What can you draw quickly? How to learn to draw? Step by step plan

In the previous article on how to learn to draw from scratch, I talked about general tips, but rather about the mindset for learning. Now, I want to talk about those things that...

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Sometimes children get bored. Many adults at this time try to brush off their offspring, justifying their behavior by saying that this is not a problem at all, which should be solved jointly and urgently. And they are absolutely wrong! This is a serious problem. And adults must come up with something to do for the child. You can, for example, invite your child to take up drawing. But when is it boring?

Joint activities for adults and children

Most of all, children love to portray their favorite cartoon characters or Well, don’t bother them with this. You can even help: make sketches on paper with thin lines, and let the child, if he is very small, trace and color the picture. It is recommended that older children be offered the same cartoon characters. Although the important thing is not even what to draw when a child is bored, but the fact that by taking part in children's activities, an adult already relieves his offspring from a state of loneliness, restlessness and boredom.

Let's draw cartoons!

Today, few people remember that you can draw a real cartoon when you’re bored! To do this, you just need to make identical sketches of one of the characters on two equal strips of paper. Here it is worth thinking about what you can draw. When a child is bored, the best way to cheer him up is a cartoon character. Although a little man with stick legs and a cucumber body would also be quite suitable. Then the most important stage of creating a cartoon begins - drawing the details. This is where the figures should be made different: in one segment the character’s arms can be lowered, and in another - raised, in one segment the legs stand together, and in another - the right one is set to the side, and so on. After coloring the “frames,” the segments are superimposed on one another so that the drawn objects coincide, with the images facing up. The top piece of paper is wound onto a pencil and the “cartoon show” begins. To do this, move the pencil sharply, unwinding the roll of paper, then return it to its original position. These movements should be repeated several times, the pictures will change dramatically, and the drawn hero will move!

An interesting thing - drawing!

1. Waxography

And for someone it will be a revelation that you can draw a picture with wax when you’re bored. Adults will just need to rub the cardboard with this substance or paraffin in advance, and cover it all with a layer of gouache on top. The child is asked not to paint or pencil the image, but to remove the excess. This way you can get an original engraving in the waxography style.

2. Finger painting

For this entertainment, you should prepare special paints: take a glass of flour, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of oil (any vegetable oil is best) and water. The ingredients are mixed in a mixer, vegetable dyes are added (food colors are also suitable). To the delight of the kids, they can use these paints on the tiles and the floor, on each other’s faces and on the wallpaper spread on the floor directly with their fingers or palms!

3. Game “What can you draw?”

When bored, parents can offer their child an exciting activity. This game will awaken a child’s imagination and desire to create. Someone draws a free-form figure on a piece of paper. Task: by adding the necessary elements, you need to turn a shapeless object into a recognizable animal, character or object. Several people can take part in the game; it is only important to transfer the figure unchanged using glass or carbon paper onto a sheet of paper for each participant. The results are completely different for everyone! When checking them, rarely does anyone remain indifferent, and boredom evaporates without a trace.

Drawing is an artistic skill that, once mastered, will bring you great pleasure, and over time it can even turn into an amazing hobby. You may think that in order to learn how to draw well, you need to take professional lessons, but this is not true. Simply drawing for fun can save you money and improve your skills. To learn how to draw without taking a class, sketch with short strokes, apply shadows, highlight individual shapes in objects of various shapes, and practice as much as possible.


Part 1

Initial sketches

    Choose an object to draw from life. If possible, find something meaningful to yourself, such as your favorite flower or your dog. At the initial stage, you will most likely find it easier to draw from life than from memory or imagination. So if you draw something that you enjoy, it will help you concentrate.

    • If you're just trying to draw, you don't need special art materials yet. Any pen or pencil and paper on hand will do the job.
  1. Draw a general sketch with short strokes. Lightly press the pencil onto the paper. Concentrate on the line you are drawing, forgetting about the object itself. If you're drawing a dog, forget about it. Instead, start drawing its outlines. They represent the boundaries between the dog's body and its environment. Draw these outlines with short strokes.

    • The shorter your strokes are, the more accurate your sketch will be.
    • Don't criticize your work. Move quickly and perfect your strokes as you go.
  2. Draw in the details. Once you have a general sketch of the object ready, start drawing out its details. Try to identify distinctive features or marks on an object, for example, a chip on a cup or a tuft of hair on a dog, based on which you can place other nearby details in the drawing.

    Apply shadows. Applying shadows will be a little more difficult, but they allow you to reflect the play of light and shadow in the drawing, and also create volume. Look from which side the object is illuminated by the sun. Then take a sharp pencil and evenly shade the penumbra areas. Once the pencil tip becomes dull, move on to shading the darker areas. To make the pencil leave darker strokes, press harder.

    • You can practice applying shadows by drawing a smooth scale of shadows. Start drawing the scale from the edge of the sheet. Move the pencil back and forth as you work. As you work, begin to press harder on the pencil to gradually make the strokes darker.
    • It is also useful to practice drawing a scale of achromatic colors. Divide the elongated rectangle into five sections. Leave the first section white. Paint the last section as dark as possible. In between these two sections (in the three central sections), distribute your strokes so that you get transitional (light to dark) shades of gray.
  3. Connect different geometric shapes into shapes. Learn to compose individual blocks from which the contours of an object are formed. For example, a table can be represented as a series of rectangles and cylinders, and a snake as a series of circles. As soon as you learn to identify individual geometric blocks in objects, you will be able to draw them even from memory (without nature).

    • Spend some time looking at the objects carefully and trying to fit them into individual geometric shapes.
  4. Sketch the subject from different angles. Assemble a drawing object from various shapes. While working on the sketch, erase the unnecessary ones and draw the necessary lines so that the object in the drawing acquires the required shape. Once you've finished drawing this sketch, try drawing the same subject from other angles. For example, in profile, a horse's head may consist of a square nose, a circle of cheeks and a triangle of ears, but the same head can be drawn from many other angles.

    • Return to these sketches later to improve the rest of your drawings.
  5. Re-draw the selected object. Next time, after correcting various errors in sketches from different angles, draw the object again. At first, you can even rely on prepared sketches. Compose an object from basic geometric shapes, then draw its details and correct any errors. Once you have some experience, you will be able to draw this object in various poses, even from memory.

    • It is completely acceptable to make some simplifications in the drawing; they can even become your personal style. For example, remembering the location of every single muscle on the body can take too much time.

    Part 3

    Learning drawing techniques
    1. Learn information about various drawing techniques. Your local library should have books on various drawing styles from realism to Japanese manga. Similar books can also be purchased in bookstores. For free drawing ideas and demo tutorials, search "how to draw (subject)" on Google or YouTube.

      • Anatomy books can also be a good source of information for realistic drawings. Learn to schematically draw the skeleton and muscles using them.
    2. Start working with additional materials. It's usually best to stick with one thing before you gain experience, such as pencil and paper. Then you can find alternatives that you like better and will help you develop your own style, for example, start working with colored pencils or charcoal. In addition, even simple pencils come in different hardnesses, which allows you to expand your options for applying shadows.

      • TM (HB) pencils are considered standard. T-category (H) pencils are harder and suitable for drawing light lines. M-category (B) pencils are softer and suitable for drawing darker lines.
      • The degree of hardness and softness of pencils is expressed by a number. For hard pencils (T or H), the highest hardness is expressed as a nine, while for soft pencils (M or B), a nine indicates the highest softness.
      • Vinyl erasers and scratch marks don't damage paper like regular rubber erasers, but they won't erase colored pencils. Due to the plasticity of such erasers (they have a dough-like consistency), they can be given any shape to accurately remove individual small details of a pencil sketch.
    3. Learn to imagine the drawing process itself. When you're not busy drawing, look around. Think about how you could reflect the environment in the drawing. For example, imagine how you apply shadows around drawn eyes, draw pupils and irises. This line of thinking will allow you to think about working on the lines and creating your own style.

      • The goal is to learn to see details, not just general shapes. Instead of thinking about the eye itself, think about the lines and colors that will allow you to draw that eye.
    4. Practice. Drawing is a lot like skills like playing a musical instrument or riding a bike. Whenever you have free time, sit down and sketch. Practice shading and using different painting techniques. Work on sketching things from different angles. In between drawing sessions, simply spend time with objects that interest you so you can learn more about them without becoming overwhelmed.

    • Make it a habit to draw every day. With this habit, it will be easier for you to force yourself to practice, and you will improve your skills faster.
    • Don't be discouraged by realizing you've made mistakes. This perception stops many aspiring artists. Remember, even experienced artists continue to learn as they go.
    • It will take time to master the precise coordination of hand movements. Keep practicing, making short strokes on basic geometric shapes, and the results will improve over time.
    • There is no need to purchase expensive art materials. A notepad and simple pencils will be enough for studying.
    • Developing the skill of identifying individual geometric shapes in objects also takes time, but it helps to make more accurate sketches.


    • Someone, or even you yourself, may try to talk yourself out of this idea. But don't listen to those who say you don't have talent. Drawing needs to be learned, and if you enjoy doing it, just keep working on it.

What can you draw with a regular pencil? Yes, exactly the one that everyone used at school. Child's drawing, sketch or diagram? Do you know that there is a whole art in which the main character, or rather the object, is an ordinary gray stylus. with a simple pencil - there is room for human imagination.

Unusual art

One of the most accessible, but at the same time incredibly complex types of graphics is pencil drawing. It would seem that this is an ordinary object for us? It turns out that there is a lot. Some museums and exhibitions can boast of having an entire hall in which pencil drawings are presented. They display a wide variety of drawing ideas that came to famous artists at the moment of inspiration.

The unsurpassed play of shadows and the maximum resemblance to the original fascinate and captivate. Looking at some masterpieces, it is very difficult to imagine that this can be depicted with an ordinary gray stylus. It seems that this is certainly a work done in the best way, but you can’t draw such a miracle with a simple pencil! However, if you look closely, it is no longer possible to hold back an admiring sigh.

Necessary materials

If you think that to create such a masterpiece you need a lot of materials, then you are very mistaken. To complete a drawing, you need to have landscape sheets, a set of pencils, an eraser and a sharpener. And, of course, ideas for drawings. If you have no idea what you want to reproduce, the result will be disastrous. Or rather, this result will not happen at all.

For more complex work, of course, choose a snow-white, slightly rough sheet of paper, on which every stroke will be clear and noticeable. Specialized stores sell ready-made sets of simple pencils, but you can purchase the most ordinary ones. They should differ in the level of softness or hardness. The appropriate markings are certainly indicated on them. This gradation is needed to create shadows, without which even the most daring ideas for pencil drawings are doomed to failure.

You also cannot do without a sharp one, which will create the necessary sharpness of the rod. It is advisable to have several erasers that will erase failed or extra lines according to the type of pencil.

For work at a professional level, you will need an easel, since it is better to create a picture in a vertical position. In this case, the tool will easily slide across the paper, accurately conveying the smoothness of the lines.

How to hold the instrument correctly?

To create a masterpiece, you need to master the correct grip of a pencil. It needs to be held in the palm of your hand, pressing. This grip should be developed, but after getting used to it, the results will be more obvious. In art schools, the first few lessons are devoted to the skill of holding a pencil.

Of course, the simplest pencil drawings do not require special skills. They can be created by holding the instrument like a pen when writing. After all, there simply cannot be a risk of smearing simple drawings: their lines are clear and there is no play of shadows. But still, if you want to learn how to draw professionally, you should hold the instrument masterfully from the first attempts.

Simple pencil drawings

The simplest techniques are children's drawings. They are completely simple to perform and can be drawn in several stages. But it is with them that you can begin to develop the artistic talent of children or try your hand at graphics.

Drawing ideas for children are varied. These are birds, animals, cartoon characters. The most important thing is to carefully examine the object, take into account all its characteristics and try to reproduce what you saw. This is how children draw, and this is also worth trying for adults. Below are just some ideas for drawings with step-by-step execution of all operations.

Agree, anyone can draw this. But even more complex, seemingly complex objects can be reproduced on paper if the whole is broken down into parts. See how easy it is to create a beautiful swan. By the way, this drawing already uses some techniques of playing light and shadow (note the

Similarly, in just 13 steps, you can draw Kitty, the heroine of the animated series, for your child.

It doesn’t matter that the drawing is simple at first glance. If you succeeded without any problems, start working with the shadow, trying to give the figure volume. To do this, use pencils of different hardnesses, and also experiment with pressure.

If reproducing children's drawings is too easy for you, create your own paintings. Start with simple things - a cup, a telephone, a book, gradually complicating your work. Believe me, even the most seemingly ordinary object, when performed by a talented artist, will play very attractively. Look: the picture below shows a regular light bulb. But thanks to the play of light and shadow, recreated with a pencil, the drawing captivates with its realism.

Such images are often called 3D. This technique is quite difficult to master, but still possible. In them, the realism of objects is based on the play of light and shadow, which makes everything drawn seem real.

But first, it’s still worth turning into reality ideas for simpler pencil drawings. These could be household items, wildlife around you. For more complex works, you can choose a color drawing and draw it in black and white. There are a lot of options: you just have to look around you, and your heart will tell you what exactly to display on paper.

Instead of an epilogue

You don't have to take lessons at an art school to learn how to draw. Active workouts at home can also bring benefits. The first steps can be simple pencil drawings. Based on them, you can complicate the technique, fantasize with forms - and then everything should work out. Believe in success and improve your skills.

What to draw when you are bored, for example, if you are at home alone and have absolutely nothing to do? You can draw something cheerful and very funny, as well as mischievous, so that your eyes will be happy and your mood will at least improve a little. When you have a cold, are sick and, therefore, are at home, it is clear that you can be very bored and sad, but you should not fall so easily under the influence of despondency. After all, it is much easier to recover when a predominantly good mood prevails.
To have fun, you need to get some pencils or paints and drawing sheets, and then dream up what you can draw when you're bored. To do this, you just need to think about what joyful and interesting things have happened in life lately, what you had to rejoice at, what caused a smile and sincere laughter. Then you should try to depict it on a blank sheet of paper.

Don’t be upset if you don’t manage to display everything exactly as you want the first time, because the drawing will be not only funny, but also amusing. Such a picture can be freely hung on the wall in any room to get rid of boredom, in addition, guests will enjoy it. You can also try to draw your cherished wish, coloring it in bright colors so that it will definitely come true. You can also get ideas on what to draw when you’re bored by looking at photos.
If you are simply overcome by boredom and suffer from idleness, then drawing will be a great way to quickly get rid of it. On a day when the weather is good, you can take an easel, if you have one, and go out into nature. But you can get by with a blank sheet of paper with pencils or markers. On the street, you need to look around to find the landscape you like best or an object that evokes an extremely positive impression, and then pick up a pencil or brush and draw it. By depicting what is interesting and appealing to one’s liking, the “artist” immediately begins to feel involved in the chosen event or corner of the city, and feels like a part that takes part in what is happening.
You can fantasize a little about what to draw when you’re bored and gradually, surrendering to your dreams, move on to a different wave. This will help you see yourself in the world that you like most. Some people escape boredom by drawing their favorite flowers or animals, others depict entire compositions of items and objects, while others like to draw ordinary smiling faces or funny people. Under no circumstances should you portray characters of a negative nature, because not only will they not be able to add fun and good mood, but they will bring even more boredom and sadness.
When you are sad and bored, and you have a sheet of paper and a simple pencil at hand, you can draw whatever your heart desires.

Having acquired clean paper and a simple pencil, depict everything that you constantly dream about, what you have been dreaming about for a long time and your cherished desires. After all, absolutely every person has dreams, and there are quite a lot of them. You don’t know if one day these drawings will become your reality.
The person you love
What to draw when a girl is bored? The beautiful half of humanity is famous for its romantic nature and sentimentality. Therefore, admiring a portrait of a loved one, which was painted with their own hands, is a great way for them to pass the time while waiting for the next meeting. In addition, the painting can be given to this person. He will certainly be able to appreciate your efforts. So, just being bored, you can not only cheer yourself up, but also please your loved one and strengthen your relationship.

Almost every person has some kind of idol whom he simply adores with all his soul. He can be a TV star, a famous musician, or he can be an ordinary person whose actions deserve admiration. Therefore, take a good look at one of his photographs, and then draw his portrait with a pencil. After completing the work, you can compare the resulting result with the originals, and also show it to your friends. Such a picture will definitely lift your spirits, even if it doesn’t correspond to reality.

Picture of history

You can think endlessly about what to draw when you’re bored with a pencil, because there are so many different and interesting things around. You should try to tell one of the stories from your own life in several images. To do this, it will be enough to pick up a simple pencil and a sketchbook sheet and reminisce about pleasant memories. This “story” should be some impressive and interesting event that had a noticeable impact and, perhaps, even influenced your worldview. Later, this drawing may even be able to change your attitude towards a particular situation.

If you're bored, you can try to draw yourself. In this case, the paper needs to convey how you consider yourself, how you see it from the outside. You should pay attention to even the most insignificant details, which are also undoubtedly important. Then look at yourself in the mirror and compare your reflection with your newly created self-portrait. There is no need to be upset if the self-portrait is completely different from you. You need to turn on your imagination, add a few elements and as a result get what you imagine yourself to be in your soul.

Inspiration from landscapes

Looking out the window or walking along the alleys of the park, paths in any garden, you will notice that you are surrounded by incredible landscapes. You can transfer them to an album sheet in unlimited quantities, because all paintings depicting nature have their own unique charm.

You don’t have to think long about what to draw when children are bored. If you have any animal at home, for example a puppy or kitten, you can draw them on a landscape sheet. Thus, it is better to convey their habits and behavior patterns. You can depict not only your pet, but also your favorite animal, as well as the one with whom you associate yourself.


To the question “What to draw when you’re bored?” Some video tutorials suggest the following solution. You can cheer yourself up a little and have fun, and you can also make the people around you smile by drawing a cartoon. Drawing simple, but very funny cartoons is not only a fascinating process, but also very funny. You definitely won’t be bored spending time working on such drawings.