Walkthrough of the game Batman: Arkham City. Walkthrough of the game Batman: Arkham Origins


So here we go. We are watching a video that reveals the dark essence of life in the fictional city of Gotham. Batman has caught the Joker and is taking him to the Arkham mental hospital, where the most notorious psychopaths are kept. Batman brings the Joker, where he is greeted by the hospitable staff of the clinic. It would seem that Batman's work is finished, but our hero senses something wrong, so he decides to accompany the Joker to his cell. From this moment, in fact, control passes into our hands. We walk along the corridor, accompanying the Joker in a special chair that will prevent any of his attempts to escape, listening to the villain’s jokes, mostly flat (by the way, throughout the game you will have to evaluate his sense of humor, which is as sick as his mind). We will not be allowed to take any active actions while accompanying the “patient,” so we can relax for now. We bring the Joker to his destination, remain behind the force field, while our antagonist is accompanied by a guard and a doctor. Naturally, the Joker makes an escape attempt, which is quickly crowned with success. His hands are free, and he promises to have “fun” at the clinic. A battle begins between Batman and ordinary prisoners, during which we can appreciate the simplicity and at the same time beauty of the local combat system. I won’t get ahead of myself and will immediately advise you to try to combine blows into long and spectacular combos during fights. This gives much more points than regular short streaks. We will subsequently spend points on improving our protagonist. We deal with two waves of criminals and go in search of the villain Joker. We walk along the corridor and talk with the guard. He can't open the door, so we'll have to turn around and go back, but straight ahead, and not to the right where we came from. We talk with the guard, from himWe learn that Zsazs, a dangerous psychopath, has escaped and is holding another guard hostage. Only Batman can help him. We rise a little higher and turn on “Detective Mode” for the first time. This mode will accompany you throughout the game and you will use it constantly. In this mode, objects highlighted in orange are of interest in 80% of cases, or can be interacted with. Using the hook, we climb onto the gargoyle, then onto the second one. We choose the gargoyle with which we can strike. An inscription will appear on the screen, which will notify us of the possibility of a planning strike. We watch this action and enjoy the beautiful animation of the hero in slow-mo. Zsazs is stunned, we approach him and knock him out. The guard is saved. We watch the video, then “tear off” the ventilation grille from the wall and move along the “pipe”. We see a green figurine with a question mark. This is the Riddler's prize, a large number of them are scattered throughout Arkham. Collecting them is not related to the main storyline, so collecting these prizes is not necessary.

Disinfection room

We exit the pipe and see behind the glass a room filled with gas. It's all Joker. There are still living people in the room, so we need to save them. We look up and use the hook. We rise, we see a guard hanging on the platform asking for help. We help the guard. There is another one on the platform above, we go up there on the hook and save him. A little further there is a platform level below,but the distance for the jump is too great, so you need to plan, which is done using the “space” button. We save a criminal who fell into the trap of his boss, the Joker. We knock you out, because a criminal is a criminal! We turn on the detective mode, we see the ventilation control panel in the room. We throw a batarang at the remote control (Right mouse button - aiming, left - “shot”). The air in the room is purifiedtons of deadly gas.

Corridor "Loop"

We jump to the floor of the room. We follow the green arrows to the door on which the Joker’s face is drawn in green. Let's watch the video. The Joker released the big beast. Actually, this is the first boss in the game. “This is going to be a tough fight,” you thought? But no. All you need to do is dodge the creature’s attacks (double-press the space bar and the corresponding movement key). In literally one minute the creature will grab its head and die. The Joker will mutter something under his breath about experimental material and “ride away” in the chamber containing such creatures. We speak with the guard, who was passed out during the “furious battle”, he offers to call a second such cell for Batman so that he can go after the Joker. But alas, this turns out to be impossible, so we have to go out the door through which we entered this room. And save Commissioner Gordon, who was treacherously captured by Officer Bowles. By the way, yes, after the battle the first Batman upgrade will be available. I’ll say right away that there are no special techniques for leveling up a character, so you can level up whatever you want first. We go to the place where Bowles grabbed Gordon (check the map (Tab), the correct location will be marked). We scan the room and find a broken bottle of bourbon. It belonged to Bowles. Using the detective mode, we follow the alcohol vapors that came from Bowles. We come to the room with the elevator, watch the video. The elevator turns out to be inoperable. We climb up using the hook, higher and higher. We pass through the ventilation tunnels and meet three bandits with weapons. There is only one correct tactic against such opponents - silent neutralization, so you should not attack head-on. We climb onto the gargoyle, then onto the next one and jump to the rear of the bandits. We quietly neutralize each bandit in turn. We go into the room, there is another criminal talking to the Joker, we kill him too. We go through the ventilation. We find ourselves in the lobby of the intensive care building. We silently remove two bandits with weapons. The Joker will send three more, and the conversation with them will also be short. We go to where the three bandits came from. Bah, it's Frankie Bowles himself, only dead. Apparently, the Joker no longer needed his services. Edward Nygma aka Riddler bursts into our radio air. He challenges Batman to complete a series of "ridiculously difficult" tests. Gives us the first riddle: “Don’t cut yourself on the shabby portrait.” We look a little to the right of the dead Bowles, he sees a portrait of Warden Sharpe, we scan. Then a guard appears and opens the door for us.

Arkham Island

We receive a task to go to the surface of Arkham Island. It goes through the doors along the corridor, then more doors, through the ventilation shaft we go out into the cave, through which we will get to the surface. The Oracle contacts us, we receive a map of the entire island. The Joker ordered his henchmen to “fix” the Batmobile, so we go to Arkham North (to the west of the place where you jumped from the cave ledge, the entrance to Arkham North will be indicated on the map) to stop them. Having passed through the gate, we go around the ambulance on the left, climb up using the hook, go to the rear of the two bandits and quietly neutralize them. We go through the next gate, we see how the Batmobile is broken by seven bandits. Let them answer for this! Let's deal with themWe take the Explosive Gel from the trunk of the car, a product that will be useful to us in the future.We scan the place near the Batmobile, find Gordon's pipe, and follow the trail of tobacco. The gate turns out to be closed, but there is a weak wall nearby, we apply explosive gel and undermine it. The way is open. Next we meet two more bandits, sweep them away and follow the trails of tobacco; it is impossible to get lost, because these tracks are found almost every 2-3 meters. We are approaching the medical bay.


Near the entrance to it there is a bunch of bandits, we deal with them. You can go into the medical unit, but we won’t go far, Harley Quinn will be waiting for us there, and in front of her is a force field. We need to look for another way to the medical bay. Use the hook to climb onto the roof of the medical unit and go left. We see a fragile wall, an explosive gel is used. The moment - and we are in the medical bay. Through the ventilation shafts we get to the main hall. Bandits have taken doctors hostage, you need to save them. The game involves the secret destruction of each bandit, so you can sneak up and kill him. And so with everyone. You can use fragile ceilings, floors and walls by applying gel to them. A bandit came to the ceiling with gel, voila - and there is no bandit. Having removed the enemies, we approach the doctors and talk. They report three more doctors who need help. The location of doctors will be marked on the map. Dr. Young is being held hostage by bandits; you need to place explosives on two walls so that they explode simultaneously and neutralize all the villains. Penny Young is safe, let's talk to her.Let's go save the next doctor. Dr. Kelerman is locked in a room filled with Joker gas. We talk to the guard, look up at the ventilation pipes and climb onto them, jump over to the grate and find ourselves in a room with gas. Turn on detective mode. We need to activate three fans to clear the air of gas.We follow the wires from the fans to the control panels, throw batarangs at the control panels - this way we can solve this problem. We turn on each fan in turn and talk to the guard Cash. We have our last doctor left. He is chained to a chair in the room, approaching him we fall into a “trap”: several bandits. It's even funny. We calm violent patients and save the doctor. We return to the isolation ward, listen to the conversation, and see three bandits entering the room. We quietly deal with them. We go into the elevator and go down.We watch the cutscene, after it we blow up the wall on the left. We walk along the corridor and see the dead Commissioner Gordon. Batman immediately tries to contact the Oracle to convey the sad news, but the connection turns out to be inaccessible. Now Batman must punish the killer. We go to the morgue and listen to the voices. We go back out, but that was not the case. Again the morgue. We see three bags on the tables in the middle. We open each one in turn, in one there will be Bruce's father, in the second his mother, and in the third there will be a SCARY MUZZLE. These are all the tricks of the psychopath Crane aka Scarecrow. Or rather, the gas that Batman inhaled in the elevator. Now we need to avoid the gaze of the giant Scarecrow, otherwise it's the end. We just move along the walls, crouch at the right time, and avoid looking at them. We blow up the defective wall, the Scarecrow will pay attention to us, will look left and right. We choose the moment when his gaze is on the left side, go to the right. We get to the coveted spotlight and attack the psycho. Victory is ours.We call the Oracle, move on, and see that in place of the commissar’s corpse is the corpse of some security guard. Yeah, so it wasn't Gordon! Crane's gas had a major impact. We go to the door, bandits come running to us, one of them will have knives. He is more experienced than ordinary blockheads, we stun him with a cloak (middle mouse button), then beat him. We follow the arrows to the corridor, and the Joker decided to play his cruel games again. We need to slip past the guards unnoticed. But no one forbids removing them, right? There are only four of them, the detective mode will help track the movements of the bandits. the first two can be removed with a blow from behind, the rest - by tracking their path and dealing with each one one by one. We go up the stairs and use the hook to jump onto the ceiling of the room where Harley Quinn and Gordon are standing. We blow up the ceiling. Let's watch the video. There is a boss battle ahead - Venom. A big and strong mutant. But defeating him is quite easy.The main thing is to dodge his throws, use a batarang, when he flies at you, he will grab his head and be stunned, this is where weWe run up and beat up the villain. Batman will jump on his back and tear off the hoses that feed Venom's powers. When you remove 50% of Venom's life, Joker's thugs will come to his aid. You can deal with them first, and then continue to beat Venom, or you can simply try to lead the bandits under Venom’s blows and throws, so he himself will sweep them away. Venom is defeated, we watch the video.

Batman's Secret Cave

We follow to the place marked on the map. Along the way we will run into fights with bandits several times. We arrive at the point, jump over the fence, and walk through the cave. We watch the video and go to the computer. Batman will collect all the information about Penny Young and her research, we have to find the doctor. Batman's new gadget, the Batclaw, falls into our hands. They can pull objects up. The opportunity to try this device will appear immediately. We pull down three boxes that prevent us from jumping onto the bridge. We run along the tunnel to the grate under the cave arch. With the help of the Batclaw, we can now pull off the gratings from the ventilation tunnels that are located on the walls above. That's what we do. We get out from the other side and knock out the thug. Next we meet another group of bandits. In addition, thugs who are not engaged in a fight will try to tear objects off the walls that could cause you damage. Let's deal with them. We find ourselves in a cave with old walls; there is no way to use a hook. But nothing difficult will happen, we just climb up the ledges. When we get to the surface, we will receive the next task - to climb into Arkham Mansion. Meanwhile, the Joker did not sit idly by, but placed his snipers on the towers. We remove them, because they can cause decent damage. We're dealing with a bunch of bandits.

Arkham Mansion

We enter the mansion. Using the Batclaw, we remove the armed bandit, then finish him off. The door is blocked, but we can always go around through the ventilation shafts. We tear off the grate with the Batclaw and find ourselves in the adjacent room. Penny Young is in the hands of the Joker, but she is silent. And the Joker's thugs staged a real search in the mansion, so we must hurry. We deal with a bunch of bandits and go to the next room. In it, an armed thug threatens to kill two hospital employees. We sneak up behind him and neutralize him. Let's watch the video. The Joker reveals that his thugs are now beating the crap out of Cash, trying to find out the location of Dr. Young. There are six armed thugs in the next room. We have to remember the secret murders that we committed in the isolation ward of the medical unit. We listen to Cash and rush to the doctor’s aid. We go through the northern corridor, make our way through the ventilation labyrinth and find ourselves in Dr. Young’s office. Three bandits are trying to break into the office, one of them is armed. We don’t stand on ceremony with them for a long time. Let's look at the walls and see ventilation again. But there is no doctor, the safe is open. Meanwhile, Batman talks with Oracle. We scan the safe and follow her using the doctor’s prints. We leave the office in the same way as we got here. Three bandits. No bandits. We follow the doctor's footsteps further and find ourselves in a corner corridor. We carefully sit down around the corner, like a commando, and listen to the bandit’s conversation. Dr. Young got caught. Well, you can remove the bandit. Batarang to his head, he doesn't deserve more. We go to the library. We meet six bandits, two of them are experienced. Going downstairs, we see two hostages. Oh those Joker jokes! If we don't have time to save the hostages, they will suffocate. We quickly go back and use the hook to climb onto the third floor. We head to the ventilation grille. We climb into it, go through it, and get out near the chandelier. We throw a batarang at her, the chandelier breaks through the floor. Voila - the hostages are saved. We turn on detective mode and notice Dr. Young’s fingerprints on one of the shelves. We take a formula that “must be destroyed after reading.” Batman, being an honest man, does just that. We get out of the library. At the exit we fall under the influence of Scarecrow's hallucinogenic gas. Hello, fun drug trip! We walk along the corridor and come to the place of the death of our parents. After standing for a while, press the movement keys and go to the exit. The scarecrow awaits us in our deepest fears, hidden in the depths of our brain. An obstacle course is what it's called. Having dealt with the Scarecrow, we find ourselves in the main hall, cut off the bell and, jumping down, go into the opened room. There is a violent Victor holding Doctor Young, we creep up to the corner, crouch down and, seizing the moment, stun Zsasz with a batarang. We watch the video, Dr. Young dies. And we have a fight with four bandits, one of them is armed with an electric baton. After talking with the oracle, we receive the task of infiltrating a secret laboratory. We leave the room and follow the DNA traces of Quincy Sharpe. There are three armed bandits standing in the large hall, we make our way over them and knock them out one by one from behind with decisive blows.

Prison block

We follow the DNA of warden Sharpe, scattering small groups of prisoners along the way, and enter the prison block. We pass by cells with crazy prisoners. Having reached Sharpe, we free the old man, watch the cutscene - Harley Quinn frees Ivy and the psychos from prison, and we receive half of the code from Sharpe. Now Batman has a code sequencer in his arsenal, a device for hacking electronic protections. The principle of operation is this: we set up the device on the security system panel and scroll through the control circles until we catch a wide amplitude and the sequencer screen flashes green. We release the setting - the panel is hacked. We return along the same path along which we came here, on the way you will be attacked by psychos, try to knock them out with the first blow and finish them off immediately, if you were able to jump on your back, quickly press the spacebar many times. Let's get thereto the prison cells for psychos. We have to fight in two rounds with the Blackgate prisoners, commanded by Harley, the fight is not particularly difficult, I want to say. After beating the prisoners,turn off the electric floor and follow Harley. We go through the opened passage and find ourselves in a room with suspended guards. Harley sets the task to save the guards. First, go behind the boiler and scan the "Wanted Prometey" picture on the wall. We turn off the current supply under the first guard with the sequencer, and cut off the rope with a batarang, you can run to blow up the defective wall and scan the spider. Next, we turn off the current under the second guard and also cut the rope with a batarang. The guards are saved, but Harley escapes. As a gift, she left us 30 seconds to get out of the room. The most difficult panel of all three, the main thing is to release the adjustment buttons in time as soon as the desired amplitude is found. After talking with the guards, we go to the punishment cell. Here the Joker's crazy girlfriend has set a trap for us, prisoners will run towards us and try to beat us,and Harvey will periodically send current across the floor. Having dealt with the prisoners, the Joker turns Harvey over to Batman, and she immediately goes to jail. After scanning her prints, Batman contacts Oracle. Now we go to the botanical garden for the Joker.

Botanical Garden

So we're going to the botanical garden. On the way to it, we will be attacked by bandits who escaped from the prison block. I don't think this should surprise you. We go into the botanical garden, knock out two guards with weapons. We hack the security panel and find ourselves in the greenhouse. Here the situation is as follows: six armed thugs, and they go in twos! Although this does not complicate the situation, we quietly deal with everyone, do not forget to retreat from the battlefield with the help of gargoyles if it gets hot. We go to the generator room, where the bandits are mocking an honest technician. We punish the bandits. The panel opening the passage is mined, and we need three passes to break it, everything needs to be done quickly. The panel has been hacked, we move on. We return to the greenhouse. We go upstairs and go into the next room. Suddenly the Joker blocks the passage. On the side of the rubble we see a ventilation grille, remove it and climb into the shaft.We find ourselves in an abandoned room where the hook doesn’t work, we’ll have to do it the old fashioned way. We hear the Joker's voice. It seems that the process of creating an army of mutants is not standing still. We move to the other side, climb into the ventilation shaft under the ceiling. We climb through it, we see two bandits who are torturing an orderly. We need to save all the orderlies. Let's go to their rescue, don't forget to use the map. Meanwhile, the joker says that if you are noticed, the orderlies will die. Attention, DO NOT touch the guards!First you need to remove the operator. We carefully move to the other side and climb into the technical passages. We hook onto the very last guard, jump off, go to the ventilation, and finally get to the operator. We neutralize and deal with the rest of the guards. One of the operators reports that the door to the laboratory is in this room, but the door is secret. Detective mode comes to our aid. Turn it on, look for traces. One panel has multiple footprints of Harvey, with a booby-trapped panel underneath. Open the panel in three steps. And here comes the Joker himself! Unfortunately, he will only set mutants on you and run away. What a coward. Tactics for fighting mutants: as soon as one of the mutants runs at you,throw a fast batarang at him, the mutant will crash into the wall. While he is stunned, we run up to him and hit him. As a result, our hero will be locked on his back to the mutant. You need to direct the mutant to another. And so on several times, until the bitter end. All that remains is to run up and finish it off. Batman's plane (Batplane) arrives and delivers us a rope launcher. With his help we get out of the laboratory. We need to find Ivy, she's in Mrs. Arkham's greenhouse. Using a rope launcher, we move to it. We talk with her, after the conversation we need to go to Arkham Mansion. to find out from Cash where Croc is being held. Along the way, we will have to carry out a standard operation - to pacify several groups of bandits. In the greenhouse we will jump on the gargoyles again. We see that the exit from the building was blocked by huge roots - Ivy released them under the influence of Titan, the trick of the Joker. We approach the roots and jump into the passages, move to the other side and exit the building. Ivy decided to plant her flowers on the entire island. Moreover, the flowers are by no means peaceful. Fortunately, they can be destroyed. To do this, run up to them and press space. We get to the mansion. There are also problems there: there are a lot of plants inside, you can’t go down to the floor because of the deadly gas released by the plants. We stick to the ceiling, use a rope launcher, and fly from wall to wall. We get to Cash.

Intensive care building

To get into the intensive care building, we climb onto one of the towers, but not onto the roof. We knock out the sniper with a batarang and use a cable launcher. We're in the building. We make our way through the ventilation shaft into the building's lobby. There are six armed bandits walking around there, and the gargoyles are booby-trapped. The guys got ready. We knock out all six of them and go to the security room. There, using a sequencer, we disable the gate protection panel. We go into the passage to the cells, suddenly we fall under the Scarecrow's gas. How untimely! Fortunately, this will be our last meeting with him. On the way to the spotlight, you will have to disperse the crowd of skeletons; be careful during the fight, do not jump out under the gaze of the Joker. Having reached the spotlight, we have a fight ahead of us. First, just skeletons, then a mutant skeleton, we knock it out in the same way as normal ones, stun it with a batarang, and it itself will break against the wall, and in the end there will be a bunch of skeletons and a mutant. As you already understood, it was a bad trip, although we fought for real. Crane escapes and goes down to Croc's basement.we jump down, there are three bandits in the elevator control room. We knock them out and hack into the booby-trapped control panel. We jump into the opening hatch, there is a crowd of bandits, we fight with them, but make sure that during the fight they do not open the box with weapons, otherwise it will be difficult.

Croc's Lair

We go into the sewer, make our way along the walls, use the rope launcher to jump from wall to wall. When we enter Croc's lair, the map disappears, we will wander in the maze, focusing on the distance sensor to the spores, we need to collect the antidote from five spores. You can't run, otherwise Croc will detect the vibrations of the water and grab you. It will be faster to move in a squat position; when the crocodile attacks, we aim at it with a batarang. The batarang will hit the collar and the crocodile will fall into the water. Sometimes he will break the supports under us, then we need to run. Having collected all the disputes, it’s time to get out of these dark catacombs. We go straight where Batman is looking, now we run away from Croc, a couple of turns, and here is the tunnel. We are in dispute, we are going to the Batman cave to create an “anti-titanium” agent. Having created the antidote, we watch the video; the cave is attacked by Ivy plants. Having collected an improved batclaw, we get the opportunity to break down walls that we could not reach before. The Joker launched the Titan into the sewer; soon this mixture will reach the residential areas of Gotham; the pumps must be turned off urgently. We get marks on the map and begin to make our way up along the destroyed part of the sewer. Somewhere we jumped, somewhere we threw a rope, and here we are at the top. We break open the wall with the batclaw, three thugs come out to admire us, what a coincidence! And the batclaw now has three hooks, we observe the flight of three thugs. Having climbed inside, we will defeat two bandits; here there is a fork to go left or right. It doesn’t matter whether you turn off the panels with a sequencer here or there, but after turning off there will be a difficult battle in a limited space, and even with the participation of a mutant. Although this can have advantages. We stun the mutant, jump on his back, and point him at the bandits. It was then that things went wrong for them. A few runs on the wide back and the fight is over. We inspect the elevator shaft, break a couple of defective walls and undermine the counterweight. This is the smell of freedom. To get to the cave, we actively use Batman’s ability to glide over long distances, and of course the rope launcher.

Botanical Garden ( II)

Now we need to get to the botanical garden, neutralize Ivy, thereby preventing her from destroying the island. Plants and snipers prevent us from getting to the garden. We make our way into the garden, go to the greenhouse. There is a fight ahead, which consists of two rounds. In the first, we throw a huge flower bud with a quick batarang, dodge flying balls and watch the roots growing out of the ground so that they don’t grab us. When Ivy’s life bar is empty, we apply explosive gel to the wall of the cocoon that separates us from the villainess. We blow it up, and the second round of battle begins. The fighting style is the same, only Ivy was joined by fighters in the form of guards enchanted by Ivy. We deal with Ivy. Joker is next.

The final

We leave the botanical garden and head towards the prison block. We will be greeted with applause by the Joker's bandits, what an honor! We go into the building, admire the Joker's antics, then the TV explodes. We pass through the resulting opening. Get ready for the toughest battle in the game. You will have to work with a fast batarang, and also climb onto the back of one stunned mutant, point it at another, and crush small bandits with it. The experience of such battles will come in handy. Finally, the Joker himself will come against us. Bandits will jump out from behind the railings of the makeshift amphitheater, and the Joker will occasionally throw exploding jaws onto the stage. First we deal with the prisoners. Then the Joker will turn to the helicopter, use the ultra-batclaw to pull him in, run up and deliver a series of blows until the villain gets out. In the second round, already experienced prisoners will appear, the algorithm of actions is the same, including the Joker. In the third round there will be bandits with electric batons and even a few with machine guns. You'll have to work hard, don't disdain Batman's gadgets, the same ultra-batclaw, for example. You can throw fast batarangs at the jaws.

Well, the Joker is defeated, Gordon is saved, and you have completed the game. Congratulations!

The events of the game begin a year after the Joker died in the city. Batman still continues to fight criminals, simultaneously inventing more and more new gadgets. A villain nicknamed “Scarecrow” is gradually becoming popular in the city, who, it turns out, has invented his own new toxin, the effect of which instills fear in people.

To spread his deadly toxin throughout the city, he plants bombs, thereby forcing all people to evacuate the city. In addition, he also assembled a team of supervillains, which already includes Two-Face and Harley Quinn. The villains have only one goal in common - to kill Batman.

The game project presents to your attention a complete walkthrough of the game Batman: Arkham Knight. Our material will have a text walkthrough and a video walkthrough of the game Batman: Arkham Knight. If you have difficulty passing, then we will certainly help you! We will also be glad to receive your comments with wishes, remarks, tips and guides.

Long night


You start playing as Officer Owen. As soon as an excited person approaches you, go immediately to the end of this room, to the smoking visitor. Soon, due to the strange smoke, all the visitors go crazy and they all have severe hallucinations.

Soon the Scarecrow appears live on screens throughout the city. He reports that the incident that occurred in the cafe is just the beginning. And now he threatens absolutely the entire city with this unknown toxin.

Meet with Commissioner Gordon near the Bat-Signal

Now the game starts as Batman. Your first goal will be to meet Commissioner Gordon on the roof of the nearby police station. Jump from the building you are on and travel to your destination. By the way, use the Bat-claw periodically - it will greatly simplify your movement. If you look at the top of the screen, you will notice that there is a radar there, in which there is a green square - this is your destination, where the meeting with Gordon is scheduled.

As soon as you reach your destination, Commissioner Gordon will inform you about the current state of affairs, as well as about your main enemy - the Scarecrow. In addition, Gordon also tells you new goals.

Rescue the missing officer

Get to the marked point and, upon arrival, neutralize all the bandits who surrounded the car. Once you kill the last enemy, approach the police officer and pick him up. After that, call your Batmobile. As soon as the transport arrives to you, it is time to get acquainted with the controls of this equipment. You will have a tutorial, so the game itself will introduce you to all the details.

Interrogate the driver of the military vehicle for information and Pugale

In pursuit of a military vehicle, you will need to observe it for a certain distance. At the end of the day, you just have to capture the target. As soon as the moment of target acquisition occurs, press the appropriate key to fire several missiles. In order for the car to fail, you have to hit it three times. As soon as you succeed, drive up to the wrecked vehicle, get out of the Batmobile, go to the military vehicle and interrogate the crawling driver.

Explore the Scarecrow's Hideout

When you drive the Batmobile, glowing arrows will appear on the road, which in turn will indicate the correct direction of movement. Soon you will need to climb onto the roof of one of the houses in Chinatown. As soon as you rise, you will need to go down inside through the glass roof. Inside the building you will need to deal with all the bandits. By pressing various buttons, you will perform combo attacks. Combo hits will give you special points. For the points you receive, you will be able to learn new techniques, which will make it easier for you in the future to complete passages and battles with more serious enemies.

After talking with Poison Ivy, go into your gadgets. There, select the section with the remote control of the Batmobile. As soon as you switch to your car, destroy the enemy’s equipment. Having cleared the area, position yourself at the indicated point, near the main character.

Run Combat Mode Weapon Energy System Diagnostics

Move to the next checkpoint, where you can begin a new challenge. Upon arrival, you will need to destroy enemy military equipment. But this is only the first stage of the task. In the second stage, you will need to continue to destroy equipment again, and you will now have two scales that will need to be filled. In the end, you will only need to fire a few missiles at enemy vehicles. The launch key will be indicated on the screen.

And in the last test you will again need to charge energy weapons and shoot at targets - this time there will be four of them. And by the way, if you are hit by enemies, the weapon’s charge will gradually decrease, and thus you will have to charge it again. But if you successfully destroy the enemies, then the task will be completed.

Destroy a group of unmanned tanks occupying Panessa Studios

Go to the marked point. Upon arrival, you will need to destroy a huge “pack” of unmanned enemy tanks. Use previously learned techniques in this matter. Also, don't forget to use the Batmobile's jet engines to avoid being shot at.

Deliver Poison Ivy to the punishment cell

From this moment on, AR challenges become available to you. To do this, use the “Challenges” section so that you can place a marker on any test available to you. In addition, in this same section you can see what is required to unlock other tests.

In any case, in this task, go down to the lower levels of the local police station and stand in the place that is marked on your screen. Once Ivy is behind bars, you can start exploring the police station and even overhear some conversations.

In any case, you will need to go to Commissioner Gordon and talk to him about current affairs. As soon as the short scene ends, you will have access to a selection of tasks on your screen. We recommend that you carefully study the tasks that become available to you: “Duty Calls” is an additional task in which you will need to save firefighters at the 17th station; “The Riddler's Revenge” is another additional task in which you need to find the location of the Riddler; "City of Fear" is a story mission.

When you select a task, a corresponding marker with its location will appear on your map. You are free to choose another task at any time, thereby changing the location of the marker to another task.

Meet in the clock tower with the Oracle

After you have chosen the task, move towards the gate. From the gate, go past the prison cells straight to the doors. There will be an interrogation room on the left side, so you can chat with Jack Ryder there. But in any case, you will need to go past the isolation cells to the parking lot and jump into the Batmobile there.

Once in your car, go to the clock tower and climb to the roof there. Once you reach the corresponding marker on your map, you can get inside the tower using the secret entrance on the roof.

Inside, you will need to activate the “Detective” mode and use the retinal scan, but only on the statue standing in this place. The statue will be located on a shelf. Thanks to this, you will be able to get into the shelter. In the shelter, go to the computer (which is located in the center of the room) and a cut-scene will soon begin.

Find out the Scarecrow's location using Panessa Studios

You need to supply power to the antenna, which is located at PanessaStudios, using the Batmobile's drive winch. Go back out onto the roof and go to the next marker marked on the map. Once you get to the doors, attach the remote access device to the doors.

At this moment, a new cut-scene begins, after which you will have to go to another checkpoint, where first you will need to park your Batmobile in the indicated place. Having done everything as you were told, you can install a drive winch on the Batmobile.

Enter combat mode on your Batmobile and shoot with the winch, then start holding down the key that is responsible for moving backwards. If you did everything correctly, then you will safely demolish the structure that is in front of your eyes. Now use acceleration to get over to the opposite side. On the other side, look to the right. Shoot the winch again and start pulling the roof behind you to create a springboard.

Use the boost again to jump further. While you are moving along the roof, still remain in combat mode, as this mode is more convenient to control the Batmobile. And try to be careful, because here you can easily fall down (if it turns out that you fell, then just follow the blue arrows and you will soon find yourself in the place where you used the winch).

Once you reach the platform, which is located on the other side of the roof, use the drive winch on the Batmobile again. But this time you won't have to delay anything. You just need to move forward, and then wind up the winch so that the Batmobile eventually rises up.

When you go up, go to the left and at the first turn turn to the right. At this point you will need to use a drive winch, but this time for hacking. And by the way, keep an eye on the sensor on the right side of your screen. You need to press the button so that the arrow is constantly in the orange zone.

Find the scarecrow using the antenna in the Falcone Shipping warehouse - Part 1

Enter Detective mode again to look inside the indicated building and find out which group of bandits you have to fight. Once you've checked everything, climb to the highest point, where you can cross to the opposite side to improve your view a little. Select a batarang from your gadget inventory and throw it at the doors. As a result, two bandits will come out to you.

As soon as they come towards you, jump down and deal with the opponents. And by the way, do this extremely carefully, as there is a chance that they may have time to warn other bandits about the attack. If it is very difficult for you to kill these two, then deal with the first bandit first, then return back to the roof and start luring the second one out. Once you have everything, go to the doors. At this point in the game, Batman will call Lucius to receive his new suit.

Get a new Batman costume

As soon as you get the suit, put it on. Several stages of the test will begin immediately. For each completed stage you are entitled to a reward - skill points (one completed stage - one skill point). And by the way, you can skip the test that appears - it's up to you.

Trial: Scary Multi-Strike is a new move that will give you the ability to sneak up on enemies and quickly deal with enemies. The first three stages of training will be very simple. You will just need to carefully approach your enemies and press the key that will be shown on the screen, and you will have to press it several times. And in order to deal with both opponents, you will need to get up to them from behind so that your technique fixes them, and then press the indicated key. If you don't do this, then the technique won't work.

Trial: The basics of Predator - all you need to do is get all three enemies on the ground. Moreover, if you knock over one enemy, he simply falls for a couple of seconds and no more. You need to use a glancing blow, and then move on to the second enemy. In addition, you can use other gadgets that Batman has.

Find the scarecrow using the antenna in the Falcone Shipping warehouse - Part 2

As soon as you complete the training, it’s time to use the skill points you received. Walk to the right side of the building and jump into the ventilation shaft. You can get inside the building through the bars, but don’t forget to use new techniques, because as soon as you get out, you have to face enemies. Either way, go to the policeman who is sitting on the ground and free him.

After rescuing the policeman, go to the electronic panel that is on the wall and attach the remote access device to it. And as soon as you manage to get through the door, throw the batarang in the air. Now pay attention to the global map screen, as there will be two types of signals that will allow you to find the Scarecrow. Both signals will coincide on the right side of the island (in the corner) - that is, at a chemical plant called Ace Chemicals. In addition, pay your attention to the roof, as several more tests have appeared there.

Trial: Ejection and flight - the first thing you need to do is call your Batmobile. Having done this, follow the blue arrows (on the ground) all the way to the first round icon, where a bat will be depicted. At the place of arrival, get out of the car and fly to the next icon. You will need to move along the indicated road until you find yourself on the ground. One more thing: call your Batmobile before you land.

Trial: Hook booster Mk II - using the hook, press the “Space” key several times so that you can take off by inertia. During the flight, you will need to control the hero in such a way that he successfully flies through the rings. Moreover, after completing the ring, you need to remain in the air for another 60 seconds, so use a grappling hook to do this. In addition, you can dive down a little, so to speak (using the Ctrl key), to direct your hero higher, and he will fly up much higher than his previous height.

Trial: Counter-throw - stand between the enemy and wait for the moment when one of the bandits wants to attack you (at this moment a blue mark should appear above your head). At this moment, you will need to make a counterattack - RMB and an arrow in the direction of any other enemy. If you did everything correctly, then you will only have to repeat this procedure 4 more times.

Prevent the explosion of Ace Chemicals

Meet Gordon/Rescue the missing Ace Chemicals workers

Climb to the roof of the factory and enter Detective mode there to scan the area for enemies. Use the vertical shaft that comes from the roof to get to the very bottom of this plant.

Use the lever, and then a new technique, so that you can neutralize enemies and not raise the alarm. Go back into the mine and move further along the territory of the plant, killing enemies along the way. As soon as you can neutralize all the guards, you will gain access to the local terminal.

In order to get a good overview of the area, you need to get to the very top of the plant. Once you are at the top, move the target on your scanning screen, activate the scanner and eventually find five factory workers.

Once you do this, go to the worker who is furthest away from everyone else. From the side of the roof, fly into the control rooms and quickly neutralize all the enemies standing here. You soon learn that the path to the worker is blocked by poisonous gas, so in order for you to go further, you will need the Batmobile.

Open the main gate of the chemical plant

Go back to the gate. Climb to the roof and fly from there into the building where the guards are located. Inside, it turns out that the captive worker has already been killed. You need to access the panel that is located near the corpse in order to unlock the main gate.

Activate the remote control of the Batmobile and use the drive winch on it so that you can destroy the marked buildings and thus create a springboard. It's time to accelerate and use the acceleration so that you can fly to the opposite side. On the other side you are faced with unmanned tanks, so destroy them quickly. As soon as the enemies are finished, use a winch to pull out the doors that are located in the corner. Thus, you move to another level, where you need to find the next springboard.

Move to the right, where you will soon have to deal with another “pack” of tanks (the second half of the plant). After the carnage, use the drive winch to destroy the pipe that is attached to the building. After this, leave your car and climb up to get inside the building through the window. Inside you will encounter bandits as usual. As soon as all the enemies are neutralized, go to the pipe, which is located in the very corner of the room and select the gel in your gadgets (key - “3”). Next, you need to apply this gel to the damaged area, which is located on the right side of the pipe. Having done this, immediately run to the side and explode the pipe. At this point the worker will also be dead.

Make your way through the hole in front of you and go to the left. Soon you will come across a crack that will be located on the floor, so you will need to blow it up with the help of gel. Having done this, you will quickly gain access to the control panel near the doors. Soon you again have to use the explosive gel on the crack (the crack is on the wall on the other side). After blowing up the wall, switch to the remote control of the Batmobile and activate the drive winch to tear out the next pipe.

Continue further down the corridor and at some point crouch down so you can sneak under the partially open doors. Go to the opposite side of the hall and there you will gain access to the panel with the switch. Using the found panel, finally open the gate. Next, on your Batmobile, select a 60 mm caliber cannon and destroy the wall, which already has cracks. This way you will be able to notice the cables from the elevator. Now you need to use your Batmobile's drive winch and drive back to raise the elevator car.

After pulling out the elevator, climb into it. Next, switch to the Batmobile and release the elevator with Batman inside, so move forward to do this. As soon as you find yourself in the corridor, leave the elevator and climb onto the ledge, which is located a little higher. To get into the room next door, you will need to crouch. There is a grate on the left side - remove it, then go to one of the two grates in front. If you can't find them, then go to Detective mode.

Use new techniques to deal with new enemies in the room further down. Once you neutralize them, you can talk to the workers. After talking with this man, go back to the elevator and climb into it using the Batmobile and go up.

As soon as you get out of the elevator, you will have to deal with the arriving helicopter. Use your Batmobile for this task. As soon as the battle begins, the first thing to do is deal with the self-propelled guns on the ground. At the same time, try to avoid helicopter mines (just drive out of the red zones). As for the helicopter's homing missiles, you can shoot them down with a machine gun.

Take the Ace Chemicals worker to Gordon on the bridge

It's time to leave the factory. There is a tunnel in the corner of the nearby site. You need to place your Batmobile on the platform in front of the tunnel itself. Having done this, go out and press the button to raise this platform and move on. Next, use the acceleration so that you can fly over the gap and get with the worker to Gordon, who is located on the opposite side.

After successfully delivering the hostage, return back to the factory and climb to the upper platform, but now go to the small building on the side, where the last worker remains to be saved. Walking around the building on the other side (in a circle), you will definitely come across the entrance inside. But the door will be locked, so you will have to use the drive winch on the Batmobile to break the doors open. Enemies will be waiting for you inside, so after dealing with them, examine everything inside and find another door. And it is this door that will lead you to the worker.

It soon turns out that you have been ambushed. At this point, you meet with someone who calls himself the Arkham Knight. As soon as the cut-scene passes, you need to quickly switch to remote control of your car and use it to deal with enemies. Having dealt with everyone, free the worker, and then go back to Gordon for the same reason as last time.

Don't let Scarecrow blow up Ace Chemicals

It's time to go back to the factory again. You can do this using a springboard. Use the cannon so you can tear apart the brick wall blocking your path. Next, you need to get to the crane control panel to use it to move the springboard to the left side and lower it down. Once you do this, you can use the springboard to drive inside the desired hole that you previously made in the brick wall.

Now, once inside the building, deal with two battle tanks. After this short fight, leave your vehicle and climb onto the upper beam. And as soon as you deal with the next enemies, look lower to the left and make your way through the grate located there. As a result, you find yourself behind two opponents. At this point, you need to wait for the moment when the red sentry passes by. As soon as this happens, use your surprise move and return back to the grate. In order for you to lower the gate, you will first have to gain access to the panel that is located on the wall, thanks to which the Batmobile can enter this area.

Moving further along the tunnel, you soon have to climb through a gate. In addition, on the other side you will have to overcome two opponents, whom you can easily neutralize from under the bars. Having hidden back, wait for the moment when the machine gun turret turns away, then approach it from behind and destroy it. Now you can open the second gate.

Before you encounter the Scarecrow in the central room, first defeat all the bandits. While the opponents are chatting, you can quietly jump down and unlock the gate you need, so that you can eventually drive in the Batmobile and very quickly neutralize all the enemies. And keep in mind that some will hide, so you will need to kill them manually. Either way, once the enemies are dealt with, you can go into the central room and face the Scarecrow. It turns out that he has captured the Oracle, so if you don't want her to die, you need to let the Scarecrow go - and you don't want that.

Soon Batman finds himself in a locked room. Go to the control panel, which is located in the center of the room. You will need to move four barrels into the open holes. And keep in mind that you need to move extremely slowly - if the motion sensor starts to go off scale, then an explosion of the substance that is inside will occur. In any case, there are indicators on the bombs that will help you understand when to stop. When you take the last bomb, the Joker will suddenly stop you.

The game then continues as Commissioner Gordon. Follow the red path towards the elevator. Open the doors and go inside. After examining the prisoners, you realize that they all look like the Joker. Soon you meet Batman and learn that people who are infected with the Joker's blood begin to behave exactly like him. And by the way, all the infected were caught except one.

Leave the chemical plant

Switch to remote control of the Batmobile and break the walls that are located in front of you. Next, drive your car up and use the springboard to fly out of this plant. Soon the plant explodes, but the power of the explosion was reduced by 25%, so not such a large area was infected, but the virus still spread a little. In addition, Batman was also infected, so he will often now see hallucinations involving the Joker.

Save the Oracle

Meet Gordon outside the police department

Return back to the police station. On the way to this place you will encounter unmanned tanks, so you will have to fight at times. As soon as you get to the desired location, leave your Batmobile and go to Commissioner Gordon.

Escort Gordon to the Oracle Clock Tower

Soon you will need to follow Commissioner Gordon's car. In addition, several bandit cars will try to stop you along the way. Dealing with the cars is quite simple, for this you just need to launch a rocket at the car, only to do this you will need to go into combat mode, but keep in mind that if you go into combat mode, then you will suddenly lose speed. In any case, as soon as you fight off the attack, transfer Commissioner Gordon to your Batmobile.

Deal with the Arkham Knight's militia

As soon as you get to the tower, deal with all unmanned vehicles. Once you deal with the enemies, then deal with the bandits on the small roof.

Explore the tower for clues to the Oracle's location

Climb onto the roof of the indicated tower and use the secret entrance at the top. Soon you find yourself in a certain memory where the Oracle is being shot. As soon as the Joker disappears, pick up the stroller in the middle of the room. Next, go to the statue and activate the hidden computer there. Soon Commissioner Gordon arrives, who is indignant at the fact that you failed to save his beloved daughter and soon sets off to look for her alone.

You need to check the video footage carefully to find out who exactly kidnapped the Oracle. Go to the screen in the upper right corner and scroll down to the 36th minute of the video. There, select the square in the video to see the first clues. You will see how the Arkham Knight takes the missing Oracle somewhere (2nd row and 2nd column). Now it’s time to rewind the video further, but now to the 48th minute and carefully look at the footage of the jeep in which the kidnapped Oracle is taken away (3rd row and 2nd column). In addition, thanks to the video, you can determine the type of worn tires. Once you have checked everything, you can leave the tower.

Follow the Arkham Knight's car

Call your Batmobile. As soon as he is near you, go into combat mode and select the scanner on it using the “X” key. As a result, the scanner waves will show you the tracks found from the tires of the Arkham Knight's car.

Study the militants' device/Deminify the bomb

An enemy helicopter dropped an incomprehensible device to the ground, so quickly get out of your Batmobile and carefully inspect this device. It soon turns out that it is a bomb, so it is necessary to defuse it as soon as possible.

At some point, unmanned tanks come towards you. Therefore, it is advisable to quickly return back to your Batmobile to deal with the enemies. In addition, the main problem in the task arises from the fact that it is impossible to drive far from the bomb. You will have to constantly circle around the explosives and constantly monitor enemy attacks.

As soon as the enemy equipment is finished, use the drive winch and engine to set up a controlled explosion. You will see an arrow, so make sure it is in the orange area - this is the lower right corner. You will have to keep it in that place until the bomb explodes. If you did everything correctly, then the task of defusing the bomb will be successfully completed and the additional task “Particularly Dangerous: Disarmament” will open for you.

Occupy the hotspot at Grand Avenue Station

You still need to follow the tire tracks, which now lead to the bridge. The essence of this task is that you drive from point to point. Then, in the end, you have to deal with the enemies and gain access to the computer in the center.

Go to the Riddler's Shelter to rescue Catwoman

The Riddler unexpectedly contacts you. He informs you that he has taken Catwoman hostage. He took it for a reason - all so that you pass a couple of tests. In general, after his message, go to the marked point where you will meet thugs. After stunning all the bandits (except the one with the green silhouette), interrogate your target.

From him you will learn where to go. He will direct you to a building called Pinkney's Shelter. Jump down and move around the room and be careful with the floor here, as it is electric in the middle, so we recommend that you move around the perimeter. If you do everything right, you can save Catwoman, who is in the very center. Soon after the rescue you have to deal with the bandits. In addition, your friend is, so to speak, “not completely saved.” There is a collar with a bomb on her neck, so for complete salvation it is necessary to remove this object from her. To do this, you have to solve all the available Enigma riddles.

After solving the riddles, you will unlock the additional mission “Wanted: Revenge of the Riddler.” You can leave the task for later and complete it after the “City of Fear” storyline. In any case, it's up to you.

In addition, returning back to the bridge, on one of the roofs you will come across a huge bat. By meeting this creature, you will discover the additional mission “Wanted: Night Flyer”.

It's time to start rescuing Frieze. Now we can break open the door that was previously reliably protected by interference, we go straight, we meet a dinosaur (there are surprises), we go downstairs, where an officer needs our help. To continue the passage of Batman: Arkham city, you need to find out the password from an enemy with a bulletproof vest - knocking him out is quite simple, you just need to slightly stun him with a cloak (the middle mouse button is used), after which we add a whole series of short blows (the left mouse button is responsible for them) ). After interrogation we will receive a password.

Rescue the remaining police officers.

We go forward behind the next door, but the door on the right is closed. Our glorious batarang will come to the rescue, which needs to be thrown up to the point where the passage is open. Having activated the button, we will finally see an old friend in the person of Penguin. Of course, he will not be alone; first he will have to give cabbage soup to a good dozen completely insolent opponents. And also, for complete happiness, a mutant will appear, who also needs to be neutralized. We apply super jamming, which is done by three clicks of the middle mouse button, after which we finish off with blows. There is an excellent opportunity to take over his body - this will make it easy to scatter smaller adversaries. The same scheme will have to be repeated.

When you're done with all this, throw the controlled betarang up again, pointing it to the left so that it hits the button. This will open the door, so we can move forward. Ahead we come across a control panel - we hack it, after which we plunge into the elevator. The elevator doesn’t want to go the good way, we’ll have to do the bad thing - we shoot an electric charge at the motor, after which we go up. Alas, the trip is not long - soon the lift will be in place, you need to get out of it. To do this, we use gel - apply it to the ceiling of the cabin and explode it.

The passage of Batman: Arkham city will continue with another meeting with the Penguin. He was not a mistake at all - he froze the hand of our hero and officers. Having jumped onto the ice, do not rush to immediately drive forward - first, free the officer, then still move forward, but be extremely careful. There is a shark swimming in the water, which will be very happy if we fall down. You will see a fruit on the right, we approach the edge of the ice floe and shoot at it from the batclaw, pull it towards us with the help of it and not forgetting to pull ourselves up on the metal rings.

We need to save the lives of three more officers, who are reliably guarded by several enemies equipped with thermal imagers. There is an option to light up from below, luring opponents there, then you can change your location. One way or another, we need to free the officer and go back, but this time we will have to stomp in the opposite direction.

The prisoners are mocking us, but in vain - we will now hack the panel on the left, after which we will get to them. Frieze is contained in the very center of the room, and you will find the control panel for his camera at the back. We are trying to blow up the wall on the right - the passage of Batman: Arkham city gives a surprise in the form of a one-armed thug. Besides him, the situation is somewhat aggravated by several prisoners, so they will also have to be dealt with. When you're done, it's time to hack the panel, free Frieze and get the secret of the weapon, after which you can move on to other things.

Fight the Penguin in Iceberg Lauge.

To disable the ice cannon, we must first remove the key from the security system to the suit of the mister we saved. You can get to this very suit by going to the opposite hall. There we select a new device and run to the Penguin. Our trump card is close range, and when the enemy attacks, it is better to stand still. Don't forget to find a new device in your arsenal, aim carefully and hold the left mouse button when you are as close as possible to our opponent. Thus, we will defeat him, but this is not the end of the battle-filled stage of the game.

Solomon Grundy.

Now we are confronted by a very large creature, which, despite its size, is more than possible to neutralize. The scheme is not very complicated - we run around the adversary, gradually put the gel into the cells on the floor where there is electricity, and then quickly explode it. When you destroy all three cells, we run to Grundy and give him blows. We de-energize the cells again, but now the passage of Batman: Arkham city is a little more complicated by the fact that the gel needs to be added only when the cell is open. It also needs to be detonated only when the cell is open.

Then the developers will delight us with variety - despite the final blow, the enemy is still alive. Moreover, he grabbed us and squeezed us in his huge hand. The player is required to quickly press the space bar to escape. After which the procedure is repeated with de-energizing the cells, however, this time we will finish off the enemy once and for all, brutally tearing out his heart. It's time to pay attention to the Penguin, but don't forget about the missiles, dodge them. Having also beaten him, we watch a short cut-scene.

Find Ra's al Ghul and get a sample of his blood.

We need to find the killer, but first, to get on the trail, we scan her blood. It’s simple - while we’re in the blue zone, we point the scanner at the floor, after which we calmly switch to the next task.

Follow the killer's bloody trail to find Ra's al Ghul.

We speak with the Oracle, after the dialogue we leave the building. We can listen to what Penguin's subordinates are talking about. But we just need to follow the trail of blood on the ground, which the “Detective” mode helps us cope with very well.

Scan the killer's bandages for evidence.

But quite quickly this very trail will be interrupted (of course, the blood is not endless), but there is another piece of evidence - examine it in the blue area in the “detective” mode. You will immediately be attacked by the killer, but instead of fighting for a long time and painfully, you will have to urgently give chase. When you reach your “target”, we will use a counterattack. Robin will be very pleased with his appearance - he will kindly not only come to the rescue, but will also solemnly present us with a rope launcher - a very useful device.

Follow the killer using a beacon to find Ra's al Ghul.

Our goal is a beacon signal that comes from the dungeon, where we need to get through. Of course, there are enemies even there. Some of them are even armored. The rope launcher turned out to be a good thing, we are not embarrassed to use it. Yes, and you can change the direction of movement on the go, which is very convenient. It's time to once again resort to the help of the "Detective" mode to find a weak spot in the floor - we break through, go down, neutralize a solid group of enemies. To continue the passage of Batman: Arkham city, you need to hack the gate control panel, open the door, and run further. The “gift” from the Joker will have a slight impact, and our hero’s well-being will deteriorate somewhat, albeit not for long.

We use the cable and fight against another bunch of enemies. Next, our path lies through the hall in which the evil guys are holding a hostage. These very evil guys need to be taught a lesson, after first calming down those below, and then the help that came running from above. We communicate with the doctor, take her to a safe place, and jump down. Behind the next door we will again see an attack of poor health. Next, we open the doors and shoot at the motors in the floor with electric charges. Very soon you will find a door that has never opened before.

Recover video data from mechanical guard.

On the right we will find a mechanical guard - launch the "Detective" mode, scan it - when you approach, press and do not release the "X" key. Only the third part of the procedure will take place, even less, before the “head” of this miracle of technology will disappear. So you'll have to find other guards - I don't recommend turning off this useful mode. And it’s not that difficult to find the guards; you just need to look not only at your feet, but also around, including up. To keep us from getting bored, killers will sometimes appear, but their appearance and approach are revealed by the soundtrack. When you are able to complete the complete recovery, the next video will start.

Find a secret entrance using video data.

There is information about a secret passage located to the left of the gate. Continuing the passage of Batman: Arkham city, we press the button, then carry out a counterattack against a suddenly popped up enemy. We move forward to get up the stairs. Once again, our hero will feel somewhat ill, this time everything is serious - he even imagines his parents, who are no longer alive... We rise and move forward again. Surprise - assassins appear. Fortunately, Talia appeared in time (this is not a part of the body, but Batman's former lover) and fought them back. We talk to her to give her the opportunity to pass the test, go downstairs and go into the room there.

The coming voice of Ra's al Ghul invites us to take part in the first test. Well, let's go - we drink from the cup, we move on, but we can't touch anything. We fly to a large platform, the very first one. To gain altitude, you first need to dive (if you don’t know, the left Control key is responsible for this by default), then wait for the mouse icon to appear. When you see him, pull him up. Everything is simple and logical, the longer the dive continued, the greater the altitude we will be able to gain. One way or another, we will hook onto the platform, after which we will fly to the next platform. There have been no enemies for a long time, so a couple of adversaries that have appeared will let you warm up and not get bored.

Below we see a yellow portal, we fly to it, then again we move from one platform to another to get out of here. All that remains is to return to Thalia for the final test. We will also meet Ra's al Ghul - he wants Batman to ease his suffering and interrupt his worthless life, but our hero is only outwardly dark, but in his soul he is valiant and bright, so he refuses to do this. Gul will return us to his world.

There are also enemies here, led by Ra's al Ghul - after dealing with the "trifles", run in circles, avoiding sharp enemy blades. Running around alone, of course, will not be enough to successfully complete Batman: Arkham city, so quickly press the “4” key twice, which will allow you to release electrical charges at your adversary. This leads to depletion of your health bar, and you also need to remember about counterattacks by regularly clicking the right mouse button. All the above steps will have to be repeated again, but a little more complicated (who would doubt it).

So, you will no longer have to just run around, but dangle from one side to the other in order to successfully avoid meeting sharp blades. When you finish off the enemy, you will return to our world. But Ghoul won't calm down, so he captures his daughter, threatening to kill her if Batman doesn't kill him. Santa Barbara will envy such a turn, what passions... Well, in order to continue the passage of Batman: Arkham city, we arm ourselves with a batarang, aim (right mouse button), first hold the middle mouse button, and then release the weapon stuns the adversary right from behind.

Make medicine. Interrogate Quincy Sharpe and get information about Hugo Strange.

You can return to the street the same way we got here. While we were solving our problems there, the enemy was not sleeping, creating a new type of opponent for us - these new fighters are armed with shields, which will be a little more difficult to fight with. To neutralize their defenses, we first try to stun them with the middle mouse button, and then double-click the spacebar. Don't forget to finish off those who can be finished off in a timely manner, otherwise they will pick up their shields and start all over again...

Meanwhile, the mayor was surrounded by evil prisoners, armed of course. We need to get to a government representative. There is a motor next door that is activated by a remote electric charge. This will allow you to get rid of nearby enemies, and at the same time free a high-ranking hostage.

Return to Mr. Freeze at the police laboratory with a sample of Ra's al Ghul's blood.

Meanwhile, Mr. Freeze was already waiting for us at the police station. At the entrance there are again enemies who, out of habit, must be eliminated. We go inside, find Frieze, share a blood sample. He will build a serum, but... refuse to give it to us! He demands a service in return for his help - the Joker kidnapped his wife Nora, so in our hero Frieze found a means of solving personal problems. So we'll fight him.

We don’t need to kill him - the task is much more banal - to “weaken”. This is achieved by different methods, the most convenient of which, in my opinion, is placing the gel into fragile walls and then exploding it. Just two passes - and we completed the task. But the passage of Batman: Arkham city also provides other options - for example, in the “detective” mode, sneak up from behind and carry out a sudden silent attack, then simply finish off with a series of regular blows. You can also use a rope to knock your opponent down and finish him off.

An alternative is to shoot an electrical charge when the enemy is near the motor. Another option is to use a button that electrifies the wet floor next door. But you will also have to lure Frieze there. In general, one way or another we must defeat him.

When we finish, we learn the most unfortunate news - while we were fighting with him there, the serum was stolen. A little investigation - we conclude that this is the work of Harley Quinn. Frieze agrees to help us, but he doesn’t go anywhere with his ultimatum - he demands to save his wife. But we will get a new device from him in the form of an Ice Strike.

Take the medicine from the Joker. Rescue Vicki Vale from the helicopter crash site.

The passage of Batman: Arkham city will continue with the fact that we exit along a different path in relation to the entrance. We fill the pipes with steam using a new gift, which is activated by the "5" key. On the street we will notice a helicopter with a reporter, whom we saw in the video at the very beginning, when we were still tied up during a passionate speech.

Since the area is infested with bandits, it is not surprising that the helicopter was quickly knocked out. We get to the place of her crash. There we will notice the lasers of the snipers - these guys are not to be trifled with, so we identify them one by one and eliminate them. Their location really contributes to this. After which you can safely save Vicky.

Infiltrate the steel mill.

The path to the plant will not be easy at all - the streets are densely shot by snipers. So you will have to fight with them as well. The chimney will no longer work as an entry option, so the Oracle will kindly mark on the map another weak point in the building through which it will be possible to enter. True, this place can be called weak only conditionally - the entrance is quite reliably guarded by a crowd of prisoners and a couple of snipers. We will have to get rid of all this evil, first of all, this concerns snipers.

Having dealt with the arrows, you can lure ordinary opponents upstairs one at a time, and then calmly finish off two of them directly near the door. Let's go in. There we fight with three opponents. We throw the recently received ice blow with the “five” into the water, which will lead to the formation of a small ice floe, on which we will ride forward, using the batclaw to cling to the metal rings. Here, the passage of Batman: Arkham city is complicated by the presence of cutting mechanisms - we avoid collisions with them.

Now we cling to something from above and rise, then we pass through the ventilation shaft. We'll have to create another ice floe, then get on it to the window, after which we fly inside, where another group of enemies is already waiting for us. After beating them, we listen to what the Joker says on the display. We step into the next room - we beat another crowd of prisoners. You will come across a place where you will need to fall through the wall and build another “raft” of ice.

We swim on it to a large metal door, next to the latter there is a button - we activate it by launching a controlled batarang through the hole, passing it through the electricity and aiming at this very button. The door will kindly open, we create a new ice floe. We go up, on the right we find a panel that needs to be hacked. Hack completely, as one of the Internet heroes would say.

After these actions, the bridge will lower, and we cross it to the other side, where we will meet Stacey Baker, who we saved earlier - the same doctor who was captured by the Joker’s thugs so that she could treat him.

Find the Joker at the steel mill.

After passing the next hall, we will see another group of enemies. There were three at once below, two located higher up and a couple more near the door. First, it is better to quietly neutralize those from above, then, attracting attention in one place, we attack interested enemies from another. Preferably - one at a time, so as not to turn the passage of Batman: Arkham city into a brutal massacre, in which it will be extremely difficult to survive.

The next room has an unpleasant surprise in the form of a bunch of mines and a sniper. Although the mines are comparable in power to a good Chinese firecracker, they certainly won’t tear our hero to pieces. Therefore, it would be better to get rid of the sniper first, so that there are no unnecessary problems. We'll soon find Harley tied up. And there is another battle ahead, the main difficulty in which is the duo of snipers, well supported by ordinary prisoners without weapons.

After the next climb up behind the arrows, for once we will see the Joker in person - give blows to both him and his subordinates. An electric charge will help, as well as tactics of luring opponents onto railway tracks, where they will be hit by trains. When you're finally alone with the Joker, everything around you suddenly begins to fall apart. And if Batman remained under the rubble, then the cunning adversary not only managed to escape, but also took Talia with him.

Make your way to the observation deck to stop Protocol 10. Scan Tiger helicopters to find the general control program.

We immediately launch the “detective” mode, which will significantly simplify our passage of Batman: Arkham city, namely, the task of detecting the turntables. In this case, those that have already been scanned will be marked in blue, and those that still need to be scanned will be marked in orange. There will be six helicopters in total. The scanning process itself cannot be called difficult - we simply approach a more or less close distance and “aim” at them while holding down the “X” key. When you're done with this, you will need to pick up the general control program transmitter, which is located on the main helicopter. To do this, we turn on the “detective” mode, cling to the yellow helicopter until its pilot detects us, and then load the program we need.

Gain access to the Miracle Tower.

First you need to get to this very tower. It is guarded by snipers, so be careful and careful. Having dealt with them, we hack the panel and go inside using a remote electric charge - this will open the doors. Very soon you will run into Strange's people, who, of course, are not among our allies - you will have to fight. Please note that some of them roam around with stun guns, in order to make it easier for themselves to pass Batman: Arkham city, it is better to go around them from behind for your own safety. You can quickly enter from the back by pressing the spacebar twice. The enemy leader threatens to kill the hostage, so it won't be possible to continue to act for now. This will result in Batman being surrounded, but that doesn't mean we can't scatter them all. First of all, pay your attention to weapon carriers. When you're done with the enemies, go down into the sewer; it's easier to find the hatch in "detective" mode.

For fast movement, it is best to use a cable. Having entered the room where the doctor was previously rescued, we will see the rescued woman again, she is still here. It will not be very difficult in this location - although the number of enemy units is considerable, they do not act in a crowd, but in small groups, or even one at a time. In order not to attract the attention of the “neighbors”, it is better to act as quietly as possible.

When you're done with the guards, find the elevator control panel, hack it, get the word "obsessive." In the middle you will find another similar panel, only the word is different this time - it is “medicine”. Climb onto the elevator car so that you won't be noticed when you arrive. Take advantage of your superiority over your enemies - you see them, but they don’t see you, at least for now. Having dealt with the guards, look for the next panel that needs to be hacked. Her word is "booking". Then we run forward, press left Control and spacebar to grab the ledge, moving forward further, you will reach a long beam. There you need to go up to find another panel, the word of which is “maintenance”.

The grate on top will open, jump in there. Rising higher and higher, we can get inside through the balcony. Since there are plenty of opponents with weapons here, you need to be quiet and act as carefully as possible. Our goal is to get to Hugo Strange; we need to hack the panel with its phrase “defense of Gotham.” A video will start in which we see a juicy explosion of the tower in which Strange was just located. And Ra's al Ghul followed Hugo's example, but he decided to "become a hero" in a different way - by stabbing himself with a sword.

Take the medicine from the Joker and stop him from becoming immortal. Follow the beacon and save Talia from the Joker.

The Joker has a completely crazy global plan; he must be prevented from realizing it. The enemy is holed up in the theater, he has a hostage in the person of Talia, and the building itself is guarded by snipers. The latter, in some cases, act in pairs, so to begin with, make it easier for yourself to complete Batman: Arkham city by eliminating at least single opponents, and then everyone else. It is extremely important not to make noise.

Entering the building, we see a video, after which get ready to fight against the Clay Man. An ice strike works effectively (activated by the “five” key, you need to quickly click it twice) - having frozen the enemy, we run towards him and deliver a series of blows, after which we repeat the procedure with freezing.

The Joker, as always, has everything calculated - he blows up the floor, Batman falls down, where a serious test awaits him in the form of a crowd of clay people. When you deal with them, their “boss” will come out, against which, again, freezing will help. Having finished off the enemy, watch the final video - the game is completed!

While in the Bowery area, you will hear conversations on the police radio. Someone fell out of the hotel. We need to inspect the crime scene and find out the details of the fall. Having arrived at the crime scene, we identify the victim, and then we reproduce the crime. We climb onto the roof and from the footprints on the roof we understand that someone pushed the poor guy. Now you need to find a case with documents. The case will be lying on the drainpipe. We also learn the killer's name: Robert Haynes. We ask Alfred for the location of the criminal and go to catch him. Robert will not be alone, but with friends. We scatter our friends, and interrogate Robert. This case is closed.

Crime scene. Shooting at Dixon Dock:

As we fly over the Dixon Docks, we will hear police talking about a shooting at the Dixon Dock. We need to go and investigate. First of all, we analyze the corpse. The victim was journalist Owen Grant. We reconstruct the course of events and then analyze the camera. We send the evidence to Alfred and go to catch the criminal. We scatter his friends, and then interrogate the suspect. Case is closed.

Crime scene. Fire in Coventry:

You will receive this task after examining the body of soldier Bane in the morgue. Fly to the Coventry area and listen to the police message. Fly to the place and analyze the body. Having obtained all the evidence, head to the Penguin's ship and beat Qin Li and his friends. The case is now closed.

Crime scene. Road accident in Burnley:

We will receive a tip on this investigation after the completion of the storyline. We arrive at the crime scene and scan the covered body. A special forces soldier was killed. His entire group is now under investigation. We have to find out what he was doing here. Having dealt with the evidence, we understand that the suspect is one of the former squad of the murdered man. He hangs out on the roof with his friends. We beat DeMarco and his friends, then interrogate them and close the case.

Crime scene. Amusement park beating:

We will receive it after completing the case “Road Hit in Burnley”. We arrive at the place. We scan the body and other evidence. Suspect: Andrew Carter. We go to his coordinates, beat him and interrogate him. Case is closed.

Crime scene. Shooting in Crime Alley:

We will receive a tip on this investigation after the completion of the cases: “Road collision in Burnley” and “Beating at the amusement park”. There was a shooting in Crime Alley and now there are two corpses there. Doesn't remind you of anything? We arrive at the crime scene. The crime is reminiscent of the incident that happened to little Bruce. The parents are dead, but nothing was stolen. This was not an attempted robbery. We study the evidence, tear out the bars and scan the cartridge case. Suspect name: Ian Chase. We arrive at the coordinates, beat and interrogate Ian. The matter is over.

"Dangerous List"

Enigma headquarters

In this area we are interested in the headquarters of Enigma. We arrive at the mark, feel for a weak spot in the cover, break through it and go through the door. We carry on a dialogue with Enigma and approach the door with the control panel. You can't hack it, you can't destroy your computer. So we are looking for Enigma’s assistants and knocking information out of them.

Right at the exit from the building we see the informant. We beat him and get information about the location of the incriminating evidence. Now we walk around the map and collect them, and also beat up other informants.

The mission starts after Penguin leaves the ship. On the way out, we will hear Anarky, an extremist who is trying to destroy the government and Gotham. Another candidate for Batman's capture. Anarky will send his partner, who will say that there are three bombs planted in Gotham, and we need to defuse them. We go to the location of the first bomb. We have about 3 minutes to get to the bomb, defuse the enemies, and then the bomb itself.

After this, we head to the second anarchist in Coventry and talk to him. We repeat the steps to defuse the first bomb: fly, hit, defuse. We head to the third anarchist and talk to him. After that the same scheme.

Having learned that you have decided to defuse all the bombs and save the corrupt society, Anarky calls you to the courthouse for a battle. Well, we have to go. In the courthouse we deal with Arki and his henchmen. Arki turns out to be an ordinary child, but Batman still ties him up and leaves him to the police. You can also listen to his passionate speech about the situation in Gotham, and then leave the courthouse. This completes the task.

After the mission at the police station and meeting with Barbara Gordon, she will contact you and ask you to destroy the boxes of weapons that the Penguin has. The data will be in your GPS locator. We arrive at the place, neutralize the guards and use the destructor to destroy the weapons. As a reward for this task you will receive containers for multiplayer.

Mad Hatter

Coming out of the sewers after the Lacey Towers case, you will notice three people wearing strange masks and singing nonsense. After a while they will pass out, and the Mad Hatter will contact us. He has a hostage. We need to save her. We go to the Hatter's lair, there will be a logo in the form of a green hat. Do not miss. Come inside. The door to the Hatter is closed, pull out the grate and jump into the ventilation shaft. Jump out on the other side and knock out the guards, then interrogate the Hatter and... you will find yourself in Wonderland. Run along the path, and then, avoiding electrical traps, move on. Shoot down 6 lanterns and walk along the bridge to the ledge, jump onto it and crawl along the next ledges.

1) This will take you to the first room. The exit is as follows: left door, center door, right door.

2) In the second room, beat the enemies, and when the mirror crumbles, leave this room.

3) In the third room, go all the way and use the gel to explode the image of a clown. Using the raft, move to the other side, to the next room.

4) In the fourth room, grab the ledge, duck down, go up the stairs, go down the cable and run away from the blade into another room.

5) In the fifth room, use Deathstroke's claw to make a cable, climb up it and hit the clock, then make another cable and go out into the next room.

6) In the sixth room, jump from ledge to ledge, dodging the dial and go into the next room.

7) In the seventh room, use the hook to pull yourself onto the bowl and lower it, then jump into the ventilation. The Hatter is already swearing and crying. Go up to his room, stun him with a reverse batarang and knock him out with a right to the jaw. Alice is saved, the Hatter is lying down, the police are on their way. Let's leave here.

As you leave the bank, you will see a stroller with crying coming from it. Approach her and see that the stroller is empty, and Shiva will attack you from behind. A friend of Batman's, by the way. You will not fight with her, she will say that an innocent person may die in Gotham and Batman must save him. We arrive at the mark and hear screams. This is from the shopping center, so let's go there. There is a policeman hanging in the shopping center and an electric swimming pool underneath him. Let's try to save him. We go to the left side and cut down the shield. Three ninjas will attack us, apparently a gift from Shiva. We get rid of them and, with the help of Deathstroke's claw, make a cable and move to the other side. On the other side we cut down the shield and again fight with Shiva’s friends. After this, we release the policeman and talk to him. Thanks to the knowledge gained, we scan the area for evidence and leave the building. On the street we follow the evidence and find the covered corpse of a policeman. Shiva will attack from behind - we counterattack and talk to her.

Now you need to come to Sheldon Park in order to fight Shiva. We arrive at the place and go into the building. Shiva will not be alone, but with his minions. Take out on counterattacks. After you remove your health from her, she will talk to you and disappear, but I have a feeling that we will see her again.

Black mask

The task will become available after you destroy the container with poison at the steel mill. It is necessary to destroy the containers with drugs that Black Mask hid. After destroying the containers, go to the park street and enter the church for a fight with Black Mask. There will be armed people in the church. We deal with them, then we hack the control console and explode the last container with drugs. Now we fight with Black Mask and his people hand-to-hand. After winning the fight, inform the police about Roman Sionis and leave the church. That's it, the mission is over.

You will receive this task after the fight with Copperhead. Alfred will contact us and say that someone is asking for help. We go to the mark and are ambushed by special forces. But the helicopter crashes. We need to find evidence and understand who shot down the plane. Start with the pilot's body, then go up to the roof and scan the propeller. After this, return to the roof and analyze the tail section. Now let's find the ballistic trail from the sniper. The sniper was a special forces soldier, but he would not shoot at his own people. It turns out Deadshot is involved. We follow his trail and find a bullet with coordinates. We drive them into the sequencer and receive a message from Deadshot. We need to go to the bank to clash with Deadshot. We arrive at the bank and immediately, using a destructor, turn off the guns of several people. After this, we methodically remove them one after another, without catching Deadshot’s eye. It's Deadshot's turn. Hit him and try to knock him out. He will dodge your final blow. After the third attempt, Deadshot will run away to the hostage. Find an advantageous position, sneak up behind him and neutralize him. That's it, the mission is over.

As you leave the morgue after analyzing one of Bane's men, you will pick up a police frequency saying that two gangs with chemical weapons are having a skirmish. Need to check. On the spot we see fighters fighting. We break them up and interrogate the only soldier remaining conscious. We go to the amusement park and repeat the same pattern as at the docks. We interrogate the soldier, and then scan the area around the canister. Now you need to come to the My Alibi nightclub in the Coventry area to fight the Bird. At the club we deal with Bird and his friends. After everyone falls, we interrogate the bird and knock it out. You can go, the police will deal with him.

Escaped prisoners

How to get this task? In order to receive this task, do the following:

1) We carry out all the tasks on the dangerous list, the last one being the capture of the Bird.

2) Complete all investigations. The final one will be “Shooting on Crime Alley.

3) Complete the storyline.

Having fulfilled all the conditions, you will receive an incoming call from Gordon asking you to catch 20 prisoners who escaped from Blackgate. All criminals will be marked in GPS. Remember, criminals will have friends who will come to their aid. So check out the area first. Having captured 20 escaped criminals from Blackgate, you will receive a thank you call from Gordon. The mission is over.

Batman: Arkham Origins takes place five years before the riot at Arkham Asylum. On Christmas Eve, crime boss Black Mask attacks a prison, where he takes Police Commissioner Loeb hostage. Batman, who only two years ago began a war against criminals, goes there. But this did not stop Black Mask from killing Loeb. Then it turns out that the commissioner and the Mask were in cahoots. Corruption also engulfed much of the city's police force.

Batman begins chasing Black Mask, but is confronted by Killer Croc. After a fight with him, the main character learns that 50 million dollars have been promised for his head. After some time, Captain James Gordon arrived from the prison. He wants to arrest the avenger, but without success. This is where the fun begins...

Blackgate: Prologue

Walkthrough of the game Batman: Arkham Origins - let's begin. Christmas is coming soon, but Batman isn't thinking about taking a break. Black Mask is now in the Blackgate prison, where there was a riot. Because of all this, the hero forgets about the holiday for some time. He hops on a plane and goes to prison. Land at the broken wall. This is the only way inside.

You first need to find Commissioner Loeb. For these purposes, go deep into the prison. Focus on permissions. Eavesdrop on a conversation between a crime boss and a prison warden. Blow up the room and deal with the criminal. At the same time, knock the weapon out of the hands of the prison warden.

Well, now it’s time to talk about life, touching on the state of affairs in the prison. Immediately after the dialogue ends, go through the iron door. This will take you to prison block A. Go down to block A2 to settle scores with the thugs. Then interrogate one criminal. You learn that Loba has been captured by Black Mask. They went together to the place of execution. Go further and you will see a drone. Someone is clearly watching you. Go forward, pacifying the criminals along the way.

The walkthrough of the game Batman: Arkham Origin continues. Use the hook to grab onto the notch and find yourself in the next room. Here you will meet an enemy - Croc. But he doesn’t even pay attention to you, so calmly continue on your way. Then a very serious enemy will attack you - a thug who is also wearing a bulletproof vest. You need to knock him out using the cloak (to do this, press the middle mouse button). Then finish off the enemy.

Then grab the ledge and go through the door. In the new room, use detective vision (X), take the batarang (1), shoot it at the control panel. Run away and enter the gap with a tackle. Along the way, knock down another enemy. Just finish off the rest. Talk to those you saved, but they are afraid to talk to you. Then press the elevator button. This will help raise it. Use the explosive gel (3) and blow up the floor. Jump down. You will see that Loeb is being taken away by enemies. As for Black Mask, he expresses a desire to play the game against the cops according to his own rules. Break out the grate and go through the ventilation shaft. Jump onto a passing prisoner. After that, instantly deal with the rest. When further progressing the game Batman: Arkham Origins, you need to go into the cell, use the Batcog (2) and break out the grate.

Climb into the ventilation shaft. Apply explosive gel to the wall and blow it up. Climb into the gap and knock out the mafia. Go through the closest door. Quickly click on “1” a couple of times, throwing two batarangs at once onto the activation buttons. Go into the room, tear out the ventilation grille, move it through the pipes. Listen to the conversation between Black Mask and the mercenaries. Jump down. You will see Commissioner Loeb on the verge of death in the gas chamber. Luckily, Croc throws one mercenary into the glass. It's cracking.

Press the combination “W+double space”. This way you will make a crack. Stop from the shock of having a like-minded person die. However, enemy mercenaries immediately rush at you. Therefore, try to deal with them as quickly as possible. Continue on. Along the way you will find a broken memory card. You need to restore it in your secret cave. Use the Batcog and end up on the ledge. After that, go up the stairs and find yourself on the helipad. Here you will fight against the first boss - Killer Croc.

By the way, when passing the game Batman: Arkham Origins, this battle is not the most difficult. You need to watch out for red waves appearing above your enemy. At this moment you need to be ready to dodge the attack. If the enemy picks up a burning barrel, shoot it with batarangs. Immediately after this, stun the enemy with the cloak and instantly deal a series of blows. First, a couple of criminals will come to his aid. After that there will be three of them. Kill the boss together with his small assistants. After that, watch the video - the police will finally come to your aid. However, they are not very good helpers. According to the cops, it is Batman who is to blame for everything that happened inside the prison. For this reason, you need to get away from them to your cave.

Batman Cave

Alfred is waiting for you inside the cave. He wants to feed you and certainly in a festive way. Alas, you are forced to refuse and go to your computer. Search for information and find information about eight murderous villains at once. These are: Bane, Deadshot, Cricket, Deathstroke, Electrocutioner, Croc, Copperhead. By the way, Kroc is already behind bars.

In addition, you will need to think about who could control the drone in prison. It's probably a penguin. In order to get more accurate information, you will have to talk to local gun dealers. After finishing work on the computer, the training arena will be open for you. There you can practice honing your combat skills. When passing the game Batman: Arkham Origin you need to use fast movement. This will put you in the right place. Start searching for the Penguin.

Tower in Coventry

When you head towards the Penguin, you will notice that the signal from all devices is drowned out by the surrounding towers. You need to solve this problem as quickly as possible. Therefore, dive into the tower building and start working.

You will immediately encounter armed enemies. Open the door, throw a smoke grenade inside. Climb up onto the ledge using the hook. Then you must rescue the hostage. Fly to the extreme ledge, then knock out the bandit who is holding the hostage. But there will be more hostages ahead. This one is just the first.

Break the bars, knock out the enemy. The last hostage remains ahead. Move on. You meet opponents. One of them suddenly runs away, frightened by the sight of Batman. Knock out all those who remain. Well, you have freed the hostages. Throw the last enemy off the ledge, go to the control room. Analyze the crime committed. To do this, examine the corpse, as well as the access panel. Try to find out who is behind all this.

As you continue through the game Batman: Arkham Origins, you will find a key card in the ventilation. Scan it, hack the control panel. To do this, use the encryption sequencer (0). Move on. Go up the stairs and contact Alfred. Hack the panel. Then you will meet Enigma. That's it, you've completed this quest.