Still in the fields. Fyodor Tyutchev - Spring Waters: Verse

The poem "Spring Waters" was written in 1830, during Tyutchev's stay in Germany. As it turned out later, the author noticed that spring in Europe is not very different from Russian. The main theme of the poem is a description of spring.

The story is presented in two parts. The first part contains a description of the still sleeping earth. Since we are talking about early spring, the earth is not yet fully adapted to heat, because the nights are cold. Among the main signs of the onset of spring, the author emphasized the appearance of spring streams. The second part of the poem tells about the coming days of May. Tyutchev believes that May days are the warmest. The very expectation of warmth awakens inspiration and new feelings, both in nature and in the lyrical hero. Consists of three stanzas. Tyutchev brought dynamics to the work and showed the continuous movement of nature.

Tyutchev, with the help of repetitions, showed the movement of nature, and with the help of direct speech, he animated the streams. There is also a philosophical subtext, because spring is the time when feelings come to life and the expectation of a miracle appears. The author, through an appeal to nature, shows the human soul, its experiences and wanderings.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Spring Waters”

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev belongs to the category of those poets who especially subtly feel their connection with nature, notice the smallest changes in it and reflect all this in their poems. His poems are filled with the sound of the wind, the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves, the ringing overflow of spring water, the howling of blizzards. The poet was so sensitive and receptive that he could easily depict any changes in nature in words; this is also shown by analyzes of Tyutchev’s poems.

Landscape lyrics occupy a special place in the author’s work; this is not surprising, because not everyone can love the world around them as much as Tyutchev loved. A striking example of the poet’s talent to convey amazing landscapes in words is the poem “Spring Waters.” An analysis of Tyutchev's poem shows how subtly he feels the changes in nature with the onset of spring.

Fyodor Ivanovich said more than once that he loved winter very much, but this did not stop him from describing the arrival of spring so picturesquely. The work was written during the poet’s trip to Germany, and although he was impressed by a foreign land and not his homeland, the poem still conveyed a charming spring mood, because this time of year evokes similar associations all over the world.

An analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Spring Waters” shows how accurately the poet conveys the atmosphere of early spring. There is no doubt that it depicts March, because there is still snow on the fields, at night winter gets angry and plays pranks, but during the day the warm sun warms it up. Under its rays, the snow melts and turns into cheerful streams, notifying everyone of the arrival of spring. An analysis of Tyutchev's poem shows how successfully the poet used the technique of alliteration to make his work more lively and eventful.

The author talks about the approach of spring, but he knows this capricious time of year very well, as an analysis of Tyutchev’s poem shows, so he clarifies that truly warm days will come only in May. In the first part of the work, the poet uses a large number of verbs that denote action, the rapid development of events. The second part contains more adjectives that characterize the time of year itself.

An analysis of Tyutchev's poem shows that the author in his work uses the technique of identifying inanimate objects and natural phenomena with living beings. So, he compares spring with a young girl, and the days of May with cheerful and rosy children. The use of metaphors allows us to associate spring weather with human mood. A clean and renewed time is coming; after winter hibernation, not only nature awakens, but also hope for a new life, happy events, joyful and exciting feelings arises.

At the same time, the author, as if from the outside, observes the renewal of nature. His youth is already gone irrevocably and he can only watch and admire the eternally young spring, which is in a hurry to replace winter and become a full-fledged mistress. Spring transforms the world around us, making it beautiful and clean. This time is associated with youth, carelessness, purity and new life. Streams of melted snow are messengers, notifying not only of the arrival of warmth, but also of the changes taking place in the soul of every person.

The main theme of the poem is the description of early spring, when “the snow is still white in the fields,” the time of nature’s awakening from winter sleep. Compositionally, the poem consists of two parts. The first part of the poem is devoted to the description of the land that has not yet awakened (“sleepy shore”). At night, winter still rules the earth thoroughly, but during the day the warm sun warms the earth, awakening the harbingers of spring - streams. Among the many signs of spring, Tyutchev chose one, its most characteristic feature - spring streams, which run like messengers, notifying with their joyful song everything in their path about the arrival of the long-awaited warmth. The second part of the poem is dedicated to waiting for the days of May, because real spring comes precisely in the “warm days of May.” The anticipation of spring gives rise to inspiration and fills both nature and the hero with vitality.

The poem, which belongs to landscape lyricism, consists of three stanza-quatrains written in iambic tetrameter with cross rhyme.

The work is filled with dynamics: Tyutchev depicts the state of nature as continuous movement. The movement is conveyed through repetitions of words (spring, coming, running, saying) and the richness of the sketch with verbs (they are making noise, running and waking up, running and shining, saying). The poet also uses repetitions and direct speech (“Spring is coming, spring is coming! // We are messengers of the young spring, // She sent us ahead!”) to animate the spring streams, identifying natural phenomena with man. These techniques give special expressiveness to the poem.

Tyutchev's extraordinary artistic vigilance and his special poetic sensitivity in the selection of expressive means created a vivid image of spring. The poet uses a varied palette of tropes: epithets (“ruddy, bright round dance”, “young spring”, “quiet, warm May days”), metaphors (round dance of days, sleepy breg), personification (“spring is coming”, “they say”) , repetitions, allegory. The alliteration w, s helps to “hear” running streams of water, and the alliteration of the sonorous sounds b, bl, gl emphasizes the swiftness of the onset of spring. The feeling of the imminent victory of spring is also conveyed by increasing intonation at the end of lines and the use of three exclamation marks in 12 lines of the poem.

Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Waters"

The poem “Spring Waters” can be attributed to Tyutchev’s landscape lyrics. It was written in 1830. This work describes the wonderful period of early spring, the awakening of nature from winter sleep, the onset of joyful spring days
Reading the poem, you really feel the spring atmosphere. You can feel the smell of melted snow in the air, the singing of birds is heard around you, the sun melts the winter cold, filling your soul with enthusiastic excitement and joy.

The poem can be divided into two parts based on the mood of the author at the beginning and end of the work. In the first part, the earth is still in a sleepy state - it “has not woken up yet,” but water rushes to the aid of spring, waking it up and saying: “Spring is coming”! The author draws two plans - land and water.

In the first part we hear the sound of water, rapid movement, which causes wild joy. The repetition of the consonant sound (b) (alliteration) and the hissing sound (sh), in the word noise, helps to convey the beginning movement of water. F. Tyutchev uses many verbs (they make noise, run, say). These verbs allow you to hear the rhythm of the work and feel the movement and noise of spring water, the coming spring. The author added an ellipsis at the end of the first sentence. Probably, the poet wants to say a lot more about spring water.

The second part of the poem is the anticipation of the May days.

The artist gives spring the features of a young girl. The days of May are personified with small children who dance in circles and have rosy cheeks.

In F. Tyutchev's poem, winter and spring are personified. “It’s not for nothing that Winter is angry,” Winter is an “evil witch,” she’s furious, angry, fussing, grumbling at Spring, throwing snow at her. Spring, a “beautiful child,” knocks on the window, drives Winter out of the yard and laughs in her eyes. In the poem, the change of seasons is interpreted in accordance with folk poetic ideas as a struggle between two enemies.

“Spring Waters”, analysis of Tyutchev’s poem

F. Tyutchev wrote the poem “Spring Waters” in 1830, during his stay in Germany. The poet himself noted that spring in Europe is almost no different from Russian.

Main theme The poem is a description of early spring, when “the snow is still white in the fields,” the time of nature’s awakening from winter sleep. Compositionally the poem consists of two parts. The first part of the poem is devoted to the description of the earth that has not yet awakened ( "sleepy breg"). At night, winter still rules the earth thoroughly, but during the day the warm sun warms the earth, awakening the harbingers of spring - streams. Among the many signs of spring, Tyutchev chose one, its most characteristic feature - spring streams, which run like messengers, notifying with their joyful song everything in their path about the arrival of the long-awaited warmth. The second part of the poem is dedicated to waiting for the days of May, because real spring comes precisely in "warm May days". The anticipation of spring gives rise to inspiration and fills both nature and the hero with vitality.

A poem related to landscape lyrics. consists of three stanza-quatrains written in tetrameter iambic with cross rhyme.

The work is filled with dynamics: Tyutchev depicts the state of nature as continuous movement. Movement is conveyed using repetitions of words ( spring, coming, running, saying) and the saturation of the sketch with verbs ( they make noise, they run and wake up, they run and shine, they say). The poet also uses repetitions and direct speech ( “Spring is coming, spring is coming! //We are messengers of the young spring, //She sent us forward!”) to animate spring streams, identifying natural phenomena with humans. These techniques give special expressiveness to the poem.

Tyutchev's extraordinary artistic vigilance and his special poetic sensitivity in the selection of expressive means created a vivid image of spring. The poet uses a variety of palette of tropes. epithets ( "Ruddy, bright round dance". "young spring". "quiet, warm May days"), metaphors ( round dance of days, sleepy breg), impersonations ( "Spring is coming". "they say"), repetitions, allegory. The alliteration w, s helps to “hear” running streams of water, and the alliteration of the sonorous sounds b, bl, gl emphasizes the swiftness of the onset of spring. The feeling of the imminent victory of spring is also conveyed through the increase in intonation at the end of the lines and the use of three exclamation marks in the 12 lines of the poem.

The work also has a philosophical overtone: in the soul of every person there is a time of spring, when hopes like the spring wind come to life in the heart, bringing the joy of renewal and the expectation of happiness. Tyutchev, through an appeal to nature, reveals in his poem the world of the human soul, its aspirations and experiences.

The genre of this lyrical work is a simple poem. The theme of the poem is spring, its quick and long-awaited arrival after a harsh winter. The author describes how spring waters rush to quickly notify the entire living world about the approach of the bright beauty of spring, they want everyone else to share their joy.

The poem is permeated with a cheerful, sunny mood. Tyutchev literally “infects” us with this happy expectation of the awakening of nature. It seems that we ourselves are ready to rush briskly, like these waters, rivers, streams and delight everyone with spring news.

The work is constructed simply, it consists of three quatrains that cannot be divided by meaning, they form a single, continuous story about the “messengers of spring.”

The poem sounds beautiful and harmonious. The rhythm is clear, fast, cheerful, it helps to convey the “friendly” mood of “spring waters”, speaking smoothly and in unison.

The poet, in order to fully reveal the theme and mood of the poem, uses various techniques. For example, epithets: “young spring”, “quiet, warm days”, “ruddy, bright round dance”. There is also personification here: the waters are running, waking up, saying, spring is coming, she has sent messengers. There are also repetitions in the poem: “They run and wake up the sleepy shore, They run and shine...”, “Spring is coming, spring is coming...”. All these techniques help the author to convey thoughts and feelings very accurately.

The main idea of ​​the poem is the readiness of all living nature to look forward to spring, despite the still whitening snows, and this suggests that a person should also be able to expect good things in his life, despite the harsh days.

The poem evoked a lot of positive emotions in me; it’s as if you are actually immersed in this pre-spring world and are waiting for warm, “ruddy” days.

Listen to Tyutchev's poem Spring Waters

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Picture for the essay analysis of the poem Spring Waters

Picture or drawing Spring waters

Landscape poetry occupies an important place in Tyutchev’s work. Nature is a diverse image, but observing its features always evokes the need for philosophical understanding. There is a place in it for the manifestation of romantic dual worlds and at the same time for the reunification of abysses, since immortal patterns are visible in the sketches of her instantaneous states. Like a rainbow, it imperceptibly connects the poles. The artist's sensitive perception reveals beauty, soul, and family closeness in her. Its riddle continues to occupy the poet until the end of his life (“Nature is a sphinx. And that makes it more true...” - 1869).

In the poem “Spring Waters” (Tyutchev), the analysis of which interests us, the lyrical hero peers into the landscape of early spring, when there is still snow in the field, but noisy streams appear on the melted hillocks. They are called spring waters. Their noise resembles the cries of heralds (from German “herald”) calling for a holiday. The arrival of spring is associated with a solemn procession, ahead of which messengers run. They awaken nature, shine with their attire, and most importantly, “they spread the word.”

In the very first definitions and actions, the intersection of the objective and figurative planes is noticeable: the beach is “sleepy” before the holiday, but also due to the fact that it is still empty, there are no living creatures or people on it, the waters “shine” like richly dressed knightly messengers , and at the same time the melted water glistens.

In the image of spring, one can see not only the real landscape basis, but also a metaphor that allows one to give it a sublime meaning and emphasize its significance. The beginning of a new annual cycle in the life of nature for the lyrical hero becomes a manifestation of the divine principle. It fills his soul with admiration for the magic of rebirth. Spring appears as a fabulous young princess, as if emerging from a fairy tale about the sleeping beauty, awakened by the kiss of a handsome prince (Perrault C. “The Sleeping Beauty”, 1697), which was reminiscent of the denouement of the romantic conflict in the ballad of V.A. Zhukovsky “Twelve Sleeping Virgins” (1810-1817) and the poem by A.S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1820). In the second quatrain, the messengers sent forward by her divulge life-affirming news:

“Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!”

Two exclamations in the speech of the heralds convey a feeling of triumph and celebration.

In the third stanza, the news is repeated by the lyrical hero (the exclamation is placed in the text without quotation marks). It evokes similar feelings in him, which are also expressed with an exclamation mark:

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

Following this exclamation, which, thanks to the two-syllable words that make up the foot in iambic tetrameter, emphasizes the distinctness of the marching rhythm, follows the observation of the retinue of spring. It completes two stanzas in which, in connection with the enumeration, the intonation was rising (the waters rustle, run and wake, run and shine and shout, shout to all ends: “Spring is coming...”). The metaphor “spring leads the way” is presented as a description of a festive round dance:

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, bright round dance

The crowd cheerfully follows her.

The motive of movement conveys the idea of ​​the eternal rebirth of life after a period of winter sleep. The lifeless snowy pallor is replaced by a “ruddy” color, the cold of winter is replaced by warm days, sleep is replaced by fun. Considering the sound details of the analyzed poem “Spring Waters” by Tyutchev, one can determine what dominates the perception of nature: the sound of spring waters (they make noise, wake up, say) is the threshold of silence (quiet, warm May days), harmony. The lyrical hero is close to the bright, joyful moods (a bright round dance, the crowd is cheerful), caused by the approach of spring. Both in the landscape and at the level of subjective sensation, the rightness of life is glorified, which brings a philosophical shade to the creation of a picture of nature. The combination of landscape and philosophical plans is a characteristic feature of Tyutchev’s lyrics.

Nature evokes in the lyrical hero of his poetry not the need to reason, but excitement, the awakening of feelings, fantasy, and creative aspirations. He feels like a part of it, peering into its secrets from the inside. At the center of the poems are images glorifying her beauty. Observation is associated with elevation, the intention to bring the happy experience closer to the reader, turning him into a participant in the unfolding action, similar to a performance.

Tyutchev wrote the poem “Spring Waters” during a trip abroad. He remembered his Motherland, and his feelings for it resulted in beautiful poetic lines. A brief analysis of “Spring Waters” according to plan contains all the necessary information about this work. It can be used in a literature lesson in 5th grade as the main material.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- this work was written in 1830 in Germany, where Tyutchev met spring and was amazed at how similar everything was to his native Russia.

Subject– the awakening of nature with the arrival of spring.

Composition– all three stanzas are united by a common idea, a one-part composition with a consistently developing narrative.

Genre- landscape lyrics.

Poetic size- iambic tetrameter with cross rhyme.

Epithets“sleepy shore”, “young Spring”, “quiet, warm May days”, “ruddy, bright round dance”.

Metaphors – “The waters are already rustling in the spring,” “the waters are the messengers of spring.”

Personifications“the waters are running”, “spring is coming”, “the days are crowding”.

History of creation

Tyutchev traveled abroad quite often, but a long stay outside his homeland always made him sad. In 1830 he was in Germany, where he met the first days of spring. Severely missing Russia, he finds solace in the similarities that the European and Russian spring have. He dedicates the poem “Spring Waters” to this time of year.

Possessing the ability to subtly feel nature and notice the slightest changes that occur to it, the poet created a real poetic picture in which the change of seasons appears in all its pristineness. The ability to express in words everything that the water and wind whisper about allowed Tyutchev to create a real masterpiece. Despite the fact that he loved winter very much and always parted with it with sadness, the poet could not resist the youthful pressure of spring.

The work was first published two years after it was written - in 1832 in the magazine “Telescope”.


The main idea of ​​the verse is the awakening of nature with the arrival of spring, which everyone rejoices at. Describing the processes taking place in the surrounding world, Tyutchev vigilantly notices all the signs heralding the arrival of spring days. So, despite the fact that there is still snow in the fields, it quickly turns into water, spreading in stormy streams. Melt water is the very first song of spring, to which everyone and everything awakens from winter drowsiness. Very soon the young spring will come and finally drive away the cold until next winter.

The main idea of ​​the work is that the mere premonition of spring, the premonition of warmth and renewal, evokes joy in a person’s heart.


The poem consists of three stanzas and has a one-part composition.

In the first stanza, the poet shows a picture of the awakening of nature, the first sign of which is the melting of snow. It still lies in the fields, but has already begun to melt - and gather in streams, which show people that they won’t have long to wait for warmth. They bring hope and joy to the whole world, awakening human souls as well.

In the second stanza, the image of streams is created as the heralds of spring - she sent them forward so that everyone would hear the good news of her imminent arrival. The lyrical hero hears their voices and rejoices at how loudly they talk about the upcoming time of revival.

And the third stanza is a very vivid premonition that the cold will soon be replaced by May with its beautiful warm days. And there will be many of these days - they “crowd” behind the spring in a whole round dance.

Spring is inherently restless, like youth, it is always restlessness, which causes delight and at the same time slight sadness in mature people who understand that they will never again rush headlong like this simply from the happiness of living.


It is not difficult to determine the genre of this work, since it is a wonderful example of landscape lyricism, which Tyutchev loved so much.

Using a poetic meter such as iambic tetrameter, the poet conveys the feeling of movement, the murmur of water, and joyful emotions that are literally visible in the air. Cross rhyme helps to enhance these sensations.

Means of expression

The work is very dynamic, which is achieved by using many verbs that describe the running of spring waters, swift and unstoppable. Tyutchev uses fairly classical means of expression:

  • Epithets- “sleepy shore”, “young Spring”, “quiet, warm May days”, “ruddy, bright round dance”.
  • Metaphors- “the waters are already rustling in the spring,” “the waters are the messengers of spring.”
  • Personifications- “the waters are running”, “spring is coming”, “the days are crowding”.

Metaphors are very expressive, and epithets are as precise as possible, used not for poetic “beauties”, but as verbal “strokes” on the canvas. The comparison between nature and the human world achieved through personification is also very accurate.

F.I. Tyutchev is the author of many poems, but is better known for his works in which he described nature. One of the most famous collections of lyric poems was written during his work in Munich, where he lived and worked, but was very homesick.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote his poem “Spring Waters” in 1829, while in Germany. In early spring, he watched nature, noted how spring came to earth and wrote down all his observations in a poem. The style of the work is landscape lyricism; it was this method of writing that the author often used when creating his poems. The poem is written in iambic tetrameter and is easy to remember, so it was introduced into the school curriculum for junior grades. After all, even a very young person will be able to feel all the beauty and harmony of nature.

What is this work about, about nature, about the awakening of all living things from winter sleep. Although the snow still lies somewhere there in the fields, the ringing streams ran to tell everyone the good news about the arrival of spring on earth. With their loud, joyful cries, the streams wake up the entire sleeping area. They run, splash water, behave like children, disobedient and broken free. Nothing can stop these streams. And it seems that the beautiful spring itself, in the form of a young girl, is about to appear following the streams. And the May days, the guys, in bright painted shirts, having missed the spring girl ahead, stand with a timid look and wait for their turn. A little more time will pass, and the days of May will swirl everyone in a merry round dance. The poem is literally permeated with joy, gaiety and youthful enthusiasm.

F.I. Tyutchev wrote many poems dedicated to nature. And “spring waters” is one of the most famous and memorable. The author seems to have brought to life the main characters of his work. It would seem how water can say something, but in the poem the water streams scream, talk about the change of season, about the joy that has come to the earth. The author uses colorful epithets and descriptions in his writing. So, for example, only Tyutchev was able to give streams the role of messengers, spring the image of a young maiden, May days are represented by a group of rosy, cheerful youth. The beauty of nature, still sleepy after winter, the sounds of water, snow and the feeling of the arrival of spring are the main theme of the poem.

How does the reader feel when he gets acquainted with the work “Spring Waters”. This is definitely joy, a feeling of anticipation for the arrival of something new and fun. It seems that a little more and the author himself will fall off after the streams. After reading the poem, the reader receives a charge of positive emotions, joy and a feeling of flight. The living power of a poem helps you look at the world in a new, more positive way.

In the poem, the author used such methods of expression as metaphor, personification, and repetition. All this helped make the work quite bright, dynamic, lively and positive. The description of the ongoing changes in nature can be compared with the awakening of the human soul, the onset of spring in the hearts of people.

(Illustration: Gennady Tselishchev)

Analysis of the poem "Spring Waters"

Messengers of spring

In his work, F. I. Tyutchev devoted many works to the description of nature, where he mainly depicted its dynamics, movement and variability. Almost all of his poems convey changes in nature: the change of bright colors of autumn, spring revival, the approach of a thunderstorm. The poem “Spring Waters,” which he wrote in 1830, can be classified as landscape poetry. It describes the period of early spring when:

The snow is still white in the fields

However, this is all that can remind us of the former power of winter, which covered the entire earth with a thick layer of snow to protect it from severe frost. But its hour has already struck, and spring has already fully come into its own:

And the waters are already noisy in the spring.

And all nature wakes up from the rapid flow of spring waters. With brilliance, sparkling and shimmering under the gentle spring sun, they run without getting tired:

They run and wake up the sleepy breg

They run and shine and shout...

Spring waters are the first harbingers of the final arrival of spring. The author shows this moment very vividly, dynamically, using movements and frequent repetitions of key words to enhance the significance. The next few lines, reflecting the mood of running spring waters, are the culmination of the verse; they are the most filled with significance, strength and energy:

“Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!”

And certainly, after such a stormy flow of spring waters, the warm May that most people dream of will come, after a long winter hibernation. The joy of the arrival of spring is reborn in the poem into the delight of the eve of the May days:

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, bright round dance

The crowd cheerfully follows her.

Tyutchev’s poem “Spring Waters” is filled with dynamics and movement. In it, the author conveys the state of nature not with a landscape, but with a scene - in action. The arrival of spring crowns the “ruddy, bright round dance” of “warm May days”, which the author himself is looking forward to. And this expectation inspires and fills us with strength even more, like a long anticipation of something very desired. It is the stormy spring waters and the subsequent warmth and fresh greenery that are the most vivid image of spring.