How to pickle green peas at home. Canned green peas for the winter - a homemade recipe for housewives, a note with photos and videos

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Green peas, canned in cans is one of the most popular canned foods that we most often use in our diet: as a side dish or for adding to salads.

It all just so happened that it first caught my eyeproven recipe for canned green peas , and the next day I saw how the peas themselves were being sold.

Fate, I thought... the recipe will combine with peas, and Imake canned peas for the winter . This is my first such preparation.

Canned green peas. Recipes with photos. Canned peas for the winter

Canned Peas Recipe It really turned out to be very easy to prepare (except for the process of processing green peas) and reliable, for which, I can now say with full justification - this is truly a proven recipe. Jars of peas stood in my warm room from summer until cold weather, until I used them in salads.

How to can green peas at home


Peeled green peas

For the marinade:

For 1 liter of water (this amount of water is enough for about 2-3 full half-liter jars of peas)

Citric acid – 1 teaspoon

Salt and Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons each

How to prepare the marinade :

Bring the water to a boil, add salt and sugar. As soon as the water boils, carefully pour in the citric acid and turn off the gas.

Remove the peas from the pods and blanch in hot water for 10 minutes, then quickly rinse in cold water. This is necessary in order to reduce the loss of starch into the marinade.

Preparing jars for canning: wash them thoroughly. Place blanched peas in jars in the following proportions: peas 50-55%, marinade – 45-50%. Pour the prepared marinade over the peas without filling the jar to the top.

Place a cloth or towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, pour water and heat it up. We need the difference in temperature of the liquid in the jars and in the pan not to be too contrasting, otherwise the jars may burst. Place the jars in a saucepan, the water should reach the “hangers” and leave to sterilize for 2.5 hours.

Don't let such a long sterilization bother you. The recipe is tested and reliable.

Here is another proven recipe that a reader of my diary shared, it is much simpler than the previous one:

Canned green peas. Recipe for the winter - 2

To prepare the filling you need:

For 1 liter of water

Salt and sugar - 0.5 teaspoon each

Wash the peas well, fill with cold water, add sugar and salt and cook for half an hour.

Then we put the peas in a colander, let the filling drain, then we put the peas tightly into the jars.

We filter the filling through several layers of brand, heat it and pour it into jars with peas. To be on the safe side, add 9% vinegar, apple cider vinegar or citric acid. With apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, the canned peas will not taste so acidic. Vinegar proportions: add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar or 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid to 1 liter of water.

We put the jars for sterilization. Sterilize in boiling water for 30-40 minutes.

There are two more recipes for canned peas and pickled pea pods, but I have not tested these recipes myself.

Preparations for the winter. Pickled green peas. Recipe


Freshly picked green peasLemon acidSalt


Freshly picked peas are peeled, washed, and placed in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. Then remove the peas from the water.

Pour the peas into sterilized jars and fill them with the water in which they were boiled. Add 1 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of liquid. And set the jars to sterilize for 1 hour 20 minutes.

You can also prepare not only green peas for the winter, but also pickled young pea pods

Preparations for the winter. Pickled young pea pods


Young pea pods with barely set grains

Brine for boiling peas:

For 5 glasses of water

2 cups salt

Soda - on the tip of a knife


For 1 liter of waterVinegar 3% – 0.5 cups

For the final marinade:

For 1 liter of water

Vinegar 3% – 0.5 cupsSpices to tasteSugar – 2-3 tablespoons


Pea pods are deveined and boiled in the prepared saline solution for about two minutes.

Then drain the water, put the pods in a washed jar, and pour in the boiled and cooled marinade. Cover with lids and leave in a cool place for 2-3 weeks.

After the allotted time, pour the marinade out of the jars, pour fresh vinegar solution (with spices and sugar) over the peas. Place the pods in sterilized jars and close with iron lids. in the store (and the majority of housewives are like this, because not everyone has the opportunity to can can peas for the winter on their own).

Many people have probably noticed that the weight of peas varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Things to remember:

When purchasing peas, pay attention to the net weight, i.e. a lot of peas along with the filling. Equal-looking tins can contain 380, 400 or even 420 grams of green peas.

According to standards, the mass fraction of peas from the net weight indicated on the label must be at least 65%.

Canned peas of good quality have whole grains, without impurities of the shells. In this case, the filling liquid should not be transparent.

I hope you find the canned pea recipes and helpful tips helpful!

Happy canning and bon appetit!

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Popular materials

Canned peas can be purchased in any store without any problems, but can you be sure of their quality and taste? Often harmful additives are thrown into such preparations for long-term storage. Therefore, we offer you a recipe for canned peas at home.

From this article you will learn:

Homemade canned peas: a recipe at home

Recipe for canned peas for the winter at home

Canning according to this recipe will not let you down and will last as long as it should if you use the right peas. Old and yellowed peas should not be used; only young and green fruits will do.

A simple recipe for canned peas will be useful to all housewives who love homemade winter preparations. In winter, such preparation will perfectly complement salads, omelets, vegetable soups, and you can also make thick sweet puree from such peas.


What is needed for a 0.5 liter jar:

  • 360 grams;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 0.5 liters of filtered water.

Instructions: how to can peas at home for the winter

The first step is to start cleaning the peas - free them from the pods. If during this process you find spoiled fruits, then all the peas should be filled with salted water for 20 minutes, this will rid the peas of possible insects (they will immediately float to the surface). Then rinse it under running water.

Place the prepared peas in a saucepan, fill them with water so that it covers all the peas. Set the container on high heat, bring the water to a boil, lower the heat, and cook the peas for the next 10 minutes. During this time, it will change its color (become darker), and its skin will be slightly wrinkled.

At the same time, prepare containers for storing the workpiece - sterilize the jar over steam or by boiling.

Carefully drain the water from the pan, and compact the peas tightly into a sterile jar, but under no circumstances press on them, they must maintain their integrity.

Next, prepare the marinade - pour the specified amount of water into a separate saucepan placed on the burner, throw in a portion of granulated sugar and salt. Cook the mixture for about 2 minutes after boiling, during which time the crystals of bulk elements will completely dissolve in the liquid base.

Fill the contents of the container up to the neck with the created marinade. Then throw a pinch of acid directly into the jar, this will ensure long-term storage of the product. Some people use vinegar, but citric acid is better than vinegar.

Seal the jar with a screw cap and turn it over, making sure that the marinade does not spill out. Be sure to wrap the jar with something warm, in this form it should cool completely.

Peas are one of the most popular and widespread leguminous plants not only in our country, but throughout the world. This is facilitated by the unpretentiousness, early ripening and productivity of the crop, as well as the high nutritional value of the collected beans. Back in the Bronze Age, people knew how to collect and dry the fruits of wild legumes.

Today, peas are recognized as a storehouse of protein, fiber, sugars and vitamins. Ripe peas contain up to 35.7% protein, while the fruits are one and a half times higher in calories than. It is not for nothing that green peas are called sweet, because at the time of technical maturity they accumulate about 4.8–7% sugar, quite a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, carotene and B vitamins. In addition, juicy peas contain sodium and potassium, phosphorus , iron and calcium, essential amino acids, proteins and fiber.

In current conditions, peas grown by agricultural enterprises are not only dried, but also frozen, canned, and used to make flour and other types of products.

But how to dry, pickle and freeze peas at home? Depending on the structure of the bean, shelling and sugar varieties are distinguished. The shells of the shelling pea pod become tough as they ripen because a wax paper or parchment-like layer forms inside. Sugar peas can be eaten together with juicy peas, which are no less healthy than the fruits of the plant.

Mature peas, as they lose moisture and dry out, acquire a wrinkled surface, but there are also varieties that retain their smoothness and round shape when dried.

Today, both fresh green and dried peas are an integral part of the diet of many Russian families. How to prepare peas grown on your own plot for the winter?

How to dry peas at home?

To obtain high-quality peas used for preparing soups, purees and other dishes, the waxy ripe fruits that have not had time to harden are collected. To ensure that the peas do not lose their beneficial properties, drying should begin no later than 5–6 hours after collection. But before drying peas at home, they are shelled and sorted, removing unformed or pest-damaged peas.

Then peas:

  • Blanch for 1-2 minutes to fix the beautiful green color and maintain the creamy consistency of the peas;
  • cool quickly under running water or with block ice;
  • blanch again and cool again;
  • dry and spread on a baking sheet in a thin layer.

At home, you need to dry peas in an oven or electric dryer in two or three steps, for 2–4 hours, trying to heat the delicate raw materials as little as possible. The ideal temperature is 40–50 °C. Between sessions in the oven, the peas are kept at room temperature for 3–4 hours. As they dry, the drying temperature can be increased to 60–65 °C, making sure that the peas do not crack and have a uniform color.

The less moisture remains inside dense peas, the longer their shelf life will be.

If the technology is followed, peas prepared for the winter will retain their intense green color, and dishes made from them will turn out tasty and healthy.

If not green, but almost ripe yellowish peas are collected for drying, then the final product will be coarser, starchy, but quite suitable for cooking nutritious soups, making porridges and other side dishes.

Home-dried peas make excellent flour, from which you can bake bread and quickly make a dressing for soups and sauces.

How to store dried peas at home? Since it is dried beans that most often attract pests, peas prepared for long-term storage are poured into glass containers with tightly sealed lids. It is better to place jars of peas in a cool, dry place where the cereal will not have contact with the sun's rays. From time to time, shake the peas and inspect them for insects and mold.

How to properly freeze peas?

Juicy, well-formed green peas are suitable for freezing.

  • If sugar beans are intended for processing, you can freeze individual peas and whole pods.
  • If shelling peas grow on the site, before freezing the peas at home, they must be freed from the blades.

To prepare peas for the winter so that they remain as juicy and healthy as in the garden, the beans are shelled, sorted, blanched for 1-2 minutes and cooled by pouring ice water. This will prevent the peas from losing their green color and maintain their consistency and taste. When the peas have cooled, place them on paper napkins and dry thoroughly.

Once spread on trays or baking sheets, the tender beans are frozen, this will prevent the individual peas from sticking together and forming a shapeless lump. And already frozen at home, the peas are poured into bags or containers for subsequent storage in the freezer.

If you immediately pack the peas into bags and containers, then from time to time, until the freezing process is completed, the containers are taken out and shaken, breaking up the lumps that form.

Sugar peas can be frozen at home and in pods. To do this, the beans are sorted, washed, and the stalk and coarse fibers connecting the leaves are removed. If desired, the pods can be cut into 2-3 parts. Then the prepared raw materials are blanched in a colander for 2–3 minutes and cooled with ice cubes or running water. It is important to cool and dry the peas thoroughly so that no traces of moisture remain on them. And the already prepared green pods are placed in bags or containers, tightly closed and put in the freezer, where peas prepared for the winter can be stored for 6–8 months without losing their taste and beneficial qualities.

Natural canned peas

Everyone's favorite green peas, which holiday salads and everyday side dishes are indispensable, can be made in your own kitchen from raw materials collected from your garden plot. Peeled and sorted peas are boiled for half an hour before being sent to jars, then the water is drained, the vegetables are dried and, distributed into glass containers, filled with boiling brine.

To fill a liter of water you will need 10 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar. If desired, you can add your favorite spices to the liquid, for example, currant leaves or parsley. Filled jars are sterilized. Along with peas, you can preserve corn kernels, slices of carrots and asparagus in this way.

It is better to store peas at home in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Pickled peas for the winter

To marinate the harvested fruit for the winter, it is peeled and boiled for 30 minutes.

The peas prepared in this way are distributed into small jars and poured with boiling marinade, which will require 1 liter of water, 30–40 grams of table salt, 15–20 grams of sugar and 100 ml of 9% vinegar. After filling the jars, they are sterilized and sent to a cool place for storage.

How to pickle peas at home?

Before salting peas or whole pods at home, the harvested green peas are washed in running water and, if necessary, the rough parts are peeled or cut off from the pods. Before salting, depending on the degree of ripeness and the chosen preservation method, peas are boiled for 5–10 minutes, then cooled and distributed into clean jars. Prepared vegetables are poured with hot brine so that 1 kg of peas contains 300 grams of salt.

Slices of garlic, a little pepper and other spices will add piquancy and a bright taste to the original appetizer for meat dishes.

Now the containers can be closed and, after cooling, placed in the refrigerator for storage.

Canned peas for the winter - video

Fresh green peas can be stored for a maximum of 2 weeks. Canned – up to a year. Preparing green peas for the winter is an opportunity to diversify your diet and eat tasty and vitamin-rich food all year round. We offer two options – preservation and drying. Each method is good in its own way.

Harvesting green peas for the winter: preservation

For preservation, you need to use only unripe, tender, uniformly colored grains. Old and overripe ones become unsweetened and starchy. They are not suitable for blanks.

To prepare 3 half-liter jars of canned peas, you will need one liter of marinade or brine.

Recipe No. 1

for 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 1.5 tablespoons sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.


The pods are freed from grains. The peas are washed well. Throw away any spoiled or pest-infected fruit.

To determine the amount of peas, they need to be scattered into half-liter jars, not reaching 2 cm from the edges. Then the peas are poured with cold water with salt and sugar. Let it boil. Cook for half an hour, add citric acid 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Place the finished peas in a colander. Then they are placed in sterile jars and covered with lids.

The water in which the grains were boiled is filtered through cheesecloth. It is better to take several layers of fabric. The liquid is boiled and poured into the peas. The jars are sterilized in boiling water for at least 1 hour and sealed.

Recipe No. 2

  • 700 gr. peeled peas,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 3 grams of citric acid.


Young peas are sorted well and washed. Place in an enamel bowl. Add water. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The water is drained and the peas are strained.

Sugar and salt are added to clean water. Mix well. Let it boil, add citric acid. The marinade is ready.

Sterilize the jars, place hot grains in them, pour in freshly boiled marinade, cover with sterile lids, set to sterilize for at least an hour, then roll up.

Recipe No. 3

  • peas – 700 gr.,

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 3 teaspoons vinegar.


Add salt and sugar to cold water, let it boil, add vinegar. The peas, cleared of pods and spoiled grains, are placed in a colander. Dip into boiling water for 10 minutes. Then carefully remove with a spoon and place in sterile jars. Fill with brine. Cover with lids. Be sure to sterilize jars for at least 1 hour.

Harvesting green peas for the winter at home: how to dry

Canned or salted green peas are good in appetizers and salads. Dried, added to soups and main dishes. It is better to use unripe green grains for harvesting. They should be quite large - from 5 mm in diameter.

Recipe No. 1

  • young peas – 1 kg,
  • baking soda – 10 g.


Peas are removed from the pods. They're sorting through. Throw away spoiled and too small grains.

Add soda to the water. Bring to a boil and pour in the peas. If you don't add baking soda, the dried grains will be harder.

Boil the peas for 10 minutes. Cool and dry in the oven at 80 degrees for 1 hour. Then lower it to 65 degrees. Dry the grains for another 2-3 hours.

The workpiece is stored in a glass jar with an airtight lid. Before use, peas are soaked for 3 hours. Boil for 30 minutes to 1 hour in unsalted water.

Recipe No. 2

Place the peas in a metal strainer and blanch for several minutes. Rinse and allow to cool slightly. Repeat the procedure again.

The grains are placed in a colander. Lay out on fabric or paper. Put it in a dark place and let it dry a little.

The oven is heated to a temperature of 70 degrees. Transfer the peas to a baking sheet and dry for 12–14 hours. Then cool.

The grains are rolled onto a board or something heavy is placed on them. This is necessary to add density and eliminate voids. Leave under load for 8–10 hours.

Dry in the oven for a few more hours at a temperature of 60–70 degrees.

If everything is done correctly, the pea grains will turn dark green. Their surface will become matte and velvety. If the peas are light, they need to be blanched again.

Green peas are an excellent ingredient for preparing first and second courses, salads. However, you don’t have to buy it in a store. Without any problems, you can prepare canned peas at home for the winter with your own hands. Preservation can be carried out both with and without sterilization. The proposed photo and video recipes describe step by step how to pickle pea pods or roll peeled peas. Also, modern housewives will definitely need detailed instructions on the rules for freezing peas before the winter cold.

How to can peas in jars at home - a recipe with step-by-step photos

To preserve the taste of peas and ensure ease of use for salads and soups in winter, you can use various additives. The simplest ingredients used in seaming include salt and vinegar. They help prevent spoilage of the product and give it an original taste. You can find out how to preserve peas with such additives in the following recipe.

Ingredients for canning peas in half-liter jars

  • green peas in pods - 2-3 kg;
  • salt - 1 tsp. for 1 jar;
  • vinegar - 1/2 tsp. for 1 jar.

Step-by-step recipe for canning green peas in jars at home

  1. Prepare the pea grains and rinse them in water.
  2. Sterilize the jars.
  3. Boil the lids for sealing.
  4. Place the peas in a saucepan, add water and put on fire.
  5. After the peas have boiled for 2-3 minutes, drain the water.
  6. Place the prepared peas into jars.
  7. Fill the jars with separately heated water and vinegar (calculate the amount of vinegar according to the number of jars).
  8. Add salt to each jar.
  9. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize them for 5-10 minutes. Then roll it up and leave it under the blanket for 8 hours.

How to seal canned green peas at home - recipes with photos and videos

You can also use green peas for rolling together with pods. At the same time, understanding how to preserve such ingredients and how to give them a special taste is not at all difficult. For example, the following recipe details how to seal pea pods in jars with honey and pepper to create a spicy addition to salads, first and second courses.

List of ingredients for seaming green whole peas at home

  • peas - 700-800 g (for 2 jars);
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp;
  • water - 2 tbsp;
  • honey - 1.5 tbsp;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • hot pepper flakes - 1 tsp.

Photo recipe for rolling green peas in pods at home

Video recipe for canning whole peas at home

Not all housewives know how to can peas so that they are not only spicy, but also in no way different from store-bought ones. The following video recipe will help you learn about all the features of rolling green peas for the winter at home.

Canned green peas at home for the winter - recipe with photo instructions

Simple canning of vegetables and legumes for the winter allows you to prepare delicious dishes with original ingredients during cold weather. To obtain the most unusual vitamin supplement for stews and salads, you can use green peas. It rolls up perfectly, both without adding other ingredients, and will perfectly retain its taste when using a small amount of carrots and hot peppers. In the recipe below you can learn how to make a spicy marinade for peas and properly roll them.

List of ingredients for a recipe for canned peas at home for winter

  • peas - 400-500 g (per 1 jar);
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dill - 2 sprigs;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • chopped chili - 1 tsp;
  • carrots - to taste.

Photo instructions for a recipe for canning winter peas at home

  1. Prepare the ingredients. Rinse everything thoroughly.
  2. Prepare the marinade.
  3. Place dill sprigs and pea pods in a jar. If desired, add a few pieces of carrots.
  4. Pour hot marinade into jars. Carry out a sunset.

Green pickled peas for the winter at home - step-by-step photo recipe

You can prepare green peas for the winter either without pods or with pods. The second option is optimal for busy housewives who don’t know how to seal peas in jars quickly and easily. In the following recipe, we roll pea pods at home with various spicy spices.

Ingredients for pickling green peas for winter cold at home

  • peas - 500 g;
  • chili pepper - 1/3 part;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

Step-by-step recipe for rolling pickled peas for winter at home

  1. Wash the pea pods and cut off the thick ends.
  2. Place the pods in a jar.
  3. Peel and chop the garlic. Grind the dried chili.
  4. Prepare the marinade and pour it over the peas, seal the jars.

Delicious pickled peas in jars at home without sterilization - photo recipe

Every housewife can make pickled peas with a pleasant herbal aroma. To do this, she just needs to prepare a marinade based on mint and fennel seeds. The following recipe will tell you how to create an amazing combination of seasonings and give ordinary peas an amazing taste and aroma.

List of ingredients for a recipe for marinated peas in jars without sterilization at home

  • peas - 500 g;
  • mint - 2-3 sprigs;
  • fennel seeds - 1 tbsp;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.

Photo recipe for rolling peas in jars without sterilization at home

How to freeze green peas for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos

Green peas prepared for winter use make it easy to create summer culinary masterpieces even during severe cold weather. Correct preparation of the ingredient will help preserve its vitamins and prevent spoilage of the product during storage. The following step-by-step recipe will tell you how to freeze peas quickly and correctly.

Ingredients for freezing green peas for winter

  • peas - 1-1.5 kg.

Step-by-step photo recipe for freezing whole peas for the winter cold

  1. Select whole, undamaged peas.
  2. Place the peas in a saucepan and add water.
  3. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Wait until all the peas float to the surface and remove them from the heat.
  5. Place the lightly cooked peas on a cloth or paper towels and dry completely. Pack into bags and store in the freezer.

After looking at the proposed photo and video recipes for rolling and freezing peas, you can find very interesting options for simple storage in winter. For example, you can seal canned peas at home in jars or make pickled peas with spices. Housewives will also find useful information about the features of rolling pea pods without sterilization.