What a good joke. Useful tips on how to learn to joke

Comedians make it look very easy, but when you have to come up with a really good joke, you realize that it takes a lot of time. You need to choose a topic and find a way to satirize it in a way that will make your audience laugh rather than offend. It’s quite difficult to maintain this line, but it’s worth it! Read below for tips on how to write a joke that will make your friends laugh.


Choosing an object for a joke

    Make fun of yourself. Making jokes about yourself is a sure way to make people laugh. There is something about self-irony that evokes schadenfreude, the feeling when we take pleasure in someone else's pain. A lot of jokes are based on this principle. famous comedians. Find something funny about yourself and play it up in a way that makes people laugh.

    • I'm very good in bed. I can sleep for 10 hours without waking up.- Jen Kirkman.
    • The worst thing about tennis is that I will never play better than walls no matter how much I play. No matter how much I play, the wall is inexorable.- Mitch Hedberg.
  1. Make a joke about your marriage, boyfriend or girlfriend. We've all seen comedians use this topic for jokes more than once. Many people have their own relationships, so laughter in the room is guaranteed. If you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend, you can joke about relationships in general.

    • Guys don't know how expensive it is to be a woman. That's why they have to pay for dinner.- Livia Scott
  2. Make jokes about a specific group of people. Hipsters, collective farmers, politicians, lawyers, rich people, children, older generation, men, women... the list goes on. Jokes about separate groups people turn out to be very funny, but use moderation, otherwise you may offend a certain group of people.

    • Everyone knows that hipsters are like bed bugs. You only see one, but you probably have 40 more under your bed criticizing the music you listen to.- Den Soeder
    • If we are all children of the Lord, what is so special about Jesus?- Jimmy Car
  3. Jokes about a place or situation. A bus stop can be an excellent tool for a joke, high school, playground, airplane, office coffee shop, bathroom and so on. Think about what funny, irritating or surprising thing happened to you or you had to observe in such places.

    • I grew up in Newark, New Jersey. If NY It's the city that never sleeps, then Newark, New Jersey is the city that watches you sleep.- Dan Jermain
    • I never understood why they broadcast cooking programs on TV. I can't smell, eat or taste any of it. The program ends with them holding the dish up to the camera and saying, “Well, this is what happened, but you can’t try it. Thank you for watching us, goodbye." - Jerry Seinfield.
  4. Make a joke about a specific person or event. Talk about someone famous, such as the president, Hollywood stars, athletes, and other people who never disappear from the news feeds. Jokes about celebrities are also a great idea because everyone will understand what you're talking about and will have great fun laughing at the rich and famous.

    We're writing a joke

    1. Add an element of absurdity. Show a clear contrast between the target of the joke and something else. Such jokes are popular with children, teenagers and lovers of rude jokes.

      • If a sandwich always lands with the butter side down, and the cat always lands on its paws, what happens if you tie a sandwich to the cat's back, butter side up, and throw it?- Stephen Wright
    2. Vulgarize the joke. Some comedians, to maintain style, only give rude jokes, and some people make such jokes from time to time. One or two dirty jokes will help the audience relax, increase their interest and help people feel at ease. This is the easiest way to connect with the public, after which you will feel a connection with every viewer.

      Talk about something shocking and unexpected. What haven't we talked about yet?? Do you have a unique trump card in your hands? You can make people laugh by saying something about people they usually don't say anything about. For example, about those who are considered innocent: children, your grandmother, nuns, kittens - well, you get the idea.

      • A friend will help you move forward in life. Best friend will help you move body parts.- Dave Attell
      • If God wrote the Bible, then the first line should be - it's round- Eddie Izard
    3. Rely on old-fashioned jokes. It seems like some jokes never go out of style and make people laugh even if they've heard the joke before. Remember "your mom jokes", jokes about nagging girlfriends and sloppy boyfriends.

      • Men need the same thing from underwear as women: a little support and a little freedom- Jerry Seinfield
      • A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, “hey, we have a cocktail with your name on it!” The grasshopper looks at him in surprise and says: "Do you have a Stevie cocktail?"
    4. Make sure the joke relates to everyone. You can't make people laugh until they recognize a part of themselves in your joke. If the audience doesn't accept you as a comedian or the point of your joke, the only thing you'll see is a sea of ​​blank stares. When people feel a connection between themselves and a joke, they relax - is that why people love jokes?

      • Roses are red, violets are purple, I'm schizophrenic and that's how I am.- Bill Conolly
      • In the movies, ladies will say no to their husbands. They will say: “No, we watch films about cancer one after another. And then it turns out that this film is about a cat.”- Tina Fey
    5. Tell a really stupid joke. Sometimes it's funny. Jokes about blondes, jokes about children, and jokes that begin with a knock-knock fall into this category.

      • I will not speak to those who have less than 10 fingers. I AM NOT FINGER TOLERANT- Gilbert Gottfried.

    We present a joke

    1. You must know your audience. The joke must be funny for the audience, otherwise people will sit in front of you with stone faces. There is no need to joke about high school girls if they are most hall Be careful if you make fun of a politician or celebrity in their hometown. Some will laugh uncontrollably at the joke, while others may throw rotten vegetables at you after such a joke.

      The joke should be simple and short. Most likely people will get bored funny story lasting more than one or two minutes. To get a feel for how to deliver jokes better, practice telling short jokes before telling full stories. Remember that the best jokes aren't always the smartest or fullest; you must be able to use humor to win the heart of the viewer.

      • Take a closer look at the people you are talking to. If you see surprise in their eyes, call it a day with this joke.
      • If a joke makes someone laugh, you can continue the presentation with a similar joke. Rely on the energy of the mood you have created.
    2. Practice putting on a straight face. People's attention will be distracted if you joke with a huge smile on your face. Plus, laughing at your own joke is something like laughing without telling the joke to the end. Instead, continue to tell the joke with a straight face, maintain eye contact with the audience, and say something as simply as you would say, “I went to the store to buy milk.” The way you deliver the joke is as important as the content of the joke itself. .

    3. Take breaks. When you start telling a joke, stop for a moment before going on climax. So, before you hit the audience with sparkling humor, you give people the opportunity to think and predict what will happen next. Don't pause too long, otherwise the joke may end.

      • The man went to the doctor. And he says: ‘I broke my arm in several places. ’ The doctor says: ‘Well, don’t go there anymore. ’- Tommy Cooper
      • I don't care if you think I'm racist. I just want you to think I'm thin.- Sarah Silverman
    • Most jokes are written in ten minutes. You can literally come up with some great jokes in no time.
    • If you practice, you will get better over time.
    • A good joke requires a good sense of "intertextuality." This is a media term: the use of the public's knowledge in puns and other contexts.
    • Always be tactful with jokes about race, religion, nationality, etc. When in doubt, simply ask: “Will no one be offended if I tell an offensive joke?”


    • A joke is only funny once. Don't repeat a joke if you notice someone didn't hear it. This is you calling the opposite effect. There is a high probability that someone will later tell them the joke.
    • Be prepared to fail.

If you think you lack a sense of humor, it doesn’t matter! Amuse friends, invent funny jokes, be witty and interesting person Absolutely anyone can. The ability to joke is developing perfectly, all you need is your desire. Funny expressions, successful phrases and well-spoken jokes will make you the life of any company. It will be easier for you to solve your affairs, and people will strive to communicate with you.

How to learn to joke - techniques for constructing jokes

There are special techniques for constructing jokes that are used by screenwriters and humorists. If using them allows you to make thousands of people laugh, then they will be useful to you too.

How to learn to joke

Understanding the nature of humor and knowing how to create jokes will allow you to create your own humor. Moreover, not using hackneyed jokes and expressions, but creating your own! We recommend you easy exercise, which will not take more than 3 minutes and will definitely make you smile.

  • Choose any 1 letter of the alphabet and make up a 10-word sentence in which all words begin with that letter.
  • Do this sentence several times with different letters.
  • Smile and re-read.

For many people, this exercise causes the brain to creak. This is a good indicator - it means that some changes are taking place in you, which allows you to open a new perspective on long-familiar things.

Any joke must be told on time and if you cannot yet quickly create humorous sayings, use ready-made ones. Find jokes and quotes on the Internet and tell them when the opportunity arises. This will allow you to become the life of the party and the main cheerleader, so do not ignore this method, it is also very good.

If you want to impress someone, you have to make that person laugh. If you want a promotion at work, make him laugh. If you want to pick up the girl you like, make her laugh. As you see, good joke can do real miracles and completely change your life.

How to learn to make funny jokes in any situation: useful tips

Some people have a natural talent for making jokes that make everyone around them practically die laughing. But what should you do? You have no talent and you can't come up with new jokes every minute. But don’t despair - correct the situation and learn to joke!

These useful tips will help you learn how to joke correctly and funny in any situation, be sure to use them:

Target. Every joke begins with a goal, that is, you must understand what exactly you need to joke about. It could be anything - a place, an idea, the orientation of people. Remember, at the same time you should not insult the people with whom you communicate. For example, you can tell some vulgar joke to your friends, and they will laugh for a long time, but if you tell it to your wife, she will only scold you and scold you.

Realism- no joke will be funny if there is no realism in it. Your humor should be as close as possible to real world, to the things we encounter every day. Use your humor in everyday life situations- for example, after your boss scolded you and your colleagues at a meeting. A little joke will defuse the situation and relieve tension.

Exaggeration. If you used the previous advice about being realistic, don't forget that you need to exaggerate a little. Without doing this, it is unlikely that anyone will appreciate your humor, and besides, it will be difficult to call it humor at all. The joke should be a little bigger than the truth, so don't be afraid to exaggerate. Remember that at the same time it must be believable.

Emotions. There is no need to joke with a wooden face; those around you are unlikely to appreciate it. You have to be emotional, don't be afraid to show your feelings. Smile, because a joke should lift your spirits. People around you will see that you are in a great mood and will change their attitude towards you.

Read jokes. Despite the fact that you still won’t remember all the jokes, knowing them will come in handy more than once. You will remember them in various situations that you will encounter in life. Be sure to read several jokes a day, they will charge you with positive energy for the whole day!

Practice on your relatives. If you are not sure that anyone will like your humor, we advise you to start practicing on those closest to you. They will point out your mistakes and give you some advice, be sure to listen to them.

Watch the programs.
Now on the Internet you can find many programs and TV shows with jokes, for example - Comedy Club. By watching them you will not only learn new things, but also lift your spirits.

Don't tense up. People around you will immediately notice that you are tense and that your jokes are coming out of your strength. You can’t come up with something funny - and there’s no need, just keep silent and wait for something sensible to come to mind.

Self-criticism. You don’t have to joke only at others, sometimes you also need to laugh at yourself. Don't be afraid to criticize yourself in a humorous way; your friends and colleagues will appreciate it. This does not mean that they will mock you, on the contrary - self-criticism makes you respect a person, because not everyone dares to show and talk about their weaknesses.

Come up with your own joke. Of course, you can retell the joke, but then it will be clear that it was not written by you. People love original jokes, not those they’ve heard a hundred times from their friends.

How to learn to joke: master class

Thanks to this video, you will be able to joke correctly without offending your interlocutor. Start practicing today!

Everyone is attracted to people who know how to joke well, defuse tensions in tense situations, and enter into new company with a good-natured smile on his face. Such people are always expected, invited to holidays, respected by their peers, remembered by teachers at school and bosses at work. But not everyone is lucky enough to master this subtle art from birth, so sometimes you have to ask yourself the question: how to develop a sense of humor?

From the very beginning, it must be said that it is possible to learn how to joke well, because wit, in fact, is inherent in each of us. But don’t expect that just books and a few tips will help you develop a sense of humor - a person will have to really work to develop a sense of humor and understand what is called wit.

Wit is the ability to find bright, successful or even caustic expressions at the right moment and in right time. You could even say that the main thing in a joke is its timeliness, and if you decide to joke about what you were talking about ten minutes ago, then this impulse is unlikely to be appreciated. Now let's get down to business.

Humor and laughter: basic principles

The very first thing you can do to develop a sense of humor is to master the basic principles. The funny thing is that everyone has known for a long time. Tell me, who doesn’t laugh at children who distort words, change letters in places and unknowingly make funny puns? Try to remember, perhaps, at a more conscious age, you made a successful slip of the tongue and it caused others to burst into fits of laughter? Do you remember? So take this phrase into service and use it. For better understanding Here's an example of a random joke:

  • You can’t spoil porridge with butter - You can’t spoil Masha with butter;
  • Romina's mother - mother's Roma

It’s slips like these that help you learn to develop wit. Whether a person writes them down, memorizes them or remembers them is up to everyone, but they must be appropriate and fit the topic of conversation.

  • The following rule is for those who want to make friends with a sense of humor: in a phrase that is familiar to everyone, throw out one word and replace it with another that is close in meaning, but which will sound fresh. Let's say, in the aphorism “glue fins together”, replace these notorious “fins” with, say, skis or roller blades. “Glue the videos together” sounds completely different and more interesting.
  • Whatever books a person reads in order to improve his wit, each of them will talk about cliches. This is a change for everyone famous sayings And catchphrases. We just looked at a similar method, but this one is more complicated, since it’s not the word that needs to be changed, but the whole sentence: "I'm ready to give right hand, as long as no one understands that she is also a leftist.”
  • You can and even should use hyperbole in your arsenal of humor. It has long been noted that what is exaggerated is funny. So a person should not be afraid to use phrases like “I’ve been waiting for you since the fall of 1993”, “I had such a headache that even my mother (sister, dog, neighbors) had to take a headache pill.” A similar formula involving another person can be quite useful for creating a successful joke.
  • Eat special exercises, helping to cope with the problem of a poorly suspended tongue. For example, Associations, which involve writing down on paper five words that are associated with what has already been proposed. You can’t think while doing it, just write down what comes to mind. This practice will help at the right moment to “take out” a few words from the subconscious, which can easily be combined into an interesting mini-story. Anti-Associations will also help in the same way, which are performed according to the same principle and are repeated every day until problems with the speed of imagination disappear.

Such activities can cause certain difficulties for a beginner; puns are unlikely to pop into one’s head on their own, although this is not a reason for a person to stop. Therefore, find suitable books about humor.

For example, Yuri Tamberg’s work “How to Develop a Sense of Humor” will be an excellent assistant for beginners, as he delves into the history of the creation of the comic, talks in more detail about the qualities of a real comedian who cracks jokes like nuts.

Another book, “School of Wit,” belongs to Viktor Billevich, who will teach you not only to joke, but also to stay creative personality overcoming all obstacles life path.

How to improve your sense of humor

Not everyone is completely lacking in wit - some people just need to improve it. For such “comedians” you can also choose several effective rules, which are used in any humorous situation.

  • First of all, you should not repeat the same joke in a group. A person will not laugh for the fifth time at the phrase “the bun hanged himself,” especially considering the age of this saying. So in order to gain fans, a person should think for a minute about how fresh and interesting the joke will be for others.
  • In order for the wit to be of high quality and cause a sincere smile, you need to tell such jokes that you don’t have to explain unclear words. Understand that your grandmother should not tell jokes about superheroes, the Internet, goths or emo - this will only result in a puzzled look. After all, humor should be understandable, and not make you think about things that a person does not understand.
  • And note, the one who jokes never warns that he is about to reveal a masterpiece. He simply says the necessary words, and everyone around him falls into laughter. This result can be achieved thanks to the effect of surprise, and while you are going on and on about “now I’ll tell you this, you’ll get pumped,” people around you will get tired of waiting and the moment of a “successful exit” will be missed. And one more thing: brevity is not only the sister of talent, but also a faithful companion for comedians, KVN players and comedians, since a drawn-out story only causes yawning and a desire to leave.

Both complete laymen and amateurs in the world of puns should feed their brains with new ideas, skills, and develop their imagination. To do this, watch your favorite programs with jokes, KVN and everything that makes people smile. While watching, pay attention to the actor’s gestures, posture, facial expressions, and try to come up with your own witticisms based on what you hear.

What else does a comedian need?

For good feeling Humor is not enough to read books and change places with words. After all, as was said before, everything is not as simple as it seems. A talented comedian is a person who knows his worth, confidently behaves in public, and clearly distinguishes between insult and wit.

  • You can imagine yourself as a great comedian, but in reality you don’t want to learn how to develop your own confidence, learn how to go on stage without a piece of paper, not mock people’s shortcomings, but use your talent to encourage and help cope with difficult situation.
  • Remember all the humorous programs, programs, funny situations from life and try to characterize the person who joked. What's his main feature? Do not know? And everything is quite simple: those who joke well at others always know how to joke at themselves.

This is what the whole science of humor rests on - on inner confidence, on a core that will not allow you to faint when they look at you during a humorous debut. It is this quality that you need to learn in order to become, if not for the whole world, then for those around you, a talented humorist.

Special trainings can help with this, allowing you to know yourself, find strengths, it will determine what exactly you expect from life and what goals you set for yourself. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will learn humor and life's path you are taking.

But that's not all. As mentioned above, there is a time and place for every joke. If you find yourself in a group of blondes and have a thousand jokes about stupid girls spinning in your head, you should not voice them. It may not be easy to learn to restrain yourself, but sometimes it is necessary. Okay, blonde - they’ll just be offended, but if you tell a joke about stupid athletes to a jock, you can easily make a “friend” for life and lose a couple of teeth.

Developing a sense of humor is a long but necessary process that will help you learn how to make people happy, extend your quality of life, make an ordinary day unforgettable, and make unforgettable events brighter and more joyful.

The following tips, exercises, various books (including collections of jokes), close relatives and friends will help with this, which will help develop a love for good mood, and most importantly - to develop a desire, thanks to which you can achieve the desired quality and not be tormented by the question of how to develop a sense of humor.

On the Internet you can stumble upon people distributing techniques that will open you main secret life in the Universe and all that - how to learn to joke? The only problem is that to create really original joke a unique creator is also needed. Remember ten relative funny jokes for all occasions is not so difficult, but the environment will get tired of it very soon. It is necessary and be able to improvise.

How to make jokes funny using jokes and other people's jokes?

The simplest solution to the problem is remember someone's funny jokes:

  • Everything really funny has already been invented and voiced long before us.
  • Not everyone actively follows comedians’ performances and is up to date with the latest news, so it’s quite possible to pass off someone else’s joke as your own.
  • Hundreds of jokes of any kind will make even the most serious interlocutor smile.
  • Small fragments from speeches can be memorized almost by heart and quoted verbatim in the appropriate situation.

To appear funny at this level, you will also need to practice a little:

  1. Make sure your voice sounds confident in any situation.
  2. It’s good to remember every word, don’t stutter and strain your memory in the process.
  3. Learn to sense exactly when this or that joke is appropriate.
  4. Never repeat the same phrases to the same people.

And there may be one very simple flaw in this whole scheme. Nothing will protect you from the sharp rise in popularity of some foreign comedian, and then all your friends will immediately understand where exactly all this sparkling humor came from.

How to train your sense of humor?

You can develop your own sense of humor, and this is one of the best options:

  • Watch the performances of those who know how to joke and do it at a professional level.
  • You don’t need to write down every joke, just watch your movements, habits, speech and manner of demeanor with the audience.
  • Read as much as possible more books, in them you are guaranteed to come across funny or simply interesting situations.
  • Develop your consciousness, the more complex the personality behind the joke, the funnier the humor itself. Stupid people are rarely truly funny.
  • Watch as many films as possible, especially comedies. Some of the jokes presented in them, despite all their typicality and standardness, are too funny.
  • You can acquire specialized literature designed to help you write jokes. There is a bare theory there, it won’t make you Jimmy Cara, but at least it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the basics.
  • Never be shy to joke, try to develop your sense of humor by practicing it on the people around you. Let ten jokes be completely unfunny, but suddenly 11 will turn out exactly as needed?

How to quickly become funny?

Before you start joking, you need to choose a topic for your future “sketches.” You can always take something tough to excite others. Or don’t deviate from the canons and joke absolutely harmlessly.

Hard jokes

Harmless humor

It is not always perceived by others, it can affect them and even seriously offend them.

More than neutral and does not cause harsh negative emotions from your listeners.

It will help produce maximum effect if you hit the target directly. Big risks pay off.

It may not evoke any emotions at all, as is often the case. You need to try and show imagination.

They will never go out of style, and people around you will think you have a sense of humor. Even if it’s “black”.

Even funny jokes will only work if there is a complacent audience.

Using provocative jokes those around you are very simple " get emotional» , but there is no guarantee that these emotions will be positive. Using harmless and purely everyday humor, it is difficult to cause aggression or hostility in your direction. But it is far from a fact that they will react to the joke itself in any way. She may drown in an endless sea of ​​awkward silence.

You should take risks if you are not very worried about the opinions of those you are joking with. Or if your goal is one specific person, about whose preferences in humor you know something from reliable sources. In this case, attacks from outsiders may even unite you with this person.

How to write a good joke?

Now it’s difficult to surprise anyone by saying that a joke has its own structure. Not too complicated, by the way. It is mainly divided into two parts:

  1. Initial information. Some background that introduces the listener to the situation and at the same time sets expectations.
  2. Punch is a denouement in the form of an unexpected and witty phrase.

Some jokes may be too long. Too long and unnecessary explanation of all sorts of little things and details, and at the end the audience gets a completely unfunny ending. This is just annoying, so we come to the following conclusion regarding the fact that humor should be short enough.

If you can’t tell a joke three or four times in a minute, it means there’s something wrong with the jokes, if you have to tell them every minute, and as an “exhaust” you can only get surprise and misunderstanding on the faces of others.

A similar construction principle can be traced even in old Soviet jokes. What can I say, even under the Tsar they joked like this. This information was never a secret, but it will help make the task of coming up with something funny easier.

After all, now the process can be divided into two stages, increasing the efficiency of your own brain processes.

How to learn to make funny jokes?

To make a really funny joke:

  • Read ten books. And then ten more. And 50 more.
  • Watch movies. As many films as possible. Old, funny films.
  • Get yourself life experience. Not the easiest point, but humor only gets better over the years. If you don't take into account senile insanity.
  • Practice speaking in front of an audience, this will help suppress shyness. Although, why be ashamed, everyone knew what they signed up for.
  • Watch and listen to those who really know how to joke. It’s not necessary to “rip off” their witticisms, but it won’t hurt to take some moments as a basis.
  • Don't be shy about your sense of humor. There will always be connoisseurs who will like your even specific jokes.

There is no universal answer to many questions; therefore, it is impossible to find out how to learn to joke. Really high-quality humor comes only with experience, and from the reaction of others it is always clear how funny this or that attempt was.

Video lesson: learning to make witty jokes

In this video, humor and stand-up specialist Nikita Tsvetkov will conduct a humor lesson, teach you how to make the most funny and witty jokes: