KVN on ecology. Script competition “Live, Earth!” Scenario for the environmental kvn “Save what you have”

The toilet is the most visited corner of the house; the health and comfort of all residents depends on its cleanliness. We will tell you in this article how to clean the toilet, how to properly take preventive measures to avoid the appearance of harmful bacteria and unpleasant odors, without spending a lot of time and effort.

Where to begin?

Before you start deep cleaning your bathroom, consider the following: general rules How to properly clean a toilet:

  1. Remove all items that will interfere with cleaning.
  2. Prepare cleaning and detergents, if you care about the environment, use baking soda and vinegar.
  3. Provide yourself with replacement rags, napkins, a sponge, and a toilet brush with plastic bristles, as an iron brush can scratch the surface.
  4. Put it on latex gloves and protective clothing.
  5. Work in a ventilated area - using strong-smelling products may affect your well-being.
  6. First, turn off the water supply, press the flush, so that during processing the water moistens the walls of the tank and does not wash away the cleaning products in the future.
  7. Open the toilet lid and apply the cleaning agent under the rim of the toilet bowl, spreading it over all surfaces of the bowl with a brush.
  8. Leave the product to work, depending on the contamination.
  9. While the product reacts with the contaminant:
    • clean the outside of the toilet;
    • wash the seat and lid on all sides;
    • Wipe dry with a paper towel.
  10. Carefully remove any limescale deposits that have formed with pumice.
  11. Turn on the water, flush it, and once again brush the inside of the toilet.
  12. Wash the walls, floor and door handle in the toilet room using detergents.
  13. Leave until completely dry.
  14. After disinfecting the toilet, make sure the smell is fresh.
  • Different types of cleaning agents should not be mixed to avoid the formation of toxic gases and unexpected reactions.
  • If the product you choose does not satisfy your results, rinse the bathroom with water before using the next one.
  • If you use reusable cleaning items, disinfect them in a bleach solution after use.

How to clean a toilet from limescale and rust using folk remedies?

Nowadays, the shelves of hardware stores are replete with hygiene products; of course, the most effective are acid- and chlorine-containing ones. But to save money and avoid allergic reactions, use simple means at hand that are available in every home.

We bring to your attention several ways to clean your toilet from stains and odors.

Method 1

Use table vinegar:

  1. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle.
  2. Distribute the product under the arch and over inner surface toilet.
  3. Pour a couple cups into the toilet to remove stone from the drain.
  4. Go over with a brush.
  5. Leave it overnight.

Important! To avoid the appearance of new stains and limescale deposits, do this preventative maintenance every month.

Method 2

Make your own homemade cleaner:

  1. Mix borax (soda) and lemon juice until a slurry forms (in the case of soda, a foamy substance).
  2. Using a brush, apply the mixture to the surface of the bowl.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. Clean with a toilet brush.
  5. Rinse it off.

Method 3

Before you clean the toilet from limescale, pay attention to the unusable, stale carbonated drink such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi, which you are about to throw away, but it will still serve you well. In this case, proceed like this:

  1. Pour the liquid into the toilet.
  2. Use a brush to spread over the entire surface.
  3. Leave it overnight.
  4. In the morning, rinse off the water several times, while simultaneously brushing the surface to remove all remaining plaque.

Method 4

How to clean a toilet to make the toilet sparkle? Borrow denture cleaning tablets from your grandparents:

  1. Moisten the sink.
  2. Crush the tablet into powder.
  3. Apply around the perimeter of the tank.
  4. Go over with a brush.
  5. Depending on the degree of contamination, set the exposure time.
  6. Rinse it off.
  • To prevent the formation of dirt on the walls of the toilet, each time you visit the toilet, use a cleaning brush soaked in a soapy solution.
  • Use products containing chlorine for significant contamination.
  • If you have a lung condition or are allergic to chlorine, use a respirator.
  • Do general cleaning using cleaning products at least once a week.
  • To clean the toilet, use a separate cloth or sponge specifically designed for cleaning the toilet only.
  • Do not use a toilet brush to clean the seat as it will carry bacteria from the middle of the toilet.
  • For prevention, install hanging containers with disinfectant tablets or gels. They not only create a protective film with each discharge of water and prevent the formation of pollution, but also refresh the air.
  • If there are guests in the house, wet clean the toilet seat and flush handle before they use the toilet and after, since each person is a carrier of various types of infections.
  • If you have pets in the house, if you use cleaning hangers, either cover the toilet to prevent your pet from drinking the soapy water, or keep the doors tightly closed.
  • Keep special toilet cleaning products out of the reach of children and animals.

Ecological KVN for children preparatory group"In union with nature"

consolidate children's knowledge about nature;
to form elements of environmental consciousness and culture in children;
generalize children's knowledge about natural communities;
develop the ability to solve riddles about natural communities, name natural communities (field, meadow, forest, etc.) by their constituent plants and animals living in them;
continue to formulate speech, teach coherently, and answer questions succinctly;
intensify lexicon children;
develop reaction speed, intelligence, logical thinking, erudition;
captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities;
cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game, teach to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and complement them.

Materials and equipment:

pictures from the life of nature;
pictures for the game “Zoo Joke”;
equipment for the game “Guess Who?”;
six juice boxes;
phonogram “Voices of the Forest”;
pictures with rules of behavior in the forest;
panel with bird feeders;
scoreboards for the jury;
prizes for awarding children;
team logos;
sound recording - voices of birds and animals;
cut pictures;
interactive board.

Preliminary work:

conducting group work on environmental education(games, observation, etc.);
memorizing poems, proverbs, asking riddles about nature and weather;
conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book;
holding a competition of advertising posters “Do no harm to nature”;
desktop and didactic games about nature and weather: “Edible and inedible”, “Field, forest, vegetable garden”, “Fishermen and fishes”, lotto “Domestic and wild animals”;
Consideration of the encyclopedia “Animals and Plants of Our Nature.”

Introductory conversation.

Guys, today we will talk about nature. A wonderful writer and great lover of nature, M. Prishvin, wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Fish needs water, birds need air, animals need forests, steppes, mountains, but man needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” (Quote - on the interactive board)
- Today awaits us an amusing trip along ecological paths. Ecology is the science of home, of nature. And nature is ours big house, and we all together must maintain order in it.
Open your doors wider!
Come quickly!
KVN clicks here
All friends and all girlfriends.
What kind of miracle?
What a miracle?
The hall is decorated so beautifully!
You have to think
It's time for KVN to start!
Good afternoon, Dear friends! We welcome you to the Club of the cheerful and resourceful! Our KVN today is called “Our Home is Nature.” The teacher reads the KVN motto:
"You are a man who loves nature
At least sometimes feel sorry for her,
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields.
In the station bustle of the century
Hurry to evaluate it.
She is your long-time good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it recklessly
And don't exhaust it to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth
There are many of us, but she is alone.

Preparing for the game.

The presenter distributes elements of cut-out pictures to everyone present. On command, the players begin to assemble the whole picture: for example, some get an elephant, others get a dog. Children who have parts of the same picture are united into a team. Teams come up with a name and choose captains...
So, today there will be two teams participating in the game. And a jury will judge them. Let me introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Presentation of the jury members.

The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect.
They had to evaluate battles more than once!
For each competition the jury will award one point, which is equal to 1 chip.
(the presenter puts the chips on the table)
I ask the teams to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! Let's start the game. So - forward to victory! The teacher asks the children the name of their team
Team 1 – “Sun”. Children answer in chorus.
Captain of the Sunshine team
Our motto: “Take care of your planet - there is no other planet in the world.”
Team 2 - “Droplet” Children answer in chorus.
Captain of the "Kapelka" team
Your motto: “A tree, grass, flower and bird will not always be able to defend themselves! If they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet."
The floor for evaluation is given to the jury. It is a quick poll. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering them. You cannot shout out; points will be deducted for this.
In one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible larger number questions. The jury announces the beginning and end of the competition with a sound signal.

Questions for the “Sunny” team:

When does a squirrel store nuts? (autumn)
What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)
Crucian carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)
What do you name a baby horse? (foal)
When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (in summer)
What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)

What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
When in the sun White snow sparkles? (winter)
What is one word for animals that live next to humans? (domestic)
Is a dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (homemade)
Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)
When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
Name the baby hens (chicks)
What do they mainly eat? migratory birds? (insects)
What do you name a baby pig? (pig)
When do the leaves fall from the trees? (autumn)

Who weaves a web in the forest? (spider)
When does the ground under the snow rest? (winter)
What in one word are the animals that live in the forest called? (wild)
What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
What insect has ears on its legs? (at the grasshopper)
What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
Which birds come to us first? (rooks)
How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
Who was red in summer and turned gray in winter? (squirrel)

Questions for the Droplet team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (autumn)
What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
What in one word are the animals that live next to humans called? (domestic)
Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
What do you name a baby cow? (calf)
When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)
How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
When does river water freeze? (winter)
Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
Is a lion wild or domestic? (wild)
Which insect has red wings with black dots? (y ladybug)
When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)
What bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)
What is the name of the ants' house? (anthill)
What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)
Who carries their house on their back? (snail)
What animal has spines? (at the hedgehog)
When is the harvest from fields and gardens harvested? (autumn)
What is the word for the birds that spend the winter with us? (wintering)
When does a butterfly fly over a field? (in summer)
What bird is called "forest radio"? (magpie)
What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
What do you call a person who protects the forest and keeps order? (forester)
Which tree has a white trunk? (birch)
What is the name of an ant's house? (anthill)
What mushroom is called the forest predator? (chanterelle)
What animal is similar to a hedgehog? (porcupine)

The floor is given to the jury, which announces the total score.

1. Guess where we came?
- There is tall grass around, beautiful flowers, trees and bushes are not visible at all, butterflies are fluttering, businesslike, bumblebees are buzzing. (meadow)
2. It has become darker and cooler. The grass became less dense. Here is a birch tree, here is an oak tree, and then there are many deciduous trees. (forest, grove)
3. Look, now there is no grass under your feet at all, deciduous trees are found less and less often. On the ground there are prickly needles and cones. (coniferous forest)
4. Now the forest has thinned out, the trees have parted. What's that shining ahead? It's not a horse, it's running
Not a forest, but a noise, a murmur. (Creek)
5. The river is getting slower, the current is getting shallower. It smells like mud, frogs are croaking. Mosquitoes fly in swarms. (swamp)
At the end of the competition, the jury is given the floor. Two representatives from each team are invited to participate in the competition. There are juice boxes and scissors on the tables, and bird food in the plates. You need to make a feeder and pour food into it. It is not the speed that is assessed, but the quality of the completed task.
The teacher invites the rest of the team members and spectators to a musical break. He suggests remembering as many songs about nature as possible and singing a line from each song. Then, at the end of the competition, the jury is given the floor. You need to remember which birds fly to the feeder in winter and place their images on the panel.

How to call the birds you chose in one word? (wintering) Pictures of which birds were left on the table? How to call them in one word? (migratory) Now their voices have not yet been heard, but quite recently the forest was full of bird noise. But you and I are a bit of a wizard? We close our eyes: “One, two, three – spring forest, come to life!”

Team representatives take turns naming the birds. They recognized the singing of a nightingale, a magpie, a cuckoo, a woodpecker, a sparrow, a tit, a raven, an owl, and a bullfinch.
Fans are invited to recognize the voices of animals: wolf, bear, fox.

The jury evaluates the results of the training.

Captains of both teams are invited. KVN participants greet the captains.

An unusual animal wandered into our place, no one has seen it, no one knows what it is called.
These are the animals. You, captains, need to tell us what parts of animals and birds this animal consists of.
The captains lay out pictures of animals on the easel and explain. Now let’s rest a little. Close your eyes.

The music of F. Schubert sounds " Ave Maria" Self-training “Trees” is being conducted

I imagine that I am a tree.
My roots have grown deep into the ground.
My trunk, my branches reach towards the sun.
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, hands shaken.
The wind blows away the dew.
Let's wave our hands smoothly.
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll show you how they sit down -
Wings folded back
Or 2nd option:

Relaxation “If I were a tree” (to music).

“Our feet are roots. They hold us firmly on the ground, they look for water for us to drink. They grow deeper and deeper (they sit on a chair with their feet planted firmly). Our skin is bark. It is hard and tough, covered in bumps and furrows. It protects us from injury. And everyone will understand that it is impossible to carve inscriptions and signs on this skin, which is called kora (stroking yourself with your hands). Our hands are branches. They stretch, reach for the sun. Birds can rest on them and even build a nest (raise their hands up). Our fists are kidneys. Every spring our buds open and leaves appear.
"I am all people and birds
Green good friend,
I hold out my hands to everyone
And many, many hands” (clench and unclench their fists). How wonderful it is to be a tree! In the summer heat, provide coolness and shade. And a light breeze will blow, and we will sway from left to right, barely audibly talking to each other (they will sway with their arms raised up).
And now the trees have grown (are standing up).
The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed (swaying).
The wind is getting quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher (straightening up). Children perform 3 ditties from the team, prepared together with the music director. Little dramatizations are held on the topic: “How to behave in nature”

1 situation for the “Sunny” team

A girl was walking in the forest on an early spring morning.
- Oh, look what I found. Nest!
- And there is an egg in it.
- Maybe we’ll take him home and we’ll have a chick.
- We will take care of him!
The girls took the egg with them.
Host: Did the girls do the right thing?
Children: Wrong. The chick will die because it needs its mother's warmth.

Situation 2 for the “Droplets” team

The boy was walking along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.
Host: Did the boy do the right thing?
Children: Wrong. Wild animals cannot be taken home; they may die in captivity. - Each team receives 5 signs. The guys must determine the name of each of them.

1st team:

1) - You cannot damage the bark of trees.
Did you know that oxygen is released by green plants? Large ones are especially useful spreading trees. It has been calculated that one 60-year-old pine tree produces as much oxygen per day as is needed per day for three people.
2) - Don't leave trash.
Did you know that most of garbage takes a very long time to decompose, for example:
orange peel – 2 years;
plastic bags – from 10 to 20 years;
cans– from 80 to 100 years;
plastic bottles do not decompose at all!
3) - Do not destroy mushrooms, even poisonous ones.
Did you know that even mushrooms that are poisonous to humans are beneficial, because they provide food for some animals, and in addition, some plants cannot live without them.
4) - You cannot cut down trees.
Did you know that man uses trees to make paper? By saving paper, you save trees from being cut down!
5) - You can’t make noise in the forest.
Did you know that you can see many interesting animals in the forest, provided you are quiet and don't scare them? Chamois, deer, and squirrel are afraid of noise.

2nd team:

1) - Don't catch butterflies.
Do you know that you should not kill any animals because they are part of our natural environment. Animals that require special protection are special attention, because they are either very useful or very rare.
2) - Don’t break branches.
Did you know that plants retain a huge amount atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves get sick and die. Remember that if you break even one branch, the tree may dry out!
3) - Don't touch bird's nests.
Did you know that birds abandon nests that have been touched by humans and never return to that place? If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not emerge. If there were chicks in the nest, they will die without a mother.
4) - Be careful with water.
Did you know that all living organisms need water. Healthy man Drinks about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of drinks, but also in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water. A person cannot live more than a week without water.
5) - Don’t pick flowers.
Did you know that humans have put 25,000 plant species at risk of extinction over the past 100 years? Among them are lilies of the valley, bells, snowdrops, oak anemone, lady's slipper, which blooms only in the 18th year of life, and many others. - Let's think together: will our forest be worse if, walking along the path, you break a twig or step on a fly agaric; Will you make a wreath of flowers that grow in the meadow? (Children's answers)
- Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every twig broken in vain or trampled mushroom is a small wound inflicted on nature. And nature has a hard time healing even the smallest wounds. Listen again and try to remember the “forest rules”. The leader asks riddles to each team in turn. Guess the riddles, and I will write the answers in the crossword puzzle, and then we will see what word we got in the highlighted cells.


1 fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere.
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes (Clouds)
2 In winter he dresses in a white caftan,
In spring - in a green sundress,
In the summer - in a colored dress,
In autumn he wears a golden cloak. (Earth)
3 Himself scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon).
4 The blue tent covered the whole world (Sky)
5 Worth a flatbread
On one leg
Whoever passes by
Everyone will bow. (Mushroom).
6 The red-haired cheat lives in a dense forest. (Fox).
p r i o d u


1. Not a rider, but with spurs
Not an alarm clock, but a rooster that wakes everyone up.
2. Flies all night - catches mice
And when it becomes light, the owl will go to sleep in the hollow.
3. It flies, squeaks, and rings very subtly.
He doesn't miss the chance, he sits down and bites (a mosquito).
4. Water craftsmen build a house without an axe.
House of brushwood and mud and dam (beavers)
5. The red-breasted, black-winged one loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash he will appear again (bullfinch)
6. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
7. Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox)
What word is in the highlighted cells? (HELP)
What does this exciting word tell us?
The fact that sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes enormous harm to the environment.
Let's take care of our beautiful earth, our common Home. Take care and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a part of nature! The forest or the river will get sick, and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!

1 child:

Take care of the earth! Take care!
Love your native nature:
Lakes, forests and seas.
After all, this is ours with you
Forever native land!

2nd child:

You and I were born on it,
You and I live on it.
Children in chorus:
Come on people, let's all come together
We treat her kinder!

3rd child:

Let's save the planet -
There is nothing like it in the entire universe,
There is only one in the entire Universe,
It was given to us for life and friendship!
Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys!
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter the clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet!

The jury sums up the results.

In our Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won... it is awarded... The team receives incentive prizes...

We tested you for glory,
And the winners by right
Worthy of praise. And awards
Now we are very happy to present

Awards are being given

Thank you for your participation,
Here are souvenirs for your luck!
Look, admire, accept,
Choose whatever you like!
KVN is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us living on Earth
And we can take care of nature alone!
April 22 is Earth Day. (On the interactive whiteboard)
- Read the sentence. Maybe some of you know why people began to celebrate Earth Day on this day?
(The story is accompanied by a display of photographs on the interactive board) This day was first celebrated in the United States after the tragedy that occurred in 1969. A major accident occurred on an oil drilling rig. Great amount oil spilled on the surface of the ocean and polluted the beaches. Many animals died, birds especially suffered. This tragic event shocked many people. They decided to remind the inhabitants of the planet at least once a year about their attitude towards the environment. This is how the idea of ​​Earth Day came about. This holiday unites residents of many countries. Every year there are more and more of them. Earth Day began to be celebrated in Russia. In addition, according to government decree, from April 15 to June 5, we hold special environmental protection days.
- What good deeds can you guys do to make our Earth a little more beautiful and cleaner? (Hang feeders, clean your yard, plant trees, make a flower bed near the entrance, whitewash the trees, tell your younger ones about the rules of behavior in nature, etc.) Forming a caring attitude towards native land in children of senior preschool age

Development extracurricular activity in the subject in 6th - 7th grade

Topic: “Ecological KVN”

Purpose of the event:promote the development of interest in the study of ecology and biology.

Tasks: 1) Educational: expand and consolidate knowledge about ecology and environmental objects;
2) Developmental: to develop children’s curiosity and the ability to see new things in the world around them;

3) Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, environmental thinking, promote an atmosphere of co-creation through collective and group work.

Equipment:"Jury" signs(see Appendix 1) , score sheets for the jury(see Appendix 2) , plastic bottles, newspapers, glass jars, pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, tape, boxes, pictures of animals and plants for creating food chains(see Appendix 3) , A4 sheets, certificates for winners and participants.

Teams from each class of 8 people participate in KVN. Previously, teams receive tasks:

1. Come up with a name, motto and emblem for the team.

2. Invent and tell a fairy tale about nature conservation.
Progress of the event:
Introduction: Take care of the Earth! Take care

Lark at blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves

Sun glare on the path

A hawk soaring over a field

A swallow flickering in life

Take care of the Earth! Take care

Miracle of songs of cities and towns

The darkness of the depths and the will of the heavens

Helpless singing of tenderness

And love has iron patience.

Take care of young shoots

At a green festival of nature

Sky in stars, ocean and land

But a soul that believes in immortality,

The connecting threads of all destinies

Take care of the Earth! Take care

Time has sharp turns

The joy of inspiration and work

Ancient kinship living properties

Revelations of Earth and Heaven

The sweetness of life, milk and bread

Take care of kindness and pity

So that she fights for the weak

Take care of the future for the sake of

This is a word from my notebook

I give everything! I accept all good things,

Just take care of the Earth!

This encourages us to protect the Earth, life on Earth, and think about the relationship between nature and society. And it is precisely the science of ecology that studies the connection between living organisms and environment. Studies how individual organisms interact with their environment, how living organisms interact, in general, with each other, and what place they occupy human society. This complexity is reflected in the structure and content of environmental science. The name, which comes from two Greek words “oikos” - house, dwelling and “logos” - science, study. Figuratively speaking, ecology is the science of how to live in own home every organism. Today, on this wonderful day, when it’s spring outside and the sun is shining, we are holding a KVN on the topic “Ecology”.

Let's welcome our players: team 7 a and team 7 b, as well as the esteemed jury: teachers of biology, chemistry and ecology. Applause!

1 competition “Team Greetings”

And our first competition “Greeting the Teams”. Please, meet the 1st team 7 a! (team performance: name, motto, emblem). Well done! It was the “Academics” team, I wonder what the name of the 7 b team is. Let's watch and listen carefully! (team performance). Great, it was a team with interesting name"Movement".

2nd competition “Warm-up”

The next competition is “Warm-up”. I will ask each team 5 questions, and for each question answered correctly, teams will receive 1 point. So let's begin!



1) What do you understand by the word “environment”?

1) What does ecology study?

2) A flock of geese was flying. One in front and 2 behind. One behind and 2 ahead. One among two and 3 nearby. How many of them were flying? (three)

2) A flock of geese was flying. One was killed. How much is left? (one)

3) Hidden in this smooth bronze-colored box is a small oak tree of the future forest (acorn)

3) The beast is afraid of my branches. Birds will not build nests in them. My beauty and power are in the branches. Tell me quickly, who am I? (deer)

4) Not on the fish, but sets the net (spider)

4) The furry one buzzes, flies - flies for something sweet (bumblebee)

5) The yellow sun’s rays don’t burn. The yellow sun has white rays (daisy)

5) It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer. Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter (forest)

Well done! Now we will listen to the jury. Please, grades for the first 2 competitions.

3rd competition “Garbology – the science of garbage”

Does anyone know what this is garbology what kind of science is this? This is the science of "garbage". Each of us has repeatedly seen a lot of plastic bottles, pieces of paper, boxes, etc. on the street. It is precisely the science of garbology that studies how to use rationally with greater benefit secondary raw materials for humans. Now we'll see how you would use this garbage. Now I invite 3 people from each team. And in 15 minutes you need to make something from the unnecessary (used) items offered to you on the table. So, time has passed.

4th competition “Food Chains”

In the meantime, the teams are making something for us, we will hold another competition, the conditions of which are as follows: you need (I call 2 people) in 5 minutes from the proposed drawings, which depict various living organisms, to create food chains, and the “Academics” team in the steppe , and the “Movement” team in the forest. In the meantime, we will play with the fans:

Questions for fans

1) How boring it is - so many years without movement,

Looking into the water at your reflection.

Quiet, sad branches hung from the cliff... (willow)

2) I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,

And the breeze blows - a stalk remains... (dandelion)

3) He was born in an aspen forest,

How was he not hiding in the grass?

We'll find it anyway:

He is wearing a red hat. (boletus)

4) In a forest clearing under a mighty pine tree,

There is an old man standing - he is wearing a white cap.

Anyone who visits the forest will recognize him. (White mushroom)

5) Name the giant thorny plant that grows

in the desert (cactus)

6) Does the tree grow in winter? (no, he's sleeping)

7) What is sugar made from? (from sugar cane, sugar beet)

8) Not heat, not fire, if you pick it up it will burn. (nettle)

9) Name the tree, the symbol of the New Year. (fur tree, pine tree)

10) What trees feed birds in winter? (rowan, viburnum)

11) Name the most important plant that feeds a person. (wheat)

12) What flowers are named after people? (Lily, Rose, Ivan - yes - Marya)

13) Name the spring primrose, whose homeland is Holland. (tulip)

14) Little sisters are standing in the field: a yellow eye, white eyelashes. (daisies)

15) What is the name of the flower arrangement? (ikebana)

16) This plant is called a “house doctor”. What is it called? (aloe)

17) The flowers of which plant change color three times a day? (cotton flowers)

While we were playing, the teams had already prepared their products, and now we will give the floor to the “Academics” team, and then “Movement” (team performance). I personally really liked it, what do you think? I wonder if our teams coped with the other task, let's see! (team performance). Okay, now the jury scores for 2 competitions (the jury's word).

5th competition “Homework”

Our next competition is “Homework”. The “Academics” team is invited to the stage (team performance). Team "Movement" (team performance)

6th competition “Let’s protect nature”

You have probably often seen signs with various inscriptions: “Don’t throw garbage”, “Take care of nature”, etc. So our next competition involves drawing signs in defense of nature. You are given paper, markers, pens and pencils. For this competition, 2 people from each team are required (except captains).

7th competition “Captains Competition”

At this time we will hold a captain competition. I invite team captains to the stage and they will be asked questions about environmental theme, for each correct answer 1 point:

Jury scores for homework and a captain's competition! Now let's play with the fans again:

Questions for fans

  1. Who was born three times before he became an adult? (butterfly)

  2. In the forest the pot is boiling, but it won’t boil over. (anthill)

  3. What bird calls itself? (cuckoo)

  4. Who sleeps with with open eyes? (owl)

  5. Animal Science. (zoology)

  6. What fish has no scales? (stickleback)

  7. Respiratory organs in fish. (gills)

  8. Gas necessary for breathing. (CO 2)

  9. Animals crawling out of their skin! (cancer)

  10. “All 4 petals of the flower moved: I wanted to catch it, but it took it and flew away” (butterfly)

  11. A loader, a carpenter, an artel worker: he built cities for himself without saws or axes. (ant)

  12. How many wings does a beetle have? (a lot of)

  13. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? (filthy)
14. Raspberry-loving beast. (bear)

15. Are rabbits born blind or sighted? (sighted)

16. Who sits on a tree and chisels the tree with its beak?

There is a knock on the rowan tree, and a knock - the beetle gets out quickly.

The bird will have a very tasty bark beetle for lunch. (woodpecker)

17. Name the smallest bird. (hummingbird)

18. Does a chicken breathe in an egg? (Yes)

19. Call the bird “forest fortune teller”. (cuckoo)

20. Name the poultry “alarm clock” (rooster)

21. Name the bird with the largest beak. (pelican)

22. Honored feathered singer. (nightingale)

23. What kind of bird did you turn into? ugly duck from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen? (in swan)

24. What bird sleeps during the day and hunts at night? (owl)

25. Which bird did Thumbelina save from the frost? (martin)

26. Name a bird that is famous for the beauty of its tail. (peacock)

27. Which bird has the ability to imitate? (parrot)

28. Name flightless wild birds. (penguin, ostrich)

29. Do migratory birds build nests in the south? (No)

30. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run from the mountain or up the mountain? (uphill)

31. Does a bear go to the den skinny or fat? (bold)

32. Which cow lives better, the tailed one or the tailless one? (tailed)

33. Can elephants swim? (Yes)

34. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on his trees? (squirrel)

35. Do cats have the same eyes day and night? (no, they are narrow during the day and wide at night)

36. What animals fly? (the bats)

37. What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (bat)

38. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (in burrows)

39. Does cancer always move backward? (no, just to the food first)

40. Can a spider be called an insect? (No)

41. What beetles are named after the month in which they appear? (May)

42. What happens to a bee after it stings? (dies)

43. What animals live up to 200 years? (turtles)

44. Who picks apples with their backs? (hedgehog)

45. Name the largest land animal. (elephant)

46. ​​What was the name of Gerasim’s four-legged friend in Chekhov’s story? (Mu Mu)

47. Name the most stubborn pet. (donkey)

48. Name the tallest mammal. (giraffe)

49. Who is gray in summer and white in winter? (hare)

50. The largest aquatic mammal. (whale)

51. He climbed into the cabbage sometimes in autumn. Horned and shaggy and with long beard. (goat)

52. Name a beetle that is red with black dots. (ladybug)

53. Which snake is considered the most poisonous? (cobra)

While we were playing, the teams prepared their leaflets, which we handed over to the jury for evaluation. And now we will listen to the fairy tales about nature conservation that you wrote for the lesson, after which we will find out the jury’s scores for the leaflet competition and the result of our KVN (reading fairy tales). Jury scores and overall results for all competitions! Awarding the winner!

Ecological KVN "Let's save nature together."

(grades 9-11)

three teams

Hello, dear guys, dear adults!

We are pleased to welcome you to the environmental KVN.

More and more often we hear and pronounce the word “ecology”. Science is complex, important and necessary. The science is relevant.

Ecology is the science of relationships in nature, of man’s relationship to the environment.

The Earth's wealth is being depleted faster than it is being restored. The natural resources that we had in abundance not so long ago are being depleted. Nature cannot heal its wounds indefinitely. It is quite possible that last weeks Another mammal, another bird, or another plant has disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Let's remember that every animal or plant is unique. What if we never see him on Earth again?

Our game is just an attempt to look into the amazingly diverse, unsolved world of nature. An attempt to see and understand that the amazing is always nearby, you just need to be able to see and hear.

So, forward to the world of secrets and riddles! I would like the motto of our today’s KVN to send the words of Vadim Sheffer from the poem “ Human" :

You, man, loving nature,

At least sometimes feel sorry for her!

On pleasure trips

Don't trample its fields!

Don't burn it recklessly

And don't exhaust it to the bottom.

And remember the simple truth:

There are many of us, but she is alone!

Today we will summarize the knowledge you gained in class; Let's get acquainted with the situation in nature that causes environmental concern. Let's talk about how we ourselves try to protect nature.

A competent person will analyze your answers and sum up the final results of the game. jury(announcement of the jury).

So, our KVN begins! Today three teams will fight for the right to call themselves the best ecologists of the school.

1.Let the teams introduce themselves(team name, team captain, call syllable (for three-minute teams the competition will be scored 3 points)

Song (set to a lyrical mood)

2.Warm-up(four questions each – 4 points)

3.Auction of environmental terms (2 points)

Three team members are invited to the stage
Team members take turns calling out environmental terms. Whichever team calls last wins

4. Environmental situations

1. In many areas with intensive agriculture, worms have disappeared from the soil due to the constant application of pesticides. Do you think this will affect soil fertility? (Justify your answer).

2.With rapid development Agriculture associated with intensive livestock grazing. To which negative consequences this can lead to?

3. A serious problem is the fate of the three seas: the Caspian, Aral and Azov. The use of part of the Kuban River flow for irrigation has led to a significant decrease in inflow fresh water to the Sea of ​​Azov. What environmental problem arises in this regard and how to solve it?

Working with viewers

1. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run: downhill or uphill? (Uphill, because the hare has short front legs and long hind legs).

2. What animal sleeps upside down all winter? ( Bat.)

3. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (In the shins of the front pair of legs.)

4. Do our migratory birds build nests in the south? (No.)

5. Which animal is considered the owner of the taiga? (Bear.)

6. Which coniferous tree sheds its needles for the winter? (Larch).

7. What forest plants can replace meat? (Mushrooms.)

1. Which bird has the longest tongue? (In a woodpecker, 15cm).

2. Can elephants swim? (Yes, even underwater).

3. Does the tree grow in winter? (No, growth stops.)

4. About what animals do they say: “They go out of their way”? (About snakes.)

5. What kind of wood is used in shipbuilding? (Pine).

6. Which of our birds flies the fastest? (Swift.)

7. Can a mushroom eat a house? (Yes, this is a house fungus that destroys wood).

5. “Musical Kaleidoscope.” Three representatives from each team are invited to the stage.

Remember the songs where the words weather, rain, snow, sun, rainbow, nature appear. Sing a line of the song.

6.Ecological aspect of fairy tales ( the team is offered a fairy tale, determine which one environmental problem we're talking about in this fairy tale. (5 points.)

Song 11th grade

7. Captains competition(poetic) The author of the poem. Tyutchev, Pushkin Yesenin. The captains read poetry and guess the author.

"Spring waters"

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

They say all over:

"Spring is coming, Spring is coming,

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, bright round dance

The crowd is cheerfully following her!..”

“Driven by the spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped through muddy streams

To the flooded meadows.

Nature's clear smile

Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;

The skies are shining blue.

Still transparent, forests

It's like they're turning green.

Bee for field tribute

Flies from a wax cell.

The valleys are dry and colorful;

The herds rustle and the nightingale

Already singing in the silence of the nights.”

Bird cherry fragrant

Bird cherry fragrant

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches,

What curls, curled.

Honey dew all around

Slides along the bark

Spicy greens underneath

Shines in silver.

And nearby, by the thawed patch,

In the grass, between the roots,

The little one runs and flows

Silver stream.

Fragrant bird cherry,

Having hung himself, he stands,

And the greenery is golden

It's burning in the sun.

The stream is like a thunderous wave

All branches are doused

And insinuatingly under the steep

Sings her songs.

Working with viewers

Live sounds: viewers are offered sounds of living nature (the sound of rain, the roar of a bear, the squeak of a mosquito, etc.)

8.Imagine a poster (draw)

Final task

Assignment for one of the teams:
- You are pessimists. What will happen on planet Earth in 100 years? (Form drawing).

Task for the second team:
- You are optimists. What will happen on planet Earth in 100 years? (Form drawing).

Task for the third team:

You are the director of PJSC Dorogobuzh. What will happen on planet Earth in 100 years? (Form drawing).

Our competitive tests are completed. The jury sums up the final results.

At the end of the meeting, a song will be played. (while the teams are drawing)

The jury announces the final results of the KVN.

Congratulations to the winning team.

Ecological KVN


- broaden children’s horizons and their knowledge of the world around them;

Bring up ecological culture, careful attitude towards surrounding nature, the desire to take care of her.

Hello guys, dear guests. We are glad to welcome you to the environmental KVN. You all know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Today we will find out how well you know nature and its riches.

Participants will need curiosity, imagination, knowledge of nature and the ability to work in a team.

Three teams participate in the game: “Ecologists”, “Masters of the Planet”, “Water Patrol”.

Let's see whose team will win, that is, will complete all the tasks correctly and quickly, show resourcefulness and ingenuity. The team with the most points will be the winner.

The jury will monitor the entire game: (names the composition of the jury).

Each team must choose a leader and introduce themselves.

1st competition “Introduction” of the team.



Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other one in the world!

"Masters of the Planet"


We don't want to stand aside.

We are for order on our land!

"Water Patrol"


Man, remember forever

The symbol of life on Earth is water!

2nd competition “Warm-up”.

Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break tradition. Each team must answer the questions in turn within 5 seconds. If this team cannot answer, then another team can give an answer.

1) The science of the connections of living beings with the environment and careful attitude to nature. (ecology)

2) State-protected areas where hunting, berry and herb picking are prohibited. (reserve)

3) What is the name of the book where endangered species of animals and plants are recorded? (Red Book)

1) Upper fertile layer land. (the soil)

2) The closest star to us. (Sun)

3) It is secreted by plants. (oxygen)

1) The coldest ocean. (Arctic)

2) The coldest continent. (Antarctica)

3) The largest mammals. (blue whale)

1) Name the second month of spring. (April)

2) Name last month winter. (February)

3) How many colors does the rainbow have? (7)

1) How many days in leap year? (366)

2) Fastest sushi animal? (cheetah)

3) What is the smallest bird in Russia? (wren)

1) Does the chicken breathe in the egg? (breathes)

2) The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it. (skyline)

3) What object can say about itself:

"Will you come with me,

Will you find your way back!”? (compass)

3rd competition “Green Pharmacy”.

We ask you to write out a prescription for the patient, you do not have ready-made pills, medicines, bandages at hand, but in front of you is a huge forest pantry, where medicines grow right on the ground and you must choose those medicinal plants that will help the patient.

"Ecologists"-You have a cold. What medicinal plants will help get rid of a cold faster? (onion, garlic, lemon, raspberry, chamomile)

"Masters of the Planet" -You have a cold. You have a bad cough. What medicinal herbs will help get rid of cough? (coltsfoot, sage, oregano, black radish)

"Water Patrol" - Spring. Your body is exhausted. Not enough vitamins. Tea from which medicinal plants will replenish your strength? (rosehip, mint, nettle, currant leaves, strawberry)

4th competition “Solve the crossword”









1. The silence is broken by hubbub and chirping.

It was our early guests who greeted spring. (birds)

2. Which pussy has tassels on its ears? (lynx)

3. The tail is fluffy, golden fur,

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village? (fox)

4. In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind.

Lives without a window, has never seen the sun. (mole)

5. Sleeps during the day, flies at night

And it scares passersby. (owl)

6. He knocks all the time, he hammers trees,

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them. (woodpecker)

7. And he has big ears and big eyes,

And it’s a lot to be scared.

He climbs into the bush and sleeps,

He eats the stalk and is full. (hare)

"Masters of the Planet"








1. He is in a bright uniform, spurs for beauty.

During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a clock. (rooster)

2. Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in winter it will find shelter.

He is not afraid of colds

With first snow -

Right here! (bullfinch)

3. Who has eyes on his horns and a house on his back? (snail)

4. The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (magpie)

5. Who is cold in winter,

Is he wandering around angry and hungry? (wolf)

6. In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (bear)

7. He sits down, fluffs his tail,

The lump peels off quickly,

He will jump down and pick off the fungus -

Prepares for future use. (squirrel)

"Water Patrol"








1. I was born to glory

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup?

Look for me in them. (cabbage)

2. It's fun in the spring,

It's cold in the summer,

Nourishes in autumn

Warms in winter. (tree)

3. Sits - turns green,

It falls and turns yellow,

He lies there and turns black. (sheet)

4. The doctor grew up by the road,

He treats sick legs. (plantain)

5. Eh, bells, blue color,

With the tongue, but no ringing. (bell)

6. He yellow blossoms,

And once it blooms, it blows away. (dandelion)

7. Sisters are standing in the field -

Yellow eyes, white eyelashes. (daisies)

5th competition “Game with spectators”

Answer the questions. Whichever team's fan answers, that team gets an extra point.

1. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk.)

2. What fruit poisoned the princess? (Apple.)

3. Which city is named after the bird? (Eagle.)

4. Why does a goose swim? (From the shore.)

5. Why do birds fly? (By air.)

6. What does a duck swim on? (On water.)

7. How many times do you need to take the letter “A” to get a bird? (Fourty.)

8. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet.)

9. Why does a hunter carry a gun? (Behind the back.)

10. On what does a person walk and a turtle crawl? (On the ground.)

11. What will a crow do after living for three years? (Live fourth.)

13. Who sleeps with their head down? (Bat.)

14. Change of fur in animals? (Molt.)

15. Not a fisherman, but setting up nets? (Spider.)

6th competition “Captains Competition” - “Who is faster?”

You need to collect as many animal names as possible from letters (letters can only be used once in a word)


(raccoon, wolf, fox, mole, ox, cat, lynx, lion, etc.)

7th competition. Game with spectators and players “Birds”

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

flies and swifts...

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes , cuckoos,

Even owls are scops owls,

Swans and ducks -

And thanks for the joke!

8th competition “Guess by description”


We can climb trees well. We can be easily recognized by the black stripes on our backs. We prefer coniferous forests. We love to eat nuts, various seeds, mushrooms and berries. We are considered the cleanest animals. Who are we? (Chipmunks)

"Masters of the Planet"

We are not popular among people. They are fighting us so that there are fewer of us. Although nature needs us! Our larvae live in water. Some fish feed on them. We ourselves are the favorite treat of many birds! Dragonflies especially love us. Have you guessed who we are? (Mosquitoes)

"Water Patrol" .

We have a long, legless body, covered with dry skin with horny scales. The mouth is designed in such a way that we can open it very well and swallow prey whole. The teeth are well developed and are used for biting, but not for chewing. The tongue is forked and is the most important sensory organ. We have nostrils - we smell well. There are no ears at all, so we are completely deaf. Have you guessed who we are? (Snakes)


I am the tallest of mammals. I have a small head on a long neck and long legs. The eyes are black with thick eyelashes. I have everything adapted to get leaves from the very tops of trees. My favorite delicacy is acacia leaves. Did you find out who I am? (Giraffe)

9th competition “Draw an animal”

- One participant from each team, blindfolded, draws an animal on the instructions of the jury. Whoever draws the best among the participants wins the competition.

10th Pantomime competition

Draw animals:

"Ecologists"- butting bulls;

"Masters of the Planet" - jumping sparrows;

"Water Patrol" - walking ducks.

11th competition "Riddles"

1. Standing in a clearing

Tatyanka in a red scarf,

All covered in white specks. (fly agaric)

2. Of all the migratory birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Jump back and forth across the arable land,

And the bird’s name is……(rook)

3. Whose fluff is flying around the city?

In the middle of July there is snowfall.

Passers-by scold him

And it’s the wind’s fault. (poplar)

4. The neck and sides are covered in patches,

He looks down on everyone. (giraffe)

5. Across the sea - the ocean - a miracle - a giant - is swimming,

And he hides his mustache in his mouth. (whale)

6. With a beard, not a bull,

They milk, not the cow,

The bast pulls, but does not weave bast shoes. (goat)

7. Even though he's completely

Not fragile

And hid in the middle -

You will see the core.

Of the fruits, it is the strongest.

It's called.....(nut).

8. It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light

Among vegetables there is no tastier....(tomato).

9. Made everyone around me cry

Although he is not a fighter, he is... (bow).

12th competition “Continue the proverb or sign”

1. A lot of snow…(a lot of bread)

2. Much water...(lots of grass)

3. Swallows fly low above the ground ...(towards the rain)

12th competition “Entertaining puzzles”