Viagra official VKontakte group. Via Gra group - composition, photos, videos, listen to songs

Ukrainian pop trio " VIA Gra" - the brightest music project 2000s, the success of which could not be surpassed by any women's group, which subsequently appeared in domestic show business.

History of creation

The idea of ​​creating a group belongs to a Ukrainian businessman, owner music channel"Biz-TV" to Dmitry Kostyuk. Inspired by the success of the Spice Girls, he invited composer Konstantin Meladze, well known for creative union with his brother Valery, to launch their own women's project.

The first participant was Alena Vinnitskaya, who then worked as a presenter at Biz-TV. They picked up two more girls for her and filmed a test clip. But the result did not impress the producers, and they continued to search for new participants.

During a tour in Zhitomir, Valery Meladze met Nadezhda Granovskaya and recommended his brother to pay attention to her. The girl was approved immediately after the first viewing, and work began to boil. Initially, the group was supposed to be called “Silver”, but, looking at the sexy Nadya, the producers decided to call the group “VIA Gra”.

Another version says that the name of the group is made up of the names of the first line-up. “VI” is the first letters of the surname “Vinnitskaya”, “A” is from “Alena”, “Gra” is from Granovskaya. "Gra" can also mean "Voice, Joy, Artistry."

The main stages of creativity

In the summer of 2000, a video was shot for the song “Attempt No. 5,” which created an incredible sensation. Having recorded six more songs and filmed a video for the song “Hug Me,” the producers and band began touring.

VIA Gra – Attempt No. 5

On December 20, 2000, the first concert of the newly formed group took place in Dnepropetrovsk, which was a resounding success. Girls began to be invited to television and radio, and their performances were invariably accompanied by an enthusiastic reaction from the public. In the fall of 2001, the group’s first album, “Attempt No. 5,” was released and a contract was signed with Sony Music to record five more. Alena and Nadya starred in the New Year's musical for the Inter channel with the participation of leading show business stars, which further added to their popularity.

At the peak of success, Nadezhda unexpectedly found out that she was pregnant and decided to leave the group. This event came as a complete surprise to Kostyuk and Meladze. They urgently began to look for a similar participant, and soon Granovskaya’s place was taken by St. Petersburg model Tatyana Naynik. She lacked Nadya’s charisma and vocal abilities, so it was decided to strengthen the lineup with the young and charming Anya Sedokova, who had in a wonderful voice and a luxurious figure. The public favorably accepted the video for the song “Stop. Stop. Stop" with new soloists, and the group successfully continued its existence.

However, six months later, Granovskaya, having barely recovered from giving birth, came to Meladze and tearfully asked to take her back. For some time they performed as a foursome, but later Naynik took up a solo career.

VIA Gra - Stop! Stop! Stop!

Soon it was Alena Vinnitskaya’s turn to leave the group. The girl was much older than the other participants and felt uncomfortable. And the singer’s husband, musician Sergei Bolshoi, was not happy with her participation in ViaGra.

Alena quickly found a replacement in the person of Dneprodzerzhinsk resident Vera Galushko, who was ready to do anything to escape poverty. In record time, the girl turned from a simple provincial girl into a luxurious, sexy beauty, capable of turning the head of any man. Vera came up with a sonorous pseudonym for Brezhnev and shot a video with her participation for the song “Don’t leave me, beloved,” which became an undisputed hit in 2003.

In the same year, the group’s second album “Stop! Removed”, in support of which a grandiose tour. The success of the album exceeded all the producers' expectations, and it was decided to go global. Having released the English version of the album “Stop! Stop! Stop!”, the group went on a tour of the countries of the East (Japan, China, Thailand, Hong Kong), which was a resounding success.

The group entered the Western market under the name “Nu Virgos” (which means “Naked Virgins”) in order to avoid lawsuits from the manufacturer of the drug “Viagra”.

Satisfied producers were already making plans to conquer Europe and America, when in April 2004 Sedokova unexpectedly announced her pregnancy and left the group a month later. Her departure cost the producers several tens of millions of dollars. A casting was urgently announced, and Anya’s place was soon taken by the wayward Svetlana Loboda, who was never able to find mutual language neither with the participants nor with the producers.

Four months later, the girl left the group, and she was replaced by Valery Meladze’s protégé Albina Dzhanabaeva (as it turned out later, his mother illegitimate son Bones). The girl was much inferior to the other participants in appearance and notorious sex appeal, but, having enlisted the support of Valery, she began to restore order in the group.

VIA Gra – Biology

In 2005, the team began serious problems. His popularity sharply declined with Sedakova’s departure, and soon Vera and Nadya asked to be released. Konstantin Meladze did not interfere with them, and he himself was already thinking about closing the project.

Kostyuk still managed to persuade his colleague to continue working, and soon a real leapfrog of participants began. Over the next seven years, six soloists changed: Granovskaya was replaced first by Christina Kots-Gottlieb, then by Olga Koryagina, and finally by Meseda Bagaudinova. They were looking for a girl to replace Brezhneva for almost a year, all this time “VIA Gra” was a duet. Finally, in March 2008, singer Tatyana Kotova joined the group, then Granovskaya returned to the group to replace the departed Bagaudinova. In March 2010, Kotova’s place was taken by Eva Bushmina, and a year and a half later, Nadezhda, who again expressed a desire to leave the group, was replaced by Santa Dimopoulos.

After a year of being in the team, Santa got married. "VIA Gra" again turned into a duet. At the end of 2012, the group's producer announced the closure of the project. But, as it turned out, the news was a carefully planned PR campaign. Meladze, who by that time had already separated from Kostyuk, decided to dial completely new line-up. To do this, he organized the television show “I Want to Meladze,” in which former participants became mentors and jury members.

Winners of the show “I want to go to VIA Gro”

Three girls reached the finals - Misha Romanova, Erica Herceg and Nastya Kozhevnikova, who became the new “VIA Groy”. At first, the girls loudly announced themselves with the songs “Truce” and “I have someone else,” but over time, interest in them faded. They never managed to repeat the phenomenal success of the “golden” line-up of ViaGra, which shone on the stage in the mid-2000s.

Collaborations with other artists

  • “I didn’t understand” – VIA Gra ft. Verka Serdiuchka
  • “Ocean and Three Rivers” – VIA Gra ft. Valeriy Meladze
  • “There is no more attraction” – VIA Gra ft. Valeriy Meladze
  • “There is nothing worse” - VIA Gra ft. TNMK
  • “I don’t want a man” – VIA Gra ft. TNMK
  • “I got another one” – VIA Gra ft. Vakhtang
  • “Oxygen” – VIA Gra ft. Mot

VIA Gra and Mot - Oxygen


After Meladze’s decision to reform the group and recruit new participants in the TV show, a black cat ran between the group’s producers. They could not agree on the rights to the brand. Dmitry Kostyuk decided to open his own project with the same name, since in Russia the rights to the name belonged to him, and in Ukraine the VIA Gra brand was registered with Meladze. As a result, Kostyuk recruited a new cast, which included Dasha Medovaya, Dasha Rostova and Aina Wilber. In 2015, the group ceased to exist, as Rospatent stopped protection ahead of schedule trademark Kostyuk.


  • Attempt No. 5 (2001)
  • Stop! Cut! (2003)
  • Stop! Stop! Stop! (2003)
  • Biology (2003)
  • L.M.L. (2007)

Group "VIA Gra" now

Personnel turnover has not escaped updated version"VIA Gra". On March 24, 2018 the group performed updated composition: Misha Romanova’s place was taken by no one famous singer from St. Petersburg Olga Meganskaya. The replacement became known 2 days before the concert. The previous soloist left the band for personal reasons.

In September 2018, Anastasia Kozhevnikova left the group - her 5-year contract with Meladze expired, and shortly before that she married a businessman who, after the wedding, decided to help Nastya with producing solo project. She was replaced by a graduate " New factory stars" Ulyana Sinetskaya. The group with its new lineup continues to tour and receive applause from the audience.

Today we will tell you about how one of the most beautiful models with a gorgeous voice and stunning appearance, Erika Herceg managed to gain enormous popularity in Ukraine and abroad, what is the secret of the singer’s beauty and why Erika decided to do plastic surgery. And we will also tell you whether Erica Herceg is registered on the social network Contact personally.

Biography of a girl

  • Erica was born in Ukraine, in the Transcarpathian region. At school, the girl sang in the church choir, where she began to get involved in music.
  • Future singer received higher education at the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after. Ferenc Rakozzi II, majoring in economics and management.
  • In order to make her old dream come true - to become a model, the girl had to lose 30 kg.
  • In 2011, at its peak modeling career the girl moved to the capital of Ukraine and signed a contract with a well-known company.
  • A little later, she brilliantly won the show “I want to go to VIA Gro.”
  • To maintain excellent physical shape, Erica gets plenty of rest, eats right, does yoga and dancing, and leads an active lifestyle.
  • After the girl lost 30 kg, her breasts became noticeably smaller, so she decided to have plastic surgery. Erica also posed for Playboy.

Celebrity Page

And now it’s time to find out if there is an official page for the slender blonde with great vocals. Erika Herceg is indeed registered in Contact at this address:

The singer has about 260 friends and more than 103 thousand subscribers. All network users can subscribe to Erica's page, but not everyone can send her private messages. On the avatar you can find photos of Erica in underwear, in beautiful dresses and from different angles. Great competitor!

Erica Herceg VKontakte published about 13 albums with photographs: “TopHit Award Music Awards 2014", "BlackhallBar [Minsk]", "Viva! Behind the Screen" and others. The album “BlackhallBar” contains photographs from the performance of “VIA Gra” in Minsk. The album “Photo Shoots” contains the most striking photographs of girls from different photo shoots in various outfits and angles. In the album “Viva! Behind the Screen" You can see photographs of the singer being made up and dressed backstage.

Erica in social network Kontakte published about 50 videos. Here you can watch a video confirmation of the singer’s page, congratulations from the group “VIA Gra” on Valentine’s Day, the concert “VIA Gra in Batumi” and other videos with concerts of the group “VIA Gra” in different cities, clips and Erica Herceg’s performance on the show “I want to go to VIA Gro” .

Erica posts her photos on her wall and addresses her many subscribers. Under posts you can leave your comments, “Like” or repost on your wall. Erica Herceg subscribes to more than 130 public pages, among which you can find communities dedicated to VIA Gre.

So, now you know that Erica Herceg is really registered and always welcomes new subscribers. So subscribe to official page singers in VKontakte, listen to new songs and watch new videos of the group “VIA Gra”!

Queue for tickets at the box office.

To the stage of one of the largest concert halls The Moscow group "VIA Gra" was supposed to perform on February 17, however, unfortunately for fans, the concert was cancelled. As Life learned, there were very few fans upset about this, because the ticket agency sold only 31 tickets for the show for a total of about 90 thousand rubles. By the way, the organizers of the concert, with a minimum configuration of the venue designed for 3,241 people, announced ticket prices from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Prices for seats in the stalls reached 15,000 rubles.

What is the reason for the decline in interest in the cult female group, which has captivated the male population of the country since the early 2000s? Life asked show business experts and those involved in the project about this different years of people.

"The girls have a new audience that still needs to be built up. It’s a bold step to decide to put together Crocus after three years. I don’t know if we could do it in such a time.” short term. The new “VIA Gro” is being criticized by fans of the golden cast, who can be understood,”

ex-soloist of "VIA Gra" Nadezhda Granovskaya-Meikher.

The VIA Gra concert at Crocus City Hall has been cancelled.

The ticket agency sold only 31 tickets for a total of about 90 thousand rubles.

Konstantin Meladze put together the new “VIA Gru” in 2013, turning the casting of singers into a large-scale reality show “I Want V VIA Gru”. Together with producer Alan Badoev, Meladze agreed to broadcast the project on four largest CIS TV channels at once: Belarusian ONT, Russian NTV, Ukrainian 1+1 and Kazakh NTK. Then the new “VIA Gro” included 25-year-old Erica Herceg, 23-year-old Misha Romanova and 20-year-old Anastasia Kozhevnikova. Over the next year and a half, the hits “Truce”, “I Got Another One”, “So Strong” and “Oxygen” appeared on the music charts. However, despite active PR in TV shows and the rich heritage of the group, Meladze did not save the renewed group from the disastrous cancellation of the big solo concert in the capital's Crocus City Hall.

“The Tsar is not real! That “VIA Gra”, which gathered halls and remained in the hearts and memories of people, has nothing in common with this team! This is the same thing that someone will now gather The Beatles",

producer Victor Drobysh.

The last time VIA Gra gathered a crowd of thousands in Moscow was back in 2011. Then, at the group’s 10th anniversary, several members of the group sang at once in the same Crocus City Hall. The girls on stage were accompanied by Grigory Leps and Valery Meladze. The new "VIA Gra" has had greater success since then in the capital's concert venues didn't achieve it. Musical critic Sergei Sosedov explains what is happening by the disappearance of the main feature of the team - sex.

“Why was it necessary to recruit a new “VIA Gro” when the old one was tired? Everything is good in moderation, when it is fresh, and not boring, banal and predictable. The public is fed up with this sexuality, that’s why they don’t buy tickets,”