Business plan with calculations for the production of oil paintings. Business - store of modular paintings at home

With the development of means used by humans to exchange information, perhaps the main contemporary value, the speed of its spread has increased thousands of times. Many design ideas, before they appear in the West or in Asia, almost instantly become the property of everyone. One of the latest generally recognized trends in the design of both public and residential premises has become modular paintings, which are several separate canvases combined general meaning or a general image.

Such original wall decoration gives the room uniqueness, successfully emphasizes the artistic taste of the owners and becomes the object of attention of all visitors. How to make your own modular paintings will be discussed later.

Just before describing the technology for obtaining such an original interior decoration, let us dwell in more detail on their types. Nowadays it is not at all necessary to master the skill of an artist in order to receive artistic canvas. It is enough to select a picture you like online and print it using specialized equipment on paper, fabric or other sheet materials. After this, all that remains is to cut the resulting image into the appropriate parts and secure them.

Of course, if you yourself have artistic abilities, obtaining ready-made modular paintings that have a common semantic content will not be difficult. Perhaps this could even become quite a profitable activity.

It should be noted that both modules made from parts of the same size and paintings with canvases look original in the interior various shapes and size.

The combination of vertical and horizontal modular paintings combined in one module is also advantageous.

Self-production of modular paintings

If you have no idea about the basics of making paintings, let’s look in more detail at the process of preparing the base. In order to stretch a handwritten or printed canvas, you will need several frame structures made from wooden blocks. Artists call them stretchers. Their size determines the size of the elements you use. It is worth noting that modular paintings, both self-made and industrial ones, do not have frames.

On sale in specialized stores you can find many different types subframes As a rule, they are implemented with canvases already attached to them.

If you write a three- or polyptych yourself, you can use the proposed basis for your future paintings. When using printed images, the fabric must be carefully removed from the stretcher.

As a rule, fastening the canvas is done using staples from a furniture stapler.

To remove the fabric, just pull it forcefully with your hands.

If it is not possible to purchase subframes or you do not want to spend time and money on this, cash, you can make picture frames yourself. To do this, you will need slats with a cross section of 50×20, 40×20.50×25 millimeters. After planing the sides of the workpieces until smooth, saw off parts of equal length in pairs, file the ends at an angle of 45 degrees, and connect with glue or staples 14 millimeters long. To strengthen the corner joints from the inside, secure plywood gussets in each corner - right triangles with sides 10 centimeters.

The next stage of DIY production is cutting out and fixing the paintings on stretchers. In the case of printing a picture, it is advisable to produce not one common canvas, but several separate ones with overlapping patterns. Then, when the paintings are secured and mutually positioned, the integrity of the image will be preserved.

If it is not possible to print any image or paint a picture, there is another simple, but no less expressive way - using pieces of bright patterned fabric instead of canvas. To cut, you need to place a stretcher on the fabric and cut the piece so that its edges overlap the frame base with a margin.

After the fabric is cut, it must be secured. For this, it is best to use a furniture or construction stapler. Lay one edge of the canvas along the long side of the stretcher and secure it with staples. Then, keeping the fabric slightly taut to prevent folds and wrinkles, attach it to the opposite side of the base. The next stage is fastening to the short sides using the previously described technology.

Pay special attention to the placement of the fabric in the corners of the paintings being made. Try to avoid excessive clumping, distribute the fabric evenly, partially tucking it towards the long and short sides of the stretcher.

If there are no stretchers for modular paintings, their role can be played by a rectangular piece of plywood or chipboard. After sawing and finishing the edges, lay the piece on the fabric and cut it out.

After this, all that remains is to secure the edges of the canvas to a flat base using a stapler. As a result of all the work, you will receive an original triptych made by yourself, which will decorate the interior of your room.

The final touch will be mounting the paintings on the wall in the chosen location. And here use your imagination, because mutual arrangement The pictures in the module may be different. For fastening, ordinary small furniture hangers are quite suitable. You can hang stretchers with attached canvases directly onto screw heads protruding from the wall, screwed into plastic dowels, which are installed in holes of suitable diameter.

An example of creating modular paintings on printed paper graphical basis:

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Decorating your home yourself is a matter of honor for craftsmen and craftswomen who prefer an original and unique interior. Modern tendencies room decoration dictates the use of relatively modest and laconic objects.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings are just such minimalist types of decorations. Their simple geometric shape, the absence of frames, glass and other unnecessary parts allows you to create them yourself.

What are modular paintings?

As the name suggests, these decorative elements consist of several individual parts(modules) that are united by a common artistic idea and are placed on the wall in a certain order.

As a rule, do-it-yourself modular paintings made from photo wallpaper or other materials, just like factory-made products, have a certain thickness. That is, they form a three-dimensional composition. The depth of individual modules can be the same (most often) or different. In the second case, the difference in volume allows you to create the effect of a three-dimensional image.

DIY modular paintings: types

The main material for creating such decor can be used:

  • wallpaper (regular or photo wallpaper);
  • photos;
  • colored paper;
  • textile;
  • canvas.

Products drawn by hand on paper or canvas become truly original. However, the ease of making modular paintings opens up wide opportunities even for those who are far from the world of creativity. When using ready-made painted materials, the main skill required is the accuracy of a home craftsman.

The arrangement of elements can be linear, diagonal or abstract. The modules are given completely different shapes: square, round, arbitrary. True, the simplest one for making a house is still rectangular.

How to place finished products

When thinking about how to make a modular picture with your own hands, you should think about its placement in advance. As a rule, empty areas of walls above sofas, along stairs or between doorways need to be decorated and filled.

The diagram below suggests various options arrangement of elements of modular paintings, which will also be useful to those who are planning the placement large quantity photographs or panels.

Paintings on canvas

Do-it-yourself modular paintings, created as an alternative to original canvases, imply the use of high-quality materials and specific technology. The basis for applying the decorative layer is canvas.

Available in art stores wide choose various blanks, including a durable wooden subframe with a canvas stretched over it. The assortment of such stores often depends on the demand for similar products, so find materials in provincial cities may be problematic. The solution is to search and buy everything you need in online stores.

The selected pattern is applied to the finished base using any available technique (oil, pastel). Such modular paintings, made with your own hands, are a real work of art.

In cases where the image cannot be drawn, it can be applied to the canvas using a special printer. A ready-made base with a subframe will not be suitable for this task. You will need to purchase the canvas and mounting for it separately. Canvas printing is a fairly common service offered by many printing houses.

An important point: before you make a modular picture with your own hands, you should carefully plan the location and boundaries of each of its elements. The canvas with the printed design must be stretched on a stretcher, which means that each element of the composition must be printed separately with a sufficient supply of clean canvas around the edges.

Using scrap materials

Unlike the previous method, it is much easier to make modular paintings from wallpaper with your own hands. As decorative material you can use any wallpaper you like, a drawing printed in a printing house, family photos, portraits of your favorite film artists or decoupage cards.

For such paintings you will also need a stretcher with chipboard or plywood. You can buy it or make it yourself. The color image is drawn, cut out and attached to the flat base of the stretcher. For fixation, use special glue, double-sided tape or a construction stapler. The disadvantage of using liquid glue is that the paper softens and deforms, so you should experiment in advance on an unnecessary fragment and select a suitable material.

Before you make a modular picture with your own hands from photo wallpaper, you need to make sure that the finished elements are correctly matched on the wall and create a single plot. Therefore, wallpaper cutting should be carried out taking into account hem allowances. An alternative would be to cover the end of the subframe with another material. In this case, the area of ​​the picture coincides with the surface area of ​​the subframe.

DIY modular painting: master class

Fabric is a fairly popular material for making modular paintings. Its color can be any, at the discretion of the owner of the house. For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • stretcher;
  • decorative fabric;
  • scissors;
  • meter or tape measure;
  • glue or construction stapler;
  • additional elements (fasteners for hanging, tape for finishing the end, decor).

To cut fabric, it is better to make a pattern according to the size of each fragment. Parts with hem allowances should be cut out carefully, especially if we're talking about about the material with geometric pattern. If you allow a distortion, it will be very noticeable and will have to be redone.

The beauty of using fabric is that you don't have to try to match the edges of the future modular picture. This greatly simplifies the work.

The subframe can be wooden or foam. When choosing the second option, you should refuse to use glue, since it will be almost impossible to achieve uniform sizing of the fabric.

Sequence of work

The cut out fragments are placed on the surface of the subframe and fixed with temporary fasteners at several points (pins or thin nails). Then the workpiece should be turned over, allowances should be placed on the wrong side and sequentially attached to the stretcher. You should start with the long sides, then move to the short ones. Lastly, fold and fix the corners.

It is necessary to avoid excessive tension of the canvas, as this will lead to deformation of the pattern. If desired, the ends can be treated with tape, and decorative elements can be attached to the front surface of the painting.

Lastly, the hinges are nailed from the inside out and then the pictures are hung on the wall.

A modular picture is considered modern subject interior, although it first saw the light during Ancient Greece. Main feature Such paintings is the fact that they are divided into several parts, but at the same time they are not separate images, but fragments of one composition. Such products can be purchased in regular stores and through web resources, but to create a truly original interior, it is better to make modular paintings with your own hands.

The living room is considered an excellent place for experimenting and combining different light and sunny colors. If there are no specific rules regarding the combination of shades, then the size of the painting should correspond to the size of the room. Dimensional modular canvases will look bulky and awkward in a small living room, and small images will simply get lost in a large room.

A modular painting in the living room can be the central element of the room

When making a painting for the bedroom, it is important to remember that this is a place of rest and relaxation, so the image should not have sharp and aggressive lines and colors. For this room, a calm landscape or an abstract image is best suited. It is also very important to choose the shade of the product so that it is in harmony with the decoration of the bedroom, since a sharp resonance will draw too much attention to one detail of the interior.

Paintings in the bedroom should be in calm tones that promote relaxation and rest.

They are often used to decorate children's rooms. bright colors, and their number can be very large for one room. Therefore, it is better not to do a modular painting in such colors. Also, a child is unlikely to appreciate abstraction; it is better to choose images of animals, fairy tale or cartoon characters. If a teenager lives in the room, then it is better to give him the choice, and find out in advance whether he even wants to see such a decoration in his room. You can offer several photos with friends (just print them so that one fragment contains parts of two or more photos); images with your favorite actor or musician are also suitable.

A modular painting in a children's room in the style of a child's favorite cartoon will be an excellent decorative solution.

Best suited for hallway interior simple pictures. This is due to the fact that residents and guests rarely stay in this room for a long time, so it is not worth spending significant physical and financial resources. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the hallway is the beginning of the home, so the modular picture must correspond general style decoration of an apartment or house.

Before you make a modular painting with your own hands for the kitchen, you need to think about whether there is a place for it where the piece of furniture will not get dirty. If the wall area allows for the placement of canvas, then it is better to choose still lifes, since they are best suited for the given room.

Video: DIY modular painting (master class)

Required materials and tools

The main part can be made from a variety of materials. These could be images on paper that were printed in fragments on a regular home printer, paper with pictures from a printing house, wallpaper with a design you liked, fabric with a print, and so on. The material from which the frame will be made depends on the selected front part. Ideal for fabric wooden frame, it is better to glue photo wallpaper onto sheets of foam plastic, and paper attaches well to boards made of wood-based particle boards.

So, to make from wallpaper or other material you will need the following:

  • Printed images.
  • Thin wooden slats, polystyrene foam, chipboard and so on.
  • PVA glue.
  • Tape measure or meter.
  • Construction stapler.
  • Pencil, marker, chalk, soap.
  • Scissors.

Making a modular painting from fabric

The main part for such a product can be designed and printed yourself, ordered from a designer, or purchased already ready product. The first option requires talent and inspiration, the second is suitable for those who are willing to spend a significant amount to purchase exclusive material, and the third for those who just want to freshen up the interior a little.

Step-by-step instruction on production:

  1. The first step is to make wooden slats suitable length. To do this, mark the workpiece and cut off the excess length.
  2. Then you need to saw off the ends of the wooden products at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, it is better to first fold the frame on the floor to understand which way to cut.
  3. After this, glue the cut fragments with glue and press them, hold them there for a few seconds and leave them alone for 1-2 hours. You can also use a construction stapler to secure wooden elements.

When all the frames are ready, you can start preparing the image. To do this, mark the canvas, leaving about 2 cm on each edge to leave some material for overlap. After this, simply stretch the fabric on the prepared frame and secure it with reverse side stapler.

Video: master class on making a modular painting on canvas

Modular paintings from photo wallpapers

  1. Several slabs of foam plastic should be prepared.
  2. Then you need to apply markings on them that correspond to the sizes of future fragments of the composition and cut the material according to it. It is best to use a special thermal cutting machine, but this tool is quite expensive, so it is not advisable to buy it to make one painting. You can take a utility knife and carefully trim the foam.
  3. Then you need to cut the photo wallpaper, leaving 1-2 cm for overlap.
  4. At the end, the wallpaper is simply glued onto the prepared base and ironed thoroughly.

Creating your own masterpiece is quite simple. Even a novice master can cope with this task; it is only important to follow the above recommendations and act as carefully as possible.

The desire to decorate one's home in an extraordinary way has always been inherent in man. Currently there is a passion for modular paintings. This is a type of business, and creativity, and original wall decoration.

How modular paintings are created

Walls are the main platform for decorating a room. Each time period has its own design concepts: carpets, embossing, etchings, framed family photographs. Paintings have always decorated the walls. They could be tapestry and embroidered, monochrome and color, painted in oil and watercolor. A new trend that has captured the hearts of millions is composite paintings from fragments.

The production of modular paintings is practiced from a single image, breaking it into several parts. There can be two or more such fragments.

According to the number of parts, the images are divided:

  • diptych – two elements;
  • triptych – three elements;
  • polyptych – more than three modules.

Sometimes images of four parts are isolated separately - a quadriptych.

A modular painting is placed on the wall not only linearly: horizontally or vertically. Asymmetrical displacement of the elements of the picture relative to each other is also used to achieve the desired effect.

Creation of modular paintings – creative process. It is not enough to simply cut the plot into a certain number of parts. It is important to imagine how to place them on the surface so that the image sparkles with new colors, creates a panoramic effect or focuses attention on one detail.

Having seen the image effectively divided into several component parts, many are wondering how to make modular paintings with their own hands at home. Quite a lot of information is on the World Wide Web, but it is better to attend a master class on creating such images. Modular paintings that are made independently are not only one of the types of creative leisure or hobby. A hobby can become a serious idea for a business, and a diverse one at that. This could be production, or opening a store, or a combination of two directions.

Business based on the production of modular paintings

The production of modular paintings differs at home and on production. The only thing that will be common is the splitting of the plot into parts. Accordingly, the initial investment in the business and the return on it will not be the same.

If you intend to put production on stream, you need to rent premises. It is recommended to rent an area of ​​at least 40 sq.m., on which you will need to place equipment for the production of modular paintings:

  • a personal computer on which special graphics programs are installed;
  • plotter for reproducing designs on textiles;
  • large tables for cutting canvases with images and subsequent assembly of painting segments.

It is necessary to allocate space or rent additional premises for storing finished products and stock of materials for making paintings.

Next, the issue of hiring personnel is resolved. At first, you need an IT designer who works well in graphic programs, a master, a manager to work with clients and suppliers. The entrepreneur himself takes on some functions.

Consumables needed to ensure smooth operation of your business:

  • good quality linen or cotton fabric;
  • glossy paper as an alternative to fabric, significantly reducing the cost of the final product;
  • pigment ink;
  • fabric paints;
  • ready-made subframes or components for their creation on site;
  • artistic varnish;
  • texture gel to give paintings relief;
  • furniture staplers and staples for them.

If a person has artistic taste, has mastered working in graphic programs, then he can set up the production of modular paintings with his own hands as a business. In this case, there is no need to rent premises. The main tool will be the program installed on the computer. You can also not purchase a plotter right away, but send your designs for printing to companies that provide such services. It is better to have your own consumables.

The room must be equipped with a place for cutting and assembling paintings. Since there will be a small quantity of products, the size of the table will not be as grandiose as in the workshop.

Where to get subjects for modular paintings

There are no restrictions in choosing a subject for modular paintings. Moreover, many ready-made schemes can be found on the Internet. If desired, they are suitable for starting a business. You just have to keep in mind that it is possible to attract more customers with a greater variety of subjects, offering something that is not yet used at all or is used little.

Creating modular paintings to order is one of the business strategies. It will help attract clients to budding entrepreneurs and create a certain reputation.

Having correctly built an advertising strategy, it is quite possible to find your customer and work in the chosen direction. For example, create modular paintings self made. This option is suitable for people with artistic talent. Paintings made with a brush always attract people's attention more.

A priority in your work can be making composite paintings from photographs or integrating them into a specific interior.

Modular paintings with clocks will also become a feature of the manufacturer. This combination is in demand among buyers.

The clock fits well into any plot:

  • urban or natural landscape;
  • floral compositions;
  • still lifes;
  • images of animals and birds;
  • ethnic motives.

Technology for the production of modular paintings

The selected plot is printed on the printer. The technology for producing panoramic modular paintings involves dividing the image into several parts before transferring it to canvas. Each fragment is printed on a separate piece of fabric or glossy paper of excellent quality.

Then each part of the picture is cut out, creating a blank for stretching onto the frame. The cut image already gives an idea of ​​what the modular paintings for the interior on canvas will look like. Each fragment is carefully pulled onto the frame. The material for making frames is chosen differently: it is wood different breeds both varieties and plastic. This parameter also affects the final cost of the product.

A distinctive feature of modular images is the absence of a baguette frame. Each piece of the painting is placed on the wall with a certain distance from each other. Clearance between components may be different, its size also affects the perception of the picture as a whole. The absence of a frame between fragments makes picture of light, natural. The image looks truly alive and voluminous.

Implementation of modular paintings

If everything is prepared for the production of modular paintings, it is worth considering how the sale of modular paintings will be organized.

Here you can choose the following paths:

  • sell products to wholesalers;
  • sell to specialized stores.

IN in this case the emphasis is on finding an intermediate link between the product and the end consumer.

Manufacturers artistic products Quite often they open an online store of modular paintings for the interior. The product is already in stock, all that remains is to create a website and explore possible ways to deliver the product to the buyer. The whole country is becoming a consumer of products.

Opening your own retail outlet. Both painting producers and entrepreneurs who are not ready to develop own production, but decide to open a modular painting store. A store may be focused on selling only composite images or selling them as part of other interior decoration products.

Modular painting in the interior

How to place modular composite paintings for the interior so that they look harmonious and the plot looks organic? There are several techniques that painting developers use. One of them provides for the lines of the drawing to be aligned when moving from one fragment to another.

The buyer may not be able to reproduce the second technique on his own. Here the lines do not align when moving from module to module. To recreate the author's idea, you must accurately follow the image accompanying the product packaging. If the work is original, then often the creator of the picture himself places his creation on the wall.

Modular paintings look especially impressive in the living room interior. If the area of ​​the room allows, then a large-scale image that occupies a significant part of the wall would be appropriate.

There are no special rules for placing composite images. The painting will be appropriate in a children's room, in a bedroom, in an office, in a kitchen and in a hall. Often decisive role the selected scene plays. There are no hard and fast rules for the number of paintings on the wall. It all depends on the space of the room and the chosen interior design concept.

A composite picture of parts on the wall is popular not only in decorating apartments or cottages. They are happy to purchase modular images of hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, offices, public organizations.

Modern technologies have made paintings accessible famous authors V new interpretation to a wide range of consumers. For a low price, everyone had the opportunity to decorate their home or workplace in an original way.