Mikhail Krug short biography. Mikhail Krug: biography and interesting facts from life

Biography and episodes of life Mikhail Krug. When born and died Mikhail Krug, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. Musician Quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Mikhail Krug:

born April 7, 1962, died July 1, 2002


Death is terrible.
But memory is beyond her control.

Biography of Mikhail Krug

When they asked him - how are you? sing about prison if you've never been to prison, he answered: “Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe without even being a sailor, and not only did not know how to swim, but had never seen the sea. That's not the main thing, the main thing is empathy, state of mind" He visited places of detention only as an artist, and in life he sang songs about “prison romance”; nevertheless, he enjoyed love and respect on both sides of the barricades.

His lyricism and touching charm captivated listeners of any age. While the pop music accused Krug of popularizing “thieves’ songs,” he wrote songs about what people like himself wanted to hear about - about freedom, friendship, love for mother and woman.

Biography of Mikhail Krug - biography of an ordinary Russian guy: school, vocational school and specialty "car repairman", military service in the army, work as a driver. He was 18 years old when he met his first wife, who also became his first producer. It was Svetlana who persuaded Mikhail to record his songs and share them with people - she sent him to music competitions, sewed concert costumes, and made audio recordings. The marriage quickly fell apart, but the wife's efforts bore fruit- The circle continued to write and perform, becoming more and more popular and in demand. It took him several years to truly break into the world of Russian chanson - the album he released in 1994 became a truly turning point for Krug. He was recognized.

Following fame in the biography of Krug Numerous trips followed - to Germany, the USA, Israel. The entire Russian-speaking emigration enjoyed going to Krug’s concerts; he also enjoyed great respect in the chanson music community. Vika Tsyganova, Willy Tokarev, Evgeny Grigoriev - they all spoke of Krug not only as a talented author, but also simply as a good friend and friendly person.

Michael was a pious man. He did not smoke or drink - except on rare holidays. Even in the group, Krug had prohibition for many years. The artist was sure that if people don’t drink, they don’t create problems: they don’t be late for work and don’t swear. The life of Mikhail Krug was ideal - success in creativity, a happy second marriage, the birth of a daughter.

On the night of June 30 to July 1, unknown persons attacked the house of Mikhail Krug. Mikhail himself, his wife, mother-in-law and children were in the house. During the attack, the children were sleeping, the mother-in-law was wounded, and Irina managed to hide with her neighbors. Mikhail Krug was seriously injured, and although he was able to get to a neighbor’s house, from where he was taken to the hospital, by morning the artist died. Krug's death occurred early in the morning of July 1.

The murder of Krug shook up the Russian public, the investigation lasted for several years, there was even a version that they simply wanted to rob Mikhail - the royalties for Krug’s last songs for the album “Tverichanka”, which was then released after his death, were just about to arrive. One of the latest versions is that the Tver Wolves gang was involved in the death of Krug.

Krug's funeral took place on July 3, 2002- first there was a civil memorial service in the Tver Theater, then a funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral and, finally, the funeral of the “king of Russian chanson” at the Tver cemetery in Dmitrovo-Cherkassy.

Cover of the album “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - Love Story”, released in 2011

Life line

April 7, 1962 Date of birth of Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug (real name - Vorobiev).
1987 Admission to college, marriage to his first wife Svetlana, participation in an art song competition.
1988 Birth of son Dmitry.
1989 Divorce from Svetlana, recording of the first album “Tverskie Streets”.
1994 Release of the album “Zhigan-Limon”.
1996 Premiere of Mikhail Krug's first video on television.
1997 Performance at the festival “Russian Chanson in Germany”.
1998 Performance in the USA.
March 27, 1998 Ovation Award in the Russian Chanson category.
2000 Marriage with Irina Glazko, tour of Israel, role in the film “April”.
2002 Birth of son Alexander.
July 1, 2002 Date of death of Mikhail Krug.
July 3, 2002 Civil memorial service, funeral service and funeral of Mikhail Krug.

Memorable places

1. Tver school No. 39, where Mikhail Krug studied until the 8th grade.
2. The house of Mikhail Krug in Tver, in which he was attacked.
3. Tver Regional Academic Drama Theatre, where the farewell service was held.
4. Resurrection Cathedral, where the funeral service for Mikhail Krug took place.
5. Dmitrovo-Cherkasy cemetery, where Mikhail Krug is buried.
6. Monument to the Circle in Tver.

Episodes of life

Krug's first marriage quickly fell apart. He himself admitted that his wife stopped paying attention to him, believing in his potential, caring for him, and he could not forgive her for her coldness. After the divorce, he promised himself not to marry again, since he believed that there was only one marriage in accordance with Orthodox laws. Krug took his son for himself and raised him independently with his mother. A few years after the divorce, he met Irina, fell in love and married her.

When Mikhail met Irina, for a long time he did not take any steps to make their relationship closer. As Irina herself admitted, “everything was on a strict note.” The circle seemed to be looking closely at his future wife, checking, and taking his time with the choice. And a year later he simply said: “That’s it, we’ll live together!” and took Irina to his home to soon marry.

Mikhail Krug never sat and was always indignant at being asked about this. He was also offended by the idea that his music promoted criminal life. “Those who have a little common sense know: prison is not the best place to spend your best years"- said Mikhail Krug. This genre simply exists as a genre, a reflection of our life. From our history you cannot erase all kinds of gulags and camp systems that Stalin invented. You can keep silent about it, but you can’t cross it out.” He took the jargon used by Krug in his songs from a special collection “Blatnaya Music” for NKVD employees, produced in 1927, which he once accidentally fell into his hands.

Monument to Mikhail Krug in Tver on Radishchev Boulevard


“My dream is a return to the empire, to the monarchy. Return of faith to Rus'."

“There is no old person who would say that there is no God. God exists. Even the most ardent atheists come to this…”

“And I wish you - bread on the table, a bottle of vodka for the holidays, health - this is the most important thing. Our country will rise, I believe in it and I know that in our country live the best, kindest, hard-working people who know what they want.”

Fragment from the film “Legends of the Circle”


“This is the first time in my life that I am burying such a good person. I’ve known Mikhail for several years now. He was my assistant. We liked each other. A wonderful guy - quiet, calm, there was never any pretentiousness or swagger in him, which is inherent in many pop performers. I always have his cassette playing in my car. It's like medicine. If the criminals knew who they entered the house, they would not have done this. Their arms and legs would become numb. With Misha’s departure, an empty niche was left.”
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, politician

“Krug sang with his soul, and his songs will forever remain in the hearts of millions.”
Victoria Tsyganova, singer

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug (real name is Vorobyov). Born on April 7, 1962 in Kalinin - killed on July 1, 2002 in Tver. Russian poet and performer, songwriter, bard.

The singer said that “first of all, he liked Mikhail Krug as a person.” The performer of Russian chanson, Evgeny Grigoriev (Zheka), said that Krug’s songs have “amazing energy that reflects the mood of the Russian soul,” because “Krug comes from the people.”

Singer Victoria Tsyganova, with whom Krug collaborated during his lifetime, said that Krug “sang with his soul” and that “his songs will forever remain in the hearts of millions.”

The life and death of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Vorobyov was born on April 7, 1962 in Kalinin. His father worked as a civil engineer, his mother as an accountant. He was the second child in the family (the first was Mikhail’s sister, Olga).

His childhood and youth were spent in the old Proletarsky district, about which the song “Morozovsky Town” was later written. He studied accordion at a music school, but then dropped out. He played hockey and was a goalkeeper. He studied poorly in secondary school and, according to the recollections of relatives and friends, constantly ran away from classes.

From the age of six, his idol was Vladimir Vysotsky. At the age of 11, Mikhail Vorobyov learned to play the guitar. He wrote his first poems at the age of 14, dedicating them to his classmate. When one day at a school party he performed one of Vysotsky’s songs, a big scandal broke out at the school. After the army, Vorobyov, impressed by his songs, began to play the guitar and sing in his style.

Vorobyov graduated from school No. 39 on Sominka in the city of Kalinin by profession as an auto repairman. After completing his studies, he served in the army in Ukraine, in the Sumy region, in the city of Lebedin. After returning from the army, he got a job at POGAT (production association of commercial vehicles) as a driver, delivering dairy products around the city for 10 years (from 1983 to 1993).

In 1987, Mikhail Vorobyov was appointed head of the convoy and sent to study at the Polytechnic Institute. However, Mikhail didn’t like sitting in his office all day, and a year later he started working as a driver again and left the institute.

Mikhail Krug was characterized by near-monarchical political beliefs, conservatism, homonegativism (in particular, he called the Russian stage “the dominance of homosexuals”), and aversion to feminism. Krug was a member of the LDPR and a cultural assistant to its leader, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The striking personality traits of Krug, which were repeatedly emphasized in interviews with him, was hatred of people of left-wing political beliefs, in particular, communists.

In 1987, Mikhail successfully entered the institute, where he learned about an art song competition, took part in it and took first place with the song “About Afghanistan.” After that, he took songwriting seriously. A significant role in this was played by the bard Evgeny Klyachkin, who was the chairman of the jury at the 8th art song festival. It was he who said to Vorobyov: “Misha, you need to work...”. Mikhail Vorobyov chose “Mikhail Krug” as his pseudonym. There are several versions of the origin of this pseudonym.

Vorobyov recorded his first album “Tver Streets” at the Tver studio in 1989, then he recorded his second album “Katya” and a third album without a title, all of which were never officially released, but were stolen and distributed illegally. Almost all the songs included in these albums were rewritten and sung in subsequent albums.

In 1994, Mikhail Krug’s new album “Zhigan-Limon” was released, which, according to many, became a turning point in his creative destiny. Despite the criminal title, the album contained not only criminal songs, but also lyrical and ironic ones. The album was reissued several times and actually became a sign of Mikhail Krug’s invasion of Russian musical and poetic culture.

In 1994, a documentary film “Bard Mikhail Krug” was shot, which was shown on the “Culture” channel in 1999. In 1996, his first video “It Was Yesterday” was shown.

The first time Mikhail Krug performed abroad was in 1997 at the Russian Chanson in Germany festival with the Zhemchuzhny brothers, where he sang four songs, one of which, “Madame,” was sung in a guitar version. Krug also performed in America (1998) - Miami, Boston, New York, Jacksonville.

From February 22 to March 6, 2000, a tour of Israel was successfully completed. Concerts were given in the cities of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Haifa, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ariel and others. The Circle has repeatedly given charity concerts, including in prisons.

Since February 1997, a new soloist, Svetlana Ternova, worked with Mikhail, whom he heard at the Zavolzhye song festival and took into the group.

A number of songs for Krug were written by Alexander Belolebedinsky; before that, Mikhail Krug performed only his own songs. Songs “I went through Siberia”, “Hello, Mom”, “The process is over (I’m crying bitterly)”, “Sparks in the fireplace”, “Chaim”, “Cry, violin (In every city)”, “Student”, “When we met with you” - folk songs, previously sung by the famous Soviet performer Arkady Severny.

The song “Svetochka” was written by singer-songwriter Leonid Efremov. However, the text of Krug's version differs slightly from the original. The most famous song of the Circle is “Vladimir Central”, which was first performed in the album “Madame” and which became one of the most famous songs of Russian chanson. It is possible that it was dedicated to thief in law Sasha Severny.

On March 27, 1998, at the Cosmos Hotel, Mikhail took part in the presentation of the Ovation Award and received it in the Russian Chanson category. In November 1999, Mikhail took part in the “Musical Ring,” a friendly competition with Sergei Trofimov, and won. In January 1999, he took second place in popularity in the Russian Chanson competition. In April 1999, he was again nominated for the Ovation Award.

In 2000, Mikhail Krug played the role of crime boss Leonid Petrovich in the film “April”.

Mikhail Krug - Vladimir Central

Murder of Mikhail Krug

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Krug’s house in the village of Mamulino (Tver microdistrict) was attacked. In addition to the singer, there were four more people in the house - his wife, mother-in-law and children. The door of the three-story house was open.

Two unknown intruders entered the third floor of the house approximately between 23:00 and 0:15, where they found Krug's mother-in-law and attacked her, causing her bodily harm. Mikhail Krug and his wife Irina came running to the woman’s screams. The criminals opened fire with pistols. Irina managed to hide with her neighbors, and Mikhail received two severe gunshot wounds, after which he lost consciousness for a while. The criminals fled the crime scene. Having come to his senses, Krug managed to get to the house of neighbor Vadim Rusakov, where his wife was hiding. Rusakov took him to Tver City Hospital No. 6. Meanwhile, the police and ambulance were called and found his wounded mother-in-law in Krug’s house. The children of the Circle were not harmed, as they were sleeping when the crime was committed. Mikhail Krug himself, despite the efforts of doctors, died on the morning of July 1.

In September 2019. He turned out to be a member of the Tver Wolves gang, Dmitry Veselov.

A member of the Tver Wolves gang, Alexander Ageev, confessed to the attack on the chansonnier’s house. He said that he entered Krug's house on the instructions of a crime boss known as Lom. Together with another gang member, Dmitry Veselov, they were only supposed to steal antiques and valuables, and then leave the scene of the theft. At the same time, the singer himself and his family should not have been at home.

“The murder of the singer was not planned... However, Mikhail Krug and his family unexpectedly returned and took the robbers by surprise. Veselov, without hesitation, decided to eliminate the obstacles that arose by using violence against Krug’s mother-in-law. When Mikhail Krug suddenly appeared in the way of the attacker, Veselov shot him twice times from a 7.62 mm TT pistol he had, and then shot a dog guarding the first floor hall,” investigators found. Dmitry Veselov was killed in March 2003.

The farewell funeral service took place on July 3 at 10 a.m. at the Tver Drama Theater. The funeral was attended by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Semchev, Efrem Amiramov, Katya Ogonyok, the Zhemchuzhny brothers, Vika Tsyganova, many leaders of the Tver region, including its governor, Vladimir Platov. The funeral procession of cars stretched for several kilometers. After the funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral in Tver, Krug was buried in the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery.

Various versions of the murder were built. For example, producer Vadim Tsyganov suggested that this could be an attempted robbery. Shortly before the murder, Krug recorded an album under the working title “Tverichanka” (later released under the name “Confession”), for which he was supposed to receive a fee any day. This version was rejected by those who believed that Krug was sincerely respected in criminal circles, but it was this version that was the most popular at the beginning of the investigation. According to another version, Krug became the victim of a planned, and possibly contracted, murder.

In 2008, the Tver Wolves gang was arrested in Tver, which may have been involved in the murder. Irina Krug identified one of the gang members, Alexander Ageev, as her husband’s killer, but the investigation failed to prove their involvement. Ageev was sentenced to life for other crimes.

On August 10, 2012, the media reported that the skeleton of a man who killed Mikhail Krug ten years ago was found in Tver. The location of the remains was indicated by a criminal serving a life sentence. However, the investigative committee only confirmed the discovery of the skeleton, but refuted the rest of the story.

At the end of September 2012, information appeared in the media that the case had been solved, the investigation knew the specific perpetrators, who were arrested.

On May 28, 2013, the widow of Mikhail Krug identified citizen Veselov, who was considered the direct perpetrator of the singer’s murder, from the remains and photographs.

Murder of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Mikhail Krug:

Was married three times.

In 1986, Mikhail met his first wife Svetlana, also a musician, former lead guitarist of the VIA Institute of Light Industry. Svetlana became Mikhail’s first producer and convinced him to make his work accessible to everyone. Before this, Mikhail wrote his poems and songs “on the table”. Svetlana also looked for music competitions, insisted on recording songs on audio cassettes, and sewed concert costumes with her own hands while working at the Model House.

In 1987, Mikhail and Svetlana got married, and in 1988 their son Dmitry was born. In 1989, the couple separated. Unable to bear her husband's numerous affairs, Svetlana divorced him.

Son Dmitry graduated from the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and serves in the police.

The second wife is Marina Bazanova, a dancer. She was Mikhail's first love. We met when he was 15 and she was 14 years old. They met for three years - until Krug was drafted into the army. Marina promised to wait for him, but met someone else. For Mikhail this was a strong blow.

Mikhail Krug dedicated a number of songs to Bazanova - for example, the famous “Good Girl.”

Then they met 15 years later. They got married in 1996. Bazanova became pregnant by Krug, but decided to have an abortion because she did not want to end her career as a choreographer. In retaliation for this, the singer secretly took all her documents from her place of work and ordered her to stay at home. Marina herself recalled: “For me, these were years of torture. I stepped over my fate, I shouldn’t have done this. Misha really wanted me to give birth to his child, but I really didn’t want that. Then I didn’t think about anything except my career. I was obsessed with my job, I swear. And when he took my job... He broke me."

As a result, the marriage quickly fell apart - Marina did not want to tolerate the dictates of the Circle and left him.

After her divorce from Krug, Marina Bazanova married a man who is 9 years younger than her. She gave birth to a daughter.

Marina Bazanova learned about the death of Mikhail Krug through a friend, and for the first time she came to his grave five years after the tragedy. Then Marina began to visit the grave of her ex-husband every year. Bazanova first met Irina Krug in 2018 - at the funeral of the artist’s mother.

Marina Bazanova now

In 2000, he married a native of Chelyabinsk, Irina, who after his death began performing under the pseudonym, she has a daughter, Marina, from her first marriage. In 2002, Irina and Mikhail had a son, Alexander.

Son Alexander studies at the Lomonosov School in Moscow with the children of stars and businessmen.

A feature film was made in 2012 "Legends of the Circle" directed by Timur Kabulov. The start of filming of the film was timed to coincide with two dates at once - the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Krug and the tenth anniversary of his death. The main role was played by actor and singer Yuri Kuznetsov-Tayozhny, who has an external resemblance to Mikhail Krug. The actor gained 16 kilograms especially for filming. In addition to him, Alexander Domogarov also starred in the film, playing the role of the musician’s friend. On April 22 and 23, 2013, the film was shown on Channel One, causing controversial reactions.

Discography of Mikhail Krug:

Magneto albums:

1989 - “Tver Streets”
1990-91 - “Katya”
1990-91 - untitled album
1995 - “City of Childhood” (Demo version of the album “Green Prosecutor”, released by pirates)

Number albums:

1994 - “Zhigan-lemon” (reissued in 1995)
1995 - “Green Prosecutor”
1996 - “Live String”
1998 - “Madame”
1999 - “Rose”
2000 - “Mouse”
2002 - “Dedication”
2003 - “Confession”


1997 - “Zhigansky Songs”
1997 - “Lyrics”
1999 - “Crossroads”
1999 - Series “Legends of Russian Chanson”
1999 - “Vladimir Central”
2000 - “The Best of”
2001 - “After the third walk.” Live series. Concert in Serpukhov
2001 - “Boys” (Series “Legends of the Genre”)
2002 - “I went through Siberia”
2004 - “Magadan”
2004 - “Golden Album”
2004 - “Grand Collection” 1 part
2005 - “Thief Songs”
2005 - “Free Song”
2005 - “Unknown Songs”
2005 - “Songs of Love”
2006 - “Vladimir Central 2”
2008 - “20 Best Songs”
2009 - “Favorite songs. RU"
2009 - “Vladimir Central (Soundtrack)”
2010 - “Nice, bro!”
2011 - “Student”
2011 - “Grand Collection” 2 part
2011 - Mikhail Krug “Romances”
2011 - Mikhail Krug “Chanson Alley. MK Collection"
2012 - Mikhail Krug - 50 years (Anniversary album) (2CD)

Collections together with other performers:

2004 - “Mikhail Krug and c. Travel Companion - 10 Years Later"
2004 - “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - When we met you”
2006 - “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - My last love for you”
2009 - “Mikhail Krug and Dj Black Fox - Labyrinth”
2010 - “Mikhail Krug and Katya Ogonyok - It was yesterday...”
2011 - “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - Love Story”

The Investigative Committee of Russia said that it has completely restored the picture of the murder of the legendary chansonnier 17 years ago in his house in Tver. The bandits wanted to impose the services of a criminal roof on Krug, they did not intend to kill him, but everything did not go according to plan

Mikhail Krug. Photo: video screenshot Mikhail Krug/YouTube

Investigators have established in detail the circumstances of the murder of singer Mikhail Krug, according to the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

New details were told by Alexander Ageev and Alexander Osipov, members of the Tver Wolves gang who were specially transported from the colonies. They have been sentenced for life for various crimes.

The robbery of the singer’s house was ordered by criminal leader Alexander Kostenko, known as Lom, who died in 2006. The performers were members of the Tver Wolves gang Alexander Ageev and Dmitry Veselov. They entered the singer's house on June 30, 2002. The criminals intended to steal antiques and valuables. According to the customer’s plan, Mikhail Krug, having discovered the loss of property, will turn to authority for help, who will allegedly find
stolen, after which the singer will become obliged to him and will pay part of the fees from concert activities. It was assumed that no one would be home. However, Krug and his relatives (wife and mother-in-law) unexpectedly returned home and caught the robbers. As Ageev said, Veselov shot the singer with a TT pistol, and then shot the dog guarding the first floor hall. Then the criminals fled.

“The third floor, where we immediately went up to look around. They heard that someone had entered the house and decided to hide. Then footsteps were heard on the stairs, and a woman entered. A fight ensued. And she ran to the door, jumped back, and hit her in the head with a pistol. At that moment the door opens and Krug’s wife comes in. She saw that I was wearing a mask, Veselov with a pistol, she screamed and ran downstairs. Well, we ran down the stairs, Veselov ran first, I followed him. From some door, I didn’t see which one, Krug came out, they shot, and that’s it,” said Ageev.

In March 2003, Veselov himself was killed out of revenge by another gang member, Alexander Osipov, who admitted that he knew Krug and was a fan of his work. Having learned that Veselov was to blame for the death of the chansonnier, Osipov shot him in the forest in the Tver region.

Taking into account the death of the suspect, the investigation decided to discontinue the criminal case for the murder of Krug. The legality of this decision will be checked by the Tver prosecutor's office.

Singer and friend of Mikhail Krug Vika Tsyganova, in an interview with the telegram channel “Rise,” doubted the veracity of the new data in the murder case. “If the person responsible was killed in 2003, why hasn’t it been revealed yet? Maybe this is just another canard to be written off like this because of the statute of limitations? But if this consoles the family, thank God,” Tsyganova said.

Singer, composer and businessman Slava Medyanik also does not believe in the combination of robbery with subsequent tribute to authority for the valuables found.

Slava Medyanik singer, composer, businessman“From my long musical life, I know that for authorities, thieves, this is very petty. Even this is beyond comprehension. If they listen and like the work of this or that person, there is someone to receive from, besides the one whose genre orientation is close. This guy has four murders on his record, and he’s in prison for life, I just wanted, it seems to me, to promote himself. Still, he understands that he won’t make it, but at least he will become famous. This is some kind of too complicated combination. If Misha Krug had acted incorrectly in some situation, they could have told him directly: “We thought you were this way, but you turned out to be different. You will have to help our captive brothers, the camps.” They could have done this, but such a combination is complicated... I think one hundred percent that this is some kind of nonsense.”

According to the managing partner of the law firm Sokolov, Trusov and Partners, Fyodor Trusov, the gang members hardly wanted to extract any preferences for themselves with their confessions. Perhaps it was a matter of the desire to break out of the colony for lifers, at least for a while, and catch the hype.

Fedor Trusov Managing partner of the law firm "Sokolov, Trusov and Partners"“As for the person who admitted to the murder, without knowing the case materials, it is difficult to conclude whether he is involved or not. He will not receive any preferences, but the fact that he will receive part of the hype is a fact. Maybe a person wants to become famous in this way and gain the glory of a modern Herostratus, who set fire to the temple. To say: “I am involved in the murder of such a person” - and thereby receive intra-system dividends. It is quite possible that he may be involved, but after so many years it’s like helping in the assassination of Kennedy: no matter how it was, no one will know, and people, in any case, have already drawn conclusions for themselves even then. In the colony for life prisoners there is a very harsh regime. And so they will drag him around the pre-trial detention center. Perhaps there will be a trial, thereby somehow he will take another breath of freedom, and this may well be the case.”

Until recently, the murder of Mikhail Krug was considered one of the most notorious unsolved murders of new Russia. In 2002, it was not possible to find the criminals in hot pursuit. Investigators came to the attention of members of the Tver Wolves gang; Alexander Ageev was also tested for involvement in the murder, but he completely denied his guilt, and at that time there was no direct evidence. This year, investigators received additional information about the circumstances of the murder, and the investigation was resumed. Now, taking into account the death of Dmitry Veselov, suspected of murdering the singer, the investigation decided to discontinue the criminal case.

Mikhail Krug is a famous Russian performer who has received the high status of “king of Russian chanson.” His most successful composition, “Vladimir Central,” is considered a kind of standard for musical works created in the genre of “prison romance.” The songs of Mikhail Krug have become widely known, they are known not only in Russia, but also abroad.


The real name of Mikhail Krug is Vorobiev. He was born in Tver on April 7, 1962. This boy's family was intelligent; his parents raised two children - Misha and his older sister. My father was a civil engineer, my mother was an accountant at a cotton mill. Grandfather was a participant in the war, the boy was named after him. The Vorobyevs' living conditions were far from ideal. All three generations of the large family occupied a small room in the barracks. But even in such conditions, the Vorobievs lived amicably.

When Misha was very little, he wanted to become a driver. As he grew older, the boy became very interested in music. He especially liked the songs of Vysotsky, who was a real idol for the boy. He wanted to be like the famous bard in everything, but for this he needed a guitar. When their son turned 11 years old, his parents gave him the treasured instrument. The neighbor showed the teenager several popular chords, which he memorized surprisingly quickly. Only a few days passed, and the gifted boy was already performing his first songs. Music school teachers accidentally heard his songs and recommended that his mother send the teenager to study at their school.

At this time, parents were collecting money to purchase a piano for their eldest daughter. They simply could not pay for their son’s education, but Misha was lucky; he was enrolled in a free section of the accordion playing class. The boy really liked playing the instrument, but the choir and solfeggio made him bored, which he could not cope with. Six months later, Misha simply stopped attending music school.

Mikhail always had problems with education; it did not interest him. Even in high school, he often ran away from class. He was an average student who did not stand out in any way from the general background of the class. But Mikhail loved sports, was fond of hockey, football, and was a goalkeeper.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Vorobiev enters a vocational school and studies to become a car mechanic. He has always been keenly interested in cars, and he studies much better at vocational schools than at school. After graduating from college, the young man is called up for active service. Vorobyov was sent to serve in the Sumy region, in a unit that was stationed in the city of Lebedin.

Returning home after service, the guy gets a job, delivering dairy products to retail outlets. Once he was almost kicked out of work for an impudent prank. He took milk to various stores, and there were also products that were intended for the party elite in Tver. Naturally, it was very different in quality from those products that were supplied to regular stores.

The guy brought low-quality products to the party bosses and gave high-quality milk to the store. There was a big scandal, party functionaries tried to prosecute Vorobyov “for profiteering,” but nothing worked out for them, since there was no crime in Mikhail’s actions. He stayed at work, and after 10 years he even became the boss.

At that time, Mikhail was already married, his wife’s parents insisted on receiving higher education. Sparrow himself understands that he needs to study and becomes a student at a polytechnic university. It was in this educational institution that his musical biography began. It was during that period that he received a promotion at work. But studying at the institute and a leadership position oppressed Mikhail. Very soon he returned to the position of driver and dropped out of school.


Mikhail Vorobyov began writing his first songs very early. When he was 25 years old, an art song competition was held at the Polytechnic Institute where he was then studying. One of the judges of this competition was Evgeny Klyachkin, the famous bard. The wife persuaded Vorobyov to take part in this competition, who, if not her, knew how talented Mikhail was. Before going on stage, the young performer was so worried that he even drank a little vodka for courage. He performed a song about Afghanistan, after which he completely calmed down and began to wait for the results, not at all believing in his victory. Children from all over the Soviet Union took part in the competition. The winner was Mikhail Krug.

Evgeny Klyachkin said a lot of kind words to the young performer. Inspired by his approval, two years later Vorobyov chose a creative pseudonym for himself - Krug, and recorded his first album, Tver Streets. It is in this album that you can find one of Mikhail’s first songs – “Morozovsky Town”. This composition was dedicated to the area where the guy lived as a child. In the future, the performer would record two more albums, which were then stolen and re-recorded by “pirates.” As a result, the songs of the Russian bard were distributed in huge numbers throughout Russia.

At the beginning of his creative career, Mikhail Krug made acquaintance with the instrumentalists of the Metalist Palace of Culture. This is how the “Fellow Traveler” group was created. In 1992, the musical group gave its first concert at the Old Castle restaurant. It was this group that took part in the recording of all the albums of the Tver bard.

The first official disc called “Zhigan-lemon”, which was recorded at the Soyuz studio, was released in 1994. Mikhail spent a lot of money on recording the collection, but he did not receive a single penny from the company for his work. Although Mikhail Krug never had problems with the law, there is a lot of criminal sleg in this album. To create his “thieves” songs, he simply used a special NKVD dictionary, released in 1924. The bard accidentally bought this book at a flea market, and it greatly expanded his vocabulary.

The songs of this performer instantly became hits, and the bard himself increasingly began to be called the star of Russian chanson. The rising star did not irritate other performers of this genre at all; they were very loyal to the Circle. At the same time, the “official stage” reproached the singer for indulging the aesthetic needs of those associated with criminal offenses. There is a great deal of truth in this reproach. In fact, Krug’s songs became very popular in the criminal world; he himself often went on tour to correctional facilities with his concerts.

In 1995, the documentary film “Bard Mikhail Krug” was shot. A year later, the bard recorded his third album, called “Living String.” In the same year, 1996, the singer recorded his first own video, “It Was Yesterday.” In 1997, Mikhail toured abroad. He became a participant in the Russian Chanson in Germany festival. In this country, the bard was very warmly received by the Russian-speaking population. At the same time, soloist Svetlana Ternova began working in the group, and Mikhail himself began performing songs by Alexander Belolebedinsky.

The fourth album “Madame” (1998) includes the famous song “Vladimir Central”. Thanks to this song, Mikhail became even more popular, but he continued to be criticized for being too romantic in prison. There is a version that Mikhail dedicated this song to Sasha Sever, his old friend from the criminal world. This may be true, but the performer himself did not give official confirmation.

In the same year, the chansonnier tours the United States, giving concerts in five cities. Krug becomes a laureate of the Ovation Prize in the Russian Chanson category. In 2000, the bard recorded his sixth album, “Mouse,” after which he toured Israel, where his concerts enjoyed constant success.

At the very beginning of the new century, in 2001, the famous chansonnier began to collaborate with Vika Tsyganova. This wonderful duet performed the songs “Swans”, “Come to My House”, “White Snow”, “Two Fates”. The disc “Dedication” was released after the tragic death of the bard; it was released in memory of the singer who died early. This disc contains tracks performed by the famous duet. The artist’s last album is called “Confession” (2003), Mikhail Krug managed to record it shortly before his death.

Personal life

The famous chansonnier was married twice. His first chosen one, Svetlana, was an incredibly talented woman. The young people met in 1986; the girl was a student at that time and was very interested in music. In the musical group of the Polytechnic she was a solo guitarist. Svetlana became a real Muse for Mikhail, she provided him with every possible support, tried to develop his abilities, looked for festivals and competitions where he could show his talent.

A year after they met, the young people got married. In fact, they were very different, Svetlana was an excellent student who graduated from a prestigious university, and her husband had no desire for education at all. And Sveta’s parents didn’t like this very much, especially her mother, who was actually the head of the family. A child, Dima, appeared in a young family, and life became even more difficult. The couple lived together for only 4 years, then divorce followed. Dmitry looks very similar to his father, he received a good education and works in law enforcement.

In 2000, Krug entered into a second marriage with Irina Glazko. He met this beautiful woman on tour in Chelyabinsk and invited her to work as a costume designer in his team. Irina accepted the offer, then the chansonnier kept an eye on her for a whole year. Mikhail no longer wanted to make mistakes; in 2001, he invited Irina to live together. Irina had a daughter, and their joint son, Sasha, was born in 2002. When Mikhail died, Irina continued his work, now she is a performer.


The bard died at the hands of unknown people who attacked his house at night. There were children in the house, Irina, her mother and the singer himself. Mikhail was shot several times from pistols. Irina was very lucky; she managed to hide in her neighbors’ house. An elderly woman, the singer's mother-in-law, was severely beaten by the attackers. And only the children remained safe and sound, they slept peacefully in their rooms.

Mikhail, who received several bullets, managed to find the strength to get to the neighboring house. When the ambulance arrived, he was conscious and even tried to joke with the doctors. Upon arrival at the hospital, he was immediately placed on the operating table. The doctors did everything possible, but they were unable to save the famous bard. By morning the singer was gone.

His death was a big blow to his loved ones and fans. Farewell to the chansonnier took place at the Tver Drama Theater. Present at the memorial service were Efrem Amiramov, Sergei Trofimov, and employees of the regional administration. The funeral procession stretched for several kilometers.

Funeral of Mikhail Krug

The investigation into the death of the famous performer ended 10 years after the tragic night. The widow managed to identify one of her husband’s killers; it was Alexander Ageev, one of the members of the Tver Wolves gang. The gang was arrested in 2008, but Ageev’s involvement in the murder of Krug could not be proven. For other crimes, Ageev received life imprisonment.

In 2014, the gang leader admitted that Krug’s killer was a member of the criminal group, the late Dmitry Veselov. The bard did not want to pay tribute to A. Kostenko, a crime boss better known as Lom. Kostenko was going to bring some sense into the rebellious singer by attacking his mother-in-law. However, Krug ended up in the house, which the bandits did not expect, and they decided to remove him as a dangerous witness.

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