DC Batman Comics. Subsequent heroic activity

(Batman) was originally written as Bat-Man, his real name Bruce Wayne- a fictional superhero character appearing in the universe . He debuted in a comic called Detective comics No. 27 (May 1939). The character was created by artist Bob Kane in collaboration with writer Bill Finger, but Kane is officially the sole creator of the character.

Batman took 2nd place on the list " One hundred best heroes comics of all time"According to IGN.


Wealthy philanthropist Thomas Wayne, his wife, Martha, and their 8-year-old son, Bruce Wayne, were leaving a movie theater at 10:47 p.m. As they set foot on Park Row (now called Crime Alley), a gun-toting gunman named Joe Chill approached them from the shadows to steal the pearl necklace Martha was wearing. Thomas, approaching the gunman to protect his wife, was shot by Chill, causing Martha to scream. Chill then shot at her, saying, "This will make you shut up!" Bruce, traumatized by the death of his parents, will never be the same. Later, Bruce was raised by his wise and loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce also inherited his family's large fortune, as well as his father's company, Wayne Enterprises. Standing at the gravestones of his parents, Bruce swore an oath to avenge the death of his parents.

Despite financial security, happiness eluded Bruce. Young Bruce was comforted by Doctor Leslie Thompkins, who helped him cope with the death of his parents and find purpose in life. At the age of fourteen, Bruce began a twelve-year journey around the world, seeking out experts in various fields, preparing himself spiritually and physically. Academically, he studied at Cambridge in England, Sorbonne in France and other famous European universities. A Frenchman named Henri Ducard taught him how to properly track people, a ninja named Kiriji taught him stealth, an African hillbilly taught him the arts of hunting, and Nepalese monks taught him healing.

Bruce returned to Gotham City, where he became a vigilante. But despite all his honed skills, he knew something was missing. Bruce believed that criminals were "superstitious and cowardly", and in order to rid Gotham of evil, he needed to change himself, and become a fearsome symbol of the city that would strike fear into the hearts of criminals. While Bruce was in his father's office, a large bat broke through the glass in the window. Bruce took this as an omen and remembered his fear of bats when he was still a child. This became his symbol; The Bat will sow fear in the cold world of Gotham. Using his large fortune, Bruce designed a suit and advanced equipment, thus beginning a difficult double life: by day, he would be the billion-dollar playboy and businessman Bruce Wayne, and by night, he would be Batman.

Character evolution

Golden age

From its first appearance in Detective Comics#27 in 1939, Batman was immediately introduced as a crime fighter. Bruce Wayne's childhood story was revealed in issue #33 and later fleshed out in issue #46. According to these issues, Bruce was born on February 19 to Thomas and Martha Wayne, wealthy Gotham industrialists involved in charity and improvement of the city, but Thomas Wayne worked as a doctor in a hospital instead of being involved in a corporation. Bruce grew up in the Wayne family mansion in the suburbs of Gotham and grew up as a privileged child until he was eight years old, until his parents were killed in front of little Bruce by the hands of petty bandit Joe Chilla on his way out of the cinema. At his parents' funeral, Bruce vowed to avenge his parents' death and to eradicate crime in Gotham. He undergoes intensive physical training, learning martial arts, possession of firearms and bladed weapons, surveillance and espionage skills, but understands that physical fitness alone is not enough. Wayne believed that “criminals are quite superstitious and cowardly,” and therefore his appearance should inspire fear in them. He was looking for a suitable image, at that time a bat flew into the window, and Bruce decided to take its image as a basis and take the pseudonym Batman.

Early in his career, Batman was negatively perceived by the police, who considered the "masked vigilante" to be nothing more than a psychopath. At that time, Bruce had a fiancee, Julie Madison, and a little later Wayne takes in the orphan Dick Grayson, who was a circus acrobat, who became his partner Robin. Batman becomes one of the founders of the Justice Society of America and, together with, an honorary member of it. The city's police begin to treat him more favorably, and he soon receives the title of honorary detective of the Gotham City Police Department. Some time later, Alfred Pennyworth, the butler of the Wayne couple, arrives in the city and, after he learns the secret of Batman's identity, becomes his ally and assistant.

silver Age

The beginning of the Silver Age of DC is considered to be 1956 and the appearance of the new Flash - Barry Allen. The style of Batman stories changed to a less dark style between the Golden and Silver Ages, and by the early 1960s they included science fiction elements - space aliens, scientific experiments, but by the time of release Detective Comics#327, published in May 1964, Batman returned to his detective roots.

Following the introduction of the Multiverse in the early 1960s, it is revealed that all of the Golden Age characters lived on Earth-2 and the Silver Age on Earth-1, and the origin story previously described was that of what is now considered an alternate version of Batman. . The character himself was referred to as Earth-2 Batman, and later in the issue Superman Family#211, it was revealed that he married Earth-2 Catwoman (Selina Kyle) and became the father of Helena Wayne, later known as Huntress. Huntress subsequently joins Dick Grayson (Earth-2's Robin) in defending Gotham when Wayne leaves Batman's career to become police commissioner and is then killed during his final mission as Batman. This Batman story is considered an alternate story and not part of the main canon, however Batman comics have been published without interruption, unlike similar DC characters Alan Scott and Hal Jordan and Jay Garrick's Flash. Over the following decades, details of the origin of the main Earth-1 Batman were changed or expanded, such as meeting the future Superman in his youth and being raised by his uncle Philip Wayne, who appeared in the issue Batman No. 208 in February 1969. In 1980, then-series editor Paul Levitz became the author of the series The untold story of Batman, which carefully and chronologically described the biography of Bruce Wayne.

Throughout the period, Batman works alongside other heroes, most notably Superman, with whom he first teamed up in 1954 as part of the series World's Finest Comics and appeared until its end in 1986. Batman and Superman are generally portrayed as close friends who are aware of each other's true identities. Together they become the founders of the Justice League of America in issue Brave and the Bold No. 28. In the 1970s Brave and the Bold changed the name to Batman, and the hero himself appeared monthly in a team with several characters.

In 1969, Dick Grayson begins to attend college, which became the impetus for revising some aspects of the Batman stories. Bruce Wayne himself moves from his mansion to a penthouse at the top of the Wayne Enterprises skyscraper in downtown Gotham in order to be closer to crime scenes and respond more quickly. Between the mid-1970s and early 1980s, Batman almost always worked alone, sometimes teaming up with Robin or Batgirl. The stories returned to their traditional dark content and design, and the crimes depicted were increasingly serious. During this period, several new characters appeared and old ones returned, such as Ra's al Ghul, a terrorist several hundred years old who knows that Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same person. In the early 1980s, Dick Grayson steps down as Robin and becomes a separate superhero under the alias Nightwing.

In the final release Brave and the Bold#200 in July 1983, Batman leaves the Justice League and forms new team called Outsiders. He remains the team leader until graduation Batman and the Outsiders#32 in 1986, when the series was cancelled.


Although he does not possess any innate superpowers, Batman is considered by many (even Superman) to be among the most dangerous people in the world. Batman has become one of the most powerful men in the DC Universe, despite not having any superhuman abilities at any point in his life. Starting at the age of 14, Bruce began training and studying with the brightest minds on the planet to learn about biology, forensics, anatomy and other fields that would help him become the world's greatest detective.

Batman is also a master of stealth, disguise and escape, using his Ninjutsu training. He infiltrated high security missions, including Lexcorp. He would disappear in sight of regular humans and metahumans such as Azrael. His stealth skills are so high that even superhero groups such as the Legion of Super-Heroes were unable to find him. His accuracy is said to be on par with Green Arrow. He is the second greatest escape artist, the first being Mister Miracle. Batman escaped the straitjacket in 52 seconds, then stated that it was too slow for him. He always carries several master keys with him. He usually uses disguises, one of his most famous identities being Mitch Malone.

To acquire all these skills, Bruce needed money. When his parents died, Bruce inherited millions of his parents' dollars, which he later turned into billions through investing. Bruce owns and operates Wayne International as well as Batman Incorporated.

Batman is the "World's Greatest Detective", solving the biggest mysteries with little or no data. He also speaks many languages ​​such as English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Japanese, Chinese and others. Bruce has extensive knowledge in criminology, psychology, medicine and anatomy. Batman is an excellent strategist, and is always several steps ahead of his opponents. This incredible ability is due to the fact that he studies his opponents, not only physically, but also mentally. He is a mentor for the Justice League International. Has deep knowledge of business, great in finance and marketing. He hacked into alien and future technologies.

Batman is trained in every martial art known to mankind, and out of every one of those forms of combat, he knows 127 that are deadly. These 127 are the main forms of battles that make up his normal fighting style. He is known to change his style to become unpredictable for his opponent. His main fighting style is a mixture of Judo, Ninjutsu, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Boxing, Karate and Dragon Style Kung Fu.

Thanks to his training, Batman can also handle almost all types of weapons, known to man, even most of firearms - even though he despises them, considering them to be the weapons of cowards, and repeatedly avoids using them even when in need of help. Batman's fighting skills surpass most metahumans and normal men, and he even knows every pressure point in human body, as well as Dim Mak ("touch of death") methods. They can cause dangerous pain to his enemies, which can lead to dizziness, numbness, unconsciousness, temporary paralysis, disorientation, and even death.

Through intense training and diet, Batman achieved remarkable results that ordinary people would call superhuman. Batman is in peak physical and mental state. Batman showed amazing power, and can lift at least 1,000 pounds on the bench press and has personally stated that his maximum weight is 2,500 pounds (over 1,133 kg) on ​​the leg press. However, as shown in Batman Odyssey #2, Batman was able to overcome his record leg press weight by using the power of his legs to move a stuck carriage. In Gotham After Midnight #2, Batman was able to apprehend two golden sarcophagi with an estimated weight of at least 1 ton, within one minute. Additionally, Batman is an accomplished gymnast and acrobat, although not on Nightwing's level. Batman's training and peak condition means he is very fast in combat. His high speed combined with his strength makes him phenomenally strong. One day, he caught Green Arrow's arrow and occasionally avoided being shot at point-blank range. He can hold his breath for 3 minutes and 15 seconds. He survived the vacuum of space after 27 seconds.

Weapons and equipment:

Thanks to his wealth, money is no obstacle to the development of various devices and devices that he uses in the fight against crime. The most famous of these is the Batarang, a sharp throwing weapon that has a boomerang-like return ability. Other items include smoke or flash grenades, caltrop (wire hedgehogs), rebreather and different kinds antidotes. There is a sonic device on the heel of his boots that can cause a swarm bats to his location.

Batman costume is an experimental military body armor that is too expensive for the military to put into production. Various types of Batman suits have appeared over the years, but the fact is that Bruce's suit is indestructible, bulletproof, and immune to temperature changes (it will not melt when exposed to fire, etc.). The suit is shock-absorbing and acid-resistant. When he fails to defend himself, his mask emits gas and electrocutes attackers who try to remove any part of his equipment. However, despite all this protection, the suit is vulnerable to sharp objects such as knives, and Batman has sometimes reduced the amount of armor in the suit to increase mobility.

One of his iconic pieces of equipment. Batman designed the pockets to be closed, and only he knows how to open them. His belt has a safety device, it can give an electric shock or activate an internal explosive device if someone tries to open it. It is made of a leather belt with a solid steel clasp. There are also compartments that contain collapsible Batarangs. Other equipment Batman carries includes various types of poison.

Some devices include:

  • EMP Emitter
  • Energy deflector
  • Degausser
  • Magnets
  • Batarangs (freezing, explosive, electric, boomerang, etc.)
  • Sonic grenades
  • Sonic weapon
  • Sound emitter
  • Explosive plastic substance
  • Smoke balls
  • Tranquilizer darts
  • Miniature explosive devices
  • Foam gun against fire
  • Mask
  • Lockpicks
  • Antidotes for poisons and fear toxin Scarecrow
  • Kryptonite Ring
  • Batmobile controller

Suit Insider

Upon returning from his apparent death, Bruce created the Insider Suit, which had abilities similar to those of the Justice League. It requires constant charging, but can be charged by absorbing energy.

This suit has the following abilities:

  • Spectral mode: night vision, neutralization of sound/light waves from outside
  • Speed ​​Force (Flash): Grants tremendous speed.
  • Thermal Mode (Superman: Heat Vision)
  • Willpower (Green Lantern): Copies the capabilities of green energy
  • Camouflage Mode (Martian Manhunter): Invisibility
  • Truth Mode (Wonder Woman): Cord with lie detectors and produce electric shocks
  • Ability to fly
  • Teleportation: 3 meter radius, can also move other people

In the media

Cartoon series

Batman appears in the animated series:

  • "Super Friends" aired from 1973 to 1974.
  • "The All-New Superfriends Hour" aired between 1977 and 1978.
  • "Challenge of the Superfriends: New Episodes" aired from 1978 to 1979.
  • "The World's Greatest Super Friends" published between 1979 and 1980.
  • "Super Friends" aired from 1980 to 1983.
  • "Super Friends: The Legendary Super Show" aired from 1984 to 1985.
  • "Super Power Team: Guardians of the Galaxy" was released between 1985 and 1986.

New Batman Adventures", published between 1977 and 1978. In this animated series, Batman, along with his partners, faces various villains. For example, in the episode "Bite-Sized", an alien named Electro took over the consciousness of Batman and Robin so that they would help him steal government secrets. And in the episode "Bermuda Rectangle", a villain named Professor Bubbles and his henchman, Flux, hijack ships carrying some of the weapons he can use to take over the world.

Batman appears in the animated series" "published between 1992 and 1995. The character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. He is the main character of the animated series, for example in the series "Forteller", Batman investigates a cult called the Brotherhood, which was founded by the "mystic" Nostromus. And after Bruce finds out from many of his colleagues That Nostromus has the ability to predict the future, he decides to investigate. Eventually, Batman learns that Nostromus is a fraudster who has been setting up accidents to gain the trust of Gotham's upper-class citizens.

Batman appears in the animated series" Superman" ran from 1997 to 1999. The character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. He appears in the episodes entitled "World's Finest", "Time of the Knight" and "The Demon Reborn".

Batman appears in the animated series" New Batman Adventures" ran from 1997 to 1999. The character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. For example, in the episode "Never Be Afraid", Pugolo developed a new toxin that, instead of causing fear, eliminates it, making ordinary people carefree and dangerous, including Batman.

Bruce Wayne appears in the animated series " Batman of the Future" ran from 1999 to 2001, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. In the animated series, an elderly Bruce Wayne passes on the suit a teenager named Terry McGuinness, whom Voiced by Will Friedle.

Batman appears in the animated series" Project Zeta" airing in 2001. He appears in the episode entitled "Shadows".

Batman appears in the animated series" Static Shock" aired from 2002 to 2004. The character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. He appears in the episodes "Major League", " Iron men", "A League of Their Own" and "Future Shock". In the episode entitled "Major League", he comes to the aid of a young superhero when the Joker appears in town planning to destroy Static Shock.

Batman appears in the animated series" Justice League", the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. He is one of the main characters of the cartoon, as well as one of the founders Leagues.

Batman appears in the animated series" " ran between 2004 and 2008. The character was voiced by Rino Romano. The series followed the early years of Batman's adventures in the first two seasons, but was seen with Robin and Batgirl in the later two seasons, and even Superman; he also fought many usual villains.

Batman appears in the animated series" Batman: The Brave and the Bold", the character was voiced by Diedrich Bader. The animated series was aimed at a young audience and was not as dark as previous shows about Batman.

Batman appears in the animated series" Young Justice", the character is voiced by Bruce Greenwood. He is one of the 7 founding members of the Justice League. He is also responsible for sending the team on secret missions. He is also the mentor to many of the team members especially Superboy, who is not on good terms with Superman. His alter ego Bruce Wayne also plays a key role in some episodes.Batman is also a mentor to three incarnations of the Robins (Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake) as well as Barbra Gordon/Batgirl throughout the series.

Batman appears in the animated series" Teen Titans ", the character was voiced by Kevin Michael. In the episode "Red X Unmasked", when the team begins to remove the masks from the enemy they have captured, Batman's face appears and says "I am vengeance, I am the night, I am", but he is not allowed to finish and Robin takes it off mask.

Batman appears in the animated series" Teen Titans Go!". Batman makes cameo appearances in various episodes of the animated series (for example, "Books", "Slumber Party" and others).

Batman appears in the animated series" Watch out for Batman", the character was voiced by Anthony Ruivivar. The action of the animated series unfolds during early years Bruce Wayne acting as. During the season, he hones his skills with the help of his butler, Alfred five kopecks. Bruce introduced Alfred Pennyworth, who is a former MI6 agent.

Batman appears in the animated series" Justice League Action", the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. Batman appears as one of the main characters in the animated series.

Animated films

Batman appears in " Batman: Mask of the Phantasm"released in 1993, the role of the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. A new vigilante appears in Gotham and, unlike Batman, he does not leave his victims alive. The vigilante begins to hunt for the former leaders of Gotham gangster groups. The mysterious nature of the vigilante, also due to the similarities similar in appearance to Batman, causes the city of Gotham to doubt Batman and put him on a wanted list.The film also shows Bruce's life before he donned the mask, particularly his romantic relationship with Andrea Beaumont.

Batman appears in " Batman and Mister Freeze"released in 1998, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. Batman encounters Mr. Freeze again after he returns from the Arctic, where he spent a lot of time. He is forced to return due to Nora's deteriorating condition. Freeze returned to Gotham, to find treatment for his wife.

Batman appears in " Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker" released in 2000, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. In Neo-Gotham City, the Joker, who has been absent for the past 35 years, returns and begins to manage a criminal team. On his orders, they steal high-tech communications equipment. Despite the intervention of Terry McGinnis (successor Bruce Wayne, who plays Batman), the Joker escapes. Bruce insists that the Joker must be an impostor, claiming that he witnessed the Joker's death after their final battle.

Batman appears in " Batman and the Mystery of the Batwoman"released in 2003, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. Batman and Robin must face a new caped vigilante, whose identity is unknown even to Batman. Now, Batman and Robin are trying to find out what kind of person is hidden under the mask, as well as deal with old enemies Penguin and Rupert Thorne.

Batman appears in " Batman vs Dracula"released in 2005, the role of the character was voiced by Rino Romano. After Dracula himself comes to life, people begin to disappear in the city and Batman tries to find out what is really happening. On one of the nights of his patrol, the Dark Knight encounters Dracula.

Batman appears in " Justice League: The New Barrier"released in 2008, the role of the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. According to the plot, a new generation of superheroes who must join forcesto fight with threat posed by Earth.

Batman appears in " Batman: Gotham Knight", released in 2008, the role of the character was voiced by Jeremy Sisto. Children gather on the set, each of them tells one of the stories they heard about Batman.

Batman appears in " Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" released in 2009, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. The story centers on Superman and Batman stopping an asteroid from destroying the Earth and stopping , who has now become President and intends to destroy the Man of Steel, whom Lex blamed for the death of Major Force, exposing Superman to his eyes a great threat to the public.

Batman appears in " Batman: Under the Red Hood" released in 2010, the character was voiced by Bruce Greenwood. The story follows the death of Jason Todd (Robin), and several years later a new adversary appears in the city, who uses the Joker's old alias, wreaks havoc on organized crime in Gotham City, Batman realizes that the new opponent is somehow familiar to him.

Batman appears in " Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths" released in 2010, the character was voiced by William Baldwin. Lex Luthor comes from another universe to ask for the Justice League's help in confronting an evil version of the League.

Batman appears in " Superman/Batman: Apocalypse" released in 2010, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. Batman discovers a mysterious teenage girl with superhuman powers and a connection to Superman. The girl attracts the attention of Darkseid, the evil overlord of the Apocalypse.

Batman appears in " Batman: Year One"released in 2011, the role of the character was voiced by Ben McKenzie. The story will tell about the early years of Batman, how and why he became the Masked Avenger. Also, the plot tells about Gordon, who only recently came to Gotham City.

Batman appears in " The Dark Knight Rises. Part 1" released in 2012, the character was voiced by Peter Weller. Blaming himself for the death of Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne resigns And allows Gotham City plunge into the breeding ground of evil. But Bruce eventually has to return from the return of Two-Face. After this, a new Robin joins Bruce, young girl named Carrie Kelly, who helps him in the battle against mutants who strive to control all of Gotham.

Batman appears in " Justice League: Doom"released in 2012, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. Batman developed a plan to neutralize each member of the Justice League in case any or all of them fall under someone else's control. Mirror Master manages to take possession of this data and transfer it to Vandal Savage , which gathers the Legion of Doom to destroy the heroes.

Batman appears in " The Dark Knight Rises. Part 2"released in 2013, the role of the character was voiced by Peter Weller. After Batman returns, he decides to use this time to restore order in Gotham. But when the Joker finds out about the return of the Dark Knight, he decides to remind himself.

Batman appears in " Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox" released in 2013, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. , together with the rest Leagues , appears at the beginning of the film, he helps defuse one of the bombs that Professor Zoom set up. But when The Flash changes history, Bruce Wayne is killed and Thomas Wayne acts as . And when the Flash takes it all back, he pays a visit and conveys him the letter that I gave him father Bruce.

Batman appears in " Justice League: War" released in 2014, the role of the character was voiced by Jason O'Mara. The film is based on the stories of the New 52. Batman investigates the appearance of an unknown monster, which many mistake for him. At this time, he meets Green Lantern and together they stumble upon an unknown device (MotherBox Suddenly, Parodemons attack, and then Darkseid himself appears. Now, separately active heroes We have to unite to resist the powerful forces of evil and save the world.

Batman appears in " Batman's son" released in 2014, the role of the character was voiced by Jason O'Mara. Batman learns that he has a son named Damian, whom Talia leaves with Bruce to keep him safe. Although, Damian believes that he can take care of himself and doesn't need Batman.

Batman appears in " Batman: Assault on Arkham"released in 2014, the role of the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy. Batman is trying his best to find the bomb that the Joker planted before he got into Arkham. On the night of his patrol, he notices something strange is happening in Arkham and heads there. There , he encounters the Suicide Squad, who are trying to kill Waller.

Batman appears in " Justice League: Trapped in Time", released in 2014, the character was voiced by Diedrich Bader.

Batman appears in " Batman vs Robin

Batman appears in " Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" released in 2015, the character was voiced by Jason O'Mara.

Batman appears in " Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts" released in 2015, the character was voiced by Roger Craig Smith.

Batman appears in " Justice League: Gods and Monsters" released in 2015, the character was voiced by Michael Hall.

Batman appears in " Batman Unlimited: Chaos" released in 2016, the character was voiced by Roger Craig Smith.

Batman appears in " Batman: Bad Blood

Batman appears in " Justice League vs Teen Titans" released in 2016, the character was voiced by Jason O'Mara.

Batman appears in " Batman: The Killing Joke" released in 2016, the character was voiced by Kevin Conroy.


Batman appears in the TV series Batman, which ran from 1966 to 1968, played by Adam West.

Batman appears in the 1979 TV series Legends of Superheroes, reprized by Adam West.

In the 2002 TV series Birds of Prey, Batman appeared in the first episode.

In the 2014 TV series The Flash, Wayne Tech, owned by billionaire Bruce Wayne, is mentioned in a news article that details its merger with rival company Queen Incorporated, owned by Oliver Queen, better known as the superhero Green Arrow, in 2024.

Young Bruce Wayne appears in the television series Gotham, played by actor David Mazouz.

In Legends of Tomorrow, Rip Hunter tells his team that he saw "the death of the Man of Steel and the fall of the Dark Knight" in the future.

Batman appears in the TV series Titans, played by stuntman Alain Moussi.

Batman is one of the oldest superheroes: he turns 77 this year. How does he manage to remain popular at such a respectable age? Thanks to successful films and games, you will say, and you will be right.

But behind the adaptations is the source material - hundreds and hundreds of comics. Anyone who wants to approach them will immediately run away from the number of volumes, restarts and branches. What is the best place to start, what will be clear to an outsider and will immediately hook him? We offer our version.

Year One (1987)

Everyone knows the origin story of Batman. It has been presented dozens of times already with one or another discrepancy. But the version from this comic is the closest to the generally accepted canon, the most logical and rational.

“Year One” brings all stories about the appearance of a hero to a common denominator. How did wealthy orphan Bruce Wayne come up with the idea to dress up as a bat? How did he present himself to the public? How was his relationship with the only non-corrupt cop, James Gordon? All this is told in Batman: Year One, a graphic novel by Frank Miller that heavily influenced the film Batman Begins.

The Killing Joke (1988)

Batman and Joker are inseparable opposites, they are like black and white, Holmes and Moriarty, cola and mentos. Antipodes born from tragedy. Anyone interested in the Joker should start with The Killing Joke - this is where this villain is revealed best. In this deluxe graphic novel, he and Batman must fight not only for Gotham, but also for the sanity of Commissioner Gordon.

"The Killing Joke" helps to look at Batman from a new perspective. Alan Moore, like no one else, knows how to get into the brain of his characters. In his cynical way, he predicts how the endless confrontation between Batman and the Joker will end, and describes the Dark Knight as, in essence, another madman.

The Long Halloween (1996–1997)

This Halloween, Batman, Commissioner Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent join forces to save the city from a mob war and a mysterious killer. Seasoned weaver spider Jeff Loeb maintains tension and intrigue until the very end - it’s impossible to tear yourself away.

“The Long Halloween,” like “The Dark Knight,” which it inspired, shows the true tragedy of the figure of Harvey Dent, his duality, which not every author was able to grasp. Those who are interested in the origins of one of the brightest villains of the DC universe, and fans of mysteries with a triple bottom, should not pass by.

Knightfall (1993–1994)

A sort of answer to The Death of Superman. Supervillain Bane decides to break Batman, both physically and psychologically. He opens the doors of Arkham Asylum, and the Caped Crusader, at the limit of his strength, has to catch the patients one by one. This time the hero finds himself among villains of all stripes and calibers at the least suitable moment. Mad Hatter, Two-Face, Firefly, Scarecrow, Joker - in this series we will see many of Batman's enemies.

And for dessert - Bane himself. He will inflict such trauma on the hero from which he, it would seem, will never recover. Did you think Batman always wins?

Justice League of America: Tower of Babel (2000)

Batman is not only the protector of Gotham. He is also a member of the Justice League, in which he has to interact with the strongest (and most dangerous!) creatures in the DC universe. "The Tower of Babel" tells how Batman's caution is complemented by paranoia and mistrust even of his fellow man.

Those who are familiar with the members of the Justice League will be interested to see the Dark Knight in an unusual setting, but newcomers will be captivated by the cunning of Ra’s al Ghul, who opposes the heroes.

Quiet! (2002–2003)

Batman's opponents rarely teamed up, but this is exactly the case. A conspiracy has been organized against Batman involving almost all of his old enemies. Who is behind this? The one who passionately hates the hero of Gotham and knows more about him than anyone else.

Screenwriter Jeph Loeb has created another magnificent, vibrant mystery. A tangle of secrets unwinds, lifting the veil over both Bruce Wayne's childhood and his relationships with Selina Kyle and Talia al Ghul.

Mad Love (1994)

The Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn is perhaps the most popular anti-heroine of the Batman universe (at least among cosplayers, for sure). Not everyone remembers that she first appeared in the animated series Batman: The Animated Series and only then in this comic. Harley has changed a lot these days, and seeing her portrayed by her actual father, screenwriter Paul Dini, is priceless.

Comical, exciting and Touching story Harley Quinn's mad love for the Joker won an Eisner Award. It makes sense to read it before the release of Suicide Squad, in which Harley makes her debut on big screen.

The Man Who Laughs (2005)

The Joker appeared in comics almost simultaneously with Batman himself and is too important to be limited to just one volume about him on this list. Unfortunately, the comics of the 1940s, in which this character debuted, can no longer impress today's demanding readers. But Ed Brubaker managed to modernize the first story about the Clown Prince of Crime. The comic not only explains how the Joker immediately managed to become the number one enemy of Batman, Gotham and the entire society, but also shows an ordinary person, Commissioner Gordon, in the face of this disaster.

Batman and Son (2006)

Batman has a son, and he will have to babysit! And everything would be fine, but the shket is a trained killer!

This may sound like the premise of yet another kitschy Joel Schumacher film, but fortunately Grant Morrison didn't slip up. This comic of his became the basis for stories about the Dark Knight for years to come, and at the same time answered all the questions about Damian Wayne and his wild nature.

Court of Owls (2011–2012)

The first Batman story since the DC Universe relaunch helps readers figure out what's going on with the Dark Knight right now.

In the story, Gotham has been controlled for centuries by the Court of Owls, a mysterious organization that Batman himself was unaware of until it decided to strike at him. And in the sequel “Night of the Owls,” the entire extended Bat-family fights with the Court’s henchmen. So the comic presents a new look at Bruce Wayne's entourage: Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Alfred and others.

* * *

Of course, this list does not include all the best stories about the Dark Knight. It doesn't have the complex, newbie graphic novels like Arkham Asylum, Gothic, and Batman, R.I.P. Grant Morrison, Brian Azzarello's cynical crime drama Joker, Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Neil Gaiman and Frank Miller's masterpiece The Dark Knight Returns...

All of these things will work better for a reader already familiar with the basics. These are the stories on our list that will help you understand the motives and character of Batman and those around him. Happy reading and welcome to Gotham!


Publisher DC Comics
Debut Detective Comics #27
(May 1939)
Authors) Bob Kane, Bill Finger
Position Good
Alter ego Bruce Wayne
Nicknames The Dark Knight, Best Detective in the World, Matches Malone, Thomas Quigley, Ragman, Detective Hawke, Sir Hemingford Gray, Frank Dixon, Gordon Selkirk, Mr. Fledermouse
View Human
Height 188 cm
Weight 95
Hair color Black
Eye color Blue
Place of Birth Crest Hill, Bristol Township in Gotham County
Citizenship USA
Family status Single
Occupation Adventurer, owner and chairman of Wayne Enterprises, billionaire, industrialist and philanthropist
Batman Family, Justice League of America, The Outsiders
Allies Robin, Commissioner James Gordon
Enemies Joker, Two-Face, Riddler, Catwoman, Penguin, Ra's al Ghul, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow
intelligence, ingenuity, technique, physical strength, incredible endurance
Equipment batmobile



At the age of eight, in front of Bruce Wayne's eyes, his parents were killed by the robber Joe Chil: his father, the doctor Thomas Wayne, and his mother, Martha Wayne. Earlier, at the same age, little Wayne one day, while walking around the family estate, fell into a cave filled with bats and was very scared, but his father arrived in time and pulled him out. These events left a big imprint on Bruce's life and worldview. From then on, he lived at Wayne Manor under the care of his uncle Philip Wayne and his butler Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce spent his youth traveling around the world improving his intellect, spirit and body. He studied various sciences and martial arts.

Youth and training

At the age of 16, the future Batman tried to study in various educational institutions, including at the University of Cambridge. However, he did not stay there for long, preferring self-study and training with certain teachers. Bruce Wayne mastered 127 fighting techniques, including aikido, yau-yang and ninjutsu. Among his teachers were the master of secrecy Henri Ducard, an equal among the “Phantom Tribes of the Ten-Eyed Brotherhood”, an African bushman who taught Wayne to hunt, Nepalese monks taught him the art of healing and speedy healing of injuries.

The Making of Batman

At the age of 20, Wayne tried to become an FBI employee, but soon decided that he needed to fight criminals using their own methods. After this decision, Wayne began to fight crime in Gotham City on his own and without yet using the bat suit. However, his initial attempts to fight were not so successful until, after another fight with bandits, after which he almost died, he, sitting in his office, saw a bat crashing against the window glass and remembered that incident and the fear that he experienced in as a child, falling into a cave with bats. From this time on, Bruce Wayne transformed into Batman and began using the bat suit as a means of intimidation and threat against criminals.

Batman began to operate mainly at night. Persistent rumors began to circulate around the city about a superhero who had allegedly appeared in Gotham City, fighting crime alone. The rumors were debunked by a real demonstration of Batman's reality when the latter appeared during the daytime and liberated a school captured by terrorists. His action was shown on all the news of various television channels.

Subsequent heroic activity

Having made himself known, Batman began collaborating with Gotham City police officials. The latter created for this purpose a large spotlight with the image of a bat, which was activated during danger and a circle of light with an image of a bat in the middle was turned into the sky. The device was called the "Bat-signal". To fight crime, Bruce Wayne created a hidden hideout in the cave he fell into as a child, which he could access directly from his family estate.

Redefining Batman's Identity

After believing that the supervillain Alexander Luthor killed his friend and partner Dick Grayson, Batman wanted to kill Luthor, thereby violating his principles of justice. However, it soon became clear that Dick was alive and Batman left Gotham City for a while to rethink his future activities. He traveled to the Middle East, accompanied by Robin and Nightwing, where, under the auspices of the Cult of the Ten-Eyed Men, he underwent repeated training and honed his endurance.

Returning to Gotham City, Batman faced another problem - he met Ibn al Xu'fash, supposed to be Batman's son from the criminal Talia al Ghul.

Universes Collide

Concerned about possible invasions from other worlds, Batman created an independent global security system to monitor breaches in space, detect and neutralize characters from other universes.

Batman's alter egos and other personalities

Batman carefully tried to maintain his real identity, but there are several characters who knew who was hiding under the mask of the man-bat: Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner and Alan Scott, Plastic Man, Aquaman Orin, Green Arrow, Nightwing, Jason Todd, Robin, Oracle, Martian Manhunter, Alfred, and Doctor Leslie Tomkins.


Bruce Wayne

Behind the Man-Bat mask is Bruce Wayne, billionaire industrialist, playboy and philanthropist. The voices are different - Batman uses a deeper voice.

Matches Malone

Among others, Batman also used the identity of the bandit "Matches Malone" to infiltrate the criminal environment. Matches Malone was a former gangster who was accused of murdering his brother. However, he was not charged due to the fact that he burned himself. Since then, Malone's identity has been used by Batman, but there have been problems with this too - Malone was often suspected of working for Batman and serving as his spy. Later, the real Malone showed up, faking his suicide and proving his non-involvement in the murder of his brother. But he was soon killed by the bandit Ventriloquist as a spy for Batman.

Subsequently, Batman avenged his murder and was even able to retain this identity and use it in his future activities. In particular, Batman, using Malone's identity, was even arrested and kept in the Black Gate prison.

Batman's enemies and adversaries

Batman's comic book enemies include the Joker, Mr. Freeze, Rag Doll, The Riddler, and Two-Face. Among Batman's enemies who knew about his real identity are: Ra's al Ghul, Hugo Strange, the Riddler, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Damnation and Hush.

Batmobile from the classic film series

Family and relationships with other superheroes

After the death of Batman's parents, Thomas Wayne, Martha Wayne, the closest people to him were his uncle Philip Wayne and, in particular, his butler Alfred. Alfred gave him support and understanding everywhere. Some of the closest superheroes to Batman are Superman and Wonder Woman.

Batman's sidekicks include Robin and Batgirl. Batman is also a member of such superhero societies as: the Justice League, the Outsiders, the Justice Society and the Teen Titans. Such membership in one way or another required relationships between superheroes in order to achieve the goals of the societies. The relationship was sometimes conflictual and suspicious on both sides; in particular, Batman himself kept files on other superheroes. And the Justice League, at one time, erased Batman's memory.

Women in Batman's Life

There were many women in Batman's life for whom he had certain feelings: Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Talia al Ghul, Andrea Biamont, Vicki Vale, Sasha Bordeaux and Zatanna.

Crime Fighting Tools

In his activities, Batman uses various kinds of devices, equipment, weapons and other means to achieve the goals of justice and made with the help of Wayne Industries. In particular, when in close contact with criminals, Batman uses so-called Batarangs (boomerangs, the shape of which symbolizes the image of a bat), which can be used to defeat the enemy, limit his mobility, etc. Low-power explosive devices, capsules with tear gas and smoke are also used. An indispensable attribute of Batman is a bat suit, designed to instill fear in criminals. Necessary equipment Batman carries on his belt, among others, a harpoon pistol, a cutter, a paralyzing toxin, etc.

To move in space, Batman can use vehicles such as the Batmobile, Batplane, Batboat and Batcycle. To fight crime, they are equipped with many necessary devices, meeting the latest technology. Appearance These vehicles are futuristic and bear a resemblance to the image of a bat (however, for example, in the film Batman Begins the Batmobile does not have such a resemblance).

Batman's Skills and Abilities

physical characteristics

Unlike many superheroes, he does not possess any superhuman powers or abilities. Batman has great physical potential, which accumulated throughout his training and development. Batman began his first physical training at the age of 11, and at 12 he began working with heavy equipment. At 15, Batman began developing his own diets and individual workout routines, achieving very significant results by the age of 20.

Thus, also without taking alcohol, with the help of intensive work on himself, Batman achieved a state of the body close to perfection. Also physical characteristics of Batman as a superhero are his high gymnastic and acrobatic abilities. His superhuman strength is known, when he lifted weights weighing about half a ton, punched through brick walls, broke steel chains and handcuffs, and felled trees with blows. His reflexive capabilities are no less impressive; in particular, there are known cases of him dodging shots.

Batman's speed in some cases reaches 56 kilometers per hour, and his endurance allows him not to breathe for up to 5 minutes under water. Superhuman agility and durability allow him to ignore pain and successfully overtake his opponent in various situations.

Martial arts proficiency

Since his youth, Batman has intensively studied various types of martial arts, achieving the point that he was able to practice 127 martial techniques (all of which he studied outside the United States). In the USA, he studied hand-to-hand combat techniques for about 3 years. By the age of 18, Batman was proficient in Karate, Judo, Jujutsu and Aikido at the 2nd and 3rd degree level. At 18, Batman left the United States and continued his training abroad, receiving a black belt in Savate and Kung Fu. In addition, Batman is at a high level familiar with the tactics of commando squads, fighting blindly. Studied Ninjitsu, Muay Thai, Kobudo, Yaw-Yan, Tae Kwon Do and Dragon style. Took lessons from Wild Cat, a world boxing champion.

Knowledge of various types of combat techniques is complemented by mastery of weapons, in particular swords and knives. Batman has mastery of stealth, as well as a very accurate shot and uses a Batarang. There is a known case of the latter fighting off a flying bullet.

Mental capacity

No less supernatural abilities are the capabilities of his mind. So it reaches a value of 192, and analytical abilities are no less high. While learning to perfect his body, he also studied various sciences: biology, mathematics, physics, mythology, geography and history. At 21, he had already earned degrees in criminology, computer science, chemistry, and several other scientific fields. By the age of 23, he had mastered espionage skills: sabotage, security systems, sleight of hand, etc. By the age of 25, he received higher scientific degrees in biology, physics and chemistry. By the age of 26, he had studied some forensic, medical and technical sciences.

Batman's linguistic knowledge includes the following languages: Spanish, French, Latin, German, Japanese, English, Russian, Cantonese and several other dialects. Superman taught him to speak Kryptonian. His tactical and strategic abilities are also known, as well as his ability to be a leader (he led the Justice League, studied the Art of War). Batman can get out of almost any situation - in 52 seconds he got out of a straitjacket, and with the help of a ballpoint pen he was able to get out of a straitjacket while chained.

He also has the skill of a tracker (he learned it from the African Bushmen), driving vehicles, and camouflage. Has a well-developed memory.


The Batman comic book universe is divided into three parts: this is the most classic golden age, followed by the silver age, and, as you might guess, the bronze age. In each of them, Batman changed his images, something new appeared, or someone new appeared in the life of the Dark Knight, the level of seriousness and complexity of masterpiece detectives rose from comedy action to bloody detective. There are so many comic lines about Batman, it’s impossible to list them all. We should also not forget about Elswords - other worlds that tell about what would have happened if the hero’s fate had turned out differently.


  • Batman/Superman Hour (1968-1969)
  • Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder (1969)
  • The New Adventures of Batman (1977)
  • Super Friends (1973-1984)
  • Batman (animated series)(Batman: The Animated Series) was filmed from 1992 to 1995, there were feature films.

One of the first versions of the Batman cartoons, which are based both on comics and on the famous films “Batman”, “Batman Returns”, “Batman Forever”, “Batman and Robin”. The same series includes the animated version of the film Batman Begins and a version of The Dark Knight is being prepared.

  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993)
  • Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero (1998)
  • The Batman/Superman Movie (1998)
  • The New Batman Adventures (1997-1999)
  • Batman Beyond (1999-2001)
  • Batman vs Dracula (2005)
  • Justice League/Justice League Unlimited (2001-2006)
  • The Batman (2004-2008)
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008)
  • Batman: Gotham Knight(Batman: Gotham Knight) - a cartoon filmed in the anime genre. Six episodes, total time is 1 hour 15 minutes. An alternate plot between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight is revealed here.
  • Justice League: The New Frontier (2008)

Film adaptations

Computer games

  • Batman 3D (1985)
  • Batman: The Caped Crusader (1988)
  • Batman (1989)
  • Batman (1990)
  • Batman: Return of the Joker (Revenge of the Joker) (1991)-(1992)
  • Batman Returns (1993)
  • Batman: The Animated Series (1993)
  • The Adventures of Batman & Robin (1994)
  • Justice League Task Force (1995)
  • Batman Forever (1996)
  • Batman & Robin (1997)
  • Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (2000)
  • Batman: Chaos in Gotham (2001)
  • Batman: Gotham City Racer (2001)
  • Batman Vengeance (2001)
  • Batman: Dark Tomorrow (2003)
  • Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu (2004)
  • Batman Begins (2005)
  • Justice League Heroes (2006)
  • LEGO Batman (2008)
  • Batman:Arkham Asylum (2009)


Foreign novelization

  • 1989 - Batman.
  • 1989 - Neutral Ground.
  • 1990 - Happy Birthday. By Jack McDevitt, Mark L. Van Name
  • 1990 - The Batman Murders.
  • 1990 - Jangletown. Authors: Paul Whitcover, Elizabeth Hand
  • 1990 - Museum Piece.
  • 1991 - Batman: on the trail of the Specter (To Stalk a Specter).
  • 1992 - Batman Returns.
  • 1992 - Batman: The Last Angel.
  • 1992 - Batman and Dracula: Red Rain.
  • 1995 - Batman Forever.

Russian novelization

There are Russian-language novelizations of both the first and second films by Bill Flash. Marina Naumova and Gleb Kireev are hiding under a pseudonym.

  • 1993 - Batman.
  • 1993 - Batman Returns.

When we think of Batman, we tend to think of Batman himself. Which is quite logical. He has a cool suit, tons of gadgets, the best fictional car (not counting ECTO-1), and he's also great at taking down bad guys, coming up with more and more inventive ways over and over again. Bruce Wayne? He just flashes on the screen in boring scenes, right? Not really. Although he is rarely shown as a truly interesting character (because in practice it is more difficult than it seems), in theory Bruce Wayne is an important part of the image of Batman.

And to portray him correctly, you need to make Bruce's character convincingly combine many facets before trying to connect him to Batman. Firstly, we are talking about a calibrated mixture of intelligence, arrogance and talent, as well as carefully hidden self-doubt and feelings of guilt.

Added to this is the defiant and sometimes daring behavior characteristic of a person who understands that he is much smarter than those with whom he communicates, as well as the associated feeling of loneliness. And rage. And uncompromising adherence to one’s own moral code. So, we've already seen more than one Bruce Wayne (the last of whom was Ben Affleck in Justice League), and therefore it's time to determine who was best able to portray the Dark Knight in his human form.

Let's start with the image that showed us...

Clooney-Wayne, we haven't really met. And this is very disappointing, because George Clooney himself is just the spitting image of Bruce Wayne. He is smart, charismatic, doesn't mince words and exudes the right amount of charm. Given a decent script, Clooney could easily portray the perfect Bruce Wayne. Unfortunately, the script was written, apparently, in two days, trying to come up with as many puns with the word “ice” as possible.

It's no surprise that Batman & Robin is an incoherent mess. This is a completely mediocre movie that naively believes that an absurdly depicted Gotham will be able to divert our attention from problems with the narrative, visual design, plot integrity, character motivation and the overall tone of the story. Because comedy makes everything better, right? Eh, Joel...

But in short, George did everything that was asked of him; he even had a couple of scenes that showed his potential, which would have been fully realized if this was a serious Batman film. But all of this was overshadowed by the terrible moments with the Bat-Credit, aerial snowboarding and the fact that Arnold “the terrible miscast” Schwarzenegger received a fee for his role that exceeded the salary of the actor who played Batman.

Over time, Clooney has come to terms with how disastrous the film turned out to be, and is now noticeably wary of superhero films.

Thought Adam West was the very first Bruce Wayne shown on screen? Nothing of the kind, he was ahead of him by as much as 20 years. It is quite possible that you have not even heard of Lewis Wilson, but he is one of the most important people in the history of the development of the hero. Wilson was the first actor to play Batman in the 1943 TV series that essentially launched a 70-year marathon of attempts to bring the comic book character to the big screen.

Moreover, it was in this version of Batman (and not in the comics, as we mistakenly previously believed) that a number of familiar clichés appeared. Thin Alfred with a mustache, for example, is just a find for the series, and later comic book authors copied the character from actor William Austin. The same goes for the Batcave. Before the series, in the comics there was only a secret tunnel connecting Wayne Manor and the barn where the Batmobile was hidden.

But enough historical facts. How does Wilson's Bruce compare to everyone else's portrayal? In fact, it's quite good if you take into account the date of the film adaptation. You remember how pompous Christian Bale's character had to be in Nolan's trilogy to keep everyone at arm's length?

So, Wilson took a completely different path - his Bruce turned out to be more good-natured and less pretentious. Of course, it is worth admitting that the character desperately lacked depth, but given the general mood of the series, one could turn a blind eye to this.

However, this Bruce Wayne had other disadvantages. Despite the fact that the 1943 series introduced us to a lot of details that are now considered canonical, there were some things that absolutely could not be forgiven. Bat-racism and Japanese villains. In 1943. Let's move on...

Okay, Batman v Superman sucks. This isn't just the worst Batman movie (at least Batman & Robin was fun), it's one of the most unsuccessful, overly pretentious and just plain stupid summer blockbusters in recent memory.

Among its problems are excessive posturing, inappropriate darkness, a complete lack of irony, like a story pieced together with a lot of illogical twists and unnecessary characters, as well as a lack of character development. And, of course, Jesse Eisenberg's dubious performance. But guess what? All this did not affect the excellent performance of Ben Affleck. Before us is a vivid example of the wonderful Bruce Wayne, who found himself in the hands of a bad director.

Affleck, who took full responsibility for the image of the gloomy 40-year-old Wayne, thoroughly battered by life (we, by the way, have not yet seen this on the big screen), became hostage to a terrible script, as a result of which the impression is created that this image was torn from some really good film adaptation that, alas, we will never see. This image combined everything necessary: ​​intelligence and intelligence, rage and despair, a mask of charm that felt exactly like a mask, and all the versatility of the hero in all its glory.

If Affleck got a movie with a script that didn't fall apart, his Wayne would easily be high on our list. But, alas, Justice League is not that movie at all.

The LEGO Batman Movie version, while a kaleidoscopic compilation of all of Bruce Wayne's major character traits, despite all its exaggerations, looks surprisingly good (as does the 1966 version, but more on that later). On the contrary, exaggeration is only beneficial here. Because this is the secret of competent work with abstract humor.

You need to take the most bright features character or feature of a particular situation, and then blow it out of proportion to create a comical cartoon version that concentrates all the recognizable elements. Adam West understood this, Joel Schumacher did not, and Will Arnett, unlike the latter, is well aware of this, which allowed him to create a great image.

Of course, his Bruce is a kind of parody of all the previous ones (there is no smell of a deeply thought-out character here), but this image captivates precisely with its ironic view of the character. And for all the longtime Batman fans, it also represents a brilliant deconstruction of the hero.

Lego Wayne, which is shown through the prism of all the obviously negative facets, for some reason ignored in other stories about Batman (a self-confident rich loner decides to take the fate of the city into his own hands, completely forgetting about the law enforcement system, simply because he is strong, wealthy and smart) , is presented to us as a arrogant and arrogant upstart who considers himself an involuntary victim (but denies this), which prevents him from being happy.

Therefore, it is a wonderful parody of the character, while elegantly raising topics for discussion that are long overdue. And, by the way, a local story that shows that redemption can be achieved through humanity does a much better job of reimagining classic Batman stories than the writers of Batman & Robin attempted.

5. Christian Bale – The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005 – 2012)

Bale is quite difficult to judge. On the one hand, his Wayne appeared on the big screen more often than others, and also received the most interesting and, most importantly, complete story arc. And, of course, the trilogy itself is undoubtedly the best Batman films. However, I'm not convinced that Bale is that good as Bruce Wayne. Moreover, it always seemed to me that the genius of Nolan's trilogy lies in the thoughtful world and living minor characters, and not in the main character himself.

That's not to say Bale doesn't have great scenes. His portrayal of Young Bruce adds just the right amount of emotional weight to the superhero's development in Batman Begins, and he portrays melancholy quite convincingly in the other two films. He was also the only Wayne who deliberately created a reputation for himself as a pompous boor in order to keep people at a distance, and for this we cannot but praise the actor. But the problem is that Bale's Wayne is not 100% convincing.

Of course, Nolan's trilogy does not claim to be a faithful adaptation of the comics, but rather a more realistic reimagining. However, local Bruce is very difficult to love, and therefore all his shortcomings are more striking. Yes, there is a good man behind the mask (no matter how you feel about his voice), but if you take Batman out of the equation, Bruce's personality is not as interesting as we would like.

Perhaps the most charismatic of all Bruce Waynes. Although the 1960s series was not at all shy about its absurd style (after all, it was intended as a parody of the 1943 series, which was re-aired in 1965), it would not have been half as good if not for the jokes in the execution West, who served them with a straight face. West did not try to show Bruce Wayne as a dramatic character, but rather happily parodied the hero who was already well-known at that time.

At the same time, as in Arnett’s version, Wayne’s key character traits were present in this image (he is a strong, smart, witty and more than self-confident hero), but they were all moderately exaggerated, which reflected the mood of the series. And, oddly enough, West's character suited his era perfectly. There was no noticeable emphasis on psychological trauma and its consequences, but it perfectly showed the same genius, billionaire and playboy familiar from the comics.

Another example of "potentially good Bruce Wayne ending up in a terrible movie because, oh my god, there's that Joel Schumacher again." Of all the Waynes who fall into this category, Val Kilmer's character is perhaps the most interesting. And not only because the film with its Batman has some really good and funny moments, unlike the abyss of terrible jokes in which Batman and Robin drowned.

First, Kilmer leads the list of actors who can play either Batman or Bruce, but not both. The fact is that when you are looking for an actor to play Batman, you are actually looking for a person who can play two roles at once, connected to each other with the help of a competent script. That is why casting for this role is quite difficult. And speaking of Val, he gave us a great and greatly underrated Bruce Wayne, as well as a very lackluster Batman. And since this article is about Wayne, we'll focus on him.

Despite all the riot of colors in Batman Forever, Kilmer's Wayne remains a fairly down-to-earth hero. He's thoughtful and moody, but not too dark. He is reserved, but not insensitive. He is charming, but doesn't go overboard with his charm.

He's a focused, no-nonsense Bruce Wayne who acts completely human about it. And he's so good that Batman co-creator Bob Kane declared him his favorite film version of Wayne of all time. If Kilmer didn't have to don the superhero costume yet, he would probably be at the top of our list.

But, alas, he failed to surpass the image that he showed us...

I'll probably go ahead and say right away that Michael Keaton is the most underrated Bruce Wayne of them all. After the wave of fan outrage over Tim Burton's casting of a comedian as Batman, many of us were amazed at how seamlessly he fit into the role. And Keaton's Wayne is wonderful. His detachment, emphasizing that the hero is constantly thinking about something more important than the current situation, creates the impression that he can at any moment lash out at someone who will knock him out of his thoughts, and this works perfectly.

Let's not forget that scene from the 1989 film in which Wayne practically reveals his identity to the Joker in their verbal duel, something that has never been shown on screen before. As we remember, Bruce has already tracked down the clown, knows about his past and can deal with him. But the only problem is that he's not in his superhero costume, so he has to keep a low profile.

And at this moment there is an internal struggle between Bruce and Batman, which ends in an outburst of rage on Bruce's part - partly due to the confusion of the situation, partly in order to distract the Joker from Vicki Vale, thus protecting her. It's a stunning portrayal of the hero's dualism that even Burton himself couldn't replicate in a similar scene from the sequel, Batman Returns.

The best of the best. The king of all screen Bruce Waynes and Batmans. The one and only. I apologize for all this pathos, but I simply cannot imagine Kevin any other way. The fact is that Conroy easily captured all the versatility of Bruce and conveyed it in the animated series “Batman”, while remaining behind the scenes.

Gloominess, restraint and concentration? They're there. Sharp feeling humor, underlined by the aforementioned restraint? Present. When Conroy's Bruce experiences weakness and uncertainty, his voice always sounds like the voice of someone who controls that weakness. And most importantly, he manages to highlight a fundamental aspect of Bruce Wayne's character that many performers forget. His nobility.

Forget the evil, psychopathic, hot-tempered version of Batman from the 80s comics. This is not Batman. This, as Grant Morrison points out in the Arkham Asylum graphic novel additions, is what he could have become if he hadn't stuck to his guns. moral code and would not have learned to control my anger. Conroy shows us the canonical Batman, whose words and actions are always noble, no matter what difficulties he faces.

One day, a talented artist named Bob Kane sketched a character called Batman (in other variations - Batman, Batman, Batman, Batman). It was a superhero whose costume resembled bat wings. The name Batman is translated from English as “Man-Bat”. A sketch of the character was seen by writer Bill Finger, who helped Kane bring his idea to fruition. The creators of Batman had no idea that soon the new comic book hero would be as popular as Superman.

Batman was conceived as a highly moral superhero, an ardent crime fighter, endowed with many talents. The source of inspiration for creating his image was the popular culture of the 30s of the last century, including films, magazines and comics of that time. In his interviews, Kane said that in decoration For the hero, he was guided by the films “The Mark of Zorro” and “Whisper of the Bat.” Finger also noted that Batman, his appearance and character were formed under the influence of pulp magazines, the image of a hero named Shadow from the magazine of the same name, and detective stories about Sherlock Holmes.

Batman's biography has been corrected several times, but in all variations the following can be distinguished: common places. IN ordinary life Batman's name is Bruce Wayne, outwardly he looks like a frivolous reveler, an eligible bachelor and a playmaker. Bruce Wayne has a decent fortune - he is the owner of a corporation that he inherited from his deceased parents.

The most important point in Batman's biography is violent death his parents at the hands of unscrupulous robber Joe Chill. Bruce Wayne is shocked by the death of his loved ones, he dreams of fighting crime in the city of Gotham. To do this, the young hero acquires many skills: he improves his physical fitness, studies martial arts, and acquires detective skills.

Bob Kane and his creation

At a young age, Bruce Wayne becomes a regular at Cambridge, the Sorbonne and other European scientific centers, but the educational framework weighs on him. In his travels, he learns 127 combat disciplines, including ninjutsu, aikido, etc. Wayne learns from specialists stealth stalking, hunting, the art of healing and even ventriloquism. The hero's mental abilities are amazing. Batman's IQ is 192, and he studies mathematics, biology, mythology, physics, history, geography, chemistry, computer science and criminology with equal zeal. Thanks to the knowledge and skills he gained, Batman was able to become a dangerous and unpredictable adversary. It is also worth noting that, unlike other superheroes, Batman is not endowed with any superpowers. To fight opponents, he uses exclusively his intellect and physical strength.

After his first appearance in comic books in 1939, Batman quickly gained popularity. On this moment the franchise includes an innumerable number of comics, animated series, a huge number of toys and other products where Batman appears. The filmography with the participation of this character includes over 20 full-length films, and new films continue to be released.

Films and TV series

"Batman" (Batman 1, 1943)

It's only been four years since Batman's debut in comics, but a TV series starring the character is already coming out. According to the plot, Batman of the first film is a secret agent of the American government. Time period: World War II. On the side of evil in this series is the Japanese agent Doctor Daka, and it is him who Batman will oppose. 1 superhero movie bat was met with great interest. It is believed that this Batman series is part 1 of the general film history of the hero named Batman. The first film was released in 15 episodes.

"Batman and Robin" (Batman and Robin serial, 1949)

A few years after viewers found out who Batman was, they decided to continue the series about this superhero. This time, the fighter for justice enlists the help of his partner Robin. The 15-episode TV project “Batman and Robin” received little funding, which affected the quality of the plot and visual design. However, the outright second-rate status did not diminish the people's love for the brave man named Batman. The film only fueled the public's interest in this character.

Batman and his sidekick and friend Robin in the 1949 film adaptation

"Batman" (Batman 2, 1966)

The 1966 Batman TV series is an enduring classic. The series and the film Batman 2, released between seasons of the series, not only influenced popular culture of the time, but also became the basis for the plots of subsequent issues of Batman comics. The 1966 Batman TV series and film starred Adam West, who made a funny, comedic Batman. The television series was a success, airing 120 episodes in total. Batman 2 is not as serious a film as subsequent films about the character. The Batman of the 60s is not yet the Dark Knight. Therefore, for those who like modern Batman, the 1966 film may seem farcical and absurd. In part, such people will be right, since the movie “Batman 2” is more reminiscent of a family comedy in genre. However, Batman films continue to evolve.

Cheerful Batman and Robin

"Batman" by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher

"Batman" (Batman 3, 1989)

“Batman” in 1989 became a cult classic and gave rise to a new understanding of the hero. The film "Batman 3" (Batman 3) was the fruit of the labor of then-novice director Tim Burton. The big-budget film starred such stars as Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger. Moreover, Michael Keaton's Batman became a dramatic figure for the first time, and Jack Nicholson's Joker appeared as a truly insane villain who is not afraid of Batman. The 1989 film ultimately proved that superhero stories could be serious. Batman 3 was a huge success and is still considered one of the highest-grossing DC Comics films. After the release of Part 3 of the Batman movie, the character gained fans all over the world.

"Batman Returns" (Batman 4, 1992)

"Batman Returns" (1992) is a sequel to Tim Burton's first film about the Dark Knight. The film "Batman Returns" turned out to be quite dark - noir is finally making itself known. The city of Gotham is truly mired in darkness, and new sinister plans are being prepared in its depths. Batman 1992 is just as dramatic as its predecessor. This time he will have to fight the villain Penguin, played by Danny DeVito. A new romantic intrigue appears - Batman and Catwoman. The film received such a dark tone that critics could not remain silent about this. Nevertheless, Batman 4 is a successful film, and it cannot avoid a sequel.

Catwoman became one of the main characters of the 4th part

"Batman Forever" (1995)

Batman Forever was directed by Joel Schumacher, with Tim Burton serving as producer. Along with this, the style of the painting also changes. Schumacher decided that the previous films were too dark, so he wanted to make the film “Batman Forever” bright and friendly, devoid of hopeless darkness. As a result, Batman 1995 turned out to be glossy, for which it was criticized by some fans. According to the creators of the film "Batman Forever", such an atmosphere was supposed to attract more people to cinemas.

It is also worth noting that Batman’s partner, the acrobat Robin, and the villains Two-Face and Riddler, played by Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey, appear in this part. The love story of the film is connected with Dr. Chase Meridian, played by Nicole Kidman.

Tim Burton exaggerates

"Batman and Robin" (1997)

Wanting to repeat his success two years later, Joel Schumacher releases another film called Batman and Robin. The film received low praise despite a superstar cast: George Clooney played the role of Batman, Arnold Schwarzenegger played the villain Freeze, and Uma Thurman played Poison Ivy. The film "Batman and Robin" is criticized for the fact that the brightness that Schumacher wanted to achieve becomes vulgar, and the abundance of characters does not contribute to a clear and precise design of the action. As a result, Batman 1997 did not repeat the success of previous films. After the film “Batman and Robin”, fans of the Dark Knight will have a long break.

"Batman: Dead End" (2003)

Between the landmark works of Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan, many small projects related to such a character as Batman came and went. They tried to make a movie about the Gotham hero more than once, or rather at least nine times, but the projects turned into long-term construction. In addition to full-length films, some directors are taking on short films about Batman. One of the most famous is “Batman: Dead End”: a crossover connecting the DC universe and the universe of Aliens and Predators. This short film stands out for its magnificent and truly frightening performance of the Joker, as well as for its unusual combination of heroes from different fantasy universes.

Batman: The Christopher Nolan Trilogy

Batman Begins (2005)

After eight years of cinematic lull, Christopher Nolan takes on the task of resurrecting the history of Batman. In making Batman Begins, he takes cues from the comics Batman: Year One and Batman: The Long Halloween, as well as Bob Kane's classic portrayal of the superhero. 2005's Batman was intended to be the start of a trilogy. In the film "Batman Begins" the viewer learns about the hero's youth. After a family tragedy, Bruce Wayne travels the world and improves himself, then returns to Gotham, create his famous image of the man-bat and eradicate crime.

Batman's return to screens in 2005 was a great success.

"Batman Begins" is memorable for its consistent noir style in a modern context. Critics responded enthusiastically to the appearance of the film “Batman Begins” and the general return of the Batman movie to screens. Nolan's Batman was a great success, and the director took on the second part of the trilogy.

Batman: The Dark Knight (2008)

"Batman: The Dark Knight" is the second part of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. The main character of the film "Batman: The Dark Knight" sees in the district attorney - the White Knight of Gotham - his replacement as the defender of the city, and dreams of finally being reunited with the girl he has loved since childhood. But superheroes, as you know, only dream of peace. Batman, the Black Knight of Gotham, is forced to continue fighting crime as the defenseless residents of the city are threatened by the Joker, a dangerous psychopath who wants only one thing: to see the world on fire. Two equal opponents meet in battle - Batman and the Joker, and the film turns from a fantastic action film into a thriller. The tagline for the 2008 Batman movie is: “Welcome to the world of chaos.”

The film "Batman: The Dark Knight" received warm reviews from critics and audiences. According to the IMDb rating, he is recognized as fourth among best films planets. The second part of the trilogy was remembered by the audience not only for the way Batman was embodied in it - the film amazed the audience with the role of the Joker. As a result, the tape became one of the highest-grossing film adaptations of comic books in their entire history.

Christopher Nolan's Batman surrounded by enemies

"Batman Rises" (2012)

The film “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns”, or in other versions - “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns”, “Batman: The Return of the Legend”, “Batman. The Dark Knight Rises was the final part of Christopher Nolan's trilogy. Batman 2012 is still the same hero without fear and reproach, but due to the death of prosecutor Harvey Dent, described in the previous part, he becomes a forced exile. He spends eight years in the shadows until a new villain named Bane appears in the city, ready to expose the story of Harvey Dent, which Batman does not want. The hero's return has taken place, but the forces are not equal, and Batman risks dying, but suddenly the mysterious thief Catwoman appears.

The film "Batman Rises" received mixed reviews with a bias toward positive ones. Critics praised Tom Hardy's performance as the villain and strong climax, but were unhappy with the convoluted plot.

DC Expanded Universe

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

In the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, director Zack Snyder decided to show the confrontation between two iconic superheroes. The idea of ​​the film caused a lot of noise, fans were waiting for the Batman v Superman film, the release date of the film became a red day on the calendar for all fans of the DC Universe. But when Batman v Superman comes out, audiences and critics won't be so kind to it.

Speaking about the film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", the actors said that they had no goal of competing with Christopher Nolan. However, Ben Affleck, who plays Batman, noted that 2016's Batman v Superman is a more meaningful version of the comic book film. The 2015 Batman film is based on the conflict Batman v Superman. When creating the plot of the film "Batman v Superman", the scriptwriters were guided by the comics "The Death of Superman" and "Batman. The Dark Knight Returns." Batman and Superman became enemies. In the 2015 film "Batman", Superman, a god-like hero, now poses a danger to humanity. Batman vs Superman is expected, but the heroes of the 2016 Batman film will have to unite to protect the planet.

Critics slammed 2015's Batman; they thought the film was too drawn-out and ill-conceived. There is a lack of logic in the plot, pseudo-philosophical ideas and a blurry ending.

"Batman": new films

Among the latest films featuring Batman is “Suicide Squad” (2016), where the Dark Knight appears at the end of the film and voices his desire to deal with the Suicide Squad project. In 2017, filming of Zack Snyder's Justice League: Part 1 is planned, which will also feature Batman. A new Batman is planned for 2018. The latest installment of the Dark Knight film is in development with Ben Affleck set to direct and star as Batman. The last film is worth waiting for in the fall of 2018.


Over the entire existence of the franchise, the famous Bat costume has been worn by many famous actors. The first truly memorable Batman was made by Adam West, who played the role of the superhero in a soft and comedic manner. West is a lamp family Batman. Actors in subsequent films looked to West, including Christian Bale, who played the Dark Knight in Batman Begins. Christian Bale managed to bring to life a truly serious and dramatic character. Christian Bale is Batman with a heavy burden of responsibility to humanity.

However, Bale was surpassed in terms of darkness by Michael Keaton in 1989's Batman. In the film "Batman Forever" the actors were changed, and Val Kilmer played Batman instead of Keaton. One of the most failed Batmans is considered to be Batman from the film “Batman and Robin”. The actors in this film, of course, were distinguished by stardom, and the main role was played by George Clooney, but critics unanimously note that Clooney turned out to be an inexpressive and glamorous Dark Knight. Ben Affleck will play the lead role in the new Batman film. Fans of the Dark Knight expect Batman played by this actor with a grain of salt.

The evolution of Batman's image

Batman was never able to decide on his girlfriend, so there are enough female characters in the Batman series. Among the most striking images are journalist Vicki Vale, played by Kim Basinger, Catwoman, played by Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway, and Dr. Chase Meridian, played by Nicole Kidman. Also in various films, heroines played by Katie Holmes, Elle Macpherson and Maggie Gyllenhaal became Batman's girls.

However, the audience remembers not only Batman himself - the actors and roles of the magnificent villains of the DC Universe are also worth attention. Thus, in the film “Batman Returns,” actors Danny DeVito and Christopher Walken played the memorable Penguin and Max Shreck. One cannot help but remember Mr. Freeze, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Riddler, played by Jim Carrey, and Bane, played by Tom Hardy. In the film "Batman Begins" the actors were also chosen well, especially Cilian Murphy as the Scarecrow. But the main discovery among Batman's opponents was, of course, the terrifying Joker, played by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.

Cartoons and animated series

Cartoons 60-70s

After the release of the cult series about the Dark Knight in the 60s, the first ideas for an animated version of the story about a superhero named Batman appeared. The Batman Adventures cartoon is the first of its kind, it was released in 1968 and includes 34 episodes. Next came the animated series “The Hour of Batman/Superman” and “Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder.” In the 70s, Batman cartoons were released one after another. These include The New Batman Adventures, The Batman and Tarzan Adventure Hour, Scooby-Doo Meets Batman and Super Friends crossovers.

First animated incarnation

90s cartoons

In 1992, the first official Batman animated series was created from Warner Bros. Animation, which entered the DC animated universe. The Batman cartoons featured in the series were inspired by the comic book Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and the films of Tim Burton. The gloomy style of the latter played a big role in the development of the project: an animated series with grotesque images and a vintage noir palette appeared on the screens. The audience saw Batman as dangerous and at times cruel to his opponents - the 1992 animated series was clearly intended for an older audience than previous ones.

The animated series Batman was a success, it ran for three years and was embodied in the form of the first full-length cartoon about the man-bat, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. In the 90s, continuations of the Batman series appeared under the titles “The New Batman Adventures” and “Batman Beyond.” The animated series "Batman Beyond" is interesting because it describes the events of the future, where Bruce Wayne has been replaced as a crime fighter by Terry McGinnis. Based on these series, the full-length films “Batman and Mister Freeze” and “Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker” were created.

The famous screensaver of the animated series "Batman" of the 90s

2000s cartoons

Meanwhile, the new millennium is coming, which has not diminished the popularity of such a popular favorite as Batman. The cartoon "Justice League", where Batman is a member of the superhero team, was released in 2001 and was released for five whole years. The team of fighters against evil included Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, and of course, Batman and Superman. The cartoon was replaced by a new re-release of the story of the Dark Knight. In the early 2000s, Warner Bros. is making a new project "Batman". The 2004 animated series is a remake of the 1992-1994 series. The story, told in a new way, was liked by critics, for which “Batman” in 2004 won six Emmy awards.

Based on the plot of the cartoon about Batman from the 90s, the full-length film “Batman: The Mystery of Batwoman” (“Batman and the Mystery of the Batwoman”) appeared in 2003, which tells about the Dark Knight’s acquaintance with a new superheroine named Batwoman. Afterwards, the next continuation of the animated series called “Batman: The Brave and the Bold” comes out. The animated film "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" tells the story of how Batman teamed up with Blue Beetle, Green Arrow and Aquaman to fight insidious villains. In parallel with the cartoon “Batman: The Brave and the Bold,” the extraordinary animated series “Batman: Black and White,” made in a monochrome comic book style, is on the screens. In the 2000s, a large number of full-length cartoons about Batman were released. Among them is "Batman vs. Dracula", where the Dark Knight meets a character whose symbol is also a bat. Between the heroes is unleashed in literally bloody confrontation.

Original animated films of the DC Universe

Among the full-length films where “Batman” appears, there are cartoons that are original animated films of the DC universe. In 2008, the full-length cartoon Justice League: The New Frontier, based on the DC comic, and six combined short films Batman: Gotham Knight based on the films of Christopher Nolan were released. Next comes the cartoon "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" based on the comic book "Superman/Batman", which deals with Lex Luthor's plot against two of the greatest superheroes. After all, from people's favorites, heroes can very quickly become enemies of society.

In 2010, three original cartoons based on DC comics were released: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Batman: Under the Red Hood and Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. What stands out among them is not the children's cartoon "Batman: Under the Hood", made in a gloomy, depressive style with scenes of cruelty. According to the plot of the animated film, Batman meets a villain nicknamed the Red Hood. Viewers will be very surprised when they find out who is really hiding under the mask of the Red Hood. In parallel with the original cartoons based on the comics of the DC universe, animated series continue to be released. Batman is one of the heroes of the animated series Young Justice about teen superheroes and the main character of the animated series Beware: Batman.

The Eternal Confrontation between Batman and the Joker

The last decade has been a productive one for DC Comics cartoonists. Thus, in 2011, the premiere of the animated project “Batman: Year One” thundered at Comic-Con. The cartoon is the embodiment of nostalgia for the times when Batman just started his superhero career. Batman: Year One takes us back in time to find out how Bruce Wayne became Batman and what motivated him to become Batman. Next comes the cartoon "Justice League: Doom", which tells about the theft of secret information about the members of the Justice League by the supervillain Vandal Savage. His goal is to destroy the heroes using their weak sides. In 2012 and 2013, two parts of the cartoon “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” were released. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 focuses on Batman's return from self-imposed retirement. In the hero's absence, the streets of Gotham are filled with mutants and villains. The new Robin goes in search of the Dark Knight, because without him, the city's residents cannot resist crime. The cartoon "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns", part 2 is a continuation of the story that began. Batman is disliked by the US government and it wants to eliminate the hero with the help of Superman. At this time, the Bat is busy catching the Joker, because of which many people are dying. Batman finally manages to finish off the Joker, but in the end of the cartoon he dies himself. Bruce Wayne's secret is revealed. At the end of the film, the viewer gets a hint that Batman is actually alive.

At the same time, several cartoons dedicated to the Justice League were released: “Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox” and “Justice League: War.” The first tells about an alternative history of Batman, and the second tells about the meeting of superheroes who teamed up to save the planet. In 2014, fans of the Dark Knight were able to get acquainted with the cartoon “Son of Batman,” created based on the comic book of the same name. It tells the story of Batman's son Damien, raised by Talia al Ghul and his grandfather, the villain Ra's al Ghul. Of course, Batman will want his son to take the path of good. In the same year, the cartoon “Batman: Assault on Arkham” appeared, based on the computer game Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. In this cartoon, the Dark Knight will face the Suicide Squad.

Among the latest released cartoons about Batman are “Justice League: Throne of Atlantis” based on the story of the superhero Aquaman, “Justice League: Gods and Monsters”, where the story of superheroes unfolds in alternate universe, "Justice League vs. Teen Titans", "Batman: The Killing Joke". The continuation of the cartoon “Son of Batman” is the animated superhero film “Batman vs. Robin” in 2015. Is it possible to imagine a confrontation in which Batman and Robin would become participants? The cartoon gives a positive answer to this question, because the new Robin is Batman's son Damien, who has not yet decided on his moral position. In the cartoon "Batman vs. Robin" Damien will have to decide whose side he is on, and Batman will have to defeat the Masonic organization "Court of Owls".

New Robin - Damian - looks menacing

One of the most anticipated full-length modern cartoons about the Dark Knight is “Batman: Bad Blood” (2016), in other translations “Batman: Bad Blood”. The full-length cartoons “Son of Batman” and “Batman vs. Robin” logically precede the plot of “Batman: Bad Blood.” The release date of the cartoon was actively discussed in all interested circles. The full-length film appeared in 2016 and earned great popularity among viewers. The story of Batman: Bad Blood revolves around the murder of Batman by a heretic. Now the Dark Knight's team must deal with the incident and defend the city from evil. In addition to the cartoon "Batman: Bad Blood", the full-length films "Justice League vs. Teen Titans" and "Batman: The Killing Joke" will be released in 2016. Also to this day, episodes of the animated series “Justice League: Chronicles of Gods and Monsters,” which started in 2015, appear.

"Batman Unlimited" (toyline cartoons)

There is a Batman cartoon series based on the toy line. It includes Batman Unlimited: Chaos, Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts, Batman Unlimited: Monstrous Mayhem and Batman Unlimited: Robots vs. Mutants. The series tells the story of a future Gotham where gothic architecture has given way to neon and acid colors. However, there are no villains in the city - Batman and Robin have enough work to do. The cartoons received low ratings from critics due to their inexpressive plot, predictability and secondary nature.

Cartoons based on the LEGO universe

In 2013, the first Lego project was released. Batman" is a cartoon dedicated to the Lego Universe. Cartoon "LEGO. Batman: DC Super Heroes Unite is based on the computer game of the same name. In it and other Lego projects, the roles of the main characters are played by Lego figures. It is also worth noting that in the Lego series. Batman" cartoons have a comedic plot with elements of parody.

This is what characters look like in the LEGO animated universe

In addition to the cartoon “Lego. Batman: Superheroes Unite" was released in the series "Lego. Batman: The Movie, Lego. Batman: Under Siege, Lego. Batman v Superman" - a cartoon in two parts, "Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League", "Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom", "Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League: Cosmic Battle". Lego is expected to be released in 2017. Batman in the movies."


Batman is a superhero whose goal is to fight crime in the world and the city of Gotham in particular. Bruce Wayne is hiding under the mask of Batman; the residents of Gotham know him as very rich young man leading an idle lifestyle and doing charity work. As a child, Bruce Wayne suffered psychological trauma when he witnessed the death of his parents. Having received solid self-education, Bruce Wayne went on the warpath using the Man-Bat costume. Batman is very demanding of himself and others. Researchers of his image note anancastic personality disorder, in which a person is completely lost in doubt, studying details and perfectionism. Batman is afraid to become attached to someone, lest he again experience the pain he received as a child. Therefore, he has few close friends, among them are his partner Robin, the butler Alfred and Commissioner James Gordon. The hero does not have a permanent companion, but Batman has romances from time to time. Some of them even led to the birth of a child. Batman is pessimistic and tends to be in control (see comic LSA: Tower of Babel). He often blames himself for what he couldn't do.

Robin is Batman's partner and plays an important role in the superhero's life. He was taken under Batman's personal care after the murder of Robin's parents. Robin is a young man from a circus family. He has acrobatic skills, agility and agility. When Robin learned that Bruce Wayne was Batman, he decided to become his assistant. Robin shares a relationship with Batman that is close to that of father and son. Subsequently, the role of Batman's assistant, Robin, will be occupied by other characters.

Art dedicated to Batman's comrades

Alfred is the Wayne family's butler and Batman's confidant. After the death of Bruce Wayne's parents, it was Alfred who took custody of the boy. Batman became like a son to him. He is sarcastic and likes to joke around with Batman. He is devoted to Batman, helps him in every possible way and protects his secret. Appears in all adaptations of the Dark Knight story.

James Gordon is Gotham's police commissioner and Batman's friend and ally. Traditionally portrayed as one of the few honest and incorruptible police officers in the city. Helps Batman in the fight against villains.

Batwoman and Batgirl are the constant heroes of Batman, the female component of the team. Batwoman, in everyday life Katie Kane, is Batman's assistant. She decided to help the Dark Knight fight evil in order to realize her altruistic motives and try to win the heart of the superhero. By the way, the romance between Batwoman and Batman did not work out. Batgirl is Batwoman's assistant, like Robin is to Batman. At various times, the mantle of Bategrl has been donned by Betty Kane, Batwoman's niece, Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's adopted daughter, Helena Bertinelli, Cassandra Cain, and Stephanie Brown.

Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. The grandson of Batman's most dangerous enemy Ra's al Ghul. Raised to be a killing machine, Damian gets his chance to moral choice between good and evil. As a result, Damian becomes the next Robin.

Catwoman is a cunning thief who plies her trade on the streets of Gotham, a mercenary. Has acrobatic skills and knows martial arts. Initially a supervillain and an enemy of Batman, Batman and Catwoman later become friends and fight together against common enemies. In some interpretations of the story, a romantic connection develops between the characters. The Joker is perhaps Batman's most famous enemy. A very dangerous killer with mental disorders. The Joker from Batman has become a recognizable image in popular culture: a disfigured face with clown makeup, a frozen grin, a purple suit. Incredibly cruel to everyone without exception. Represents irrationality and everything that Batman fights against. Batman vs. Joker is a classic intrigue that has no end, since the Joker has no goal to kill Batman, and it is not at all possible to kill the Joker.

Bane is a villain who became famous for being able to defeat Batman. In a brutal fight, Bane broke Batman's spine. According to the plot of the comics, he was imprisoned for his father; in the films he is presented as a serial killer. Bane from "Batman" does not feel pain thanks to the drug entering his body through a special mask, which looks quite menacing in appearance. The most memorable Bane in the film was played by Tom Hardy. Batman recovered from his fracture and took revenge on Bane.

Penguin is a villain of aristocratic blood. Got his nickname because vertically challenged, corpulent build and bird nose. The Penguin from Batman is a famous gangster and a prominent figure in the criminal world. Always acts only in his own interests. Often acts as an informant for both the Dark Knight and his enemies.

Scarecrow is a negative character with an ugly appearance. He has a psychological education and uses this knowledge against his enemies. He also uses narcotic substances to arouse the fears of his opponents in reality, so it is the Scarecrow who is to blame for the embodiment of the nightmares of the residents of Gotham. Batman contributed to Scarecrow's incarceration in Arkham Asylum.

Azrael is a character known as the hero who managed to replace Batman while the Dark Knight was incapacitated due to a broken spine. Azrael - Batman is cruel and merciless, with criminal tendencies. When the real Batman recovered, he stopped Azrael's excesses.

Two-Face is former Gotham District Attorney Harvey Dent, a crime fighter. After his face was disfigured by acid, Harvey Dent's mental health began to deteriorate. He becomes a criminal with schizophrenic personality disorder, nicknamed Two-Face. Batman tries in vain to bring him back to normal life, but the “evil” half of Harvey Dent defeats the “good” one. Poison Ivy is a supervillain who gained unusual powers after coming into contact with a deadly poison. The charming beauty knows everything about toxins and poisons, so it’s not for nothing that she chose the nickname “Poison Ivy” for herself. Batman repeatedly encounters her as she tries to carry out dangerous plans to protect the environment.

Ra's al Ghul is a villain from the East. Head of the League of Assassins and the criminal organization "Demon". Uses the Lazarus Pit, which heals any wounds, therefore he is immortal. He has enormous influence in the world, which he uses for his own purposes. He dreams of creating a paradise on Earth, having previously selected people according to the principle of genocide.

Music and songs

The music of “Batman” is remembered by many, and for good reason, because over the years talented modern composers have been involved in the creation of the Batman film. Among them is Danny Elfman, who wrote the famous title theme to Tim Burton films. He complemented decadently gothic films with dreamlike, atmospheric melodies that every Dark Knight fan would recognize. Many of his tunes were used in cartoons, so the "Batman" song we may have heard as children was also written by Danny Elfman.

Christopher Nolan's films were notable for their equally remarkable musical accompaniment by the famous composer Hans Zimmer. He brought epic, soul-stirring compositions with ethnic elements to the franchise.

Video games

Batman video games have been released since 1989. In the 90s, games for consoles and PCs called Batman, Batman: Return of the Joker, Batman Returns and Batman Forever were popular. Various games about the Dark Knight continued to be released in the 2000s, but the game Batman: Vengeance and the series of games starting with Batman: Arkham Asylum became truly successful. It was followed in 2011 by Batman: Arkham City and Batman: Arkham City Lockdown. Another popular series started in 2013 with Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. Then came Batman: Arkham Origins (“Batman: Arkham Origin”, “Batman: Arkham Origins”) and Batman: Arkham Knight (“Batman: Arkham Knight”, “Batman: Arkham Knight”). The 2015 Batman: Arkham Knight game is especially popular because it was made by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and is recognized as one of best games about Batman.

Screenshot from the game "Batman: Arkham Knight"

Also worth noting is the LEGO version of the Batman games, which appeared in 2008. These games include Lego Batman: The Videogame (Lego Batman 1), Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Lego Batman 2), Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Lego Batman 3, Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham ") and Lego Dimensions ("Lego Batman 4").

As for flash games, pay attention to the platform arcades “Night Escape”, “Batman 2 – Pursuit in Gotham City”, “Scarecrow’s Revenge”, racing “Batman: Arkham Asylum”, “Chasing the Joker”, “Super Racing”, puzzles “Mysterious Labyrinth” and “Memory Balls”.


Batman movies, cartoons and animated series are incredibly popular, but don't forget that they are all adaptations of hundreds of comic books. Comics are the primary source of all storylines about the Dark Knight. They tell the public information about who Batman is. Comics about the Bat have been and are published in the form of ongoing series, limited series and various graphic novels. All series are overseen by DC Comics editors.

The first Batman comic was called The Case of the Chemical Syndicate, published in 1939 as part of the Detective Comics series. The hero quickly gained popularity, and already in the 40s a separate series of comics about Batman was published. In it, the creators of the Dark Knight - Bob Kane and Bill Finger - work out the details of the character's biography, reveal the past that Batman hides, including the death of his family, and introduce heroes from his circle. So, Batman gets his own “Watson” - Robin. DC Comics' Batman has continued to be popular, with comics continuing to be published even during World War II.

The first Batman comics

In the 50s, Batman comics became an exception - they were not withdrawn from publication, unlike many others. Notable screenwriter Jerry Robinson becomes a co-author of the creators of Batman. During those years, a well-known storyline appeared, telling about the alliance of Batman and Superman in the fight against crime.

In the 60s, comic book sales increased due to the release of the Batman series. At the end of the decade, artist Neal Adams and writer Dennis O'Neil took up the series, deciding to return Batman to his dark origins. In the 80s, comics by Frank Miller were noticeable, telling about the fifty-year-old Bruce Wayne. Modern readers encourage you to start getting acquainted with Batman comics with the 1987 issue “Batman: Year One,” which tells the story of the origin of the hero. This comic was released as part of the relaunch of the DC Comics series. Next, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the famous issue entitled “Batman: The Killing Joke”, dedicated to the Joker. The comic was created by artist Brian Bolland and writer Alan Moore. Among other things, the comic book “Batman” appeared at this time. The Dark Knight Returns" introduces the conflict of "Batman v Superman". The comic book, like the story of the confrontation between the heroes, will be used repeatedly in the future.

The indescribable charm of the Joker in comics

In the 90s, screenwriter Jeph Loeb worked on comics. During these years, the popular comics were “Mad Love” about the Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn, “Knightfall” about Batman’s defeat from Bane, as well as “The Long Halloween”, which reveals the identity of Harvey Dent. In the 2000s, comics about Batman were published: “Justice League of America: Tower of Babel (2000)” about Batman’s participation in the Justice League, “Quiet!” about the alliance of Batman's enemies, "The Man Who Laughs" about the Joker, "Batman: Arkham City. "Batman: Endgame" about the Joker's trap, Frank Miller's "Supernova Batman and Robin" series, as well as "Court of Owls", "Batman and Dreams" and Grant Morrison and Paul Dini's "R.I.P. Batman" series, where tells about the death of Batman. Among modern comics, we note “Batman: Noel” 2016, authored by a celebrity in the world of comics, Lee Bermejo. Interestingly, this comic is inspired by Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.


Batman's costume, like the hero's story as a whole, is associated with the character's childhood. As a child, Bruce Wayne accidentally fell into a cave that was located under Wayne Manor - the future Batcave, Batman's headquarters. Despite his lucky rescue, the boy was greatly frightened by the bats. Already in adulthood, when Bruce Wayne was defeated in a clash with local criminals, he seriously thought about his purpose in life. While he was thinking, a bat burst into the office, breaking the window. The main character took this incident as a sign and decided to create a costume in the shape of a bat. In his opinion, criminals are cowardly and superstitious people, and the image of a bat should inspire horror in them.

The famous Batman costume

Different artists brought their own take on Batman's costume, but the general features of the hero's attire remained the same. Invariable details of the costume: a Batman mask with ears resembling the ears of a bat, a cape with long tails similar to the wings of a bat, a belt with gadgets and weapons, gloves, and the Batman emblem on the chest. Batman sign - ellipse yellow color with a black bat logo - became the character's calling card, like the letter S for Superman. Main colors of the suit: gray, blue-black, dark blue.

Important elements of Batman's image are the gadgets he uses. It's about about the batarang, batscanner, batradar, etc. Batman's vehicles are the technologically advanced Batmobile, as well as the batplane, batboat and batcycle.


Batman is among the most popular characters for the creation of various toys. DC Batman collectible figures have been around since 1940. The number of official collections of figures exceeds 30 series. In addition to figures, Lego Batman sets are extremely popular. LEGO Batman toys are sets of construction toys and figures related to cartoons and films about the Dark Knight. Lego Batman sets include not only the characters themselves, but also the Batcave, Bat-mobile, weapons, etc. In addition to Lego Batman, Batman coloring pages and Batman's car are also popular various variations, Batman mask and other Bat-related gaming and collectibles.

Construction set "Arkham Asylum" with its inhabitants

Batman is a recognized icon popular culture in the world. The Dark Knight's popularity has spread far beyond the realm of comic books. Batman is a popular character even in countries where reading comics is not common. Children and adults admire Batman and imitate him. There are several secrets to the success of the Bat. As critics note, Batman is closer to the public because he does not have any superpowers. The Dark Knight was well received by audiences as a tragic figure whose problems are understandable to an ordinary person. Therefore, the viewer can easily identify with the Bat. This point was well captured by Green Lantern, who said to Batman the following phrase: “Don’t tell me you’re just a guy in a bat suit?” The public loves Batman's mission of fighting for justice. Besides, like many good guys, the Dark Knight is lonely and persecuted, which invariably awakens sympathy in people. It is worth noting that Batman differs from the equally lonely Superman and Spider-Man in that he is successful in real life, and he cannot be called a failure at all.

The success of the franchise is also recognized by numerous media outlets. Thus, Entertainment Weekly included Batman in the top twenty heroes of popular culture. Some items associated with the creation of Batman are highly collectible. For example, the first issue of Batman Detective Comics #27 is valued at a million dollars and is considered one of the most valuable comics in history.

The cover of one of the most expensive comics in the world

However, there are other opinions about Batman. As a rule, negative critical reviews are somehow related to the assessment of comics in principle. There is a common perception of comics and graphic novels about Batman in particular as being shallow and mediocre and serving no purpose whatsoever. A number of critics even note the harm from such reading. The widest public response was caused by psychologist Frederick Wertham’s article “Seduction of the Innocent,” where he expressed a judgment about the danger posed by Batman comics. In his opinion, children and teenagers imitate what they see in such comics. The psychologist linked this to the growing crime rate among teenagers. In addition, some juvenile delinquents admitted to reading comic books, and the author of the article attacked graphic novels with indignation.

  • Batman comics received great amount awards for best episode, best graphic album, best story, best artists and writers, etc.
  • In honor of Batman, several amusement parks were created in the USA, Australia, Spain, Germany and other countries.
  • Zorro is the character that inspired the creation of Batman. Just like Zorro, Batman is a masked hero who comes to the aid of people in trouble. By the way, before their death, Bruce Wayne's parents watch the film "The Mark of Zorro."
  • Everyone knows what Batman's name is in real life, but few know that Bruce Wayne is a compilation of the names of famous freedom fighters - Scotsman Robert I the Bruce and American Revolutionary War hero Anthony "Mad" Wayne.
  • There is a Batman town in Turkey that Warner Brothers tried to sue for trademark use. If you wish, you can also find Gotham on the map, this is a village in the UK. English folklore tells about the real Gotham as the habitat of fools and madmen.
  • Who has Batman not collaborated with? The Dark Knight is a resident of the DC Universe, but can be seen in some Marvel comics. One limited comic series features Batman and Wolverine's collaboration in the Dark Claw, and there is also a Spider-Man/Batman crossover comic. At various times, Batman fought against Dracula ("Batman vs. Dracula") and helped Scooby Doo ("Scooby-Doo Meets Batman").

Batman and Wolverine

  • Most difficult game about Batman is considered Batman: Arkham Knight. "Riddler's Riddles" ("Riddler's Revenge") - a tricky mission from this game, replete with puzzles and dangers, arouses great interest among gamers.
  • Batman's appearance is also a compilation. The Dark Knight's cape is borrowed from the image from the radio show "The Shadow", the mask is from "Zorro", the costume is inspired by the films "The Bat" and the drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Batman v Superman is the first 3D film to bring together heroes such as Batman and Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the Flash and Cyborg.
  • The longest-serving role of Batman was played by Kevin Conroy, who voiced the Bat for 12 years. Batman speaks in his voice in three TV series, seven cartoons and five games.
  • Batman is often compared to characters from other Universes. Fans create entire manuals on the themes: Batman vs. Spider-Man, Batman vs. Hulk, Wolverine vs. Batman. But they are especially interested in the confrontation Deadpool vs Batman. Based on this confrontation, the short film “Deadpool vs. Batman” was even created, where Deadpool kidnaps Catwoman to meet the Dark Knight.
  • The 1997 film “Batman and Robin” was recognized as the worst project about Batman, which received 11 Golden Raspberry nominations. The film is considered the worst superhero film of all time.