Musical musician. The meaning of the word musician in the encyclopedic dictionary

Norway, with a population of 4.5 million people, occupies a territory of about 323 thousand km3, this is equal to 7 countries like Estonia, but, as people say, small is the spool, but expensive.

Norway is a country where no one drives with security, there are no flashing lights, there is no corruption, where royal palace in Bergen, night operas are staged, and in the summer there are performances on the streets, the king, who appoints and removes ministers (there are 7 ministers and one prime minister in the government) and provides a park in front of the palace for everyone, asking only to fence off a small place for his secluded ones with a transparent mesh walks.

Norwegians are driven by a sense of equality. This approach is the cause and consequence of the use of economic levers of state power.

Back at the beginning of the twentieth century, Norway was a “fishing province” with a developed shipbuilding industry that had reached a high technological level. The discovery of the first oil field, Ekofisk, in December 1969 (simultaneously with Russia) completely changed the situation.

" Each Norwegian's personal account receives deductions from oil profits.

Oil has been declared the property of the people, like all the country's natural resources. Money from oil revenues goes to social programs and the General Prosperity Fund. And Norway gradually began to turn into one of the richest countries in the world, where GDP per capita reaches 40 thousand dollars. Over 30 years, Norway's income amounted to 454.5 billion dollars.

Today the oil and gas industry accounts for 20% of Norway's GDP. There are 60 oil and gas fields in operation in the North and Norwegian Seas, with another 136 in the pipeline. The share of revenues from oil and gas exports in total export revenues is 45%.

Each Norwegian's personal account receives deductions from oil profits. Today, these contributions amount to more than $100,000 for each Norwegian. For each child, at birth, a bank account is opened, which receives at least $3 thousand in income tax income.

" Government subsidies provide high level medical services (surgeries, treatment in hospitals is free).

Medical institutions in Norway are predominantly state or municipal, and government subsidies for them provide a high level of medical care (surgeries, treatment in hospitals is free). And no special hospitals.

If yesterday King Harald V was lying in a hospital room (reluctantly, the head doctor allowed a policeman to stand guard at the door, otherwise the patients tortured the king with autographs), then today an ordinary hard worker is lying there.

The king is content with what his subjects enjoy. Simply because it is enough. The country has the most powerful social structure medical services for the older generation (nurses, doctors, nursing homes). Nursing homes are a one-room apartment or cottage for one person; each patient has a belt with a button to call a nurse, which appears instantly. There are sick societies that monitor the quality of treatment.

Education is free. Norway has the highest student education costs in the world. School system valid from active participation parents in educating children: schools are recommended, parents decide what is the best offer for students (from 7 years old children go to 1st grade, education for 9 years, further education is voluntary from 16 to 19 years old), schools provide serious teaching in computer science and English , (all Norwegians know very well English language), form a humanistic worldview of non-violence, tolerance, love of nature, and hard work. And Norwegians are no stranger to hard work. Many Norwegians work as fishermen or run a family farm.

Agriculture is highly developed in Norway and is focused on meeting the country’s internal food needs through family farms. It is based on livestock farming, which fully covers the needs of the country's population for meat and dairy products. The main share of vegetables and fruits is grown in such quantities that it even makes it possible to supply cherries and strawberries to Western Europe(and this despite the fact that 200,000 farms cultivate 3% of the land).

" Contributions to the Oil Fund are made when the material level of the population is high and the state provides its citizens with large social benefits

In order to smooth out fluctuations in income from the sale of oil and gas and, most importantly, to finance the growing costs of paying old-age and disability pensions, the State Petroleum Fund (NGPF) was created in Norway.

By compensating for the decline in oil and gas reserves with the financial activity of the NGPF, the government reduces the country's economy's dependence on the export of raw materials. The Norwegian State Oil Fund functions in the long term as a savings fund, and in the short term as a stabilization fund.

Contributions to the Oil Fund are made when the material level of the population is high and the state provides its citizens with great social benefits: Before caring for future generations, it is necessary to create decent conditions for those currently living.

In Norway, all income flows into the budget. And only then do they decide to transfer part of the money to the account, and only if the state budget is in surplus: the amount of contributions is determined annually during the process of approving the budget by parliament. The maximum annual transfer of budget funds reaches 6% of GDP.

Formally, the Norwegian State Oil Fund is an account in Norwegian kroner at Norges Bank, owned by the country's government. According to Norwegian legislation, Norges Bank can only invest in foreign securities; their type and the countries in which money can be invested are determined by the country's government.

" The most democratic monarchy in the world put the law above everything, above religion and tradition. Unquestioning obedience to the law, starting with the first person of the country - the king.

Norway did not join the EU, so the people wished, who did not want to be combed with a common comb, coming out with posters at demonstrations against the EU, but the Schengen agreement is in force in the country, so you may not notice the border with Sweden: only the color of the flag will change and there will be different markings on the roads.

The most democratic monarchy in the world put the law above everything, above religion and tradition. Unquestioning obedience to the law, starting with the first person of the country - the king. In Norway, everyone must follow Norwegian law, including foreigners, even though it may go against your custom.

Order and organization is a Norwegian way of life. Everything works smoothly: public transport, ambulance, industry, service (historians claim that the main guarantee of success in the Viking campaigns was their organization). There are no nouveau riche and oligarchs buying up castles and yachts all over the world - Norwegians do not need this to establish themselves; they are not acquisitive.

For four years in a row, the UN has ranked Norway first in the world for “human development”.

The working day lasts 7.5 hours from 8 to 15.30. A lawyer receives 400,000 crowns per year, a cleaning lady receives 220,000 crowns (1 crown - 4.5 rubles).

The state exercises strict control over housing construction. Most of loans are provided by the state housing bank, and construction is carried out by companies with cooperative ownership.

" Social security in Norway is amazing.

Due to the climate and topography, construction is expensive, however, the ratio between the number of residents and the number of rooms is quite high. Housing consisting of 4 rooms with an area of ​​103.5 m3 accommodates 3 people. Approximately 80.3% of the housing stock is owned by those living in it individuals. The cost of a 3-room apartment is 50-300 thousand dollars.

As a rule, only one of the spouses works in a family, the other is engaged in spiritual quests, self-improvement and raising children. From time to time they switch roles.

Social security in Norway is amazing. Current legislation requires the payment of “family allowances” to salaries, taking into account the number of children.

All Norwegians, including housewives, receive a basic pension when they reach 65 years of age. The additional pension depends on income and length of service. Average duration Norwegians live 79-81 years. The average size pension corresponds to 2/3 of earnings. The state guarantees all citizens, including housewives, the right to 4 weeks of paid leave. In addition, families receive a benefit of $1,620 per year for each child under 17 years of age.

" Norway has the lowest unemployment rate - 1% and the highest benefits from 800-1500 euros (with the state paying the unemployed in full for housing and communal services, transport).

Every 10 years, all workers are entitled to an annual leave with full wages for training for the purpose of advanced training.

Norway has the lowest unemployment rate - 1% and the highest benefits from 800-1500 euros (with the state paying the unemployed in full for housing and communal services, transport).

Unfortunately, those who come to work for hire take advantage of this, stop working, sit on the neck of the social protection authorities: they drink all day long, complain of boredom, and on Tuesday they stand in line of declassed elements to receive bags of food, first-class ones at that: cans of coffee, meat, fish , tea, biscuits, vegetables, which are organized by the Blue Cross, stocking up for the week, in addition, every evening, before closing, all stores remove all products from the windows, wrap them in plastic bags and, without locking the trash cans, place all products in tank, which is what lazy visiting workers take advantage of...

The fact that Norway was practically unaffected by the worst crisis since the Great Depression is explained primarily by its special model economic development: the basis of which is the main role in the country's economy belongs to the state.

" Unlike Russia, Norwegians proceed from the fact that natural resources, oil and gas are not the property of individuals, individual companies, but of the entire society, and the future of the country depends on their wise use.

Exactly government agencies control the fuel and energy complex, which has made Norway the most prosperous country.

Unlike Russia, Norwegians proceed from the fact that natural resources, oil and gas are not the property of individuals, individual companies, but of the entire society, and the future of the country depends on their wise use.

This is manifested in the fact that oil exploration and production is under the control of the state, and private, foreign companies are charged huge percentages (80%) of state income. Ranking 3rd in the world in oil exports right after Saudi Arabia and Russia, Norway today is a powerful oil power and is the 7th largest oil producer in the world.

To increase the Oil Fund, funds are invested in government securities developed countries: 50-60% to Europe, 20-40% to the USA, 10-30% to Asia and Oceania. At the end of one year alone, dividends on these securities and interest on deposits exceeded $3 billion.
Revenues from the oil and gas industry are invested in the state Pension Fund for the benefit of future generations.

The fund provides long-term placement of funds; it is a resource for reliable companies around the world. Openness takes central place in the activities of the fund. Every Norwegian can easily obtain information about which foreign stocks and bonds the State Pension Fund's money is invested in.

It would seem that you should count the dividends, but no, the Norwegians decided that their fund would focus on “ethical” investments, and for this purpose they organized a special ethics council under the fund in September 2005. And they invited professional philosopher Henrik Syz to work there.


The government has not allocated a single ruble to the account of any Russian. Neither during the time of Gaidar, nor during the time of Putin. The question is why the government of Gaidar, and then Putin, has not yet opened individual personal accounts for every Russian?

As the 40-year-old professor himself admitted, he then could not distinguish stocks from bonds. But no one required him to know the intricacies of the stock exchange - there were enough specialists for this. Its functions were to help guide the investment of the fund's money in those companies that are not associated with the production of weapons of mass destruction or other inhumane activities. “We don’t want pensions that are based on blood money,” say the managers of the State Pension Fund.

So because of non-compliance humane treatment to nature and people, the fund sold shares of the Russian company Norilsk Nickel. Norway has adopted a “Code of Ethics” for the oil fund’s investment policy, which excludes from possible investment those companies that violate human rights and cause harm environment, the basic principles of humanism.

Norwegians carefully protect all natural treasures, monitor the purity of air and water (Norway has to allocate for Russia huge sums for the recovery of old sunken submarines and their burial, as well as to pay for the proper storage of nuclear waste on the Kola Peninsula).

Long term goal public policy in Norway is to transform the country into a rentier state to ensure that future generations can take advantage of the country's current oil wealth. Therefore, the Oil Fund is also called the “Generation Fund”.

Russia, following the example of Norway, created the Stabilization Fund; the Russian leadership has repeatedly stated about “investing in people,” but, apparently, the tasks in reality were different.

The government has not allocated a single ruble to the account of any Russian. Neither during the time of Gaidar, nor during the time of Putin. The question is why the government of Gaidar, and then Putin, has not yet opened individual personal accounts for every Russian? The question hangs in the air.

Therefore, until we change, until we very strongly and consciously want to get rid of the shameful Russian poverty, the world around us will not change. The descendants of the Vikings changed themselves and made their beloved country prosperous.

Norway gained independence only in 1905, but just a century later this country became a leader in the standard of living of the population.
For most of its existence, Norway was dependent on neighboring states, which greatly slowed down the development of the country's economy. In the 9th century. on site modern state A united kingdom arose, but already in 1397 the country entered the Kalmar Union, which also included Sweden and Denmark. The purpose of creating the union was to jointly solve economic problems that arose in the Scandinavian countries in the 14th century. From now on, all three countries were ruled by one king, but each state retained its independence. By 1523, conflicts between government and aristocratic society reached their peak, which led to the collapse of the union. But already in 1536, the Kingdom of Norway entered into a new union - the Danish-Norwegian union. Although Norway and Denmark remained formally independent, the latter was a much stronger country. This led to Norway becoming completely economically dependent on Denmark. During this period, the basis of the economy of the Norwegian state continued to be such industries as agriculture, timber processing, and fishing. Due to trade with other countries, port cities grew and developed.
The Danish-Norwegian Union lasted for many centuries and ceased to exist only in 1814, when, as a result of the Anglo-Danish War of 1807-1814, impoverished Denmark was forced to cede Norwegian lands to Sweden. In this union, Norway gained much greater independence than in the union with Denmark, which allowed the country to take its first steps in economic development. So, for example, in mid-19th V. The first textile factories appeared in Norway. The country gained its long-awaited independence only in 1905, when an agreement was signed to terminate the existence of the Swedish-Norwegian Union.
A real breakthrough in the development of the country's economy was made in the 60s. XX century It was then that, on the initiative of large private companies, oil and gas fields located on the North Sea shelf began to be developed. Having concluded an agreement regarding maritime boundaries with Great Britain and Denmark, which were already producing oil in the region, Norway began work in a new industry.
8 1969 the first deposit was discovered - Ekofisk. Three years later, in 1972, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate was created in the country, whose work is aimed at controlling oil production. The Directorate's task is to make work as efficient and safe as possible. He must monitor the activities of oil producing companies, analyze the state of the industry as a whole, and also ensure that oil and gas production does not cause severe damage to the environment. The resource extraction industry became so important for Norway that already in 1978, the country created a separate Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, which was previously part of the Ministry of Industry.
Norway's industry is especially developed in coastal areas. There are areas suitable for Agriculture, there is the opportunity to engage in fishing. On south coast oil production and processing centers are also concentrated.
Today Norway is known throughout the world as one of the main suppliers of oil.
Nowadays, Norway is a Scandinavian kingdom living a measured life, one of the countries with the highest standard of living. In just forty years, Norway has become a strong industrial state, supplying many European countries with oil.
Of course, oil and gas are not the only sources arrived in the country. Norway has a developed mechanical engineering industry, specializing mainly in equipment for the oil and gas industry. The country also has the status of an important shipbuilding center: due to its peculiarities geographical location Norway has vast experience in this industry. In addition, throughout almost the entire history of the Norwegian state, fish resources have been an important export item: Norwegian fish is still highly valued in the world. The country has a developed wood processing industry, many important role Today, the related pulp and paper industry is also playing. Norway attracts attention huge amount tourists coming to relax at local ski resorts or look at the world famous Norwegian fjords.
Norway leads in the amount of electricity generated per capita. Interestingly, the country receives a significant portion of its electricity from hydroelectric power plants. In some regions, electricity is generated using wind turbines.
But despite the high level of industry in the kingdom, oil remains the basis of the Norwegian economy.
According to 2005 data, the country produced 2.978 million barrels daily, with 90% of the resources produced being exported. Only Saudi Arabia and Russia are ahead of the Kingdom of Norway in terms of oil exports. It would seem that with such an established trading system there is no need to worry about the near future. However, the Norwegians do not forget that sooner or later oil and gas reserves will come to an end. That is why in Norway they are trying to use the profits maximum benefit for the state. Money coming into the country through trade in natural resources is transferred for safekeeping to a specially created fund and is partially invested abroad. Also, profits from the sale of oil and gas are sometimes used to solve current problems: the country has the opportunity to take external loans, invest in social sphere and in the development of industry, and later pay off the debt with money received from trade. A similar principle was successfully applied back in the 1970s, when the oil industry in Norway was just beginning to develop. At that time, external debt reached 30% of GDP. According to 2009 data, total debt foreign countries amounted to $548.1 billion.
Today, one of the main tasks facing the Norwegian state is the search alternative ways making a profit.
Norwegians are realists and well understand that thoughtless exploitation natural resources can lead to their complete disappearance.

general information

Official name: Kingdom of Norway.

Form of government: constitutional monarchy.

Legislature: Storting (parliament).
Administrative division: 19 counties (provinces).
Capital: , 590,041 people. (2010).
Language: Norwegian.
Religion: Lutheranism.
Currency unit: Norwegian krone.
Airports: Gardermoen (Oslo), Flesland (Bergen), Torp (Sandefjord) (53 in total).


Area: 385,252 km2.
Population: 4,850,440 people (2009).
Population density: 12.6 people/km 2 .
Ethnic composition : Norwegians - 98%, Kvens, Sami, Swedes, etc. - 2%.


Mineral resources: oil, natural gas, ores (lead, copper, zinc, iron), graphite, apatite.
Industry: oil production and oil refining, timber processing, paper, chemical (paints and varnishes, fertilizers), mechanical engineering (manufacturing of equipment for oil and gas production).
Agriculture: fishing, vegetable growing, floriculture, growing grain crops, livestock breeding.
GDP: $382.9 billion (2009).
Amount of external debt: 143% of GDP (as of June 30, 2009).
Main export items: oil, machinery, equipment, ships, metals, chemical products, fish.
Exports: $122 billion (2009).
Export partners: Great Britain - 27%, Germany - 12.8%, Netherlands - 10.4%, France - 9.4%, Sweden - 6.5%, USA - 4.5% (2008).
Main import items: food, equipment, chemicals.

Import partners: Sweden - 14.3%, Germany - 13.4%, Denmark - 6.8%, China - 6.4%, UK - 5.9% USA - 5.4%, Netherlands - 4.1% (2008) ).
Gold and foreign exchange reserve: $60.84 billion

Curious facts

■ Despite the fact that market relations have been established in Norway, the state plays an important role in the economy. For example, in Norsk Hydro, a major Norwegian oil and gas company, the government owns 43.8%.
■ Norway is second Scandinavian country along with Iceland, which has not yet joined the European Union.
■ The oil industry is subject to a lot of taxes. So, companies must pay taxes on profits and excess profits, on carbon dioxide emissions, plus the so-called territorial contribution.

Many of us like to listen to music, but not everyone has the talent to create wonderful melodies. The profession of musician is mastered not only by people who play musical instruments, but also singers and composers. To become a truly real musician, you need to masterfully play your favorite instrument, know the history and theory of music. This includes: musical notation, solfeggio, music literature.

Young people often associate the profession of musician with famous rock bands or, better yet, with a game of underground passages. Despite the prevailing stereotype, many representatives of art are far from stellar career, but you can’t call them beggars either. For most people, music is nothing more than entertainment. We are surrounded by tons of various genres and works of this industry. At the same time, music performs ideological functions; representatives of the profession bear great responsibility for the results of their creativity. The task of a professional is not just to perform a piece; it is much more important to evoke the emotions that are initially inherent in the melody or song.

How to Succeed in Music

The profession of a musician is not an ordinary job, it is an art that involves creativity. It is practically impossible for such people to demand anything; the flight of their imagination is not limited by anything. That is why there are no strict criteria and framework for the profession of a musician. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, and recognize a motive without notes. The melody should sound easy and relaxed; only professionals will understand what titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music.

Many people don’t know, but the musician profession loves neat and clean people. The instrument must always be clean and tuned. When you have the opportunity to play in a team, you should not neglect it. Solo is good, but experience working in a duet, trio, etc. will become priceless.

Where do musicians work?

There are many different ways in which you can make money from music. Let's look at the 5 most common sources.

  1. Restaurants and cafes. They usually work at night, the fee depends on the “eliteness” of the establishment and the quality of the musicians’ performance. You can play in one establishment on an ongoing basis or fulfill one-time orders.
  2. Weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties and other events. As a rule, fees here are much higher than in restaurants: it all depends on the scale of the event and its duration. In addition to income, the advantage of such performances is free advertising. If the guests liked the quality of the performance and the repertoire of the musicians, they may be invited to another celebration. True, there is a risk of being unemployed for a long time.
  3. Work in show business. Many young people dream about this when they look at pop stars. However, what is needed here is truly talent from God. Some pseudo stars make their way into show business solely through connections, but their brightness fades very quickly.
  4. Playing in a choir or orchestra. If you don't have the opportunity or desire to play, you can sell your own compositions.
  5. Having reached certain heights in the musical field, some organize schools, recruiting children for training.

Pros and cons of being a musician


  • creative profession;
  • a musician, like a musician, is free to choose;
  • the work can hardly be called boring and routine, if, of course, you love music.


  • high competition among musicians;
  • a creative crisis may occur;
  • It is difficult to achieve a stable income.

Career growth and remuneration

Habitual understanding career ladder There is no such thing as a musician profession. Income and popularity depend on ambition, determination, and, of course, talent.

Sentences with the word MUSICIAN

  • Wrapped in a cloak, the musician slept on a bench.
  • The officer snatched the violin from the musician and raised it above his head.
  • The head waiter approached the next table, bowed politely to the old musician, and quietly said something to him.
  • I could become a teacher, musician, secretary, doctor, gardener.
  • In the end, the musician also wants to live.
  • Two musicians played the zurna, the rest played the drum.
  • And then fate itself came to the aid of the panic-stricken musician.
  • Being a musician and serving music is not a profession, but a way of life.
  • Not a single musician, having it in his hands, will ever lose his way.
  • Two musicians with violins decorated with ribbons stood on the outskirts of the village.
  • She cut off her brown braids, dressed up as a musician, took a harp and, without telling anyone, set off on a long journey.
  • You might want to know who this night musician is.
  • Four musicians walked right there, playing excellent horns and tambourines.
  • Bülow was a brilliant musician, the first star conductor in the history of music, and also a famous pianist.
  • I professional musician and I cannot be indifferent to this topic.
  • The young woman’s absolute selflessness makes her involuntarily reward the musician royally.
  • A less outstanding musician might have been able to turn a blind eye to this.
  • All pupils in most or to a lesser extent were in love with an unknown musician.
  • Furious at work, a cheerful fellow, a musician, he maintained the morale of his shift.
  • The sentry recognized the general hanging over the parapet, and, according to the order given, stood aside to let the musician through.
  • Pastor, musician and missionary, he absorbed two cultures - French and German.
  • At the same time, we should not forget that the profession of a musician requires long preparation, which requires large expenses.
  • Probably an unknown musician was playing for her, because concern appeared on the girl’s face.
  • Fortunately, as a musician I have already progressed quite far and most often I decide this issue myself.
  • In the depths of a large tall house, an unknown musician was playing on the piano the second half of an aria, well known to a passerby.
  • From that moment the musician established exact plan action and pretended to have completely given up his desire.


Music has accompanied man since ancient times, so it is not surprising that there are so many professions related to music.

In the morning we turn on the radio and prepare breakfast while listening to our favorite music, on the way to work we are stuck in a traffic jam, and musical compositions brighten up the minutes or hours of forced waiting.

For our mother’s anniversary, we invite her favorite singer or go in the evening with my husband to a concert of his favorite rock band. Yes, we love music! Therefore, “this music will be eternal,” as it was sung in one famous song. This means that musicians will always be in high demand.

Interesting Facts

Musicians - pretty superstitious people, therefore, very strange actions are often performed before performances: Beethoven immersed his head in ice water before composing music, and the famous British singer Madonna pays for people to collect all her hair in her dressing room after preparing for a performance, so that no one can steal her DNA.

Among those musicians who today are idols of millions and legends on a global scale, there are truly amazing people. Thus, bluesman Riley B. King, who is already 87 years old, gives about 100 concerts a year and is rightfully considered the king of the blues.

And no one has yet calculated the exact number of musical instruments that exist in the world. So every future musician will be able to find exactly the one that will definitely glorify him!

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Musician are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Musicians.

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Description of activity

The world of music is so vast that everyone can find themselves in it. Musicians create and perform music, so a professional will be in demand in record company, both on stage and in orphanage creativity.

Some choose the path of creation musical works and become DJs, it is important for others, so they find themselves in musical ensembles and orchestras, they work as drummers, bass guitarists, and violinists. Lead musical groups or band leaders. Often performing music is combined with writing and performing poetic texts, so the best musicians are often both poets and...


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Rare profession

Representatives of the profession Musician really rare these days. Not everyone decides to become Musician. There is a high demand among employers for specialists in this field, so the profession Musician has the right to be called a rare profession.

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What specialty do you need to get?

Areas of training and specialties of universities

  • Musical and instrumental art by profile: Bayan, accordion and plucked string instruments
  • Musical and instrumental art by profile: Organ
  • Musical and instrumental art by profile: Piano
  • Variety musical art by profile: Variety orchestra instruments (by type of instrument: piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar, bass guitar, percussion instruments, saxophone, trumpet, trombone)

Specialties of colleges and technical schools

  • Musical education (Basic training)
  • Musical education (Advanced training)

What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Musician You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Musician(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become Musician.

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Job responsibilities

A musician creates music by composing or performing it. It is important for him to understand musical styles and directions, be able to play musical instruments. Big role in musical field innate abilities play - ear for music and talent. We must not forget about the special music education in institutions or .

Musicians perform on the stage of cultural centers, clubs and restaurants, concert halls. They write musical compositions for cartoons, films, television and radio programs. They create musical accompaniment for official events, receptions and social evenings. Freelance musicians find themselves performing music for a wide range of listeners, performing in in public places, play music for their own video blogs and music sites.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession Musician involves primarily physical labor. Musician must have good physical training, high strength endurance and good health.

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