Pumpkin salad: a recipe for the winter. Homemade preparations

Pumpkin preparations can be very diverse. This includes jam, juice, compote, salads, and adjika... We want to present you the most delicious and interesting of them.

Pumpkin preparation recipes

Pumpkin puree with apples.

Required Products:

Citric acid - teaspoon
- sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons
- apples – 520 g
- pumpkin – 1 kg


Peel the fruits, pass through a meat grinder, add granulated sugar, cook for a couple of hours over low heat. Finally, add citric acid, place while still hot in a sterilized container, and seal.

Pumpkin puree with plums.

You will need:

Pumpkin pulp – 520 g
- plums – 520 g

Cooking steps:

Peel the pumpkin and chop into pieces. Cut the plums into two parts, remove the pits. Boil the plums with pumpkin pulp in a small amount of water until soft, grind through a sieve, put back on the fire, boil, place hot in sterile jars, and roll up.

Pickled pumpkin.

Option #1.

Required Products:

Sugar – 20 g
- salt – 30 g
- water – 1 l
- Bay leaf
- cinnamon
- black pepper
- carnation
- pumpkin pulp
- vinegar – 80 ml

Cooking steps:

Peel the vegetables, chop into slices, scald with boiling water, cool, place in prepared containers, sprinkle with spices and pour in hot marinade. Sterilize containers and store them.

Option #2.

You will need:

- carnation
- granulated sugar – 520 g
- salt – 30 g
- vinegar – 1 l


Peel the pumpkin, chop into cubes, dip in hot marinade, boil until soft, place in containers, and roll up.

Option #3.


Hot pepper pod
- parsley – 25 g
- celery leaves – 25 g
- water – 5 liters
- chopped horseradish – 20 g
- dill – 50 g
- salt – 255 g
- pumpkin – 3 pcs.
- vinegar – 220 g

How to cook:

Peel the vegetables and remove seeds, chop into cubes, blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water, cool, place in sterile containers, pour marinade, pasteurize, and roll up.

Delicious pumpkin preparations

Pumpkin “Spicy”.


Pumpkin pulp – 4 kg
- parsley – 200 g
- garlic – 120 g
- red hot pepper – 320 g
- vegetable oil – 155 g

For the marinade:

Granulated sugar – 355 g
- salt – 50 g
- vinegar – 220 g
- water – 1 l


Peel and chop the fruits. Chop the parsley and garlic, place in a saucepan, pour in the hot marinade, add oil, cook for half an hour, stir. Drain the vegetables into a sieve and place in sterile jars. Boil the marinade again, pour over the vegetables, and seal.

Pumpkin preparations - salads

Recipe with green beans.


Vegetable oil – 320 g
- tomatoes, green beans – 1 kg each
- pumpkin pulp – 2 kg
- sweet pepper – 520 g
- granulated sugar – 220 g
- salt – 50 g
- dill
- garlic – 155 g

Cooking steps:

Peel the vegetables and chop into slices. Cut the pepper into half rings and the beans into chopsticks. Grind the garlic and tomatoes in a blender, add vinegar, oil, sugar, and salt. Dip vegetables and herbs into the resulting mixture, stir, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 40 minutes with stirring, package, seal.

Pumpkin caviar with vegetables.


Apples, sweet peppers – 1 kg each
- pumpkin, green beans – 1 kg each
- onion – 520 g
- sugar – 320 g
- salt – 50 g
- tomatoes – 1 kilogram
- spices
- vinegar – 50 g


Peel all the vegetables, pass them through a meat grinder individually, and chop the onion. Pour oil into a basin, heat it, saute the onion for 10 minutes, add pumpkin pulp, tomatoes, add sugar, salt, bring to a boil. Add the rest of the vegetables, mix thoroughly, and cook for one hour over medium heat. Add spices to taste and simmer for ten minutes. While still hot, place in jars, roll up, and wrap.

Spicy salad.

Required Products:

Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons
- pumpkin – 1.3 kg
- onion – 2 pcs.
- grated horseradish – 3 tbsp. spoons
- vinegar – 520 ml
- granulated sugar – 5 tbsp. spoons
- Dill seeds
- mustard seeds – 2 teaspoons

Cooking steps:

Peel the fruits, chop into slices, add salt, and leave overnight. Pour 500 g into the pan. water, vinegar, add sugar, boil. Blanch the pumpkin pieces for 5 minutes in the boiling marinade, remove, place in a colander, allowing the liquid to drain. Place the cooled slices in jars, add horseradish, chopped onions, dill and mustard seeds, pour boiling marinade over them, and leave again overnight. The next day, drain the marinade, boil it, pour it over the pumpkin again, and store it in the cold under plastic lids.

Your kids will really like it

Salad "Snack".

Required Products:

Tomatoes – 1 kg
- pumpkin pulp – 2 kg
- sweet peppers, carrots – 500 g each
- vegetable oil – 200 g
- granulated sugar – 100 g
- onion – 320 g
- head of garlic – 2 pcs.
- vinegar – 2 tablespoons
- salt – 2 tbsp.
- black pepper
- coriander

How to cook:

Chop the carrots and pumpkin pulp into cubes, the onion into cubes, and the pepper into strips. Puree the tomatoes in a blender. Sauté onions and carrots in hot vegetable oil, add pepper and pumpkin pulp, simmer, stir for several minutes, pour in tomato paste, add salt and pepper, simmer for half an hour over low heat. Finally, add vinegar, spices, garlic and cook for 5 minutes. Place in sterile containers and seal.

Here's another pumpkin salad.

Required Products:

Water – 320 g
- granulated sugar – 120 g
- vinegar – 620 g
- salt – 30 g
- allspice peas - 3 pieces
- onion – 2 pcs.
- black peppercorns – 5 pcs.
- clove buds – 2 pcs.
- mustard seeds - teaspoon
- medium sized pumpkin

How to cook:

Peel the pumpkin, chop into cubes, sprinkle with salt, and leave for one day. Make the marinade: mix all ingredients, heat until granulated sugar and salt dissolve, let cool. The next day, place the pumpkin in a sterilized container, pour cold dressing over it, and roll up.

Pumpkin preparations for the winter step by step

Recipe with grapefruits.


Granulated sugar – 755 g
- vinegar - tablespoon
- lemon zest
- grapefruit – 2 pcs.
- pumpkin pulp – 520 g
- ground ginger - teaspoon

Cooking steps:

Peel the pumpkin fruits and chop into strips. Remove the zest from the lemon and cut into thin strips. Mix the zest with ginger, vinegar, put on fire, and boil. Place the pumpkin pulp in the marinade, let it cook for 5 minutes, leave it in the marinade until the morning. The next morning, boil, boil for 3 minutes, cool, add grapefruit mixture, store in the refrigerator.

Winter preparations from pumpkin

Pumpkin jam with physalis.

You will need:

Cloves - 2 pcs.
- granulated sugar – 1.5 kg
- pumpkin – 1 kg
- physalis – 520 g

Cooking steps:

Peel and chop the vegetables. Cut the physalis into halves. Place everything in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, leave for 6 hours, cook intermittently for 6 hours. Before finishing, add cloves and package.

Pumpkin marmalade.

Required Products:

Water - a couple of liters
- cloves – 5 pcs.
- cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
- lemon – 2 pcs.
- pumpkin – 3 kg

Cooking steps:

Peel, chop, add water, add spices, cook until soft, grind in a blender, pour into a basin, add granulated sugar, cook with stirring until the mass begins to separate from the walls of the basin. Add chopped zest, lemon juice, boil for 15 minutes, place in sterilized jars, let them cool open, cover with parchment, tie, leave in the cold for storage.



Tomatoes – 5 kg
- sweet red pepper – 1 kg
- apple, carrot – ½ kg each
- salt, sugar - 100 g each
- vinegar – 155 ml
- head of garlic – 5 pcs.
- vegetable oil – ½ liter
- pumpkin – one and a half kilograms
- hot pepper pod – 6 pcs.
- bay leaf – 3 pcs.
- coriander – 1 g

Cooking steps:

Peel the apples and all the vegetables, chop, stir, and simmer for one and a half hours over low heat. Add spices, add vegetable oil, and let cook for another 30 minutes. Pack hot.

We hope that all the recipes we have proposed have found their place in your cookbook. Try, experiment and delight your loved ones with the amazing taste of pumpkin! Even picky little gourmets eat it with great pleasure. They will definitely love candied pumpkin and marmalade!

The average gardener knows very little about preparing pumpkin for the winter. Porridge, side dish - that’s all the options for the country menu. Some gardeners grow late varieties of pumpkins. Such balls can last until the New Year without loss of marketability. Then the seeds begin to sprout inside, and the pumpkin has to be composted or fed to animals.

Early varieties and hybrids are sweeter, their flesh is more tender and more aromatic. But they are stored for a maximum of 2-3 months. How would you like to pamper your family with a vitamin-packed pumpkin dish in winter! There are a sufficient number of recipes for preparing giant berries for future use. Among them, the most fastidious summer resident will find one that suits his taste. The main thing is not to be lazy and spend time processing the harvest.

Composition and beneficial properties of pumpkin

Pumpkin has helped people out more than once in times of famine. It is nourishing and tasty. The fruit consists of 2/3 pulp.

Pumpkin contains:

  • acids (pantothenic, folic);
  • vitamins (C, PP, K, A, T, E, group B);
  • manganese, fluorine, zinc;
  • sulfur, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus;
  • zinc, iron, sodium, copper;
  • calcium, magnesium.

Regular consumption of pumpkin normalizes digestion and regulates the water-salt balance of the body. Fruit juice is a mild diuretic. It works without putting unnecessary strain on the kidneys. Pumpkin has a mild laxative effect. Dishes made from it are useful for chronic constipation. In this case, dehydration of the body does not occur. In terms of protein and iron, pumpkin is the leader. It is superior to chicken and quail eggs.

The berry is useful for people watching their weight: it has very few calories (about 22 kilocalories). Saturation occurs quickly, the body does not store excess fat.

I want to have dishes from the usual inhabitant of the garden on the menu all year round.

Choosing the best variety and preparing the pumpkin

What is the best variety for pumpkin preparations? Answer: anyone! It is important to understand what type of canned food the gardener wants to prepare. Summer varieties with tender and juicy pulp are suitable for jam, jam or puree. They contain a lot of sugars and are easy to boil. The preparations will be aromatic and have a uniform consistency.

Varieties and hybrids with dense, slightly juicy pulp are suitable for drying and drying. This pumpkin makes wonderful candied fruits. Such fruits are suitable for compotes and jam: the contents will be intact and will not boil over.

Fruit preparation

Fully ripened pumpkins with the peel intact are suitable for future use. If the skin is damaged by insects or animals, the fruits are not selected for canning. It is important not to injure the fruit at the point of attachment to the vine: if the integrity of the coating is damaged, pathogenic bacteria and fungal spores will penetrate into the pulp. This will affect the quality of the workpieces.

Before preparing canned pumpkin you need:

  1. Wash the pumpkin with hot water. If heavily soiled, use a brush.
  2. Dry the fruits or wipe dry with a paper towel.
  3. Cut in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. They should be washed in cold water, dried and eaten.
  4. Use a spoon to scrape out the remaining seed chambers: in canned food they feel like woody fibers.
  5. Using a special knife, remove the peel.
  6. Cut out areas of pulp with an uncharacteristic color.
  7. Cut the pulp into pieces according to recipe requirements.

If it is impossible to process the whole fruit in one canning, it is recommended to pack part of it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. So pumpkin should be stored for 1 day.

Recipes for delicious winter preparations

Winter pumpkin preparations diversify the menu during the cold season. They come in handy during fasting: the dishes fill you up quickly and are not savory. Golden juices and jams supply a tired body with a complex of minerals and vitamins.

Pumpkin side dishes are popular in home cooking. Their sweetish taste harmonizes perfectly with cereals, chicken and fish.

Gardeners are wondering what they can soon make from pumpkin at home. Full lunch! And prepared semi-finished products will come in handy in this case. The best recipes for processing the pumpkin harvest will help fill your winter cooking dishes with sunshine and healthy vitamins.


Drying pumpkin for the winter is quite simple. To obtain tasty preparations, you should choose a variety or hybrid with dense, slightly juicy pulp of bright orange or yellow colors. The easiest way is to dry the fruit in the open air.

How to proceed:

  • cut the prepared pumpkin into pieces 1-1.5 centimeters thick;
  • place them in one layer on a flat surface (a baking sheet with low sides will do);
  • cover the top with a layer of insect gauze;
  • Place in a sunny, ventilated place.

After 2-3 days the product is ready. The pieces should be placed in a canvas bag and stored in a dark, dry place. High-quality dried pumpkin remains fresh for up to a year.

It is not difficult to make a dried product in an electric dryer or oven. Sequencing:

  • cut the fruits into pieces 3-4 centimeters in size;
  • blanch them in salted or sweetened water for 2 minutes;
  • dry on a paper towel;
  • Place in a 3-centimeter layer on a baking sheet or wire rack.

In a gas oven, drying is carried out with the door half-open and at minimum heat. The process lasts 4-5 hours. In an electric one (new model), select the “Drying” mode and follow the instructions.


With this method of preparation, pieces of sunny vegetables turn out to look like candied fruits. The delicacy goes well with tea or coffee. The low-calorie sweetness will please weight-watching gardeners. Children especially love these sweets.

How to proceed:

  • cut the pumpkin into pieces or slices 3-4 centimeters thick;
  • place in a glass container and cover with granulated sugar (the amount of the ingredient is determined by the taste of the gardener);
  • first keep it warm for 2-3 hours, then 12 hours in the refrigerator;
  • pour the separated syrup into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • Carefully transfer the pumpkin to the saucepan with the syrup;
  • heat for 4-5 minutes (but do not boil);
  • remove the pieces and dry on a sieve;
  • place in an electric dryer or oven and finish drying until ready.

A fully prepared dried pumpkin has a crust on the outside and is soft on the inside. It should be stored in a glass container with a sealed lid. Shelf life - up to six months.

Cooking caviar

Pumpkin caviar is a delicious and healthy delicacy. Its sweetish taste will appeal to everyone at home. Pumpkin caviar should be used as an appetizer or side dish for meat dishes.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • prepared pumpkin – 2.5 kilograms;
  • carrots – 0.8 kilograms;
  • white salad onions – 0.5 kilograms;
  • little vegetable – 1/2 cup;
  • tomato paste – 1 cup;
  • ground pepper – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 milliliters;
  • salt – 1.5 tablespoons.

Preparing caviar:

  1. First you should boil the pumpkin in water (2 liters of liquid will be required). The vegetable pieces should become soft.
  2. Peel the remaining vegetable ingredients, chop and fry in vegetable oil until cooked. You can fry together or separately. The main condition: the components must not burn!
  3. Place the pumpkin and roast in a bowl and puree with a blender (it is acceptable to grind the mixture using a meat grinder).
  4. Add all the spices and tomato paste. Cook on low heat for 40-45 minutes. You need to stir constantly.
  5. Remove from heat and pour in vinegar in portions. Immediately pack into prepared jars. The caviar needs to be sterilized in any way familiar to the gardener for 20-25 minutes.

Turn the finished canned food onto lids and cool. The delicacy can be stored at room temperature. Shelf life is one year.

Classic marinating recipe

Pumpkin contains little acid. When preparing, you should take into account: there is practically no natural preservative in the product. To preserve canned food, it is recommended to add vinegar or its substitutes (red currant juice, barberry infusion).

What products are needed:

  • sweet pepper – 0.5 kilograms;
  • hot – 2-3 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • salt – 1/4 cup;
  • vinegar - 1 glass;
  • purified water – 2 liters;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • cloves and peppercorns - to taste.

How to prepare a snack:

  1. You should start by preparing the filling. Pour purified water into a deep saucepan, add salt, sugar, spices and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
  2. While the marinade is cooking, you should take care of the vegetables. Cut the pumpkin into pieces of the desired size. Peel the pepper and chop into strips. Remove the covering scales from the garlic. Carefully place all vegetables in a saucepan with boiling marinade and cook on low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Pour vinegar in portions, stir and turn off the heat. Immediately pack the contents into clean jars.

The dishes can be covered with plastic lids. But then the pumpkin will be usable for 3 months. The snack should be stored in the refrigerator.

Marinated with spices without sterilization

A recipe without sterilization involves self-pasteurization. With such quick preparation, little time is spent on actual production. But the self-pasteurization process lasts up to 2 days: it depends on the volume and number of cans. This method of canning allows the gardener to use any spices growing in the garden beds: onions, garlic, dill, horseradish (root and leaves), blackcurrant and cherry leaves, tarragon.

Marinating occurs according to any chosen recipe. At the end, you need to package the semi-finished product in sterile containers, seal it with lids, turn it upside down and wrap it thoroughly. The self-pasteurization process begins. It lasts until the canned food has cooled completely. The finished product is stored at room temperature for up to 1 year.

Salad with bell pepper and pumpkin

This spicy-sweet snack will be a great addition to the winter menu. Adults can use it as a side dish for the main dish.

What you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of bright yellow pumpkin;
  • 0.5 kilograms of carrots;
  • 1 kilogram of multi-colored (for beauty) sweet peppers;
  • 0.5 kilograms of onions;
  • 0.5 fully ripened tomatoes;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/4 cup salt;
  • for frying: refined vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Place chopped onions, carrots and peppers in a deep frying pan (or saucepan). Fry until half cooked.
  2. Add pumpkin and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and simmer until done.
  3. Add salt, sugar, ground pepper and vinegar to the semi-finished product. Warm up for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat.
  4. Immediately pack into sterile jars and seal. Bell pepper and pumpkin salad can be stored at room temperature.

It’s also a good idea to eat such a tasty treat at the height of the harvest’s ripening: the snack will replenish the gardener’s vitamin and mineral balance.

Appetizer with eggplant

Another variation of a spicy-sweet side dish for winter dishes. The blue ones add a spicy bitterness to the dominant sweet taste of pumpkin.

To prepare an eggplant appetizer you will need:

  • blue ones - 2 kilograms;
  • pumpkin with dense pulp - 2 kilograms;
  • juicy red tomatoes – 2 kilograms;
  • garlic – 0.2 kilograms;
  • any refined vegetable oil – 0.5 liters;
  • sweet multi-colored pepper – 1 kilogram;
  • salt – 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1/2 cup;
  • vinegar 9% - 2/3 cup.

How the mixture is preserved:

  1. The first step is to prepare the dressing. Puree the tomatoes in a blender and mix with chopped garlic. Pour into a bowl or cauldron and add sugar, butter and salt. Place on low heat.
  2. While the filling is getting ready to boil, you should work on the base. Chop the pumpkin, remove the skin from the eggplants and chop them too. Remove the stems and seeds from the peppers and chop into strips.
  3. Add prepared vegetables to the boiling dressing. With constant stirring (so that the mixture does not burn), cook for 45 minutes. Pour vinegar in portions, stir and heat (without boiling for 5 minutes).

Pack the finished snack in sterile containers, roll it up, place it on the lids and wrap it. After cooling, the mixture stands well at room temperature.

Jam with lemon for children

Everyone knows the benefits of lemon. They strengthen the immune system and treat colds. How many children willingly eat sour citrus? Pumpkin and lemon jam will easily solve the problem.

What should be on hand:

  • red pumpkin – 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kilograms;
  • lemon – 0.3 kilograms;
  • cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.

How the delicacy is preserved:

The process differs little from the classic method of making jam. Peel the zest from the lemon, remove the white membranes and remove the seeds. Pumpkin and lemon should be cut into pieces of arbitrary size. The finished ingredients need to be poured into a bowl and sprinkled with sugar on top. After 6-7 hours, the pumpkin and lemon will release juice. The basin should be set to minimum heat, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

Leave the basin for 8 hours to soak the ingredients in syrup. Then put it on heat and repeat the operation. The total boiling time is 20-25 minutes. This is enough to completely cook the pumpkin. The readiness of the product is determined by the degree of spreading of the drop on the plate: if there is a puddle, cook more, if it sits in a heap, it’s ready. The jam is stored in sterile jars at room temperature.

Canned pumpkin with orange

This recipe gives the gardener plenty of room for creativity. The ingredients (pumpkin and orange) are taken in equal quantities, the amount of sugar varies depending on taste and preference. The following spices are used: mint, lemon balm, tarragon, rosemary - all together or separately.

First, the main ingredients are chopped - pumpkin and orange. They are placed in clean jars in layers. The bookmark should be tight.

Each layer is sprinkled with spices and granulated sugar. Then the contents are poured with boiling water up to the shoulders of the jar and sterilized for 20-25 minutes. The finished product is rolled up and (after cooling) stored in the room.

Apple-pumpkin puree

An excellent pumpkin dessert using sour apples. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The sour juice of apples acts as a preservative. Pectin gives the product thickness. Sugar is added randomly. Some gardeners replace it with fructose. Peel the apples, cut out the middle. Cut the pumpkin into arbitrary slices. Puree the ingredients with a blender. Then add sugar and put on low heat. Cook with constant stirring for 25 minutes.

The finished puree has a rich golden hue. It keeps well in sterile jars until the next harvest.

Pumpkin – Estonian pineapple

The beautiful name hides the recipe for ordinary pickled pumpkin. The pieces are transparent, similar to pieces of pineapple from a jar. Canning is not difficult.

You will need:

  • pumpkin – 2 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar – 2 cups;
  • purified water – 1 liter;
  • vinegar 9% – 2/3 cup;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • cloves, cinnamon, anise, peppercorns - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to prepare the filling. Pour water into a deep saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add salt and sugar and boil again.
  2. Place the chopped pumpkin in the marinade and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 8-10 hours to soak the vegetable in the marinade.
  3. Put the pan back on the fire, add the spices and cook until the pumpkin is transparent. Pour vinegar in portions and stir. The canned food is ready.

They should be placed in clean jars, sterilized for 15 minutes and rolled up. The “tropical” product is stored until the next harvest.

In Korean

Making spicy canned pumpkin in Korean is not difficult at all. Marinating takes a little time. This appetizer will add variety to the menu of spicy food lovers.

It is important to have a special grater in the kitchen to obtain long strips: this way the pumpkin will marinate better.

What should be on hand:

  • yellow or orange pumpkin – 0.5 kilograms;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • ready-made mixture for Korean salads – 1 piece;
  • ground coriander – 1 teaspoon.

To prepare, grate the pumpkin on a special grater and place it in a glass or porcelain bowl. Then add coriander, salt, sugar, salad mix, oil and vinegar. To stir thoroughly.

Set the bowl aside for 1-2 hours to extract the juice. Then put into clean jars. You need to monitor the amount of pumpkin and filling. The pumpkin should be completely covered with juice. Place containers of canned food for sterilization. Then seal and turn over onto the lids. The finished pumpkin can be stored in the room for a year.

How to store blanks

The method and place of storage of pumpkin preparations are determined by the canning method. Workpieces without sterilization or self-pasteurization must be kept in a cold place - a cellar or refrigerator. Canned goods that have undergone final heat treatment stand perfectly in a regular kitchen cabinet or pantry. Dried and dried pumpkin requires a well-ventilated, dry room.

If you are looking winter pumpkin recipes, then we are ready to help you. Our article contains only the best recipes!

Pumpkin jam for the winter

Required Products:

Apples – 1 kg
- lemons or oranges – 2 pieces
- pumpkin – 1.5 kg
- sugar – 2 kg
- water – 1.5 liters


Peel the pumpkin and remove seeds and cut into pieces. Chop the apples. Cut the lemons or orange into slices without peeling them. Make a syrup - dissolve sugar in some water, let it boil, add the fruits, let it boil again. Remove from the stove, let the workpiece stand for several hours. Boil again, cook for 5 minutes, let it brew again. Cook a third time until done. This will take 5 minutes. Pour the treat into sterilized jars and seal with metal lids to keep for a long time.

Preparing pumpkin for the winter: recipes

Varenitsa with dried apricots and pumpkin.


Granulated sugar – 520 g
- dried apricots – 320 g
- pumpkin pulp – 1 kg


Peel the fruits and cut into small pieces. Put on fire, cook for 5 minutes. Remove and strain, allowing excess liquid to drain. Add sugar, add dried apricots, let it cook for about an hour, and pack it hot into a clean, sterile container.

Pumpkin kozinaki.

You will need:

Citric acid – 10 drops
- sugar - one glass
- pumpkin seeds – 1 tbsp.
- water - ? Art.

Cooking steps:

Soak the seeds for 15 minutes, peel off the thin skin, scald with boiling water, and discard in a colander. Make citric acid: dissolve a teaspoon of acid crystals in 2 teaspoons of hot water. Prepare caramel: pour water into a saucepan, add citric acid and sugar, stir, place on the stove. Place it so that it warms up on one side. On the other side, foam will collect, which needs to be collected from time to time. As soon as the foam stops forming, increase the heat and evaporate the liquid until caramel forms. Pour the seeds into a plate that must be pre-greased with oil, pour hot caramel over them. Separate the kozinaki from the plate and cut into diamonds.

Pumpkin caviar for the winter

- onions – 220 g
- pumpkin – 1.2 kg
- carrots – 620 g
- greenery
- salt pepper


Peel the fruits, chop into pieces, pour in some water, and simmer for half an hour with the lid closed. Separately, boil the carrots, peel them, grind them through a meat grinder along with the pumpkin pulp, add chopped, fried onions, herbs, salt and pepper. Place the mixture into jars and sterilize.

Winter preparations from pumpkin

Pickled version.


Pumpkin pulp – 3 kg
- liter of water
- black peppercorns – 20 pieces
- lemon zest
- wine vinegar – 1 l
- granulated sugar – one and a half kilograms
- ginger
- cloves – 10 pieces
- salt - tablespoon


Pour vinegar into the water, add granulated sugar, lemon zest, spices, let it boil, cook for 15 minutes. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan, cut it into slices, and let cook for 20 minutes. The slices should become shiny and soft. After this, remove them from the stove and leave them for one night. In the morning, remove the pulp and place in jars. Let the marinade boil, cook lightly until it becomes thick, strain it, let it cool, pour it into a container, seal it, and transfer it to the cellar.

Pickled cucumbers in pumpkin.


- cucumbers
- garlic
- black currant leaves
- tarragon
- dill
- horseradish leaves
- water – one liter
- salt – 60 g

Cooking steps:

Cut off the top of the pumpkin, scrape out all the insides along with the seeds. Place clean tarragon, dill, and garlic leaves on the bottom. Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, place them tightly, covering them with horseradish leaves, sprinkle with spices. Pour the contents with boiled, cooled brine (take 60 g of salt per liter of water). Place the cut top on top and seal the edges with wax. Store the workpiece in a cool place, maintaining a temperature of no more than 5 degrees.

Don't ignore either.

Pumpkin dishes for the winter

Appetizer "Pumpkin".

Required Products:

Bell pepper – 520 g
- cauliflower – 2 kg
- table pumpkin
- sunflower oil – 320 g
- garlic – 80 g
- granulated sugar – 155 g
- vinegar – 60 g
- parsley
- salt – 40 g
- dill


Disassemble the cabbage, boil for 5 minutes, pass through a meat grinder, boil for 10 minutes. Finely chop the greens, garlic and pepper. Dip the cabbage into the prepared marinade, stir, boil for 40 minutes, stir lightly, package, roll up, insulate for half an hour, cool, and store.

It turns out very tasty and

Dried pumpkin.


Granulated sugar – 420 g
- apple, pumpkin pulp - 1 kg each


Wash the apples and pulp, peel, chop into pieces, put in a container, sprinkle with sugar, put under pressure, put in the cold, leave for 10 hours. Boil the juice that has managed to stand out, pour into glass jars, and seal. Dry the fruits in the oven, place in glass containers, and close with lids.

Option with mustard.

Required Products:

Grated horseradish – 2 tbsp. spoons
- medium onion – 2 pcs.
- pumpkin – 1.25 kg
- white mustard seeds - a tablespoon

For the marinade:

Red grape vinegar – 2 tbsp.
- sugar – 5 tbsp.
- coarse salt - two tablespoons
- water – 2 tbsp.

How to cook:

Peel the vegetables, chop into cubes, sprinkle with salt, and leave overnight. Pour vinegar into the water, add granulated sugar and salt, and boil. Blanch the pumpkin slices in the resulting marinade for 4 minutes, remove, let the liquid drain, and cool. Package the preparation, adding grated horseradish, chopped onion, mustard seeds, and pour marinade. The next day, drain the liquid, boil again, cool, and pour over the pumpkin again. Roll up the jars.

How about you?

Option in Polish.


Sugar – 250 g
- pumpkin pulp – 1 kilogram
- carnation
- cinnamon
- vinegar - ? liters


Wash the vegetables, peel them, cut out the seeds, chop into slices, and boil until partially cooked. Prepare a marinade from sugar and vinegar, boil it, add the pumpkin, boil again for 10 minutes, leave to brew for 10 minutes, leave until the next day, drain the marinade, boil, pour over the vegetables again. Do this 3 times until the cubes soften and turn brown. Place the cold preparation in jars, tie it with parchment, and store it in the cellar.

It turns out very tasty too.

Pumpkin salads for the winter.

Required Products:

Pumpkin – 4 kg
- water – 200 g
- vegetable oil – 155 g
- salt – 50 g
- sugar – 355 g
- garlic – 120 g
- red hot pepper – 320 g
- vinegar – 220 ml
- parsley – 200 g


Wash the fruits, peel them, chop them into small cubes. Finely chop the parsley, hot pepper and garlic. Pour water, vinegar, vegetable oil into a clean saucepan, add salt, parsley, hot pepper, and garlic. Mix it all.

How to freeze pumpkin for the winter.

Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, and chop. Further freezing options will depend on the form in which you will use the vegetables. If it will be used for baby food, then it is better to do pumpkin puree for the winter. To do this, steam the fruits, grind them in a blender and pour them into molds. If you freeze vegetables raw, they will be too watery after defrosting. That is why they must first be either blanched or baked.

How to preserve pumpkin for the winter

For long-term fresh storage, only completely whole fruits cut from the stalk are suitable. If it is absent, then the process of rotting begins in the pulp and the fruits deteriorate. Pumpkin must be stored at a temperature of 8 to 10 degrees. Room humidity should be maintained at 70%. When storing, make sure that the vegetables do not touch each other. Place them with the stems down. It is best to do this on racks lined with straw. In addition, pumpkin pulp can be frozen or dried. In this case, it will also retain all its beneficial properties.

As you can see, pumpkin is a tasty and healthy product from which you can prepare a huge number of different preparations!

Pumpkin and apple are two inseparable products that appear in many dishes.

They go together perfectly.

Pumpkin gives dishes and fillings a bright color, and apple delights with its taste and summer aroma. Shall we make a delicious puree from them?

Pumpkin for puree must be peeled and cut into pieces. It is better to use table varieties. They are distinguished by their bright pulp, sweetness, and juiciness. Apples can be peeled or used with the skins, depending on the recipe you choose. They cook faster than pumpkin. Summer varieties only need a few minutes to boil.

How and with what you can grind puree:

Blender, food processor;

Meat grinder;

Rubbing through a sieve;

Pestle, potato masher.

You can grind raw products, then set them to cook, but more often the pumpkin and apples are first brought to softness, then pureed, brought to the desired taste. Winter preparations require repeated boiling.

What to add for taste:

Lemon or dry acid;

Sugar, honey, syrups;

Spices (vanilla, cinnamon, ginger).

Other fruits and vegetables can be added to the dish. Most often these are carrots, zucchini, pears. Zest or citrus fruits themselves are added to winter preparations, mainly lemons and oranges. Puree does not require long cooking, like jam or marmalade.

Pumpkin and apple puree for dessert

The recipe is simply pumpkin puree with apples, which can be prepared for dessert or for an afternoon snack. The same dish can be used as a sauce for pancakes, pancakes, and casseroles.


200 g apples;

300 g pumpkin;

Sugar, vanilla;

A pinch of zest.


1. Peeled, washed pumpkin pulp should be cut into cubes, put in a pan, add 0.5 cups of water and boil under the lid for ten minutes.

2. Peel and chop the apples and add to the pumpkin. Add some chopped zest.

3. Close the saucepan with a lid and cook over low heat until the apples and pumpkin are soft.

4. Add sugar at the end. If the dish will be used as a sauce, make it sweeter. Season with vanilla.

5. Remove from heat, puree with a blender or mash the remaining pieces with a pestle, you can cool the mass and rub through a sieve.

Pumpkin and apple puree for the winter

An option for a healthy and sunny preparation that lasts wonderfully all winter until spring. This apple and pumpkin puree can be given even to small children from 1 year old, if there is no allergic reaction to sugar.


1 kg pumpkin;

3 apples;

500 g sugar.


1. Cut the pumpkin and apples into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. You can grind it with a blender or food processor.

2. Season the resulting mass with sugar and place on the stove.

3. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam.

4. Cook the puree until thick, but at least ten minutes. The mixture should not actively boil. Stir regularly to prevent the mixture from burning.

5. While the puree is cooking, treat the jars with steam or any other method.

6. Place the hot puree into prepared containers, seal, and turn over until cool.

7. Lower it into the cellar for storage, turn it over to its normal position.

Pumpkin and apple puree for baby feeding

Recipe for soft puree for baby feeding. You can introduce a two-ingredient dish into your child’s diet only after he has become familiar with each product separately.


100 g pumpkin;

100 g apple;

10 g butter;


1. Chop the pumpkin into pieces, also chop the peeled apple, add 40 ml of water and oil to them, cook until soft.

2. Transfer the products to a blender bowl or just a bowl, add a little sugar.

3. Puree the food until smooth.

4. Cool. If suddenly the mass turns out to be thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of milk or a mixture familiar to the child.

Pumpkin and apple puree for the winter with oranges

A version of a delicious and aromatic puree with apples and pumpkin, which also requires oranges. You can use one large citrus or two small ones.


1500 grams of pumpkin;

1500 grams of apples;

1100 grams of sugar;

1-2 oranges;

200 ml water;

0.5 tsp. cinnamon;


1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, put it in a saucepan, add water to the pieces, and let it simmer. Bring the pieces until soft.

2. Remove the zest from the orange, no need to chop it, add it to the pan and let it cook together with the pumpkin.

3. Cut the apples into arbitrary pieces, no need to remove the skin, throw the cores aside.

4. Add the fruit to the mass and bring until soft. They cook quickly, usually no more than ten minutes.

Pumpkin preparations

Cool the boiled ingredients and rub through a sieve.

6. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges, strain it from the seeds.

7. Mix the grated puree with orange juice, add sugar and cinnamon, and put it back on the stove.

8. Cook the mixture for about ten minutes over low heat. Taste it. If you need to add acid, you can add a little lemon.

9. Place the puree into jars and seal immediately.

Pumpkin and apple puree in a slow cooker

A version of simple puree, which is prepared in a slow cooker, does not burn and always turns out great. The zest is used from an orange, but you can also take it from a lemon; even a dry product will do; less of it is needed.


500 g pumpkin;

500 g apples;

1 tsp. zest;

120 g sugar;

1 pinch of cinnamon;

1 pinch of citric acid or 1 tsp. citrus juice;

150 ml of clean water.


1. Wash the apples, cut into pieces, it is better to remove the peel.

2. Chop the pumpkin too so that the product passes into the meat grinder.

3. Twist everything together and place in a multi-cooker saucepan. Add zest.

4. Add water immediately. You can use any vegetable or fruit juice instead.

5. Close and set to cook for 30 minutes.

6. Add sugar, citric acid or juice, cook for another ten minutes. Look at the consistency. The puree should be smooth and thick.

Diet puree from pumpkin and apples

A low-calorie puree option, which is prepared with the natural sugar substitute stevia. You can use any other substitute instead, in which case add it to your taste.


400 g pumpkin;

300 g apples;

100 ml water;

0.3 tsp. stevia;

0.5 tsp. cinnamon;

0.5 lemon.


1. Cut the pumpkin into any pieces, place in a saucepan with water and place on the stove.

2. Peel the apples, chop them and add them to the boiled pumpkin after ten minutes. Add stevia immediately.

3. Squeeze the juice from half a citrus, place the crust in a saucepan, but do not deepen it, let it steam together with the apples, do not add the juice yet.

4. Cool the pumpkin and apples, remove the lemon peel and discard.

5. Grind the pieces of food in any way. You can beat it with a food processor or simply mash it with a potato masher.

6. Add lemon juice and cinnamon to taste. You don't have to reheat it.

Pumpkin, apple and carrot puree

For this puree, you can use products in any proportions; it is not necessary to make it strictly according to the recipe. Also adjust the amount of sugar to your taste.


300 g carrots;

300 g apples;

400 g pumpkin;

400 ml water;

100 g sugar.


1. Peel the carrots, cut off the ends, be sure to remove the green part so that the puree does not taste bitter. Chop the root vegetable into any pieces, add water and boil until half cooked. Chop the pumpkin and add to the carrots. Cook together for about ten minutes.

2. At the very end you need to add apples. It is better to remove the skin, without it the mass will be more tender. Cook the puree until all ingredients are soft, remove from heat.

3. Drain the liquid, it can be used as juice, or added to puree if the consistency seems thick.

4. Grind the pieces in any way, season with sugar. If desired, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, and ginger to the puree.

Puree of pumpkin, apples and pears for the winter

A variant of another winter preparation, in which, in addition to pumpkins and apples, pears are also added. Choose fragrant and ripe fruits that smell like summer.


1 kg of pears;

1 kg pumpkin;

1 kg apples;

1 tsp. citric acid;

400 ml water;

900 g sugar.


1. Chop the peeled pieces of pumpkin, add water and cook.

2. During this time, chop the washed pears, remove the cores and seeds, only the pulp is used, you can leave the skin, since it is thin in pears.

3. It is better to peel the apples, chop them into pieces, remove the seeds, and transfer them to the pears.

4. Once the pieces are easy to pierce, add the rest of the fruit. Steam covered until soft.

5. Remove the pan from the heat, cool, and puree with a blender.

6. Return to the stove, add sugar and citric acid, mix well, bring to a boil.

7. Reduce heat, simmer for another quarter of an hour, stir constantly from the bottom.

8. Place the pear puree with pumpkin and apples into clean, dry jars.

9. Immediately cover the workpieces with lids, screw them on, and turn them upside down. Cool.

If the puree is intended for adults, you can add a little aromatic liqueur or syrup to the dish.

To prevent the puree from burning when cooking, you need to use a saucepan with a thick bottom. After boiling, the fire must be reduced to a minimum.

Pumpkin puree becomes thicker after complete cooling and during storage; this must be taken into account when cooking the product.

Any puree can be turned into aromatic jelly. To do this, add a little dissolved gelatin to the dish and heat it up. Jam is prepared in a similar way, but you also need to increase the amount of sugar.

In order not to damage the blender or processor blades, boiled foods are always cooled to a warm state.

Burning eyes and a chilling smile glowed evilly in the window from afar. Entering the room, with cat-like caution she crept towards the room and with an inaudible movement opened the door. “How could I forget that today is Halloween?” lips whispered with relief. Jack-o'-lantern was grinning on the windowsill...

Do you know the name of the melon crop described above? On All Saints' Day in America, dressed-up children know that in a house with a "glowing Jack", they will receive a treat when they knock on the owners' door. This doctor in a bright orange coat can bring invaluable benefits to the whole family.

What is a pumpkin made of?

90% is made from water, however, it is rightly considered a medicinal product. Some boring statistics. It contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine and many other trace elements. With 1% protein, 0.1% fat, 4.5% carbohydrates and a calorie content of 22 kcal per 100 grams, we can safely say that it is useful. The variety of shades from greenish-yellow to orange-red makes it possible for pumpkin dishes to gracefully parade across the catwalks of cuisines in different countries. A serious attitude towards this miracle of agricultural technology is proven by the fact that the largest of them in the world weighs more than 800 kg!

As you know, only high-quality drinking water can quench your thirst in hot weather at the dacha. You can’t argue with vdivo.ru - you want to drink in a suburban area much more often than at home under air conditioning. After glorious work in the garden, you always want to take a sip of cold water. Don't forget to take a couple of bottles of purified water with you on the road.

How to eat this treasure? Possessing a long shelf life and bred varieties with a cucumber aroma and carrot taste, it is eaten raw with pleasure - in salads, with numerous dressings.

Cooking is also easy - similar to potatoes. Then you can grind it in a blender and continue cooking it as a soup, pie filling, pancake dough ingredient, and even in the complementary feeding menu for babies. And a multi-cooker can handle any of our grandmothers’ tricks better than a Russian oven. Add fruit, berry syrup, cottage cheese - everything goes well with it and decorates the dietary table with honor. For adults - a dessert flavored with cognac or together with meat, spices and herbs. Once we are convinced of the need for the product, we move on to practice.

How to peel a pumpkin?

It's no secret that the capricious princess has hard skin and will have to work hard to get to the juicy core.

Method 1. Cut or chop into pieces with a hatchet. Remove the seeds, but do not throw them away (rinse and dry). Then remove the peel or scoop out the pulp.

Method 2. Wrap the vegetable cut into slices in foil and lightly bake in the oven. Now the crust is easy to separate.

Design idea. If you cut off the cap, leave it and dry the crust until it hardens, you can get not only a Halloween attribute, but also an original flower pot.

  • To get rid of the characteristic vegetable smell, it is recommended to combine it with: grated citrus fruits, squeezed currants and sea buckthorn berries, apples, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cherry leaves and everything else, depending on the scope of your imagination.
  • If you want to boil the mass, use the accelerated method. First, simmer it for about 25 minutes with a small amount of water and only then, after adding sugar, continue cooking. When the jam is hot, seal it in a sterilized container.

Pumpkin recipes

How many recipes are we familiar with? Here are some of them.

Pumpkin jam

It’s not for nothing that the appetizing, juicy, very tasty and incredibly healthy pumpkin is popularly called the “queen of the vegetable garden.” It is this vegetable that gives us a wonderful opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes, starting from the end of summer and throughout the cold period of the year. Pumpkin can be added to soups, porridges and stews; excellent jams and compotes are made from pumpkin; pumpkin is used as a filling for making wonderful pastries.

Today I bring to your attention a delicious recipe for cooking pumpkin in apple juice for the winter. This snack is sure to please everyone who tries it at least once!

To cook pumpkin in apple juice for the winter, you will need:

apple juice – 500 ml
sugar – 200 g
apple cider vinegar – 200 ml
cinnamon – 1 stick
cloves – 4-5 pcs.
allspice – 4-5 pcs.

How to cook pumpkin in apple juice for the winter:

1. Wash the pumpkin, remove peel and seeds, cut into large cubes (about 2 cm on a side).
2. Pour the apple juice into a saucepan (preferably an enamel one), add a cinnamon stick, cloves and allspice peas. Salt the mixture to taste (you can do without it if you wish), put the pan on the fire and bring the juice to a boil.
3. Using a large spoon or slotted spoon, place the chopped pumpkin into the boiling juice.
4. Stirring gently (so as not to disturb the integrity of the pumpkin pieces), cook the pumpkin in apple juice for 5 minutes from the moment it boils.
5. Pour apple cider vinegar into the pan with the preparation, stir and bring everything to a boil again.
6. Remove the pan from the heat and place the pumpkin in previously prepared (sterilized) jars, pour boiling marinade over it and roll up the lids (also pre-sterilized).

Winter preparations from pumpkin

Turn the jars with the preparation upside down, wrap them well and leave until completely cool. This preparation can be stored in a pantry or cellar all winter, and this product is ready for use within a day after preparation.

In this recipe, the quantity of ingredients is indicated for preparing 1 kg of prepared (peeled) pumpkin. You can proportionally increase the quantity of all components depending on how much of the finished product you want to receive. If you want to experiment, apple juice can be replaced with grape or orange juice. In this case, your preparation will acquire a slightly different, but no less wonderful taste. In addition to the cinnamon, cloves and allspice suggested in this recipe, you can add cardamom and/or ginger to the preparation. Pumpkin marinated in apple juice makes an excellent stand-alone snack or an excellent addition to a variety of meat and poultry dishes.

Bon appetit to you and your family!

Dried pumpkin is a wonderfully tasty and very healthy product. Of all types of winter preparations, it is drying that allows you to preserve almost the entire vitamin and mineral composition of vegetables. At home, you can dry the orange vegetable in a conventional oven or a special electric dryer.

In winter, dried pumpkin pieces can be eaten as a sweet treat or used in a variety of dishes. Dried pumpkin can be used to prepare salads, soups, snacks, meat casseroles, fish and vegetables. Powdered dried pumpkin is added to homemade baked goods to improve its taste and appearance.

Dried pumpkin - general principles of preparation

All varieties of pumpkin are suitable for drying, but it is better to take autumn ones, with thick skin. They dry faster and turn out very tasty.

The fruit must be whole, fully ripe, without spots or signs of spoilage. It needs to be washed well, cut into pieces, and the pulp and seeds removed. Then cut off the peel and chop the pulp. How exactly? It all depends on the specific dish.

The options are:

Thin slices (for chips);

Narrow strips 5 mm thick (for soups, salads, vegetable and meat dishes);

Small cubes (for sweet candied fruits).

To prepare pumpkin flour, dried plates or strips need to be crushed in a mortar or minced in a meat grinder with a fine grid.

Pumpkin pieces can be processed in two different ways before drying. The first is blanching. The prepared slices are kept in boiling water for two minutes. Blanching will keep the dried pumpkin vibrant in color.

To protect the workpiece from pests and spoilage, you can treat pumpkin pieces with saline solution before drying.

An electric or gas oven, special dryer, or air fryer are suitable for drying pumpkin at home. The drying time and temperature are selected depending on the type of device, the thickness of the pieces and even the type of pumpkin. Average temperatures range from 50° to 85°. The finished dried pumpkin does not stick to your fingers, although it retains its elasticity.

Dried pumpkin in the oven

In order for the dried pumpkin in the oven to turn out tasty and beautiful, before putting it in the oven it needs to be soaked in boiling water, that is, blanched. Drying lasts approximately 8 hours, which needs to be taken into account when planning your day.


A piece of pumpkin weighing 1.5-2 kilograms;

2 liters of water;

A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Wash the pumpkin piece thoroughly and dry it on a paper towel.

Using a sharp knife, cut off the peel, cut out the pulp, and remove the seeds.

Cut the pumpkin into equal, even strips no more than a centimeter thick.

Prepare a bowl of ice water.

Boil water in a saucepan, add salt.

Blanch the pumpkin slices in boiling water for one to two minutes.

Remove with a slotted spoon and immediately plunge into ice water for two minutes.

Place in a colander to drain all the water.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 55° to 65°.

Place pumpkin slices in a single layer on a baking sheet so that they do not touch each other.

Place the sheet in the oven for five hours.

Open the door slightly to allow evaporating moisture to escape.

Raise the oven temperature to 80-85° and dry the pumpkin for two to three hours.

Allow the dried pumpkin to cool, place in canvas bags or glass jars and store.

Pumpkin dried in an electric dryer

The technology for preparing pumpkin slices for drying in a special drying device is the same as for drying in the oven. It is better to cut the pumpkin into small cubes - they will dry better.


Pumpkin weighing 2-3 kilograms;

3 liters of water;

A tablespoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Wash the pumpkin, cut into several pieces, remove fibers and seeds, and peel.

Cut each piece first into thin slices, then into small cubes. It is important that they are the same size, but after drying they do not fall into the holes of the grate.

Blanch the pumpkin pieces in salted boiling water as described above. Cool in cold water and dry.

Arrange the pumpkin pieces on the rack so that they are not touching.

Set the temperature to medium (relative to the power of the device) and dry until done. At a temperature of 90° with ventilation mode, drying will take 4-5 hours. At lower temperatures (50-60°) it will take approximately 12 hours.

The finished pumpkin pieces will reduce in size by approximately half.

Pumpkin dried in an electric dryer into cubes resembles candied fruits, it turns out elastic and very tasty.

Dried pumpkin: sesame chips

Slightly salty thin slices of dried pumpkin are an excellent substitute for potato chips. For these pumpkin chips, dense varieties of pumpkins with unsweetened pulp are suitable. We will cook them in an electric dryer.


A piece of pumpkin weighing two kilograms;

A tablespoon of spices to taste (paprika, black pepper, cumin, coriander, etc.);

A tablespoon of salt;

A tablespoon of sesame seeds;

Two liters of water.

Cooking method:

Peel the pumpkin and cut into thin medallion slices no more than three millimeters thick.

Boil water, salt it and throw the pumpkin slices into boiling water for a minute.

Immediately place the blanched pumpkin in cold water.

The best homemade pumpkin recipes

After a minute, remove and place on a towel or place in a colander.

Place slightly damp, fresh pumpkin pieces on an electric dryer rack, season to taste with spices, and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Turn on the device and dry the chips for about six hours at a temperature of 60°.

Dry for another two hours at 80°.

Pumpkin pieces dried in an electric dryer will be ready approximately 8 hours after the start of drying.

Store pumpkin chips in a glass container with a vacuum sealed lid.

Dried Pumpkin Powder

Dried pumpkin pulp can be turned into a nutritious, tasty and incredibly healthy product - pumpkin powder, or flour. There are two ways to get the basis for it. Firstly, pumpkin pulp may remain after collecting the juice. Secondly, you can simply dry the pumpkin and grind it into powder. It will consist entirely of healthy fiber and retain all minerals and vitamins. The quantity of pumpkin is indicated arbitrarily.


Three kilograms of pumpkin pulp;

3-4 liters of water.

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin into pieces, remove the insides and skin.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces, without worrying about beauty.

Throw the pumpkin pieces into boiling water and cook for twenty minutes.

Cool the soft boiled pumpkin, then puree it in a blender. If you don’t have a blender, you can simply rub the pieces through a regular sieve.

Spread a thin layer of pumpkin puree onto a piece of baking paper.

Dry the puree in the oven, heating it to 130 degrees.

After 15-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the layer, the plate will be dry.

The dried pumpkin in the oven will remain crushed and packaged in paper bags or glass containers.

Lemon-honey candied dried pumpkin

A simple recipe for candied pumpkin will definitely come in handy for families with small children. Instead of store-bought sweets, you can prepare dried pumpkin in an electric dryer (with convection) and make it almost indistinguishable from harmful treats. It takes a lot of time to prepare, but the result will please you.


Two kilograms of pumpkin;

Six hundred grams of sugar;

Two medium lemons;

Half a cup of powdered sugar;

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes with sides no larger than 2 cm.

Cover future candied fruits with sugar and leave overnight.

The pumpkin should release juice. It must be drained into a separate container.

Peel the lemons, remove the seeds and grate (can be chopped in a blender). Pour the entire resulting mass into pumpkin juice and stir.

Bring the lemon pumpkin syrup to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for three minutes, stirring constantly.

Strain the syrup, pour it into the pumpkin, and put it on the fire.

Cook until the syrup thickens for about an hour and a half.

Drain off the remaining syrup and strain out the pumpkin pieces.

Place them on wax paper.

Dry in an electric dryer, turning on the convection mode, at a temperature of 50°.

Candied fruits will be ready in 12 hours.

Allow the pumpkin pieces to cool completely.

Now you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar and put them in a glass jar for storage.

Light snack with dried pumpkin

Dried pumpkin in the oven or electric dryer is great for making light snacks and salads.


One hundred grams of dried pumpkin (it is better to take thin strips);

One hundred grams of peeled walnuts;

Two cloves of garlic;

A bunch of fresh herbs (to taste: dill, cilantro, parsley);

A tablespoon of wine vinegar;

Salt and pepper to taste;

Half a pod of hot pepper (optional).

Cooking method:

Pour dried pumpkin slices with a liter of water, add a pinch of salt and cook until the pumpkin pieces soften.

While the pumpkin is cooking, peel and grate the garlic.

Crush the walnuts in a mortar. If you don’t have a mortar, you can chop them with a knife or roll them with a rolling pin.

Chop the greens.

Remove the finished pumpkin with a slotted spoon, drain, then squeeze out.

Mix all the ingredients for the appetizer, season with wine vinegar, salt and pepper.

Pumpkin dried in an electric dryer or oven is best stored at a temperature of 10° to 15° and low humidity (up to 60%). You can put the slices in breathable canvas bags, but airtight containers and glass jars with a vacuum lid are best for long-term storage of dried vegetables.

To keep the pumpkins longer, place a dry parchment sheet on the bottom of the containers and cover the slices with the same sheet.

Very sweet varieties of pumpkin can be dried specifically to give to children instead of chips and candy. Do not add additional sugar when drying to ensure maximum benefits. You can take these sweet and healthy strips with you to work as a light snack.

Pumpkin- a herbaceous plant of the pumpkin family. The fruit of this plant also has the same name, which is a pumpkin with a dense outer layer, pulp and large, white seeds. Most often, for simplicity, pumpkin is called a vegetable. This fruit is amazing only because it is used without waste. The pulp is used in cooking to create delicious dishes and for storing for the winter for future use. The seeds are also used in the food industry. And the dense peel is used to create dishes.

The color, shape and taste of the fruit directly depend on the pumpkin variety. Round orange pumpkins are considered traditional.

Canned pumpkin salad without vinegar

However, elongated, green fruits, star-shaped or pot-shaped pumpkins are also found. All varieties are characterized by high gastronomic value and a large supply of nutrients. This includes vitamins of various groups, trace elements and minerals. This product is incredibly useful for people with diseases such as tuberculosis and diabetes. It is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract. Pumpkin is also used as an excellent diuretic. The seeds of the fruit are recommended for heart and liver problems. They contain a large amount of vegetable oils and proteins. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice is a natural antioxidant.

Despite all the beneficial properties of the product, it should be understood that overusing pumpkin will not benefit the body. The fruits should be used as a medicine only after consulting a doctor.

To use a product in preparing tasty and healthy dishes or preserving it for the winter, it must be chosen correctly. Of course, the best option would be to grow your own pumpkin. But if this is not possible, then you have to go to the store. Preference should be given to medium or small pumpkins, since large fruits have a more fibrous structure. It is also worth choosing the fruit whose stalk has dried: this indicates the ripeness of the product. If the fruit is bought cut, its pulp should be of uniform color, and the seeds should be firm and ripe. When you tap the surface, the pumpkin should make a dull sound. You can store the purchased product either at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin is widely used in cooking. It is boiled, fried, baked, stewed and stored for future use. One of the most famous dishes made from this product is pumpkin porridge, which has not only an original aroma, but also an incomparable taste. Equally, both sweet and savory preparations are preserved from the fruit of this plant. The pumpkin pulp produces delicious caviar, the recipe for which also includes various suitable spices. At the same time, healthy and tasty preserves, jams, confitures and marmalade are prepared from the fruit. At home, you can preserve pumpkin juice. The original is puree made from the product, which, by the way, can also be frozen. The pulp is dried and candied fruits and marshmallows are prepared from it. Pumpkin is pickled, pickled and fermented. Perhaps this is one of the most versatile products for harvesting.

The recipes below with step-by-step photos will tell you in detail how you can prepare pumpkin for future use at home in a tasty and simple way. Recommendations for storing finished preserves are also described there.