Chuvash Russians. Are Chuvash Turks? Impressions from watching the film “Turkic Peoples of Russia” on the “Mir” channel

Chuvash (Chavash) - a Turkic-speaking people of Suvaro-Bulgar origin in Russian Federation, titular nation Chuvash Republic(capital - Cheboksary). The total number is about 1.5 million, of which in Russia - 1 million 435 thousand (according to the results of the 2010 census).

Approximately half of all Chuvash people in Russia live in Chuvashia; significant groups settled in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Kemerovo regions and Krasnoyarsk region; a small part is outside the Russian Federation ( largest groups in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine).

Chuvash language is the only living representative of the Bulgarian group of Turkic languages, has two dialects: upper (vocal dialect) and lower (pointing). The main religion of the religious part of the Chuvash is Orthodox Christianity; there are adherents of traditional beliefs and Muslims.

The Chuvash are a distinctive ancient people with a rich monolithic ethnic culture. They are the direct heirs of Great Bulgaria and later of Volga Bulgaria. The geopolitical location of the Chuvash region is such that many spiritual rivers of the east and west flow through it. The Chuvash culture has features similar to both Western and Eastern cultures; there are Sumerian, Hittite-Akkadian, Sogdo-Manichaean, Hunnic, Khazar, Bulgaro-Suvar, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Slavic, Russian and other traditions, but in this it is not identical to any of them. These features are reflected in the ethnic mentality of the Chuvash.

The Chuvash people, having absorbed the culture and traditions of different peoples, “reworked” them, synthesized positive customs, rites and rituals suitable for the conditions of their existence, ideas, norms and rules of behavior, methods of management and everyday life, preserved a special worldview, and formed a unique national character. Undoubtedly Chuvash people has its own identity - “chavashlah” (“Chuvashness”), which is the core of its uniqueness. The task of researchers is to “extract” it from the depths of the people’s consciousness, analyze and identify its essence, and record it in scientific works.

Reconstruction of the deep foundations of the mentality of the Chuvash people is possible using fragments of ancient Chuvash runic writing, the structure and lexical composition of the modern Chuvash language, traditional culture, patterns and ornaments of national embroidery, clothing, utensils, religious rites and rituals, based on materials from mythology and folklore. A review of historical, ethnographic and literary and artistic sources also allows us to look into the past of the Bulgaro-Chuvash people, to understand their character, “nature,” etiquette, behavior, and worldview.

Each of these sources has been touched upon by researchers only partially to date. The curtain of the history of the post-Nostratic Sumerian stage of language development (IV-III millennium BC), the Hunnic period, has been slightly opened, some gaps of the Proto-Bulgar period (I century BC - III century AD) of the ancient Suvazian ancestors have been restored , broke away from the rest of the Hunnic-Turkic tribes and migrated to the southwest. The Old Bulgar period (IV-VIII centuries AD) is known for the transition of the Bulgar tribes to the Caucasus, Danube, and the Volga-Kama basin.

The pinnacle of the Middle Bulgarian period is the state of Volga Bulgaria (9th-13th centuries). For the Suvar-Suvaz of Volga Bulgaria, the transition of power to Islam was a tragedy. Then, in the 13th century, having lost everything during the Mongol invasion - their name, state, homeland, book, writing, Keremets and Kerems, over the course of centuries emerging from the bloody abyss, the Suvaz Bulgars formed the Chuvash ethnos proper. As can be seen from historical research, the Chuvash language, culture, traditions are much older than the ethnonym of the Chuvash people.

Many travelers of past centuries noted that the Chuvash were noticeably different in character and habits from other peoples. In the notes of famous and frequently cited researchers F. J. T. Stralenberg (1676-1747), V. I. Tatishchev (1686-1750), G. F. Miller (1705-1783), P. I. Rychkov (1712- 1777), I. P. Falka (1725-1774), I. G. Georgi (1729-1802), P.-S. Pallas (1741-1811), I. I. Lepekhin (1740-1802), “preacher of the Chuvash language” E. I. Rozhansky (1741-?) and other scientists who visited in the 18th-19th centuries. The mountainous side of the Kazan province, there are many flattering reviews about the “Chuvashens” and “Chuvashans” as hardworking, modest, neat, handsome, savvy people.

The diary entries of the foreigner Tovius Koenigsfeld, who visited the Chuvash in 1740 among the participants in the journey of the astronomer N.I. Delisle, confirm these ideas (cited from: Nikitina, 2012: 104): “Most Chuvash men are of good height and physique. Their heads are black-haired and shaved. Their clothes are close in style to the English, with a collar, with a sash hanging behind the back and trimmed in red. We saw several women. With whom one could make acquaintances, who were not at all unsociable and even had pleasant shapes... Among them there are quite beautiful ones with delicate features and an elegant waist. Most of them are black-haired and very neat ..." (Record dated October 13).

“We spent several hours with these kind people. And the hostess, a smart young woman, prepared us dinner, which we liked. Since she was not averse to joking, we chatted casually with her with the help of our translator, who was fluent in the Chuvash language. This woman had thick black hair, a wonderful physique, pretty features and looked a little like an Italian" ( Entry dated October 15 in the village of Maly Sundyr (now Cheboksary district of the Chuvash Republic).

“Now I’m sitting with my Chuvash friends; I love this simple and meek people very much... These wise people, so close to nature, see all things from a positive point of view and judge their worth by their results... Nature produces more people good rather than evil” (A. A. Fuks) (Chuvash..., 2001: 86, 97). “All Chuvash are natural balalaika players” (A. A. Korinfsky) (ibid.: 313). “... The Chuvash people by nature are as trusting as they are honest... The Chuvash are often in complete purity of soul... almost do not even understand the existence of lies, for whom a simple handshake replaces a promise, a guarantee, and an oath” (A. Lukoshkova) ( ibid: 163, 169).

The basis of the Chuvash centuries-old ethnic mentality is made up of several supporting elements: 1) “the teaching of the ancestors” (Sardash ethnoreligion), 2) a mythological worldview, 3) a symbolic (“readable”) embroidery ornament, 4) collectivism (community) in everyday life and Everyday life, 5) respectful attitude towards ancestors, admiration for motherhood, 6) authority native language, 7) loyalty to the fatherland, oath and duty to the homeland, 8) love for the land, nature, and wildlife. The Chuvash worldview as a type of spiritual activity of society is presented in the system of children's play school (serep), oral folk art, morality, features government structure, in customs and rituals that capture important and theoretically fundamental provisions. The assimilation of works of oral folk art, myths, legends, traditions and fairy tales, proverbs and sayings is a specific school of the Chuvash worldview and a way not only of storing knowledge, but also of developing the mind in a traditional society.

The turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries. is the beginning of the Christian educational period in the cultural and historical life of the Chuvash people. Over four centuries, Orthodox ideology was closely intertwined with the traditions, beliefs, mentality and worldview of the Chuvash, but the values ​​of the Russian-Byzantine church did not become basic in the ethnomentality of the Chuvash. This is evidenced, in particular, by the facts of the careless, careless attitude of the Chuvash peasants of the 19th century. to churches, priests, icons of Orthodox saints. M. Gorky in a letter to the head of the editorial board of the magazine “Our Achievements” V. T. Bobryshev wrote: “The originality of Chuvashia is not only in trachoma, but in the fact that back in the 1990s. peasants, as a reward for good weather, smeared the lips of Nicholas of Myra with sour cream, and for bad weather, they took him out into the yard and put him in an old bast shoe. This is after a good hundred years of teaching Christianity. And in in this case devotion to pagan antiquity is commendable as a sign of the people’s awareness of their dignity.” (Moscow. 1957. No. 12. P. 188).

In the largest and most valuable work “Christianity among the Chuvash of the Middle Volga region in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Historical sketch" ( 1912 ) the outstanding Chuvash ethnographer, folklorist, historian Professor N.V. Nikolsky explored the most decisive and turning point the New-Bulgar (actually Chuvash) era of ethnic history, when there was a transformation of the traditional religious consciousness of the Chuvash, the destruction of the structure of the Chuvash universe, and the forcibly introduced Orthodoxy served only as an ideological justification for the colonization of the Chuvash region by Muscovy.

Contrary to his initial missionary goals, Nikolsky negatively assessed the results of the Christianization of the Chuvash. For him, discrimination against the Chuvash, violence, the disappearance of the “foreign service class,” and methods of forced Russification and Christianization were unacceptable. He especially emphasized that “the Chuvash, alien to Christianity in life, did not want to be one by name... The neophytes wish that the government would not consider them Christians.” In Orthodoxy they saw the “grown tene” (Russian faith), i.e., the ideologized religion of the oppressors. Further, analyzing this period, the scientist notes the facts of spiritual and physical resistance of the Chuvash to oppression and lawlessness and summarizes that “cultural and educational events were not adapted to people’s life, which is why they did not leave a significant mark among the Chuvash” (see: Nikolsky, 1912) . The Chuvash peasants, who were isolated in their communities until the twentieth century. There were no cases of mass Russification. Prominent Chuvash historian V.D. Dimitriev writes that “the Chuvash national culture has been preserved without deformation until recently...” (Dimitriev, 1993: 10).

National identity, character, mentality of the Chuvash people in the twentieth century. experienced several significant transformations that were caused by popular revolutions, wars, national movements and state-social reforms. Significantly contributed to the change in ethnic mentality technical advances modern civilization, especially computerization and the Internet.

IN revolutionary years beginning of the twentieth century within one generation, society, its consciousness and behavior changed beyond recognition, and documents, letters, works of art clearly recorded spiritual, economic, political, social transformations, uniquely reflecting the features of the renewed national mentality.

The creation of Chuvash statehood in 1920, the famines of 1921, 1933-1934, repressions of 1937-1940. and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. left noticeable imprints on the traditional mentality of the people. Obvious changes in the mentality of the Chuvash were observed after the creation of an autonomous republic (1925) and after the unprecedented scale of repression. Liberated October Revolution the spirit of the nation was purposefully supplanted by the ideology of 1937, which began precisely in the Chuvash Republic by the authorized control commission under the Central Committee of the party, headed by M. M. Sakhyanova.

The positive features of the traditional Chuvash mentality were especially pronounced during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. It was the inner convictions and mental spirit that became the reason for the heroic behavior of the nation. The creation of the presidential Chuvash Republic and the organization of the world Chuvash National Congress (1992) became a new milestone in the development of self-awareness and spiritual and moral consolidation of the people.

Each generation of an ethnic group, over time, develops its own version of mentality, allowing an individual and the population as a whole to adapt and function optimally in the current environment. It can no longer be said that the core qualities, fundamental values, and mental attitudes have remained unchanged. First and foremost social setting for the Chuvash people - the belief in the correctness of the ancestral covenant (“vattisem kalani”), a rigid set of rules of behavior and laws of ethnic existence - has lost its relevance among young people, unable to withstand competition with the polyvariity and diversity of existence of social networks on the Internet.

The process of erosion of the traditional mentality of the Chuvash and other small peoples is obvious. Afghan and Chechen wars, perestroika in society and state 1985-1986. entailed serious metamorphoses in various spheres of modern Russian life. Even the “dead” Chuvash village has undergone global changes in its socio-cultural appearance before our eyes. The historically established and geographically determined everyday orientations of the Chuvash were supplanted by Western television norms. Chuvash youth, through the media and the Internet, borrow foreign ways of behavior and communication.

Not only the lifestyle, but also the attitude towards the world, worldview, and mentality have changed dramatically. On the one hand, the modernization of living conditions and mental attitudes is beneficial: the new generation of Chuvash is learning to be bolder, more self-confident, more sociable, and is gradually getting rid of the inferiority complex inherited from their “foreign” ancestors. On the other hand, the absence of complexes and remnants of the past is equated to the eradication of moral and ethical taboos in a person. As a result, massive deviations from norms of behavior become a new standard of life.

At present, some positive qualities have been preserved in the mentality of the Chuvash nation. There is no ethnic fanaticism or ambition in the Chuvash environment today. Despite the noticeable poverty of living conditions, the Chuvash are strong in their adherence to traditions, and have not lost their enviable quality of tolerance, “aptramanlah” (inflexibility, survival, resilience) and exceptional respect for other peoples.

Ethnonihilism, very characteristic of the Chuvash mentality of the second half of the 20th century, is now not so clearly expressed. There is no obvious disregard for native history and culture, rituals and ceremonies, feelings of ethnic inferiority, disadvantage, or shame for representatives of the native ethnic group; a positive national identity becomes normal for the Chuvash. This is confirmed by the real demand among the Chuvash population for studying the Chuvash language and culture in kindergartens, schools, and universities of the republic.

A generalized list of the main features of the Chuvash mentality at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. is found in one of the first experiments specifically devoted to the characteristics of the mentality of the Chuvash - the material of T. N. Ivanova (Ivanova, 2001), collected during many years of work at retraining courses for teachers at the Chuvash Republican Institute of Education in 2001:

- hard work;

- patriarchal, traditional;

- patience, patience;

- respect for rank, high power distance, law-abidingness;

- envy;

— prestige of education;

— collectivism;

- peacefulness, good neighborliness, tolerance;

- persistence in achieving goals;

- low self-esteem;

- touchiness, resentment;

- stubbornness;

— modesty, the desire to “keep a low profile”;

- respect for wealth, stinginess.

The teachers noted that on the issue of national self-esteem, the dualistic Chuvash mentality is characterized by “a combination of two extremes: heightened national self-awareness among the elite and the erosion of national traits among the common people.”

How much of this list remains ten years later? The Chuvash mentality, as before, is not characterized by the desire to destroy everything to the ground and then build again from scratch. On the contrary, it is preferable to build on what is available; even better - next to the previous one. Such a trait as immensity is not typical. Is moderation in everything (in deeds and thoughts, behavior and communication) the basis of the Chuvash character (“Don’t jump ahead of others: don’t lag behind the people”)? Of the three components - feelings, will, reason - reason and will predominate in the structure of the Chuvash national consciousness. It would seem that the poetic and musical nature of the Chuvash should be based on a sensual-contemplative principle, but observations show the opposite. Apparently, the experience of previous centuries of joyless existence, deeply stored in the memory of the people, makes itself felt, and reason and the rational nature of comprehending the world come to the fore.

Psychologist E. L. Nikolaev and teacher I. N. Afanasyev based on comparative analysis personality profiles of typical Chuvash and typical Russians conclude that the Chuvash ethnic group is characterized by modesty, isolation, dependence, suspicion, naivety, conservatism, conformity, impulsiveness, tension (Nikolaev, Afanasyev, 2004: 90). The Chuvash do not recognize any exceptional merits for themselves (although they possess them); they voluntarily submit themselves to the requirements of general discipline. Chuvash children are taught to limit their own needs in accordance with the existing material conditions of life, treat all people with respect, show the necessary tolerance for the minor shortcomings of others, and at the same time be critical of their own merits and shortcomings.

In educational practice, the dominant attitude is that man, as a natural being, is frail, but as a social being, he is strong by belonging to his people, therefore modesty is a form of individual awareness of his responsibilities to the people around him. From childhood, tactfulness is purposefully cultivated in the Chuvash - the ability, which has grown into a habit, to observe moderation in communication, avoiding actions and words that may be unpleasant to the interlocutor or people around him, especially older people.

However, the generally recognized positive distinctive characteristics of the Chuvash, such as hard work (gendarmerie Colonel Maslov), kind soul and honesty (A. M. Gorky), thoroughness (L. N. Tolstoy), hospitality, cordiality and modesty (N. A. Ismukov), are killed by the pragmatic demands of capitalist times, these spiritual qualities become unnecessary in a consumer society.

From time immemorial the special attitude of the Chuvash to military service. There are legends about the fighting qualities of the Chuvash warrior ancestors during the times of the commanders Mode and Attila. “The Chuvash folk character has wonderful properties that are especially important for society: the Chuvash diligently fulfills a duty once accepted. There were no examples of a Chuvash soldier escaping or fugitives hiding in a Chuvash village with the knowledge of the residents” (Otechestvovedenie…, 1869: 388).

Loyalty to the oath is an outstanding feature of the Chuvash mentality, which has survived to this day and deserves close attention when forming units of the modern Russian army. It was not for nothing that I.V. Stalin, during a conversation with the Yugoslav delegation on April 19, 1947, noted this feature of the character of the Chuvash people.

"IN. Popovic (Ambassador of Yugoslavia to the USSR):

— Albanians are very brave and loyal people.

I. Stalin:

— Our Chuvash were so loyal. Russian tsars took them as personal guards" (Girenko, 1991) .

In a curious way, two specific traditional worldviews responded in the mentality of modern Chuvashs - the recognition by Chuvash elders of just revenge through one of the types of suicide “tipshar” and the cult of virginity, which distinguished the Chuvash in the past and still distinguishes them from other, even neighboring peoples.

The Chuvash “tipshar” belongs to the category of personal revenge, an everyday form of passive punishment of a scoundrel fellow tribesman through one’s own death. “Tipshar” is the defense of name and honor at the cost of one’s life, which corresponds to the teachings of the Sardash ethnoreligion. In its pure form in the 21st century. Among the Chuvash it is extremely rare, remaining only as a personal trial of crimes in the sphere of intimate relationships between girls and men.

Manifestations of “tipshara” with other motivations are found among adolescents and mature men. In addition to social reasons, in our opinion, shortcomings in the educational process partly affected this. Chuvash philologists were mistaken when the course of Chuvash literature studied in high school, built on examples of self-sacrifice. Commits suicide literary heroines Varussi Y. V. Turkhan, Narspi K. V. Ivanov, Ulkki I. N. Yurkin, poems by M. K. Sespel, N. I. Shelebi, M. D. Uipa, the story of L. Ya. Agakov call for self-sacrifice Song", story by D. A. Kibek "Jaguar".

Turning to suicide is also closely related to a person’s gender, age, and marital status. However, all other things being equal fatal role social diseases play a role, primarily alcoholism. Chuvash doctors explain the increase in the number of suicides by difficult living conditions, bureaucratic oppression, and unsettled everyday life (the situation is very similar to the situation of the Chuvash in the 19th century, as written by S. M. Mikhailov and the Simbirsk gendarme Maslov), the consequence of which is strained relationships in the family, alcoholism , drug addiction.

Suicides are rare among Chuvash women. Chuvash women are infinitely patient with financial and everyday difficulties, feel more acutely the responsibility for children and family, and try to get out of trouble by any means. This is a manifestation of ethnomentality: the role of wife and mother in the Chuvash family, as before, is incredibly high.

The problem of suicide is closely intertwined with the problem of preserving virginity before marriage and gender relations: girls with violated honor, who have experienced deception and hypocrisy on the part of men, often resorted to “tipshar”. Until the 20th century The Chuvash believed that the loss of a girl’s honor before marriage is a tragedy that promises nothing other than shame and general condemnation and lifelong ordeal. Life for the girl was losing value, there were no prospects for respect, for finding a normal, healthy family, which every Chuvash woman aspired to have.

For a long time, family-tribal relations among the Chuvash were effective means containment negative factors in their gender consciousness and behavior. This is precisely what can explain the rare cases of abandonment of a born child or the developed practice among the Chuvash of guardianship over orphaned children even by distant relatives. However, today the tradition of public attention to the relationship between girls and boys and their sex education is being replaced by social and ethical indifference on the part of elders: personal freedom, freedom of speech and active protection of property rights have turned into permissiveness and individualism. Oddly enough, Chuvash literature of the 21st century. praises precisely the boundless disorder and anarchy in relationships and in life.

Among the negative character traits of the Chuvash, spiritual isolation, secrecy, envy are preserved - these qualities developed during the tragic periods of the history of the people and became entrenched in the harsh conditions of their environment. warlike peoples, over the centuries and especially now, under neoliberalism, are aggravated by unemployment and poor material security for the majority of the region’s residents.

In general, in studies of the early 2000s. (Samsonova, Tolstova, 2003; Rodionov, 2000; Fedotov, 2003; Nikitin, 2002; Ismukov, 2001; Shabunin, 1999) it was noted that the mentality of the Chuvash at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. characterized by almost the same basic features as the mentality of the Chuvash in the 17th-19th centuries. The focus of Chuvash youth on a healthy family life remains, and women, as before, take responsibility for the well-being of home and family. Despite the wild laws of the market, the natural tolerance of the Chuvash, the desire for accuracy and good morals, has not disappeared. The attitude “don’t get ahead of people, don’t lag behind the people” is relevant: Chuvash youth are inferior to Russians in their attitude to an active life position, in terms of the level of self-confidence and independence.

Judging by new sociological and statistical data (Chuvash Republic..., 2011: 63-65, 73, 79), at present the basis of the mental characteristics of the Chuvash people are basic values ​​of a universal human nature, but at the same time ethnic characteristics are saved. The majority of the population of the Chuvash Republic, regardless of nationality, supports traditional values: life, health, law and order, work, family, respect for established customs and traditions. However, values ​​such as initiative and independence are less popular in Chuvashia than in Russia as a whole. The Chuvash, more than the Russians, have a noticeable orientation toward settlement and regional identity (“for 60.4% of the Chuvash, the inhabitants of their settlement are their own, while for Russians this figure is 47.6%”).

Among rural residents of the republic, according to the presence of persons with postgraduate, higher and incomplete higher education The Chuvash are ahead of three other ethnic groups (Russians, Tatars, Mordovians). The Chuvash (86%) are characterized by the most pronounced positive attitude towards interethnic marriage (Mordovians - 83%, Russians - 60%, Tatars - 46%). In Chuvashia as a whole, there are no preconditions that could in the future lead to increased interethnic tension. Traditionally, the Chuvash are tolerant of representatives of other faiths, they are distinguished by a restrained expression of their religious feelings, and they have historically been characterized by an external, superficial perception of Orthodoxy.

There is no particular difference in mentality between rural and urban Chuvash. Although it is believed that in rural areas traditional folk culture is better and longer preserved in its original form, without generally losing archaic elements and national specifics; in the context of the Chuvash province, the “city-village” border is considered conditional by some researchers (Vovina, 2001: 42). Despite the strong processes of urbanization and the recent increase in migration flows to the cities, many Chuvash city dwellers maintain connections with the village not only through family relations, but also through spiritual aspirations and ideas about the origins and roots of their family, ties with their native land.

Thus, the main features of the mentality of modern Chuvash are: a developed sense of patriotism, trust in their relatives, recognition of the equality of all before the law, adherence to traditions, non-conflict and peacefulness. It is obvious that the core mental characteristics of the Chuvash people have changed little, contrary to what is observed in modern world the process of leveling national cultures.


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Fedotov, V. A. (2003) Moral traditions ethnicity as a sociocultural phenomenon (based on oral and poetic creativity Turkic-speaking peoples): abstract. dis. ... Doctor of Philosophy Sci. Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Publishing House. un-ta.

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Shabunin, D. M. (1999) Legal consciousness of modern youth (ethno-national characteristics). Cheboksary: ​​IChP Publishing House.

Prepared by E. V. Nikitina

Chuvash ( self-name - chăvash, chăvashsem) - the fifth largest people in Russia. According to the 2010 census, 1 million 435 thousand Chuvash live in the country. Their origin, history and peculiar language are considered very ancient.

According to scientists, the roots of this people are found in the ancient ethnic groups of Altai, China, and Central Asia. The closest ancestors of the Chuvash are considered to be the Bulgars, whose tribes inhabited a vast territory from the Black Sea region to the Urals. After the defeat of the Volga Bulgaria state (14th century) and the fall of Kazan, part of the Chuvash settled in the forest regions between the Sura, Sviyaga, Volga and Kama rivers, mixing there with Finno-Ugric tribes.

The Chuvash are divided into two main sub-ethnic groups according to the course of the Volga: riding (Viryal, Turi) in the west and north-west of Chuvashia, grassroots(anatari) - in the south, besides them in the center of the republic there is a group middle grassroots (anat enchi). In the past, these groups differed in their way of life and material culture. Now the differences are becoming more and more smoothed out.

The self-name of the Chuvash, according to one version, directly goes back to the ethnonym of a part of the “Bulgar-speaking” Turks: *čōš → čowaš/čuwaš → čovaš/čuvaš. In particular, the name of the Savir tribe ("Suvar", "Suvaz" or "Suas"), mentioned by Arab authors of the 10th century (Ibn Fadlan), is considered by many researchers to be a Turkic adaptation of the Bulgarian name "Suvar".

In Russian sources, the ethnonym “Chuvash” first appears in 1508. In the 16th century, the Chuvash became part of Russia, and at the beginning of the 20th century they received autonomy: since 1920, the Autonomous Region, since 1925 - the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1991 - the Republic of Chuvashia as part of the Russian Federation. The capital of the republic is Cheboksary.

Where do the Chuvash live and what language do they speak?

The bulk of the Chuvash (814.5 thousand people, 67.7% of the region’s population) live in the Chuvash Republic. It is located in the east of the East European Plain, mainly on the right bank of the Volga, between its tributaries Sura and Sviyaga. In the west, the republic borders with the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the north - with the Republic of Mari El, in the east - with Tatarstan, in the south - with the Ulyanovsk region, in the southwest - with the Republic of Mordovia. Chuvashia is part of the Volga Federal District.

Outside the republic, a significant part of the Chuvash live compactly in Tatarstan(116.3 thousand people), Bashkortostan(107.5 thousand), Ulyanovskaya(95 thousand people) and Samara(84.1 thousand) regions, in Siberia. A small part is outside the Russian Federation,

The Chuvash language belongs to Bulgarian group of the Turkic language family and represents the only living language of this group. In the Chuvash language, there is a high ("pointing") and a lower ("pointing") dialect. On the basis of the latter, a literary language was formed. The earliest was the Turkic runic alphabet, replaced in the X-XV centuries. Arabic, and in 1769-1871 - Russian Cyrillic, to which special characters were then added.

Features of the appearance of the Chuvash

From an anthropological point of view, most Chuvash belong to the Caucasoid type with a certain degree of Mongoloidity. Judging by research materials, Mongoloid features dominate in 10.3% of the Chuvash. Moreover, about 3.5% of them are relatively pure Mongoloids, 63.5% belong to mixed Mongoloid-European types with a predominance of Caucasoid features, 21.1% represent various Caucasoid types, both dark-colored and fair-haired and light-eyed, and 5.1 % relate with sublaponoid types, with weakly expressed Mongoloid characteristics.

From a genetic point of view, the Chuvash are also an example of a mixed race - 18% of them carry the Slavic haplogroup R1a1, another 18% carry the Finno-Ugric N, and 12% carry the Western European R1b. 6% have the Jewish haplogroup J, most likely from the Khazars. The relative majority - 24% - bears haplogroup I, characteristic of northern Europe.

Elena Zaitseva


Chuvash- people of Turkic origin living in both Chuvashia, where its main population is, and beyond its borders.
Regarding the etymology of the name Chuvash there are eight hypotheses. It is assumed that the self-name Chăvash goes back directly to the ethnonym of a part of the “Bulgar-speaking” Turks: *čōš → čowaš/čuwaš → čovaš/čuvaš. In particular, the name of the Savir tribe (“Suvar”, “Suvaz” or “Suas”), mentioned by Arab authors of the 10th century. (ibn-Fadlan), is supposed to be considered the source of the ethnonym chăvash - “Chuvash”: the name is considered simply a Turkic adaptation of the name of the Bulgarian “Suvar”. According to an alternative theory, chăvash is a derivative of the Turkic jăvaš - “friendly, meek”, as opposed to şarmăs - “warlike”. The name of the ethnic group among neighboring peoples also goes back to the self-name of the Chuvash. Tatars and Mordovians-Moksha call Chuvash “chuash”, Mordovian-Erzya - “Chuvazh”, Bashkirs and Kazakhs - “syuash”, Mountain Mari- “suasla mari” - “a person in the Suvazian (Tatar) way.” In Russian sources, the ethnonym “Chavash” first appears in 1508.

From an anthropological point of view, most Chuvash belong to the Caucasoid type with a certain degree of Mongoloidity. Judging by the research materials, Mongoloid features dominate in 10.3% of the Chuvash, and about 3.5% of them are relatively pure Mongoloids, 63.5% belong to mixed Mongoloid-European types with a predominance of Caucasoid features, 21.1% represent various Caucasian types are both dark-colored and light-haired and light-eyed, and 5.1% are sublaponoid types, with weakly expressed Mongoloid characteristics.
From a genetic point of view Chuvash are also an example of a mixed race - 18% of them carry the Slavic haplogroup R1a1, another 18% - the Finno-Ugric N, and 12% - the Western European R1b. 6% have the Jewish haplogroup J, most likely from the Khazars. The relative majority - 24% - bears haplogroup I, characteristic of northern Europe.
The Chuvash language is a descendant of the language of the Volga Bulgars and the only living language of the Bulgar group. It is not mutually intelligible with other Turkic languages. for example, it is replaced by х, ы by e, and з by х, as a result the word “girl”, which sounds like kyz in all Turkic languages, sounds like хер in Chuvash.

Chuvash are divided into two ethnic groups: the upper (Viryal) and the lower (Anatri). They speak different dialects of the Chuvash language and in the past differed somewhat in their way of life and material culture. Now these differences, which continued to persist especially persistently in women's clothing, are becoming more and more smoothed out every year. The Viryals occupy predominantly the northern and northwestern parts of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and the Anatris occupy the southeastern part. At the junction of the settlement territory of the upper and lower Chuvash, a small group of middle lower Chuvash (anatenchi) lives. They speak the dialect of the upper Chuvash, and in clothing they are close to the lower Chuvash.

In the past, each group of Chuvash was divided into subgroups according to their everyday characteristics, but their differences have now been largely erased. Only among the lower Chuvash the so-called steppe subgroup (Khirti), living in the southeastern part of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, is distinguished by some originality; In the life of the Khirti, there are many features that bring them closer to the Tatars, next to whom they live.
. The self-name of the Chuvash, according to one version, goes back to the name of one of the tribes related to the Bulgars - Suvar, or Suvaz, Suas. Mentioned in Russian sources since 1508.
At the end of 1546, the Chuvash and mountain Mari rebels against the authorities of Kazan called on Russia for help. In 1547, Russian troops ousted the Tatars from the territory of Chuvashia. In the summer of 1551, during the founding of the Sviyazhsk fortress by the Russians at the confluence of the Sviyaga and the Volga, the Chuvash of the mountain side became part of the Russian state. In 1552-1557, the Chuvash, who lived on the meadow side, also became the subjects of the Russian Tsar. By the middle of the 18th century Chuvash were mostly converted to Christianity. Part of the Chuvash who lived outside Chuvash and, having converted to Islam, became a Tatar. In 1917 Chuvash received autonomy: AO since 1920, ASSR since 1925, Chuvash SSR since 1990, Chuvash Republic since 1992.
Basics traditional occupation Chuvash– agriculture, in ancient times – slash-and-burn, until the beginning of the 20th century – three-field farming. The main grain crops were rye, spelt, oats, barley; wheat, buckwheat, and peas were sown less frequently. From industrial crops Chuvash They cultivated flax and hemp. Hop growing was developed. Livestock farming (sheep, cows, pigs, horses) was poorly developed due to a lack of forage land. For a long time Chuvash were engaged in beekeeping. Wood carving (utensils, especially beer ladles, furniture, gate posts, cornices and platbands of houses), pottery, weaving, embroidery, patterned weaving (red-white and multi-color patterns), sewing with beads and coins, handicrafts - mainly woodworking: wheelwork, cooperage, carpentry, also rope and matting production; There were carpenters', tailors' and other artels, and small shipbuilding enterprises arose at the beginning of the 20th century.
Main types of settlements Chuvash- villages and hamlets (yal). The earliest types of settlement are riverine and ravine, the layouts are cumulus-cluster (in the northern and central regions) and linear (in the south). In the north, the village is typically divided into ends (kasas), usually inhabited by related families. The street layout has been spreading since the 2nd half of the 19th century. From the 2nd half of the 19th century, dwellings of the Central Russian type appeared.

House Chuvash decorated with polychrome painting, saw-cut carvings, applied decorations, the so-called “Russian” gates with a gable roof on 3-4 pillars - bas-relief carvings, later painting. There is an ancient log building - a log building (originally without a ceiling or windows, with an open hearth), serving as a summer kitchen. Cellars (nukhrep) and baths (muncha) are common.

Men have Chuvash They wore a canvas shirt (kepe) and trousers (yem). The basis of traditional clothing for women is a tunic-shaped shirt-kepe; for Viryal and Anat Enchi, it is made of thin white linen with abundant embroidery, narrow, and worn slouchily; Anatri, until the mid-19th - early 20th centuries, wore white shirts flared at the bottom, later - from a motley pattern with two or three gathers of fabric of a different color. Shirts were worn with an apron, the Viryal had it with a bib, decorated with embroidery and appliqué, the Anatri had no bib, and was made of red checkered fabric. Women's festive headdress - a toweled canvas surpan, over which the Anatri and Anat Enchi wore a cap in the shape of a truncated cone, with earmuffs fastened under the chin, and a long blade at the back (khushpu); Viryal fastened an embroidered strip of fabric on the crown of the head (masmak) with surpan. A girl's headdress is a helmet-shaped cap (tukhya). Tukhya and khushpu were richly decorated with beads, beads, and silver coins. Dudes They also wore scarves, preferably white or light colors. Women's jewelry - back, waist, chest, neck, shoulder slings, rings. The lower Chuvash are characterized by a sling (tevet) - a strip of fabric covered with coins, worn over the left shoulder under the right hand; for the upper Chuvash - a woven belt with large tassels with strips of red, covered with embroidery and appliqué, and bead pendants. Outerwear is a canvas caftan (shupar), in the fall - a cloth undercoat (sakhman), in winter - a fitted sheepskin coat (kerek). Traditional shoes are bast sandals and leather boots. The Viryal wore bast shoes with black cloth onuchs, the Anatri wore white woolen (knitted or made of cloth) stockings. Men wore onuchi and foot wraps in winter, women - all year round. Men's traditional clothes used only in wedding ceremonies or folklore performances.
In traditional food Chuvash plant products predominate. Soups (yashka, shurpe), stews with dumplings, cabbage soup with seasonings made from cultivated and wild greens - hogweed, hogweed, nettle, etc., porridge (spelt, buckwheat, millet, lentil), oatmeal, boiled potatoes, jelly from oatmeal and pea flour, rye bread (khura sakar), pies with cereals, cabbage, berries (kukal), flatbreads, cheesecakes with potatoes or cottage cheese (puremech). Less often they prepared khupla - a large round pie with meat or fish filling. Dairy products - turah - sour milk, uiran - churning, chakat - curd cheese. Meat (beef, lamb, pork, among the lower Chuvash - horse meat) was a relatively rare food: seasonal (when slaughtering livestock) and festive. They prepared shartan - a sausage made from a sheep's stomach stuffed with meat and lard; tultarmash - boiled sausage stuffed with cereal, minced meat or blood. They made mash from honey, and beer (sara) from rye or barley malt. Kvass and tea were common in areas of contact with the Tatars and Russians.

Rural community Chuvash could unite residents of one or several settlements with a common land plot. There were nationally mixed communities, mainly Chuvash-Russian and Chuvash-Russian-Tatar. Forms of kinship and neighborly mutual assistance (nime) were preserved. Family ties were steadily preserved, especially within one end of the village. There was a custom of sororate. After the Christianization of the Chuvash, the custom of polygamy and levirate gradually disappeared. Undivided families were already rare in the 18th century. The main type of family in the 2nd half of the 19th century was small family. The husband was the main owner of family property, the wife owned her dowry, independently managed income from poultry farming (eggs), livestock farming (dairy products) and weaving (canvas), and in the event of the death of her husband, she became the head of the family. The daughter had the right of inheritance along with her brothers. In economic interests, the early marriage of a son and the relatively late marriage of a daughter were encouraged, and therefore the bride was often several years older than the groom. The tradition of the minority, characteristic of the Turkic peoples, is preserved, when younger son stays with his parents and inherits their property.

Grassroots Chuvash of the Kazan province, 1869.

Modern Chuvash beliefs combine elements of Orthodoxy and paganism. In some areas of the Volga and Urals regions, villages have been preserved Chuvash-pagans. Chuvash they revered fire, water, sun, earth, believed in good gods and spirits led by the supreme god Cult Tur (later identified with the Christian God) and in evil creatures led by Shuitan. They revered household spirits - the “master of the house” (khertsurt) and the “master of the yard” (karta-puse). Each family kept home fetishes - dolls, twigs, etc. Among evil spirits Chuvash they especially feared and revered the kiremet (the cult of which continues to this day). Calendar holidays included winter holiday asking for a good offspring of livestock, the holiday of honoring the sun (Maslenitsa), a multi-day spring festival of sacrifices to the sun, the god of Tours and ancestors (which then coincided with Orthodox Easter), the holiday of spring plowing (akatuy), the summer holiday of remembrance of the dead. After sowing, sacrifices were carried out, a ritual of causing rain, accompanied by bathing in a pond and dousing with water; upon completion of harvesting grain, prayers were made to the guardian spirit of the barn, etc. Young people organized festivities with round dances in the spring and summer, and gatherings in winter. The main elements of the traditional wedding (the groom's train, a feast in the bride's house, her taking away, a feast in the groom's house, dowry, etc.), maternity (cutting the umbilical cord of a boy on an ax handle, a girl - on a riser or the bottom of a spinning wheel, feeding a baby, now - lubricating the tongue and lips with honey and oil, transferring it under the protection of the guardian spirit of the hearth, etc.) and funeral and memorial rites. Chuvash-pagans buried their dead in wooden logs or coffins with their heads to the west, placing them with the deceased household items and tools, a temporary monument was placed on the grave - a wooden pillar (for a man - oak, for a woman - linden), in the fall, during general commemorations in the month of Yupa Uyih ("month of the pillar"), a permanent anthropomorphic monument was built from wood or stone (yupa). His removal to the cemetery was accompanied by rituals simulating burial. At the wake, funeral songs were sung, bonfires were lit, and sacrifices were made.

The most developed genre of folklore is songs: youth, recruit, drinking, funeral, wedding, labor, lyrical, as well as historical songs. Musical instruments - bagpipes, bubble, duda, harp, drum, and later - accordion and violin. Legends, fairy tales and tales are widespread. Chuvash, like many other peoples with ancient culture, in the distant past they used a kind of writing, which developed in the form of runic writing, widespread in the pre-Bulgar and Bulgar periods of history.
There were 35 (36) characters in the Chuvash runic letter, which coincides with the number of letters of the ancient classical runic letter. In terms of location and quantity, style, phonetic meanings, and the presence of a literary form, the signs of the Chuvash monuments are included in the general system of runic writing of the eastern type, which includes the writings of Central Asia, Orkhon, Yenisei, the North Caucasus, the Black Sea region, Bulgaria and Hungary.

Arabic writing was widespread in Volga Bulgaria. In the 18th century, writing was created based on Russian graphics of 1769 (Old Chuvash writing). Novochuvash writing and literature were created in the 1870s. The Chuvash national culture is being formed.

And behavior. The Chuvash people live in the center of the European part of Russia. Characteristic character traits are integrally connected with the traditions of these amazing people.

Origins of the people

About 600 kilometers from Moscow is the city of Cheboksary, the center of the Chuvash Republic. Representatives of a colorful ethnic group live on this land.

There are many versions about the origin of this people. It is most likely that the ancestors were Turkic-speaking tribes. These people began migrating west as early as the 2nd century BC. e. Looking for better life, they came to the modern territories of the republic back in the 7th-8th centuries and three hundred years later created a state that was known as Volga Bulgaria. This is where the Chuvash came from. The history of the people could have been different, but in 1236 the state was defeated by the Mongol-Tatars. Some people fled from the conquerors to the northern lands.

The name of this people is translated from Kyrgyz as “modest”, according to the old Tatar dialect - “peaceful”. Modern dictionaries claim that the Chuvash are “quiet”, “harmless”. The name was first mentioned in 1509.

Religious preferences

The culture of this people is unique. Elements of Western Asia can still be traced in rituals. The style was also influenced by close communication with Iranian-speaking neighbors (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans). The Chuvash adopted not only their everyday life and economy, but also their manner of dressing. Their appearance, costume features, character and even religion were obtained from their neighbors. So, even before joining To the Russian state these people were pagans. The supreme god was called Tura. Later, other faiths began to penetrate into the colony, in particular Christianity and Islam. Those who lived on the lands of the republic worshiped Jesus. Allah became the head of those who lived outside the area. In the course of events, Muslims became dissatisfied. Yet today, most of the representatives of this people profess Orthodoxy. But the spirit of paganism is still felt.

Merging two types

Various groups influenced the appearance of the Chuvash. Most of all - the Mongoloid and Caucasian races. That is why almost all representatives of this people can be divided into fair-haired Finns and dark-haired Finns. Brown hair, gray eyes, pallor, wide oval face and small nose, skin often covered with freckles. At the same time, they are somewhat darker in appearance than Europeans. Brunettes' locks are often curled, their eyes are dark brown and narrow in shape. They have poorly defined cheekbones, a depressed nose and a yellow skin type. It is worth noting here that their features are softer than those of the Mongols.

The Chuvash differ from neighboring groups. Characteristic for both types are a small oval head, a low bridge of the nose, narrowed eyes, and a small, neat mouth. Average height, not prone to obesity.

Casual look

Each nationality has a unique system of customs, traditions and beliefs. It was no exception, and from ancient times these people made cloth and canvas on their own in every home. Clothing was made from these materials. Men were supposed to wear a linen shirt and trousers. If it became cool, a caftan and a sheepskin coat were added to their look. The Chuvash had patterns unique to themselves. The woman’s appearance was successfully emphasized by unusual ornaments. All things were decorated with embroidery, including the wedged shirts that the ladies wore. Later, stripes and checks became fashionable.

Each branch of this group had and still has its own preferences for the color of clothing. Thus, the south of the republic has always preferred rich shades, and northwestern fashionistas loved light fabrics. Each woman's outfit included wide Tatar trousers. A mandatory element is an apron with a bib. It was especially diligently decorated.

In general, the appearance of the Chuvash is very interesting. The description of the headdress should be highlighted in a separate section.

Status determined by helmet

Not a single representative of the people could walk with his head uncovered. This is how a separate movement in the direction of fashion arose. Such things as tukhya and hushpu were decorated with special imagination and passion. The first one was worn on the head unmarried girls, the second was only for married women.

At first, the hat served as a talisman, a talisman against misfortune. Such an amulet was treated with special respect and decorated with expensive beads and coins. Later, such an object not only decorated the appearance of the Chuvash, it began to speak about the social and marital status of a woman.

Many researchers believe that the shape of the dress resembles Others provide a direct link to understanding the design of the Universe. Indeed, according to the ideas of this group, the earth had a quadrangular shape, and in the middle stood the tree of life. The symbol of the latter was a bulge in the center, which distinguished married woman from a girl. Tukhya had a pointed conical shape, hushpu was round.

The coins were chosen with special care. They had to be melodic. Those that hung from the edges hit each other and rang. Such sounds scared away evil spirits - the Chuvash believed in this. The appearance and character of a people are directly related.

Ornament code

The Chuvash are famous not only for their soulful songs, but also for their embroidery. The skill grew over generations and was passed down from mother to daughter. It is in the ornaments that one can read the history of a person, his belonging to a separate group.

The main embroidery is clear geometry. The fabric should only be white or gray. It’s interesting that girls’ clothes were decorated only before the wedding. There was not enough time for this in family life. Therefore, what they did in their youth was worn for the rest of their lives.

Embroidery on clothes complemented the appearance of the Chuvash. It contained encrypted information about the creation of the world. Thus, the tree of life and eight-pointed stars, rosettes or flowers were symbolically depicted.

After the popularization of factory production, the style, color and quality of the shirt changed. The older people grieved for a long time and assured that such changes in the wardrobe would bring disaster to their people. And indeed, over the years, true representatives of this genus are becoming fewer and fewer.

World of traditions

Customs say a lot about a people. One of the most colorful rituals is a wedding. The character and appearance of the Chuvash, traditions are still preserved. It is worth noting that in ancient times wedding ceremony no priests, shamans or government officials were present. Guests of the event witnessed the creation of a family. And everyone who knew about the holiday visited the homes of the newlyweds’ parents. Interestingly, divorce was not perceived as such. According to the canons, lovers who married in front of their relatives should be true friend friend for the rest of my life.

Previously, the bride had to be 5-8 years older than her husband. When choosing a partner, the Chuvash put their appearance last. The character and mentality of these people required that, first of all, the girl be hardworking. They gave the young lady in marriage after she mastered housekeeping. An adult woman was also tasked with raising a young husband.

Character is in customs

As previously mentioned, the very word from which the name of the people comes is translated from most languages ​​as “peaceful”, “calm”, “modest”. This meaning absolutely corresponds to the character and mentality of this people. According to their philosophy, all people, like birds, sit on different branches of the big tree of life, each is a relative of the other. Therefore, their love for each other is limitless. Very peaceful and good people Chuvash. The history of the people does not contain information about attacks on the innocent and arbitrariness against other groups.

The older generation keeps traditions and lives by old scheme which they learned from their parents. Lovers still get married and swear fidelity to each other in front of their families. Mass celebrations are often held, at which the Chuvash language sounds loudly and melodiously. People wear the best suits, embroidered according to all the canons. They cook traditional lamb soup - shurpa, and drink home-made beer.

The future is in the past

In modern conditions of urbanization, traditions in villages are disappearing. At the same time, the world is losing its independent culture, unique knowledge. Nevertheless, the Russian government is aimed at maximizing the interest of contemporaries in the past of different peoples. The Chuvash are no exception. Appearance, features of life, color, rituals - all this is very interesting. To show to the younger generation the culture of the people, university students of the republic spend impromptu evenings. Young people speak and sing in the Chuvash language.

The Chuvash live in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, so their culture is successfully breaking through into the world. Representatives of the people support each other.

Recently, the main book of Christians, the Bible, was translated into Chuvash. Literature is flourishing. The ornaments and clothing of the ethnic group inspire famous designers to create new styles.

There are still villages where they still live according to the laws of the Chuvash tribe. The appearance of men and women in such gray hair is traditionally folk. The great past is preserved and revered in many families.

Chuvash are one of the most numerous nationalities living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Of the approximately 1.5 million people, more than 70% are settled on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, the rest in neighboring regions. Within the group there is a division into upper (viryal) and lower (anatri) Chuvash, differing in traditions, customs and dialect. The capital of the republic is the city of Cheboksary.

History of appearance

The first mention of the name Chuvash appears in the 16th century. However, numerous studies indicate that the Chuvash people are direct descendants of the inhabitants ancient state Volga Bulgaria, which existed on the territory of the middle Volga in the period from the 10th to the 13th centuries. Scientists also find traces of Chuvash culture dating back to the beginning of our era on the Black Sea coast and in the foothills of the Caucasus.

The data obtained indicate the movement of the ancestors of the Chuvash during the Great Migration of Peoples to the territory of the Volga region occupied at that time by Finno-Ugric tribes. Written sources have not preserved information about the date of appearance of the first Bulgarian public education. Most early mentions the existence of Great Bulgaria dates back to 632. In the 7th century, after the collapse of the state, part of the tribes moved to the northeast, where they soon settled near the Kama and the middle Volga. In the 10th century, Volga Bulgaria was a fairly strong state, the exact borders of which are unknown. The population was at least 1-1.5 million people and was a multinational mixture, where, along with the Bulgarians, Slavs, Maris, Mordovians, Armenians and many other nationalities also lived.

The Bulgarian tribes are characterized primarily as peaceful nomads and farmers, but during their almost four hundred year history they had to periodically encounter conflicts with the armies of the Slavs, the Khazar tribes and the Mongols. In 1236 Mongol invasion completely destroyed the Bulgarian state. Later, the Chuvash and Tatar peoples were able to partially recover, forming the Kazan Khanate. The final inclusion into the Russian lands occurred as a result of the campaign of Ivan the Terrible in 1552. Being in actual subordination to Tatar Kazan, and then to Rus', the Chuvash were able to maintain their ethnic isolation, unique language and customs. In the period from the 16th to the 17th centuries, the Chuvash, being predominantly peasants, participated in the popular uprisings that swept the Russian Empire. In the 20th century, the lands occupied by these people received autonomy and became part of the RSFSR in the form of a republic.

Religion and customs

Modern Chuvash are Orthodox Christians; only in exceptional cases are there Muslims among them. Traditional Beliefs represent a unique type of paganism, where against the background of polytheism it stands out supreme god Tura, patron of the sky. From the point of view of the structure of the world, national beliefs were initially close to Christianity, so even close proximity to the Tatars did not affect the spread of Islam.

Worship of the forces of nature and their deification led to the emergence large quantity religious customs, traditions and holidays associated with the cult of the tree of life, the change of seasons (Surkhuri, Savarni), sowing (Akatuy and Simek) and harvesting. Many of the festivities remained unchanged or were mixed with Christian celebrations, and are therefore celebrated to this day. Vivid examples The preservation of ancient traditions is considered to be a Chuvash wedding, at which national costumes are still worn and complex rituals are performed.

Appearance and folk costume

Appearance Caucasian with some features Mongoloid race The Chuvash are not much different from the inhabitants of central Russia. General features Faces are considered to have a straight, neat nose with a low bridge, a round face with pronounced cheekbones and a small mouth. The color type varies from light-eyed and fair-haired to dark-haired and brown-eyed. The height of most Chuvash people does not exceed the average.

The national costume is generally similar to the clothing of the peoples of the middle zone. The basis of a woman’s outfit is an embroidered shirt, complemented by a robe, apron and belts. A headdress (tukhya or hushpu) and jewelry generously decorated with coins are required. Men's suit was as simple as possible and consisted of a shirt, pants and a belt. Shoes were onuchi, bast shoes and boots. Classic Chuvash embroidery is a geometric pattern and a symbolic image of the tree of life.

Language and writing

The Chuvash language belongs to the Turkic linguistic group and is considered the only surviving language of the Bulgar branch. Within the nationality, it is divided into two dialects, distinguished depending on the territory of residence of its speakers.

It is believed that in ancient times the Chuvash language had its own runic writing. The modern alphabet was created in 1873 thanks to the efforts of the famous educator and teacher I.Ya. Yakovleva. Along with the Cyrillic alphabet, the alphabet contains several unique letters that reflect the phonetic differences between languages. The Chuvash language is considered the second official language after Russian, is included in the compulsory educational program in the republic and is actively used by the local population.


  1. The main values ​​that determined the way of life were hard work and modesty.
  2. The non-conflict nature of the Chuvash is reflected in the fact that in the language of neighboring peoples its name is translated or associated with the words “quiet” and “calm.”
  3. The second wife of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was the Chuvash princess Bolgarbi.
  4. The bride's value was determined not by her appearance, but by her hard work and the number of skills, so her attractiveness only grew with age.
  5. Traditionally, upon marriage, the wife had to be several years older than her husband. Raising a young husband was one of the woman's responsibilities. Husband and wife had equal rights.
  6. Despite the worship of fire, the ancient pagan religion of the Chuvash did not provide for sacrifices.