When it's finished, the most enjoyable creative part comes.

Now the parts need to be sewn. First, you can take a thicker needle and, like an awl, make punctures along the stitching line at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other. Then sew along these punctures and hide the threads.

It's time to start painting the Christmas tree with green gouache. Gouache is good because, like all water-soluble paints, it dries quickly, lays down in a dense opaque layer, covering all previous layers, and it produces a bright matte surface.

After green paint Once it dries, which will happen within an hour, you can start painting the details of the Christmas tree. Our stencil is very convenient in this regard. The stars are well cut and painting them is not difficult. I had silver, yellow and red paints. Instead of silver, it will work well white gouache with a drop of blue or red. Snow will be bright white, so it is better not to use it so that the details do not merge.

All that remains is to revive the Christmas tree with snow - drops of white gouache. We spray them evenly with a large hard brush or broom, preferably in the center. There is no need to try too hard to do it carefully, the snow will sweep as it pleases.

So we learned how to make a Christmas tree out of paper. This method is low-cost and fast, which means it is possible to do a lot Christmas trees using watercolor paper and gouache. Many of your friends will love this Christmas tree as a gift, because it can be placed on New Year's table, windowsill. You can make this Christmas tree flat from one piece. Then it’s good to hang it on a wall, window, glass door.

Simple paper Christmas trees

If you need a very simple way to make a Christmas tree out of paper, it is better to immediately take colored sheets. If the tree is without a frame, then thick sheets are needed: cardboard or thick colored printer paper.

If the tree has a book structure, it would be better to use PVA glue, and New Year's toys Make it out of colored plasticine balls or cut it out of self-adhesive paper.

Quickly make Christmas trees from corrugated circles of various diameters.

Such stylish minimalist models especially benefit from their laconicism when they are made in small sizes and one color.

On the eve of the New Year, making Christmas trees with your own hands becomes relevant. Volumetric Christmas trees made of colored paper will perfectly decorate your apartment. Such a creative gift will be pleasant surprise, especially if it is made together with children.

It will be very fun to make such a Christmas tree with children.

These Christmas trees will perfectly decorate your apartment on a festive night.

Before the New Year it is very popular to make Christmas trees out of paper.

To make this craft you will need green corrugated paper, PVA glue, green cardboard, scissors, and a toothpick.

Before you start making the Christmas tree, you should prepare the main tool for rolling paper “rolls”. To do this, the edges of the toothpick are cut off. Make a small cut on one side with a knife, slightly dividing it in half.

It’s not difficult to make such a Christmas tree

To create such a Christmas tree, prepare paper, glue and scissors.

Stages of making a Christmas tree

Draw on cardboard using a compass big circle. Next cut it out. This will be the basis of the future Christmas tree.

  1. In order to roll the resulting circle into a cone, it should be connected in half and cut along the fold. Form a cone from the resulting semicircle. Glue the junction of the edge of the cone with its base with glue. Wait a few minutes to allow the glue to bond the cardboard well and dry.
  2. To make strips for quilling, take green corrugated paper and apply 1.5 centimeter wide sections on it.
  3. Make frequent cuts along the entire length of the resulting ribbons, without reaching the edge. This will create a fringe of tree needles.
  4. To make the main element of paper rolling, a spiral, one end of the strip is inserted into the forked part of a toothpick and a piece of paper is wound along the entire length onto the toothpick. In this case, it is better to twist the toothpick itself, and not the tape. To obtain identical elements, try to twist evenly and neatly.
  5. To prevent the rolled paper roll from unwinding, the free end is glued to the base. Let the glue dry.
  6. After all the elements are made, to give them the correct volume, you need to carefully fluff the cut fringe on them.
  7. Glue the prepared paper rolls onto the cone. It is better to start doing this from the top of the cone. To do this, the pointed end is smeared with glue and the element is put on it.
  8. Press the part. Next, cover the entire cone with fluffy spirals.

The Christmas tree will look brighter if it is decorated with bows and balls made of corrugated paper. To do this, you can roll it out colorful balls or squares connected twice, tied in the middle with a thread. Done Christmas decorations stick.

Such Christmas trees will create a festive atmosphere in the apartment.

To make your Christmas tree look beautiful, decorate it with bows

To make a Christmas tree, you can use the instructions

Christmas tree using quilling technique

A Christmas tree made using the quilling technique will be a beautiful and original decoration for a holiday card.

To make a Christmas tree you will need A4 colored paper, scissors, a toothpick, PVA glue, a base for the Christmas tree (it can be colored cardboard or a postcard)

To make the Christmas tree look more creative, you can use green colored paper to make paper spirals, but different shades. Roll 4-5 elements of each color.

  • On colored paper, draw stripes 3-5 millimeters wide and cut.
  • Next, use a toothpick to start making paper rolls. To do this, insert one edge into the cut on the toothpick made with a knife and twist it evenly. Instead of a toothpick, you can use wooden kebab skewers or a regular rod. Then you can simply wind it in the middle of the selected tool.
  • In order for the resulting spiral to be free, it is better to release it. When it opens up a little on the table, fasten it to the selected diameter.
  • For a more interesting Christmas tree, the spiral bases can be twisted into different diameters.
  • It is best to start laying out the Christmas tree on cardboard from the top, taking the smallest element. They glued everything in the shape of a cone. It can be done in an uneven order.
  • The Christmas tree can be decorated with decorations in the form of twisted spirals of very small diameter or with beads.

You can use colored paper to make spirals.

A Christmas tree made using the quilling technique will be a beautiful and original decoration for a holiday card.

Christmas tree made from a cardboard toilet paper cylinder

An unconventional decoration for a New Year's room can be Christmas tree pendants made from a cardboard toilet paper roll. Such holiday symbols can be hung either as individual decorative elements or as a garland.

For decoration you will need:

  • cardboard, inner part toilet paper;
  • emerald or green acrylic paint;
  • bright ribbon;
  • flat parts for decoration. these can be buttons, rhinestones;
  • glue (moment crystal is perfect for gluing plastic; its transparent texture will be invisible, plus it dries instantly).
  • scissors.

When everything you need is prepared, you can start preparing the decoration.

Christmas trees made by yourself will perfectly decorate your apartment.

These Christmas trees can be hung on the ceiling or Christmas tree

Creating a Christmas tree this way is a little easier

First, the roll should be painted in several layers and allowed to dry thoroughly. This may take up to half an hour.

In order to make a spiral from a roll, you need to, starting from the top, cut it in a single line to the bottom 1.5 cm wide. The ends will be pointed.

In order to give the tree the correct shape, you should twist the cut strip into a coil. To fix the shape, place the resulting spiral under a heavy object, such as a stack of books, for 30-60 minutes.

Unwind the future New Year's tree a little, and glue the prepared round elements on the outside that will imitate balls. They can be arranged either in a chaotic order or according to a specific algorithm.

Glue a bright thin ribbon to the top of the craft. This could be a red ribbon to decorate flowers or even a thick thread or yarn.

Creating a Christmas tree yourself is not difficult

Christmas tree made of Japanese paper

For crafts, you can take either a special Japanese paper, or glossy cardboard in bright colors.

You will also need: wrapping paper (sheets of magazine with bright image), white A4 sheet, skewers, pencil, scissors, ruler, PVA glue.

For the base of the Christmas tree, cut a regular sheet of paper into strips 2 cm wide. Twist all the strips into circles. Attach all the elements to each other in a circle using glue. You should get a large circle of spirals. The width of the circle is arbitrary. The wider, the more stable the figure will be.

Cut two rectangles measuring 21 by 28 cm from cardboard. Bend each of them like an accordion so that the sides are 1.5 cm wide. Round the ends of the accordion.

Fold the piece in half, gluing it end to end. A semicircle is formed

Glue the resulting semicircles together to form a circle. This will be the bottom row of tree branches. You can replace the glue with wire by piercing both semicircles and twisting its ends.

Make two rectangles of the following sizes: 18 by 28, 16 by 28, 14 by 26, 12 by 26, 8 by 25, 6 by 23.

Make accordion shapes from all rectangles, connect identical semicircles into 6 circles.

Now you need to prepare the skewers. They need to be wrapped. To do this, you will have to cut a strip several centimeters wide from a bright sheet and wrap it in a spiral.

Place all the circles of branches on a skewer. There should be wider circles at the bottom.

The Christmas tree is a very beautiful decorative element

A Christmas tree made by yourself will perfectly complement the festive atmosphere

To create such a Christmas tree, glossy paper or cardboard is suitable.

Christmas tree using origami technique

A Christmas tree made of green paper is very simple and quick to make using the origami technique. Not only children, but also adults will be happy to master the art. This technique It is attractive because figures can be made from it anywhere, without having additional tools at hand.

You will need green colored paper and scissors.


  • Make a square out of paper.
  • First join in half by running your finger along the bend. Then unfold and bend in half diagonally on both sides. Expand. You will get a square with highlighted stripes.
  • Roll along the resulting preliminary bends, as shown in the figure.
  • Fold each side to the middle.
  • Unfold the resulting bend to form a pocket, and connect the edge of the pocket to the center.
  • Turn the corners of the Christmas tree outward, then fold them inward.
  • The tree will have 8 equal sides, which must be cut along the edges horizontally in 4 places.
  • Fold the cut sides down diagonally.
  • Bend the previous bend and tuck it inside the tree along the resulting line.
  • The top of the head can be stitched with a thread, making it Christmas tree toy or a pendant for interior decoration.

This Christmas tree can be made quickly and easily.

This Christmas tree can be made without additional funds.

Christmas tree made of paper strips

Many mothers prefer to make gifts for grandparents not only with their own hands, but also begin to instill a craving for creativity in their children. It will be interesting for young children to make such a Christmas tree themselves.

For this craft you will need multi-colored construction paper, scissors, and a sheet of cardboard.

Children 3-4 years old will be able to make blanks from strips on their own. For younger children, mothers can prepare them in advance.

  • Cut colored paper into even ribbons of the same width (1-1.5 cm), but of different lengths.
  • Spread the blanks with glue and glue them to the cardboard in a Christmas tree shape. Place longer pieces horizontally from below, gradually shortening their length towards the top of the tree.

These Christmas trees are very easy to make.

This Christmas tree will be an excellent decoration for a Christmas tree or apartment.

You can involve children in creating a Christmas tree

Volumetric Christmas tree made of old paper

For creation New Year's beauty you can use various available means. A product made from sheets of old paper or magazines will look especially interesting.

This Christmas tree will look unusual

Christmas tree made on our own will perfectly decorate the interior

A quick and easy way to make such a New Year's decor item

  • Take 2 magazines, PVA glue.
  • Bend each sheet into 2 parts. Fold the protruding edge. You will get half a tree.
  • For the second half, perform the same procedure with the second magazine.
  • Glue both halves together to create a finished tree. You can make a base by gluing a few wine corks to the bottom.

To make the Christmas tree look more creative, you can spray it around the edges with spray paint.

Video: How to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands

50 photos of ideas for creating a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands:

In autumn, you increasingly begin to think about the coming of the New Year with its festive mood, meetings with friends and family and, of course, gifts. In addition, since childhood, we have all associated the New Year with the Christmas tree! That's what we'll talk about)

Fortunately, people are increasingly thinking that it is not worth cutting down a live Christmas tree for the sake of a few holidays. Krestik and I fully support this decision and believe that a DIY Christmas tree is much more interesting and humane! Moreover, this great options for those who have nowhere to put a large Christmas tree (for example, there is no free space, or there is an active small child in this free space).

We present to your attention large selection master classes on creating a decorative Christmas tree with your own hands, which will serve as a wonderful decoration for your home and an original gift to a wonderful holiday!

Christmas tree made of pine cones

You can make a very original Christmas tree with your own hands from pine cones. But we will not use the whole cones, but will use only their scales so that the tree is not too bulky.

So, first, let's separate its scales from the cone. This can be done with a sharp knife, wire cutters or pruning shears.

Be careful, take care of your hands!

The next step is to make a cone from thick paper or cardboard, which will be the base of our Christmas tree. We roll the paper into a cone, glue it on the sides and cut off the excess at the base.

Then we simply take the scales in our hands and glue them in a circle, starting from the base of the cone.

Everyone is allowed new row You can glue them in a checkerboard pattern, like here, on top of each other.

You can glue a clove to the top of the tree (such a spice))

After the glue has dried, you can start painting our beauty. To do this, you can use spray paint or regular paint. acrylic paint.

If you choose acrylic paint with a metallic effect, your Christmas tree will look much more impressive.

Then we cover the ends of the “twigs” with PVA glue and sprinkle glitter on them.

This is the beauty that results from these simple actions:

Using exactly the same principle, you can decorate the cone with chains and beads, decorative cords, ribbons, braid, etc.

Another very popular way to make artificial Christmas trees with your own hands is to weave them from beads. This is perhaps the most painstaking method, but for lovers of beadwork nothing is impossible!

The detailed process of weaving Christmas trees from beads cannot be contained in one article, so we are sharing with you links to master classes previously published on Krestik.

Christmas tree made of paper and cardboard

If you have nothing to do at work) or just want to add a little holiday to the office, make a Christmas tree out of paper. What's easier?)

And this tree is very similar to a designer one, don’t you think? It’s all because of colored designer cardboard, which is so beautiful and bright that you don’t even need to decorate the Christmas tree with anything else), which simplifies the process of making a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Secondly, to make a designer Christmas tree, you can use threads that are wound on a paper cone using the technology of making openwork balls.

Thirdly, flower net and bouquet net.

The technology for making these three Christmas trees is very similar, so the process of creating them is shown in one master class.

Feather Christmas tree

Yes, they do too! Feathers can be bought at hardware stores, or maybe you have supplies of bird feathers? For brightness, they can be painted with food coloring. It looks original, beautiful and so airy!

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There is very little time left until the New Year, and it’s time to think about holiday decorations for home. You can buy ready-made options in the store, but it’s much better to make original things with your own hands.

We are in website We think that it’s definitely worth involving children in this activity, and we’ve collected some great ideas for New Year’s crafts.

Snowman made from a sock

From unnecessary socks You will get these funny snowmen. You will need socks, rice for filling, some scraps and buttons. Cut off the toe of the sock and tie it with thread on the other side. Pour the rice into a round shape, tie it again with a thread and add more rice to form a smaller ball. Sew on the eyes and nose, make a scarf from a scrap, sew on buttons. And the cut off part will make an excellent hat.

Christmas tree pendants

A cinnamon stick is used as a base; several artificial spruce branches and multi-colored buttons are attached to it using glue. Such Christmas trees will not only decorate your home, but also fill it with the warming aroma of cinnamon.

Deer from traffic jams

Bottle caps are an excellent material for crafts. For example, you can make such a cute deer. You will need some corks, glue and various beads for decoration. It’s not a shame to hang something like this on a Christmas tree.

Crafts from sticks

From ordinary ice cream sticks you can make cute Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes. All you need is paint, glitter, buttons and a little imagination. Even the smallest children can handle such crafts.

Christmas trees made of colored paper

You can make such wonderful Christmas trees by making a cone out of green paper or cardboard and decorating it with different things. Buttons, pebbles, beads and various paper figures are suitable.

Potato drawings

Snowflakes made from pasta

Staple the pasta different shapes using glue and cover with silver paint, secure with tape - unusual New Year's snowflake ready.

Snowmen made from lids

Cover metal bottle caps with white paint (it’s better to use acrylic) and glue them together, as shown in the picture. Draw a face on the snowman and decorate it with a scarf made of bright ribbon. If you glue a loop on top of it, you can hang the snowman on the Christmas tree.

Crafts from pine cones

You can make different animals and any other characters from the cones. You will need paints, scraps, buttons and, of course, imagination and inspiration.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Select green buttons of different diameters and a few brown ones for the trunk and secure them with thick thread. Decorate the crown with a star.

Painted balls

Place the pieces wax pencils into a transparent Christmas ball, heat it with a hair dryer, constantly twisting. When the pencils melt, they will leave beautiful colored streaks inside the ball.