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Despite the apparent exoticism, Singapore currency worthily bears the name “dollar”, in no way inferior to its overseas namesakes. IN currently many analysts point to prospects Singaporean, the strengthening of which is entirely supported by the policies of the Ministry of Finance of the city-state.

History of Singapore currency

Singapore began issuing its own banknote on April 7, 1967, after the country gained independence. At first, the newly-minted currency was pegged to a ratio of 60:7, but after the cessation of the sterling zone, it was established for some time fixed rate of Singapore dollar to his older, American brother. Since the 1970s An economic miracle began in the city-state, supported by the emergence of profitable trade relations. Well national currency has now become fixed to the currency basket of the country's largest trading partners, and since 1985 it has been free to fluctuate within a fixed corridor.

It is curious that all four batches of banknotes were issued Singapore dollar during its history they had their own concept. Thus, the first of the series, Orchids, depicted the corresponding flower on banknotes, which became national symbol city-states. Afterwards the series Birds, Vessels, and also acting on this moment Portrait series, featuring the first President of Singapore. Both paper and polymer banknotes, which are less susceptible to deformation, are in use.

Protection of the Singapore dollar

The monetary policy of the Ministry of Finance of Singapore has been aimed at strengthening the national currency for a long time. The country is fully backed by gold and foreign exchange reserves, one of the lowest in the world, and the balance of payments is positive. All these factors have a beneficial effect on the exchange rate Singapore dollar , providing him with stability. International recognition the city-state's currency came in 2003, when Singaporean was included in the world list of freely convertible currencies.

Singapore dollar denominations

One Singapore dollar equal to 100 cents. Banknotes in circulation are in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 1000, 10000 Singapore dollars, as well as coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 cents, 1 Singapore dollar, 2 and 5. International currency designation - SGD.

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The national currency of Singapore, the Singapore dollar, is designated as S$. This country began issuing its currency in 1967 with the help of the Monetary Authority, which replaced the Ministry of Finance of Singapore in 2002. The obverse of the coins depicts the coat of arms of Singapore, and the reverse - flower arrangements. The first banknotes were introduced in 1967. In series of releases different years beautiful names: series of Orchids, Birds, Ships and Portraits. IN last episode On the front side of the banknotes is a portrait of the first president who led Singapore from 1965 to 1970, Yusof bin Ishak. The Singapore dollar exchange rate is set daily by the Bank of Russia.

Singapore dollar to ruble quote

There are many sites on the Internet with calculators where you can see how the Singapore dollar is quoted against the ruble. As of May 14, 2016, 1 SGD is equal to 47.3669 RUR. In April, the exchange rate changed towards the fall of the ruble and on April 1, 2016 it was 50.3414. Between Singapore and Russian Federation Trade is actively developing, which exceeds 3.8 billion US dollars. Exchanging rubles for Singapore dollars is necessary if you are planning to travel to Singapore for tourism or business purposes. The currency is used only in this country. Quotes are usually presented on many websites in the form of graphs, which allows you to see trends in the growth or depreciation of the Singapore dollar against the ruble.

Singapore dollar exchange rate

Singapore – developed country Asia, the Singapore dollar exchange rate is determined solely by the market. Singapore's currency is freely convertible, it can be imported and exported, and exchanged for the currencies of other countries. Everywhere in the country they pay not only in cash, but also with bank cards. The only restriction is that you cannot bring souvenir money into Singapore.

Singapore dollar to US dollar exchange rate

As of May 14, 2016, the Singapore dollar to US dollar exchange rate is 1 SGD to 0.7295 US dollar. Websites that post currency quotes have graphs that show how the exchange rate has changed. From the beginning of 2016 to May, the ratio between the Singapore dollar and the US dollar changed upward. In January, one Singapore dollar was worth 0.68 US dollars. At the beginning of its existence, Singapore's currency was pegged to the British pound sterling. Since the 70s of the last century, the benchmark has been the US dollar. Today, the Singapore dollar is aligned with a basket of major world currencies. It is a freely convertible currency and there are no restrictions on its import or export.

Singapore dollar to yuan exchange rate

Three quarters of Singaporeans are Chinese, and relations with China have always been important for this country. They developed unevenly and complexly. And today the Singapore dollar to yuan exchange rate is an important financial indicator. As of May 14, 2016, it is 1 SGD = 0.4757 CNY. The transformation of Singapore, through economic changes and technological development, over several decades from a backward, poor country into the most developed state in the region, came as a surprise to its huge neighbor. Since 1985, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the Chinese currency has been determined solely by market realities: supply and demand.

Dynamics of the Singapore dollar exchange rate

The Singapore dollar is a freely convertible currency that can be imported and exported from the country without hindrance. In Singapore, you can make bank payments everywhere. Tourists and businessmen coming from our country to this developed state in the Asian region are interested in exchanging this currency for the ruble. The dynamics of the Singapore dollar against the Russian ruble are directed towards the growth of the ruble, especially in recent months. Thanks to economic development, aimed at high tech, Singapore today is an active participant in business processes in the region and around the world.

Singapore dollar exchange rate history

Singapore has throughout its history been integral part many Asian countries. Its advantageous location at the intersection of sea routes attracted the attention of neighboring states and Great Britain. Singapore became independent in 1965, and its currency, the Singapore dollar, appeared in 1967. The history of the Singapore dollar began with a peg to the British pound of 60 cents to 7 pounds. Then the exchange rate was equal to the US dollar for several years. Since 1973, Singapore's finances have focused on a basket of major world currencies. Singapore – amazing country, which, thanks to the development of technology and an export-oriented economy, has become one of the most developed Asian countries. Today, the Singapore dollar exchange rate is determined by the market.

The main currency of Singapore is the Singapore dollar. His digital code– 702, letter symbolic designation in the global economy – SGD. In practice, it is equivalent to one hundred cents. Today, coins with denominations from one to fifty cents and 1 dollar are common in the world; as well as banknotes in the form of: one, two, five, ten, twenty, twenty-five, fifty, one hundred, five hundred, thousand and ten thousand dollars.
To the process of creating banknotes in the city there is special treatment– individual series are periodically invented and developed: portraits, birds, orchids. On some coins you can see a variety of floral arrangements and the Coat of Arms of the country.

In general, the design of the coins is almost the same: on the reverse there is the country’s coat of arms, under which there is a ribbon, below is the year of issue of the coin; in a circle - countries are written different languages. The right side is determined by the digital denomination, the inscription and a certain image. As for banknotes, the first series was created in 1967, and received the poetic name “Orchid”. After this, “Birds” (1976 – 1980), then “Ships” (1985 – 1989) began to appear in everyday use. Beginning in 1999, a series of banknotes, partly consisting of polymer, was introduced - “Portrait” - with the placement of symbolic subject images. On the right side of Singapore banknotes, the image of the first Republic, Yusuf ibn Ishaq, and the coat of arms are drawn

On each banknote, the first President Yusuf ibn Ishaq is depicted on the left side

On back side compositional drawings flaunt:

  • 2 SGD – “Education”;
  • 5 SGD – “Singapore Garden”;
  • 10 SGD – “Sport”;
  • 50 SGD – “Art”;
  • 100 SGD – “Youth”;
  • 1000 SGD – “Government Building”;
  • 10000 – “Science”.

Moreover, each banknote has its own specific color. In honor of the fortieth anniversary of the interchangeable currency, two states - Brunei and Singapore, in two thousand and seven, created a common twenty-dollar banknote.

History of the Singapore dollar

Historically, the first Singapore dollar was developed and created back in nineteen sixty-seven. Before significant event, the state used the “Straits dollar”, as well as the Malayan dollar. In the twentieth century, Singapore's monetary policy experienced many changes. Today, the national currency of Singapore has officially replaced the money of Malaya and British Borneo. The territory of application of the Singaporean monetary unit is very extensive: American Samoa, Virgin (British) Islands, Virgin Islands (USA), Minor Pacific Outlying Islands of the United States, United States of America, Haiti, Guam, Micronesia, Panama, Puerto Rico and other states.


Initially, SGD was pegged to the British pound and had a ratio of 60:7. This position was not chosen by chance, because historically, the British practically built the city and port, thereby introducing their culture to the island. In general, the history of Singapore for a long time, had a close connection with events taking place in Great Britain. Today, the Singapore dollar exchange rate policy is set by the Singapore MoF.

Singapore dollar cross rate:

  • To the US dollar – 1 SGD = 0.74 USD, and 1 USD = 1.35 SGD;
  • To the euro – 1 SGD = 0.66 EUR, 1 EUR = 1.52 SGD;
  • To the Russian ruble – 1 SGD = 48.96 RUB, 1 RUB = 0.02 SGD.

However, due to the instability of the ruble exchange rate, we advise you to check the exact exchange rate before traveling.

General characteristics

Thanks to the big leap in the modern economy, the Singapore currency today is characterized by sufficient stability and significant popularity in the world economy, therefore, exchanging foreign currency for SGD is quite simple. This process can be carried out at almost any bank branch or special exchange office. Significant difference in values exchange rates, as a rule, does not exist - so you can purchase or return the Singapore dollar anywhere, and this will happen without significant losses.

According to the latest research materials, Singapore became one of the most expensive cities in the world in 2014, although a couple of years ago it was in twentieth place in terms of cost of living. Stable growth economic situation in the state had a positive impact on the significant strengthening of the Singapore currency. Today's reality suggests that Singapore continues to further strengthen its investment position, thereby significantly increasing the value of SGD in the global economy.