Line from Egor Creed's contact. Egor creed and his pages on social networks

We met Anastasia at the “Fashion” session, which took place on Lake Seliger. Then she brought with her a psychedelic, in my opinion, collection of clothes. Well, to each his own, I thought, making notes in a notebook. Slowly watching her development and growth, I became more and more interested. The outfits became more and more luxurious, while remaining comfortable. And now, the stars are already wearing her brand... That’s when I called Nastya, intending to find out and tell her recipe for success. Anastasia invited me to come to her home. I was still afraid of her “stardom,” but at the door I was met by a charming girl who happily hugged me.

"How many years! Come in, come in!” Nastya fussed. Her “home showroom” is located in a cozy apartment. A huge wall-length mirror and a mannequin of a girl dressed in Anastasia’s signature clothes. The new inhabitant, the cat Pusha, is lounging like a proprietor on the sofa.

Sitting down next to me, I asked Nastya to tell me how it all began and how she managed to reach such heights. She genuinely embarrassed and smiling: “You just have to not be afraid to take the first step!”
It all started with a huge package in which Nastya’s grandmother kept old curtains, trousers, and fabrics. A 5-year-old girl, frozen in awe - it seemed that this could not be touched! - took out fabrics and came up with an unusual use for them: trousers became chic skirt, and the curtains with a veil. It seemed that the designers were some kind of celestial beings, of whom there were only 5-10 chosen ones on the whole Earth. Is it possible a common person become a famous designer?
“The support of my parents helped me a lot. I entered the Moscow State University of Design and Technology. Everyone remembers " school years beautiful,” and for me these years were the institute. My classmates didn’t understand me, but I loved studying. I was so afraid that this magic would soon end... When I draw sketches and cut, I am completely immersed in this process. The world simply ceases to exist!”
After college, no one waited for graduates, even with honors diplomas like Nastya’s, with open arms. I had to say goodbye to illusions. Anastasia went to work at a small company as a designer and stayed there for a whole year.
“When limits are put in place, creativity fades. It was difficult for me to create in a space limited by someone. Not in physical sense, but in the sense of the idea and its implementation. And I quit!” Anastasia actively participated in various shows and competitions, did not miss a single single opportunity prove yourself.

“One day, he came to our institute Pierre Cardin. That was incredible! And here we are standing, there is a crowd around, camera flashes, and next to us stood the model girls in my “ diploma work", without even shoes, in flip-flops! And he saw my models and... He came up! He began to look at the drapery, said that it was very interesting and invited me to the show! It was a miracle! A touch of a legend!”

At that moment, Anastasia realized: create what you want and eat real life ! She spent the money she saved for the car on fabrics and accessories. It was like a fixed idea that wouldn’t let go for a minute. She did everything herself: she designed, sewed, even filmed. “It was very scary because there was no team, because you had to ask for help. And surprisingly, not a single person I approached refused! With everything going on, everyone helped: family, friends, acquaintances…” recalls Nastya. And now, the collection is ready. You can sell! “Again it was scary. And then comes stranger! — says Anastasia, “I couldn’t believe that a person who doesn’t know me was so delighted with the collection!” At the very beginning, Nastya was literally ready to kiss every customer - it was so iconic.

“I think personal selling is a lot! This is living energy! I am very pleased to communicate with customers, advise them on something, help them,” shares Anastasia. That is why she so often invites girls to her home. “For me, a buyer is not just a person with money. This is a man with his own story, which is very interesting to me!”

When people reach out and write, it’s very inspiring. Not only girls, but also guys come to Anastasia - they buy clothes for their beloved girls, wives and even children.
When communicating with people, Anastasia often notices a hint of envy, which she was able to discover own business and develop it.
“But I was also very scared!” says the designer, “But I made an effort. There's so much around talented people, real professionals! But they cannot take this small step that opens up huge opportunities! Failures are trifles compared to the emotions that a job you love gives you. It's the whole world in the palm of your hand! You shouldn’t lick your lips, but take it!”
Nastya catches my eye at the television panel in the room and immediately says that she doesn’t watch TV. There is not only no time for this, but also no desire. She really loves live communication - free lectures and seminars, exhibitions, bike rides and even... hockey!
“I’m not sure it’s worth writing about this!” Nastya laughs, “But yes, hockey is now my passion! One day I went out skating, and the guys were missing one player. That’s how I became part of their team.”

I ask Nastya how she manages everything? She laughs and says that she doesn’t have time to do anything. A strict work schedule helps, however, if something doesn’t go well, Anastasia always gives herself some slack. “This is the advantage of working for yourself. I listen to myself and do as I see fit,” says the girl.
When talking about plans for the future, Nastya first of all talks about the team. PR manager, manager and assistants in the actual creation of models, so that she herself could not be distracted by current problems, completely immersing herself in the creative process.

Surprisingly, Nastya manages to dance, play KVN, and loves themed parties and dresses everyone at friends’ weddings. I ask about your biggest dream. Nastya smiles: “ As a child, I always said that when I grow up, I will have my own fashion house.. Now it doesn't seem like it anymore a pipe dream! I want this to be not some pretentious boutique, but a meeting place for people to communicate, emotions, development, self-realization and creativity. Island of life!

Anastasia is still young, but she amazingly combines childish spontaneity with adult intelligence.
“Anything can happen in life. You can’t get stuck, you can’t stop. The saddest day will end, so we need to move on!” - says the designer. Nastya is not thinking about love yet, but she believes that she will meet someone who will become a faithful companion. “I believe in family. And I believe that real love– this is freedom, freedom to be yourself, to be an individual. It is very important!" - says Anastasia, - “Good, happy life in the family - this is not just a desire, but a goal to which I am moving!”

Svetlana Zvereva

Anastasia Petrova is a top model who is a wonderful example of how in fragile and gentle girl Such concepts as beauty and intelligence can be successfully combined. Win beauty contests and appear in various advertising campaigns The girl is helped not only by her external data, but also by a responsible approach to any business, as well as education. The girl’s career develops every year, providing her with opportunities to try herself in various fields.


Anastasia Petrova was born and raised in Moscow. From childhood she was a smart and well-read child. But no one could even suggest then that a few years later everyone around would say that model Nastya Petrova was recognized as one of the most beautiful girls Russia. Also in kindergarten the girl actively showed herself and attended many developmental clubs. The parents were sympathetic to any hobby of their daughter and supported her in every possible way, because she was only child in family.

While studying at school, Anastasia Petrova established herself very well as an active and responsible student. The teachers adored the girl and even from her school days began to predict a great future for her. Now the model speaks with great warmth about the school, because she was surrounded only by good people who helped her find herself and always supported her in various difficulties.

Carier start

Since childhood, Anastasia Petrova has been distinguished interesting appearance, which was noted by both family members and acquaintances. Therefore, it was decided that the girl would go to a modeling school. Parents approached this issue with great responsibility, and it was decided that Nastya would attend Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s school. The girl attended classes with great pleasure and graduated at the age of thirteen. But the end was approaching secondary school, and Petrova faced a choice - modeling career or study. The girl chose the second. The model herself constantly talks about the importance of education and believes that one must learn throughout one’s life.

The girl graduated and did not regret her choice at all. She likes to study, learn something new and develop, despite the fact that at times her studies were too difficult for her. But Anastasia herself said that the students were best time in her life and she would happily repeat these few years.

Filming in a video clip

Despite the fact that Anastasia Petrova is a model, known primarily for posing for magazines and catalogs both in Russia and abroad, her talent and beauty did not go unnoticed popular singer Arash. Having noticed a girl on a well-known social network, he was amazed by her appearance, so he immediately invited her to cooperate. The singer was looking for a girl to star in the video and, when he saw Petrova, he realized that she would be ideal for this role.

Anastasia herself quickly accepted the singer’s offer, because she had long wanted to try herself in a completely different area, and flew to Iraq to film. Initially, she was frightened by this journey and the unfamiliar country in which military operations were taking place, but later in an interview the girl said that this amazing place and one of the most beautiful on earth.

Filming in the video was interesting and the models really liked it. They quickly found Arash mutual language and worked together on film set. And the video itself became a hit almost immediately after its release and brought fame to the girl abroad.

"Patriots of the Russian Federation"

"Patriots" Russian Federation" - a project by Anastasia Petrova and her friends. The model herself constantly says that she considers Russia the most the best country and will always be a patriot of his homeland. And these are not just words, because the girl has lived in Moscow all her life and has no plans to leave the capital, but wants to do a lot that would benefit the city and help develop it further.

“Patriots of the Russian Federation” have appeared in Crimea more than once, where they supported the policies pursued by the president. They also star in various campaigns aimed at increasing the level of patriotism and do not plan to stop there.

In the future, Anastasia Petrova wants to try to become a politician and more actively promote her position. But for this, as she herself admits, she needs more life experience and possibly the necessary education.

There are moments in every person's life when you don't know what to do next. Difficult moments, hours, days of thinking: how to live?! Eighteen years ago our extraordinary daughter was born. She is truly extraordinary because she was able to break stereotypes and achieve outstanding results. We don't just love her. She is our pride!

Nastya was born with Down syndrome. Then we didn’t know what to do about it, where or who to contact. It was difficult: firstly, it was necessary to recognize ourselves as the parents of such an unusual child. Secondly, study. Learn to live for her. Today, eighteen years later, I can say with confidence that we did it.

Nastya received a school leaving certificate. She is growing up as a kind, sociable person, she loves theater very much, so she enjoys studying in an inclusive theater studio"Interaction". Her achievements in sports are a source of special pride. Our daughter is a swimmer and has achieved a lot in this field. She is a participant in various international European championships in this sport. Today she is best athlete in Russia in its region among children with Down syndrome.

During the Open European Swimming Championships for people with Down syndrome in November 2015 in Italian city Loano, where other athletes from Russia with the same diagnosis also competed with Nastya, she stood on the award podium six times.

In April of this year, from the European Swimming Championships, which took place in England, Nastya brought 2 gold and 1 silver medals. She became the absolute six-time champion of the All-Russian Open swimming tournament among people with Down syndrome, and a multiple winner of various sports competitions. Now Anastasia is preparing to participate in the European Championship and the World Championship among persons with intellectual disabilities.

Today her every hour is scheduled. Nastya never gives up, she is a very responsible and purposeful person - and these are the true qualities of a real fighter. However, according to the coach, she still lacks a little assertiveness. She is too polite: if someone is nearby on the path, Nastya removes her hand so as not to hurt her neighbor.

This is how she is, our daughter. Our blood, our life...

20-year-old model Anastasia Petrova made a splash at the Tavrida 2014 youth rally in Crimea with a revealing swimsuit with images of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. According to the leggy beauty, the idea of ​​​​creating “patriotic” bikinis belongs to her. Bloggers joke that after the embarrassment at the MUZ TV 2014 awards, Nastya no longer forgets to put on a bra. Moreover, the girl now prefers to wear underwear with prints in the form of photographs of top officials of the state. Colleagues from the “Youth Women’s Association” volunteered to make Nastya’s fantasy come true. Anastasia Petrova shared her plans in the political field with SUPER.

Nastya, you famous model. Why did you decide to engage in social activities?

A few reasons. First of all, I do this from pure heart and of your own free will. Secondly, I see how many ill-wishers our country and leadership have on the Internet and in the media space (the first especially affects young people, by the way). I am ready to defend my point of view: we have great country and our president is great!

Thirdly, we created a youth women's association, in my opinion, this is very interesting! IN Russian politics such a project is missing. Beautiful and smart girls attract the attention of the media and the public, so why not give the young, bright and talented girls(including models) to realize themselves for the benefit of the country? We have a lot planned interesting projects this year, concerning absolutely different aspects life of our country. I think they will be successful!

Do you have a desire to get involved in politics? Say, become a deputy?

Yes, it would be nice to become a deputy, this would open up new opportunities and horizons in our activities, which consist in instilling love for the homeland among young people, faith in themselves and in their country.

Why such a reverent attitude towards Vladimir Putin?

I’ve been sympathizing with Putin for a long time, to be honest. The most important qualities for a man, in my opinion, it’s fortitude, a sense of humor and dignity. Our president combines all of the above!

Tell us where you purchased the swimsuit with images of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev?

This is my idea. Colleagues from the association helped implement it. Initiative from the heart! Many people ask why underwear? I wear a bra with Putin on it to bring it closer to my heart!

Today we will tell you about famous model Nastya Petrova. You will also learn how to find this page Nastya in VKontakte.

short biography

  • Nastya was born and lives in Moscow. Today she is only 19 years old.
  • Nastya Petrova’s height is 175 cm.
  • The girl is not married.
  • The main thing in people for Anastasia is kindness and honesty; the girl is inspired by life.
  • Nastya works as a professional model, goes in for sports and dances.

Fake and VK model

They say that Nastya Petrova is registered on the social network VKontakte using this link:

This VKontakte page has about 57 thousand subscribers and about 5 thousand friends. Each network user can add the girl as a friend, but only confirmed users can write private messages to Nastya.

Nastya Petrova allegedly posted only one album with photographs. Here you can find photographs of the model at sea, in the forest, in a club and with other models. Nastya Petrova did not publish a single video on the social network VKontakte. But on the wall, Anastasia published her photographs from various angles, photographs of the “Fashion Summer Awards” from the Incanto show. Nastya Petrova, together with other girls, represented the Nemiroff brand at the long-awaited fight between Vladimir Klitschko and Alexander Povetkin at the Olympic Stadium. On the girl’s wall you can see photos from the show. Each network user can “Like” Anastasia’s posts and leave their comments.

And now for a surprise! This is not a real page of Anastasia Petrova! The fakes never sleep! Similar to the situation with . There are also many scammers hiding under her name. Let us immediately tell you how to find a real model page on VKontakte. The real Nastya Petrova is registered on the social network Contact at this address:

Each network user can write a personal message to Nastya or add the girl as a friend. U the real Nastya Petrova has more than 15 thousand subscribers and more than one and a half thousand friends on VKontakte. If you want to collaborate with a girl, you can send her letters by email: [email protected].

The real Nastya has published more than 75 videos on VKontakte. Here you can find a video invitation from a model to a World fashion party, a video with a girl at sea, and a presentation of the girl’s portfolio. Videos with Anastasia at various fashion shows are also published here: at the T-killah TV show on Red Square, Frankie Morello Spring-Summer 2012, Fashion Week Russia Spring-Summer 2012 and other equally popular shows.

The real Nastya Petrova on VKontakte publishes her photographs, poems about love on her wall, and addresses her many fans. He reflects on the meaning of life and gives advice to his subscribers. Nastya is one of the administrators of the “Anastasia Petrova” community, which you can find at:

This is the only one real group in contact with, dedicated to life and Anastasia’s career. The group is closed, so you must first submit an application to join the community. More than a thousand photographs with the model, videos with Nastya have been published in the community, and here you can ask the girl any questions that interest you. Nastya Petrova is registered on the social network Contact and is looking forward to you subscribing to her page. Just before adding a model as a friend, pay your attention to which of her pages is real!