Irina from Bachelor 2. Biography of Irina Volodchenko - a beautiful and smart girl

If Irina Volodchenko was a guest at the legendary wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Trojan War It might not have happened. Even the goddesses from Olympus would admit that the apple with the inscription “The Most Beautiful” should go to Irina. Myth, you say? But the “Bachelor” project is a reality, and all its participants, yes, unanimously admitted that the most beautiful of them is Irina Volodchenko. The girl’s Instagram proves: they were not mistaken.

Irina was born in Svirsk Irkutsk region November 5, 1986. At first, she did not strive to become a star in the media space: she studied at St. Petersburg State University, worked as a legal consultant, and in 2011 began working in the legal apparatus of the State Duma. It would seem that the career is going anywhere. But Irina was missing something in her life. And she went to the TV show “The Bachelor,” where she competed with twenty-five other girls for the heart of Evgeniy Levchenko.

Although Irina failed to charm the enviable main character on the show “The Bachelor,” the consequences for her still turned out to be the most rosy. Many subscribers in in social networks, popularity and (whatever you think!) personal happiness. Soon after the show, Irina did get married, albeit not to the hero of the show, but to a beloved and dear person.

But the popularity, however, still remained. Well, why not? A young and promising star of the political Olympus will find how to apply it in life. Unlike other reality show stars who later become presenters and DJs, Irina is a columnist for and the head of staff of the Russian Sovereignty deputy group. Agree, it’s hard to call this beauty frivolous!

Irina Volodchenko – Instagram star

And despite all of Ira’s merits in the political field, they subscribe to her mainly in order to see the most beautiful participant in the TV show in their feed.

You can find Irina’s page at @irinavolodchenko. Irina Volodchenko posts photos quite often – almost every day. Beautiful Irina posing in spectacular dresses, managing to weave politics and fashion into an inseparable mixture.

Heated political discussions constantly flare up in discussions of Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram posts. The beautiful hostess adheres to pro-presidential views, which, naturally, are not shared by all her visitors. She herself often posts photos as if meant to start a fire - sometimes with a scarf of flowers national flag, then variations on the theme of famous posters.

We decided to follow Irina's fate. The situation hurt her, but did not break her, but on the contrary, gave her strength and energy to change everything in her life. The girl found interesting work, and not just anywhere, but in the State Duma! Now she is the chief of staff of the parliamentary club “Russian Sovereignty” - she deals with acute political problems. And she also met true love.

We will introduce you to Irina in different guises: as a participant in a reality show, a young politician, a beautiful girl, knowledgeable in fashion and the secrets of attractiveness, a daughter and, finally, a bride.

Irina, looking at you today - so serious, in business clothes, it’s hard to imagine that you starred in a TNT show. Does it feel like it was in another life?

Well, I still didn’t take part in “House-2” (laughs)... But you’re right, I was a different person then. For many, this will seem strange: I moved from St. Petersburg, where I lived for nine years, and where I had everything, to Moscow, into complete uncertainty. But I began to get very tired of legal work (Irina worked in her specialty at the Lukoil company. - Ed.): It was work with contracts - rather monotonous, monotonous, every day was similar to the previous one. Plus, St. Petersburg is calm, slow, in contrast to the energetically powerful Moscow... It seemed to me that I was stewing in my own juice, not bringing any tangible benefit. I decided that I needed to immerse myself in another area, I thought about TV. Quite by chance, in a conversation with friends, a mention of “The Bachelor” arose. They started telling me what a beautiful romantic project this is, popular all over the world... And I thought: why not succumb to the spirit of adventurism? I didn’t have a relationship at that time, I wasn’t burdened with anything...

Now I’m analyzing why I decided to take such a bold step, and I understand what’s going on. Since childhood, my whole life was scheduled minute by minute; my mother raised me in the Puritan spirit. She herself is a perfectionist, a careerist, an excellent student since childhood, has held positions, organized a small business - a very successful and purposeful woman... And she drilled me: get up at six in the morning, school, School of Music, dancing, English, homework, reading, sleeping... I lived in this rhythm until I was 18 years old. Then law school, where it was also not easy: studying there is not easy. And then the time came, and the body rebelled: it wanted to live not according to the schedule, to break away from reality.

Now that you have a serious political career, do you regret participating in “The Bachelor”? Could this somehow compromise you?

No, I don't regret anything. On the contrary, I’m glad about this experience, it changed me, it strengthened me. The experience gave me some kind of acceleration. As you know, I have romantic story the project didn’t work out, but I didn’t despair, and returned to Moscow with a firm understanding that something needed to be done.

I'm not a failure. After the project it appeared in me enormous strength which helped me move on. The show had difficult psychological conditions. The girls gathered different, with different purposes, there was a lot of hypocrisy. In life, everything is simple: if things don’t work out with a person, you push him away from you and move on. And there we had to sort everything out.

- You have been a crowd favorite from the very beginning. Is this what your competitors never forgave you for?

They didn't love me. Someone tried to behave smartly, wisely, and someone turned Zhenya against me... Dasha German came to me for the first time, took my hand: “Ira, you are so beautiful!” And a week later I find out: she is spreading gossip about me, that I bought participation in the project.

- Is the situation itself, when a woman pursues a man, psychologically comfortable for you?

It was only at the beginning of the project that the girls sought the attention of a man: they had to interest him. Zhenya determined who was his person and who was not. And then the story developed on its own, and no one achieved anyone. If people like each other, the puzzle fits together.

- Why didn't it work out for you?

Well, that's obvious. I'm not an easy girl. As one of my very good long-time friends told me, “I have a challenge that only a confident and confident person can withstand.” strong man" I think his words hold the key to answering your question.

I am 27 years old. I clearly understand that men often choose a girl with whom everything is clear to him, a simpler one, you know. It's calmer with people like that. Not every man can afford a girl who is challenging because he will be afraid of losing her. Thus, the man is captive of his own complexes. I subsequently communicated with directors and producers and confirmed my own feelings: Zhenya chose the person with whom he felt like a star. And if all the attention of the audience is concentrated on the girl... Zhenya is too proud to put up with this. But life put everything in its place.

Now it has become clear that Zhenya has Russophobic sentiments: on the Internet, in social networks, he constantly speaks badly about Russia and promotes Western values. This is extremely unpleasant for me. Therefore, I believe that God saved me from this relationship. I see his providence in everything and am grateful to my guardian angel.

- Irina, was it really possible to fall in love on the project?

Really! You are in a closed space, you cannot throw out your emotions anywhere, you are not passionate about anything - no hobbies, meetings with friends, any intellectual development. And you begin to see in people what is not in them. You stew in it, you don’t see the downsides. And people want to seem beautiful: Zhenya didn’t talk about his anti-Russian sentiments at the project... Therefore, it’s realistic for a normal girl, ready for a relationship, dreaming of romance. And then, of course, ideal conditions were created for dating.

- And at first you liked Zhenya...

Rather yes than no.

- Have you ever set yourself the task of getting married?

I don’t live by such empty stereotypes as “get married as soon as possible.” I know several girls who got married just to dispel rumors around them that no one needed them. For me, the question has never been this way - it was important to find your person and build your story, to be completely confident in your and his feelings. Just because I didn't get married this year doesn't mean it will never happen. Everything is ahead.

- What was the most difficult part of the project?

Overcome own pride. Endure the Rose Ceremony. By the way, producers and directors supervised this process and edited the footage in their own way. For the sake of the effect of surprise or to achieve drama, I was almost always left for last, for a snack... And it was not easy to survive.

- Were you upset that Zhenya ended up choosing Olesya over you?

Of course, I did not expect such a development of the situation and was 90 percent sure of my victory. But then I realized that in many ways the ending was predetermined. This is still a project - ratings, the effect of surprise are important here, we need to give every girl from the province hope that she too is worthy of “such a bachelor.” On the first evening after my loss, I still didn’t understand this. But then, talking with different people, came to the conclusion that not everything was pure, that in many ways the ending of the show was staged.

- They say Levchenko’s parents liked you?

Yes. But TNT did not show our meeting as it actually happened. They edited it in such a way that I seemed to many to be a girl without any interests, but a lot of material was filmed. My friends looked and didn’t recognize me. For the sake of ratings, business, many dialogues were not shown. For example, Zhenya’s dad and I retired to the library, and he said that he had no doubt that Zhenya would choose me. This was not shown...

Were the participants in the show regulated in some way, were they given limits or prohibitions? Or, on the contrary, they provoked, say, sex with a “bachelor”. After all, some girls were breaking into Zhenya’s room...

Someone broke through, but it all ended with a kiss or a hug at most. This was also done for ratings and intrigue. About no intimate life Of course, there was no talk of showing off.

- You are on friendly terms with your rival Olesya Ermakova, which surprises many.

She and I are really friends, and this is another confirmation that nothing could work out with Zhenya. Olesya and I became close during the project. We lived in the same room, slept on the same bed. It seems to me that the producers came up with this - also for intrigue. In the end, both made it to the finals. Olesya behaved inappropriately a couple of times: she didn’t want to stay with me in the finals. She had many breakdowns because of this; she was sure that Zhenya would choose me. The project ended, we returned home and... began to be friends. Because it turned out that we had nothing to divide: the object that could cause us to quarrel disappeared.

- Why didn't they end up getting married? Because this is impossible in the project?

And that too. And because, it seems to me, he did not love her. He liked her. But apparently it has come real life, and disappointment set in. A lot of things were embellished in the project. The dates were invented by the team, stylists and makeup artists constantly worked with us, and in life, each of us could turn out to be a different person. Probably, Zhenya had too many expectations regarding Olesya, which did not justify themselves.

His wife is 35 years old, he had relationships, but they all left no mark on his life. The person is not at all ready to start a family, although he is approaching his 40th birthday. This probably means that the man lives in illusory relationships and unrealistic ideals. He pursues freedom, not realizing that he is a hostage to this desire. You can be free in love. Even living together, you can live with the feeling that no one has put any shackles on you. And Olesya, who is 31 years old, really wants to get married. She seriously believed in this fairy tale. Now I will never believe in the love that is born on television. One in a million cases.

Then there is such a moment. In life, the breadwinner is a man, but on the project the breadwinner was the producer, the TV channel, through whom all the romance was created. Zhenya is not the kind of person who is ready to surprise anyone. I'm not saying that he should shower his chosen one with diamonds, but he is really extremely proud. He claims a girl who works, has a career, who has everything, but he cannot find himself. If a person is ready for serious relationship, to love, he will try to do something for the woman he loves, he will try to earn money, because children will come - they must be provided for... Master a worthy woman Zhenya, with all his ambitions, cannot. The project is over - and what's next for his career? He finished playing football; other activities require financial investments...

- But the project helped some of you get noticed. Popularity is easily monetized.

Well, the project presented me with an image that seems unattractive to me: empty cold beauty, which is only interested in oligarchs... And how to monetize it? (Laughs.)

- Was it physically difficult to participate in the project?

Of the physical tests, the most difficult was the jump. They put a blindfold over my eyes and took me somewhere... They untied my eyes and we were standing on the bridge. There are flowers hanging on the fence, indicating that someone died here... And we should jump here. We joked: if we jump, there will be stuffing. And then I came to the edge of the abyss: my mind seems ready to jump, but my body stops you. I couldn't handle it because I didn't have that experience. And Zhenya had one. The decisive words were the words of the producer, who shouted to me: “Well, Ira, did you screw up your date?” I was indignant. Zhenya is already downstairs, he jumped and shouts to me. And I thought: I’m not one of those fools who only know how to put on makeup. I looked at the sky and... just fell. You are flying, everything is turning over in your head, the rope is springy. You fly down and are thrown up again... In general, there will definitely not be a second jump in my life.

- How did your parents react to your participation in the show?

Parents knew nothing about the project.

Mother - wonderful person, but contradictory and very persistent. She never went to my teachers, didn’t help me do my homework, said that I should achieve everything myself, and that no one would support me until I was 25... Because my mother herself had been working since the age of 14, and at 18 she headed a large shopping mall in Irkutsk. She is energetically strong man and a capable strategist. If she had come to Moscow or St. Petersburg at the age of 18, she would already have been a governor or mayor. My mother taught me to be independent, but at the same time she believed that she had the right to lay claim to my life. If she didn’t like something, especially when I was 17–18 years old, scandals would break out. There was even a year when we didn't communicate. But then they made up...

When I realized that I was on the TNT project, I didn’t tell my parents anything. Mom is against creative circles: my sister studied at VGIK, my mother often came to her and saw enough of everything - all these “creative parties” ... She always liked serious, purposeful women - major political figures, like Valentina Matvienko. It seems to me that my mother saw the future for her children in political sphere. I only told my sister about the project. She was very surprised, but I reassured her that maybe I’ll be back in a week - I might not go through the stages of the competition. She left. A few days later my mother calls and says: “I’ll send the car now - you’re coming home.” My mother believed that at that time I basically didn’t want to work, and I was just looking for myself. But she doesn’t even accept these transitional periods. I replied that I was not 15 years old... When I returned from the project, my mother immediately asked: “You worked for three months - where is the bag of money?” Subsequently, after my parents saw the program on air, they were already loyal to both the project and my participation in it.

- Where is the bag of money anyway? Did you get paid?

Hardly ever. Here the value was in experience.

- How did your father rate Zhenya? He met him...

Dad treated him harshly. During dinner at the project, the conversation didn’t go well at all. Only saved children's video, which I put. It seems to me that even then dad felt that Zhenya was not the person who could discern in me all that is most real and sincere, those depths that others do not see.

My family is patriarchal, kind, and united. Dad has been working in the forest industry, holding management positions, and developing forest industry projects for 30 years. All these years the parents have been together, they have gone through a lot, but they managed to maintain their relationship and feelings. I am grateful to them for this. Because the model family life laid down from childhood. I remember now: my parents quarreled in front of us two or three times in our lives. And this helps me: I always understand the boundaries of what can and cannot be done in the family, especially in front of my own children.

They say that if one door closes, another, much better one opens...After the project, did you meet true love?

My personal life turned out exactly the way it should have turned out. I met a man with whom I am happy. We knew each other before the project, but apparently we had to experience something in order to understand what our feelings were. And now we value each other.

- What should a man be like to capture your heart?

Strong, smart... You start listing them - it turns out to be banal. My man is amazingly kind, he has a huge breadth of soul. And this is despite the level that he achieved in life, with all his successes. He is a very caring, sincere, crystal-soul person, wise beyond his years, respects my activities, does not limit me in anything, trusts me, and trust is one of the most fundamental things in a relationship. Many of our men, especially successful ones, put their chosen ones in golden cages, they are jealous, they are afraid of losing, but I have been given the opportunity to do whatever I want. He gives me the opportunity to develop, because he himself is constantly growing spiritually and professionally.

- Is he rich?

He is a businessman. But the main thing is that he has a wonderful family, a kind mother. He grew up in an atmosphere of love, and I feel this about myself. He treats his loved ones, his mother, touchingly, and this says a lot.

- Irina, your appearance is hotly discussed on the Internet, many say: “She’s not natural”….

I know I know. They say that everything is done - both breasts and lips... Why argue with stupid people. My relatives know me, my friends remember me from the age of 15-18. No one has any questions. A person changes a little with age. Plus there are obvious women's secrets. I have small breasts, but sometimes I use a push up bust. And still, in the photographs they examine me in detail and comment: here my breasts are deflated, here they are inflated... Makeup does a lot. I know my pros and cons well and can work with them.

- Do you follow fashion?

Yes, this is another passion of mine. I participate in shows of designers that interest me. I love Russians, not very famous, but who are in no way inferior Western masters. But I'm not a shopaholic. If I need to buy a dress, I will go and buy a dress, not boots, as 90 percent of women do. I have my favorite brands and I am always intentional about my purchases.

- Did you like the way you looked on the project, or was this image an invention of the project stylists?

This was my image. Almost all the clothes in the show were mine. I brought three suitcases to the project because I know well what suits me, I have good taste to dresses. I also often did my own makeup.

- How do you generally feel about plastic surgery?

I admit, I have a phobia: I’m afraid of old age. I understand that this is inevitable, but I’m afraid of what I’ll look like next. I decided to lead for myself healthy image life and stick to it as long as possible. On nutrition, good cosmetics. You don’t have to use expensive Swiss brands - there are also affordable brands... But time is running, the birth of children affects a woman’s appearance... At the age of 40-45, I’ll probably decide to make small adjustments.

- How long are you postponing having children?

I really want children. If everything turns out that I have them in the near future, I will be happy.

- And are you ready to sacrifice your turbulent social and political life?

I want to combine everything, although I understand that this is impossible. Ideally, I see myself as a person who is successful in his business. I am focused on developing. Even on weekends I try to load myself up to the maximum. Three or four days of rest is a lot for me.

- And yet, how do you discharge yourself?

I'm going to St. Petersburg for the weekend to visit friends and relatives. And if I have a few free days, I travel, explore other cultures, and meet people.

- What advice can you give to the girls who will be filming the second season of The Bachelor?

The second season is not the first. Everyone already has an approximate idea of ​​what awaits them, and will try to fit themselves into some criteria and standards. In my opinion, the main thing is to be yourself, not to be fooled by provocations, not to participate in intrigues, to be kind and to develop. WITH good people bad things don't happen. And if something happens, you need to let it go.

- Only good things happen to you now: a loved one, a career... Tell me, what wind brought you to the Duma?

After the project, I thought about what I should do. I went to a conference on juvenile justice: my sister invited me to listen to the circumstances of an interesting case - the removal of a child from an American family. My sister is a lawyer and also a screenwriter. She introduced me to Lyubov Ryabchenko, head of the Family, Love, Fatherland Foundation, who told me about Evgeny Fedorov, a United Russia deputy. It was he who helped bring the problems of adoption to the President of Russia. And this topic interested me. I came to round table on juvenile justice, which was conducted by Evgeniy Fedorov, took part in it, expressed a desire to support these ideas... So I found meaning in my legal activity, began to watch programs, read specialized literature. Just as military operations began in Syria, it became clear to everyone that there would be no “reset” in relations between Russia and the United States: problems began to emerge...

Now I work as Fedorov’s assistant, I head his apparatus, which is rapidly developing. Plus, we have created a parliamentary club, within the framework of which we are developing draft laws aimed at strengthening the sovereignty of our country. In this club, I am the head of the apparatus, and Fedorov is the chairman. We already have about 20 deputies from different factions in our club: we gather like-minded people with the help of whom laws will be passed. By the next convocation, perhaps our formation will develop into a new faction

What is your position regarding the adoption of Russian children - is it fundamentally impossible to give them to foreigners?

The point is what's hidden real statistics. Everywhere it is said that our sick children are taken away by safe American families, but what happens to some of them (rape and murder) - these facts only recently began to be made public. This is not in America's interests! If such information leaks to the media, then through the efforts of NGOs it is suppressed and deleted... A different opinion is implanted: that life in America is a fairy tale. All this is done so that children do not love their country and do not want to live in it. We show on TV all the time that everything is bad in Russia, there is no hope. Yes, not everything is simple for us. But if everyone leaves, then America will gradually achieve its goals. CIA chief Allen Dulles wrote about this in his plan to destroy the USSR.

Foreigners take away smart, beautiful and healthy children, while Russian families have been waiting in line for adoption for years. My close friends, wealthy people, adopted four children. They have their own children, a huge house, but it is extremely difficult for Russians to adopt Russian children, and easy for foreigners...

We have about 600 registered NPOs with foreign participation. They allocate billions of dollars to implement certain plans in Russia, and it is clear that a significant part of this money goes to support the media that publish custom articles. As a result, young people are raised to American culture, films, music: they are dearer to them. There are 60 history textbooks today! Some about the Great Patriotic War- four pages! About the war, thanks to the Victory in which we all live! It is clear which organizations paid for the production of such textbooks...

I see that you are already “in the know” and are making a dashing political career. Maybe due to heredity, because your grandmother is a deputy?

Yes, my grandmother is a deputy in Svirsk. She came to Moscow, met with her here in the Duma, with deputies...

I cannot say that I have a task - to build a career. You can implement your ideas without holding positions. In addition, it is known that some of our ministers exist only to publicly hold them accountable, while decisions are made by other people.

I am not a member of any party, and this decision is fundamental. I don’t want to take responsibility for principles that I may not share. Now there is some confusion. " United Russia“The party that Putin created did not justify itself. Today the president is testing the waters - as with the Popular Front - to understand what ideas the people need. It is already clear that these are ideas for strengthening statehood. By the next convocation, perhaps such a party will be created, and then, perhaps, I will join it.

You see, I lived serenely, traveled, and at one moment I suddenly felt an impulse - something switched inside, I wanted to do something. I'm tired of talking that Putin and the government are to blame for everything. I wanted to tell people: clean up your yard.

Interviewed by Ilona Egiazarova

Biography of the most beautiful participant in the show “The Bachelor” Irina Volodchenko

Irina Volodchenko became famous after the release of the first season of the popular TV show “The Bachelor”. That's when oh extraordinary beauty girls and the country started talking, and even her rivals in the fight for the heart of Evgeniy Levchenko unconditionally recognized Ira as the most beautiful and charming participant in the project.

However, the title of the most beautiful bride candidate in “The Bachelor” did not bring Volodchenko victory: Irina lost to Olesya Ermakova. It was she who was chosen by Eugene as a contender for his heart. But Irina has since acquired many fans and admirers who would like to know as much different information as possible about their idol. We will help you make this wish come true and tell you everything about Irina Volodchenko in the following sections of the article.

Biographical information

Irina Volodchenko is originally from small town Svirsk in the Irkutsk region. It was in this town that Ira was born in 1986 and spent her childhood there. But the future model and star of the TV show “The Bachelor” came to northern capital- in Saint-Petersburg.

Ira graduated from the Faculty of Law, but while still studying, the girl decided not to waste time and began to build more than successful career. At first, Irina successfully worked as a legal consultant in the largest oil company in the country, and then began working in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. IN this moment Ira occupies a more than decent position - she is an adviser on taxes and budgets to the State Duma.

After participating in the TV project “The Bachelor,” Irina was noticed by advertising and modeling agencies and simply bombarded the beauty with offers for filming. So Ira was able to try herself as a model.

Recently, journalists also received information that in the very near future fans of Irina Volodchenko will be able to see her on TV screens as the host of a program dedicated to politics. The name of the channel for which Irina was invited to work has not yet been disclosed, but this is not important to fans in love with the beauty: they will be happy to admire Irina’s charm not only in the photos posted by the girl on Instagram, but also on television.

Personal life

Charming brunette Irina Volodchenko is not yet married. However, an early wedding is part of the star’s plans. The girl does not reveal the name of her future husband to the press, but says that she and her lover have the most serious plans for the future.

Irina also said that she had known her future husband for a long time, but romance appeared in their relationship only after filming on the show “The Bachelor” ended.

Irina is a girl of stunning beauty and she knows how to emphasize the expressiveness of her features with skillful and sexy makeup. This is best proven by Irina Volodchenko’s photos on Instagram and other social networks. However, a girl’s makeup, for all its sexuality, always looks as natural and natural as possible.

As for Irina Volodchenko’s figure parameters, the girl’s height is 173 centimeters, and she weighs about 54 kilograms.

Irina takes part in a variety of photo shoots with pleasure and looks incredibly charming and sexy in the photographs taken, which allows us to conclude that the girl would make an ideal top model. But Irina has already chosen a more promising and intellectual career for herself.

Photo by Irina Volodchenko on Instagram

This beautiful and cheerful girl, like most of her contemporaries, loves to be photographed and finding her photos on the Internet is not difficult. We tried to pull out the most interesting and beautiful things from her Instagram (), but this is impossible. Below is an excerpt of the most beautiful photos Irina Volodchenko from her Instagram. For a complete overview, please go to its page. We apologize right away, either we didn’t scroll through enough, or they aren’t there at all, but we couldn’t find photos from Irina’s wedding.

Irina Volodchenko is a finalist of the popular Bachelor project, who, unfortunately, failed to win the heart of the country's main eligible bachelor.

Irina Volodchenko - life before the project

The girl was born on November 5, 1986 in the city of Svirsk into a very wealthy family. WITH early childhood the girl saw the example of a strong and successful mother and always wanted to be like her. In 2008, Ira decided that she could no longer stand still and she needed to develop with all her might and move up the career ladder.

The beauty started working at Lukoil as a legal consultant. In 2013, she had the chance to go to work in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Today she is the head of the apparatus of the parliamentary club Russian Sovereignty of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Before coming to the project, Ira was sure that she would be able to build a relationship with a bachelor, since she for a long time I dreamed of a strong, friendly family and several children.

Project Bachelor

Unfortunately, Irina’s dreams were not destined to come true on the popular program on TNT Bachelor Season 1. Despite the fact that everyone predicted her victory, the beauty could not become the bride of a popular football player.

The girl was unable to win the project. After the project, the girl became famous in the modeling business. After some time, Irina got married.

According to the media, the participant took the refusal very painfully, but continued to work and develop. After participating in the Bachelor show, the contender was noticed by many photographers. Therefore, after participating in the project, she became in demand in the modeling business. In addition, the girl was invited to television to host a program dedicated to politics.

Some time after participating in the sensational show, Irina still managed to fulfill her dream. She married wonderful man, as the girl herself admits, and gave birth to a daughter. Now she is happy and doesn’t even remember the defeat at .

Despite the fact that Irina failed to find her happiness in the project, after some time she was able to realize her plans. This suggests that you should never despair and give up.

The biography of Irina Volodchenko began in the city of Svirsk, Irkutsk region. It happened on the fifth of November in 1986. Now the girl is a member of the expert council of the State Duma. But she gained fame after the show “The Bachelor”.

Irina Volodchenko. Biography: parents

Irina's mom and dad - intelligent people. He has been employed in the forestry industry for more than 29 years (top manager), and Nadezhda Nikolaevna works as an economist. Irina’s grandmother is a Veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Biography of Irina Volodchenko: education and career

The girl graduated from school in 2004, and then she entered St. Petersburg State University to the department. Here she received her education until 2011. However, while still a student, Irina took up her career. She received the position of legal adviser to the general. Director of the Petersburg Oil Terminal. And in 2008 she was already hired at well-known company Lukoil as legal consultant.

But one day Irina realized that she was not happy with the way events were developing in Russia. And the girl who seemed to belong on the podium went into politics. In 2013, she took up the post of adviser to E.A. Fedorov (State Duma deputy). In June of the same year, Irina was included in the list of members of the Expert Council under the Committee on Taxes and Budget of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And already in August she became the head of the apparatus of such a Parliamentary Club as “Russian Sovereignty”. This is a body that was formed to discuss new bills, etc., with experts.

However, the biography of Irina Volodchenko is closely connected with the modeling business. And it’s all because of her participation in the TV project “The Bachelor”. In this show, which you could see on the TNT channel, she became a finalist. TV viewers, like other participants in this project, recognized that Irina is the most beautiful girl among other contenders for a place in the heart of a bachelor, however, the young man chose not her, but Olesya Ermakova.

After the project, Irina was literally inundated with offers to star in commercials, as well as to participate in fashion shows. Such popularity obliges the girl to be active. this moment her profiles can be found on many social networks, and it is worth noting that she happily communicates with all her admirers.

Not long ago it became known that Volodchenko would lead new program on TV, which is dedicated to politics. It seems that even those who have nothing to do with this topic will watch it, because Irina now has more than enough fans. It has not yet been announced which channel this project belongs to, but they assure that it will be one of the central ones.

Biography of Irina Volodchenko: personal life

Irina does not talk about her personal life. It is known that she has a young man who, according to Volodchenko herself, is not a public figure. The main dream of a girl is to be loving and a strong family, as well as healthy and smart children. She also loves cats very much.

And yet, all the talk that a woman can be either smart or beautiful is a complete misconception. The biography of Irina Volodchenko is worthy confirmation of this.