Women's earrings in the form of large diameter rings. Hoop earrings made of gold and silver.

All gold Congo earrings presented in the assortment of the Goldach company are extremely good. Even if you have chosen an elegant accessory of small diameter, the decoration will certainly attract attention, adding exquisite charm and unique originality to your image.

Main advantages

Modern Congo-style earrings are made using advanced jewelry technology. Due to this, the decorations are hollow inside, which makes them amazingly light. Even with the large thickness of the rings, you will not experience discomfort when wearing the accessory. Another advantage of the model is a reliable and invisible clasp that will not come loose accidentally.

Plus, it's really hard to make a mistake as a gift! Since it is made of noble material, it can be turned into another piece in the future. And it does not cause allergies in people with greater sensitivities, as is usually the case with pieces made from more common materials.

Girls usually receive special and unforgettable gifts already in the first days of his life. To avoid allergies, choose a small model of gold earrings for babies, because the body has an even greater chance of accepting the piece!

Children who want to decorate their ears with even more style will find children's gold earrings to be the most suitable and safest thing. Avoiding allergies, they adopt a style for any situation.

Stylish and elegant gold jewelry will be an ideal addition to both evening and everyday wear. In addition, congas are perfect for all representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age. The accessory will become a good gift and a girl (you can choose

the model is completely small size as the first decoration for ears), and for a romantic girl, and elegant woman middle-aged, and a lady of respectable age.

In different formats and with designs created specifically for them, there are several alternatives jewelry! Traditional and perfect for any situation, here you will also find several gold earring options for women. Get to know the models and love the possibilities!

Gold Piercing: The Detail That Makes All the Difference

There are also several other decorations here that will change your style. Additionally, since it is anti-allergenic, this jewelry is ideal for those who have any intolerance to other metals, allowing for faster healing and to suit your needs.


The jewelry company "Goldach" offers Congo-style earrings in the most various options execution. Our store's assortment includes a real abundance of gold jewelry. You can choose a precious metal that is white (a symbol of purity and aristocracy), yellow (an attribute of luxury, power and wealth) or red (a sign of warmth and comfort).

The nose piercing should be even more delicate, preventing you from feeling any concern, while at the same time it should be tough and durable. That's why gold piercing - great option! The success piece is mainly among women, with more complex and durable jewelry.

Earrings in gold: choose your type of gold

A great complement to a gold earring, an ear piercing requires even more style and the courage to adorn your face with more quality. The second hole deserves a piece that has a lot of quality and style! High quality, durability and excellent cleanliness make it even more beautiful and elegant in any situation where you want to wear it, be it day or night. Gold can also be found in different shades, from a more classic version to tones that are considered more innovative, bringing more color to their jewelry without leaving aside quality and style.

The model range will amaze you with its diversity, and the prices will pleasantly surprise you. Any woman will be able to buy gold Congo earrings that best suit her requirements and likes. We present large and flashy jewelry, small and graceful, with paths of precious and semi-precious stones and without inserts. In the catalog you will find trendy earrings decorated with gold decor, gems or enamel.

White gold is lighter, similar to a shade of highly polished silver. However, its shine can be even more intense and its features remain the same as traditional gold.

WITH pink tint gold in this color is full of style and looks great on a variety of jewelry. In his earring, it will give an even more feminine tone, decorating with different stones and pieces that you want to use.

A woman's traditional decoration is earrings - rings, which were the very first in history. There are two types of such earrings: hoop earrings with a diameter of up to two centimeters and congo earrings with a diameter of more than two centimeters.

Traditionally, this is the most classic version of gold. Found in many pieces of jewelry, many people choose this gold tone because of tradition! For those who want even more elegance, black gold - with its darker tonality - makes your piece stand out even more. A black gold earring is an innovative piece in many people's collection. Get to know various models Here!

Gold earrings come in different designs and styles! Know the main ones here and choose the one that best suits your collection and your style! Hoop is one of the most classical works for the women's collection! IN different sizes they can be elegant and sophisticated while also being more relaxed, according to the pieces you decide to use at the same time.

Earrings - Congo take their name from one African country, where they are very popular. Unlike earrings and rings, they are suitable for thin girls. Earrings - Congo, according to stylists, are an excellent addition to the image of a girl with long flowing hair.

Elegance is always present in pearl jewelry. The pearl earring is another item that does very well among more traditional jewelry.

They are also very successful in any situation. Available in different sizes, you can choose from a more discreet model to a more dramatic one to suit your style.

Earrings gold ring with diamonds

For those looking for something more vibrant, gold earring with stone - good alternative, pairing the precious metal with the stone of your choice. For even more exclusivity, how about choosing a gemstone on your hoop earring? Bring all the beauty of this combination of gold and zirconium into your collection, leaving your jewelry even more varied and stylish.

Today, earrings - rings and congo earrings are made from a variety of materials: gold, plastic, silver, platinum, etc. As for earrings - rings made of precious metals, they can be decorated with a variety of stones or have a polished surface, and can also be complemented with various artistic elements.

Gold earring: occasions when you love

Modern and sleek, its angular design works well in many everyday situations, from work environment use to a late night party. For the most romantic styles A heart earring is a great and stylish choice! Every situation can be gifted with a gemstone.

Gold earring for newborns

The newborn baby will keep this gift forever and will also be able to wear it as his first pair of earrings after drilling the borehole. To commemorate this great achievement, gold earrings make a good gift and will also be guarded with great love and proud of the date!

Hoop earrings are extremely popular. And this is not surprising, because this model of earrings fits different styles clothes and goes with absolutely any hairstyle. They look great with both evening wear and everyday wear.

Brides, besides wedding ring also deserve a pair of earrings to match your new jewelry! Other parties, for various reasons, also deserve to be accompanied with even more style and elegance with gold earrings that match your personality!

Gold earrings for birthdays

A traditional occasion to give gifts, propose a model that will be unforgettable and highly appreciated by the birthday girl, with even more elegant earrings! Enjoy the best exclusive and stylish designs you will find in our products and enhance your jewelry purchase! Therefore, the Lord would remove all decoration from Israel and give them the exact opposite. “Instead of a sweet smell there will be a stench, belts - a rope, and instead of curling hair, baldness, and instead wide clothes, sackcloth and burn in the place of beauty.”

Hoop earrings are suitable for any face shape, except round. They look at each other in a very sexy, sensual way.

If you read the entire context, you will see that this is not a list of decorations that God does not approve of here. "Alloy decoration" are rings located on the ankles. "Rednix" - small chains of precious metal, placed on the forehead. "Luetas" were metal ornaments in the shape of the moon. The "pendants" were earrings; “shackles” - bracelets; "tiaras" were short precious stones; "passing" were bracelets placed on the forearm; The "chains" were gold chains. And so on, everything here describes precious jewelry.

Those who use this passage to say that God forbids jewelry are taking the passage out of their context. For if we apply this as God's message to women in general, we would also have to say that the way God wants women to present themselves is to have a bad smell instead of perfume, tie a rope instead of a belt, become bald instead to use Wavy hair, put on a rag made of sackcloth instead of wide clothing, and burned the skin, not the beautiful one. For this is all we find in poetry.

Earrings - rings (photo)

For the summer season, the ideal option would be large earrings - rings that will look very feminine and impressive. Stylists recommend wearing them, pulling your hair back into a ponytail or a neat bun.

But in truth, God is talking about judgment here. proud people, who walked with his head raised without humiliation. In Scripture, Israel is often portrayed as an unfaithful woman. But a Christian woman should have wisdom in how she should dress and not use what might cause scandal or what might give her a worldly appearance.

What he says in Romans can also be applied in principle to this matter: “It is good not to eat meat, not to drink wine, and not to do other things that cause your brother to stumble, or to offend, or to be weak.” One of the sisters wrote to me asking if the pastor was right to exclude him from fellowship with his brothers just because she wore long pants to work in the sugar cane. Explain to her that the problem she had with dressing appropriately for her job was a misapplication of Scripture.