The affairs of bygone days are a legend of distant antiquity. “The legends of deep antiquity, the affairs of bygone days...

Russians. History, culture, traditions Manyshev Sergey Borisovich

“The legends of deep antiquity, things have been done for a long time days gone by…»

One day, while walking, we saw that new residents were moving into our house, moving furniture and belongings, and we became interested in how the first Russians appeared on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in Dagestan. And here's what we found out.

The acquaintance of the Caspian peoples with Russia occurred back in the 7th century. North of Derbent there was a whole colony of Rus. Here they engaged in trade, transporting goods across the Caspian Sea.

At the Derbent market one could find furs, amber, walrus ivory, and wax brought by the Rus. This bazaar was famous all over the world as a market for Russian flax. Here one could also meet Russian slaves who were sold to eastern countries.

From time to time, where modern Dagestan is now located, the Rus settled. Many peoples of Dagestan, who maintained strong ties with the Rus, developed all sorts of legends. The Avar khans had a custom: if their line was cut short, then “a khan from Russians, Georgians or Armenians” had to ascend to the throne. Residents of the high-mountainous Lezgin village of Mikrakh, for example, linked their origins with the Rus.

Dagestan, through whose territory routes from Europe and Russia to Georgia and Persia ran, has always been a place where the interests of many people collided. different states. Therefore, it was always restless here, and Russian settlers either left these places or reappeared.

Together the Russians and the peoples of Dagestan fought against the Arabs when they spread the Islamic religion with fire and sword. As the medieval Dagestani historian Muhammad Rafi wrote, the Rus and Dagestanis have always equally divided good and evil.

More than once they committed together joint hikes to Georgia and Azerbaijan. Residents of Dagestan were also in the squad of Prince Svyatoslav, who captured the capital of the Khazars - the city of Semender.

At the end of the 10th century, Derbent nobles captured the ruler of Derbent, but he managed to call on the Rus for help. They sailed across the Caspian Sea on 18 ships and freed the ruler; Since then, he surrounded himself with warriors from the Rus. They were invited to military service and Dagestan feudal lords.

In 1466, the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin, having loaded goods for sale onto two ships, set off along the Volga to the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea was then called Khvalynsky. One of his ships at the mouth of the Volga River was plundered by nomads, another crashed against the rocks approximately where Makhachkala is now located.

The surviving merchants went south to Derbent, but they were captured by Khalil-Bek, the Kaitag utsmiy (ruler). Afanasy Nikitin managed to get to Derbent. With the help of the Russian ambassador Vasily Panin and noble residents of the city, he freed his fellow merchants. These chores took him whole year. Left without goods to sell, some of them returned back to their homeland, others decided to earn money to travel home to Baku. And only Afanasy Nikitin, brave and strong-willed traveler, went further - to Persia.

Afanasy Nikitin left the famous notes “Walking across Three Seas” about his journey. From them you can learn about the voyages of Russian merchants across the Caspian Sea, about Russia’s trade with Derbent, about diplomatic relations between Russia and Dagestan during the time of Ivan the Third, in the 15th century.

Russia was very interested in ensuring that its southern borders were secure and that trade was developing on the Caspian Sea.

During the 16th–18th centuries, along the route of Afanasy Nikitin - from the Terek through Sulak, Tarki and Derbent - Russian embassies went to Georgia, Shirvan, and Persia. The ambassadors, as experienced intelligence officers, were interested not only in the prices of the most popular goods at local bazaars for the development of trade. They paid no less attention to fortresses and the number of troops in case of war.

150 years after Afanasy Nikitin, another Russian merchant, Fyodor Kotov, passed through Dagestan along his route to Turkey and Persia. In your trade roadbook ( travel notes) he spoke about the lands between Sulak and Aksai, about Tarki and the Tarkov Shamkhaldom, as well as the “Kumychans” (Kumyks) who inhabited it, about the Kaitag Utsmiystvo and its inhabitants, about the city of Derbent, its bazaars, caravanserais, about the formidable fortress that amazed him Naryn-Kala, about the legendary Derbent wall of Dag-Bara, which went deep into Tabasaran, about the life and customs of the “Lezgins” (Lezgins). Fyodor Kotov left a plausible and detailed description a country of mountains that has attracted more than one generation of Russian travelers and researchers with its inaccessibility and diversity, mystery and multilingualism.

More than once over the years, diplomatic embassies were sent from Moscow to Dagestan and from Tarkovsky’s Shamkhaldom to Moscow to resolve important issues: the development of trade, defense against foreign conquerors.

Thus, from century to century, Dagestan and Russia grew closer. Emperor Peter the Great wanted to conquer the Caspian Sea in order to protect the southern borders of Russia from the invasion of Turkey and Iran, trade with overseas countries and strengthen ties with Christian Georgia.

Therefore, in July 1722, he appeared on the shores of the Caspian Sea along with a large army. In August, troops led by Peter visited Tarki at the invitation of Shamkhal Adil-Gerei. In honor of the upcoming holiday - Assumption Holy Mother of God- A prayer service was served on the seashore. After which Peter and his retinue built a mound of stones, marking the place where the port was to appear on the Caspian Sea. Subsequently, the city of Port Petrovsk, which we know as Makhachkala, arose here. Saying goodbye to Peter the Great, Adil-Gerey gave him a silk tent and a beautiful thoroughbred horse as a souvenir.

Then Emperor Peter headed south, to Derbent. Noble people presented Peter the Great with silver keys to the city. Here he waited for the arrival of the flotilla from Astrakhan and considered plans for maritime trade with Persia and India. But a terrible storm damaged the fleet, destroyed supplies for the army, and Peter was forced to return to Moscow.

Returning to Russia, Peter did not forget about Dagestan. He was always interested in exploring the Caspian Sea and the surrounding lands.

In the retinue of Peter the Great during his Caspian campaign and stay in Dagestan there were wonderful people who explored the Caspian Sea and the Caspian lands.

Fyodor Ivanovich Soimonov, the first Russian cartographer (compiler geographical maps), back in 1719, on the sailing ship “St. Catherine”, he carried out cartographic surveys of the northwestern and western, that is, Dagestan coast of the Caspian Sea from the Terek to the Kura. In 1720, a consolidated (general) map of the entire Caspian Sea was compiled. Scientists for the first time received a correct idea of ​​the sea, because previously they used very inaccurate, approximate maps compiled about one and a half thousand years ago by ancient scientists.

Fyodor Soimonov examined the mouths of Sulak and Agrakhani and drew up a plan for the construction of the fortress of the Holy Cross. In their scientific works he described the history of the exploration of the Caspian Sea, gave a detailed description of it, compiled maps of the Agrakhan Bay and Tyuleniy Island, spoke about the Persian campaign and the development of Russian trade with Bukhara, Persia and India.

Among Peter the Great's companions was artillery officer Ivan Gerber, a famous explorer of the Caspian lands. Exploring, on behalf of the emperor, the coastal strip from the Volga to the Kura, Ivan Gerber often went deep into the mountains - where no explorer had gone before. Having stayed in Dagestan and other coastal regions until 1729, Gerber was the first in the world to publish in print a description of the village of Kubachi. He divided Dagestan into “upper” (Tarki, Enderi, Buinak, Kubachi) and “lower” (Altypara, Rutul, Akhty, Dokuzpara), into Lezgistan (Akusha and Tabasaran) and Tavlistan (the lands of the Avars). An observant researcher, he not only talked about Derbent, but also about the life and way of life of the peoples who inhabited Dagestan: Kumyks, Lezgins, Avars, Dargins, Laks.

Another associate of Peter the Great, Dmitry Kantemir, not only explored the wall of Dag-Bara, but also enthusiastically translated into Russian the manuscript “Tarihi Derbend-name” (“History of Derbent”), which was presented to the emperor as a gift in Derbent along with the keys to the city .

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MBOU "Stepurinskaya Secondary School"

Staritsky district, Tver region

Holiday, dedicated to the day memory

Holy Blessed Michael of Tverskoy.

Zolotova Marina Alexandrovna

Deputy Director for VR

Explanatory note

Nomination: methodology for organizing and conducting “Lessons of Courage”, ceremonial events dedicated to memorable events Russian history.

“Deeds of days gone by, legends of deep antiquity...”

A holiday dedicated to the memory of St. Michael of Tverskoy.

Currently, it is necessary and important to cultivate in children such qualities as patriotism, love for the Motherland, and a sense of duty. In order to implement these principles, one of the most important educational moments is to hold such holidays; they will help to comprehend the essence of an incomprehensible, great and tragic page of history Ancient Rus' and the role of the Tver princely house in it.

Target: fostering a sense of love for the historical past, pride in the heroic past of our ancestors; developing respect for the memory of a great man and his feat.


    promote students' understanding of true spiritual values


    to form the civic position of students;

    develop children's creative abilities

    develop in students feelings of patriotism, love for the Motherland,

feelings of pride for one’s people, country, feelings of respect for heroic

people's actions.


Reproductions of the painting “Battle of Bortenev”;

Reproduction of the icon “St. Michael of Tver”;

    an exhibition of books devoted to this topic;

    exhibition of drawings “Stories of great deeds...”

Participants of this event: students in grades 7-11.

Result of activity: students’ conviction that a true citizen loves and is proud of the Motherland and its people, studies historical and cultural, spiritual heritage, faithful to his civic duty and ready to defend the Fatherland.

The phonogram “Bogatyr Symphony” by A.P. is playing. Borodin

Presenter 1: It’s always interesting to learn something new, especially if we're talking about about the land on which you were born, where a piece of your heart is...

And for those who were born on Tver land, knowing the history of their native places is simply necessary, if only because history is rich in events and people that you can be proud of. This holiday is dedicated to one of these people. Mikhail Tverskoy.

1 reader:

"When my spirit
Suddenly becomes impoverished in strength,
When the paths are cut off all around.
Then I will whisper:
"Lord have mercy!"-
And I will ask:
“Lord, forgive me!”
And the sinful finger

lightly touches the forehead,
Then it will freeze tired hand
I don’t guess what will awaken in me,
What will happen in the future

My soul is in the grip of no peace
Rebellious, but meek in appearance.
Like everyone else, she strives to be a saint,
Not understanding what it is."
So thought the Prince of Tver
Above the muddy Volga,
Where are the ice floes?

spinning around,

They rose doomedly and mightily,

Breaking their ridges, they stuck their noses into the mud.

In the arc of the zenith there is a small bird

At the sun, as if at Zgi.

Mikhail is wearing a red shirt

Raspberry colored boots.

Heated up, as if after a battle,

The movements emphasized becoming.

When he was baptized, he made prayers for the Russians,

Asking Tver for earthly grace.

Presenter 2: Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy (1271-1318) Prince of Tverskoy from 1285 T. The Great of Vladimir from 1305 to 1317. His father Yaroslav Yaroslavich, brother of Alexander Nevsky, died six weeks before the birth of his son, returning from the Horde. Mikhail was raised by his mother, Princess Ksenia, and Bishop Simeon of Tver. “He was born from the truly blessed and reverend mother Grand Duchess Xenia, and this holy and wise mother raised him in the fear of the Lord and taught him the holy books and all wisdom.”

Presenter 1: Mikhail Tverskoy inherited "Tver is old, Tverrich", a relatively young principality Northeast Rus', which grew rapidly in the second half of the 13th century, due to the influx of population from the Vladimir lands suffering from the Tatars Mongolian yoke. Therefore, having matured, Mikhail tries to unite the Russian lands under his rule and organize a liberation struggle against the Golden Horde.

2 reader:“Rus was torn apart by princely feuds due to timelessness. Rarely in agreement - more often with confused strength...

Do not embrace the immensity

Separately for each.

The deeds were military - they became a terrible death...
Life was free
Top ascending-
Became a broken branch

hanging lifelessly."

Presenter 2: After the death of Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich in 1304, Mikhail Tverskoy at the age of 33 goes to the horde and receives a label for the Great Reign.

A Russian prince, brought up in the spirit of autocratic power in Rus', comes to the Grand Ducal Vladimir table. He was the first to be called “Grand Duke of All Rus'” and “Autocrat”, This is exactly how Patriarch Niphon of Constantinograd addressed him in letters. In the autumn or winter of 1305, the Tver prince returned “from the Horde from the king for a great reign, and sat on the great princess in Volodymeri...”

3 reader: Prince / Mikhail in a burgundy coat,

Embroidered with pearls and brocade,

On a black thoroughbred horse

He entered Tver with his head open.

Behind him with the Grand Duke's label

The printer kept the casket closer than his eye.

Tokhta clicked his tongue as he handed it over.

And he began to sniffle in deep thought.

All-powerful and revered Khan

Didn’t bother with eloquent speech,

He looked around the Tver prince's camp

And I felt sorry for him as a human being.

Tokhta is cunning, but he was even smarter,

As I fingered my rosary, I thought more often.

What if it weren’t him who ruled the Horde?

Then the princes will tear Rus' to pieces.

They'll squabble over cities,

Not remembering myself in noisy skirmishes.

Still alive for at least a few years

He saves the foolish from Lithuania.

“What do they need in the Grand Duke’s label,

Until a solid base has been stitched together?

Princes are stupid, a fool is a fool,

But Mikhail is from a different brew.”

Presenter 1: Mikhail Yaroslavich stood on long haul future unification of Rus' and began to take the first steps towards economic unification. The German scientist E. Klug states: “Mikhail Yaroslavich was the first prince about whom we know for certain that he took over the collection of taxes for the Horde from the previous Baskaks.” This is the one main tool, which in the future Kalita brilliantly used to strengthen Moscow economically. Thus, it was in Tver, and it was Mikhail who was the first to seize a powerful lever for future economic well-being.

In 1313, Tokhta died and Uzbek ascended the khan's throne. Mikhail Yaroslavich and other princes went to the Horde to confirm their previous labels or to receive new ones. The Uzbek had no reason yet to take away the great reign from Mikhail Yaroslavich, and Mikhail himself worked in the Horde to retain it for himself.

Presenter 2: “In 1315 the new khan presented Mikhail with a label for the great reign. Until 1317 he was the Grand Duke of Vladimir. He did not dream of exalting his ancestral principality of Tver, but of uniting Rus' under a single government. He knew for sure that Rus' could free itself from the yoke of the Golden Horde only by being united. I fought all these years. Protecting the unity of the great Vladimir principality, he went on campaigns to changeable Novgorod, Torzhok, and Moscow. Maybe his dreams would have come true, but the Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich, his cousin nephew, was too furiously eager for a great reign. Yuri managed to get around him. In 1317, promising to pay a greater tribute than Mikhail Tverskoy, he received from the Uzbek Khan a label for the Grand Duchy of Vladimir. Mikhail Yaroslavich lost to him. He gave in without a fight. I understood: in a dispute between Russians, is it fun to hit each other’s enemies for fun? And Yuri Danilovich’s hands were itching to fight. In the winter of 1317 he went out to Tver with a considerable army. By Tatar custom He went out to fight - with his young wife Konchaka, the sister of Khan Uzbek himself, and with the Tatar army, where the commanders were Kavgady and Ostreva. Confident in his strength, Yuri boasted: “The prince of Tver will not defeat me. He does not have such an army!” At each stop, Yuri Danilovich feasted for a long time, treated the beautiful Konchaka, and sent detachments around to ravage the Tver villages. He waited for the Novgorod army to approach Tver in order to besiege the city together. Mikhail Yaroslavich defeated the Novgorodians with a swift blow, and then turned his army towards the Moscow prince. Forty miles from Tver, at a place called Bartenevo, he met the regiments of Yuri Danilovich. Although Mikhail had fewer warriors, he fearlessly rushed into the battle, relying on the faithful Tver people, on his considerable strength, and firmly knowing that God will always help the right. Yes, yes, on this bay he then flew out onto the battlefield, and behind him was his forged squad. And the battle cry rushed across the field: “Tver, Tver, Tver!”

Presenter 1: The impossible, the unexpected happened. Mikhail scattered the Moscow troops, and overthrew the Tatars, who rushed away, fleeing. For the first time since Batu’s bloody campaign in 1238, the Tatars showed their backs in a battle with the Russians.

Prince Mikhail captured the rich man: the wife of Yuri Danilovich, the black-eyed beauty Konchaka, sibling the Moscow prince - Boris and even - a great shame for the warrior of the Tatar prince Kavgady. And it was December 22, 1317.

Mikhail ordered the captives to be transported to Tver with honor and with care, and treated them as dear guests. He captivated Konchaka with his intelligence and cordiality, found a doctor for Prince Boris whose wounds were overwhelming - he was crushed hard in the battle.

Well, then trouble came. Konchak died overnight and a sticky rumor spread across Tver, throughout the principality and beyond - they were poisoned. Why did he dismiss this rumor then? Why didn’t I understand who the slander was directed against? Why didn’t he order the boyars to interrogate the servants of Konchaka and Kavgady?

Couldn’t you believe that the Tatars could poison the sister of their formidable khan? And even more so, I couldn’t believe that one of our own, a Russian, would engage in such an ungodly thing, scary thing. And rightly so, I didn’t believe it. One of his own would never do something like that. And even more so, he is a prince. How could he not save her? Why didn’t you think that the villain was secret and could raise his hand against a woman? Who needed her death? Yuri Moskovsky? No no! He was not a damned monster - to destroy his wife. So... does that mean Kavgady?

When he escorted Kavgady and other Tatars from Tver with rich gifts, Mikhail then heard many flattering words about the courage and generosity of the Tver prince. I hardly believed these words. And yet he could not think that the one whose life he saved had already thought about how best to destroy Mikhail Yaroslavich. Could the straightforward Russian heart have imagined such treachery?

Presenter 2: Coming out to the Bortenevskoye field, the Tver prince knew that if he won, the Horde would not forgive its defeat, which is what happened. Mikhail Yaroslavich was summoned to trial in the Horde, where he was convicted and executed. Before leaving for trial, the Tver prince had a choice: to flee, and then a huge punitive army would come from the Horde. Mikhail chose to save the lives of thousands of his subjects by voluntarily going to trial and execution.

Reader 4:

“Don’t go, daddy!” - The sons asked

“It will be so sad for us to wait!”

“Don’t go, prince!” - birds all over Russia

Suddenly they stopped chirping in the groves...

“Talk me off!” - The princes asked for Anna.
“Save, Lord!” - The blacksmiths were baptized. ,

And Mikhail, determined and pale,

Looked into eyes ready for tears

Slightly hoping for a victorious outcome,

I no longer believed this seriously.

He knew too much of their cruel customs,

Why they call him to the Horde not for the sake of the dombra,

Where even a saint will be made wrong,

And that’s why he foresaw trouble.

He also knew

As for the end of time

The fatherly army will rise, /

But for Konchaka, for Uzbek’s sister,

He will have to answer in full.

And he was looking for a decisive word,

To protect descendants from harm.

I saw the Kulikovo field again,

Where from Nepravda I scooped up water... ...

Prince Mikhail overcame anxiety,

Suddenly he smiled at the children on the porch

The fate of the country

The fate of Russia itself

Was a mark on his face.

Having looked around the huts and mansions,

He touched the reins of the horse:

"We don't know what will happen,

But with shame

The Russians will not meet me.

I will never leave them in trouble,

I will divide the troubles in half."

The prince felt

Sadness looked in the back

And she followed him humbly through the fields.

Presenter 1: In August 1318, Mikhail Yaroslavich left Tver for the Horde, receiving a blessing from his bishop Barsanuphius. In Vladimir, Mikhail met the Khan's ambassador Akhmyl, who warned him that he had been slandered by Kavgady. His children told him: “Do not go, our dear father, to the Horde, but send one of us, because you have been slandered before the king; wait until the king’s anger subsides.” Mikhail Yaroslavich quite rightly answered them: “You see that the king does not demand you... and only wants my head. If I don’t go and evade, my native principality will be captured, many Christians will be beaten, and after that I will still have to die. It is better for me now to lay down my life for many souls!”

Mikhail Yaroslavich was groundlessly accused of not paying tribute to the tsar, fighting against his ambassador and poisoning his sister. The prince was found guilty, and a heavy wooden block was placed on him. Kavgady, by all means, sought the execution of the Grand Duke of Tver. Khan finally expressed his consent to the death of Mikhail Yaroslavich.

5 reader:

The prince wanted to drink

My whole body hurt so much

What did this day mean? Last during the day.

In the distance the dawn and sunset Alela

As if the forest was wounded by the eye...

The boyars came to him cautiously,

They whispered quietly into the graying beards,

That there is a conspiracy with the merchants and it is possible

Organize his escape from the Horde...

But the prince answered,

Even too harshly

That you can’t escape fate and the khan.

And he gave rivers to the boyars that blue night,

That life is sweet and dear to him,

But he is the ambassador of his Russia in the Horde,

And it’s not fitting to start a race,

He talked about miserable motherhood

In the time of war, hectic years,

And about unity

Only about unity

And principalities, and lands, and cities.

He ordered to take care of the huts and mansions,

Don't run to the hayloft from the enemies.

For the land from the Horde pogrom

He gave his life, suffering.

Presenter 2: Many Tatar executioners burst into Mikhail’s tent. The executioners grabbed the prince by the block around his neck and hit him against the wall of the tent so hard that they broke through it. Then the Tatars threw Mikhail to the ground and kicked him for a long time. Finally, one of them, named Romanets, stuck a knife into the prince’s chest and turned it several times. So on November 22, 1318, the Grand Duke of Tver Mikhail Yaroslavich died. But Vladimir Kolosov believes that this story has a continuation. After the massacre, Kavgady angrily told Yuri: “Isn’t he your oldest brother, like a father; Why is his body lying naked? After this, Mikhail Yaroslavich was tightly tied to a large board by order of Prince Yuri. But the next morning he was found lying to the side. Right hand Mikhail was on her face, and her left hand was pressed to the wound on her chest. Based on this, we can conclude that the prince did not die at the hands of the Tatar executioners, but an even more painful death: he was mistaken for death deep faint, after which the prince regained consciousness and, obviously, having lost a lot of blood, climbed off the board, after which he died.

Mikhail's body was brought to Moscow and buried in the Spassky Monastery. But it was not long before they found out about this in Tver. Grand Duchess Anna and her sons Dmitry, Alexander, Vasily asked Yuri to let their father's body go home. But they received permission only in June 1319. “And they sang a funeral hymn over him and placed him in the church of the Holy Savior on the right side of the land... on the 6th day of September.” After the tragic death of her husband Grand Duchess Anna took her hair at the Tver Sophia Monastery. After the death of Mikhail Yaroslavich, his son Dmitry began to reign.

Presenter 1: At the dawn of the formation of our statehood, Russian Prince Mikhail Tverskoy accomplished a great feat:

    he was the first to unite Rus',

    he was the first to enter into an open military clash with the Horde cavalry and defeated it,

    he, the first person of the state, voluntarily went to trial and execution in the Horde and “he laid down his life for his friends.”

In 1549, at the second Moscow Council, Mikhail Tverskoy was canonized.

We are proud of the feat of our ancestors, the history of our people, and we will increase the glory of our Fatherland.

Presenter 2: “In the name of God, in sincere, true faith
I will not bow my standard to anyone,
In the fight not for primacy, for unity,
I will accept life and death without hesitation...
And there is no need to mourn,

What will become dust in the ground.

I will die in body, but I will be saved in soul

And I lived without fear,

And I will leave without fear

In faith in the holy united Rus'."

Holy noble prince Mikhail of Tverskoy, pray to God for us!

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Deeds of days gone by, / Traditions of deep antiquity

Deeds of days gone by, / Traditions of deep antiquity

From the poem (song one) “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1817-1820) A. S. Pushkina(1799-1837). The lines represent Pushkin's translation of one of the "poems of Ossian" English writer James Macpherson (1736-1796):

A tale of the times of old!..

The deeds of days of other years!..

Allegorically about long-standing and unreliable events that few people remember (ironic).

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Chapter 40 Crimean affairs, Istanbul affairs Gazy Giray did not live to see the Russian nightmare. But he had a chance to take part in plenty of bloodshed. And in that Thirteen Years War, in which he was a faithful satellite of Istanbul, and in the domestic Crimean strife, which Istanbul

Things of days gone by
Legends of deep antiquity
From the poem (first song) “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1817-1820) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837). The lines represent Pushkin's translation of one of the "poems of Ossian" by the English writer James Macpherson (1736-1796):
A tale of the times of old!..
The deeds of days of other years!..
Allegorically about long-standing and unreliable events that few people remember (ironic).
These are the lines by A.S. Pushkin, I think, that will fit, like an epigraph, to the cycle of my stories “Our Arrival in Kazakhstan,” because my grandchildren have a hard time believing in what harsh conditions It turned out that the majority of Soviet people in the post-war years, how difficult it was to restore the country's economy. The war destroyed not only cities, but also broke families and the psyche of people... But only perseverance and the will to live won to overcome all difficulties. I describe life on my own behalf and only what I saw and heard myself, without pink tones - everything is as it was in my distant post-war childhood. Thanks to the Internet, and with it for giving me the opportunity to publish and leave my memories for my loved ones!

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 11.01.2012. Deeds of days gone by, ancient legends are deep
  • 01/09/2012. Picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong
  • 01/06/2012. A pleasant surprise

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"Things of days gone by..."

  1. The embodiment of the idea of ​​the victory of good over evil in M. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.
  2. Introduction to the aria genre.
  3. Ruslan's aria as an important dramatic number of the opera: a change in states from gloomy to victorious, decisive.

Musical material:

  1. M. Glinka. Bayan's chant; Ruslan's aria from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (listening);
  2. M. Glinka. March of Chernomor from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (listening at the request of the teacher);
  3. M. Glinka. Overture from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (listening at the request of the teacher);
  4. E. Ptichkin, poems by M. Plyatskovsky. “Russian hut” (singing).

Description of activities:

  1. Correlate artistic and figurative content piece of music with the form of its embodiment.
  2. Apply knowledge of fixed assets musical expressiveness when analyzing the listened work.
  3. Express in color emotional attitude to the artistic image.

Theaters are different. Most often in theater performances actors participate who go on stage to the audience and begin to speak their text and play their roles. You probably all know and love puppet show, where puppets give performances instead of living people. Such a puppet theater comes to visit you every evening in the TV show “ Good night, kids!

And there is a theater in which all performances are staged using music. And the actors don’t speak there, but sing and dance to the music. This kind of theater is called musical theater.

  1. What types of musical performance do you know? (Opera and ballet.)
  2. What is the name of a musical performance during which all its participants - the actors - do not speak, but sing? (Opera.)
  3. What are vocal performers called? (Singers.)
  4. Who else is involved in staging a real opera performance? ( Symphony Orchestra, chorus)

Yes, this is what the show is called a beautiful word"opera". Often the plot of an opera is a fairy tale. The heroes end up at the bottom of the sea, then in a magical fairytale forest, then in an enchanted kingdom...

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale.
There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,
The mermaid sits on the branches;
There on unknown paths
Traces of unseen beasts…

Lukomorye... (Lukomorye is a sea bay.) Music hall turned into a seashore. On the shore stood a mighty, thick oak tree. The water on the sea was agitated, and the splashes fell on the slow gray cat, who, jingling his heavy gold chain, walked importantly around the oak tree, purring a song. And among the dense foliage the pale face of a mermaid flashed. Instead of a braid, long green seaweed flowed over her shoulders, and either drops of water or tears glittered on her eyelashes... unprecedented beast, who left his traces on an unknown path...

How wonderfully Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin talks to us. He uses the most ordinary words, but his speech, his story become a living magical picture.

This is how A. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” begins. (Poem - large poetic work with a developed plot.)

This fairy tale story became the plot of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

You and I find ourselves in ancient Kyiv at a wedding feast visiting the legendary Prince Vladimir. He gives his daughter Lyudmila in marriage to the Russian hero Ruslan.

In the crowd of mighty sons,
With friends, in the high grid
Vladimir the sun feasted;
He gave away his youngest daughter
For the brave prince Ruslan
And honey from a heavy glass
I drank to their health.

Hearing at the request of the teacher: M. Glinka. Overture from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

The attention of all guests is focused on the wonderful singer-storyteller - Bayan.

Who is Bayan?

Singer, storyteller, old gray-haired sage, predictor, historian. In a prophetic song, the prophetic Bayan predicts difficult trials for Ruslan and Lyudmila; but misfortunes will pass, and “a sign of joy, child of rain and light, the rainbow will rise again!”

He sings, accompanying himself on the harp - ancient Russian folk instrument. Golden strings mesmerize listeners with their ringing. Calm movement, melodious melody and measured chords with accompaniment convey the concentration and solemnity of the narrative in the music. The light and soft sound of the voice alternates with instrumental performances.

Things of days gone by
Legends of deep antiquity!
About the glory of the Russian land,
Ring, golden strings.

Listening: M. Glinka. Bayan's chorus from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

In the midst of the wedding feast, darkness suddenly sets in. Thunderclaps are heard, and everyone present suddenly plunges into a strange stupor:

Thunder struck, light flashed in the fog,
The lamp goes out, the smoke runs out,
Everything around is dark, everything is trembling,
And Ruslan’s soul froze.

When it becomes light again, everyone sees with horror that Lyudmila has disappeared. It was the wizard Chernomor who kidnapped her and took her to his enchanted castle.

Hearing at the request of the teacher: M. Glinka. March of Chernomor from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

Brave Ruslan goes in search of her. In order to find Lyudmila, Ruslan will have to meet and fight enemies. On his way he will meet the evil sorceress Naina and the good Finn, and meet the Head of the Hero...

Composer M. Glinka paints us a portrait of the hero Ruslan. This prince appears before us as strong, courageous, brave, ready for exploits.

... In search of Lyudmila, Ruslan finds himself in a deserted field containing traces of a long-past battle. Sorrowful thoughts engulf him:

With a sigh the knight surrounds himself
He looks with sad eyes.
"Oh field, field,
Who littered you with dead bones?”

These verses formed the basis of Ruslan's aria.

Listening: M. Glinka. Ruslan's aria "About the field, the field..." from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

An aria is an opera fragment performed by one singer accompanied by an orchestra.

The heavy and gloomy intonations of the aria give way to decisive and victorious ones. Ruslan understands: only courage and bravery will help him defeat his evil enemies.

Ruslan is depicted in the opera not only as the savior of Lyudmila, but also as the defender of the Russian land from the forces of evil. Ruslan defeats his enemies and frees Lyudmila from the magic spell. And we are again in Kyiv at Prince Vladimir’s wedding feast.

Good things are followed by sorrows,
Sadness is the key to joy!

Music took us to the distant past. She helped us touch our history, our heroic past.

In this opera, the composer divides all the characters into good and evil. For the good and noble, he composed beautiful song music. These include Ruslan, Lyudmila, and the singer-storyteller Bayan. These characters theme song singsong, with beautiful, memorable melodies. And with evil heroes In his opera, the composer played a kind of musical joke - he did not give them vocal parts. For example, for one such heroine - the evil sorceress Naina - he composed music that is almost all sung in one sound. For the kidnapper of Princess Lyudmila, the evil wizard Chernomor, Glinka did not create vocal music: all of Chernomor’s actions are conveyed only by orchestral music.

  1. What is opera? ( Musical performance, where everyone sings.)
  2. What plot is the opera based on? (Based on the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila.”)
  3. What words begin A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”? (“Near Lukomorye there is a green oak…”)
  4. What is Lukomorye? (Sea Bay.)
  5. What event does the opera begin with? (From the wedding of Ruslan and Lyudmila.)
  6. What happens at the wedding feast? ( Evil wizard Chernomor kidnaps Lyudmila, and Ruslan goes in search of her.)
  7. What excerpts from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by composer M. Glinka did you listen to today?
  8. What was the character of this music?

Questions and tasks:

  1. What is the character of the Bayan Chorus? How do you think. Why does the Chorus sound leisurely and majestic?
  2. What sound musical instrument played in an orchestra?
  3. How do the means of musical expression help to “draw” the gloomy image of the “dead field”? What tempo did the composer choose? What registers are used? What are the dynamics?
  4. In the middle of the aria, the character of the music changes dramatically. What do you think this is connected with?


1. Presentation, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Glinka. Ruslan's aria from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, mp3;
Glinka. March of Chernomor from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, mp3;
Glinka. Bayan's song from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, mp3;
Glinka. Overture from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, mp3;
3. Accompanying article, docx.

The work uses unique illustrations of Palekh boxes.