Physical education and patriotic entertainment with children of the preparatory group. Lesson about heroes


V preparatory group.




1. Education of masculinity in boys.

2. Consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales and the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.


Asnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan Tsarevich at gray wolf", A. Bubnova "Morning on the Kulikovo Field", portraits of WWII heroes.


Vocabulary work: guide, excursionists, heroes, knight, outpost, blade, order, tunic, machine gun, Hero Soviet Union.



Today we will go on an excursion to art gallery. The theme of the excursion is “Heroes of the Russian Land.” Like a real museum, we will have several halls. I will be the guide, and you, the tourists, will help me. And here is our first room. Paintings by V. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “Heroes”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, and A. Bubnov “Morning on the Kulikovo Field” are exhibited.

Music sounds quietly, bells ring.


Bogatyrs are an ancient word. What does it mean?


A hero is a strong, brave, successful warrior, happy in battle.


What else were the heroes called?



Look carefully at these pictures and tell me which of the heroes you recognize?


Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.


What picture are they all shown in?




Who painted this picture?




Three horsemen stopped in a field. The hot horses froze under them, as if they sensed danger in the steppe. The heroes turned their heads. They anticipate a battle. Children, describe Ilya Muromets, what is his face like, what is he like? What do you know about his character and origin?


Ilya Muromets - peasant son. He is no longer young, he is kind. Strong, calm, reasonable, sedate, smart. He defeated the Nightingale the Robber, Miracle Yudo. He served not for wealth, not for glory, he defended the Russian Land and the people.


What is the name of the second hero?




What does this name mean?


Dobrynya is kind, people loved him.


Who can tell about this hero?


Children's answers.


I will add to your answers. The fame of Dobrynya spread far and wide: he was stately, and tall, and literate, and brave in battle, and cheerful at the feast. Dobrynya will compose a song, and play the harp, and smart word will say. And Dobrynya’s disposition is calm and affectionate. He will not scold anyone, he will not offend anyone in vain. No wonder they called him Dobrynya.

IN glorious city Alyosha grew up in Rostov, nicknamed Popovich. From an early age he held a spear, shot a bow, and tamed horses. His senior comrades took him to the outpost to teach him military service so that he would become a hero. How do you see Alyosha Popovich?


Strong, handsome, thoughtful, loves to play the harp.


How are the heroes worth?


Side by side, they are friendly, shoulder to shoulder, they will not leave each other in trouble. The enemy cannot get through the heroic outpost.


When there is such protection, the people feel strong, the defense is reliable.

In the painting, the artist glorified the invincible Russian people. Vasnetsov said: “We did not spare ourselves, we fought and will fight for the independence of our land. Russian people are never afraid of what the future promises them. And today the people glorify their defenders. Glory to the heroes of the Russian Land!”

Let's move on to the next room. What do you see here?


Portraits of men, military.


These guys are the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Let's look at some portraits.

Portraits of WWII heroes are displayed, not necessarily mentioned, but can be chosen by the teacher.


Here is a portrait of Boris Ivanovich Sizov. What can you tell us about him?


Strong, brave, courageous, young. He is wearing a tunic with shoulder straps and an order, and he has a blade in his hand.


Pay attention to his face - how courageous it is, he has bold eyes, a decisive look, he seems to be calling his comrades into battle.

This is a Russian, Guard Senior Lieutenant Sizov. In March 1945, the Nazis appeared in the area of ​​the division headquarters. Sizov headed the combined detachment. But the forces were not equal. When the cartridges ran out, he pulled out a blade and rushed into hand-to-hand combat, dragging his comrades along with him. The wounded Sizov fought to the last drop of blood. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And here is a portrait of Hero of the Soviet Union Asanov Dair Asanovich. He is Kyrgyz by nationality. During the war he was a gunner. In one battle, he destroyed 8 tanks, 6 armored vehicles and 40 enemy machine gunners. When the gun failed, he fired back with a machine gun. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Look at the portrait. What can you say about this person?


He is strong, brave, he has an open, bold look.


No matter how brave you are, you are not a warrior alone in the field. And when we are together, we are strong.

During the war, the soldiers composed many proverbs and sayings. Do you know them?


A skilled fighter, well done everywhere.

Good in formation - strong in battle.

A soldier's job is to fight bravely and skillfully

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

Stand for each other and you will win the battle.


Our people endured a terrible and difficult war and emerged victorious. Only strong, skillful, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.


For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Because the sun shines on us,

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

That they once defended the world.

Thanks to grandfathers and fathers!


Will you also defend your homeland from enemies? What should our boys become?

Let's move on to the next room. It is still empty, but we will decorate it with drawings. Now you will be artists yourself. Boys will draw pictures on the theme “I am a future defender,” and girls can draw pictures on the theme “What we want our boys to be like when they become adults.”

The guys at their desks are drawing to the song “Heroic Strength.”

The drawings are used to design a group book for the project “Bow to the ground, soldier of Russia, for feat of arms in the war.”

To form an idea and deepen children’s knowledge about the past of Rus', about its defenders-heroes; remember what an epic is and who they are epic heroes– Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich; bring up moral principles, relying on the images of ancient heroes; continue to introduce the rich language of epics and folk songs and tales; to cultivate a sense of pride and respect for the heroes glorified by the people and not forgetting them; consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about the work of the great artist V.M. Vasnetsov based on the painting “Bogatyrs”; enrich lexicon children: capital city, chronicler, storyteller, guslar, elder, infidel, epic, legend, mace, quiver, club, bow, helmet, warrior, equipment, armor, chain mail; teach to talk consistently, coherently and expressively about heroes, to choose the right words to describe their appearance.







Thematic lesson“Russia is strong with heroes!”

(preparatory group)

Educator: Kolydanova G.A.

MOSCOW 2013 Thematic lesson in the preparatory group “Russia is strong in heroes!”

Educator at GBOU CRR d/s No. 1888 Severnoye Medvedkovo, Moscow.

Kolydanova G.A.

Target: To form an idea and deepen children’s knowledge about the past of Rus', about its defenders-heroes; remember what an epic is and who the epic heroes are - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich; to educate moral principles, relying on the images of ancient heroes; continue to introduce the rich language of epics and folk songs and tales; to cultivate a sense of pride and respect for the heroes glorified by the people and not forgetting them; consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about the work of the great artist V.M. Vasnetsov based on the painting “Bogatyrs”; enrich children’s vocabulary: capital city, chronicler, storyteller, guslar, elder, infidel, epic, legend, mace, quiver, club, bow, helmet, warrior, equipment, armor, chain mail; teach to talk consistently, coherently and expressively about heroes, to choose the right words to describe their appearance.

Preliminary work: Examination of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”, acquaintance with epics: “The Healing of Ilya Muromets”, “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich”, “Sadko”, drawing heroes in armor; listening to excerpts from musical works“Sadko”, “The battle of Ilya Muromets with Nightingale the Robber”.

Progress of the lesson:


“My Fatherland! Russia!

The spirit of antiquity lives in you.

And not just one more element,

Didn't defeat your people!

From the darkness of centuries you rose,

And she became stronger and stronger!”

Russia, Motherland, Rus. The word “Rus” came to us from ancient times and has remained with us. We say: “Mother Russia!” Everything in it is dear to us. That's why we take care of it and protect it. Guys, who are the defenders of the Fatherland?

Children's answers: These are warriors, heroes who guard and defend their Motherland, love it and worry about it and do everything to ensure that there is peace.

“Morning” by E. Grieg sounds.


"Wide are you, Rus', across the face of the earth

Unfolded in royal beauty!

Don't you have heroic powers?

Old saint, high-profile feats?

There is a reason for this, mighty Rus',

To love you, to call you mother,

Stand up for your honor against your enemy,

I have to lay down my head for you in need!”

Guys, how did this poem make you feel?

Children's answers : Feeling of pride for your homeland.

Educator: That's right, well done!

In ancient times, Rus' was often attacked, raided, attacked by enemies who ravaged villages and villages, robbed and took away the loot. Everything that the common people created. And every time its warriors - fearless heroes - stood up to defend the Russian Land! Their people called them the defenders of Mother Russian Land for their courage and strength, intelligence and feat. The people composed songs, epics, and fairy tales about them, and all this has survived to this day.

The song “Heroic Strength” by A.N. is played. Pakhmutova. The “bogatyrs” - boys in suits - enter and perform the dance of the heroes. Introduce themselves and read poems:

“Three defenders, three brothers, three heroes!

“Rus' is rich in warriors!” - they say it for good reason!

There is no return from the battlefield, Rus' is behind us!

Mother Earth, native huts...

Hey, bravely go into battle, guys!”

Sword and bow, spear, mace, shield and faithful horse...

Enemy! Don't touch your native state!

Protects Rus' by right

Hero of our native land!

Display of V. Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs”.


Many composers and poets consider it an honor to talk about Russian heroes. Ilya Muromets was not the only hero on Russian soil. There were many of them, three of them were the most important.

“Bogatyrs” - paintingViktor Vasnetsov. The common title of the painting is “Three heroes" is incorrect. Vasnetsov worked on the painting for almost twenty years.April 231898it was finished and soon purchasedP. M. Tretyakov for your galleries. Here they are, guys, heroes of the Russian Land.

Who painted this picture?

Who can name the names of the heroes?

How are the heroes dressed?

What is the name of the clothes worn by heroes?

Why do heroes wear such clothes?

Who did the heroes fight with?

What kind of horses are under our heroes? Describe them.

Educator: Well done!

So we met the heroes: strong and brave, loving their Earth.

Listen as I tell you about the glorious heroes of the Russian Land. The outpost is guarded from enemy forces by three heroes, three strongmen, and three daredevils. Three heroes stand on a wide plain, turning into low hills, in the middle of withered grass and occasional small fir trees. The sky is cloudy and alarming, which means danger threatening the heroes.

Everyone matches: brave and strong. In the center, Ilya Muromets, a glorious hero, sits on a black horse. You can feel strength, power, and wisdom in him. He has courageous and noble face. Distinctive feature His appearance is a wide beard streaked with gray. He's not young. And the horse, like a master, is calm, only squinting his eyes towards the enemy and shaking his bells under his bangs. The horse is strong, and it seems that if he moves, our Mother Earth will hum beneath him. That's power! Ilya Muromets is well armed: he is dressed in iron chain mail, has a protective helmet on his head, and in his hands is a damask club and a shield with a long spear. And behind his back hangs a quiver of arrows. The hero peers carefully and vigilantly into the distance of the steppe. Is the enemy visible? He is ready for battle, but he will not shed human blood in vain. Ilya Muromets serves honestly. For him, the main thing is calmness and a peaceful life.

By right hand from Ilya Muromets another hero of the Russian land - Dobrynya Nikitich. A well-known and beloved warrior by the people. His clothes are rich and of good quality. He is a strong and skillful warrior, an excellent archer, and skilled in battles. This is how he earned nationwide fame and love. And if Ilya Muromets was a peasant son, then the youngest hero - Alyosha Popovich is the son of a priest. He is also a brave and courageous warrior, not as strong as his comrades, but he is dexterous and smart, fast, and resourceful. This is what earned him fame among the people. Heather Alyosha! He does not look towards the enemy, but only squints his eyes and keeps his bow at the ready. And his horse matches him: he bowed his head, pricked his ears and looked in the direction of the enemy. The three heroes are so different, but they have one common goal: to protect the Motherland.

From epics, legends, songs, poems, from books, you and I learned about the Russian heroes who lived in distant antiquity and became famous for their exploits and deeds. What is Bylina?

Children's answers

The word “epic” comes from the word byl, it was, that is, what happened once upon a time. This is what is said in the epics.

Who composed epics about heroes?(Children's answers)

People who composed epics were called storytellers. They walked from village to village and spoke in a sing-song voice (like a song) about heroic heroes and their exploits. They talked about how it “was.” About the deeds and victories of the heroes, about how they overcame evil enemies, defended their land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, and kindness. The storytellers said this:

I'll tell you about old things,

Yes, about the old ones, about the experienced ones,

Yes about battles, yes about battles,

Yes, about heroic deeds!

This is how the epic was composed. Among the Russian people, epic stories about mighty heroes have been passed down from mouth to mouth for many centuries, from grandfather to grandson. The epics reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'. The heroes worked very hard and that is why they were powerful and strong. And every time they stood up to defend their land. Heroes - heroes made the purpose of their lives to serve their Motherland - Rus'.

The people sang many songs and epics about their strength and exploits, courage and bravery. Listen and tell me, about whom can you say this?

“He is tall, straight and stubborn,
In chain mail. With a steel helmet,
And his horse, heavy as a mammoth,
Cast iron steps under him.

How strong he is!
And the eyes burn with kindness.
It's as if his gaze is blue
Splashed with Volga water.”

Educator: Right. This can only be said about a hero.

Now let's play.Game “Choose words that are close in meaning”

Bogatyr (defender, strongman, warrior)

Brave (daredevil, hero, knight)

Brave (brave, dexterous, courageous, fearless, courageous)

Bogatyrsky (brave, mighty, strong)

Game “Name a proverb about heroes and friendship.

Educator : Guys, what proverbs would be suitable for our heroes? The teacher throws a ball to the children, and the children say proverbs.

Children's answers:

Perish yourself, but help your comrade.;

Difficult to learn, easy in battle;

To live is to serve the Motherland.;

The hero does not sit at feasts, does not grow his belly.;

Glory belongs not to the one who seeks it, but to the one who gets it in battle.;

Fight bravely for a just cause.;

Good brotherhood is sweeter than wealth.;

Stand boldly for what is right.

The hero is not famous by birth, but by his feat;

He who dared mounted a horse.

Educator: Well done! You know a lot of proverbs.

Let me introduce you to another proverb: “A hero does not run from adversity, and does not abandon his friends in trouble.” How do you understand this proverb?

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. The heroes have one goal - not to miss the enemy and to stand firmly guard over the Motherland.

Who is this hero?


"Strong as the free wind,

Mighty as a hurricane, He protects the earth

From the evil infidels!

He is rich in good power,

He protects the capital city.

Saves the poor and children, and the elderly, and mothers!

Brave, honest, strong

Heroes of the Earth!


Choose words that characterize human qualities heroes:

Brave, cowardly, modest, polite, kind, affectionate, courageous,

courageous, strong, bold, impressionable, simple, cheerful, callous,

greedy, generous, touchy, rude, fair.

Children's answers.


And now we will become heroes and warm up a little.

Physical education session “Stand up together”

(to the music of M. Mussorgsky “Bogatyr Gate”)

“We stood up together.

Once! Two! Three!

We are now heroes!

(hands to the side)

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

(turn right)

Let's look around majestically,

And you need to go left too

(turn left)

Look from under your palms.

And to the right, and again

(turn right)

Over the left shoulder.

(turn left)

Let's spread our legs with the letter L,

(spread your legs)

Just like in a dance - hands on hips,

(put your hands on your belt)

Leaned left, right

(tilts left, right)

It turns out great!”

Educator: And now, guys, let’s answer the quiz questions on the Russian epics that we read.

1. Why is Alyosha called Popovich? ( Popov's son. )

2. Tell us about the very first feat of Ilya Muromets. (Battle near Chernigov, battle with Nightingale the Robber.)

3. Why was Ilya nicknamed Muromets? (He comes from the city of Murom.)

4. What does the word “Murom” mean? (Old Russian “mur” - stone wall, protection, stronghold.)

5. Which of the heroes could not walk until the age of 30? ( Ilya Muromets. )

6. Name negative characters epic (Nightingale the Robber, Fiery Serpent, Tugarin Zmeevich.)

7. There are many operas on fairy tales. Which opera is based on the epic? (Operas by N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Sadko”.)

Educator : That's how much interesting we learned about the heroes of Rus'.

Now, guys, let's try to solve the crossword puzzle.









1-weapon of heroes in the form of a wooden stick with a ball at the end.

2-weapon that shoots arrows.

3-safety weapons of heroes.

4-ancient musical instrument with strings.

5-person telling epics and fairy tales.


1 Russian folk epic song about the exploits of heroes.

6 things that heroes possess.

7-name of the vessel from which the heroes drank water.


Horizontally 1. Mace 2. Bow. 3. Armor. 4. Gusli. 5. Elder.
Vertical: 1. Epic. 6. Strength. 7. Bowl.

Educator : Well done! So we got the Russian and mighty word “Bogatyr”.

And our boys, when they become adults, will also begin to guard and defend our Motherland and not allow enemies into our Holy Land.

“There are bumps on the forehead, and lights under the eyes.

If you are boys, then you are heroes!”

And now I will give each boy, as a souvenir of our lesson, small medals on which “Bogatyr” is written. Thanks for the lesson.



on moral and patriotic education

"Bogatyrs of the Russian Land"


Subbotina A.A.

Chubko M.E.

Musical director:

Shlee S.V.

Problem : lack of interest in the Russian army.

Justification of the problem: insufficient level of knowledge among preschoolers about the Russian army; lack of desire to become a defender of the Fatherland in the future.

Relevance of the project: moral- patriotic education children preschool age- this is one of the primary tasks for modern society. Cultivating patriotism is a rather difficult task, the solution of which requires patience and tact. IN modern families Few people know the history of the holiday - February 23, and do not consider patriotic education important and deserving of due attention. Our children no longer dream of becoming valiant warriors and do not consider the defense of their Motherland a sacred duty. The implementation of this project will expand children's knowledge of history home country, will allow you to cultivate a desire to defend your homeland and your loved ones.

Objective of the project:

Formation of patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age.

Project objectives:

1. Introduce children to the history and traditions of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

2. Form socially - moral education, respectful attitude towards the defenders of the Fatherland.

3. Consolidate and generalize knowledge about Russian Army, branches of the military, military equipment.

4. Develop children's interest in history native Fatherland, formation and development of the Russian army.

Project type : research, cognitive-speech.

Project type : short-term, group.

Project implementation timeframe: two weeks.

Project participants: children of preparatory groups, teachers, music. leader, parents.

Expected outcome of the project:

· Expanding children's ideas about the Russian army and its defenders.

· Introduce the characters different generations, learn to recognize them from photographs and paintings by famous artists.

· Development of co-creation between parents and children. Participation in this project will help children systematize their acquired knowledge and apply it in various types children's activities.


Stage I - preparatory

1. Study of methodological and special literature on the topic of the project.

2. Selection of visual and demonstration material, poems, riddles, proverbs, proverbs on the topic of the project.

3. Selection of technical teaching aids.

Cartoon "Three Heroes", an excerpt from the film "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

4. Equipping the development environment:

Book Corner: E. Aleksandrova “To Future Defenders of the Fatherland”, N. Migunova “Defenders of the Fatherland”, V. Kosovitsky “ Future man", E. Trushina "Dedicated to the heroes."

5. Corner speech development: mnemonic tables, series of demonstration paintings, reproductions of artists: V. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”, Roerich “Battle of Kulikovo”, V. Surikov “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps”.

6. Creativity and drawing corner: stencils, outlines (armed forces), coloring books.

7. Math corner: counting material“Russian Armed Forces”, “Weapons”, cards - tasks for the “Dyenish Blocks”.

8. Sports corner: morning exercise complexes with exercises on the topic of the project; card index of outdoor games, physical education minutes.

9. Music corner: illustrations with musical instruments, used in the army (trumpet, drum), their originals, phonograms of songs about the Motherland, about the army, about the Soviet troops.

10. Design of the parent’s corner: information about the project, recommendations on the project topic, creation of posters “My dad is a soldier.”

Stage II - main

1. Direct educational activities.

Cognitive development. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, social facilities, education of morality and patriotism in children,constructive activity: introduce heroes of different generations, types of armed forces, build ships and airplanes.

Physical development: holding physical education relay races in the hall and during walks.

Social and communicative. Speech development. Reading fiction : epic “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, E. Aleksandrova “To the Future Defenders of the Fatherland”, N. Migunova “Defenders of the Fatherland”, E. Trushina “Dedicated to the Heroes”, V. Kosovitsky “Future Man”. Conversation on the painting “Three Heroes” by V. Vasnetsov, examination of portraits of military leaders from different times (discussion of their similarities and differences appearance, definition of character), conversations on the topic “My loved ones”, “I am a defender”, “Armed forces of Russia”, “Military professions”, learning poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day..

Artistically - aesthetic development : listening to music (military march), drawing “My dad is the defender of the Motherland”, gifts for girls and for dads, modeling “Tank”, “Border Guard with a Dog”, collective applique “Guarding the Motherland”, learning the song “Our Motherland is Strong” , "Future Soldier".

2. Cooperative activity adults and children during sensitive moments.

· Morning exercises

· “I dress like a soldier, the fastest” (relay race when getting ready for a walk)

· Outdoor games in the “Service Dogs” hall (we climb over the “caterpillar”, “We are scouts” (we crawl under the rope without touching it).

· Situational conversations, conversations - reasoning.

· Reviewing albums, illustrations, postcards and encyclopedias on the topic of the project.

· Reading stories, poems, encyclopedic information.

· Play activity: didactic games board - printed games, educational games on the topic of the project, introducing military and medical uniform in the plot - role-playing games"Field hospital".

4. Working with parents:

· Introducing parents to the topic of the project

· Involving parents in creating “My Dad is a Soldier” posters, recommendations on the topic of the project.

· Involving parents in organizing a weekend route to the Museum (Slavgorod).

Stage III - final

  1. Exhibition of children's works - modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”, drawings “Guarding the Motherland”, application “Defenders of the Country” (Appendix 1)
  2. Exhibition of posters “My dad is a soldier” (Appendix 2)
  3. Sports entertainment “Heroes of the Russian Land” (Appendix 3)

Conclusions: Participation in the project allowed children to satisfy their cognitive activity. The children became interested in the theme of the “February 23” holiday and, together with their parents and teachers, participated in project activities. The children were able to increase their own self-esteem, they contributed to the common cause, rejoiced at their successes and the successes of their comrades, and felt their importance in the group.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 40"




(school preparatory group)


Subbotina A.A. (gr. 12)

Chubko M.E. (gr. 6)

Musical director:

Shlee S.V.





Goal: to intensify the partnership between teachers and families of students to achieve goals physical development and health protection through the introduction of a contact method of communication between parents and children at a joint sports festival.


  1. improve speed, agility, flexibility, strength, endurance;
  2. develop children's coordination of movements, memory, attention, spatial orientation;
  3. to develop the ability to perform movements in a child-parent pair;
  4. promote emotional rapprochement between parents and children, consolidation of cognitive interests;
  5. to cultivate a sense of pride and love in children for their parents, and in parents for their children.


Presenter: Hello, our dear guests. Congratulations to all strong, noble men on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today the bravest, most resilient, intelligent and courageous heroes of the 21st century have arrived to us, welcome.
The phonogram of the song “Our Heroic Strength” sounds (includes teams of preparatory groups No. 12 and No. 6)

Presenter: Hello, our dear guests. Congratulations to all strong, noble men on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today the bravest, most resilient, intelligent and courageous heroes of the 21st century and our support groups have arrived to us, welcome!

(The phonogram of the song “Our Heroic Strength” sounds, two teams of preparatory groups enter)

Dear Guys! Dear guests! Soon our country will celebrate the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”! Our native land can do everything - feed warm bread, give me something to drink spring water, surprise with your beauty! And she just can’t defend herself. Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of those who live on this land, admire its beauty, and enjoy its wealth. Russian warriors have always been famous for their courage and bravery. And boys with early childhood taught to defend themselves and their land from an evil enemy.

Children sing the song “We’ll Only Grow Up a Little”

Presenter: Allow the holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, the holiday of real men, to be considered open!


  1. so that under the peaceful sun

We lived with you

The dear army protects peace.

  1. Airplane in the sky, ships in the sea

They guard the borders of our entire land.

  1. We are still preschoolers,

And we walk like soldiers!

One, two! One, two!

We will serve in the army,

We will protect our homeland.

May we always live well in the world!

  1. The years will fly by quickly

We will serve in the army.

We will be like our dads

Wear a new uniform.

Presenter: The army needs strong warriors, but the army also needs girls!

1. We love our army, 2. It guards our peaceful home,
She great strength. Peace and labor of peoples.
She is fearless in battle, her native army is strong,
I destroyed all my enemies. Invincible in battles.
And we sing songs about her, She is guarding the Motherland
About valiant campaigns. Stands indestructible.


Presenter: There are no shortage of heroes on the Russian land. So today they gathered in the hall to measure their heroic strength. We have prepared tests for our heroes today and therefore the competition will begin very soon. Our heroes will be evaluated by a competent jury (representation of the jury).

(Children sit on benches, participants line up in columns)
Presenter: Well, good fellows, it’s time to introduce you to my squad. Presentation of the teams: team 12 of group “Alyosha Popovich” and team of group 6 - “Dobrynya Nikitich”

Presenter: As in the glorious city, in Slavgorod,
Yes, in a beautiful garden
We lived, we were, we didn’t grieve
Went to classes
14 nice fellows,
All beauties there are no words!
And Princess Elena ruled over the affairs of the scientists there.
The princess comes out.
Princess Elena:
Hello, good fellows!
Show off your heroic strength and your brave prowess!
And before starting the test, you need to warm up.


Princess Elena: I command you to take an oath!
(Children take an oath, repeating the words after the princess)
We promise to fight fair!
Don't leave a friend in trouble!
Let us not disgrace the Russian land!
Princess Elena: Well, heroes, attention, let's start the competition. Today our boys will show their intelligence, ability to make friends, help comrades, and nobility. You have to pass various tests. We hope that you will overcome all difficulties with honor.

Child: You have to be strong so as not to get tired.

Brave, so as not to be afraid,

And you have to become skilled in order to fight the enemy!

Princess Elena: the heroes must cope with all tasks quickly and deftly!


Progress: each team is given an envelope with an important message. At the signal, a team member begins to move on the balls in a “snake” between the cones, passes the envelope to the next participant, and the team that completes the task first wins.

Presenter: the reports were delivered on time, let’s read what’s in them.


At night, at noon, at dawn, does he serve in secret, along the path, on the shore, blocking the enemy’s path? (Border Guard)

She walks under water, protects our land, carries out our orders, does she have a keen eye? (Submarine)


Progress: team members must go through an obstacle course: crawl through a hoop, crawl under a low gate, go through a high gate, take a “grenade” (a bag with a squeak), hit the target with it and run back to the team.


“MOST ENDURANCE” COMPETITION (with the participation of dads) – push-ups.


Progress: team members take turns using a spoon to transfer the potatoes into bowls... but “accidentally” the bowl tips over. The moms collect the potatoes back into the bowls while the 2 dads peel the potatoes. Whose team will do it faster?

GAME “SCOUTS, PARADE, AMBUSH” Children and their parents take part.

“Parade” is a ceremonial step: firm, clear.

“Scouts” - a cautious step, a sneaking scout.

“Ambush” - squats down and observes what is happening.

Children and parents must, on command, perform the correct movements; whoever gets it wrong is out of the game.



Poetry reading:

  1. We want the birds to sing

So that the streams ring in the spring,

So that the sun warms the earth,

May the birch tree turn green!

  1. So that all dreams come true,

To make everyone around laugh,

So that children have dreams,

So that there is no war!

  1. May there be peace on the entire planet,

Let people live happily

Let the children be more happy

They play, and dance, and sing!

Princess Elena: You did a great job,

To the winners by right

We are glad to present medals,

What, your friends didn’t expect?!

A competent jury sums up the results and awards the teams medals.


Abstract of the NOOD on the topic: “Russian heroes”

Target: to give children an idea of ​​the heroes - the defenders of Rus', to form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people of Ancient Rus'.

Tasks: instill in children pride in their ancestors; to make you feel your involvement in the history of our great people, the desire to imitate the heroes.

Preliminary work : reading the fairy tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "O dead princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, watching cartoons “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”.

Materials used: paintings and illustrations depicting heroes, weapons and armor; map of Russia, white sheets, simple pencils, colored pencils and crayons.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, how many of you know the name of the country in which we live?

Children: Russia.

Educator: That's right, guys, we live in Russia. A lot of different countries people live on our Earth and everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. Homeland means dear, like mom and dad, this is the place where you were born. Let's go to the map and see what it is like - our Motherland? (children's answers).

Children: Big, huge, beautiful.

Educator: And our country is also rich. And it is rich because in our country there are oceans, seas, lakes and rivers - in which there is a lot different fish; there are many forests - where different animals and birds live; there are many fields where golden grains ear and grow. More than 1000 years ago appeared on the green Russian state and it was called - Rus'. A long time ago, on the site of our cities and villages, there were impenetrable forests and swamps. Only strong, brave and resilient people could live in such conditions. And their names were Russians. The wealth of our land attracted many enemies - they wanted to take possession of our lands. In ancient times, enemies came to Russian soil - they burned and ravaged cities and villages, took women and children captive, and took away looted wealth with them. Who do you think defended our fatherland in ancient times? (children's answers).

Children: Russian heroes.

Educator: Which of you can tell us what they were like? (children's answers)

Children: Strong, brave, courageous, fearless, determined, heroic, brave, valiant.

Educator: What kind of heroes do you know? (children's answers)

Children: Alyosha Popovich, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets.

Educator: How did you learn about the heroes? (children's answers).

Children: Read fairy tales and epics, watched cartoons, looked at paintings.

Educator: The heroes lived 1000 years ago, but the glory of their exploits as defenders of the Russian land has survived to this day. Would you like to become a hero?

Educator: And I will help you with this. (physical minute is held)

Physical education minute:

A hero - that’s what he is.

He is strong, he is healthy (show strength).

He shot from a bow (demonstration).

He threw his club accurately. (show).

Standing at the border (stand at attention).

Vigilantly - vigilantly observed (show).

We will grow up and look (they rise from a sitting position).

Let's become like heroes! (show)

Educator: Also, guys, in our classes we read a lot about heroes and even learned poems about them. Who wants to recite a poem?

Children: read poetry.

1.Strong as the free wind 2. Nice fellow Dobrynya

Powerful as a hurricane. He lathered the horse's sides,

He protects the earth, the straight road

From the evil infidels! Overcame in four days.

He is rich in good power, glory is about his victories

He protects the capital city. It has been thundering in Rus' for a long time;

Saves the poor and children, swooped in, hit from the right,

And old people and mothers. I put my shield under the fire.

Educator: You and I also know a lot of proverbs and sayings about valor and love for the Motherland. Let's remember them and name them.

Children: Perish yourself, but help your comrade.

From your native land - die, don’t leave!

Stand by your edge to the death!

Stand boldly for what is right!

To live for the Motherland is to serve.

It is not the hero who is waiting for a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

The Russian does not joke with the ball or the roll.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

The bird that is not happy with its nest is stupid.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

Educator: Well done, that’s how many proverbs and sayings you know. And in order to win battles and battles, Russian heroes had assistants. Which ones? (children's answers).

Children: Horse, weapons and armor.

Educator: Now I’ll tell you riddles about weapons and armor, and you listen carefully and try to guess them.

  1. Such a shirt is not knitted or sewn, it is woven from iron rings. (chain mail).
  2. An iron cap with a sharp end, and in front a beak hanging over the face. (helmet).
  3. A weapon is not easy to pick up, not easy to pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders. Well, guess what? Of course….(sword).
  4. To protect his chest from enemy blows, you already know this for sure, the hero has a heavy, shiny and round ... (shield) hanging on his left hand.

Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. And now I see that you know a lot about Russian heroes. The heroes had one goal - not to miss the enemy, to stand firmly guard over the Motherland. Defend your homeland, take care of it. Protect the weak, the poor, the elderly and children. Be strong, brave, courageous, courageous. love your native land, your people, your country and your homeland. And now I suggest you draw heroes, weapons or armor if you wish. And then from your drawings we will make a book called “Russian Heroes”.

Marina Andreeva
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Bogatyrs of the Russian Land”


To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people, Russian heroes-defenders of the Russian Land: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich;

Introduce children to a reproduction of the painting “Bogatyrs” by V. M. Vasnetsov.

To consolidate knowledge of the names of the elements of the costume and weapons of the Russian hero (shirt, chain mail, helmet, cloak, spear, mace, sword, shield, bow, arrows);

Develop thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, substantiate judgments.

Cultivate a sense of pride in heroic strength Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, the desire to imitate them.

Cultivate interest in the history of Russia and your native land

Encourage communicative business communication based on common interests.

Preliminary work: reading works: “Epics”, poems about the Motherland, native land; examination of reproductions of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov, illustrations.

Guys, we live in a country that has very beautiful name- Russia. There are many different countries on our planet, but Russia is the best, greatest and most extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. Homeland means native. Like mom and dad. But our Motherland Russia was not always like this. Once upon a time, many years ago, our state was much smaller and it was called Rus'. And when enemies attacked Rus', who defended the Russian land in those distant times? Of course, heroes.

Today we will talk about heroes. They were famous for their extraordinary strength and loyalty to the fatherland; epics and fairy tales were written about their exploits.

What kind of heroes were they? (Strong, brave, strong warriors, heroes, they were brave, fearless, courageous)

And strong, mighty heroes in Glorious Rus'!

Don't allow enemies to gallop across our Earth!

Don't trample them under horses

Russian land!

They will not outshine the red sun!

Rus' stands a century - it does not waver.

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

And the legends of antiquity

We must not forget

Glory to the Russian side!

Glory to Russian antiquity!

Look at the picture painted by the famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. He had never seen the heroes, but he listened to what the people were singing and telling about them. Now we all imagine heroes as in the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov. The artist worked on this original Russian painting masterpiece for about twenty years.

Three heroes proudly stand on a hilly plain under the gloomy cloudy sky of their homeland; at any moment our heroes are ready to repel the enemy and defend their beloved homeland, Mother Rus'. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich are the most famous Russian heroes. They are standing at heroic outpost, past which neither an animal will slip nor a bird will fly. In the center, the peasant son Ilya Muromets sits on a black black horse. Glorious hero, strong and mighty. The hero is seriously armed: a club hangs from his right hand, a quiver with arrows is visible from behind, and in his left hand there is a shield and a spear. He is dressed in iron chain mail and has a metal helmet on his head. He peers keenly into the steppe distance. Ilya is ready for battle. The hero loves his homeland and serves it honestly. On the right hand of Ilya Muromets is Dobrynya Nikitich. He is skilled in fighting, swimming, and archery. Dobrynya is dressed richly and elegantly. His shield is decorated with stones, his sword is damask, and his gaze is intent. The hero is sitting on a white long-maned horse, the horse’s nostrils are flared, apparently sensing the enemy. The third hero is the priest's son Alyosha Popovich. He is also a brave and courageous warrior, not as wise, strong and resilient as Ilya or Dobrynya, but dexterous, young, resourceful. He is only a warrior, but also a psaltery player. And he knows how to sing songs, and he knows how to fight. Alyosha holds a bow in his left hand, and a harp in his right hand. His red horse has his head down, nibbling the grass, but his ears are pricked up, always ready for battle. The heroes have one goal - not to miss the enemy, to always stand firmly on guard over Rus'.

Physical education lesson “Bogatyrs”

They stood up together one, two, three -

We are now heroes

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs

Turning to the right, let's look around majestically.

And you also need to look to the left from under your palms

And to the right, and also over the left shoulder.

Let's spread our legs like the letter "L"

Just like dancing, hands on hips,

Leaned to the left, to the right - it turned out great!

Game exercise “I’ll make a guess, and you guess!”

Now I will tell you riddles about the weapons and armor of heroes

Such a shirt is not knitted or sewn, it is woven from iron rings. (Chain mail)

What kind of canvas was used to shelter the hero from the wind? (Cloak)

An iron cap with a sharp end, and in front a beak hanging over the face. (Helmet)

To protect his chest from enemy blows, you know this for sure, the hero has a heavy, shiny and round (Shield) hanging on his left hand.

A weapon is not easy to pick up, not easy to pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy to blow their heads off their shoulders... Well, guess what? Of course... (Sword)

View the presentation “Armor and weapons of the Russian warrior”

The conversation about Russian heroes has come to an end, and the Russian heroes left you and me with their main covenant(rule) – protect the weak, the elderly, children. Be strong, brave, courageous and love your homeland.

Publications on the topic:

All roles in the play are played by children. ACT 1 (To the music of "Bylina. Russian Gusli" The storyteller begins her story): The storyteller:.

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Summary of cultural and leisure activities “Heroes of the Russian Land” Goal: Creating an atmosphere of fun, goodwill, the need for collective communication, friendly competition and pleasure; Physical.

Summary of GCD using ICT “Heroes of the Russian Land” Abstract of the NOD “Bogatyrs of the Russian Land”. Integration educational areas:OO- cognitive development, OO - social - communicative.

Topic: "Bogatyrs of the Russian Land" Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the heroic past Russian people, o heroic defenders Russian Land.