The best salads for weight loss: recipes with photos. Low-calorie salad recipes

Recipes for low-calorie salads: vegetable, fruit, with fish, shrimp, chicken breast, feta cheese and mushrooms.

Low-calorie salads will appeal to those who care about their health, longevity and a beautiful figure. Tasty and healthy, they never get boring: by endlessly combining different ingredients and dressings, you can cook something new every day.

Vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts, boiled fish, seafood and meat are the basis for preparing low-calorie salads. But fatty types of cheese, smoked meats, mayonnaise, and canned food should not be present in them.

Spicy herbs and fresh herbs give low-calorie salads a rich aroma and piquant taste. Melissa, tarragon, mint, cilantro, watercress, basil, oregano, cardamom strengthen the immune system and improve digestion. Parsley, dill, green onions are not discussed at all, this is already a tradition.

Low-calorie salads: recipes

You will need: 2 fresh cucumbers, 7 quail eggs, chicken breast (200 g), 4 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, 1 bunch of tarragon leaves, 1 clove of garlic, salt and black pepper - to taste.

Cut the chicken breast into large pieces, peel the cucumbers into strips, cut the eggs in half. Prepare a sauce from sour cream, spices, finely chopped tarragon and garlic. Using a ramekin, layer all the ingredients and coat well with the sauce.

Quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs: they last longer, do not contain cholesterol, do not cause allergies, and in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements, these little ones are 2-5 times higher than chicken eggs!

You will need: 3 kiwis, an apple, a persimmon, a tangerine and a lemon, 1 tablespoon of melted honey (or 50 ml of low-fat yogurt), a small bunch of grapes, mint leaves and ground cardamom.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Peel the apple, kiwi and tangerine. Cut the fruit into small pieces. Sprinkle the apples lightly with lemon juice to prevent them from browning. Mix persimmon pieces, tangerine slices with other fruits, add honey (yogurt) and cardamom. Place the salad among the bowls. Garnish with grapes and mint leaves.

Persimmon is good for vision, digestion, blood vessels, thyroid gland and nervous system. In terms of its nutritional and dietary properties, it is second only to citrus fruits.

Low-calorie vegetable salads

Light vegetable salads are vitamin cocktails with minimal calories. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber and enzymes, so you can lose weight easily and quickly on such salads.

You will need: 240 g of white cabbage, 140 g of fresh cucumbers, 140 g of carrots, 70 g of bell pepper, small onion, dill, lemon, 40 ml of olive oil.

Cut the onion into half rings, bell pepper into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Grate carrots, cabbage and cucumbers on a coarse grater. Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt, sprinkle a little lemon juice, stir and season with olive oil.

Feel free to experiment and add other low-calorie vegetables to this salad: celery, spinach, zucchini, arugula, radishes.

You will need: 240 g of Chinese cabbage, 170 g of fresh cucumbers, 1 bunch of green onions, dill, black pepper, salt, olive oil, quail eggs and lettuce for decoration.

Finely chop the cabbage, add salt and mash a little. Cut the cucumbers into half rings, finely chop the dill and green onions, cut the eggs in half. Mix cucumbers with cabbage, add a pinch of black pepper, herbs and season with olive oil and lemon juice (optional). Place the vegetable mixture on lettuce leaves and garnish with quail eggs.

Delicious low-calorie salads

You will need: 240 g champignons, 140 g feta cheese, 1 sweet pepper, 3 small tomatoes, 1 teaspoon finely chopped dill, 40 ml extra virgin olive oil, salt.

It is advisable to buy young mushrooms and bake them on the grill or in the oven, or boil them. Cut the cheese into cubes, mushrooms and tomatoes into small slices. Peppers can be chopped fresh into a salad or baked with mushrooms. Mix all the ingredients, add salt and season the salad with olive oil.

Juicy, crispy baked mushrooms, peppers, zucchini and eggplants give low-calorie salads an unusual, refined taste.

You will need: 400 g of boiled cod, 100 g of radishes, fresh cucumbers and sour apples, 50 g of celery, 1 tablespoon of natural vinegar, 70 ml of extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of mustard, a little chopped herbs, salt, green salad for decoration .

Clean the cod from skin and bones. Cut vegetables and apples into strips, fish into small slices. Combine the ingredients, salt and add dressing (mix vinegar, oil and mustard). Place the finished dish on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with chopped herbs and garnish with radish slices.

Celery cleanses the blood and improves digestion, helps maintain a thin waist (by the way, that’s what Greek women say), healthy eyes, skin and hair, normalizes hormonal balance and protects against cancer.

You will need: 150 g boiled peeled shrimp, 250 g spinach leaves, 200 g cherry tomatoes, 1 teaspoon grainy mustard, 40 ml lemon juice, 30 ml balsamic vinegar, 70 ml extra virgin olive oil.

First prepare the sauce. Mix mustard and balsamic vinegar in a salad bowl, add olive oil and mix everything well. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Mix spinach leaves with the sauce, top with tomato halves, peeled shrimp and sprinkle lemon juice over the salad.

Spinach is a very valuable dietary product. It has an extremely rich vitamin and mineral composition, is easily digested, absorbed very quickly, cleanses the intestines well and helps to lose weight.

They combine exquisite simplicity, ease of preparation, minimal calorie content and maximum health benefits. Enjoy your meal!

Adherents of a healthy diet cannot do without vegetables, fruits and herbs, which is not surprising, because there is nothing more healthy and rich in vitamins than products of plant origin. People who have made low-calorie salads the basis of their diet look much younger than their age, and also feel more alert and energetic than those who prefer heavy food.

Benefits of low-calorie salads

Lovers of hamburgers, sausages and mayonnaise simply cannot imagine that low-calorie salads can be tasty and nutritious. This opinion is fundamentally wrong, since there are a lot of recipes that are not only not inferior to unhealthy food options, but also surpass them in all respects. The right combination of ingredients allows you to get an exquisite taste that can surprise even the most notorious skeptic.

Low-calorie snacks will also be indispensable during a diet, when the body is deprived of a sufficient amount of useful elements.

Preparing salads does not take much time, and this fact will be appreciated by women who do not have time to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The same applies to the holiday table, where a beautiful and healthy salad will always come in handy.

Basic cooking rules

There are no hard and fast rules in preparing any salad, as proven by numerous new recipes that appear almost every day. The same applies to low-calorie salad recipes, but there are still a few serious points to consider:

If we talk about restrictions, there are very few of them. It is strictly not recommended to add pickled and fried vegetables, any types of canned fish, smoked products, mayonnaise, and potatoes to dietary snacks. An alternative to mayonnaise can be low-fat sour cream or homemade yogurt.

Recipes for weight loss and cleansing

Nature has created everything so that a person will always be young and healthy, but poor nutrition, harmful ecology and stress do their dirty work, as a result of which wastes and toxins accumulate in the body, interfering with normal metabolism and the full functioning of all organs. And here the same nature comes to the rescue, giving people its products for cleansing.

Vegetable and fruit snacks for weight loss are that unique magic wand that helps not only to cope with extra pounds, but also to cleanse yourself of toxins. Such simple low-calorie salads can cope with the problem better than any pills and anti-aging creams.

Salad “Brush for the body”

This salad cleanses all accumulated dirt from the body. The ingredients are used raw and therefore fully retain their valuable qualities.


  1. Peel two carrots and one beet and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Finely chop white cabbage weighing about 300 g and mash with your hands until the juice releases.
  3. Mix the chopped vegetables, adding 1-2 tbsp. l. oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Celery salad

Another vegetable recipe that helps you lose weight, as well as cleanse and strengthen the body. Celery, which is part of this recipe, has a number of useful minerals that have a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin, help with fatigue and insomnia, and also cleanse the kidneys and bladder well.

Just two spoons of this salad will provide the body with the daily requirement of carotene and vitamin C.

Fruit composition with bran

This dessert will surely appeal to lovers of all sorts of delicacies. And if you consider that such a salad also has a rejuvenating effect, then the positive effect is multiplied several times.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of bran into ¼ cup of kefir and leave for a few minutes so that the bran swells well.
  2. Peel 2 kiwis and an orange, then cut them into cubes.
  3. Grate one large apple.
  4. Mix all ingredients with bran and the dish is ready.

Fruit dessert with dried fruits

Perhaps there is nothing tastier during a diet than fruit salads. The low-calorie dietary components of such desserts will not only bring invaluable benefits to the body, but will also help cope with the acute desire to eat something sweet.

Dessert recipe:

  1. Pour a glass of dried apricots with prunes with hot boiled water for a few minutes, then drain the water and cut the dried fruits into small pieces.
  2. Peel one small pomegranate and grapefruit.
  3. Cut the grapefruit into small slices, mix with dried fruits and half a glass of pomegranate seeds, then add 15 ml (about 1 tbsp) of any vegetable oil to the mixture.

The maximum effect from eating such dishes will be achieved faster if you arrange fasting days at least once a week, eating only a certain type of salad during the day and washing it down with still water. Such unloading allows you to lose up to 0.5 kg of excess weight per day.

Delicious recipes for the holiday

Being a healthy and very tasty dish, low-calorie salads can decorate any feast. Guests on a diet will be grateful to the hostess for such a snack.

Oranges with chicken breast

An incredibly tasty salad that will delight fans of unconventional combinations. This dish not only has an exquisite taste, but also looks very beautiful on the table.


How to prepare the dish:

This salad can be safely called light and dietary, since all components of its composition have very little calorie content.

Greek exotica

The recipe for this dish comes from Greece, so its composition and taste contain exotic Greek notes. The modern recipe has been slightly transformed, but has not lost its unique and refined taste.

Products for the dish:

Cooking method:

Greek salad will not only bring pleasure, but also normalize metabolism.

Fruit ensemble

An incredibly interesting combination in which an unpopular combination of products creates a real flavor ensemble. This dessert will be a real hit on the holiday table.

Required ingredients:

Making the salad:

  1. Gently peel and pit the wren (3 pcs.), and then cut into small pieces.
  2. Remove the pulp from half a grapefruit and chop a little.
  3. Peel 3 tangerines.
  4. Place all the chopped fruits in a bowl to drain the juice.
  5. Pour the seeds of half the pomegranate into a separate container and add the root leaves there.
  6. Use a slotted spoon to remove the chopped fruit and place it in a bowl with the salad and pomegranate seeds.
  7. Add 1.5 tbsp to a bowl with juice. l. grape oil, 1 tsp. honey, a few tarragon leaves (to taste), 1.5 tsp. mustard and a pinch of a mixture of various peppers.
  8. Mix the sauce and pour it over the fruit.

Recipes for the lowest calorie salads

The lowest-calorie dishes are those whose energy value does not exceed 45 kcal per 100 g of product.

This list of low-calorie salads with calories will help you create a menu in case of a very strict diet:

Such simple recipes for delicious low-calorie salads will help you quickly lose weight and support your body during a long period of fasting.

Attention, TODAY only!

In this article we will tell you how you can lose weight in a few days without limiting your food intake to grueling diets! With the help of the salad recipes we have collected, you can lose five kilograms in one week. Naturally, such positive results are possible only if certain rules are followed: maintaining the body’s water balance, light morning exercises and eating salads!

Recipes for low-calorie salads for weight loss:

Recipe one (cleansing salad to remove waste and toxins).

This wonderful low-calorie dish is able to remove toxins, waste and other harmful substances from the body. Thus, restoring natural metabolism and helping it normalize the functioning of the digestive system. So, to prepare this salad you need to prepare the following ingredients: fifteen grams of high-quality olive or sunflower oil, five grams of freshly squeezed lemon juice, fifty grams of soft prunes, as well as one hundred grams of seaweed, beets, apples, carrots and regular white cabbage. You should grate the washed and peeled vegetables on a coarse or medium grater, then mix them thoroughly in a salad bowl with your palms, lightly squeezing the juice out of them. Now season the whole mass with lemon juice and oil (it is also recommended to add a small bunch of chopped parsley or dill to the salad to enhance the effect). Salad ready!

Recipe two (fresh herbs, cucumber and cinnamon).

To prepare the next salad for weight loss, you need to purchase the following products: a pinch of table salt, one small bunch of fresh dill or parsley, two medium cucumbers and cinnamon. It is necessary to peel the cucumbers, thoroughly washed under running warm water, and then cut them into thin slices, transfer to an iron sieve or colander and add salt. Now cover the top of the cucumbers with a small lid or plate and place a weight on top of it. After twenty-five to forty minutes, when all the juice has flowed out, rinse the cucumbers and place them in a deep plate (it will be more convenient to mix the finished salad in it). Place the chopped greens on the cucumbers and add salt. Season the dish with two tablespoons of good olive oil or lemon juice.

Recipe three.

This fresh vegetable salad for weight loss differs from most others in its unusual dressing. It is seasoned with broth, resulting in an even balance of flavor, but at the same time it contains a minimum amount of calories. Ingredients needed to prepare the dish: table salt, fresh vegetable broth, parsley and dill, green onions, two small leeks, three medium tomatoes and two ripe bell peppers. Cut the peppers into long thin strips (straws) and the tomatoes into quarters. Now peel and chop all the onions and place them in a heatproof container. We send the vegetables there, pour in the broth and put the closed pan or pot in the oven for half an hour at one hundred and eighty degrees. Sprinkle the dish prepared in this way with fresh chopped herbs and serve.

Recipe four.

To prepare this low-calorie salad, use exclusively low-fat mayonnaise! Ingredients: fresh herbs (parsley, dill and green onions), radishes, two cucumbers and a medium bunch of lettuce. Wash and chop the greens and vegetables. Now put everything into a salad bowl and add salt and two to three large spoons of mayonnaise to the vegetable mixture. The dish is ready!

Every woman at least once in her life tried to change her traditional diet and go on a diet. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to achieve the result of losing extra pounds. The whole point is that you need to diet correctly. Namely, do not refuse food, but make it as healthy as possible. That is, replace fried, sweet and flour dishes with delicious salads made from natural vegetables and fruits.

Salad is different from salad. This is true. It’s unlikely that anyone considers Olivier or mimosa a healthy dish. This article will focus on low-calorie salads. They do not add mayonnaise. And the main task of such dishes (with a minimum of calories) is to fill the body with all the substances that are beneficial for it.

Fiber is a unique compound found in plant foods. It is not absorbed and removes various harmful substances from the body.

But, salads have another function. The ingredients they contain can not only saturate the body with useful minerals and vitamins, but also cleanse it of toxins and waste.

Salads for cleansing and weight loss by Elena Malysheva panicle

To eat this to lose weight? Is this a familiar question? But when choosing dishes for your diet, it is important not only to take into account their dietary qualities, but also their impact on health. Poor ecology, stress and snacks on the go have caused the accumulation of waste and toxins in the intestines. To breed them, a special salad recipe was developed. It, like a brush, sweeps away all harmful substances from the body.

IMPORTANT: The salad for cleansing the body from Elena Malysheva includes three vegetables: carrots, white cabbage and beets. They contain a lot of fiber, the main function of which is to remove toxins from the intestines.

  • Fiber is dietary fiber that our stomach cannot digest. When it enters the intestines, fiber increases in size (swells). At the same time, peristalsis pushes dietary fiber into the large intestine and, like a bottle brush, they clean off plaque that has accumulated there for years from the intestinal walls.
  • Fiber is a compound of dietary fiber that can remove harmful and unnecessary biologically active substances from the body.
  • For greater effect, this salad is best consumed on a fasting day along with mineral water. Other products must be abandoned. Every 1.5 hours you need to eat about a glass of this salad

Salad brush for weight loss

  1. To prepare the “Brush” salad, you need to chop beets (500 g) and carrots (500 g) on ​​a grater, which is intended for preparing carrots in Korean. At the same time, all vegetables should be used in their natural form. That is, without preliminary heat treatment
  2. Cabbage (500 g) should be finely chopped and added to the rest of the vegetables.
  3. You can use freshly squeezed lemon juice as a dressing for this salad.

IMPORTANT: Salt, pepper and other seasonings cannot be used. They are able to retain water. Which will reduce the effectiveness of such a dish.

Dietary low-calorie cabbage salad for weight loss

It was not for nothing that cabbage was chosen as one of the three ingredients of the previous salad. It has many useful qualities. Cabbage juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach, and iron and potassium from the leaves of this vegetable are simply necessary for our body to function normally.

  1. Using a sharp knife, chop the cabbage (a quarter of a medium head of cabbage) and transfer it to a salad bowl. Place pomegranate seeds on top (10 pcs.)
  2. Peel and chop walnuts (5 pcs.) with a knife. Should be small pieces
  3. Now you need to squeeze out the juice of a lemon (half) and pour in olive oil (30 ml)

Beet salad for weight loss

Beets are valued not only for their low calorie content (about 40 kcal). It contains a lot of fiber and vitamins. This vegetable is very useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia. In addition, beets go well with other ingredients. For example, apples.

  1. Wash the apples (2-3 pieces) and cut out the middle of them. Grate them using a coarse grater
  2. Boil beets (1 piece), chop and combine with apples
  3. Pour the resulting mixture with lemon juice. Add a pinch of sugar and a tablespoon of sour cream
  4. Mix and transfer to a salad bowl. Place another spoon of sour cream on top

Celery salad for weight loss

Celery is considered the vegetable with the lowest calorie content. At the same time, this plant contains a large amount of B vitamins that are important for weight loss. Celery can normalize the functioning of the nervous system, relieve fatigue and irritability.

  1. Peppers (2 pcs.), cut into strips. It is best to take two peppers of different colors
  2. Peel sweet apples (3 pcs.) from skins and entrails. Cut into small pieces and salt
  3. Peel the celery root and chop it finely. You can add chopped greens (bunch)
  4. Mix the ingredients and season the salad with low-fat yogurt (1 tablespoon)

Low calorie cucumber salad

At the same time, the remaining 5% contains a lot of substances that are beneficial to health. Cucumbers contain a lot of potassium and silicon, vitamins C and A, as well as fiber. Cucumber salads are a great way to cleanse the intestines and fill the body with useful substances.

  1. Prunes (100 g) must first be soaked in warm water
  2. Cucumber (1 piece) cut into small cubes. Peel the pepper (1 pc.) from the core
  3. Finely chop the steamed prunes and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Sprinkle the salad with herbs (a bunch) and season with olive oil (2-3 tablespoons)

Low-calorie carrot salad

But, in order for this root vegetable to really bring benefits, it is better to eat it raw. Firstly, boiled carrots contain less vitamins. And secondly, carbohydrates from this vegetable lose their quality during heat treatment and can be transformed into fat cells

  1. Grate carrots (200 g) on ​​a coarse grater
  2. Peel and core apples (200 g). Cut them into slices and mix with carrots
  3. Add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon and raisins (a handful) to the salad.
  4. You can use olive oil (a few tablespoons) as a dressing for this salad.
  5. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with lettuce leaves

Low-calorie mushroom salad

Due to this, they have low calorie content. As for the benefits of mushrooms, the compounds they contain have a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels. The best options for dietary salads are: champignons, chanterelles and greenhouse oyster mushrooms.

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes (200 g) into 4 parts. Lettuce leaves (5 pcs.) Tear into arbitrary pieces. Champignons (5 pcs.), cut into thin slices
  2. Red onion (1 piece), cut into half rings and mix the ingredients
  3. We make a dressing from mustard (1/3 teaspoon), olive oil (2 tablespoons) and lime juice (1 piece). Pour it over mushrooms and vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste
  4. Sprinkle with Parmesan (2 tablespoons)

Low-calorie bean salad

Beans, like mushrooms, are a source of vegetable protein
  • Beans are rich in folic acid and zinc. Speaking of zinc. This macronutrient is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This gland regulates hormonal levels in the body. And without its normal functionality it is impossible to keep your weight under control
  • A very simple salad can be made from red beans. It is interesting because it can be used to surprise guests who show up unexpectedly, but there is no time to prepare more complex dishes.
  • For this recipe, you can use either boiled or canned beans. Add to it thinly sliced ​​bell pepper and red onion cut into half rings. Before serving, you can garnish the dish with basil. You can use olive oil as a dressing.

Vary the amount of ingredients to taste.

Chicken salad diet recipe

Another product without which it is impossible to imagine dietary salads is chicken. The meat of this poultry contains only 10% fat.

But there is more such an important element as protein in chicken meat than in the meat of other birds and animals. This is why chicken breasts are so loved by athletes and everyone who cares about their figure and health.

  1. Divide boiled chicken meat (200 g) into fibers. Peel the pepper (1 piece) from the core and cut into thin strips
  2. Peel the avocado (1 pc.) and cut its flesh into small squares. Finely chop the parsley (bunch)
  3. Mix the ingredients and season with a sauce of low-fat natural yogurt (1 piece) and freshly squeezed lemon juice

Tuna salad diet recipe

But at the same time, there are not many calories in the meat of this fish. 100 grams of tuna contains half of your daily protein requirement. At the same time, its meat has 30% less cholesterol than dietary chicken breasts. Tuna salads are the most popular fish salads on our table.

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes (250 g) and avocado (2 pcs.) into small pieces
  2. Grind red pepper (2 pcs.), garlic (2 cloves), herbs (1 bunch) and a small hot pepper
  3. Place the prepared ingredients in a small salad bowl.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice, add olive oil (6 tablespoons) and salt (to taste). Place the salad bowl in the refrigerator
  5. Peel the potatoes (8 pcs.) and cook until half cooked. Cut it into large cubes and fry in vegetable oil
  6. To remove excess oil, place fried potatoes on a paper towel.
  7. Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder (3 tablespoons). Mix it with salt and use it as a breading
  8. Dip tuna steaks (4 pieces) in sesame flour and fry in a clean frying pan with a little oil
  9. Place the salad on plates. Place tuna and potatoes on top. Decorate with lettuce leaves

Low-calorie salads with shrimp

Another low-calorie seafood is shrimp.
Their meat contains a lot of protein and various useful substances: vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B9, B12), D and E, as well as macroelements (zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.). Shrimp is a very popular salad ingredient. In addition to their nutritional value, they add their own unique taste.

  1. We wash the grapes, plums and grapefruit. Clean and cut them
  2. Place in bowls and place one large (king) shrimp on top
  3. Season with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Decorate with lettuce leaves

We choose the quantity of ingredients to taste.

Diet salad with squid recipe

Squids are an excellent source of protein for our body.

The beneficial substances from these seafood can remove bad cholesterol from the blood and cleanse the body of salts and toxins. And also improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

1. Boil squid fillet (600 g) and cut it into small pieces. Grind cucumber (1 piece) and greens (1 bunch)
2. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt, pepper and season with olive oil.
3. Grind pistachios (100 g) in a blender and sprinkle them on the salad

Low-calorie salad with crab sticks

Crab sticks are a cheap delicacy

Crab sticks, although they have nothing to do with crabs, can still be considered dietary, like any other seafood (and they are made from minced fish of various types and starch).

They contain a lot of zinc, iron and iodine. And most importantly, 100 g of crab sticks contain only 80-90 kilocalories.

  1. Grind crab sticks (200 g) and cucumbers (200 g). Using a special garlic press, crush a couple of cloves of this root vegetable
  2. Finely chop the greens (1 bunch). Add low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) and salt to the salad bowl. Season with sour cream (3 tablespoons) and mix thoroughly

Low calorie egg salad

Eggs are the most optimally balanced product for the human body.

The protein from a boiled egg is almost 100% absorbed by the body. Eggs contain a lot of vitamin D, which our body needs to fight osteoporosis. In addition, this product contains a lot of selenium. This compound is an antioxidant and prevents early aging.

  1. Wash the lettuce leaves (1 bunch) and chop them with your hands. Boil eggs (4 pieces) hard, peel them and cut them into eight pieces
  2. Cut radishes (several pieces) and cucumber (1 piece) into strips. Chop green onions
  3. Salt, pepper and mix the ingredients. We use olive oil as a dressing.

Low calorie fruit salad

Yes, unlike vegetables, fruits are higher in calories. But many of them contain substances that activate fat burning processes in the body. For example, kiwi. This fruit can not only break down fatty compounds, but also improves metabolic processes. Which also has a beneficial effect on your figure.

  1. Heat the nuts (50 g) in a frying pan and chop them. Peel the avocado (2 pcs.) and kiwi (2 pcs.), and cut them into equal cubes
  2. Make a dressing from butter (50 g), salt, sugar, mustard (1 teaspoon) and wine vinegar (20 ml).
  3. Add chopped onion (1 piece), corn (40 g) and nuts to the fruit. Add dressing and stir

Low-calorie salad dressings

This traditional ingredient in holiday salads is not suitable in this case. Mayonnaise is an extremely high-calorie product and should not be used on diet salads.

You can add sour cream, yogurt or olive oil to salads for weight loss.

  • An excellent dressing for seafood salads can be made from freshly squeezed lemon juice (35 ml) and honey (2 teaspoons). You can add a pinch of salt to this sauce
  • You can also make mustard dressing using lemon juice. To do this, add olive oil (2 tablespoons), dry mustard powder (1/2 teaspoon) and apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon) to lemon juice (4 tablespoons).
  • Good dressings for diet salads can be made using yogurt. To do this, you can take low-fat yogurt (250 ml), add olive oil (1 tablespoon) and 2-3 chopped garlic cloves.

Masha. I really love these salads! I just had dinner with boiled fish and a vitamin salad: sweet peppers, cabbage, herbs and cucumber. I simply seasoned it with lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Lisa. And I make this salad. I cut young eggplants into rings. Finely grate the garlic. I chop herbs and cut ripe tomatoes. Rub cheese on top and mix.

Video: Proper nutrition for weight loss. Diet salads

Summer and autumn delight us with an abundance of vegetables and fruits that can be consumed to benefit our figure. Such recipes include many gifts of nature that are low in calories. Even your favorite crab dish can be prepared with a small amount of carbohydrates and fat. Light dietary salads are a must-have in the diet of everyone who is watching their weight and health.

To make the food low-calorie and healthy, take into account the recommendations of nutritionists when preparing. Classic recipes are based on fruits and vegetables such as apple, orange, cucumber, carrot and tomato. And preparing delicious, yet healthy, dietary dishes is very simple.

Well-known experts in the field of nutrition willingly share the secrets of preparing vegetable delicacies for those losing weight. Basic tips and recommendations can be presented in a short list:

  • Prepare the dish immediately before consumption to preserve maximum nutrients.
  • Also add gravy or salad dressing before use.
  • Cook only from fresh ingredients.
  • Dried fruits and herbs can be added to dietary dishes.
  • Nutritionists advise limiting salt intake; it slows down the process of water-salt metabolism.

Diet salad dressings should exclude mayonnaise and ketchup so as not to add extra calories. For the fastest results, do not forget to work on your body, maintain a drinking regime and be in a cheerful mood.

Healthy low-calorie recipes

We have selected for you several easy recipes that will add variety to your diet menu.

Salads can be eaten in addition to lunch or used as a separate dish for.

Tuna slice

The recipe for diet tuna salad is quite simple.

Components :

  • 1 can of canned tuna;
  • ½ can of corn;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 7 quail eggs.

food prepared this way:

  1. Divide the fish carcass into small pieces and strain off the oil.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into cubes and mix with the fish.
  3. Add corn and finely chopped herbs.
  4. Garnish with quail egg halves.

Tuna dish with additives

A diet salad with canned tuna may include olives, tomatoes and beans.

The recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • ½ tbsp. beans;
  • 260 g tuna;
  • 250 g tomatoes;
  • 50 ml. olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar and lemon juice;
  • head of red onion.

Preparing tuna slices won't cause much trouble:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and marinate it in a mixture of oil, lemon juice and vinegar. Leave for half an hour.
  2. Cook the beans in boiling water and cool.
  3. Mash the fish pieces with a fork and drain the oil.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into small slices and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Such quick and simple recipes are easy to prepare and fit perfectly into your diet menu.

Chicken salad

Chicken contains quite a lot of protein that is beneficial for the body. The advantage of such dietary recipes for weight loss is that you can choose the dressing to your taste. For example, mustard, lemon juice or olive oil.

Ingredients for dietary salad with chicken breast:

  • 300 g boiled breast;
  • ½ head of Chinese cabbage;
  • 2 large bell peppers;
  • small onion.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the brisket into thin strips, pepper and onion into half rings.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage.
  3. Mix all ingredients and season with a mixture of soy sauce and lemon juice.

Remember the dietary salad with juicy beef. He also has the right to live on the menu of a losing weight person. Experts say that pieces of meat do not add extra calories, but, on the contrary, saturate the body with proteins.

The famous light "Caesar"

Chicken breast makes a delicious diet Caesar for weight loss.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 100 g brisket;
  • 100 g Iceberg lettuce;
  • 4 quail eggs;
  • 5 pieces. cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated cheese;
  • homemade crackers.

Slicing recipe:

  1. Wash the leaves, dry them and tear them with your hands.
  2. Chop the breast into medium pieces and place on top of the leaves.
  3. The next layer is halved eggs and tomatoes.
  4. Place cheese and crackers on top.

The sauce for diet Caesar with aromatic chicken is prepared from yolk, lemon juice and mustard, which are mixed in equal proportions.

Chicken liver salad

The calorie content of a dish with tender chicken liver is only 133 kcal. This tasty, healthy and easy-to-prepare salad will not affect your weight in any way.

Recipe :

  • 400 g chicken liver;
  • 4 boiled quail eggs;
  • 3 lettuce leaves;
  • 70 g cherry tomatoes;
  • ½ can of olives;
  • for dressing: 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, lemon juice and soy sauce.

Step-by-step technology:

  1. Wash the liver, dry it and cut it into pieces. Fry it until crust appears over high heat.
  2. Cut the egg white into slices.
  3. Divide the cherry tomatoes in half as well.
  4. Cut the olives into rings.
  5. Start laying out the dish: first the green leaves, then the liver. Pour the sauce on top and garnish everything with tomatoes, eggs and olives.

The low calorie content of the food allows you to eat it for dinner. The basis for many dietary salads for weight loss and drying the body are chicken breast or fillet and vegetables.

Shrimp cocktail

Seafood dishes are rich in nutrients. Even those who constantly watch their figure and follow a strict diet can eat slices that contain shrimp.

For a delicious meal you will need:

  • a bunch of arugula;
  • 5 pieces. shrimp;
  • 2 pcs. cherry tomatoes;
  • a handful of pine nuts;
  • a sprig of fresh basil;
  • to taste: garlic, sesame;
  • for dressing: 1 tsp. lemon juice + 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Preparation of a diet dish with shrimp:

  1. Prepare the sauce by mixing lemon juice, oil and garlic.
  2. Boil shrimp in dressing sauce. Cooking time 10-30 minutes. Add basil at the end for a subtle tang.
  3. Place arugula at the very bottom, tomatoes cut in half on top, then shrimp. Sprinkle with chopped nuts and pour over the sauce.

Simple recipes with photos of shrimp dishes will make the cooking process easier.

Favorite crab salad

The dietary option with crab sticks is no longer a dream, but a reality. The recipe without mayonnaise makes the cut low-calorie.

Required Ingredients:

  • 150 g crab sticks;
  • 100 g canned corn;
  • 200 g fresh cucumbers;
  • 100 g boiled rice;
  • 100 ml. natural low-fat yogurt.

Salad with crab sticks and corn easy enough to prepare:

  1. Chop the sticks and cucumbers into medium pieces and place in a bowl.
  2. Boil the rice, let it cool and add to the cutting.
  3. Dump in the corn.
  4. Add spices to the mixture and top with yogurt.

A delicious and dietary weight loss salad made from crab sticks can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Don't worry about your figure. This mixture of products is completely absorbed by the body.

Dish with squid

A hearty but low-calorie cut of squid is suitable for an evening meal. Treat yourself to a delicious combination of fresh cucumbers, corn and seafood.

Recipe :

  • 500 g squid;
  • 200 g corn in a jar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • greenery;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

Cooking technology dietary salad:

  1. Boil eggs and squid separately. Cut the seafood into strips and the eggs into cubes.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry.
  3. Mix everything and season with oil.

This is how easy it is to prepare a squid salad, which has a calorie content of only 163 kcal.

Cabbage salad

A plate of low-calorie vegetable salad is a must-have on your dinner table this summer. The dish is based on tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and herbs. Recipes for dietary dishes offer a beautiful and new twist on familiar tastes.

For the cabbage delicacy you will need:

  • 250 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 200 g each of tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 150 g feta cheese;
  • ½ can of olives;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Traditionally, dietary cabbage salads are prepared as follows:

  1. Separate the Chinese cabbage into leaves and tear them with your hands.
  2. Cut the cucumbers, cheese and tomatoes into large cubes and add to the salad bowl.
  3. Chop the hot pepper into small pieces and place with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Mix the ingredients and place the olives on top.
  5. Season everything with oil and sprinkle with spices.

Easy vegetable slicing

The recipes for dietary vegetable salads with cabbage do not end there.

Simple recipe includes:

  • 500 g fresh cabbage;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 1 apple and 1 carrot.

A light and simple salad for dinner will take only 20 minutes of your time. Prepare like this:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Coarsely grate the apple and carrots.
  3. Mix the prepared ingredients, season with natural yogurt.

A recipe for a dietary dressing for slicing may consist of several components, or may be limited to natural yogurt. Among the most popular dressings for both vegetable and fish salads is a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. For options with meat ingredients, add a few tablespoons of soy sauce.

Sea kale dish

Sea kale has long been considered a storehouse of useful microelements and minerals, and its low-calorie content has made seaweed a favorite of all those losing weight. Preparing a dietary seaweed salad takes an hour and a half. This is due to the boiling of seaweed and the preparation of soybean gravy.

Recipe :

  • 50 g dried seaweed;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • garlic clove;
  • 1 tsp. soy sauce.

Technology :

  1. Boil the kelp in boiling water for half an hour.
  2. Squeeze the garlic and mix with oil and soy sauce. Leave the dressing for 30 minutes.
  3. Chop the carrots into strips.
  4. Combine the ingredients, mix well.

Nutritionists advise eating a dish with pieces of baked pollock to increase protein digestibility. The kelp dish is unusually light, its calorie content is only 43 kcal.

Beetroot notes

The beauty of dietary salads for weight loss from beets is their cleansing effect, the body is freed from harmful substances. Beets are an essential ingredient in most healthy cuts.

Simple and original recipe:

  • 1 medium beet and 1 carrot;
  • 200 g cabbage.

Beet salad prepared according to this scheme:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Coarsely grate the beets and carrots.
  3. Mix everything.

For dressing, use vegetable oil or lemon juice.

Beet slices

You can also treat yourself to another variation of dietary salad made from boiled beets. The basis of this nutritious and low-calorie dish is beets, apples, nuts and sour cream.

It contains:

  • 1 large beet;
  • 1 medium apple;
  • 3 walnuts;
  • a couple of prunes;
  • garlic clove;
  • 2 tbsp. l. 15% sour cream.

Prepare the salad you can use this recipe:

  1. Cut the boiled beets into cubes.
  2. Coarsely grate the apple.
  3. Chop the prunes and walnuts and add to the bowl.
  4. Squeeze the garlic there and mix everything.

The effect of beets for weight loss is invaluable. The vegetable can quench your appetite and remove harmful substances from the intestines.

Bean recipe

The bean diet is recognized as one of the best nutrition systems for effective weight loss. So, a recipe for a weight loss salad with beans is an excellent option for a light dinner.

For this you will need:

  • 100 g Chinese cabbage;
  • 300 g red beans;
  • 200 g tomatoes;
  • 100 g of corn and peas in jars;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

Dietary cut with corn, beans and cabbage prepared according to this scheme:

  1. Chop the cabbage into small strips.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
  3. Add corn, peas, beans to the salad bowl and mix.
  4. Combine all ingredients and season with sour cream.

To taste, you can dilute the salad with finely chopped eggs.

"Fruit Paradise"

It won't hurt your figure if you end your working day with a healthy fruit salad. It can be assembled from your favorite low-calorie treats. A tasty and airy dish is prepared in a matter of minutes.

Recipe :

  • 1 piece each banana, kiwi, apple and orange;
  • 50 ml. orange juice;
  • 100 g natural yoghurt.

The fruits are cut into cubes and sprinkled with orange juice and yogurt.

You can change the recipe for dietary fruit salad to your taste. In summer, a delicacy made from apricots, apples and berries is perfectly refreshing. For the sauce, use natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream or whey.

Avocado salad

Diet cuts with avocado are very useful. The fruit prolongs life, affects appearance and removes harmful substances.

The ingredients used are:

  • 6 tomatoes;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • greenery;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and apple cider vinegar.

Avocado salad recipe:

  1. Thinly slice the cucumber, cut small tomatoes in half, peel the avocado.
  2. Combine vinegar and olive oil in a separate bowl.
  3. Place vegetables and avocado in a bowl and fill with mixture. Decorate with greens.

Sometimes avocados are canned for the winter so that a delicious delicacy is on the table all year round.

Other recipes

You can treat yourself to a diet salad for weight loss made from fresh vegetables. Try adding nuts, carrots and butter to a traditional dish.

Recipe :

  • 1 raw carrot;
  • 1 tsp. chopped walnuts;
  • garlic clove;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Scheme for preparing dietary carrot slices:

  1. Coarsely grate the carrots.
  2. Place carrot shavings and pressed garlic into a salad bowl.
  3. Season the dish with oil and add chopped nuts.

Easy vegetable slicing

Summer never ceases to delight with fresh vegetables and fruits? Prepare a healthy zucchini salad.

Components :

  • 1 large zucchini;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • lemon juice;
  • greenery;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the zucchini into large rings, pepper and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Chop the tomatoes and add to the other ingredients.
  3. The salad dressed with oil can be served.

You can make the cut with corn and cabbage. For variety, add orange.

Mushroom salad

A diet salad recipe for weight loss with boiled champignons will delight all mushroom lovers.

Required ingredients:

  • 8 pcs. champignons;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • a bunch of onions, garlic and black pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. l. yogurt.

Mushroom salad prepared in the following steps:

  1. Boil the champignons for 15 minutes. Then pour into a sieve and cool.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
  3. Grind the nuts into crumbs and mix with grated cheese.
  4. Chop the onion feathers into small pieces.
  5. Pour yogurt over the salad and add pressed garlic.

You can also prepare an appetizing and low-calorie dish using pickled mushrooms.

Dietary salad recipes are varied. You can prepare healthy dishes from simple ingredients. Delicious cuts are obtained not only from fresh vegetables and fruits, but also from canned products. The components of the dishes can be different, but always fresh and low-calorie.