Arguments to the environmental problem. Arguments for an essay (USE) in the Russian language

N.V. Gogol - story "Taras Bulba". In this story N.V. Gogol writes about the all-consuming power of feelings over a person. His hero Andriy betrays his homeland, the bonds of camaraderie, his father, his people, having fallen in love with a beautiful Polish woman. Thus, according to the writer, the hero destroyed himself. In the finale, he is killed by his own father, who has not forgiven him for his betrayal.

N.S. Leskov - the story “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District”.

The writer explores the nature of love-passion, which has completely taken possession of the human soul. N. Leskov’s woman, the merchant’s wife Katerina Izmailova, becomes the bearer of this passion. And this passion leads her to crimes and death. For the sake of her lover, she secretly destroys her husband and child. In the finale, she ends up in hard labor, where her lover betrays her. Love-passion is, according to the writer, a destructive element not controlled by reason.

What is the role of childhood in a person’s life? What does the image of a home in our soul contain?

L.N. Tolstoy's story "Childhood". In this work, the writer explores the process of character development. The consciousness of the hero Nikolenka Irtenyev reflected the entire rich spectrum of life experiences: childhood, family, class. Gradually, the hero begins to discover the world around him, people and explore his own soul. Thus, Nikolenka feels her moral separation from her friends and acquaintances. The father's authority collapses: the hero begins to understand that his mother is deprived of his attention. “The tragedy of the ruined life of the master’s faithful slave Natalya Savishna is revealed. The first competition of minds and characters takes place: Nikolenka and his older brother Volodya, Nikolenka and Seryozha Ivnin. Unconscious cruelty is manifested... - pushing around Ilenka Ladder. The main result of childhood is that all things and relationships are in motion, you are not alone in the world.”

I.A. Goncharov - novel “Oblomov”. In this novel, the author deeply explores the nature of his hero, the origins of his character, in the pictures of Oblomov’s childhood. The author gives us these pictures in “Oblomov’s Dream.” We see here a description of nature. Her serenity, calmness is akin to fairy tale. In this place there is no dense forests", the sea, causing sadness, mountains and abysses. But the sky there is “like a parent’s reliable roof”, the sun “shines brightly and hotly around noon and then moves away... as if reluctantly...”. And all the nature there represents “a series of... cheerful, smiling landscapes...”. This Central Russian nature with the leisurely flow of rivers and the serene spirit of the fields influenced Ilya’s gentle character. Next we find a description of the landowner and peasant life. And again here is a kind of idyll: “ Happy people lived, thinking that it shouldn’t and couldn’t be otherwise, confident that everyone else lives exactly the same way and that living differently is a sin...” Oblomovites are hardworking, religious, superstitious, they love listening to fairy tales and solving dreams. The hero's endless memories will forever remain in his memory. winter evenings, a nanny's tales about a wonderful country where rivers of honey and milk flow, where beauties walk and good fellows. It was here, in Oblomovka, in his distant childhood years, that an important trait of his character was formed - poetic daydreaming. Legends and fairy tales, epics and parables determined his consciousness and attitude to life.

Another defining character trait of Oblomov is independence from the world external life, a feeling of inner freedom. That is why service only as a career, secular friends, empty women who are unable to give happiness, turn out to be alien to the hero. “These are all dead people. Sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the world and society! - says Oblomov. He is looking for perfection in this world, “the norm, the ideal of life, which nature indicated as the goal for man.” In his actions and thoughts, Ilya Ilyich is noble, his soul is “pure and clear as glass.”

However, life on the family estate also shaped the negative aspects of Oblomov’s character. So, little Ilyusha grew up active and inquisitive, however best impulses he was stopped. The constant care of parents and nannies did not give the child the opportunity to fully develop. All his attempts to do something on his own were refuted by arguments: “Why? Where? And what about Vaska, and Vanka, and Zakharka?” His studies at the Stolz boarding school proceeded intermittently, and he became indifferent to science. Gradually, laziness, inertia, apathy, and indifference to life developed in the child.

Ilya Ilyich dreams of love and family, but he is not given the opportunity to experience perfect feeling. He breaks up with Olga Ilyinskaya because she cannot give him real happiness. Agafya Pshenitsyna with her character, way of life somewhat close to that female type, which existed in his childhood. And that is why he remains on the Vyborg side, in the house of Agafya Matveevna, she becomes the same Militrisa Kirbitievna about whom the nanny read to him. This is how the fairy tale is embodied in Oblomov’s life. Thus, childhood years, according to the writer, completely determine our character and life scenario.

F. Iskander - book “Reflections of a Writer” (collection of essays and journalism). The author identifies two types of creativity in Russian literature - “home” and “homelessness”. Poets, defenders and organizers of the “home” - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Akhmatova. The authors of “homelessness” are Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tsvetaeva. Thus, Lermontov’s Pechorin destroys Bela’s house, Grushnitsky’s house, being homeless, he himself dies in Persia. Pushkinsky Evgeniy in the poem " Bronze Horseman", on the contrary, defends his right to the house, rebelling against Peter. We find poetry at home in Eugene Onegin and The Captain's Daughter.

Argumentation of your opinion on the chosen problem is one of most important tasks when writing an argumentative essay. Since arguments from the literature are rated higher, it is very important to prepare them in advance. On this page I present a number of arguments on several popular issues.

PROBLEM: Meanness, betrayal, dishonor, envy.

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “The Captain's Daughter”

Shvabrin is a nobleman, but he is dishonest: he takes revenge on Masha Mironova for her refusal, and during a duel with Grinev, he stabs him in the back. The complete loss of ideas about honor and dignity provokes him to betrayal: he goes over to the camp of the rebel Pugachev.

  1. Karamzin “Poor Liza”

Erast, the heroine’s lover, betrayed his feelings for the girl, choosing material well-being

  1. N.V. Gogol, story “Taras Bulba”

Andriy, son of Taras, being captured love feelings, betrays his father, brother, comrades, homeland. Bulba kills his son because he cannot live with such shame

  1. A.S. Pushkin, tragedy "Mozart and Salieri"

The envious Salieri, jealous of the success of the great composer Mozart, poisoned him, although he considered him his friend.

PROBLEM: Worship of rank, servility, servility, opportunism.

1. A.P. Chekhov, story “The Death of an Official”

The official Chervyakov is infected with the spirit of veneration: Having sneezed and splashed the general’s bald head, he was so frightened that after repeated humiliations and requests, he died of fear.

2. A.S. Griboyedov, comedy "Woe from Wit"

Molchalin, negative character comedy, I am sure that you need to please everyone without exception. This will allow you to climb career ladder. Caring for Sophia, Famusov's daughter, he pursues precisely this goal.

PROBLEM: Bribery, embezzlement

  1. N.V. Gogol, comedy "The Inspector General"

The mayor, like all officials county town, - a bribe-taker and embezzler. He is convinced that all issues can be solved with the help of money and the ability to show off.

  1. N.V. Gogol, poem "Dead Souls"

Chichikov, drawing up a bill of sale for the “dead” souls, gives a bribe to the official, after which things move faster.

PROBLEM: Rudeness, ignorance, hypocrisy

  1. A.N. Ostrovsky, drama "The Thunderstorm"

Dikoy is a typical boor who insults everyone around him. Impunity gave rise to complete unbridledness in this man.

  1. DI. Fonvizin, comedy "Minor"

Mrs. Prostakova considers her boorish behavior to be normal, which is why the people around her are “brutes” and “morons.”

  1. A.P. Chekhov, story "Chameleon"

Police warden Ochumelov grovels before those who are above him on the career ladder, and feels like a master of the situation before those who are below. This is reflected in his behavior, which changes depending on the situation.

PROBLEM: The destructive influence of money (material goods) on the human soul, hoarding

  1. A.P. Chekhov, story “Ionych”

Doctor Startsev, a promising and talented doctor in his youth, turns into Ionych’s hoarder. Main passion his life is money, which became the cause of moral decay of the individual.

  1. N.V. Gogol, poem “Dead Souls”

The stingy landowner Plyushkin personifies complete spiritual degradation. The passion for hoarding became the reason for the destruction of all family and friendly ties; Plyushkin himself simply lost his human appearance.

PROBLEM: Vandalism, unconsciousness

  1. I.A. Bunin "Cursed days"

Bunin could not even imagine that the brutality and vandalism brought by the revolution would turn people into a maddened crowd, destroying everything in its path.

  1. D.S. Likhachev, book “On the Good and the Beautiful”

The Russian academician was outraged when he learned that the monument to Bagration’s grave was blown up on the Borodino field. This is a terrible example of vandalism and oblivion.

  1. V. Rasputin, story “Farewell to Matera”

When villages were flooded, not only people’s homes went under water, but also churches and graveyards, which is a terrible example vandalism.

PROBLEM: The role of art

  1. A.T. Tvardovsky, poem “Vasily Terkin”

Front-line soldiers say that soldiers exchanged smoke and bread for clippings from front-line newspapers, where chapters of the poem were published. This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important than food.

Natasha Rostova sings beautifully, at these moments she becomes extraordinary beautiful and people those surrounding her are reaching out to her.

  1. A.I. Kuprin, story “Garnet Bracelet”

Listening to " Moonlight Sonata"Beethoven, Vera experienced, thanks to the hopelessly in love Zheltkov, a feeling similar to catharsis. Music awakened in her empathy, compassion, and a desire to love.

PROBLEM: Love for the Motherland, nostalgia

  1. M.Yu. Lermontov, poem “Motherland”

The lyrical hero loves his homeland as it is, and is ready to go through all the trials with his people.

  1. A. Blok, poem “Russia”

For lyrical hero Blok's love for his homeland is like love for a woman. He believes in the great future of his country.

  1. I.A. Bunin, stories “Clean Monday”, “Antonov Apples”

I.A. Bunin left Russia forever in 1920. A feeling of nostalgia haunted him all his life. The heroes of his stories recall the great past of Russia, which was irretrievably lost: history, culture, traditions.

PROBLEM: Loyalty this word(to debt)

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “Dubrovsky”

Masha, married to an unloved man, refuses to break the oath of fidelity given in the church when Dubrovsky tries to save her.

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “Eugene Onegin”

Tatyana Larina, true to her marital duty and her given word, is forced to refuse Onegin. She became the personification moral strength person.

PROBLEM: Self-sacrifice, compassion, mercy, cruelty, humanism

  1. M.A. Bulgakov, novel “The Master and Margarita”

Margarita, who loves the Master, in spite of everything, is true to her feelings, she is ready for any sacrifice. A woman flies to Woland's ball to save her beloved. There she asks to free the sinner Frida from suffering.

  1. A.I. Solzhenitsyn, story "Matrenin's Dvor"

Matryona lived all her life for people, helping them without asking for anything in return. The author calls her a “truthful woman,” a person who lives according to the laws of God and conscience

  1. L. Andreev, story “Biter”

Having tamed a dog and left it in the winter holiday village, people showed their selfishness, showed how cruel they can be.

The Cossack Gavrila, having lost his son, fell in love with a stranger, an enemy, as if he were his own. Hatred for the “Reds” grew into fatherly love and care.

PROBLEM: Self-education, self-education, self-analysis, self-improvement

  1. I.S. Turgenev, novel “Fathers and Sons”

The nihilist Bazarov believed that “every person must educate himself.” And this is the lot of strong people.

  1. L.N. Tolstoy, trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"

Nikolenka is an autobiographical hero. Like the author himself, he strives for self-improvement and creative self-realization.

  1. M.Yu. Lermontov, novel “Hero of Our Time”

Pechorin talks with himself in his diary, evaluates his actions, analyzes his life, which testifies to the depth of this personality.

  1. L.N. Tolstoy, novel "War and Peace"

The writer showed us the “dialectics of the soul” of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov, told us how difficult a person’s path to truth, justice, and love is. His heroes made mistakes, suffered, suffered, but this is the idea of ​​human self-improvement.

PROBLEM: Courage, heroism, moral duty, patriotism

  1. B. Vasiliev, “And the dawns here are quiet”

The female anti-aircraft gunners, destroying a detachment of saboteurs, died, despite the numerical superiority of the enemy.

  1. B. Polevoy, “The Tale of a Real Man”

Pilot Alesey Maresyev, thanks to fortitude and courage, not only survived after amputation of his legs, but also became a full-fledged person and returned to his squadron.

  1. Vorobyov, story “Killed near Moscow”

The Kremlin cadets, showing courage and heroism, fulfilled their patriotic duty, defending the approaches to Moscow. Lieutenant Yastrebov is the only one left alive.

  1. M. Sholokhov, story “The Fate of a Man”

The hero of the story, Andrei Sokolov, went through the entire war: he fought bravely, was captured, and escaped. He fulfilled his civic duty with honor. The war took his family away from him, but, fortunately, fate gave him a meeting with Vanyushka, who became his son.

  1. V. Bykov “Crane cry”

Vasily Glechik, still just a boy, did not leave his position during the war. The thought of salvation was unacceptable to him. He did not violate the battalion commander’s order, he carried it out at the cost own life, remained faithful to his oath and duty to his homeland.

Nature in the poem is in close connection with people. So, solar eclipse as if warning the army of Prince Igor about the impending danger. After the defeat of the Russians, “the grass withered with pity, and the tree bowed to the ground with grief.” At the moment of Igor's escape from captivity, the woodpeckers, with their knocking, show him the way to the river. The Donets River also helps him, “cherishing the prince on the waves, spreading green grass for him on its silver banks, clothing him with warm mists under the canopy of a green tree.” And Igor thanks Donets, his savior, talking poetically with the river.

K.G. Paustovsky - fairy tale “The Disheveled Sparrow”.

The little girl Masha made friends with the sparrow Pashka. And he helped return to her the glass bouquet stolen by the black man, which her father, who was at the front, had once given to her mother.

How does nature affect human soul? Nature helps us discover ourselves and the world

L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. Nature gives a person hope, helps a person realize his true feelings, understand his own soul. Let us remember the meeting of Prince Andrei with the oak tree. If on the way to Otradnoye this old, dying oak filled his soul only with bitterness, then on the way back the oak with young, green, succulent leaves helps him suddenly realize that life is not over yet, perhaps there is happiness ahead, the fulfillment of his destiny.

Yu. Yakovlev - story “Woke by Nightingales.” Nature awakens the best human qualities in the human soul, creative potential, helps to open up. The hero of the story is a kind of crazy, difficult child, whom adults did not like and did not take seriously. His nickname is Seluzhenok. But then one night he heard the singing of a nightingale, and he wanted to portray this nightingale. He sculpts it from plasticine, and then enrolls in art studio. Interest appears in his life, adults change their attitude towards him.

Yu. Nagibin - story “Winter Oak”. Nature helps man make many discoveries. Against the backdrop of nature, we become more aware of our own feelings, as well as in a new way We look at the people around us. This happened with the heroine of Nagibin’s story, teacher Anna Vasilyevna. Having ended up with Savushkin in winter forest, she took a fresh look at this boy, discovered qualities in him that she had not noticed before: closeness to nature, spontaneity, nobility.

What feelings does the beauty of Russian nature awaken in our souls? Love for Russian nature - love for the Motherland

S.A. Yesenin - poems “About arable lands, arable lands, arable lands...”, “The feather grass is sleeping, the dear plain...”, “Rus”. The theme of nature in Yesenin’s work inextricably merges with the theme small homeland, Russian village. Thus, the poet’s early poems, filled with Christian images and details of peasant life, recreate a picture of life Orthodox Rus'. Here the poor Kaliki pass through the villages, here the wanderer Mikola appears on the roads, here the sexton remembers the dead. Each of these scenes is framed by a modest, unpretentious landscape. And right up to last days Yesenin remains faithful to his ideal, remaining the poet of the “golden log hut.” Admiration for the beauty of Russian nature merges in his poems with love for Russia.

N.M. Rubtsov - poems “I will gallop over the hills of the slumbering Fatherland...”, “My Quiet Homeland”, “Star of the Fields”, “Birches”. In the poem “Visions on the Hill,” N. Rubtsov refers to the historical past of the Motherland and traces the connection of times, finding echoes of this past in the present. The times of Batu are long gone, but Rus' of all times has its “Tatars and Mongols.” The image of the Motherland, the feelings of the lyrical hero, the beauty of Russian nature, the inviolability of folk foundations and the strength of spirit of the Russian people is the good beginning that is contrasted in the poem with the image of evil in the past and present. In the poem “My Quiet Motherland,” the poet creates an image native village: huts, willows, river, nightingales, old church, graveyard. For Rubtsov, the star of the fields becomes a symbol of all of Russia, a symbol of happiness. It is this image, and perhaps even Russian birches, that the poet associates with the Motherland.

K.G. Paustovsky - story “Ilyinsky Whirlpool”. The author talks about his attachment to one of the small towns in Russia - the Ilyinsky Whirlpool. Such places, according to the author, carry something sacred within them; they fill the soul with spiritual ease and reverence for beauty native land. This is how a feeling of Motherland arises in a person - out of little love

  • Heartlessness manifests itself even towards very close people
  • The thirst for profit often leads to heartlessness and dishonorable acts.
  • A person’s spiritual callousness complicates his life in society
  • The reasons for a heartless attitude towards others lie in upbringing
  • The problem of heartlessness and mental callousness may be characteristic not only to an individual, but also to society as a whole
  • Difficult life circumstances can make a person heartless
  • Often, spiritual callousness manifests itself in relation to moral, worthy people
  • A person admits that he was heartless when nothing can be changed
  • Mental callousness does not make a person truly happy
  • The consequences of a callous attitude towards people are often irreversible


A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”. The conflict between Andrei Dubrovsky and Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov ended tragically due to the callousness and heartlessness on the part of the latter. The words spoken by Dubrovsky, although they were offensive to Troekurov, were certainly not worth the abuse, dishonest trial and death of the hero. Kirill Petrovich did not spare his friend, although in the past they had a lot of good things in common. The landowner was driven by heartlessness and a desire for revenge, which led to the death of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. The consequences of what happened were terrible: officials burned, people were left without their real master, Vladimir Dubrovsky became a robber. The manifestation of the spiritual callousness of just one person made the lives of many people miserable.

A.S. Pushkin “The Queen of Spades”. Hermann, the protagonist of the work, is driven to act heartlessly by the desire to get rich. To achieve his goal, he presents himself as an admirer of Lizaveta, although in fact he does not have feelings for her. He gives the girl false hopes. Penetrating into the countess's house with the help of Lizaveta, Hermann asks the old woman to tell him the secret of the three cards, and after her refusal, he takes out an unloaded pistol. Graphia, very frightened, dies. The deceased old woman comes to him a few days later and reveals the secret on the condition that Hermann will not play more than one card per day, in the future will not play at all and will marry Lizaveta. But the hero does not have a happy future: his heartless actions serve as a reason for retribution. After two wins, Hermann loses, which causes him to go crazy.

M. Gorky “At the Bottom”. Vasilisa Kostyleva does not feel any feelings for her husband except hatred and complete indifference. Wanting to inherit at least a small fortune, she very easily decides to persuade the thief Vaska Pepel to kill her husband. It's hard to imagine how heartless a person would have to be to come up with such a plan. The fact that Vasilisa was not married out of love does not in the least justify her action. A person must remain a person in any situation.

I.A. Bunin “Mr. from San Francisco”. The theme of the death of human civilization is one of the main ones in this work. The manifestation of the spiritual degradation of people lies, among other things, in their spiritual callousness, heartlessness, and indifference towards each other. Sudden death The gentleman from San Francisco evokes not compassion, but disgust. During his life, he is loved for his money, and after his death, they heartlessly put him in the worst room, so as not to spoil the reputation of the establishment. They cannot even make a normal coffin for a person who dies in a foreign country. People have lost true spiritual values, which have been replaced by a thirst for material gain.

K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram”. A life full of activities and events captivates Nastya so much that she forgets about the only person truly close to her - her old mother Katerina Petrovna. The girl, receiving letters from her, is glad that her mother is alive, but does not think about anything else. Nastya doesn’t even read the telegram from Tikhon about Katerina Petrovna’s poor condition right away: at first she doesn’t understand at all who she’s talking about. we're talking about. Later, the girl realizes how heartless her attitude towards to a loved one. Nastya goes to Katerina Petrovna, but does not find her alive. She feels guilty before her mother, who loved her so much.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matrenin’s Dvor”. Matryona is a person you rarely meet. Without thinking about herself, she never refused to help strangers and treated everyone with kindness and compassion. People didn't answer her in kind. After tragic death Matryona Thaddeus thought only about how to win back part of the hut. Almost all relatives came to cry over the woman’s coffin only as an obligation. They did not remember Matryona during her lifetime, but after her death they began to lay claim to the inheritance. This situation shows how callous and indifferent human souls have become.

F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. Rodion Raskolnikov's heartlessness was expressed by his desire to test his terrible theory. Having killed the old pawnbroker, he tried to find out who he belonged to: “trembling creatures” or “those with the right.” The hero failed to maintain composure, to accept what he did as right, which means that he is not characterized by absolute spiritual callousness. The spiritual resurrection of Rodion Raskolnikov confirms that a person has a chance for correction.

Y. Yakovlev “He killed my dog.” The boy, showing compassion and mercy, brings a stray dog ​​into his apartment. His father doesn’t like this: the man demands that the animal be thrown back onto the street. The hero cannot do this, because “she was already kicked out.” The father, acting completely indifferent and indifferent, calls the dog to him and shoots him in the ear. The child cannot understand why an innocent animal was killed. Together with the dog, the father kills the child’s faith in the justice of this world.

ON THE. Nekrasov “Reflections at the front entrance.” The poem depicts harsh reality that time. The life of ordinary men and officials who spend their lives only in pleasure are contrasted. High-ranking people are heartless because they are indifferent to problems ordinary people. And for common man An official's solution to even the most insignificant issue can be a salvation.

V. Zheleznikov “Scarecrow”. Lena Bessoltseva voluntarily took responsibility for a very bad act to which she had nothing to do. Because of this, she was forced to endure humiliation and bullying from her classmates. One of the most difficult tests for the girl was loneliness, because being an outcast is difficult at any age, and even more so in childhood. The boy who actually committed this act did not have the courage to confess. Two classmates who learned the truth also decided not to interfere in the situation. The indifference and heartlessness of those around him made the man suffer.

M.M. Prishvin is known for his philosophical views which are reflected in the writer’s diaries, stories, and novellas. In his work, the writer raises important environmental issues. According to Prishvin, the origins of the environmental crisis are directly related to the spiritual crisis. This is why the author devotes Special attention nurturing the soul of a child. Prishvin spiritualizes nature, reminding everyone that she is a living organism, she is capable of feeling, breathing, crying, being upset, frowning and rejoicing. The technique of personification helps the child find an interlocutor, comrade, and friend in every inhabitant of nature.

In the story “The Forest Master,” a tree dies due to a cynical attitude toward nature—arson. The writer reflects on the fact that one misfortune leads to another. A fire from one tree can spread to the entire forest. This is an unreasonable, careless attitude towards nature. Prishvin calls the boy-arsonist a “pest” and a “robber.” At the end of the story, the author shows that any careless act, rash action can lead to environmental disaster: “...if that man had not come and extinguished the fire, the whole forest would have burned from this tree. If only we could have seen it then!” The narrator not only saved the forest from a fire, but also showed the children the beauty and fragility of nature.

2. V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”

The characters in V. Rasputin's story are aware of their responsibility to the departed for the continuation of life. In their opinion, the Earth was given to man “to maintain”: it must be protected, preserved for posterity. In the dialogue between Andrei and Daria, the grandson tries to convince his grandmother that “man is the king of nature.” And Daria answers him: “That’s it, king.” He will reign, he will reign, and he will tan.” “Man must be in unity with nature, with the Cosmos,” the writer is convinced. Civilization can never prevail over what was created before it. That is why at the end of the story we see mighty foliage that will protect the island until it is flooded. The tree did not succumb to man, retaining its dominant principle.

Speaking about environmental problems, one cannot fail to mention culturally man to nature. One of bright examples, showing the influence of the “king of nature” on the surrounding world, is the episode of the extermination of foliage in V. Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera”. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Matera have treated the natural world with respect and fear. They believe that the mighty “royal foliage” is the tree that anchors the island to the river bottom. Legend says that “as long as the foliage lasts, Matera will last.” A team of workers clearing the area of ​​vegetation and buildings before flooding is puzzled by the fact that they cannot destroy a century-old tree. Neither an ax, nor fire, nor a chainsaw can take him. The rebellious foliage becomes a silent witness to the burning of the mother's forests: he “alone... continued to rule over everything around.” V. Rasputin bitterly says that a person is short-sighted in his actions aimed at bringing to life grandiose plans. In a world where the connection between generations is lost, where there is no respect for nature, there can be neither harmony nor happiness.

3. E. I. Nosov “Doll”

The story “Doll” begins with a description of a river familiar to the narrator. At first she appears as I remember her main character, and a little later we see what she became a few years later. “The channel narrowed, many unfamiliar shoals and spits appeared.” The old-timer Akimych, who loved fishing, sadly brushes aside the questions. The disastrous state of the river, as well as surrounding nature in general, he sees that people have stopped noticing beauty, are “doing bad things,” and have become hardened in soul. Pointing the narrator to a doll that is lying in roadside ditch, Akimych draws attention to the fact that, apparently, it was not children who stripped the toy and tried to set it on fire. And the kids see a torn doll and “get used to such sacrilege.” What strikes the old man most is that the teachers, called upon to educate the younger generation, silently pass by. Thus, E.I. Nosov leads us to the idea that in people with early age we need to cultivate sensitivity, careful attitude to nature, to all living things, so that in the future they will not be deaf to and blind to what is happening around them.

  • Updated: May 31, 2016
  • By: Mironova Marina Viktorovna