Benefits of boiled peas. Calorie content Fresh green peas

Peas are one of the most ancient legumes cultivated by mankind. One of the most favorite spring-summer delicacies for children and adults is young, sweet and fresh green peas, fresh from the garden, so it would be useful to find out what else this plant can please us with, in addition to its excellent taste.

Taste and appearance

Bright green peas are enclosed in an oblong, cellular pod, consisting of two halves of equally rich color. Young legumes have a sweetish, delicate taste, the peas are juicy and soft. In cooking, the most valuable are the brain and sugar varieties; they are frozen and preserved for the winter.

Chemical composition

Green peas contain some organic acids, but they contain almost the entire list of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, as well as fiber and natural sugars.


Peas contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, PP.


  • Macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, chlorine.
  • Trace elements: aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, nickel, tin, selenium, fluorine, chromium, zinc.

Calorie content of the product

There are only 55 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

  • Proteins - 5 g.
  • Fats - 0.2 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 8.3 g.

Did you know? The Austrian biologist, botanist and monk of the Augustinian Order Gregor Mendel, conducting experiments on peas, proved the existence of genes and the transmission of hereditary traits by them. Despite the fact that in 1865 his discovery was treated with skepticism, today the scientist is called the founder of the science of heredity.

What are the benefits of fresh green peas?

Nutritionists talk about the benefits of the product, and traditional healers use the plant’s greens in numerous medicinal recipes.

For adults

The product is useful and even recommended by doctors for people with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, and vitamin deficiency. Dishes with legumes are useful for cleansing the blood of cholesterol, cleansing the liver of toxins, nitrates, and drug breakdown products. Peas are considered a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, and bone fragility. The composition, saturated with minerals and vitamins, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system and hormonal levels, which will have a beneficial effect on the health of the reproductive system.

For children

The product can be introduced into baby food from eight months, if the baby has already tried vegetables, cottage cheese, and meat. It is not advisable to give peas raw at such a young age; it is better after heat treatment in the form of puree, for example. From one and a half years old you can give fresh in small portions.
The advantage of young peas over old ones is that they contain less fiber, which is difficult for the delicate digestive tract, and they are also less allergenic. The product is useful for the growth of muscle, bone and connective tissue, and joint mobility. Thanks to iodine, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and improves brain function. Peas saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, strengthening the immune, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems, and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Can pregnant and lactating women eat peas?

Fresh green peas are rich in many elements useful for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development: folic acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium, selenium, zinc and others. Therefore, pregnant women can and should eat the product, however, they should not overdo it, so as not to cause flatulence.

The same composition of nutrients will help a nursing mother recover after childbirth, protect her immune system and replenish her supply of vitamins and minerals. Fresh product should be introduced into the diet in small portions, observing the baby’s behavior.
When consuming a frozen product, you should not defrost it in the microwave; it is better to leave it for a while to defrost naturally. Canned peas can be harmful due to the presence of chemical additives in them: preservatives, stabilizers and others.

Harm and contraindications

When destroyed, purines in the culture form uric acid, so consumption is not recommended for the following conditions:

  • gout;
  • colitis;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Important! Excessive consumption of peas can cause bloating, heaviness in the stomach and increased gas production.

Rules for choosing a quality product

The ripening period of the crop begins in May-June, depending on the climate in the region. When choosing, it is better to give preference to pods in which the peas retain their juiciness and beneficial elements longer, rather than to an already purified product. The following qualities indicate freshness:

  • bright green color;
  • absence of yellow and dark spots;
  • soft and elastic pod skin.
Fresh peas are stored in the refrigerator without shaking them out of the pods for about a week. The peeled product can be stored for up to six months in the refrigerator in a convenient container. In this case, the container lid does not need to be tightly closed to ensure air access.

How to store peas for the winter



Ingredients(for six 0.5 l cans):

  • green peas - about 2,800 kg;
  • sugar -1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 9% vinegar - 100 ml.


Did you know? The French owe the appearance of green peas on their tables to Marie de Medici. The future queen brought with her personal chefs and her own recipes for dishes, where the product played an important role.

More about the benefits: how to make a mask from young peas

The cosmetic properties of the culture are due to the presence of beauty vitamins: A, C, E, as well as a large number of minerals that take part in the structure and regeneration of cells, including the skin and nail plates, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

For skin

Mask for dry skin. Mix puree from two tablespoons of boiled product with the same amount of apple juice and yolk. Apply the mixture onto the face in a thin layer, rinse off when the mixture dries and begins to tighten the skin. After washing, apply a light texture nourishing cream. For severely dry skin, use the mask three times a week for a month.
For normal skin. Grind the dried peas into flour, mix one tablespoon of flour with a teaspoon of olive oil and yolk. The mass is applied to the face and neck area for twenty minutes, rinsed off with cool water. Can be used twice a week.

For oily skin. Grind two tablespoons of peas into a puree, add two tablespoons of whey, mix. Apply to cleansed face and neck for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Many people (especially representatives of the fair half of humanity) lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition, which is a guarantee of excellent health. And proper nutrition implies not only foods that are healthy for the body, but also a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the optimal amount of calories.

Nutritionists are sure that those who want to get rid of extra pounds should consume fewer calories than usual. Counting calories is not that difficult - the only inconvenience is that you need to calculate absolutely everything so as not to eat too much. For example, if you are going to eat Olivier or vinaigrette, you will have to calculate the energy value of all components, including the calorie content of peas (green, canned - it doesn’t really matter, the main thing is not to forget to count them). This is not always convenient, but over time it becomes a habit.

However, in our article we will not talk about methods of losing weight, but about such a tasty and, most importantly, healthy product as green peas, which contain not only a huge amount of vitamins, but also an interesting story.

Ancestral food

It is not known for certain how long people have been cultivating green peas, but scientists claim that our primitive ancestors used them. This is confirmed by the plates found by archaeologists with the remains of food made from peas, which are almost 10 thousand years old. It is believed that they began to plant peas as a crop about 3 thousand years ago, but then it was a kind of country garden beds, and not mass production.

Valuable delicacy

Indians, Chinese, Romans, and Indians loved pea dishes, but until the 16th century, this crop was considered a real delicacy and was incredibly expensive. in quantities sufficient for widespread trade began relatively recently - in the 16th century. The Dutch were the pioneers in this area of ​​agriculture. Despite its spread, peas remained inaccessible to ordinary people for a century. For those who had the opportunity to taste this product, peas were nothing more than a delicacy. And in those days no one even guessed that this legume could be pickled, frozen and canned...

A storehouse of vitamins

These days, green peas are also widely available, like bread or milk. Children (and adults) enjoy eating young green peas grown in a garden bed, and in supermarkets this product can be bought in dry, frozen and canned form. What does green peas contain? Our article will reveal its beneficial properties, contraindications, as well as a set of vitamins.

So, this product is rich in unique amino acids, enzymes, fiber, calcium salts, potassium, iron, chlorine and sulfur. By the way, the dietary fiber contained in peas perfectly stimulates intestinal activity, so those who suffer from cholecystitis or stomach ulcers should use it with caution and in small doses.

Green peas contain phosphorus, B vitamins, as well as A, PP and C. The protein contained in peas is similar in composition to meat. In addition, it helps maintain the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood pressure, and thanks to the optimal ratio of sodium and potassium, green peas are extremely useful for people with diabetes.

In addition, it contains a large number of trace elements - zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, boron, molybdenum, silicon, cobalt, strontium, selenium, aluminum, fluorine, nickel, titanium and even tin. Thus, green peas are recommended for people with anemia and iodine deficiency.

Peas and calories

Weight watchers will probably be interested to know how many calories are in peas (green, canned and dry). In fact, it is ideal for those who dream of a slim figure. By the way, the numbers speak for themselves: the calorie content of canned green peas is approximately 55 kcal per 100 grams, fresh (in pods) - from 40 to 73 kcal per 100 grams (depending on the variety), dry - 310 kcal.

Simple explanation

Why is there such a difference in numbers? It's simple! The fact is that fresh peas contain a lot of moisture - they are a natural product, while canning involves the addition of salt, sugar and other ingredients that also have energy value. Therefore, the calorie content of canned green peas is slightly higher than that of fresh ones, but not by much. Therefore, fans of a low-calorie diet can eat it at least every day without harm to their figure. The calorie content is too low to add extra pounds.

Dry peas completely lose moisture - due to this, their amount in 100 grams is much higher than the amount of fresh peas. For example, 15 fresh peas fit into one tablespoon. But if you dry it, it will lose moisture and shrink. As a result, not 15 dry peas will fit in the same tablespoon, but many times more! Hence, high puree soup (canned peas in which can perfectly replace dry ones) will solve the problem of those who are watching their figure and miss boiled peas. The main thing is to add the right spices and smoked meats...

Back in the Stone Age, humanity revered peas for their valuable properties. In Ancient China, peas were considered a symbol of wealth and fertility, and in Medieval France they were served on the royal table.

Now, unfortunately, many of us forget about such important nutritional components that plant protein brings to our body. And our grandmothers cooked everything from peas: soups, pies, stews, sauces, cereals and noodles. Peas are a valuable component of nutrition. According to nutritionists, it should be eaten 3-4 times a week.

Benefits and calorie content of peas

Peas are second to none in terms of protein. This is why it is so important to eat pea dishes during fasting. This way you charge your body with much-needed energy. Pea protein is valuable because its composition of amino acids is simply unique. It is similar to meat protein. In addition, peas contain many enzymes, starch, fiber, calcium salts, potassium, iron and phosphorus, vitamins PP, C, A, B. Canadian scientists have found that pea protein has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, allows for normal maintain blood pressure.

In addition to the regular variety, there is also a sweet one. It began to be cultivated later, in the 16th century. The Dutch were the first to breed it in Europe, and their example was followed by the French, British, Germans and Russians.

Each variety has its own benefits. Peeling is useful due to its high starch content. It is used for cooking soups. Sugar snap peas are very filling and low in calories. The so-called brain peas, canned, are considered the most energetic. Despite the fact that it contains a lot of sugar, its calorie content is also low.

Due to the presence of mineral salts in peas, it is able to remove excess fluid from the body. It is useful for people with anemia, cardiovascular diseases, in addition, it restores kidney function.

Peas successfully replace meat dishes. It can also improve digestion, relieve constipation and heartburn. Due to the presence of iodine, this vegetable is necessary for protection against goiter, obesity and atherosclerosis. Pea flour nourishes brain cells, treats atherosclerosis, normalizes metabolic processes, and relieves headaches.

Now let's take a look at the calorie content of peas:

  • raw crushed without seed coating – 348 kcal;
  • boiled crushed – 115 kcal;
  • dried – 322 kcal;
  • dried whole uncooked – 340 kcal;
  • fresh green – 280 kcal;
  • boiled green – 160 kcal;
  • canned – 55 kcal;
  • canned in salad with cabbage and mayonnaise – 78 kcal;
  • canned in salad with tomatoes and sour cream – 52 kcal.

Calorie content of some pea dishes:

  • regular soup – 66 kcal;
  • soup with frying – 73 kcal;
  • soup with fried and smoked meats – 103 kcal;
  • pea puree – 60 kcal;
  • puree with butter – 103 kcal;
  • puree with the addition of champignons – 140 kcal.

Harm of peas

Peas are not recommended for people who suffer from intestinal diseases. It is also contraindicated for mothers, as it provokes problems such as flatulence and abdominal discomfort. It is also contraindicated for those who suffer from gout. It contains substances called purines, which provoke an increase in the production of uric acid.

Calorie content of peas and weight loss

Despite the rather high calorie content of peas, they are included in a variety of diets. We will consider one of these. The pea diet involves the inclusion of one dietary pea dish once a day, containing a minimum of calories. The pea diet is designed for a week, during which you can get rid of 2-4 kilograms.

The pea diet does not advocate monotonous food, so choose one of the proposed options.

First breakfast:

  • grain bread, cottage cheese 30 g, greens;
  • muesli with milk in the amount of 300 g, chopped apple;
  • a piece of black bread with two tablespoons of honey and butter.

Second breakfast and afternoon snack:

  • grapes in the amount of 150 g;
  • pear;
  • low-fat yogurt in an amount of 150 ml;
  • a glass of orange or apple juice;
  • a glass of kefir with a fat content of no more than one.

For lunch we prepare ourselves a dietary dish of peas.

  • salad of several grapes, apples with lemon juice and olive oil;
  • toast with a piece of cheese and radish.

During the day you should drink unsweetened teas and still mineral waters.

We give you several dietary recipes that contain peas. Boil 400 g of green peas with chopped parsley, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara. The amount of water is 400 ml. When the peas are cooked until tender, grind the whole mass in a blender. Then add 100 ml of cream with a fat content of 10, and bring to a boil over low heat. The calorie content of this soup is 33 kcal per 100 g.

You can cook pea cutlets. Pre-soak the peas until soft, then grind through a meat grinder. Add semolina, eggs and black pepper. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry. The calorie content in this case is 150 kcal.

Vegetable stew made from chickpeas. Grind two tomatoes, two zucchini, two onions. Fry the onion, then add tomatoes, zucchini, washed chickpeas in the amount of 400 g, 2 tbsp. raisins, 400 ml vegetable broth, cumin, cinnamon, coriander. Cook for 10 minutes. Then add 300 g of green peas and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. When finished, add chopped herbs and salt to taste. The calorie content of chickpeas in this dish is 150 kcal per 100 g.

Salad with peas and seaweed. Mix in a salad bowl 150 g of boiled rice, one chopped boiled egg, 100 g of chopped boiled fish, 150 g of seaweed, 150 g of green peas. Season with low-fat mixture. The calorie content of peas in this recipe is 90 kcal.

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Peeled peas have a smooth surface and are cleared of all shells and shells. Bags are most often used to store this product. Peas are considered one of the most nutritious crops. These plants are grown both for human nutrition and for feeding animals.

This crop is distinguished by a very high protein content, about 23 g, which corresponds to the indicators of beef. However, plant protein is much easier to digest than animal protein. This product also contains a lot of carbohydrates, about 57.7 g, and it contains 1.6 g of fat. The calorie content of split peas is quite high, it is 323 kcal. It also contains many trace elements, especially manganese, phosphorus, potassium and iron. It also contains vitamins A, PP, C and representatives of group B. In addition, this culture contains deficient amino acids, in particular lysine.

Due to its rich composition, peas are considered a dietary dish. Thus, a high potassium content has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system, blood vessels, heart, liver and kidneys. Dishes made from this product are especially useful for pregnant women and children. Puree from it is often recommended by specialists for intestinal or stomach ulcers.

Side dishes and vegetable salads, one of the components of which are green peas, are indicated for lipotropic diets. A decoction of the grains is used for kidney stones as a diuretic. Pea flour is used for abscesses, boils, pimples, carbuncles and other skin problems; in these cases, poultices are made from it. In addition, this product slows down skin aging, reduces the possibility of developing hypertension, oncology, and heart attack. It contains a lot of selenium, and it has an anti-carcinogenic effect.

There are also contraindications to eating peas. These are all types of gastritis, gout, heart attack.

Calorie content of dried peas

Peas belong to the legume family. This product has high nutritional value and nutritional value; it contains many plant proteins and carbohydrates. The northwestern part of India and Eastern Afghanistan are considered the birthplace of peas. This culture has been known to people since ancient times. I have been growing it for thousands of years; it is known that peas began to be cultivated even before our era. Dry grains are widely used for preparing various dishes: purees, soups and others.

As already mentioned, this product contains a lot of proteins (as much as 20.5 g) and carbohydrates (53.3 g), and it contains less fat (2.0 g). The calorie content of dried peas is 298 kcal.

Various methods are used to dry peas. One of them is that prepared and sorted grains are poured into boiling water and boiled until softened. If you add a little ordinary soda to the water (about 50 g per 10 kg of peas), then after drying they will not harden. Well-cooked grain is poured with cold water and left until completely cooled. After this, it is placed in an oven heated to 80 degrees to dry. The temperature during the process drops to 65 degrees, and the drying itself takes about 3-4 hours.

It is recommended to store dried peas in a dry place. It is advisable that the room where it is located maintains a low temperature. This will help prevent the proliferation of various pests in the grains. Before cooking, dried peas should be poured with cold water and left for some time to swell.

Peas have been known and eaten for a long time. This crop can compete with cereals in its nutritional value: buckwheat, rice and millet. Peas are easily digestible and contain many substances necessary for the body to function normally. When consuming it, there is a strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, normalization of metabolic processes, a reduction in the risk of cancer, the development of hypertension and heart attacks, as well as an improvement in the condition of the skin.

It is distinguished by a high content of proteins (6.0 g) and carbohydrates (9.0 g) with a complete absence of fat component. The calorie content of boiled peas is 60 kcal. The structure of the proteins contained in this product is similar to meat proteins. They also contain essential amino acids. In addition, peas contain various sugars, ascorbic acid in large quantities, B and PP vitamins, starch, fiber, carotene, etc. In terms of nutritional value, this crop is significantly superior to even potatoes, not to mention other vegetables. It also contains minerals such as phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and others.

When cooked, peas retain most of their beneficial qualities. It is used in making purees and soups.

If the peas are split into halves, it will take a little less than an hour to cook them. Whole grains will cook for almost an hour and a half. Before starting cooking, they need to be filled with water and left to soak for about 12 hours. During the cooking process, you can add oil, sunflower or butter, this will help the peas cook faster.

It is worth remembering that there are a number of diseases for which the consumption of peas is contraindicated. These include inflammatory processes in the intestines or stomach, acute nephritis and gout. If a person has an ulcer, then it is allowed to eat peas in the form of puree. People of advanced age should preferably boil any legumes, including peas, a little longer, until they become soft. To avoid bloating and flatulence, you can add carrots to dishes with boiled peas, and you should definitely eat them with bread.

Peas are one of the most common, healthy and nutritious members of the Legume family. Due to its beneficial properties and availability, it is often called the “meat of the poor.”

For cooking, peeling varieties are best suited because they can retain their round shape even when dried. Sold both whole and divided into halves.

The content of the article:

Calories in peas

As a rule, peas are used in cooking as a side dish for making casseroles and pies. The product goes well with meat and fish, harmonizing with them to taste. And in their green form, peas can add sophistication to any salad or soup.

According to doctors and nutritionists, an adult should consume from 150 to 180 grams of legumes per day. The same norm can be applied to peas in any other form.

The calorie content of this product depends on the variety and condition of the pea grain. In dry grain it is higher, but in fresh form the calorie content is the lowest for this crop. For example, sugar peas, which are loved by both children and adults, can be classified as a dietary product when eaten fresh.

Peas calorie table

What are the benefits of boiled peas?

Boiled peas are much more nutritious than pasta or rice. On fasting days, pea dishes can be replaced with fish and meat dishes.

The main wealth of boiled peas is the presence of high-quality, easily digestible protein, important amino acids, fiber and dietary fiber, which help normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The product is rich in vitamins B, A, C, E, PP, and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, chlorine and sulfur, iodine, phosphorus and sodium.

In terms of amino acid content, porridges and pea soups are second only to soybeans, and in terms of the amount of proteins they have no equal among plant-based dishes. Thanks to this, many athletes and bodybuilders use boiled peas in their diet, because a large amount of protein helps to quickly build muscle mass. It also becomes indispensable for vegetarians, who successfully replace meat products with them.

With regular use of this product you can:

  1. Increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  2. Normalize blood pressure;
  3. Reduce swelling;
  4. Lose weight;
  5. Prevent thyroid diseases;
  6. Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. Eliminate headaches;

Benefits for men

In folk medicine, it is a fairly effective medicine for male diseases. Especially for normalizing the functioning of the prostate gland and treating dropsy.

Due to the rich content of phytoestrogens, pea decoction helps get rid of prostatitis and increase male strength, and also significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer of the male genital organs.

Harm from boiled peas

It is also worth noting that boiled peas are not good for everyone. For elderly people, nursing mothers and pregnant women, in order to avoid increased gas formation, its amount should be reduced.

Boiled peas can also lead to an increase in uric acid levels, which leads to the accumulation of salts in the body.

What to cook from boiled peas?

You can prepare a lot of different dishes from peas, as they go well with many foods. It is best to use varieties of brighter colors, since they contain much more nutrients. In addition, low-quality varieties take much longer to cook. The best varieties of peas become softer within 15 minutes after being placed in water.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking peas, which can be easily found on the Internet. Here are some of them.

Cream of pea soup


  • Water (2 l);
  • Bread (4 slices);
  • Meat broth (2 cubes);
  • Peas (1 cup);
  • Garlic (1-2 cloves);
  • Milk (1 glass);
  • Butter (4 tbsp);
  • Salt pepper;

1) . Grind 8 tablespoons of dry peas in a coffee grinder, and boil the rest until tender.

2) . Fry the garlic in oil, then add pea flour diluted with milk, water, bouillon cubes, boiled peas and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste and, when serving, add sour cream.

Recipe for dumplings with peas


  • Peas (dried);
  • Mushrooms (fresh or dried);
  • Dumpling dough;
  • Salt, pepper, onions;

1) . Soak the peas in cold water overnight. Boil until tender and make a puree from it.

2) . Spread the puree in a layer on a baking sheet greased with oil and put it in the oven (medium temperature) so that the liquid evaporates from it, bake for 15 - 25 minutes.

3) . We set aside some of the puree to prepare the sauce, and mix the other part with finely chopped and fried onions and mushrooms. The filling mixture should be thick; if it is a bit runny, dry it in the oven, add salt and pepper to taste and mix.

4) . In the usual way, we make dumplings from the filling and dough, throw them into salted boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes (until they float) and remove them from the water with a slotted spoon.

5). We dilute the reserved pea puree in a small amount of water that remains after cooking, add butter or sour cream to make a medium-thick sauce.

6) . Pour this sauce over the dumplings, cover with a lid and place in a saucepan preheated to medium temperature for 30 minutes. And you can serve it to the table.

Pea casserole recipe


  • Potato;
  • Peas;
  • Ground crackers;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt pepper;

1) . Boil the peas until tender. Separately boil the potatoes (proportions with peas 1 to 1). We make a puree from them, add onions cut into rings and fried in oil, salt and pepper, add a little flour and mix.

2) . Place the mixture, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, into a casserole dish, level it, and bake in the oven (until browned) preheated to medium temperature. Serve to the table hot.

Recipe for making pea puree


  • Peas (180 g);
  • Potatoes (160 g);
  • Milk (100 g);
  • Butter (10 g);
  • Salt;

1) . Cook the peas until fully cooked, mix with hot boiled potatoes and mash.

2) . Heat the puree to 80 - 90 degrees, add hot milk or pea broth, add salt, season with oil and mix.

3) . As a result, we will get a non-liquid puree that will lie on the dish in a heap without spreading.