Regina Todorenko in contact official page. Personal life and biography of Regina Todorenko

Today you will learn about famous singer, former soloist popular group"Real O", a composer and TV presenter who has won the sympathy of many thanks to her talent, charisma, self-confidence and permanent job above oneself. Few can compare with her perseverance and determination. We will talk about the popular singer Regina Todorenko. We will also tell you if Regina has a page on the VKontakte social network.

Biography of a girl

  • Born in the early summer of 1990 in the city of Odessa. At the age of seven, Regina began participating in the school theater "Balaganchik", and after a few years she began to play only leading roles. Also, as a child, the girl attended a choreography club.
  • After graduating from school, she studied at the National Maritime University in Odessa. Studied German.
  • Regina is very hardworking, this is what helped her realize her cherished dream in life - performing on stage.
  • Very often, Regina participated in all kinds of competitions.
  • In 2007 future star became a TV presenter of the Golden Ten competition.
  • The popular singer Mogilevskaya chose Regina among other competitors, so Regina entered the show “Star Factory-2”
  • A year later, the singer became a full member of the group “REAL O”, whose producer is Mogilevskaya.
  • In 2010, the group’s first album, called “Dress,” was released. A year later, the group was awarded an award at the Golden Gramophone for the song of the same name.
  • The singer performed in many cities and countries, but, unfortunately, the contract expired in 2014.
  • In the same year, Regina became the host of the TV show “Heads and Tails.”
  • She, of course, is not as popular as, but she is still very ambitious.

VK celebrity page

Now it's time to find out if there is popular singer V social network. We want to please you: the girl is really registered on VKontakte. You can find her real page if you follow the following link:

Regina has about 180 friends and more than 23 thousand subscribers on VKontakte. Anyone can write Regina a personal message or subscribe to her page. Regina is always glad to see her new subscribers. Regina asks all her friends on VKontakte not to be offended, because soon her page will be verified and all her friends will be transferred to subscribers. That's exactly what happened. The same applies to other celebrities, because this is the VK system.

Regina VKontakte published about 17 albums with photographs on her page: “By Oleg Kushnir”, “Moscow - the voice of the country”, “I am in Odessa opera house", "Golden Gramophone 2011" and other albums in which you can see photographs from various performances and photo sessions of the group "REAL O".

Regina also published about 190 videos on VKontakte. Here you can watch the videos concert performances groups, video “Regina. A star on the road. Life News”, “Heads and Tails” presenters share their impressions”, “Vladimir Klitschko & REAL O” and others no less interesting videos with a star.

Regina Todorenko regularly publishes her new photographs on her wall with animals, against the backdrop of a fighter jet, with representatives of exotic nationalities from the “Heads and Tails” program. Each network user can put “Like” under a photo or leave a comment. So, if you are really interested in the work of the young performer, as well as new releases of the “Heads and Tails” program, then subscribe to Regina Todorenko’s VKontakte page immediately!

Regina Todorenko was born on June 14, 1990 in Odessa. Her mother works as an economist and also plays the piano beautifully, and her father previously had his own musical group. It was her parents who instilled in Regina a love of music.

Since childhood, Todorenko has shown Creative skills. At the age of seven, she began attending a club at the Balaganchik theater, which became her second home. She constantly found herself in the spotlight and played leading roles, which brought a degree of vanity to her character. For ten years, Todorenko studied stagecraft, while simultaneously attending vocal and choreography classes.

When Regina graduated from school, she decided to connect her life with a field that is far from creativity. The girl entered the Odessa Maritime University, where she had to master transport technologies and systems. In parallel with her studies at the university, Todorenko completed German language courses.

Star Factory Project

The serious specialty that Regina chose did not prevent her from continuing to engage in creativity. The girl took part in student KVN and organized events.

In 2007, luck smiled on Regina and she became the host of the “Golden Ten” show. There she was offered to audition for the reality show “Star Factory 2”. As a result, Todorenko successfully passed the selection, captivating the jury with her wit, activity and cheerfulness. The contestant quickly fell in love with TV viewers and reached the finals, but she failed to win.

After participating in “Star Factory” Todorenko became a soloist musical group Real O. In 2010, the group’s debut disc was successfully presented, but Regina dreamed of a solo career. In 2014, immediately after the end of the contract, the girl left the team.

At that time, Todorenko began to show poetic talent. It is important to note that her songs were performed legendary singer Sofia Rotaru, Natalia Mogilevskaya and Vitaly Kozlovsky.

Show Heads and Tails

Todorenko dreamed of adventures in distant countries and in 2014 her dream came true. The celebrity became the host of the travel show “Heads and Tails.” Kolya Serga became her partner. The young people had been friends since their participation in the “Star Factory”; besides, they both came from Odessa, so they managed the show at ease and fun. A year later, Serga was replaced by one of the program’s producers, Evgeny Sinelnikov.

Todorenko admits that participation in the project takes a lot of time, so singing career temporarily faded into the background. She even gave her beloved dog to her mother for a while.

Regina's creative career was not without incidents. While filming the project in India, the TV presenter, cameraman and producer of the show were arrested on suspicion of terrorism. Soon after the circumstances were clarified, everyone was released.

Regina Todorenko is the winner of the following awards:

  1. "INSTA AWARDS 2015" in the category "INSTA Traveler of the Year".
  2. Cosmopolitan magazine award in the category " Best TV presenter 2016".

Also, her name, along with the names of other members of the film crew, is included in the register of records of Ukraine for the first continuous trip around the world.

Personal life

Regina often states in her interviews that her only and greatest love is the stage. However, in 2016, the celebrity admitted that she had been in a relationship with one young man for many years. He also works in show business, but remains behind the scenes. Both of them are completely dedicated to their projects, so it is difficult for them to build relationships and find time to meet. As part of the “Heads and Tails” project, the girl travels often, which means she practically never visits Ukraine. However, Todorenko believes that separation will not break real feelings, but will only strengthen them.

According to the celebrity, she was proposed to marry her 7 times. Moreover, each time she was given rings that were stolen during an apartment robbery in Kyiv.

  1. At the age of 15, Regina was handing out flyers in Odessa on Deribassovskaya Street. The money I earned was enough to buy myself my favorite perfume.
  2. Dreams of acting in a Bollywood or Hollywood movie. As a child, the celebrity was delighted with the color of India while watching Bollywood movies. Now Regina is working to make this wish come true.
  3. Todorenko is afraid to dive and swim. Periodically, during the filming of the program, she has to fight her fears.
  4. The TV presenter is a fan of singer Lian La Havas and dreams of going to her performance. When she Bad mood, she often listens to Lian's records.

How do you feel about Regina Todorenko? We are waiting for your comments.

Regina was born on June 14, 1990 in the city of Odessa, and her zodiac sign is Gemini. I studied there, at school No. 22. At the age of seven she began to participate in activities school theater“Balaganchik”, at 9 she began playing leading roles there, and continued performing there until the age of 17, simultaneously studying vocals and choreography.

After graduating from school in 2007, she entered the Faculty of Transport Technologies and Systems at the Odessa National Maritime University. Completed driving and German language courses. Also received a master's degree theatrical arts, having graduated from Kyiv National University culture and art. For a year I studied at the studio at the Russian Drama Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka in Kyiv.

Since childhood, Regina wanted to perform on stage. Participating in various competitions, she attracted the attention of producers, after which in 2007 she was appointed host of the Golden Ten television competition. It was then that Regina’s dream came true - having been singled out from many applicants, Natalya Mogilevskaya chose her and invited her to participate in qualifying rounds to "Star Factory-2". Todorenko became one of the singers of the group “Real’O” - Mogilevskaya’s project - along with three finalists of “Factory-2” - Elena Vinogradova, Lina Mitsuki and Alisa Tarabanova. The name of the group was formed from combining the first letters of the girls - “R” - Regina, “E” - Elena, “A” - Alisa, “L” - Lina.

When Regina arrived hometown(after participating in “Star Factory-2”), she was awarded the “Golden Hope of Odessa” award. In 2009 group in in full force came to an appointment with the clairvoyant Valenta to find out her future, and she predicted Regina’s future as an actress, gave advice to strengthen her immune system and gave her a jar of echinacea. In the same year, the quartet took part in the Second Open international festival“Eventarization”, taking place in Kyiv. After performing the hit “I would sing a song for you,” the social network “Odnoklassniki” recognized the group as “debut of the year.” It should also be noted that “Real’O” voiced the Ukrainian dubbing for the cartoon “Winx” in 2011.

Group in 2010 released her first album entitled “Dress”, for the song of the same name (written for the Lyubasha quartet) from which in 2011. received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award. The clip called “Elements” is very impressive, in which each of the girls represents one of the 4 elements: Regina - air, Elena - earth, Lina - water, Alice - fire.
Regina also wrote songs for the group and for other singers, including Rotaru and Baskov. She also wrote the anthem for the television project “Minute of Glory.” “Real’O” participated in the “Open Space” program on “MTV Ukraine”. Perhaps Regina Todorenko would have taken part in the “Voice” show if she had been invited.

In 2011, Regina took part in the Viva magazine competition “The Most Beautiful woman Ukraine". In 2012, she starred together with Evgeniy Bardachenko in the reality show “Goddess of Shopping.”

However, after filming the series “In One Breath” (based on the novel by Tatyana Ustinova), the girl left the group. Regina also played in the film “Captive” and the TV series for ORT “Charlie” ( cameo roles). In 2014, she became the host of season 8 television program“Heads and Tails” together with Kolya Serga. This program talks about travel to various places and is broadcast on many channels, including the Russian “Friday!” The program is named so for a reason. The presenters flip a coin, and one gets only $100, and the other gets a gold unlimited card. The location is chosen randomly.

At the same time, it is shown not so much the journey itself, but how anyone can spend time in this place. This could be the Maldives, or maybe a tribe of cannibals whose homes are on a distant island (Regina had to live there in a tree house). It is noteworthy that Regina watched this show, which was originally hosted by the Badoevs (Alan and Zhanna), and was his fan, and subsequently Alan shot the very first video for “Real’O”.

At the same time, Regina got to the casting completely by accident. Thus, Valens's prediction came true. It is worth adding that in 2014 the program received the prestigious “Tefi” award in the “Daytime Broadcast” category.

Personal life of Regina Todorenko

Her first boyfriend was a sailor. She dedicated her songs to him. Now the girl’s personal life is a bit unsettled. The thing is that the filming schedule is so tight that there is absolutely no time for personal life, there is none for. When Regina was a member of Real’O, she dated Dantes and even wanted to marry him. But now on her VKontakte page the status is set to “actively searching.” Either jokingly (or maybe seriously), the girl replies that she is “married to music” (p.). The singer’s pages can also be found on other social networks, for example, on Odnoklassniki and Instagram. The latter, by the way, is used by many world stars; you can find it there.

Regina has several tattoos on her body and a favorite movie (“Eat, Pray, Love”). The artists the girl likes are Vladimir Zelensky and Tina Karol, the writers are Verber and Bukowski. Regina loves her dog very much, but she had to give it to her parents, since all the girl’s time is occupied with the “Heads and Tails” project. On the set of the project, Regina is constantly faced with all sorts of incidents - she was bitten by an insect and had an allergic reaction, to such an extent that Regina’s eye was swollen; then, while passing a ditch on a log, she fell from a considerable height (7 meters), while the branches helped the girl not to die, but she received bruises and hematomas; then the whole group was attacked by ticks (in Mongolia).

And in India all film crew was almost detained on suspicion of espionage, and Regina had to urgently hide the footage. It turned out that any filming in the country is prohibited. However, the girl does not lose heart, and besides, her parents and fan club always support her. Regina does yoga, likes to cook cream soups, play the drums and paint pictures. He carries coconut oil with him everywhere.

Not long ago, Regina wrote on VKontakte that she would soon share her new solo song “Heartsbeating” with fans (at the moment the song is presented as a teaser). The girl also says that she brought one song from each city. It is quite possible that soon the singer will introduce her fans not only to one song, but also to an entire album. It is a pity that Wikipedia does not contain information about Regina, for example, it is there.

Spicy photos for “Maxim”

Regina is a pretty blonde with blue eyes And good shape body: height – 167 cm, weight – 50 kg, bust – 85 cm, hips – 95 cm, clothing size 40. In many pictures she shows off her long legs. The girl took part in a photo shoot in the studio of Kira Plastinina (there is a very funny photo with accordion). The singer also received offers from Playboy and Maxim, but it is not yet known whether she accepted them.

However, Regina and other girls from the group “Real’O” starred for the cover of the men’s magazine “XXL” (March 2012). Sometimes spicy pictures of the actress can be seen on her pages on social networks. For example, you can see a photo of her in a swimsuit in the Maldives.

Also on the official VKontakte page there are photographs in which a girl is half naked on the beach (bikini photo).

Regina Todorenko - famous TV presenter Ukrainian rating programs, her personal life and biography are of interest to viewers from all corners of the post-Soviet space. Fame to the young and talented girl I came after a performance on a Ukrainian TV show, which is similar to our “Star Factory”. Today Regina is also working in new projects that are planned to be shown on television in the spring of next year.

Personal life

Not much is known about the TV presenter’s personal life; just recently, in an interview with one popular publication, Regina Todorenko admitted that she had broken up with her boyfriend Nikita Tryakhin. The young people began to communicate as friends during the period when the girl toured with music group"Real O" It so happened that journalist Nikita was looking for rented housing, and Regina invited him to rent an apartment together.

The young people were friends for a long time, shared secrets, treated each other to home-cooked dishes, watched films together, this went on for seven months. One fine day, Regina and Nikita realized that they loved each other.

Regina Todorenko and Nikita Tryakhin

Soon they met their parents, Nikita’s mother began calling Regina her daughter. Despite the TV presenter’s unusual work schedule, and she was away from home for eight months at a time, the couple maintained their relationship for five years.

As the girl said, in life with Nikita there was everything - both stormy partings and heated reconciliations. But the break in relations still occurred, this time Regina and Nikita talked peacefully about everything and remained friends. Regina Todorenko said that a man with whom she is in love has appeared in her life, fans continue to follow her biography, and hope that the popular presenter will soon have children.


Regina was born in Odessa on June 14, 1990. Her mother worked as an economist, and her father was a programmer. Brother Yura was still growing up in the family, and it was he who picked this beautiful name- Regina for my sister. In her childhood, as well as now, Regina is close in her relationships with her cousins and sister.

Like most children, Todorenko studied in a regular secondary school No. 22. At the age of seven, the mother began to take the girl to theater classes- the children's studio where Regina studied was called “Balaganchik”.

For 10 years, Regina successfully played the main roles, and the head of the creative team remembers Todorenko as a talented and purposeful student. In addition to the theater, the future TV presenter was engaged in dancing, and also graduated music school in bandura and folk vocal class. WITH primary school the girl already knew what applause and audience attention were.

Regina Todorenko: photo

After graduating from school with honors, Regina entered the Odessa Maritime University. It was the Faculty of Transport Technologies and Systems. While studying at the institute, the girl decided to thoroughly learn German and enrolled in courses, which were soon successfully completed. Around the same time, Regina received her driver's license. Even at such a serious university, Todorenko did not miss the opportunity to participate in creative competitions, her dream was the stage.

After studying three courses, Regina decides to leave the institute. Soon the girl goes to Kyiv and enters the National University of Culture and Art. Todorenko graduated from the Faculty of Directing and Show Business in 2013, she was awarded a master's degree in theater arts.

Regina Todorenko famous TV presenter

While pursuing a creative profession, the girl often participated in various castings. So, in 2007, Regina became the host of a popular television competition. Todorenko was very lucky because she was noticed and invited to filming by a producer Ukrainian project"Star Factory".

Regina's successful participation in this project ended with her performance as one of the finalists. At this time, thousands of television viewers were rooting for the girl, and, of course, the first fans appeared who were interested in the biography and personal life of Regina Todorenko, whether she had children and a husband.


Immediately after participating in the “Star Factory” project, Regina joined the “Real O” group. In 2010, the group released their first music album. The team successfully toured throughout Ukraine, drawing full houses. Then there were concerts in the CIS countries. Regina took part in the filming of videos that took place in America. While working in the group, Regina became famous not only as a performer of songs, but also as a successful and sought-after author.

Regina in the group "Real O"

Her songs were performed by Sofia Rotaru, Nikolai Baskov, Natalya Mogilevskaya, Ani Lorak and many other artists. Working with composer Ruslan Quinta, Todorenko wrote the anthem for the popular program “Minute of Glory.” In 2014, the girl decided not to renew her contract and left creative team"Real O"

Program "Heads and Tails"

In 2014, Regina became the host of “Heads and Tails”; as part of the program, the girl managed to fulfill her dream and visit Tanzania and Ethiopia. From the first shots, the presenter strictly monitored how she looked and how the text said - in order to be satisfied with herself, Regina began to attend classes on stage speech And acting. The filming schedule was so tight that Todorenko could not devote time to her four-legged friend, and the dog had to be given to her parents.

With Lesya Nikityuk in the program “Heads and Tails”

At the end of 2016, Regina, together with Lesya Nikityuk, hosted the 13th season of “Heads and Tails.” Viewers saw this season, entitled “Hell and Heaven,” in February 2017.

This summer, the second season was filmed, but instead of Lesya, the program was hosted by Natalie Nevedrova. Quite recently, there were rumors that Todorenko allegedly left the “Heads and Tails” project, but Regina just laughed and did not comment on this news.

Regina Todorenko today

The biography and personal life of Regina Todorenko is of interest to many fans, as are her parameters: height 167 cm and weight 55 kg.

The girl remains one of the most popular Ukrainian presenters today. Regina from strong family, her parents recently celebrated their 20th birthday life together, she often communicates with relatives, and at Christmas she is all big family getting together.

The talented composer and singer Regina Todorenko recently received an award in the “Woman of the Year” category from Glamor magazine.

With Pyotr Romanov

The girl appeared in a stunning dress from TALMATSKAYA. Regina is a cheerful person, she is always open and friendly. IN last interview KP, the girl admitted that she wants to try to study at the New York Film Academy, for this she sent a motivation letter, passed an interview and is waiting for a student visa. However, according to Regina, her studies will not affect her work in new projects “Heads and Tails”.

Regina Todorenko now

From the personal life and biography of Regina Todorenko, we know that the girl, after a five-year relationship, broke up with her boyfriend Nikita Tryakin. As Regina said, everything went peacefully and calmly, this decision was made according to mutual consent. Of course, the beautiful and charming girl has all the main events of her personal life ahead. It is known that all close relatives, including grandfather, are already waiting for Regina to Serious relationships and grandchildren.

Regina Todorenko easily changes creative professions. At first she sang and wrote poetry, then she became a TV presenter, and now she is learning the basics of directing. And any girl’s endeavor ends in success!


The future TV presenter was born on June 14, 1990 in Odessa. Already in early childhood Regina showed her creative abilities. The girl, having excellent hearing and voice, studied vocals and also danced. From the age of 7, Regina performed on the stage of the school theater "Balaganchik". She always got the main roles and solo numbers.

Todorenko has proven herself well not only on stage, but also in the classroom. She graduated from school with honors. Then the girl entered the Odessa National Maritime University, choosing the Faculty of Transport Technologies and Systems. Regina soon realized that she had made a mistake. She dropped out of school in Odessa and entered the faculty of directing and show business at the Kyiv University of Culture and Arts.

Regina not only “gnawed the granite of science,” but also attended all kinds of castings. Having successfully passed the selection, in 2007 she became the host of the “Golden Ten” television competition. Producer Natasha Mogilevskaya drew attention to the young girl and invited her to the “Star Factory”. Also in school years Todorenko dreamed of getting on this project, but then she did not succeed. Of course, the girl took the chance and became a participant in “Star Factory-2”. She failed to become the winner of the show, but she is sure to be among the finalists.

In show business

After the end of the project, Todorenko became one of the soloists women's group Real-O. Thanks to the efforts of Natalia Mogilevskaya, the team quickly gained popularity. In 2008, the group recorded several singles and released videos for them. In 2009, the girls toured throughout Ukraine, and in next year released their debut album "Dress".

Todorenko not only sang and went to concerts, but also wrote lyrics. In 2009, the girl began collaborating with the popular composer Ruslan Kvinta. Together they wrote a number of compositions that were performed by Sofia Rotaru, Vitaly Kozlovsky, Ani Lorak, Natalya Mogilevskaya, Real-O and others.

In January 2014, after the end of the contract, Regina left the Real-O group. During the same period, the singer passed the casting and became the host of the “Heads and Tails” program. Together with Kolya Serga Todorenko traveled around exotic countries(Vanuatu, Honolulu, Ethiopia and other places).

At first, viewers compared the new presenters with their predecessors Zhanna Badoeva and Andrei Bednyakov and even negatively assessed their work. Already in the next season, fans of the project “Heads and Tails” appreciated Regina’s spontaneity, assertiveness and humor and “accepted” her.

Todorenko hosted the program for 4 years (seasons 8-13 and 15). At the end of 2017, she left the project, tired of the nomadic lifestyle.

In parallel with filming the TV show, the girl managed to build solo career. In 2015, she recorded the song “Heart’s Beating” and took part in the “Voice” project. In 2016, Regina released the “Liverpool” video, which was filmed in the USA, and also starred in Sveta Loboda’s “It’s Time to Go Home” video. At the end of the year, Todorenko released her debut album “Fire”.

In 2017, Regina entered the New York Film Academy, where she is mastering the craft of directing.

Personal life

Long time the TV presenter met with cameraman Nikita Tryakin. They met while studying in Kyiv. Nikita and Regina had similar interests and goals in life, so they quickly found mutual language and started dating. And then the girl began to disappear on set, and the lovers saw each other less and less.

In the fall of 2017, it became known that Tryakin and Todorenko broke up after 5 years of relationship. This decision was made mutually. And a few months later the press reported that the girl had developed new lover. It turned out to be popular singer Vlad Topalov.

WITH former soloist group "Smash!!" Regina met in the summer of 2017. They played together in the play “Put Your Wife in a Pawn Shop.” Gradually business conversation Todorenko and Topalov developed into romantic relationship. In January 2018, it became known that they were dating.

Social media

The girl has official accounts V Instagram networks and VKontakte. Regina Todorenko on Instagram Posts his photos daily. For 4 years she delighted her Instagram subscribers with pictures from the filming of the “Heads and Tails” program. During this time, Regina managed to visit more than 100 countries of the world! And now on the girl’s Instagram you can see many bright pictures from various photo shoots. 3.4 million subscribers follow her life on this network.

Todorenko also has an account VKontakte Here she occasionally posts photographs and videos. Each girl’s post receives hundreds of comments and thousands of likes. She has more than 200 friends on the VKontakte network, including many representatives of Ukrainian show business and 258 thousand subscribers.

Regina has achieved a lot in her 27 years. She talented actress and singer, in-demand presenter and model, author famous songs. But the girl does not intend to stop there. Her grandiose plans include conquering Hollywood and creating her own films!