Beautiful pictures about a wonderful spring.

Spring time is a time of renewal and new beginnings. Nature is waking up from hibernation, snowdrifts are melting, spring rain can be heard from the roofs outside the window, buds are blooming on the trees.

I would like to capture all this beauty in my memory, so that later I can remember it with rapture and admiration. Wonderful time- she turns out beautiful literally at every time.

Desktop pictures are now very popular, where you can see the beauty of spring in the photo. Or, for example, download a high-quality picture to your phone. You can also use the services of an artist and hang drawings and paintings on the theme of spring in your home.

High-quality photos about spring on your desktop

Beautiful spring photos for your desktop can be downloaded from our website. Nowadays there are many photographers who photograph landscapes and the nature around us. Beautiful photos on the theme of spring can be downloaded for free and set as spring wallpaper on your desktop.

Thanks to high resolution And large sizes, such an image will look great on a computer or tablet screen.

Pictures about spring often include small details, for example, drops, small buds, snowdrops peeking out from under the snow, and the first small berries. All this tenderness and beauty can be conveyed by a photograph on your desktop.

Beautiful images of spring on your phone

Admire in the spring time You can do this not only on your computer or tablet screen, but also on your phone. Suitable for this various images even a small resolution. Even small pictures of spring on your phone will look impressive and advantageous.

There can be both city landscapes with houses with drop-dropping icicles hanging from the roofs, and pictures of wide, outstretched fields and forests with trees shedding a blanket of snow from their branches.

Also an excellent solution would be to opt for images small parts, for example, such as small rivers formed from melting snow covers, peeping buds or the first emerging birch leaf.

Spring, pictures for your phone: they make you wake up and come out of hibernation, start acting, fulfill your plans, make your dreams come true.

Drawn beautiful spring in pictures

Many artists glorify this time and depict it in their paintings. The beginning of a new era, the renewal of the earth, inspires them to create something new, affectionate and bright.

The variety of landscapes gives wide open space for ideas and fantasies. Artists who were born in places far from noisy cities love to depict in their paintings how spring comes to the village.

These rivers, melting glaciers on them, symbolize a thaw, the release of accumulated negativity and the beginning of a new life in a new channel. Houses decorated with melting icicles look like they were from old good fairy tales that our grandmothers told us before going to bed.

Spring in the forest is no less beautiful! These mighty trees awaken from sleep and shed the snow from their branches, like people who throw off the burden of the old and are ready for everything new.

It’s nice to hang such paintings on the wall at home and admire them while enjoying the nature of the world around us.

A beautiful spring, pictures and photos of which will always lift your spirits and push you to new beginnings and the embodiment of old ideas, is worth capturing it and enjoying these views in rare moments of sadness and sadness, lifting your spirits.

Bird on a branch

This work will be done in watercolors. You should prepare in advance a sheet of watercolor paper (for example, you can take FONTENAY 300 g/m², cotton), brushes: a large flat squirrel, as well as round kolinsky brushes No. 6.

After transferring the sketch using a flat soft brush, apply water to the background (while trying very hard not to touch the outlines of the bird and flowers, the flowers should remain unpainted almost until the very end of the work).

Quickly apply color spots onto a damp surface using a mixture of green, ocher, ultramarine and a small amount of violet-pink. Your goal is to achieve a varied background color, but at the same time sufficiently blurry.

While the paint layer is still wet, apply drops of alcohol to the background using a miniature brush. This will allow the picture to acquire an additional striking effect of sunbeams.

So, the background is finished, the following manipulations must be carried out with the leaves. They should be worked on dry paper. Medium brush Apply all the same shades as for the background, adding only cobalt blue.

Next in line - main character our work. To color the bird, use iron oxide red, light red and again green, ocher and cobalt blue. If the background around the bird needs to be made darker, then Right place You will need to apply water in advance, and then touch the paint. Remember that cotton paper allows the paint to flow wonderfully, no matter when you wet the sheet. And, of course, don't forget about the alcohol treatment: small round white spots will allow your creation to shimmer beautifully.

Use sepia for the eye, beak and legs, and a mixture of purple-pink and sepia for the branch. Don't forget about the shadows on the bird, make sure that in some places it is darker than the background, and in others it is lighter.

In some places, the background surface will need to be “strengthened”, but do not forget about moisture. At the same time, touch the flowers very carefully; for them, take a mixture of violet-pink and ocher.

Be very careful with the flowers at the very end; for them, mix ocher with violet-pink, as well as ocher with ultramarine.

Teachers and parents will be interested.

How to paint a spring landscape with oil paints

It should be noted right away that working with this type of paint requires experience and certain skills. Oil paints– rich and thick, but these are precisely their properties that allow you to create real masterpieces of painting.

The landscape should be done on a special cardboard or canvas. The canvas should first be coated with a special primer composition, the quality of which will determine final result. Let’s say right away that you won’t be able to paint on untreated canvas – the paint will simply corrode the material.

In this type of painting, fairly hard brushes are used; a sufficient number of them should be prepared, because they are not washed during the process. It is mandatory to have a palette knife - a horn or steel knife, which is used to clean the palette, mix colors, and also remove excess layers of the coloring composition from the canvas. The palette is used to create the desired colors.

Master class on drawing a fabulous image of Spring using a ready-made textile background with a floral pattern, step by step with photos.

Garbuzenko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of fine arts, MBU DO AR "DSHI in Aksay".

Description: The master class is intended for fine arts teachers, as well as for children over 12 years old and parents.

Purpose: decorative painting for interior decoration.

Goals: development creative imagination and improvisation in search of interesting artistic solutions with a ready-made background.

- complete the painting “Queen of Spring”, or Summer, Autumn and Winter, Morning, Day, Evening, Night and so on, step by step, depending on the theme, color of the floral (plant) pattern used;
- activate creative skills;
- develop fantasy and imagination;
- cultivate accuracy and attentiveness.

- A4 cardboard;
- fabric with fine floral pattern. Cotton and linen fabrics, chintz, staple, calico are suitable; unsuitable: silk, satin, chiffon fabrics and knitwear - they are difficult to paint with gouache, and not beautiful. A piece of fabric approximately 37 x 28 cm is enough;
- gouache paints;
- brushes;
- soft pencil (4B - 6B);
- scissors;
- a plate for mixing paints;
- sheet of tracing paper in A4 format;
- PVA glue.

Stages of work:

Stage 1- making a textile background for the picture:
- place the cardboard on a piece of fabric;
- cut off the corners of the fabric;
- a little PVA glue will be needed to glue the fabric allowances to the wrong side.

Turn it over and admire it beautiful background.

Stage 2- according to the provided diagram of the proportions of a person’s face, we draw a portrait.
When depicting, you can recall the Greek canon of proportions of a person’s face, but this is not at all necessary, since artistic image does not imply a “dry correct scheme”. A decorative image involves interpretation and stylization.
But despite the above, the canon is provided.

This is where I want to do lyrical digression. It turns out much more interesting fairy tale images, created not according to the scheme. Intuition, fantasy, individual style, character, deviation from proportions - all together can create unique image heroines. Each artist draws differently. IN in this case a certain degree of conventionality and stylization must remain. The painting is more decorative than pictorial, so there is no need to achieve realistic chiaroscuro, otherwise it will turn out inharmonious. So, we put the drawn portrait on paper (or directly on tracing paper), put it on the fabric and move it a little, choosing the most favorable place. Let's coordinate with the flowers so that they beautifully frame the Spring girl's face.

Stage 3- carefully cut out the face and hands from the drawing. The tracing paper turns into a template.

Stage 4- paint over Vesna’s face and hands with gouache using a template. To do this, mix white, red, yellow and just a little green. Stir on the palette, select a flesh color.

Carefully apply paint through the template.

We remove the tracing paper - template.

Stage 5- transfer facial features onto dried gouache. On a cut out piece of tracing paper with reverse side carefully outline all the lines of the face soft pencil. Then we put it on dried paint and circle it from the front side. This is how the image is translated. But in principle, you can draw a face right away without markings.

Stage 6- Painting the sky. Around the face we depict flowing hair, curls, repaint and add flowers. Let's do creativity with pleasure!

We apply the features with sharp strokes, then soften and shade them.

Stage 7- final: carefully draw facial features, hands, hair, flowers, stems and leaves. We finish drawing a butterfly or a bird on the girl’s hand. At your discretion!

Good luck!!!