Hibiscus for hypertension. How to brew hibiscus correctly at high pressure

Sudanese rose, which belongs to the genus of hibiscus, is brewed in a special way and consumed as herbal tea. The infused red liquid has a bright aroma, a sour taste, and hints of sweetness. Hibiscus can be consumed hot or cold.

The burgundy drink Hibiscus can be drunk for high blood pressure; it is useful for hypertensive patients and those whose blood pressure readings are below normal.

Benefits of hibiscus

Hibiscus contains many microelements that are important for the body. Thanks to the red drink, it will be possible to normalize the acid-base and water balance. If a person has diarrhea, vomiting or profuse sweating, then an infusion of Sudanese rose will help to come to one’s senses and restore strength.

The substances found in hibiscus help relieve stress and overcome constant lethargy and apathy. If a person expects a long period of mental work, then it is advisable to drink herbal tea, as it has a beneficial effect on brain function.

If a person has a hangover, then a drink from Hibiscus will help remove toxins faster, but in this case you should choose a cold infusion.

Sudanese rose contains the following chemicals:

  • Important amino acids required for protein synthesis in the body.
  • Vitamin C, malic, and tartaric acid can improve metabolic processes and normalize weight.
  • Flavonoids relieve swelling.
  • Potassium regulates blood pressure.
  • Manganese affects blood clotting and keeps it normal.
  • Phenolcarboxylic acids are known for their antineuralgic effects.
  • Calcium plays an important role in preventing blood clots.
  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Phytosterols can lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and also has a good effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Iron is a component of hemoglobin.
  • Hemicellulose is essential for improving digestion.
  • Copper is needed to create red blood cells.
  • Pectin is useful for normal digestion.

Harm and contraindications

The plant has its own characteristics that you should pay attention to, as they have a negative effect:

  • Due to the rather strong sour taste in rich Hibiscus, the gastric mucosa can be damaged in patients with gastritis. The drink should not be consumed on an empty stomach. If there are stomach pathologists, then they treat it with caution. The effect of beneficial acids from hibiscus can be compared to those that come into contact with human skin. If the skin is healthy, then thanks to the procedure it will be pleasantly moisturized and softer. When the skin has ulcers, lemon will irritate them.
  • Some people are allergic to Sudanese rose.
  • Hibiscus is a choleretic drink and also increases urine output. If there are stones in the gall bladder and kidneys, then the infusion can cause them to move, which will cause severe pain.
  • You should not give red drink to young children, especially those with diathesis.
  • Breastfeeding and pregnant women do not need to get carried away with hibiscus.
  • Hibiscus should not be combined with drugs that lower body temperature, such as paracetamol. Antitumor medications are also not compatible with Sudanese rose. If a person takes pills to lower blood pressure, then he should give up the burgundy drink.
  • If a woman is taking hormonal medications, then she should not drink hibiscus.
  • Often low body temperature is also a contraindication.

Does hibiscus increase blood pressure or can it lower it?

Hibiscus affects blood pressure differently, depending on whether the drink is hot or chilled. In the first variant, Sudanese rose is capable of constricting blood vessels, and therefore increasing blood pressure. If you drink cold Hibiscus, the blood vessels will dilate and high blood pressure will be lowered.

Some sources available on the Internet question the effect of the temperature of the red drink on blood pressure and believe that the effect is determined by the composition of the infusion.

African scientists came to the conclusion that the temperature of Hibiscus is important and it is this that affects blood pressure, can lower it and increase it slightly if you drink “red water” hot. People suffering from hypertension, as well as hypotension, have noticed the effects of temperature from their own experience. If you have problems with blood pressure, then you need to drink hibiscus a little at the very beginning of its use to test the effect on yourself and make sure there is no allergy.

Since Sudanese rose contains many antioxidants, the drink has a good effect on blood vessels, strengthens them, they become elastic, and thanks to healthy blood vessels, blood pressure levels will return to normal.

Hibiscus is used to prevent problems with blood pressure, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of hypertension with its help, since this disease is caused by serious illnesses, as well as malfunctions in the body.

How to drink and brew hibiscus tea correctly

Sudanese rose is drunk 3 times a day to achieve the most beneficial results on blood pressure. Much depends on the specific picture of the disease. In some cases, it is not recommended to abuse red herbal tea and you should drink 2 cups a day, no more.

Hibiscus needs to be brewed correctly to retain all its beneficial properties. There are many ways to get a delicious drink.

Preparing hot Hibiscus involves making 1 cup (150-200-250 ml) of a rich drink. To do this, 1 heaped teaspoon of Sudanese rose petals is enough, which is poured with boiling water. When the herbal tea has cooled to normal temperature, it can be consumed. It is not recommended to use any sweeteners (if you cannot do without it, then it is better to use fructose rather than sugar). The taste of the drink is bright and varied, so you shouldn’t spoil it with sweets.

Chilled Hibiscus, to which ice is added, is obtained in the same exact way. First you need to brew the petals and wait until they cool. Then crushed ice is added. This herbal tea will not only cool you down in the heat, but will also help with high blood pressure if a person suffers from hypertension. But for hypotensive people this drink is harmful.

You can prepare a wonderful cold decoction of Sudanese rose. In this case, there is no need to cook or bring it to a boil. The petals are poured with warm water and left for several hours. The usefulness of the drink directly depends on this. Thanks to the maximum brewing time, the herbal tea will be richer; 6-12 hours is enough to get a good result.

Another way to prepare a cold decoction is to place the petals in an enamel bowl (the quantity is determined by eye depending on the concentration of the finished drink). Fill with water and put on fire. Do not bring to a boil a little, remove from the stove and leave until it cools, then add ice. Some housewives still bring it to a boil, and then proceed in the same way.

There are many recipes for preparing delicious Hibiscus. Sudanese roses are used to make excellent desserts with dark chocolate or healthy drinks. It is sold ready-made with hibiscus, or you can make this drink yourself. The herbal tea will brew quickly.

The therapeutic effect of it is excellent; it is a powerful antioxidant that can speed up metabolic processes, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and prevent vasoconstriction.

Hibiscus can be prepared with fruits, various herbs and other various ingredients. For example, brew 1-2 tbsp in a 2-liter saucepan. spoons of Sudanese rose, half an orange, a sprig of mint, a pinch (ground), boil over a fire for at least 15 seconds, cool, infuse and take a cup of drink with before bed to influence the quality of sleep and improve it.

There are other interesting recipes with Hibiscus. You can try adding different ingredients to the petals to suit your taste, infuse them, or simply brew them with water. The body will get the result in the absence of prohibitions. You just need to take into account the temperature of the drug. Even doctors recommend the use of hibiscus as a preventive measure for hypertension.

And the state of health in general, there are many myths and legends. This topic is constantly discussed and becomes the subject of controversy, but what is the truth? What do the facts and research experience say?

Hibiscus tea, benefits and possible harm

The homeland of the famous hibiscus is ancient Egypt and India. This drink is called tea conventionally, since instead of classic tea leaves, hibiscus or Sudanese rose petals are used to prepare it. Eastern peoples treat ruby ​​tea with great respect, offering it to all dear guests under various names. It is called the drink of the pharaohs, red or royal tea.

Hibiscus is widely used not only in drinks and salads, but also as a sustainable food coloring and in the bast industry. Recently, due to its medicinal properties, pharmaceutical companies and laboratories are increasingly interested in it. So, what are the benefits of hibiscus tea:

  1. The drink improves metabolic processes in the body and peristalsis, regulates digestion.
  2. It perfectly quenches thirst, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, and reduces swelling.
  3. The drink helps the body cope with allergic reactions and get rid of toxins, so it is recommended for various poisonings and hangovers.
  4. Hibiscus tea helps strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure and stool (for constipation), and has antispasmodic, antibacterial, antipyretic and anthelmintic effects.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels, improves condition and function, and is an effective preventative against strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis.

Among other things, hibiscus petals contain anthocyanins, substances that can prevent cell malignancy. Therefore, hibiscus tea is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. It also helps reduce appetite and is a low-calorie product (100 grams of a sugar-free drink contains only about 4 kcal), which makes it indispensable for dieters.

However, with some pathologies and diseases, this drink can cause harm to the human body.

It is contraindicated:

  • for gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers and gastritis)
  • and nursing women
  • children under one year old
  • when the gallbladder is bent and its ducts are blocked
  • during exacerbation of urinary and cholelithiasis, cystitis
  • with severe liver failure, hepatitis and cirrhosis

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Allergy sufferers and hypotensive people should use the drink with caution. If the pressure is reduced to a critical point, then it is better to abstain from a cup of the pharaoh's drink.

In other cases, by following the rules for preparing and using the drink, you can extract maximum health benefits from it, stock up on energy and have a great mood for the coming day.

Methods and rules of preparation. When is the best time to drink hibiscus tea?

All tea lovers know that a truly valuable and tasty drink can only be prepared from high-quality raw materials. Therefore, his choice should be approached with all responsibility. Preference should be given to transparent packaging that allows you to see the internal contents.

So, the petals of the Sudanese rose should be whole, dark burgundy in color, without foreign impurities, and there should not be a lot of dust or debris at the bottom of the package. It is better to store high-quality raw materials in ceramic containers in a dry, ventilated place. When stored this way, it can retain its beneficial properties for up to three years.

There are quite a few ways to prepare the drink itself. Let's pay attention to the three most popular of them:

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You should also take the magic drink correctly. Its high content of various acids, useful for the body, harms tooth enamel. Therefore, it is recommended to drink hibiscus through a straw, but whether it is cold or hot is a matter of taste. In the stomach, the drink will still reach a temperature of approximately 40C. Abuse of the drink is also unacceptable; drinking no more than three cups of tea per day is considered optimal.

The effect of a hot drink on a person's blood pressure

There is an opinion that the effect of hibiscus on pressure depends significantly on its temperature. Experts strongly disagree with this statement, because when it enters the stomach, the drink will acquire the same temperature and will be absorbed warm.

American scientists conducted an experimental study involving 65 volunteers of different ages suffering from hypertension. For two months, people drank three mugs of a drink made from hibiscus petals. As a result of the experiment, a decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure) in the group was noted by approximately 7%; with the help of vitamins, which were given to patients under the guise of medications (to test self-hypnosis and the placebo effect), a reduction of only 1.5-2% was achieved.

The researchers' conclusion is clear: hibiscus lowers blood pressure, regardless of the temperature of the drink. Subsequently, Chinese and Japanese scientists agreed with him, arguing that hibiscus will help normalize high blood pressure. It is recommended even for severe forms of hypertension, but a pronounced effect can only be achieved with regular use of this tea.

Contrary to what experts say, some people with low blood pressure claim that a cup of hot hibiscus can improve their well-being. Experts explain this not by the type of tea, but by the effect of hot and cold drinks on the body. Self-hypnosis also plays a significant role in this matter.

Do not forget that any hot drinks have a vasodilating effect, stimulate work and, accordingly, increase blood pressure. Therefore, if you have hypertension, drinking too hot is not recommended at all. Tea is best consumed moderately warm.

The effect of hibiscus tea tincture on the human body. Answers to the questions: “does hibiscus tea increase or decrease blood pressure?”, “at-risk group, who should not use the red infusion?” Special recommendations of modern doctors for its use.

A real lifesaver for those who are looking for a quick, effective way to normalize blood pressure - hibiscus, a drink that looks like compote, but is not a kind of medicine. Surprisingly, such a drink is useful for both high and low blood pressure. In order to understand where its secret is, it is necessary to analyze the properties.

The secret ingredient that explains how hibiscus tea affects blood pressure

It’s a really interesting drink, the effect of which on the human body depends on temperature, but society became interested not so long ago in where the main secret is and how hibiscus affects the entire body. The basis of this red drink is hibiscus, which contains positive properties.

  • Hibiscus is a unique source of substances called anthocyanins, which give the flowers their red color; it is these substances that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which is why modern doctors advise using hibiscus for high blood pressure. The positive effect of these substances also extends to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Flavonoids contained in hibiscus help cleanse the body of heavy metal salts and toxins.
  • Gammalinolenic acid is a guarantee of reducing cholesterol in the blood.
  • It also contains amino acids, trace elements, vitamins, fruit acids, which are excellent support for the immune system and the functioning of the body as a whole.

The listed properties prove that hibiscus affects the entire body as a whole and has a healing effect.

Doctors recognize and even recommend some traditional methods for high blood pressure, one of which is the use of red tincture based on hibiscus. Modern experts have developed the following list of recommendations:

It is important to remember that only warm or cold infusion is useful for hypertensive patients; hot hibiscus increases the indicators.

In what cases does hibiscus tea increase blood pressure?

The first rule for people who want to cure hypotension with the help of this drink is that the red infusion for this purpose should only be consumed in a hot state, since warm or cold it can reduce it even further. The second rule for hypotensive people is not recommended to drink more than three cups of drink per day, otherwise, again, there is a chance of getting the opposite effect.

Only hot tea, no more than three mugs per day!

Hibiscus benefits and harms, in which cases this drink is not recommended.

Red tea is not magical, and therefore, like any other tea, hibiscus has benefits and harms. The positive properties were presented earlier, the harm of such a drink lies rather in the precautions for use, so red tea is not recommended for use by people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis, stomach ulcers
  • if you have an allergic reaction to the product
  • cholelithiasis
  • diseases of the urinary system
  • chronically low body temperature

Tea is not “magical” and has a number of contraindications!

The method - using hibiscus tea for blood pressure has proven effective for hypertensive and hypotensive patients. The secret is in the temperature of this drink: the hot version increases, the cold version decreases. Positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and immune system. Based on the data, we conclude that this tincture has a positive effect on the entire body; consuming it helps your health!

The abundance of different varieties of tea with the most exquisite tastes on the shelves does not allow the special red tea - hibiscus, which is well known to all lovers of an invigorating drink, to get lost among them.

The custom of drinking tea came to us from ancient times, when tea was valued for its ability to quench thirst and tone up. Fans of the drink have long noticed that hibiscus tea lowers or increases blood pressure. This happens due to the content of valuable substances that have a positive effect on humans.

A natural decoction of a deep, rich red hue is brewed with dried flowers. The scientific name of the bush is hibiscus. Hibiscus in Egypt was given the name “drink of the pharaoh.” The plant came to us from India. Nowadays, it is grown on plantations in tropical countries, which export it throughout the planet.

Red tea, which lowers blood pressure, is widespread in the East, where it is considered a remedy for any ailment. Anthocyanin components give the drink an unusual flavor. The decoction has the ability to relieve spasms and fever. The hibiscus infusion contains antioxidants, vitamins and valuable acids that improve well-being. As a result, hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure.

Before consuming the drink for medicinal purposes, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out whether hibiscus increases or decreases blood pressure.

Hot hibiscus tea serves as a refreshing drink, and when cooled with the addition of sweets it is similar to fruit drink. Popular rumor claims that cold hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure, while hot tea, on the contrary, increases it. Hibiscus tea really has an effect on blood pressure, this fact is confirmed by practice. The healing effect depends on the presence of antioxidants and vitamins that strengthen blood vessels and normalize the functions of the heart and blood vessels.

You should not drink the infusion on an empty stomach, so as not to create stomach problems due to the abundance of acids in it instead of a beneficial result.

Pressure change factors

Regular intake of hibiscus tea, which lowers blood pressure, hot or cold, allows you to have a positive effect on the veins and capillaries, thereby normalizing pressure parameters and avoiding unexpected pressure levels caused by multiple ailments. It is unrealistic to cure a disease with hibiscus alone, although as a comprehensive method it is quite suitable as an addition to medications prescribed by a doctor. To obtain a positive result, you should use Sudanese rose systematically; drinking tea three times a day is considered the best option.

Like all active herbal remedies, hibiscus may have contraindications - allergies to plant materials.

Which is better to drink - hot or cold?

There are many conflicting recommendations: which hibiscus lowers blood pressure - cold or hot. You are allowed to drink the infusion if there are no contraindications, half a liter per day is enough. It is recommended to do this in the evening: hibiscus calms and relaxes, but is not recommended shortly before bedtime.

Cold hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure, helping to dilate blood vessels. Its systematic consumption smoothly changes the systolic value, which can be explained by the diuretic effect of the drug.

It is advisable to drink the infusion with a straw: tea contains a lot of acids that destroy tooth enamel.

With the help of tests, it was proven that hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure, and it works equally hot and cold. How to consume it depends on a person's preference. However, to normalize your well-being when your blood pressure rises, it is still recommended to use a chilled drink so that a hot drink does not provoke a change in pressure. And the taste of the broth does not change depending on its temperature.

Hibiscus (hibiscus) tea

How to brew correctly?

Several recipes for brewing hibiscus are well known. The usual and simplest method is to pour boiling water over the tea leaves and leave for 5 minutes.

The petals remaining after brewing can be eaten; they contain a lot of vitamin C, protein, amino acids and pectin.

The hot method involves boiling 1 teaspoon of dry petals per cup for a long time with sugar. When heated for a long time, the color of the drink changes to gray due to the decomposition of coloring matter.

Iced tea, which lowers blood pressure, is prepared similarly to the previous recipe, after which it is cooled and ice is added.

The second option for cold brewing is the recipe indicated on the packaging of some manufacturers - this is the so-called Egyptian method. The petals are infused for two hours in cold water, and then they must be boiled for 5 minutes and filtered, add ice and sugar. Drink a drink made in this way at any temperature. It is not advisable to overcook the tea so that its normal color does not change and the unique taste does not disappear.

The following recipe suggests infusing 2 tablespoons of tea leaves in a liter of cool or warm water for 2-3 hours. To improve the taste, it is recommended to add honey or fruit. The tea leaves can be used repeatedly. The infusion is stored for 2 days. Nutritionists say that this recipe allows you to fully experience the delicate taste and aroma.

Useful video

For more information on how to properly brew hibiscus tea, watch the following video:


  1. With the systematic consumption of hibiscus decoction, hot or cold, which lowers blood pressure, with its abundance of valuable ingredients, blood pressure is regulated as a result of strengthening vascular walls, a diuretic effect and a decrease in cholesterol levels. As a result of all these positive changes, not only blood pressure is normalized.
  2. The effect is not realized immediately: the effect of tea is cumulative.
  3. Contrary to popular belief that hibiscus increases blood pressure when hot and lowers it when cold, it is allowed to drink it in any form if there are no obvious contraindications.

Hibiscus tea is an aromatic and tasty drink. It invigorates, gives a boost of strength and good mood. Not many people know the effect of hibiscus on blood pressure, so some people mistakenly equate the drink with and refuse to drink it. Who can drink hibiscus?

Composition and beneficial properties

Tea is made from hibiscus petals and flowers. This shrub grows on plantations in Sudan, India and Ceylon. There are about 150 different types of plants. Sudanese rose leaves are eaten or brewed as tea. Hibiscus flowers are used to make jam or confectionery.

Hibiscus tea is considered a traditional drink in Egypt. Every family drinks it every day instead of water, which is why Egyptians suffer from cardiovascular diseases much less often than other nations. Regular use makes their blood vessels strong and elastic. You can achieve such a therapeutic effect if you drink an aromatic drink every day.

Hibiscus is a burgundy or bright red drink made from dried hibiscus flowers.

Hibiscus flowers and leaves contain in high concentration:

  • flavonoids and vitamin C. These components strengthen vascular walls and improve human immunity;
  • quartzite is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance. It relieves inflammatory processes in blood vessels and normalizes blood flow;
  • antioxidants - have a rejuvenating effect, prevent the formation of tumors;
  • citric acid - improves the general condition of a person, helps fight colds and infectious diseases;
  • linoleic acid - prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • pectin - removes excess salts and harmful substances from the body.

The components contained in the petals stimulate metabolism. This leads to a decrease in the production of bad cholesterol. The drink is rich in antioxidants, so it is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Active substances cleanse blood vessels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Vitamins and other microelements normalize liver function and remove toxins from the body. The drink helps improve immunity, making the body more resistant to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Hibiscus has anthelmintic, antipyretic and antibacterial effects. It is also used as a diuretic and myotropic agent. Tea reduces swelling, prevents the formation of kidney stones, and restores the body after poisoning or alcohol intoxication.

Effect on blood pressure and blood vessels

Does hibiscus increase or decrease blood pressure? There is an opinion about the relationship between pressure and hibiscus: tea increases or decreases pressure depending on the temperature of the liquid. A hot drink can increase blood pressure by several units, while a cold drink can lower it. Scientific studies prove that hibiscus petals still lower blood pressure regardless of temperature. The drink strengthens vascular walls, regulates their permeability and stabilizes blood pressure.

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The problem of hypertension is familiar not only to people of retirement age. Every year the disease is getting younger and affecting more and more young people. It has been proven that hypertension is not an independent diagnosis; this condition is a consequence of other malfunctions in the body. There are many reasons for the development of hypertension. The benefits and harms of hibiscus tea for blood pressure are taken into account by doctors on an individual basis. Hibiscus is recommended for hypertensive patients as a folk remedy for lowering blood pressure. With a sharp increase in pressure, patients feel a dull pain in the heart muscle. Hibiscus reduces discomfort and eliminates tachycardia, if any. Tea is not a panacea. You shouldn’t place a lot of hope on it, because this is just one of the options for improving your condition.

Can hibiscus increase blood pressure? There have been no scientific studies on this topic, so there is no confirmation of this fact.

It is believed that hibiscus lowers blood pressure and increases it, but it depends on the form in which it is consumed

Features of use

For tea to be beneficial, you need to consider some points:

  • selection of tea;
  • brewing method;
  • drink additives.

Most of the negative effects of tea occur due to its poor quality. The process of collecting raw materials is simple, but quite troublesome. Flowers and petals are collected from plantations and dried without being subjected to grinding and drying, as is done with black and green tea. If the petals crumble or turn into dust at the slightest touch, and the color of the drink is not bright, this indicates its low quality and incorrect preparation method. Hibiscus flowers can crumble due to the fact that during the drying process a lot of moisture and nutrients have evaporated from them, so you should not expect a positive effect from such tea. Give preference to whole sheets, since the quality of the brew in packaged products is questionable.

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How to drink hibiscus tea with high blood pressure? The tea differs not only in its bright red color, but also in the brewing method from the usual black or green.

There are several cooking methods:

  • To preserve as much vitamin C as possible in the tea leaves, pour cold water over the petals and leave for two hours. Then drain the water and pour boiling water over the soaked leaves.
  • Some tea connoisseurs do not recommend brewing it at all, but simply infusing it in water. The petals are placed on the bottom of the glass and filled with water. Its temperature should not exceed 23–25 degrees. Without stirring, leave in the refrigerator for an hour.

Bioflavonoids contained in the plant have antioxidant properties, reduce vascular permeability, and reduce capillary fragility

  • The petals can be placed in boiling water and boiled for 3-4 minutes. When the water turns ruby ​​red, remove the container from the stove.
  • 1.5–2 tbsp. l. The tea leaves can be poured into a Turk (250 ml), filled with cold water and placed on hot sand. The drink should boil for 3-5 minutes.

In hot weather, brewed tea can be stored in the refrigerator; it perfectly quenches thirst. Do not brew hibiscus again. In this case, the drink will not please you with its taste, aroma, or benefits. The drink has a bitter fruity taste. Various natural additives can be added to add flavor. This will not reduce the beneficial properties of tea, but the taste will become much more pleasant. You can remove sourness with sugar or honey. When exposed to high temperatures, honey loses its beneficial properties, so add it to a cooled drink.

You can diversify the taste using:

  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnations;
  • ginger;
  • vanilla;
  • currants;
  • raspberries

Herbalists advise combining this tea with other components that will direct its action in the right direction:

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  • hypotensive patients are advised to add rosehip, as it increases blood pressure;
  • For hypertensive patients, you can add lemon balm or rowan leaves. They calm the heartbeat and relieve nervous tension, which often accompanies surges in blood pressure.

You need to drink at least three glasses of tea a day. Duration of treatment is 6 weeks. Upon completion of the course of treatment, you must take a break of two weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Contraindications and harm with blood pressure

Despite the extensive list of positive properties, the use of hibiscus can negatively affect a person’s well-being. As a rule, the cause of deterioration in well-being is personal intolerance.

Rose petals tend to increase acidity in the stomach. Therefore, contraindications include:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

If there are contraindications, an exacerbation of pathological processes may occur. Tea is a diuretic, so if you have kidney stones or sand, it is likely that it will promote their movement through the urethra and cause a number of negative symptoms.

Despite all its harmlessness, you should not abuse the drink, even though it is not addictive. Long-term use of tea can negatively affect a person’s general condition. Another unpleasant property of hibiscus tea is its ability to destroy tooth enamel. The acids included in its composition have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, so after drinking tea, to neutralize these acids, you need to brush your teeth.

In pregnant women, hibiscus tea can cause a feeling of disgust, vomiting and deterioration in general condition, so during this period it is better to give preference to black or green tea.