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The recipe includes canned green peas, and, as a rule, it is purchased. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to grow peas and prepare them for the winter. But if you knew how simple and cheap it is to prepare canned green peas at home, the recipe that we will now describe, you would be happy to buy it at the market. Moreover, it has been verified that if you buy fresh green peas at the market and pickle them at home, it will still be cheaper than buying them. And the taste is no different from a high-quality store-bought one.

Ingredients for home canned green peas:

  • Unpeeled peas - 600 g;
  • Vinegar - 3 teaspoons.
  • For the marinade:
  • Table drinking water - 1 l;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to preserve green peas according to recipe:

1. First, let's tell you all the details. From these ingredients you get exactly 2 jars of 250 ml volume. There is a lot of brine and most will have to pour it out. But since the peas must float in the brine during cooking, it is better to take exactly this volume of water. Moreover, it is better to divide the proportions of sugar and salt into liters rather than milliliters.
Combine salt and sugar in a bowl and add to the water just before boiling.

2. Remove the peas from the pods and rinse the peas. Use a sieve, gauze or small colander, it's faster. If you do not know the origin of the peas and perhaps they were previously processed in some way, then it is better to rinse them with boiling water several times.
Advice: It is better to sort peas into young and overripe. If the peas are too ripe, then they will need more time to cook. If you have already decided to can green pea according to the recipe, then you should buy either young or overripe, so as not to cook it in 2 batches. Also select bursting and spoiled peas; they are not suitable for preservation.

3. Green peas should be placed in the marinade after the salt and sugar crystals have completely dissolved. Wait for the marinade to boil and note the cooking time.
Note: The cooking time for green peas depends on their maturity. Minimum cooking time is 40 minutes. That is, if the peas are young, then cook them for 40 minutes from the moment of boiling. If it is overripe, then add 10 minutes and wrap it in jars.

4. Now the banks. The container must be sterilized. This can be done in any way. You can sterilize jars in a metal steamer, just like in the winter. Or you can bake the dishes in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. But in any case, before sterilization, you need to wash the jars with soda.

5. If you are sterilizing containers for twists in a double boiler, then the jars should then be allowed to drain on a clean towel upside down.
Vinegar must be added to each jar before they are to be canned. Count 3 teaspoons for 1 half-liter jar. Naturally, in this recipe the dishes are 2 times smaller, which means we add 1.5 teaspoons to each vessel.

6. After the green peas are cooked, you can put them in jars. First you need to take a slotted spoon, select and put only legumes in the vessels.
Advice: Please note that the peas do not fill the entire bowl. If you want to preserve the integrity of the legumes, you need to place it in such a way that the peas float in the brine. This means pour the peas before the start of the carving (1.5 centimeters to the top). You can also strain the brine so that it is clear.

7. Fill the jars to the top with hot brine.

8. With the lids you will use, simply cover the tops of the jars. Now take a pan and place a small terry towel on the bottom. Place a jar of canned green peas on a towel so that it does not turn over or tilt. In the same pan, pour hot water up to the top level of the peas. Place all this on the fire to sterilize. The time from the moment of boiling will be 30 - 40 minutes. It is important that the water does not boil too much, so adjust the heat at the very beginning.
Note: Since peas are very capricious, it is still necessary to sterilize them. The larger the jars you have, the longer the sterilization time. 500 ml jars need to be sterilized for 30 - 40 minutes.

9. Immediately after removing the jars from the pan, pour the specified amount of vinegar into them. We tightly seal the preservation with screw-on lids after sterilization.

Then place the jars with the neck down and wrap them in a towel until they cool.

These are exactly the green peas canned recipe has very simple. And the peas turn out soft and tender with brine, just like store-bought peas from childhood, which my parents bought with sausage.

Important: According to any recipe, canned green peas should be stored at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees. This means that the place for these jars is either in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the peas are very capricious and can be torn off.

Green peas are one of the most important products in the kitchen of almost any housewife, because they are often used not only as a salad ingredient, but also as a delicious side dish for meat and other dishes. While there are many store-bought options, homemade canned peas are a favorite. Today you will get acquainted with the best recipes that will tell you how to can peas for the winter at home (photo materials are attached).

About the benefits of green peas

Green peas are very popular among vegetarians and this is not surprising, because they are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements important for the human body.

Peas are quite nutritious and very easy to process. At the same time, it contains a considerable amount of valuable vegetable protein. The nutritional value of protein can explain the ability of peas to quickly saturate the body and energize it for a long time.

In addition to protein, peas also contain a considerable amount of vitamins (especially B vitamins), sugars (about 6%) and fiber. Thus, in mature peas there is about 35% pure protein, and in terms of calorie content this culture almost twice as much as potatoes.

Advice. Green peas are actually a battery for the body, especially in extreme or similar conditions. That is why it is recommended to take it on long hikes. Even if you are not an extreme sports enthusiast, but lead an active lifestyle, green peas are a product that should regularly appear on your dinner table.

Green peas are also known for their beneficial effects on skin and hair (thanks to the antioxidants they contain). In addition, it is capable (with regular use) of normalizing the functioning of the intestines and digestive tract organs.

Green pea

Unfortunately, like most garden crops, peas are seasonal, so it makes sense to stock up on them for the winter.

Selection criteria and features of preparing green peas for preservation

It is worth noting that not every variety of green peas is suitable for winter preservation, so the issue of choosing a suitable variety should be taken very seriously, so that you can then confidently enjoy the fruits of your labor.

So, for preservation you should choose only green peas that are still soft enough to be crushed with only two fingers (the so-called “brain” peas). Fully ripe or overripe peas are not particularly suitable as a product for canning, since during the canning process they will give the brine an unpleasant cloudiness, and the taste of the finished product will be too starchy.

As for processing peas before canning, it is quite simple and does not require special skills: just wash the peas thoroughly (if you plan to preserve peas separately) or pea pods if you want to pamper yourself with juicy sweet pea pods in winter.

The Best Canned Peas Recipes

Delicious and at the same time very simple recipes preserving peas for the winter.

Recipe No. 1. Canned peas with vinegar. For cooking canned peas according to the first recipe, you will need the product for preservation itself, as well as brine. Below are the main components for brine per 1 liter of water:

  • sugar – 1 teaspoon (full);
  • salt – 2 teaspoons (full);
  • vinegar (6%) – 2 teaspoons.

Milk peas must be sorted and washed thoroughly. Then add cold water and place on low heat. After the water boils, cook for about 20 minutes (until the water has almost completely boiled away). Transfer the boiled peas into pre-sterilized jars and fill with prepared brine (add salt and sugar to the water drained from the peas). Then pour vinegar into each jar.

Cover each jar with thick plastic wrap. Leave in a warm place, covered with a blanket. It’s easy to check the quality of preservation: just look at the film - it will be drawn into the jar. After this, you can move the jars to the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2. Canned peas without vinegar. This option is suitable for those who do not like the sour taste in canned food or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To cook peas, you only need water, sugar, and salt. For every liter of water it should take about 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water and put on fire. Bring to a boil. Pour the peas into the brine and boil them for about 3-5 minutes. Transfer to prepared jars, leaving about 2 cm to the edge. Sterilize the jars for about half an hour. Then leave to cool and, covering with plastic lids, place in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, place the jars in water again and sterilize for about half an hour. Roll up the jars.

Recipe No. 3. Pickled peas. Suitable for those who would like to enjoy the most delicate taste of green peas with the onset of the first days of December. Pre-selected green peas must be thoroughly washed in water. Then place in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Then transfer to sterilized jars.

Separately, boil the water for the marinade. Then add salt (1 tablespoon), vinegar (3 tablespoons) to it. The figures are based on 1 liter of water. Pour the hot marinade over the peas and sterilize the jars hot water about 20 minutes. Roll up the jars.

Canned peas

Recipe No. 4. Pickling green peas. Salted green peas are an ideal side dish for meat dishes. Now you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes in tandem with the most tender peas, even in winter.

Pea pods should be carefully sorted, removing hard and damaged ones. Then the pods need to be thoroughly washed and placed in boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes, let the product cool. Then you need to distribute the peas into jars and fill them with prepared brine (300 g of salt per 1 kg of product). Roll up the cans.

Advice. If you like spicy, slightly spicy preserves, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic, cut into several pieces, and a little peppercorns, red and any other into each jar.

This concludes our review best recipes preserving peas for the winter. Bon appetit!

Green peas are always a popular product, whether in summer or winter. In salads and stews, first courses and meats, canned peas It's going just fine. Therefore, while the pods of this young bean are on sale or they are ripe in the garden, we stock up and begin to prepare for winter. To prepare canned green peas at home, you need to know a few proven and truly good recipes, acquire lids and jars, patience and a desire to cook, so that this preparation for any menu is always at hand.


For a half liter jar
Peeled green peas - 300 grams
Water - 1 liter
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Sugar - 0.5 tsp

1. Green peas to peel.

2. Pour water, add salt and sugar. Put on fire. Boil. Reduce heat to low and cook for 20 minutes, if ripe enough then 25 minutes.

3. Drain the brine through a colander.

4. The pea brine must be strained again through a double layer of gauze.

5. Place the peas in a sterilized jar. See how to sterilize jars in the microwave here. Pour brine under the neck.

6. Cover the jar with a lid (do not screw it on). Place a towel (cotton cloth) on the bottom of the pan. Place the jar in the pan. Let's pour warm water(so that the jar does not burst). The water should not reach about 1.5 - 2 cm from the lid, so that when boiling the lids do not rise and water does not get into the jar. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. We cook 20-25 - 0.5 liter jars, 30-25 - 1 liter jars. Remove from the pan. Screw on the lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool.


Canned peas

◾Young peas
◾Citric acid – teaspoon.
◾Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
◾Salt – 2 tablespoons.
◾Water – a liter of boiled water. This amount of liquid is enough for 3 half-liter jars, or 2, depending on how many beans you put in.

In order for green peas to stand in jars for the winter for a long time and at the same time be well preserved, the sterilization process will be lengthy. First of all, you need to boil the peas in boiling water, after clearing them of the pods. Take the beans and pour them into a colander. Place them in boiling water and keep them in boiling water for 10 minutes. Now you need to rinse the peas well under the tap, stirring them. Place the peas and let the water flow. In the meantime, let's make the marinade.

Boil water, after boiling, add sugar and salt, stir. Reduce the gas a little and add citric acid in a thin stream, now you can stir again and turn off the gas.

While the marinade is cooling, you can work on the jars. Place the peas in cleanly washed jars and pour the marinade over them. Approximately the amount of peas is a little more than half the jar, the rest is marinade (you can also do it in half). Note that the jars must be doused with boiling water before filling them. Now place the jars in a large saucepan (on a towel), pour in water and place on low heat for 2-3 hours.

Canned peas, pickled

◾Peas, only from the pod.
◾Salt – 2 spoons, teaspoons – calculation 1 spoon per half liter of water.
◾Sugar - 2 spoons, teaspoons - the calculation is the same as salt.
◾Boiled water – 1 liter.
◾Green hot peppers - 1-2 pods per jar.

To prepare canned green peas at home using this recipe, you must first get rid of the pods and wash the peas. Now pour the beans into a saucepan and fill them with water. Place on medium heat, add sugar and salt, and boil for half an hour. Wash the pepper thoroughly and cut it into slices.

Wash and sterilize half liter jars. Place peppers and peas in them, removing them from the water with a slotted spoon or spoon - do not pour out the water. And we will use the same water in which our peas were boiling as a marinade. Strain the liquid, boil again and pour it over the peas. Drill a large pan; you can put gauze or a rag on the bottom so that the jars do not knock against each other and accidentally crack during the boiling process. Lower the jars, cover them with lids and fill them with water up to the beginning of the neck. Sterilization should take about 40 minutes over medium heat. Now we turn off our green peas for the winter and remove them from the pan, and immediately tighten the lids.

Let the jars cool overnight. Now you should hide the canned food in a secluded place, in the basement, and if this is not available, under a table or under a cabinet, cover with a blanket on top so that the peas are dark.