How to draw beautiful angels step by step. How to learn to draw beautiful angels

Angel is the personification of purity and light. His image is relevant not only for Christmas or other church holidays. A drawing of an angel is appropriate in schools and kindergartens, at the birth of a child and at certain moments in the state of mind. And your child may not know how to draw an angel and ask for your help. To do this, you need to understand this process yourself.

You won’t have to experience any difficulties if you pick up a pencil at the moment of creative inspiration and follow the instructions from this article. We offer you several options for depicting this holy face; your task is to choose the best one for yourself. True, you can’t do without your own zest. Before you start working on the picture, think about the image of the angel that you would like to see.

Let's figure out how to draw an angel with a pencil step by step

For small children or certain circumstances, a simple schematic drawing will be ideal. For example, if this is a design project for decorating a room for a celebration and you need to indicate the location of the angel. So, this task can be done in five steps.

  • Stage 1. On a piece of paper, draw a circle that will serve as the angel’s face. Then we detail it a little, defining the eyes bold dots, and draw the mouth. And what about without a halo? We draw it with a small oval above the circle-head.

  • Stage 2. Now the angel needs to be dressed. To do this, draw two lines and connect them at the bottom in a semicircle.

  • Stage 3. For further giving human traits our picture, draw arms and legs. Same schematic as the rest of the details.

  • Stage 4. The turn of the magic wings has come. Based on the picture, draw them behind the back of our spiritual man.

The task “how to draw an angel” cannot be considered complete if we do not color the picture. Traditionally, the halo is painted yellow and the robe is white. But you can experiment. Even do some interesting pattern on the angel's clothes. Ready!

We have prepared for you another master class on how to draw an angel step by step. It is noticeably different from the first option, but it turns out to be more detailed. Understanding the basic principles of depicting this holy face from the first example, we want to teach you how to draw wings. After all, sometimes, having depicted only the wings, the whole idea of ​​the picture becomes clear.

Answering the question of how to draw an angel, or rather the wings of an angel, below is step-by-step plan and a schematic drawing. Let's start with the fact that you will need to draw three shapes using a pencil and ruler different shapes and directions.

At their core, these will be quadrangles, and they should be connected to each other.

Then you need to draw two parallel lines inside the resulting frame.

Now you can start drawing the first layer of feathers.

When drawing the second layer of feathers, the curved lines should be longer than the first time. For clarity, see the figure.

The longest curves will represent the third layer of feathers.

It's the eraser's turn. With its help we delete all auxiliary lines. When the drawing is ready, the contours should be drawn with pencils or a pen to give them clarity.

If there is a need to depict a second wing, then it is drawn in a mirror.

The final stage will be coloring the angel's wings in the desired color.

Let's summarize the knowledge we have gained on how to draw an angel with a pencil step by step. Now you know how to portray a simple angel with a halo over his head and in a spacious robe. If you draw his facial features in detail and add wings with feathers, the image will be more artistic and original.

Angels are creatures invisible to humans, whose main function is to convey God’s will to people. After all, we ourselves are not able to feel and see what God wants; for this we need some intermediaries, in the role of which the angels act. These creatures protect and protect us and our children from evil forces and from everything bad. This is why drawings of angels are so popular; many use them as avatars, send them to their friends as gifts, and decorate school diaries.
You can find it on the Internet great amount the most various pictures with depicted angels. These are carefree innocent little children, and evil angels in the form of demons, and bright guardian angels, and warrior-defenders, and many others. For animation fans, there is a wide variety of animated angels. Having drawn such wonderful pictures, you can immerse yourself in a wonderful Magic world fairy tales where miracles happen.
The drawing of an angel with wings can be different - it can depict a cute child with wings, a woman unearthly beauty, looks like an angel, or a man who personifies masculinity and heroism.
There is no such person who would be unpleasant to admire such cute creatures, because somehow, when looking at them, we are saturated positive emotions, our mood rises, we feel a surge of strength and energy, and the desire to create appears. So let's create a real little masterpiece on paper.

So, how to draw an angel?

It’s very simple, let’s figure it out. Basics distinctive features any angels are enough big head and eyes, the mandatory presence of wings, hair, clothing, and it is also desirable to have a halo above the head. In order to learn how to create drawings of an angel on your own, let’s first try to draw a beautiful angel girl. For this we only need a pencil and a piece of paper.

We act according to simple steps:
First of all, let's draw big circle, which acts as a head, and draw a line on the face.

· Below the resulting circle, draw the silhouette of the body.
· We will give the head the shape of the face, and also try to depict the contours of the future hairstyle.
· On the face we draw round eyes, quite large in size.
· Next in line are the eyebrows, as well as the small mouth.
· Next we move on to the body. We draw the elements starting from the top and gradually moving down.
· The neck should be in the form of a small line.
· Our angel’s legs will converge in one place and are shaped like a spear.
· Don't forget to add an angel with wings to your drawing.
· Then we dress our beauty - a few touches similar to the frame of the dress.
· For every angel, an indispensable element are wings, the shape of which can be chosen to suit your taste. There can be as many feathers at the end of the wings as you like - it all depends on your imagination.
· All that remains is to finish drawing our girl’s hair beautifully and using an eraser to erase the unnecessary auxiliary lines that we drew at the very beginning.

Having drawn the angels with a pencil, you can decorate the drawings in any way convenient for you. Feel free to involve your kids in creativity; they will certainly get maximum pleasure from this activity. IN You can also add hand-drawn angels.


Angels are unique creatures. Ancient artists painted them and composed music about them. Few people have seen them, but almost everyone is convinced that they exist. And almost everyone agrees that they look like people, only ethereal, resembling a radiance of light and with huge wings. Their goal is to protect, protect every person from troubles and dangers, and console him in sorrow. Let's try to portray an angel the way many people imagine him, let's try to draw an angel with a pencil.

Take a white sheet of A4 paper or a sheet from a sketchbook, two simple graphite pencils - hardness HB and 6-8B, a soft eraser. First we need to mentally imagine what kind of angel we want to draw? After all, everyone sees it differently. For some it is a small charming child, for others it is beautiful woman or a brave warrior with a sword. In this lesson we will draw an angel - a sweet, fragile and even a little shy girl.

  1. We outline approximately the figure of the angel, his pose. Since we will draw it to look like a person, we will try to maintain all the proportions as when constructing human body. If you don’t know how to do this yet, then first remember one simple rule - the height of an adult is calculated in this way: the length of a person’s face from the chin to the top of the head should “fit” into the length of the figure approximately eight times. We schematically draw the spine, shoulders, hips, and use dots to mark the places of the bends. Notice how the entire figure is tilted. The angel takes a step forward and one leg will seem visually shorter to us, so the left thigh will be slightly raised. N.B. If you seriously decide to take up drawing, then it is worth purchasing a small wooden model human figure to draw her movements - when walking, running, when a person sits or stands on one leg. You will immediately see how all parts of the body move - arms, legs, shoulders, hips, feet, how your head will be tilted. Even if you draw a person in loose clothing that hides his body, be sure to draw his “skeleton” first. Otherwise, by drawing only clothes at once, you can miss the proportions and make a lot of mistakes.

  2. Now we outline the angel's robe. It will be spacious, light, and made of flowing fabric. Notice how wide and smooth the folds of his dress are, this means that the fabric is dense and flexible like silk. If the folds were small, this would indicate that the fabric is very thin and light. Take a closer look at how the fabric bends around the hand, at what angle it lies and bends with movement.

  3. We draw the hair, neck, hands and outline the wings. The neck does not start from the chin, it continues higher to the back of the head. Go to the mirror, turn your head and observe what dimples and bulges appear. The hands can be depicted more generally, without detail if they are difficult to draw. The angel's hair is soft, wavy, and long. They curl and blow in the wind. Wavy hair we will emphasize the direction of shading and shadows.

  4. We draw large angel wings, draw the feathers in more detail and do not forget that each feather slightly “overlaps” the neighboring one, slightly superimposed on it. Look at the wing of any bird, and you will notice that at the very top, where the bone is, there are very small feathers, like scales. In the middle of the wing they become larger and at the edges the feathers are the longest, widest and stiffest, allowing the birds to soar easily in the air.

  5. Draw the face. The angel's eyes will be downcast, his head slightly tilted to the side. I’m making allowances for the fact that you haven’t studied anatomy, so just remember a few basic rules for building a face:
    • a vertical line along the face is drawn to show the tilt of the head and where the nose will be located;
    • the line that bisects the face horizontally will determine where the tip of a person's nose is. Since the angel's face is tilted forward, according to the laws of perspective, the upper part of the face will be larger than the lower. That's why horizontal line draw a little lower;
    • We also divide the area from the tip of the nose to the chin in half horizontally, and this line will indicate where the lower lip ends;
    • Divide the distance from the edge of the hair on the forehead to the tip of the nose in half and the angel’s eyes will be located on this horizontal line;
    • to indicate the ears, we mentally draw a horizontal line from the tip of the nose to the back of the head. The earlobe will be located on this line. To determine top point ear, you need to mentally draw the same horizontal line from the upper edge of the eye towards the back of the head;
    • the head is not drawn round, the face will rather resemble an oval, an “egg” with a sharp end down.

  6. Let's designate the darkest places, shadows. Since in black and white graphics “color” can only be shown in tone (lighter-darker), to highlight the angel’s robe, we’ll darken its wings a little. Thus, the figure of the angel will come to foreground and will become larger and brighter. Mark the places of shadows on the fabric and pay attention to how the shading is laid - in the direction of the fabric. Add volume to the angel's hair, draw his delicate curls. They will glare a little in the light, so we can leave the unpainted areas, just Blank sheet paper We designate the falling shadows from the fabric on the feet.

  7. Let's get down to the details. Using an eraser, carefully erase all the auxiliary lines on the face and figure of the angel. Try not to smear the drawing. A black graphite pencil stains paper very easily and then it is difficult to remove unsightly stains. Sharpening the most soft pencil sharper and draw small parts– eyes, nose, mouth, Thin hair. Draw the feathers on the wings more clearly. There is no need to try to draw each feather separately. It is necessary for the wing to be recognizable and for this it is enough to depict the feathers with such openwork loops.

    This “loop” is drawn with one movement of a pencil; practice on a separate piece of paper. First we draw a thin line - increase the pressure - the strongest pressure and again in decreasing order. We draw all this without lifting the pencil from the sheet of paper. The main thing is to show the texture of the wing, how the feathers lie. In our drawing, the angel's wings are not the most important, so it makes no sense to carefully draw out every small feather. To show volume, we intensify the shadow under each row of feathers; the wings will become even more voluminous. At the bottom, the edges of the wings will be clearly defined. If the figure of an angel was on dark background, then it is better to leave the edges of the wings perfectly white for greater contrast.
    Look how feathers are drawn without detailed drawing - only in tone, smooth transition. In some places the pencil pressure is strong, dark, in others it is lighter or completely absent. In this way we create the effect of volume and density of the material – in our case, feathers.
  8. Don't forget about the shining halo above the angel's head. We draw him last and, practically, as a hint. After all, this is light, it is very light, weightless, let’s show it only with rays, that will be enough. In our simple drawing this will be graphic and the lightest, almost white spot above the figure’s head. In order to highlight the halo there is little secret: Take a small piece of paper and sketch a small part well (like sharpening a pencil on paper). Then carefully use this sketched piece to go over the drawing near the figure of the angel. Tint the background around a little. Go over the halo with an eraser to make it as white as possible. We squint and see how the angel’s figure stands out wonderfully against the background of textured, powerful wings, how light, graceful, almost airy it is. Since this is a girl, we can draw a modest decoration for her neck, literally outline it lightly, with dots.

Guardian Angel softly and silently steps on the ground bare feet, he guides, advises and protects. Try to draw an angel with a pencil, exactly your angel as you imagine him. You can take our drawing as a basis and come up with your own character. Then you can put the drawing in a passe-partout and hang it on the wall in your house or give it to friends, to a loved one. Good luck in your creativity and inspiration!

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On this page we have collected a large number of lessons thanks to which you will 100% learn how to draw an anime angel girl with pencils step by step.

How to draw an anime angel girl for beginners

  • Step 1

    Let's start drawing the basic wireframe thin lines for our angel. Let's start with the head with the facial lines, add the torso and shoulders and the lines of the neck, arms and body.

  • Step 2

    Now let's start drawing the face, outline the lower part of the face, add a hairstyle based on the base lines of the head. The bangs should be light and confident. Then draw the eyes, large eyelids with eyelashes and eyebrows visible from under the hair. Now we draw the shape of the eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Step 3

    Let's draw the rest of the hair, starting from the reference lines. Notice how the hair flows through the air to the right. Here you can improvise and add curls according to your mood.

  • Step 4

    Now that the hair has already appeared, let's start drawing her figure. Let's start with the shape of the neck, then add the rounded shoulders and the dress fabric folded over them. Let's draw the sleeves, add details for wrinkles, folds and folds.

  • Step 5

    Before we draw more of her body, let's finish sketching out her long, straight, luxurious hair. As you can see the strands are sharp.

  • Step 6

    Now you can start sketching out the torso as well as the collar of the dress. We draw her chest with a neckline, folds of the dress at the waist. On the neck we draw collarbones

  • Step 7

    Let's start drawing the angel's wings. You shouldn’t make them too big so that they blend in with the girl.

  • Step 8

    For the last step, all that remains is to add a second wing to the angel, as symmetrically as possible to the first. Remove everything unnecessary and tell us about your successes.

  • Step 9

    This is what it looks like for us. You can give yourself pleasure and paint it with color.

How to draw and color an anime angel with ears

How to draw an anime angel with a pencil step by step

How to draw an anime angel girl step by step

How to draw an anime angel with a violin step by step

How to draw an anime angel girl in New Year's clothes

How to draw a portrait of an anime girl angel with a simple pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw an anime angel girl with simple pencils. We will need:

  • pencils Н2, Н, НВ, В2, В4, В6
  • eraser nag.
  • Step 1

    At the first stage, we draw a preliminary sketch with a pencil N.

  • Step 2

    We detail the sketch, draw hair and wings.

  • Step 3

    Now let's start shading the hair. First, draw in detail all the strands, as shown on the right side of the head. Then, using well-sharpened pencils, we shade the hair. Here you will need pencils H2, H, HB, B4.

  • Step 4

    We finish shading the hair. Individual light hairs can be highlighted using a sharp eraser.

  • Step 5

    At this stage we draw a flower in the hair. For the leaves we use pencil B6, for the flower itself we use HB, B2, B4.

  • Step 6

    We draw eyes, lips and eyebrows. For eyebrows you need a sharp HB pencil. Draw the eyebrows with short strokes in the direction of hair growth. For lips and eyes we use pencils HB, B, B2, B4, B6.

  • Step 7

    Now let's shade the face. Here we will use pencils H2, H, HB.

  • Step 8

    Using the same pencils that we used for the face, we paint over the body. For clothes you will need a B6 pencil.

  • Step 9

    At this stage, use pencil H to draw all the feathers in detail.

  • Step 10

    We finish the work with the wings. We paint the beginning of the wing uniformly with a B4 pencil. Then, using a nag, we make uneven light spots so that it looks like fluff. For pens we use pencils HB, B2, B4, B6.

Girl angel with a harp in anime style

In this lesson I will teach you how to draw an angel girl with a harp in her hands. We will need:

  • A simple pencil and eraser.
  • White and black pens (optional).
  • Colour pencils.
  • Step 1

    Make a rough sketch of the drawing.

  • Step 2

    Outline the head and draw bangs with a wreath in the form of roses.

  • Step 3
  • Step 4

    We draw eyes, nose, mouth and eyebrows.

  • Step 5

    Start drawing the shoulders and neck.

  • Step 6

    Now draw a harp with roses. Each time the rose should be smaller than the previous one.

  • Step 7

    Now we draw the arms, hands, fingers and detail them top part girl dresses.

  • Step 8

    We finish drawing the hem of the dress in the form of rose petals.

  • Step 9

    Draw the most important thing - wings

  • Step 10

    We outline the entire drawing (except for the eyelashes) with a black pen.

  • Step 11

    Let's start painting. Let's start with the eyes. First, color the eyelashes purple and the edges black. Color the eyes blue and make the shadows blue. Make the highlights.

  • Step 12

    Paint the skin with beige and make shadows. Add red to the cheeks and lips.

  • Step 13

    Paint the wreath blue and dark blue, and the hair blue and sometimes purple (don’t press too hard on the pencil), and make the shadows on the halo blue, dark blue and purple.

  • Step 14

    Start coloring the dress. Color all the roses as you did on the wreath. The shadows on the harp should be blue. We paint the ribbons purple. First color the dress blue, then add blue.

  • Step 15

    Finish the dress, make the shadows blue and the drawing is ready))

Drawing is a pleasant process. It's always fun to create using pencils and paints. The choice of tools depends on your preferences. We will tell you how to draw Cupid. This process is very interesting and exciting. The main thing is to follow all the steps one by one. This is the only way you will be satisfied with the result.

Who is Cupid?

Cupid is an ancient Roman god, the personification of love and passion. Previously, the angel was depicted in the guise of a young handsome guy. Aphrodite chose this young man for the role of her companion and faithful assistant. Later, Cupid began to be depicted as a little angel. His attributes were a bow with magic arrows of love. At first glance, this character looks quite simple, but in order to depict it on paper, you will have to make an effort. In this article we will tell you how to draw Cupid step by step.

Drawing technique

Even if you don’t have an artist’s education, don’t be upset. You need to remember that any drawing consists of geometric shapes, and thanks to this knowledge, it will be much easier to cope with the technique. The image starts with an oval or circle. If you know how to draw these, success is guaranteed.

So, the roundness will serve as sketches on paper; for this it is better to choose a pencil of medium hardness. When applying figures, do not press hard on the tool. Before you start drawing, practice on a rough draft. Over time, you will understand how to draw Cupid correctly.

In order for the hero to gain a colored look, it is better to use paints or they are easy to use. Before moving on to coloring, remove any excess sketch lines.

Steps to Draw Cupid

In fact, there is nothing complicated in drawing an angel of love, you will have the opportunity to see this. Let's consider several options step by step drawing Cupid.

Freehand draw as much as possible smooth circle and lines that will make it easier for you to draw the nose and eyes. It should be as even as possible, because, as we know, angels are plump characters. Cupid drawn in pencil always looks attractive.

In order to make drawing the body easier, you need to draw an oval under the circle; it should be slightly uneven and overlap the head area. Bottom part geometric figure needs more rounding.

The next step is sketches for the hands. The limb consists of three parts (upper arm, forearm and hand). You need to draw three ovals for each. See the picture provided for more details.

You also need to sketch out the legs. It is worth noting that parts of the buttocks are depicted as ovals, larger than the calf parts.

Now comes the more exciting part of the drawing. We draw parts of the face. The eyes should be large, a button nose, a gentle smile and curls. Cheeks and chin need to be depicted auxiliary lines. More details are in the figure.

We outline the contours of the body, drawing bends in the elbows, knees, and buttocks. Draw fingers on the arms and legs. and onions, you can see in the picture.

At this stage, you need to remove all unnecessary lines in the drawing and color the cupid.

Should not be used bright shades for angel coloring. The hero should be gentle and light. Use pastel colors.

The direction and poses of the angel can be changed according to your wishes. The most important thing is to correctly sketch out the ovals for the location of the arms and legs. Now you know how to draw Cupid.

DIY cute cupid

IN Greek mythology the god of love was called Cupid, and the Romans called theirs Cupid.

Consider the following option for drawing a character. Unlike the previous example, this one is easier to complete.

Draw a circle with lines for the eyes, nose and mouth. Draw the lines of the head. The next stage is drawing the body and hands of the angel. Then we draw the bow.

We draw wings and other parts for the angel.

Let’s finish drawing a bow and arrow for our cupid. This is what our hero looks like when completed. You can decorate it if you wish. Now you have learned another version of creating a cute boy with a bow and you know how to draw a cupid.

Other options for depicting angels

Many girls wonder about Hai. Cupid is also among these heroines. Depict a girl with pink hair not difficult.

And in the pictures below, you can see examples of step-by-step drawing of cupids for Valentine's Day. It can be used for holiday cards for your loved one.

This version of the cupid image is more complex; drawing it will require a lot of patience, care and practice. Over time you will be able to eyes closed depict boys with wings behind their backs. Use a variety of techniques and tools for your creativity.