How they make saunas in Finland. Finnish sauna: instructions for use

Spain is a kingdom in Southwestern Europe that occupies the bulk of the Iberian Peninsula. It is one of the richest countries in the Old World from a cultural point of view. Here's the architecture unprecedented beauty, palaces and temples, houses and squares, parks and fountains, museums and monuments, snow-white beaches and turquoise lagoons, citrus and olive gardens, etc. And, finally, Spain is the birthplace of the greatest figures of world culture: Goya, El Greco, Velazquez, Salvador Dali and others. All the advantages of the Kingdom of Spain cannot be listed. This explains the incredible popularity of the country in terms of tourism. Here everyone will find what they dreamed of, thinking about the delights of the region of flamenco and bullfights, about such wonderful country like Spain. Andalusia, Granda, Malaga and other regions are places with a rich history. However, Andalusia is rightfully considered the most beautiful region of Spain, and in this article we will take a tour of its ancient cities and attractions.

Ancient Andalusia. Spain - a mixture of all cultures

The southernmost region of Spain is Andalusia. Its coastline is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. This is the hottest spot in all of Europe and the most interesting area from a historical point of view, since Arab, Moorish, African and European culture, which affects the life and customs of modern Andalusians. Tourists who visit this country are often amazed by this particular feature - the mixture different cultures. Andalusia gives such a colorful assortment first of all. Spain is an international country. And here, under one sky, representatives of different nations and ethnic groups coexist perfectly.

Seville - capital of Andalusia

According to ancient legend, this wonderful city was founded by the hero himself Greek myths Hercules. Here you can meet sculptural compositions dedicated to this giant. It is very difficult to name the exact date of the founding of the city, although it is assumed that it was a very, very long time ago. In a word, Seville can rightfully be considered the cradle of civilization. Every year, millions of tourists choose the most interesting route “Spain-Andalusia-Seville” and come to visit this truly legendary city. Without exaggeration, each of the buildings in Seville, be it a residential building or some kind of temple or palace, is an architectural monument. Tourists in Seville will not be bored. Everywhere they turn, there are noteworthy sights along the way.

Infrastructure of Andalusia

Andalusia includes eight provinces: Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Malaga and Seville. The center of each of them is the city of the same name. They contain architectural and cultural attractions, as well as objects regional significance. At six major cities, belonging to the region of Andalusia (Spain) - Malaga, Almeria, Seville, Granada, Cordoba and Jerez de la Frontera, of which only the last is not a provincial center - there are airports: two international in Seville and Malaga, and the rest - local meanings. High-speed AVE trains travel from Cordoba, Malaga and Seville to the capital, Madrid. Major ports in this region are the same Malaga, as well as Almeri, Algeciras and Cadiz. Despite the fact that city transport is inexpensive, the best way to get around here is by bicycle.

Hotels and beaches of Andalusia

There are others that are the best beaches in this region. What primarily attracts millions of tourists to Spain (Andalusia) is beach holidays. In fact, it is impossible to imagine a trip to this amazingly bright, sunny and warm country without visiting the sea coast. All the beaches in this region were awarded the honorary Blue Flag, which is evidence that this beach deserves all praise for its cleanliness, well-groomed and equipped facilities. The biggest feature of Spanish beaches is the fine sand of various shades - from ash-black to light beige.

Costa del Almeria is a relatively young resort with the most modern tourist infrastructure on the entire Spanish coast. Costa de la Luz is a favorite destination for water sports and entertainment lovers. The sunniest of the Andalusian beaches is the Costa del Sol, whose name translates from Spanish as " sunny Beach"The sun shines here 325 days a year, there is practically no precipitation in summer, and you can relax here all year round. Frequent guests of these places are residents of the northern regions of the European part of the continent. They almost always lack the warmth of the sun, which is why Andalusia attracts them so much. which cannot be called cheap (especially for residents of Russia), nevertheless annually welcomes millions of tourists. The popularity of resorts in Spain is explained by the fact that here, in addition to the lazy beach holiday, tourists can enjoy exploring unique Spanish attractions. Hotels in Andalusia are distinguished by an excellent level of service, but here on the coast there are also many budget one-star and two-star hotels where unpretentious tourists can stay.

Mysterious Andalusia. Spain: attractions - natural and man-made

Many architectural and cultural monuments that Andalusia is rich in are included in the list of sites under the protection of UNESCO, since they were recognized by this organization as cultural. These include:

  • The Alhambra is a Moorish palace in Granada.
  • Bell tower of the Giralda Cathedral, located in Seville.
  • Assumption Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Cordoba.

Besides these architectural masterpieces there are many other, no less majestic palaces and temples built in different styles and directions. But the unique natural attractions include the majestic view of the place where winds blowing from different ones meet and form a “wind rose,” as well as the Garganta del Choro gorge. The Guadalquivir, the largest river in Andalusia, is served by a water bus. It’s a pleasure to ride on it and admire the natural beauty spread along the banks of the river.

Bullfighting and flamenco

For tourists visiting Spain for the first time, there is perhaps nothing more remarkable than a real Spanish bullfight. By the way, this custom originated in Andalusia, in the city of Ronda, in the Costa del Sol region. By the way, in these parts, besides bullfighting, there is other entertainment associated with domestic trained animals. This funny show Andalusian horses in the city of Jerez. Their unforgettable dance also impresses many tourists. What else attracts tourists to Andalusia, Spain? Reviews and stories from tourists about trips to this magical country indicate that no one can be indifferent to the rhythms of Spanish temperamental dances, especially passionate flamenco. But the work of the great Spaniards (Velázquez, Goya, Picasso, Murille, Dali) is of interest only to selected connoisseurs of high art. This is such a wonderful land of Andalusia! Spain, whose attractions annually attract millions of tourists from all over the world, can truly be proud of both its unique natural landscape and climate, and its talented sons.

Andalusian cuisine

The culinary features of these places are influenced by Moorish traditions. More than 6 centuries have passed since the rule of Al-Andalus, but still the serving and presentation of dishes, especially meat and vegetables, in this region is most often carried out in accordance with Arab traditions. In the cuisine of mountainous regions, meat dishes predominate, but on the coast, naturally, there are seafood delicacies: shrimp, fried octopus, tuna, salty fish etc. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, cheeses and olive oil are present on the menu of almost all taverns and restaurants. Rich culinary traditions are another of the attractions of the Andalusia region. Spain - passionate and melodic, hot and green, sea and mountain, tasty and intoxicating - has always been and will remain the most desirable country to visit for tourists from all over the world.

Ancient city of Malaga

To visit Spain and not visit the homeland of the great Picasso would simply be blasphemy. So, we choose the route "Spain-Andalusia-Malaga". This is a coastal town on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, the center of the Costa del Sol resort. Malaga captivates with its medieval winding streets, green boulevards, lush blooming gardens. For tourists from the northern regions, this is a real paradise. The city was founded in the 11th century BC and was part of Ancient Phenicia. In the Phoenician language, the name Melaka (as the city was called in those ancient times) means “salty.” Then the city was under the rule of the Roman Empire. Since the 8th century AD, its territory was captured by the Arabs and became part of the Cordoba Caliphate. In the Middle Ages, Arab rule fell, and Malaga began to develop according to Christian customs. Today, this province is a mixture of architecture of all styles and trends, which gives the area an unforgettable flavor. This is the busiest of all the areas of Andalusia, but at the same time the poorest.

Beach holiday in Malaga

The coastline of the province of Malaga has 16 beautiful beaches. In the western part, the coast is covered with dark, fine sand; in the east, sandy beaches alternate with rocks. The most popular recreation areas are La Malagueta, Pedregalejo La Misericordia and San Andrés. All of them are located in the central part and were awarded the Blue Flag for their livability and cleanliness. Some of the beaches belong to one or another hotel. They are equipped with everything necessary for adults and children. More remote beaches are Campo de Golf and Guadalmar and Campo de Golf. They are more suitable for lovers of quiet family vacation. By the way, a small area in Guadalmar is a favorite place for nudists. For those who like to relax with the savages, Cabopino Beach, where the tent camp is located, is suitable.

Where to stay in Malaga

However, most tourists are attracted to Spain by the desire to relax in comfortable conditions. Hotels in Andalusia, in particular Malaga, offer high-quality service, rich entertainment programs and divinely delicious cuisine. Here you can find suitable housing for people with different requirements for both comfort and service. For unpretentious tourists there are guesthouses (in tourist offers they are designated as hotels with 1 and 2 stars). There are comfortable hostels for student and youth groups. Villas and apartments are especially popular for rent. As for hotel complexes, here you can see hotels belonging to global brands, for example, Marriott, etc.

Sights of Malaga

The hotel administration offers the organization of excursions around Malaga itself and in other destinations. For example, you can visit many palaces, which are called palacios here. Palacio de la Aduana, Palacio Episcopal and Palacio de los Conde, Plaza de Torros, Alcazaba Fortress, Gibralfaro Castle and Lighthouse, Roman Theater and Flavian Amphitheater, Encarnacion Cathedral. Since Malaga is the birthplace of Picasso, there are two wonderful museum, dedicated to the great Spaniard.


Another route, which is the most interesting for tourists who come to this country, is “Spain-Andalusia-Granada”. This province with the city of the same name, its center, is located on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It was founded in the 6th century BC. This is extremely beautiful city in the east of Andalusia. The sights of Granada are the ancient Albacín quarter, the Granada Cathedral, built in the 16th century with the Capilla Real chapel, where Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, who liberated Granada from Arab rule, are buried, as well as the Dame and Torre de la Vela towers, multi-tiered gardens Portals, etc., etc. And yet, the hallmark of Granada is considered to be the world-famous fortress of the Alhambra ("Red Fortress") - the residence of the Moorish rulers (11th century). It is impossible to mention the names of all the sights of Granada in one article; it is also difficult to describe them. All this must be seen with your own eyes. Granada - a real museum under the open Andalusian sky.

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Why go and what to see in Andalusia

Andalusia is the southernmost region of Spain, washed by Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. Andalusia's cities are filled with history and extraordinary architectural landmarks, while the coast is famous for its endless sandy beaches and amazing landscapes. For a traveler, Andalusia is a “two in one” region - suitable for both an excursion holiday and a beach holiday. And if the beach season lasts from May to September inclusive, then a variety of excursions are possible all year round, since the region has a mild climate and there is rarely bad weather.

The history of Andalusia is closely connected with the period of Moorish rule during the era early Middle Ages. It is not surprising that many cities in the region have preserved amazing monuments Islamic heritage, which are adjacent to typically Catholic churches and cathedrals (Spain is a traditionally Catholic country). Almost all major cities in Andalusia have their own alcazar (palace) and alcazaba (fortress). Andalusian cities that are definitely worth visiting include, in particular, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Cordoba, Cadiz and some other smaller towns.

Speaking about the beach component of the holiday, it is worth noting that almost unlimited possibilities open up for tourists here. The main beach holiday areas in Andalusia are the Costa de la Luz, the Costa del Sol and the Costa de Almeria. Each coastline has its own characteristics, and resort centers include towns such as Marbella, Cadiz, Almeria, Benalmadena, Torremolinos, Nerja and others.

There are many attractions in Andalusia that are not related to the sea. For example, there are dozens of natural parks here, including the famous Sierra Nevada mountain park, Doñana National Park, Cabo de Gata coastal park, Tarifa dunes and much more. Andalusia owes its diverse nature to its climate, which varies from typically Mediterranean on the border with Portugal to semi-desert in the Almeria Desert (the only one in Europe, by the way). Read also what other regions are popular for .

Martin Haisch/Malaga

Visa and entry rules to Spain

To enter Spain, a Spanish national or Schengen visa type C (tourist) is required. You can also enter Spain with a guest visa (an invitation from the Spanish side is required). You can open a Spanish visa at the Spanish embassy or consulate (Moscow, St. Petersburg) or at numerous visa centers, which are located in almost every major city. In order to obtain a visa, you will need to collect a standard package of documents, take biometric fingerprints (directly when submitting documents), (sum insured not less than 30 thousand euros). The documents also include return tickets and hotel reservations where you are going to stay. As a rule, a visa is issued within a period of several days to two weeks, less often – longer.

The rules for entering Spain are standard relative to Europe, since Spain is part of the Schengen zone. During passport control, you may be asked to present a printout of your travel insurance, hotel reservation, or return tickets, so you need to have them on hand. The rest of the procedure is standard and does not take much time.

harvey barriso/Roman Bridge

Climate and weather in Andalusia

Most of the territory of Andalusia has a Mediterranean climate, while in the continental part the weather is hotter, in the coastal part the heat is moderated by the sea breeze, snow falls in the Sierra Nevada mountains in winter, but in the Almeria desert you can see “lunar” landscapes all year round . Despite the wide variety of climatic zones, the weather in Andalusia is quite mild and one of the warmest in Europe, due to the proximity of Africa (across the strait).

Summer time in Andalusia is ideal for a beach holiday; the water on the coast warms up to comfortable temperatures closer to June and lasts until the end of September. It is also worth noting that cold currents may arrive on the Costa del Sol several times during the summer, but this phenomenon does not last long. As for the Costa de la Luz, you can swim here starting in June, despite the fact that the coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The temperature reaches maximum comfort for swimming in July-August. The swimming season opens earliest in the Costa de Almeria, as it has a semi-desert climate.

lucia.lence/sunset in St. Petri

How to get to Andalusia

The most popular ways to get to Andalusia are by flying to Malaga or Madrid. Malaga is located in the eastern part of Andalusia, on the Costa del Sol, from here it is convenient to relax in such resorts as Marbella, Benalmadena, Nerja, Torremolinos, Mijas, etc., as well as explore Granada and Ronda. Madrid is not located in Andalusia, but in the neighboring region of Castile, with easy access to cities such as Seville and Cordoba, as well as to the resorts of the Costa de la Luz, including Cadiz, Huelva and Tarifa. There are convenient railway connections between the cities, so you can get from one part of Andalusia to another in just a couple of hours. It is also worth noting that train travel in Spain is one of the cheapest in Europe.

Flights to Malaga and Madrid are operated by both Russian and Spanish airlines. Flight time is approximately 5-5.5 hours from Moscow. There are also flights with transfers to European cities(such flights are usually cheaper than direct flights). In addition to Moscow, you can also fly directly to Madrid and Malaga from St. Petersburg, but from other Russian cities you will need a transfer in the capital. You can check the flight schedule for the desired route on ticket booking services:

In Malaga planes land at international Airport Costa del Sol, which is located 8 km from the city center. The airport has 3 terminals, planes from Russia are served by terminal No. 3. You can get from the airport to Malaga and other resorts on the Costa del Sol by bus, commuter train or taxi. Bus stops and a train station are located right next to terminal No. 3, which is very convenient for those landing. A taxi can be found at the exit from the terminal, or you can order a transfer in advance.

On services And You can book transfer services to any desired resort on the Costa del Sol (Marbella, Benalmadena, Torremolinos, Fuengirola, Mijas, Nerja and others). You can travel to other cities in Andalusia from Malaga by train. So, the travel time from Malaga to Granada will be about 3 hours, to Ronda - 1 hour 50 minutes. Schedule – at the railway service .

Kamyar Adl/Marbella

Public transport in Andalusia

To travel between the cities of Andalusia, among public transport, it is most convenient to use trains, because This method is the fastest and most comfortable. By train you can reach almost any, even the smallest settlement (although there are exceptions, for example, you cannot get to Marbella by train). The train schedule to the desired city can always be checked at the railway service . You can also travel between cities by regular buses, but the number of such routes is limited, and the travel time is much longer. You can view the bus schedule on the website Alsa and on the websites of several other regional carriers.

In the cities themselves, within historical centers Where the main attractions are concentrated, you can get around on foot. In addition, major cities in Andalusia, such as Seville and Malaga, have an extensive public transport network, including buses, metro and trams.

Min Zhou/Metropol Parasol

Andalusia by car; Rent a Car

Andalusia is a fairly large region by European standards; there are 8 provinces located here, and they are all connected by highways along which you can easily, quickly and comfortably travel by car. In general, traveling around Andalusia by car is one of the best ideas for independent tourism. Firstly, by car you can get to places in the region that are inaccessible by public transport, this concerns, first of all, . Secondly, when traveling by car, you can forget about the not always convenient public transport schedules and travel at your own pace and rhythm. Thirdly, having a car at hand solves many applied problems, such as the issue of transfer, travel tickets for city transport, etc. It is not surprising that car rental in Spain is becoming more and more popular every year.

In order to rent a car in the cities of Spain, you must present a standard set of documents - passport, driver's license (international or national new type with entry in Latin) and bank card to pay for services and block the deposit. The registration procedure itself does not take more than 20 minutes, and you may also be offered additional car insurance. A convenient option is the ability to book the desired class of car in advance. You can do this on car booking services; just select the city in which you plan to rent and the actual class of car you need:

Emilio/Motorways of Spain

Cities of Andalusia

In Andalusia, no matter the city, it is a real pearl of architectural thought. Even in small towns in the region you can sometimes find unique historical monuments, let alone large cities, which, in fact, are major tourist centers not only in Spain, but throughout Europe. The most visited cities in Andalusia are Seville, Granada, Cordoba, Malaga and Cadiz. Read more about the attractions of each of them below:

is the administrative center of Andalusia, its cultural and tourist capital with many historical monuments and architectural landmarks, some of which are even included in the list world heritage UNESCO. Holidays in Seville are a mixture of varied excursions, excellent cuisine, bullfighting and flamenco. The main tourist sites are the Alcazar of Seville, Cathedral and the Giralda Tower, Plaza de España and Maria Luisa Park, Metropol Parasol, Pilate's House, Torre del Oro, Maestranza Bullring, Flamenco Museum and much more;

- a city where Moorish motifs and flaming Gothic were mixed, and the Mudejar style was born. Granada can boast a huge amount UNESCO monuments, the main of which are Granada's Alhambra and the ancient Albaciin quarter. In addition, the Granada Cathedral, the Generalife Palace and Gardens, as well as the Sacromonte Abbey in the vicinity of the city certainly deserve attention;

- a city that appeared back in the days Ancient Rome and have survived since then rich history, and one of its most striking milestones was the reign of the Cordoba Caliphate in the Middle Ages. Among the attractions of Cordoba are the Alcazar Palace, the Mezquita (cathedral mosque), the Roman Bridge, the Jewish Quarter, the Calahorra Tower, and the Merced Palace. All objects are perfectly preserved and have survived to this day in their authentic form;

- a port city and a major tourist center on the Costa del Sol. Here you can stroll along the medieval streets and visit the fortresses and forts that defended the city, have fun on Malagueta beach and go on a further journey along the coast; it’s not for nothing that Malaga is called the “gateway” of the Costa del Sol. The top attractions of the city include the Cathedral, the Picasso Museum, the La Malagueta bullring, the Alcazaba and Gibralfaro fortresses, Botanical Garden La Concepción, the old port of the city, and, of course, the local beaches;

– is considered the most ancient city in Europe. Cadiz is located on the Atlantic coast, has breathtaking sandy beaches and whole line historical attractions that make the city unique and inimitable. Despite the fact that Cadiz can be considered a beach resort, there are no less opportunities for sightseeing trips. The main sites of the city, in particular, include the Cadiz Cathedral, the Candelaria Bastion, the Genoese Park, the Fortress of St. Sebastian, etc. The best beaches of Cadiz can be safely called Playa Santa Maria del Mar, Playa Victoria, Playa Cortadura and Playa Caleta;


- a picturesque town hidden on steep cliffs. The best views of Ronda are natural. Tourists eagerly travel to the city to see the famous Punta Nuevo Bridge, which hangs over a rocky abyss at the bottom of which flows the Guadalevin River. IN in this case It would be fair to say that the arched bridge of Punta Nuevo is better to see once than to hear about it a hundred times;

– this is the birthplace of the famous drink sherry; it is not for nothing that the city is often included in the route of gastronomic tours of Andalusia. In addition to wine tasting, it’s definitely worth visiting Jerez to see one of the largest Cathedrals in the region, stroll through the local alcazar, visit the Church of St. Michael and museum complex Atalaya. Do not forget that in the vicinity of the city there are hundreds of wineries that invite guests to taste their products;

– a small but very colorful town located in the vicinity National Park Doñana and near the Portuguese border. Huelva is not typical Spain; there is a lot of English here, both in architecture and design. Among the things that are definitely worth seeing in Huelva are the Cathedral, the Roman aqueduct, the Church of St. Peter and, of course, the house of Columbus. In the vicinity of Huelva there are also many attractions, for example, the Monastery of Santa Clare, the Temple of the Virgin of La Cinta, and the Doñana National Park, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Huelva's spacious sandy beaches are also mesmerizing;

– the main attraction of Tarifa is considered to be the point of reference that separates the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This point is not symbolic; when you arrive in Tarifa, you will really see how the translucent emerald water of the sea and the black blue of the ocean mix near the coast. Tarifa is the southernmost point of Europe; Africa begins across the strait, so it is not surprising that this is where the local sandy beaches turn into real dunes and dunes. However, swimming here is not always comfortable, strong winds blow, but the place can be recommended to all lovers of windsurfing and kiting.

steven gerner/Ronda Bridge

Andalusia: beaches and resorts

Andalusia is one of the best places for a beach holiday in Spain. The beaches here are entirely sandy, golden, spacious, at the same time surprisingly clean, well-groomed and, most importantly, free. Cleanliness here is strictly monitored by local authorities, so many marked with the Blue Flag as the most clean beaches peace. Conventionally, the entire coast of Andalusia is divided into three large areas - Costa de la Luz (Coast of Light), washed by the Atlantic, Costa del Sol (Coast of the Sun), washed by the Mediterranean Sea and Costa de Almeria, which is also washed by the Mediterranean Sea. , but has differences in the landscape due to the proximity of the Almerian desert.

Of the above cities, beach resorts undoubtedly include And with their amazing golden sandy beaches. Both resorts are located in the Costa de la Luz area, i.e. washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The swimming season here lasts from late May to mid-September. best months for swimming – July and August, when the water off the coast warms up to maximum temperatures. Read more about other beach resorts in Andalusia:

– the resort is located on the Costa de la Luz, where the Guadalquivir River merges with the Atlantic, and here is the Doñana National Park. The best beach area can be considered a series of beaches Bajo de Guía, Calzada, Piletas and La Jara, as well as the beaches of neighboring Chipiona;

- a secluded resort on the Costa de la Luz with crystal clear white beaches and calm waters of the bay. Best beaches you can search in the St. Petri area, which is considered a protected area;

- one of the most popular resorts on the Costa del Sol. The advantage of the resort is its developed infrastructure. The Marbella beach line is sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea, equipped to the maximum, from sun loungers, umbrellas and sun loungers to equipment for water sports, bars, cafes and open-air parties;

- the main resort on the Costa de Almeria. This resort is quite young by Spanish standards, but modern infrastructure makes it very competitive. The main advantage of Almeria, in addition to its developed infrastructure, is the sandy beaches blown up from the African desert. The Costa de Almeria coast is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and the holiday season lasts from June to September inclusive;

kevin pacheco/Almeria Beaches

- the second largest beach resort on the Costa del Sol after Marbella. The best beaches here are the beaches of Malapesquera Torrebermeya, Bil Bil, Arroyo de la Miel, La Viborilla, Las Yucas. Another advantage of the resorts is all kinds of entertainment complexes, natural parks and other activities that only Benalmadena can offer among the resorts of the Costa del Sol;

– the closest beach resort to Malaga is the Costa del Sol. The development of infrastructure combined with long sandy beaches make Torremolinos a very popular place during the “high” swimming season. The resort's beach line is conventionally divided into two parts - El Bajondillo in the east and La Carihuela in the west, both are excellent for swimming and relaxing;

– the resort is famous for its clean 8-kilometer beaches, included in the Blue Flag list. The coast is washed by the waters of Middle-earth, there is a gentle entrance to the sea, the place is excellent for family holidays, incl. with small children. The best beaches in Fuengirola are Los Boliches, Las Gavitolas, San Francisco and Torreblanca;

- a small but very comfortable resort on the Costa del Sol. The place is famous for its Mijas Costa coastline and the Aquamijas water park. To visit the local water park, tourists come to Mijas from all nearby resorts, including Marbella and Fuengirola;

is both a beach and an excursion city. The beaches of Nerja are located in secluded sandy bays, which are sheltered from the winds; in addition, they are surprisingly picturesque. The bays are surrounded by local mountains, climbing which you can see breathtaking landscapes. It is not surprising that it is in Nerja that the “Balcony of Europe” is located, from which in good weather you can even see the coast of Africa. The caves of Nerja are also worth a visit, as they are fraught with many surprises;

– the Costa del Sol resort, the most distant from Malaga, is suitable for those seeking solitude. The main attractions of Estepona are beautiful deserted beaches, snow-white houses of the old town, a botanical garden, and a zoo. Just think, the beaches of Estepona stretch along the coast for 22 kilometers, isn’t this a paradise for beach lovers!

rey perezoso/Caleta Beach

Hotels in Andalusia, Spain

Andalusia has a well-developed hotel infrastructure. In large cities you can find chain hotels, bed and breakfast hotels, and budget doubles and triples, while at the resorts along the coast there is a whole chain of beach hotels with a full range of relevant functions. The price category of hotels in Andalusia is considered quite affordable and is comparable, for example, with hotel prices in Catalonia. Also in Andalusia, such a type of accommodation as renting apartments has become widespread. Moreover, living in apartments is popular both in large cities such as Seville or Malaga, and in small towns on the coast.

You can find a suitable hotel/apartment in Andalusia, as well as check availability for specific dates, using specialized services for searching hotel offers:

Booking - hotel reservations in 120,000 destinations around the world;

Roomguru - the best deals from thousands of hotel booking sites.

When choosing a hotel, pay attention to such parameters as location, availability of a beach area (if it is a resort on the coast), type of food, availability of parking (if traveling by car). In anticipation high season It is recommended to book accommodation in advance.

elliott brown/Mijas

Travel insurance

When going on a trip to Andalusia or any other part of Spain, do not forget to take out a travel insurance policy, which is mandatory already at the stage of obtaining a tourist visa (must be presented when applying for a visa). You can take out insurance yourself without leaving your home. There are special services for this:

- online insurance for people traveling abroad and traveling in Russia;

- Oonline service for selecting and purchasing travel insurance with the ability to compare offers from various insurance companies;

You can purchase a policy online and then print it on a regular printer. Insurance must be attached to your visa documents, and you must also have it with you when going through passport control upon arrival at the airport. Please note that the minimum amount of insurance coverage for a trip to the Schengen countries (including Spain) is 30 thousand euros. Medicine in Spain is paid and in every special case can be quite expensive, so carrying insurance is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Jorge Franganillo/Sacromonte area

We will be happy to answer your questions in the comments!

Photo at the beginning of the article: Edmund Gall

Review beach resorts+ Ideas for trips along the Andalusian coast

Andalusia is famous for its beaches, and therefore, when planning an independent trip to this region of Spain, it makes sense to devote at least a few days to a beach holiday. Moreover, in the summer it is very hot here, and it is almost impossible to avoid the beaches. In other words, if you are not a fan of beach activities, then the early spring, late fall or even winter. This should be taken into account when planning your travel itinerary. Read more about Andalusian travel routes. Here we will focus specifically on the beach resorts of Andalusia. So, which areas and cities of Andalusia are best suited for a beach holiday?

At all, coastline southern Spain has a large extent. Accordingly, there are plenty of beaches here. The most popular coastal towns Costa del Sol(Costa del Sol) in the vicinity of Malaga. These are Torremolinos, Benalmádena, Fuengirola, Marbella, Estepona, and in Malaga itself there are generally good city beaches. The Costa del Sol has perhaps the most developed tourist infrastructure, including numerous water parks, zoos, large beach hotels, etc. This place has long been labeled “the most fashionable resort Spain”, although, of course, you can relax here in different ways - both on a grand scale and quite on a budget - in this matter everything entirely depends on your needs and capabilities. From the Costa del Sol it is quite convenient to make excursions into the interior of Andalusia. For example, to the mountain town of Ronda or to Córdoba, Granada and other interesting places (more detailed information about possible travel routes in Andalusia is contained).

Looking east from Malaga you will find a small town called Nerja. This is a very picturesque place, loved by many - beaches, rocks, caves, beautiful views (here, in particular, is the so-called “balcony of Europe”). Also in this area you can pay attention to Almuñécar and Salobreña. These two towns belong to the coast Costa Tropical(Costa Tropical).

With all the splendor of the Costa del Sol, however, it is worth considering that in the vicinity of Malaga there are very unpredictable currents. Therefore, very often, even in the midst of summer, the water in the same Nerja or Torremolinos can turn out to be very cold. There's no guessing here.

From this point of view, the resorts of the Atlantic coast of Andalusia are much more predictable - Costa de la Luz(Costa de la Luz) or, as it is sometimes written, Costa de la Luz. This is a less popular beach recreation area with less developed infrastructure. Nevertheless, you can relax here no worse than on the Mediterranean coast of the Costa del Sol. Even though this is the Atlantic, the water here is generally warmer (shallower and the currents are calmer). When choosing beaches on the Costa de la Luz, in our opinion, you should focus on the city of Cadiz and its surroundings - Puerto de Santa María and Chiclana de la Frontera. From here, if you wish, you can always go to Sevilla, Jerez de la Frontera, the above-mentioned Ronda, Tarifa, the most southern point Europe, and other places.

A few words should be said about the coast Costa Almeria(Costa Almeria). Compared to the Costa del Sol, it is also not such a popular destination for a beach holiday. But it exists, and we cannot help but mention it. Here you can pay attention to Roquetas de Mar and Mojacar. Almeria itself also has beaches, and the city itself is interesting. There is also something to see in the surrounding area. For example, you can go to the Cinema Studios Fort Bravo near the town of Tabernas ( Many Westerns were filmed here. The landscapes are like the Wild West.

In conclusion, let us pay some attention to the transport issue. For trips outside the beaches of Andalusia, of course, the most convenient way is to rent a car. But the public transport network here is well developed. For independent organization For travel, you can use the websites (railroads) and (buses). On both sites you can not only find the necessary routes and schedules, but also buy the corresponding tickets online.

This area is called Cabo de Gata after the mineral agate that was previously mined in this area. As you drive through this national park, you will see how the landscapes change. From deserts with cacti and prickly pear to beautiful rural beaches.

You'll discover villages that look like we've gone back to the days of the Wild West. It's no wonder that this area has attracted so many directors and producers. Ridley Scott filmed scenes for Exodus: Kings and Gods on Playa de los Genoveses. The bird scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was also filmed here.

Alpujarra villages

These small villages stretch from Granada to Almeria. The region lies next to the Sierra Nevada mountain range and boasts dramatic scenery. A day in the Alpujarra region is a unique experience. The residents of Mytna do very well in the sale of handicrafts and products from this area.

Granada - Alhambra Palace and much more

The main attractions of the city that are worth visiting are: the Seville Cathedral with its famous Giralda, the Alcazar and the General Archives of India. These three buildings are included in the UNESCO list. We also recommend visiting Plaza de España, Maria Luisa Park and the Triana area.


If you are, it's worth taking a day trip to one of the Pueblos Blancos. These stunning whitewashed villages sit on top of the hills in the province. Take a walk around narrow streets and enjoy the Mediterranean atmosphere.

This coastal city is still one of Spain's most important seaports. This is the oldest city in Spain, founded in the 11th century. It is often called Tacita de Plata, which translated means “silver tea cup”. There is something completely special about it. City atmosphere and friendly local residents make any visit enjoyable.

Be sure to try tapas at Barrio de La Palma, just a few minutes' walk from the beach. Walk along the fortified walls next to the sea and enjoy views of San Esteban Castle. You can also enjoy panoramic views Cadiz from Torre Tavira.

Cadiz is also famous for its beaches. The Costa de la Luz is a particularly popular holiday destination among Spaniards. This coast faces the Atlantic Ocean; Tariff - special place, a beach town where you can see the Atlantic Ocean meet the Mediterranean Sea. During the summer months, these beaches are a great place to practice water sports.

There's nothing better in Andalusia than visiting a winery in Jerez. There are several wineries in Jerez and El Puerto de Santa Maria that offer small tours and tastings. Visit any of them and learn about the process of producing quality wine and sherry.

The wine and sherry culture of Jerez is also reflected in its gastronomy. Local game and fish are marinated in sherry, resulting in rich, flavorful and delicious dishes. One of them is fried artichokes with shrimp, parsley and sherry.

The province of Jerez is also known for its dedication to preserving the hereditary abilities of the Andalusian horse, which is why it supports traditional style horse riding - baroque. You can head to the Royal Riding School to take a couple of lessons or watch shows such as How the Andalusian Horses Dance, an equestrian ballet with typical Spanish music.

Doñana National Park

Doñana National Park is a paradise for ornithologists and bird watchers, the largest of its kind in Spain. This park is located in the province of Huelva and is another UNESCO-listed site. With a large number of protected birds on its territory, you have every chance of observing these beautiful creatures in a beautiful natural environment. Flamingos, geese, vultures, kites and many others await you here in this impressive park.

Andalusia is one of the most beautiful provinces of Spain. Diverse landscapes, history and culture - this region has a lot to offer. Often considered more traditional than other parts of Spain. You definitely won’t regret a trip to this wonderful place.