Nastya Shevchenko on VKontakte is real. Who is Nastya Shevchenko? Brief biography of Anastasia

Today, many girls are gaining wild popularity on social networks. What's the secret? The biography of Anastasia Shevchenko may reveal this secret.

What kind of girl is this?

Her full name is Shevchenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna. The girl was born in Saratov on March 17, 1996. Her height is 169 centimeters. The eyes are gray-blue. Nastya studies at the Humanitarian and Economic Lyceum.


The girl is quite seriously interested in photography and videography, and is involved in DJ productions. Anastasia prefers fun and hobbies to a boring and monotonous lifestyle and loves spending time with her boyfriend Efim. He takes a lot of photographs and posts his work on social networks. If you take an interest in information on the topic “Biography of Anastasia Shevchenko”, it will become clear that the girl loves shopping, walking, teddy bears and chocolate, and dreams of becoming loving wife, mother, a good specialist.

How to become popular

The biography of Anastasia Shevchenko is not particularly rich, because she is very young. But despite such a young age, the girl is very popular. Fans of the star say that Nastya is loved because of her beauty and style. The girl is really cute. In her official group"VKontakte" has tens of thousands of fans and admirers. They say that the girl used the program to get subscribers. But despite this, many girls want to be like her.

What is the secret of beauty

Today it is no secret to anyone that Nastya wears blue lenses, has ash-colored highlights, and gets hair extensions. In addition, the girl’s parents are far from poor people and can provide their daughter with visits to expensive beauty salons and solariums. Nastya is simply very well-groomed and fit. Today, everyone can look no worse if they are not lazy. But nature also played its role - Nastya is really beautiful: she has plump natural lips, big eyes, neat nose and beautiful facial features.

Sick fanaticism

The biography of Anastasia Shevchenko is no different; she is not any kind of specialist and does not have a unique talent (or has not yet shown it). But many schoolgirls dream of being like her, and this is wrong! Each one should be unique! This is her life and her path, there is no need to try to try on someone else’s life. People are always attracted to individuality. Even if a schoolgirl begins to resemble Nastya in everything, she will not become as popular, because she will lose her uniqueness. Classmates and friends may turn away completely, since today no one likes plagiarism.

Rumors about the move and participation in the Propaganda group

Google for the request “Anastasia Shevchenko biography from Saratov” returns two girls at once. A member of the Propaganda group and a teenage girl are two different people! Teenage Anastasia never moved anywhere. Moreover, they are not even similar to each other - completely different.

Anastasia Shevchenko. "Propaganda". Biography

Almost full namesake of Nastya - soloist popular group. Many sites publish articles that the group member is a young teenage girl. But this is not true. The girls are completely different. In addition, the lead singer of the group has a mole on her face, but Nastya from Saratov does not have one. The Propaganda participant is 22 years old, she was born on October 15, 1991, and has been singing as part of the group for 2 years. Therefore, all the information that this is the same person is false!

There is a sweet girl in the world, Nastya Shevchenko, whose biography is of great interest to thousands, rather, even millions of people. What is the essence of such popularity? It seems like an ordinary first and last name. Hundreds of girls wear exactly the same ones; there are even a lot of biographies posted on the Internet. Why such a stir? It's simple: some of the owners of this name glorified their names, and today we will talk about them.

The first of them is interesting because recently she has been the lead singer of the Propaganda group. A bright, charismatic girl was able to join the team that had existed since 2001, and not only to join, but to do it in such a way that the team received a new, successful impetus, soaring into Once again at the peak of popularity. At this stage, the former trio is a duet, and it consists of Maria Bukatar and Nastya Shevchenko.

Anastasia's biography is interesting because she spent her life differently from ordinary children. free time in the courtyard own home: she had access to a bright and fantastic society - the circus! The girl's parents graduated together circus school and they worked together in the circus. Dad is a trainer and mom is a stage director. You must admit that the dream of every child to look behind the scenes of a bright tent was not within the reach of everyone. Nastya Shevchenko, whose biography we are discussing, had such an opportunity. Even then, she could not only absorb artistry, charisma and acting skills with the blood of her parents, but also achieve what she wanted through experience. Thanks to her data, the girl got the opportunity to enter the arena early with her own number.

Anastasia still loves the circus to this day, despite the fact that she gave her preference to vocals. By the way, here too the girl was not deprived of genes: Nastya spent a lot of time with her grandmother in Kislovodsk, who led music school. Agree, there is someone to learn from.

The second biography of Nastya Shevchenko (from Saratov) is unique in that, unlike the previous one, it is ordinary. An ordinary schoolgirl from a provincial town, with average statistics and an ordinary appearance, managed to become popular. And to such an extent that her fans on social networks became no less than those of famous artists. It should be said that the fame that came to the girl through her own PR skills and wild love for photography is condemned by many, even to the point of insults.

But the fact remains: no matter how envious people slander, ordinary girl was able to win hearts and create an army of fans, while others can only pour out sarcastic remarks on the pages of various forums or join the ranks of admirers.

Nastya Shevchenko, whose photos from 2013 were posted all over the Internet, was born and raised in Saratov. She studied at a humanitarian lyceum and was fond of dancing. Now, like all teenagers, he likes to go to popular nightclubs in the city and hang out on social networks. In general, an ordinary person...

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Biography of Anastasia Shevchenko - popular girl social network "VKontakte"

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Another girl with a doll-like appearance. Numerous groups in social network claim that she is “very kind and beautiful girl" She looks about 16-17 years old, except for her date of birth: March seventeenth, there is nothing on her page. But this does not stop fans from confessing their feelings to the girl.

What does it look like or what does it look like? Let's get a look.

Here she is, in fact, main character this topic. Sweet, young, pretty girl with big blue eyes. It should be noted that Nastya does not use a lot of cosmetics. This is actually explained by her age. But she always wears foundation, powder and blush. For what? It seems there is no limit to perfection.

But it is worth noting that pastel shades They suit her very well. It was photos like these that made the girl an Internet star. By the way, you can’t refuse Shevchenko’s love to pose. Especially for fans, Nastya arranges interesting photo sessions. Sometimes spontaneous, sometimes well thought out. Of course, it can’t be done without some light photoshop.

Nastya’s undeniable advantage is her thick and luxurious hair. They are not extensions, but carefully highlighted. In order to stir up interest in her person, the girl often consults with fans about what color suits her best and whether she should change her hairstyle. About the fact that Nastya is the most famous person at school and her “clones” there great amount, we won’t even talk about it.

If Nastya is lucky and the world needs her beauty, perhaps in the future she will become a top model. Although the doll-like appearance in last years is not very popular among famous fashion designers and designers. One thing is clear, Nastya is from a wealthy family, therefore, she will be able to afford any career choice and later life. The main thing is that she does not make the wrong bet on beauty. It has long been known that beauty is short-lived and more than illusory.

In the current information age, many people become celebrities instantly. With the help of tools such as the World Wide Web, television, glossy magazines and newspapers, the most ordinary people become “stars” of the first magnitude in just a few months, or even weeks.

Few of the representatives of modern youth have not heard of such famous person from social networks as Nastya Shevchenko. Full name girls: Shevchenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna. So, in today’s article we will talk about who this girl is, why she has gained such popularity on the vastness of the global network and whether she has a real page on the social network VKontakte.

This is surprising, but in a fairly short period of time this girl was able to become famous throughout Russia and beyond; even outside our country, Anastasia Shevchenko is well known. And all thanks to her favorite social network, in which she constantly communicated with her friends, met new people and simply posted her own photos and videos.

The girl's attractive appearance and sociability only contributed to the increase in her popularity. What kind of girl is this? Surely now many users are looking for information about her and her hobbies.

Brief biography of Anastasia

The girl was born on March 17, 1996 in Russian city Saratov. After school, she studied at the local Humanitarian and Economic Lyceum. Anastasia enjoys dancing and photography. Being quite fragile (her weight is fifty-seven kilograms and her height is one hundred and seventy centimeters), she was able to promote herself on the World Wide Web so that now a huge number of both admirers and envious people are talking about her. Anastasia’s parents, most likely, never could have imagined that Nastya would become a star on the VK social network only thanks to her external data.

Anastasia's hobbies

It should be noted that Anastasia has many diverse interests, among which:

  • Fairly professional passion for photography and video; many photographs and videos of Anastasia, which can be found on the Internet, confirm this;
  • DJ productions;
  • Shopping and fun company.
The girl has a boyfriend, his name is Efim Bolshakov. In the future, Anastasia Shevchenko dreams of becoming a good mother and faithful wife, however, like any girl at her age. Nastya also plans to become a qualified specialist.

From this we can conclude that there are a lot of fake pages in the name of Anastasia Shevchenko on VKontakte. The authenticity of the page we have provided is confirmed by a special blue tick next to Anastasia’s name. So you can learn about all the news from the life of the Saratov beauty from this profile.

In our information age, many people become famous instantly. Thanks to the Internet, television, glossy magazines and newspapers, seemingly unremarkable people become almost stars of the first magnitude in just a few weeks, or even days. In our article we will talk about a girl whose name is Nastya Shevchenko. Who is this girl and why has she become so popular?

Nastya Shevchenko: biography

Nastya Shevchenko was born on March 17, 1996 in Saratov. Full name - Shevchenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna. This girl is a 10th grade student at the Saratov Humanitarian and Economic Lyceum and enjoys dancing and photography. Being quite fragile (her weight is 57 kg and her height is 169 cm), she managed to promote herself on the Internet so that now probably only a lazy teenager does not talk about her. Neither her mother, Olga Vasilievna Shevchenko, nor her father, Alexander Olegovich Shevchenko, ever thought that her daughter would become a star of the VKontakte social network just because of her appearance.

Blue-eyed Anastasia loves to take pictures and post her photos on the Internet. Actually, fame came to her precisely because many people like her beautiful appearance. Many girls dream of being like her, and because of this, a lot of fakes have appeared on the Internet. Well, youth is not eternal, and sometimes fame, which comes suddenly, leaves the “star” just as suddenly.

The girl has the most ordinary appearance ( grey eyes And Brown hair), but thanks to beauty salons she managed to make herself a rather attractive person. On the pages of her fan clubs it is officially stated that the girl wears blue lenses and streaked hair, so the question about natural beauty this “star” immediately becomes insignificant. Nastya Shevchenko (whose photo you see at the beginning of the article), like all modern youth, loves to hang out and prefers Saratov nightclubs such as Rotunda, Amon-Ra, and Grand Michel.

How to become Nastya Shevchenko

How to become like Nastya Shevchenko? Very simple! We go to the salon, highlight our natural hair, and in addition to this we buy from the store artificial hair on clips and blue lenses, we take pictures in different poses- and everything is ready! But seriously, it’s impossible to become Nastya Shevchenko, so it’s better not to even try. Just be yourself, do what you like and do best. And then, who knows, maybe an article about you will appear on our website.

By the way, on the Internet Anastasia is often confused with her namesake Anastasia Shevchenko, a participant in the Star Factory. This girl graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Rostov University, worked on television, radio and in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, until she eventually ended up at the Star Factory-6 of Channel One, where fame came to her.