Women in a Russian bathhouse. History of the Russian bath

We are all looking for some miracle cures and cures for aging. And our ancestors had one answer to a hundred ailments: a Russian steam room. She also helped women a lot. Has your wife caught a cold, dear? Go sit on the hot stove. Has your husband grown cold? Please undergo a bath rejuvenation procedure. Excess weight appeared? Let's run and take a steam bath! But this health procedure has rules that must be followed. In this material we will tell you how to properly steam in a bathhouse for women.

Yours is always better

Fortunately, we are not deprived of the opportunity to experience it ourselves. healing properties, although in modern housing with all the amenities it is not provided. Thank you enterprising people, who eliminated this “shortcoming” of civilization by organizing private public baths.

It’s very convenient to have your own place where you can steam at any convenient time.

However, such institutions, in turn, have disadvantages. Firstly, there are a lot of people there. IN weekdays, and in the morning, of course, less. But not everyone can afford to skip work or not go there at all. Therefore, everyone goes to the bathhouse mainly on Saturdays and Sundays, creating crowds in it. Appearing naked in front of other people's eyes (even if they are female, but sometimes this is even worse), using a basin that has been used many times, standing in line for a shower are not the most pleasant moments of visiting public bath. You can, of course, order a separate cabin, but it costs more, and still does not exclude the presence of predecessors.

It’s a different matter to have your own bathhouse. Many who have Vacation home or, at least, a dacha - that’s what they do: they build a bathhouse on their plot, like in the good old days in Russian villages. By the way, in this case it is possible to get as close as possible to the original by building a real stove, rather than using its electric analogue. The electric furnace, of course, is good in its own way - it is convenient to use, does not require special effort for warming up. But how can it compare with the birch logs crackling comfortably in the firebox and emitting a dizzying aroma? And throwing firewood, splashing water on the heater to generate steam - in general, physical activity - can also be considered an element of a health procedure and a partial answer to the question “How to properly steam in a sauna for health.”

A high-quality and correctly selected broom will have a healing effect

In any case, whether you build your own sauna or visit a public one, you will need to purchase a personal sauna kit. It includes:

  • rubber mat (for sitting in the bath itself)
  • large thick towel (for sitting in the steam room)
  • felt cap or towel (to protect hair from high temperatures in the steam room)
  • small basin (for steaming a broom)
  • broom (for healing massage)
  • rubber flip flops or soap dishes
  • towel (for drying)
  • sheet (for wrapping after the procedure).

In addition, a woman needs to prepare everything for beauty: shampoo, conditioner and hair mask, scrub, peeling for face and body, and don’t forget a bottle of water (but without gas) or a thermos with herbal infusion.

Russian bath: how to steam properly

Why a Russian bathhouse, you ask. Why not the Finnish sauna - also very popular now? Is the effect of visiting them so different? Maybe it's all about patriotism?

Of course not. Although compliance with local climatic conditions plays far from last role: the natural humidity generated in the steam room is more familiar to our body.

Please understand correctly: no one is dissuading you from Finnish sauna. Its benefits are also undeniable. For asthmatics there is no better way to do this. But there are important differences that in some cases make the use of a Russian bath preferable.

Steaming is good for everyone

The main thing that a Russian bath has and that a Finnish sauna does not have is steam, and light steam at that. Water “scalded” on a heated heater breaks down into small particles, making it easy to breathe in the steam room. So visitors are not in danger of drying out the respiratory tract, as in a sauna, where the humidity is only 8-9 percent versus 60 in a bathhouse.

Water in a vapor state, penetrating through the pores into the body, restores its water balance and washes the skin, ridding it of dead epidermal cells. And back, along with sweat, she “brings to clean water» disgusting waste and toxins that prevent a woman from being healthy and beautiful. Here's the recipe for the Little Humpbacked Horse: I went to the bathhouse and became younger.

And a wood-burning bathhouse is doubly good. The air in it is not only healing, but also “tasty” - saturated with the smell of the type of wood that is used to heat the stove.

So how to wash and steam in a sauna correctly in order to feel its maximum effect and at the same time, in the pursuit of health, not to overdo it and harm yourself?

We prepare the body for elevated temperatures gradually. First we take a warm shower. Then we sit in the dressing room for 5 minutes, put on a felt cap or wrap our head in a towel, and only after that we go into the steam room for 8 minutes. You shouldn’t climb to the top shelf right away, even if you feel comfortable. We act slowly, without exposing the body to severe stress. After a break spent in the dressing room or under a cool shower, we make the next visit. It can be increased to 10 minutes. The third time we raise the bar again - up to 12 minutes. And on the fourth, we include massage treatments with a broom. To do this, steam the broom in a basin (or wooden tub), pouring into it hot water. By the way, it’s better not to throw this herbal infusion out afterwards - you can rinse your hair with it.

In the dressing room you can have a pleasant time in the company of friends or family

How often do you go to the bathhouse? Every day is not recommended - too much stress for the body. But if you really like to steam, stop at 3-4 visits a week. The optimal amount is once every 7 days, but to obtain a sustainable healing effect, this must be done regularly.

How to properly take a steam bath for a woman?

For the fair sex, bath procedures even have higher value than for men. They have a positive impact on different aspects of women's lives.

Women Health. Having started visiting the bathhouse, after some time a woman may be surprised to discover that in addition to a general improvement in her health, for example, her thrush has disappeared. No doctor’s prescriptions helped, but then suddenly she took it and went through with it. It turns out that this sore develops on a nervous basis. And the steam room is a kind of antidepressant and muscle relaxant. The very ritual of visiting it helps to escape from everyday worries and forget about problems for a while, and the combination of water and heat allows the body to relax and remove muscle blocks. At this time, lactic acid is removed from the body, which was precisely what kept the organs in a state of spasm.

Under the influence of bath factors, cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area also recede. The bath is also indicated for varicose veins, from which women also often suffer. It helps strengthen blood vessels. And this is only about specific female diseases. And here you can treat your heart, osteochondrosis, and runny nose.

Feminine beauty. Here the bath operates in three directions:

  • Cleanses the skin. Cosmetic products do this superficially, and the heat of the bath opens the pores and allows all impurities to come out. As a result, acne and pimples are defeated. In addition, the dead layer of the epidermis is exfoliated - the skin becomes soft, like a baby’s. Brooms help a lot in this process. They also provide the supply of nutrients. How to steam in a sauna with a broom? The main condition is that it must be natural and “fresh”, and also made from the right wood. Birch, for example, relieves skin inflammation, and oak fights increased oiliness.
  • Improves skin texture. Massage with brooms also helps fight cellulite. The skin also gains a healthy appearance thanks to moisture saturation. It is no coincidence that people said: “After the bath, like a poured apple, it glitters in the light.”
  • Burns excess fat. On fast weight loss You shouldn’t count on it, but the point is that with regular visits to the bathhouse, the weight decreases steadily, without returning to its original positions. This happens due to the acceleration of metabolic processes.

To avoid getting bored of steaming alone, take a friend with you

A woman's life. Bath procedures prepare for the performance of two main female functions: childbirth and breastfeeding. The elasticity of the ligaments is maintained, making childbirth easier and with virtually no tears. And expansion under the influence of high temperatures of the ducts in the mammary glands contributes to the constant presence of milk.

After the childbearing period is left behind, the bathhouse again comes to the aid of a woman, easing the course of menopause.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the bathhouse?

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to bear a baby - it’s rare that an expectant mother does not complain about her health. Regular visits to a Russian bath (as well as a Finnish sauna) help to alleviate the condition: reduce swelling, get rid of headaches and relieve tension. However, it is allowed only from the second trimester of pregnancy, for regular visitors and without being in a hot steam room. It’s better to sit in the waiting room without exposing yourself to stress and the threat of miscarriage.

If there are contraindications, then you can feel the positive effects of the steam room in the waiting room

It is no coincidence that doctors prohibit bath procedures for pregnant women in the early stages. From hot air, the heart begins to work twice as fast (heart rate reaches 160 beats per minute), blood flow sharply increases, pressure rises, and blood vessels dilate. It would not be surprising if, under such difficult conditions, the body wants to reject the fruit that burdens it.

Well, when the first three most “unreliable” months have passed, doctors even recommend resuming trips to the bathhouse. After all, they are a good prevention of intrauterine fetal hypoxia and premature aging of the placenta. It goes without saying that in case of a complicated pregnancy (threatened miscarriage, placenta previa, high blood pressure) a gynecologist will not advise you to do this.

In the old days, women gave birth in the bathhouse. It was the most sterile place in the house. And the increased temperature at this moment (in contrast to the first months of pregnancy) was very opportune - it contributed to the expansion of the birth canal.

After childbirth, welcome here again for a speedy recovery. After three months, you can start taking your baby with you. Children really like the sauna atmosphere. It's funny to watch the expression of complete delight little man, who doesn’t seem to understand anything yet. He enjoys “communicating” with his peers, smiles widely and actively gestures.

Of course, he reacts very sensitively to his mother’s mood. If she shows with all her appearance how wonderful it is here - it’s warm, you can splash around in the water, swim, the baby will follow her example. Otherwise, he will begin to worry, begin to be capricious, and cry. You should not take your child to the bathhouse if he is sick, has not had enough sleep, is hungry, or, conversely, has eaten too much.

It's good if there is a swimming pool nearby. Children really like water procedures. They feel there as if they were in their mother’s tummy, from where they just recently came out. And this helps them go through the process of adaptation to the unfamiliar world around them in a softer, more gentle form.

When going to the bathhouse with your baby, you should definitely stock up on the pediatrician’s recommendations, and you should start the procedure in just a few seconds.

Bath and menstruation

A situation has arisen: your friends are inviting you to take a steam bath, and your menstruation is about to begin or has already begun. You don't want to miss such an event. Maybe insert a tampon and go? Or will it be bad for your health?

This is, of course, a double burden for the body. One cleansing process is superimposed on another, the vessels dilate, blood loss increases - and you may not be able to cope. Weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, heavy bleeding - this is what the outcome of your hike may be. The opposite can also happen: due to stress caused by temperature changes, periods can suddenly stop, which is also not good.

However, if you follow certain restrictions, these troubles can be avoided. The main thing is not to go into the steam room. You can relax and improve your health while sitting in the dressing room.

Another caution is hygienic. No one can guarantee sterility in bathhouses intended for public use. And on critical days, the female body becomes especially vulnerable to any infections. The slightly opened cervix gives them unhindered access to internal organs. Therefore, do not sit anywhere without laying down your own towel or mat.

As for the rest, there are no obstacles.

Fornication in Rus' (Through the mouth of the people) - 1997 Manakov Anatoly

IN THE BATH (story)



Froska quietly entered the bathhouse and stopped hesitantly. The master lay on the sofa with his stomach down, and two girls, Melashka and Natasha, also naked, standing on the sides, took turns fiercely whipping him with wet birch brooms on his steaming, crimson-red back.

The master closed his eyes blissfully and quacked approvingly when the blows were particularly strong. Finally, he signaled for them to stop and, puffing loudly, lowered his widely spread legs.

Kvass,” he said hoarsely.

Natasha quickly rushed to the corner and handed him the ladle. Having drunk, the master noticed Froska standing quietly at the door and beckoned her with his finger. Slowly stepping with wet feet on the slippery floor and shyly covering her nakedness with her hands, she approached and stood in front of him, lowering her eyes. She was also ashamed because the girls standing nearby were looking at both of them without a shadow of embarrassment, not at all ashamed of their nakedness.

New girl! It's good, you can't say anything! The name of? - the master said quickly, feeling her stomach, legs, butt.

“Froska,” she answered quietly and suddenly cried out from unexpected pain: the master pinched her left breast tightly with his fingers.

Enjoying her elasticity, he moved his hand up and down, fingering the swollen surface of her breast between them, tightly covered with smooth and delicate skin. Froska twitched and jumped back, rubbing her aching chest. The master laughed loudly and shook his finger. Echoing him, Melashka and Natasha laughed with obsequious laughter.

Well, it’s okay, you’ll get used to it, and it won’t be the same, Natasha giggled and cast her mischievous eyes at the master. And he, smiling, put his hand between his legs, scratching and sorting all his male accessories, which had a rather impressive appearance.

Your task, girls,” he turned to Melashka and Natasha, “is to teach Froska all our wisdom.” In the meantime, let him watch and gain his mind. Come on, Melashka!

Melashka walked out into the middle of the room, free from benches, and, bending over, rested her hands on the floor. He walked up to her, loudly patted her wet bottom with elastic skin shining white, and suddenly neighed like a horse. From the lust that gripped him, his face became flushed with blood, his mouth became distorted, his breathing became loud and intermittent, and his half-bent knees trembled. Pressing himself tightly against the girl’s steep backside, he neighed again, but this time victoriously.

Melashka, too, apparently had a great time, she began to moan sweetly and help the master. Natasha looked at this living picture, completely captured by the action taking place, her large eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, and her trembling body involuntarily bent in time with the movements of the master’s and Melashka’s bodies. It was as if she herself received the master in the place of a friend.

And Froska, stunned at first, gradually began to really perceive the very open shamelessness of the actions of the naked master and girls in front of her that surrounded her. She knew what it was, but it was the first time she had seen sexual intercourse between a man and a woman so closely and openly. When the master stuck to Melashka, Froska turned away out of embarrassment, but curiosity overpowered her and she cast a quick sidelong glance, and when she saw that no one was paying attention to her, she began to look at them with all her eyes. Having not yet experienced the fullness of male affection, she perceived it calmly at first, then she began to feel some kind of sweet languor, and the blood spread in hot streams throughout her entire body, her breathing became intermittent, and for her everything ceased to exist.

Suddenly the master twitched convulsively, his eyes rolled back and he exhaled the air from his chest with a groan.

All! - he said relaxedly and walked towards the bench with a heavy gait. Melashka straightened up, stretched blissfully and also sat down on the bench.

Natasha, vodka,” the master ordered.

She dashed into the dressing room and brought vodka, a glass and a bowl of pickles on a tray. The master poured himself a full glass, drank it in one gulp and crunched on the cucumber. Then he poured it again and beckoned to Melashka. She came up and also drained the glass handed to her in the usual gulp, followed by Natasha, who swallowed the same portion.

“Come here,” the master ordered Froska, pouring her vodka.

Froska took the glass and, having taken the first sip, coughed.

“It’s okay, he’ll learn,” the master said and poured himself another half glass.

The girls giggled obsequiously, crunching their cucumbers. The master sang: Lady, lady, my lady, Melashka began to echo him, and Natasha, with one arm akimbo and the other raised above her head, slowly walked in a circle, wagging her steep hips and stamping her bare feet to the beat. Gradually the tempo of the song began to increase and with it the girl’s movements became faster, her slender body with a flexible thin waist wriggled in obscene movements with which she, the lady, supposedly would give herself to the man. She seemed to be hugging an imaginary partner with her arms, and with her lower belly she was waving towards him, and at the same time beating out a beat of rhythm.

Eh, come on! Shake your tits,” the master exclaimed and began the song even faster.

Natasha began to bounce in place, moving her white shoulders, her full, elastic cups of slightly saggy breasts swayed from side to side, teasingly swaying her tight, large pea-shaped pink nipples.

Let's get hot! - the master could not stand it and started dancing himself.

The pace of the dance became frantic, now they danced to the same voice of Natasha, clapping their palms above and below their stomachs. Suddenly she squealed and pressed herself against the master, grabbing him by the neck with her other hand, and he, clasping the girl with both hands, planted passionate kisses on her neck, grabbed her and carried her to the benches. Natasha gave herself skillfully and passionately. Froska and Melashka again watched what was happening with all their eyes, and Melashka (that impudent girl) came up to them from the side and, kneeling down, began to look at them point-blank. Captivated by an irresistible attraction, Froska joined her, mesmerized by a spectacle she had never seen before.

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4.6. Revenge of Kriemhilda-Helha and the revenge of Princess Olga Arriving ambassadors are killed Warriors burn in a set fire to a hall or a set fire to a bath Having arrived at the court of Kriemhilda, the Burgundian kings with the Worms squad settle down in the palace of the Huns. “Etzel set aside chambers for noble strangers.

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Russian baths have haunted foreigners for a long time. So what are the Russians doing there anyway? Are they washing themselves or are they being promiscuous? And what does such simplicity of morals contribute to: the corruption of the people or, on the contrary, their chastity? Opinions were divided.

Casanova, the world-famous conqueror of women, whose name has become a household name, spoke as follows.
“On Saturdays I went with her (with my mistress - K-K) to the Russian baths in order to wash in the company of about 40 other people, men and women, completely naked, who did not look at anyone and believed that no one was looking at them. Such shamelessness stemmed from purity of morals.”
G. Casanova “Memories”

J. Delabart View of the Silver Baths in Moscow (or “Silver Baths on the Bank of the Yauza River with a depiction of the Russian wedding ceremony”) 1796. Russian Museum.

Venezuelan Francisco de Miranda, who visited Russia in 1786-1787, seems to have been less than delighted with what he saw and was shocked by what was happening. Although, judging by the frequent mention of trips to ladies of easy virtue in his memoirs, the traveler did not suffer from particular chastity.
"From there we went to the Big Baths, men's and women's, on the Moscow River. We first went into the men's baths, where we saw a great many naked people splashing in the water without any embarrassment. Through the door in the plank partition we proceeded to female part, where completely naked women walked around, walked from the dressing room to the steam room or to the yard, soaped themselves, etc. We watched them for more than an hour, and they continued their manipulations as if nothing had happened, spreading their legs, washing their private parts, etc. ...

In the end, having passed through a crowd of naked women, none of whom thought to cover themselves, I went out into the street and walked to another entrance to the same bathhouse, from where everything was clearly visible, and then I went inside again, and the bathhouse attendants who were charging fee at the entrance, they didn’t even think to stop me. The bodies of pregnant women resembled a shapeless mass due to their huge bellies. Truly, looking at all these naked women, of all ages and with the most varied forms, I could not find in them much resemblance to the “Venus” from the Medici collection... There are more than 2 thousand visitors to this bathhouse, mainly on Saturdays, and from each one takes only two kopecks; however, I was assured that the owner receives a large income. From there we went outside and proceeded to the river to look at the women who, after the bath, go there to swim. There were a lot of them, and they went down to the water without the slightest shame. And those who were on the shore and still washing themselves shouted to us in Russian: “Look, look, but don’t come closer!” Men and women bathe there almost mixed together, because, apart from a pole, nothing separates them in the river... In the villages, the custom of men and women bathing together is still preserved, and the current empress was the first to ensure that decency was observed and bathing was separate . "

Engraving by Eichler after a painting by Delabart. 1799.

Our compatriot A.N. Radishchev also contributed his two cents.
“Baths have been and are now places of love celebrations. The traveler, having agreed on his stay with a helpful old woman or
a guy, stands in the yard, where he intends to make a sacrifice to the universally adored Lada. Night has come. The bathhouse is already ready for him. The traveler undresses, goes to the bathhouse, where he is met either by the hostess, if she is young, or by her daughter, or by her in-laws, or by neighbors. They wipe off his tired limbs; wash away his dirt. They do this by taking off their clothes, kindling a lustful fire in him, and he spends the night here, losing money, health and time precious for travel. It used to be said that these lustful monsters would put to death a traveler who had made a mistake and was weighed down by his love affairs and wine, in order to take advantage of his estate. I don’t know if this is true, but it is true that the impudence of the Valdai girls has decreased. And although they will not refuse to satisfy the wishes of the traveler, the former impudence is not visible in them.”

C. Masson also expressed his opinion on this matter.
“Although Russian baths have been described many times, I still consider it worthwhile to talk about them here, since they greatly influence the character and morals of women from the common people. Having arrived in Russia, I decided to personally check the idea that I had formed based on the stories of travelers and which I did not really trust... So, one day with one of my friends I went to the bank of the Nevka to the public baths; I didn’t have to go far to see that Russian beauties are accustomed to flaunting their charms in front of passers-by. A crowd of women of all ages, attracted by the June heat, did not even consider it necessary to go into the enclosure of the bathhouse. Having undressed on the shore, they immediately swam and frolicked...

Since then, I have been to the baths many times and seen the same thing as on the shores of the Neva islands. But after the picture sketched above, greater details would be too obscene. True, the chaste Catherine issued a decree ordering the entrepreneurs of public baths to build them for both sexes separately and to allow into the women's baths only those men who are necessary for their maintenance, and even artists and doctors who come there to study their art; To get there, hunters simply assign themselves one of these titles. So, in St. Petersburg, baths and baths are separated for both sexes by a partition, but many old women always prefer to interfere with the crowd of men; and besides, after washing in the bathhouse, both men and women run out naked and run together to take a dip in the river flowing behind the bathhouse. Here the most chaste women cover themselves with a birch broom, which they used to steam in the bathhouse. When a man wants to wash himself separately, he is often washed and bathed by a woman: she performs these duties carefully and with complete indifference. In the village, the structure of the baths is ancient, that is, there all sexes and ages wash together, and a family consisting of a forty-year-old father, a thirty-five-year-old mother, a twenty-year-old son and a fifteen-year-old daughter goes to the bathhouse, and its members mutually wash and steam each other in the state of innocence of the former people.

These customs not only seem offensive to us, but they are actually offensive to a non-savage people who already wear clothes, but, in essence, they are not at all the result of depravity and do not indicate debauchery. I will say more, it is not these baths that drive people to debauchery; on the contrary, they are undoubtedly very useful for them. The heart of a Russian young man does not tremble and his blood does not boil at the thought of developing breasts. He has no reason to sigh about secret, unknown delights - he has already seen everything since childhood and knows everything. A young Russian girl never blushes from curiosity or from an immodest thought; she never learns anything new for herself from her husband...”

P.S. The post reflects the state of affairs during the time of Catherine II.

The benefits of the bath for representatives of the fair half of humanity have been proven not only by centuries-old tradition, but also by the findings of scientists. But in order to achieve maximum success from this procedure, you should know why it is needed and how to carry it out correctly.

The beauty of the Russian bath is that, thanks to its special ritual, it has a gentle effect on the body. Thus, it is in a Russian bathhouse, where the temperature, as a rule, should not rise above 80 degrees, and the humidity is 100%, that it is theoretically impossible to thermally damage both the skin and delicate respiratory organs. However, there are truly feminine advantages of the Russian bathhouse.

What are the benefits of a bath for female body? The first and main thing is gynecological health, or, more precisely, the prevention of colds of the reproductive system.

The second significant factor justifying the benefits of the bath for the health of a beautiful lady is the strengthening of blood vessels and, of course, the cardiac system.

The third, although in most cases it is listed first, is the cosmetic factor. After a single visit to a Russian bathhouse, the skin is noticeably transformed, and subsequent visits, subject to the correct procedure in the steam room and after it, will result in slow, steady weight loss.

And last but not least, the fourth factor is a calming effect on the psychosomatic system. Even simple relaxation on a shelf in a steam room guarantees the same effect that sedative pharmaceuticals can provide, with the only exception that the bath, provided that the procedures in it are carried out correctly, have no side effects.

How is maximum benefit achieved for a woman’s body?

In order for the bathhouse to bring only benefits, before visiting it you should visit your doctor in order to exclude the following contraindications:

  • pressure anomalies, especially high pressure - with them, a trip to the bathhouse can turn into best case scenario fainting;
  • presence of heart disease;
  • detection or treatment of gynecological diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases;
  • the presence of tumors of any type;
  • viral diseases of the respiratory system in the nascent or peak stage. Here a remark should be made that the Russian bath, the health benefits of which have been proven in terms of an additional method of treating ARVI, is allowed only in the recovery stage and only under the supervision of a doctor.

If the supervising doctor has approved a visit to the bathhouse, you should first purchase a personal set of things. These include a bathrobe, a towel, a fabric cap, rubber slippers and a rug, your own broom and tub for soaking it, and massage brushes. Of course, this kit can be provided in the bathhouse, but to obtain maximum benefits for women’s health, it is better to purchase your own kit.

The procedure itself is as follows. Before starting bath manipulations, you should take a warm shower. After which the beautiful lady can allow herself to go into a warm dressing room heated to 40 degrees for 5 minutes. Then, in 8-minute visits, they visit the main room with a temperature of about 80 degrees. Then you can carry out a massage procedure with a broom or simply steam yourself. Finally, you should take a cool shower and be sure to drink natural, unreconstituted juices or warm green tea.

After the procedure, the result is almost immediately noticeable, which is guaranteed by defenders of the theory about the benefits of the bath: the skin texture is evened out, and it itself takes on a healthier appearance, tension in the muscles is relieved, and the body silhouette itself looks much more attractive than before the procedure. And your mood improves significantly, which is an excellent treatment for the effects of stress.

Read also: How to protect your eyes in a solarium?

About the benefits of saunas for weight loss

Particularly ardent supporters of the bathhouse as an excellent means of losing weight claim that just one trip can ensure the loss of almost two kilograms. The statement is controversial, because weight loss in in this case occurs due to partial dehydration of the body, which means that the lost kilograms will return in the coming days.

But in order to get a stable, albeit very slow result, you should be patient and visit the bathhouse regularly. Why do this? There are plenty of reasons. It’s worth starting with the fact that while in the steam room, harmful pollutants are removed from the pores along with sweat, and, consequently, the skin begins to receive more oxygen. The latter, entering the bloodstream, ensures active blood circulation, and, therefore, activation of all body systems, including metabolism. As a result, a one-time visit to a Russian bathhouse can replace one visit to the gym, at least that’s what scientists say.

As you can see, the benefits of a bath for women in terms of weight loss are quite significant. It’s just worth mentioning that it is not recommended to use additionally folk remedies to “dry” the body, as is often done in women’s communities. Yes, the result in this case will be the loss of not a kilogram or two, but much more. But is it worth it if at the same time vital organs are simultaneously deprived of most of the fluid necessary for their activity?

In very ancient times, baths were heated " in black", i.e. they did not have a chimney. In later times, baths " in black" were replaced by baths with a stove-heater, by the so-called baths " in white" If the heat source in the bathhouse " in black"there was a fireplace located directly in the steam room, and steam was obtained by pouring water on the hot stones of the hearth, then in the bathhouse" in white“The source of heat was a stove-heater, which was loaded with firewood from another room and had a chimney. Only the heating surface of the stove went into the steam compartment, onto which a pile of cobblestones was piled for better heat transfer and steam formation (hence the name - heater stove). By pouring water on the hot stones, steam was generated. Smoke, soot, carbon monoxide, and ash did not enter the steam room. Baths " in black" were gradually replaced by more improved bathhouses with a stove-stove, although in some areas " in black» steamed up late XIX century. Some wealthy peasants installed two bathhouses: one, heated " in black", away from housing, the other - " white" - in the courtyard .

Nowhere without a bathhouse

Since ancient times, not a single celebration in Rus' was complete without a bathhouse. On the eve of the wedding, after matinee", the bride invited her friends to go with her to " frying the bathhouse", which was already flooded. The groom and his groomsmen also took a steam bath before the wedding. The newlyweds also went to the bathhouse the day after the wedding - that was the ritual. In their future life together, in order to ensure that there was no disharmony in the marriage, the spouses were obliged to take a steam bath in the bathhouse before going to bed together.

It was the custom of the Russian people to treat guests not only with abundant food, but also with a good steam room." bathhouse" Professor P. I. Strakhov notes that Russian tsars, when meeting foreign ambassadors and guests, first invited them to the bathhouse.

In doctoral dissertation V. V. Godlevsky It has been shown that a steam bath is an indispensable hygienic means for people to maintain cleanliness of the body, and for a number of diseases “ a bath can achieve better results than other therapeutic means» .

Hardening through the alternate use of hot water and steam, cold water and even snow, a kind of massage using a broom, treatment of a number of diseases in the bathhouse, in particular through increased sweating - these and many other features of the Russian bathhouse characterize it as a powerful remedy physiological effects on the human body. To enhance sweating in Rus', the following technique has long been used: in a steam room, the body was rubbed with one of the following substances - salt, beer, milk, honey, grated radish, tar, turpentine, pepper, etc.

It can be said that in Rus', baths served as the prototype of a modern dressing and maternity room, where antiseptic measures were observed. They carried out their treatment in the bathhouse " scalp doctors", specialists in gout and salt deposits, Bali " used» wounds, bone fractures, skin and venereal diseases, treated various gynecological diseases, including female infertility by " navel reduction", in the bathhouse they delivered babies and managed the postpartum period for women.

If you don't like bathhouses, that means you're not Russian.

Many testify to the love of the Russian people for the steam bath historical facts, literary works and works of scientists. Famous Russian historian, expert on the life of the Russian people in XVI-XVII centuries N. I. Kostomarov writes: " Russians generally went to the bathhouse very often; she was the first need home life, both for cleanliness and for some kind of pleasure". According to him, almost every wealthy house had its own bathhouse - a soap house, and for common people and for visitors to the cities there were public ones, or as they were called then, “ royal» soap shops, where they paid money for entrance, which constituted one of the branches of income royal court. These were one-story buildings, usually on the river bank, they were heated with wood and had three rooms: a dressing room, a soap room and a steam room. During the cold season, soap houses were heated once or twice a week. In the summer heat, in order to avoid fires, it was forbidden to heat the baths. There were only exceptions for the sick and postpartum women at the will of the governor...“However, notes N.I. Kostomarov, “ A bathhouse was such a necessity for Russians that, due to the ban on drowning them, residents threatened the government with scattering from their homes.". Adherence to the bathhouse was, one might say, characteristic national trait Russian person. A remarkable fact was cited in his historical research by the famous Russian historian and writer N. M. Karamzin, author of a major work "History of Russian Goverment": « Dmitry the Pretender never went to the bathhouse: the residents of Moscow concluded from the fact that he was not Russian!»

Some idea of ​​the bathing customs and morals of those times can be obtained from the historical essays of N. I. Kostomarov: “ We usually went to the soap shop after lunch, without fear of it harmful consequences. The heat was unbearable. Hay was spread on the benches and shelves, which was covered with linen. The Russian would lie down on it and force himself to be beaten until he was tired, then he would run out into the air and throw himself into a lake or river in the summer, near which soap houses were usually built, and in the winter he would roll in the snow or douse himself with cold water in the cold. Anyone who went to the soap shop always took a steam bath: it was a universal custom. The public soap houses had two sections, men's and women's; they were separated from one another by partitions, but there was one entrance to both; both men and women, entering and leaving through the same door, met each other naked, covered themselves with brooms and talked to each other without much confusion, and sometimes ran out of the soap shop at once and rolled together in the snow».

« In more distant times,- the historian continues, - It was customary for both men and women to wash in the same soap bath, and even monks and monks (monks and nuns - author) washed and steamed together". It should be noted that in the 18th century the Charter was issued, which strictly prohibited “ male over seven years of age to enter a female commercial bathhouse and for a female gender to enter a male commercial bathhouse when the other gender is steaming in them" The owners of the bathhouses did a simple thing - the stove was moved to the middle of the bathhouse building, and the building itself was divided in two, making two exits. You can add the following small touch to the picture painted by N.I. Kostomarov in order to feel the atmosphere of that time: on the day when the bathhouse was heated, the bathhouse attendant walked the streets and called to the people: “ To the bathhouse! To the bathhouse!»

Collector of Russian customs and rituals M. Zabelin writes: " The custom of washing, on many occasions, brought pleasure and pleasure, but it could not be otherwise due to many prejudices, as well as many household superstitions, closely related to religious rules» .

Foreigners who visited Russia, with constant surprise and, as a rule, with respect, noted the Russian custom of washing and steaming a lot and often in the bathhouse, repeating that they had never seen anything like this in their homeland.

German scientist and traveler Adam Olearius(1603-1671), secretary of the Schleswig-Holstein embassy in Russia in the 30s XVII century, in his work “Description of Muscovy” reports that in Russia there is not a single city, not a single village in which there would not be steam baths, public or private. He writes that " ...if a Russian person feels sick, he drinks a good glass of wine, having first poured a charge of gunpowder into it or mixed the drink with crushed garlic, and immediately then goes to the bathhouse, where he sweats in the unbearable heat for two or three hours" The scientist concludes: “ Such energetic therapy was not without some practical meaning.» .

Having visited one of the baths in Astrakhan, Adam Olearius described his impressions as follows: “ Russians can endure extreme heat and in the bathhouse, lying down on the shelves, they order to beat themselves and rub their bodies with hot birch brooms, which I could not bear, then, when from such heat they become all red and become exhausted to the point that they can no longer able to remain in the bathhouse, they run out of it naked, both men and women, and douse themselves cold water, and in winter, jumping out of the bathhouse, they roll around in the snow, rub their bodies with it, as if with soap, and then, having cooled down in this way, they again enter the hot bathhouse». « Such a change in opposite figures is beneficial to their health."- the scientist concludes.

And I whip with a birch broom...

In the notes Airamana, who walked from Königsberg to Narva, says: “ I also want to briefly recall the bathhouses of the Muscovites or their washing habits, because this is unknown among us... But they do not, like us, use a scraper to clean uncleanness from the body, and they have a so-called broom... In general, in none You won’t find in almost any country where washing is valued as much as in this Moscow. Women find their highest pleasure in this...»

One of the foreign travelers to Russia, in his diary dated November 13, 1709, published in the collection “Russian Life According to the Memoirs of Contemporaries of the 18th Century,” noted: “ ...outside the city I happened to see how Russians use their baths. Despite severe frost, they ran out of the bathhouse into the yard completely naked, red as boiled crayfish, and jumped into the river flowing nearby. Then, having cooled off to their heart’s content, they ran back into the bathhouse, but before getting dressed, they jumped out for a long time, playing, running naked in the cold and wind. Russians bring birch brooms in leaves to the bathhouse and scrape and scratch their body so that warmth penetrates better and the pores open wider.».

Chamber cadet Berholz, who was at the court of Peter I for some time, wrote in his diary that he visited a Russian bathhouse: “ I found it very useful and made a plan to use it more often." Berkholz goes on to say that the Russian people know how to give the water that is poured on the hot stove stones the degree of heat that is necessary. He described his impressions this way: “ At first, you lie quietly on a shelf covered with straw, covered with a clean sheet on top. Then they begin to soar with birch brooms. This is extremely pleasant because it opens the pores and increases perspiration. Afterwards, they vigorously scrape their fingers all over the body to separate impurities from it, which is also very pleasant. Then they take soap and rub it all over the body so that not the slightest trace of dirt remains anywhere... Douse it with warm or cold water, as desired. You feel as if you were born again...»

English envoy to Russia Earl Carlyle, returning to his homeland, he wrote about Russian baths: “ Their benefits have been proven by experience; they can be considered a remedy and protection against diseases.» .

During the reign of Peter I, the steam bath and the bathing business itself received a new impetus for development in the Russian state. Tsar Peter himself, a big fan of the bathhouse, understood its therapeutic and prophylactic significance and took every possible care to build new “ healing baths" When St. Petersburg was founded in 1703, everyone was allowed to build baths, and no duties were charged for it. In one of the Decrees dating back to 1704, it says “ about the construction of baths in Novgorod and Pskov and about giving them as rent».

It would be wrong to say that Europeans were not familiar with Russian bathhouse customs. N. I. Kostomarov, describing the life of the Moscow state in the 16th-17th centuries, noted: “ The Germans who lived in Moscow borrowed their soap houses from the Russians, but gave them more comfort". But, nevertheless, as a result of Peter’s reforms in the field foreign policy aimed at expanding cultural, scientific and economic ties Russia with countries Western Europe, Russian steam bath, as one of the attributes national culture And folk traditions, began to spread widely across European countries. This process especially intensified after the defeat of Napoleon I in 1812-1814 and the entry of Russian troops into the countries of Western Europe. Baths similar to Russian ones began to be built in France, Germany, England, Sweden, Denmark, Holland and other countries. Even in New York a bathhouse was built in the Russian image.

In the book “A New Method of Treatment,” a German physician M. Platen wrote that in the Middle Ages and subsequent centuries, diseases were rampant in Germany due to non-compliance with the simplest hygienic rules, while in neighboring Russia, even in the smallest village, there were always steam baths - an excellent hygienic and health remedy. Further, M. Platen draws attention to the fact that at the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian bathhouse began to spread in many European countries, especially in Germany. " But we Germans- the doctor admits, - p When using a Russian bath, we very rarely remember that we owe this step forward in cultural development to our eastern neighbor» .

Russian soldiers contributed to a certain extent to the revival of the custom of taking a steam bath in European countries. Accompanying Peter I during his stay in Amsterdam and Paris, they amazed the Dutch and French by bathing in the river after a steam bath, despite the frost. This was reported in the magazine “Son of the Fatherland” for 1819, which published a story recorded from the words of Peter’s contemporary: “ In 1718, when Peter the Great was in Paris, he ordered a bathhouse to be built in one house for the grenadiers on the banks of the Seine, in which they bathed after a hot day. Such an adventure, which, in their opinion, was unusual for the Parisians, was produced by a crowded gathering of spectators. They watched in amazement as the soldiers ran out, hot from the steam of the bath, threw themselves into the river, swam and dived. The royal chamberlain Verton, who was in the emperor's servants, seeing this bathing himself, reported to Peter the Great (not knowing that this was being done by order of the sovereign) to forbid the soldiers to bathe, because they would all die. Peter, laughing, answered: “Don’t be afraid, Mr. Verton. The soldiers were somewhat weakened by the Parisian air, so they hardened themselves with a Russian bath. This happens to us even in winter: habit is second nature».

Therapeutic purpose of the bath

Baths in Rus' have always been given a healing, healing meaning. The archives contain a record that on May 11, 1733, permission was received from the medical office “ open a medicinal bathhouse in Moscow" The owner of this establishment was obliged to “ take the price of excesses so that there are no complaints about it" In addition, "z It is forbidden to keep hot wines, vodka and any sacred drink" Another archival record reports the opening on November 11, 1763 in St. Petersburg at the Malaya Morskaya medicinal bath " for sweating and treatment of fluxes and other bodily attacks on doctor's recommendation».

The Europeans themselves contributed to the spread of Russian bath traditions. The Portuguese (1699-1783) served for twenty years as a physician at the court of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. At the end of his life path R. Sanchez settled in France and there wrote several treatises related to Russian baths. His first book was published in Paris in 1764 and was called “On the treatment of smallpox among the Russians with the addition of ancient methods also used.” It expressed the opinion that the widespread use of the bathhouse in Russian life led to the not very strong spread of smallpox in Russia. It also mentions the treatment of venereal diseases through the bath (Chapter IX), and diseases, “ cancer called"(Chapter XII), the so-called " baby screamer", etc. Recognizing that R. Sanchez’s statement that a bath can cure smallpox is erroneous, one cannot fail to note his high assessment of the Russian steam bath as an excellent hygienic and prophylactic means for preventing infectious diseases and promoting health.

But main work R. Sanchez, as he himself emphasized, “ respectful essay"about Russian baths, was published in 1774, and then translated into many Western European languages. The book was published in Russian in Moscow in 1779. It was called in the style of that time: “About Russian steam baths, since they help strengthen, preserve and restore health.” In this very detailed treatise, Sanchez, a foreigner imbued with great love and respect for Russian traditions and customs, not only described in detail the structure of the Russian steam bath and the bathing customs of that time, but also with amazing insight conveyed the main essence of the beneficial effects of the Russian bath as the most precious blessing , which can serve to maintain " strength and health of the body"not only in Russia, but also abroad.

« My sincere desire extends only to demonstrating the superiority of the Russian Baths over those that were in ancient times among the Greeks and Romans and over those now in use among the Turks, both for maintaining health and for curing many diseases...“This is how Sanchez defines the goal of his research. He further continues: “ When I think about the multitude of medicines coming out of pharmacies and chemical laboratories, prepared with great expense and brought from all over the world with indescribable difficulty, then many times I wanted to see half and three-quarters of these buildings erected everywhere at great expense turn into Russian Baths for benefits to society» .

According to Dr. Sanchez, the superiority of the Russian steam bath lies in the technology itself for generating steam. In a Russian bath, steam is generated using a heater stove on which there are hot stones. Humidity, temperature, in a word, the microclimate of the steam room is easily regulated - you just need to splash a ladle of water on the hot stones, and these parameters change dramatically. " This resumption of steam is repaired every five minutes,- Sanchez reports. You can cool the bathhouse and reduce its humidity, and you can easily freshen the air by ventilating the steam room».

« ... In Roman and Turkish baths, steam comes from watering the hot floor, under which the pipes pass. But since they are not changed by fresh air, one can easily conclude that these baths have disadvantages, which are completely averted in Russia». « New steam, - Sanchez concludes, - gives birth to new air».

As a doctor and scientist, Sanchez could not ignore the physical effect of the Russian bath on the human body. Here are some lines from his treatise. " In this way, the steam produced does not relax the hard parts of the body, like the steam of ancient Roman and modern Turkish baths: for this steam in Russian baths, being left by the elemental particles of fire and air and renewed at will, softens and does not relax it; it expands the instruments of inhalation, combat and other veins, revives and restores these parts to the state in which they were before the disease».

...The effect of the bath consists in the removal of the finest macrotas from our body through thermal steam... In medical science there is no medicine that would be equal in strength, effectiveness and healing for strengthening and revitalizing the human body... This so effective, so penetrating and hot steam touches the body of a lying person a naked person inhaling the same warm air that his body itself is nourished by, loosens the skin, increases the unhindered circulation of vital juices, promotes breathing and frees the flow of blood in the veins and other veins... The patient then begins to sweat and feels a pleasant calm in all his senses , which inconspicuously bows to the sweetest sleep, which lasts half an hour, and sometimes more...

« Those who feel tired, have swollen and heavy eyes, who are tired from strong military exploits, or from agriculture, or from working in mining plants and saltworks, factories will find a bathhouse the best medicine for themselves...". Petrov B. D. Essays on the history of Russian medicine. - M.: 1962, p. 143-144.
. Galitsky A.V. Generous heat. Essays about the Russian bathhouse and its close and distant relatives. - M.: physical education and sport, 1986, 96 p.