Flower meadow drawing. Drawing master class for children “In a flower meadow”

Holiday script for older children preschool age"Planet Earth is our home"

Goal: to form elements of environmental consciousness in children through musical means.


  • give children knowledge about the relationship and interaction of living organisms in nature, contribute to the child’s understanding that the Earth is ours common Home, and man is part of nature;
  • contribute to the formation of children’s feelings and ideas, stimulate their moral and aesthetic experiences, and the ability to be emotionally responsive;
  • enrich children's musical experiences;
  • consolidate the ability to expressively convey melody and text, achieve imagery and rhythm of movements, their coordination;

Presenter 1:

It was invented by someone both simply and wisely.
Say hello when meeting « Good morning
* "Hello!" , - say, the sun and the birds
- "Hello!" , - sweet smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, trusting,
May it be good "Hello!" You can hear it even in the evening!
Nature has three treasures:
Water, earth and air are its three foundations.

No matter what trouble comes -
They are safe, everything will be reborn again.
And the sun is shining, it warms everyone.
All together is strength and goodness.

Guys, April 22 is the birthday of planet Earth. On this day, everyone tries to plant trees and flowers, make birdhouses for birds, remove garbage from streets and squares, and clean water bodies. People try to preserve and decorate their home - our planet

Presenter 2:

My friend! What could be sweeter
Priceless native land?
The sun seems brighter there
The golden spring is more joyful there,

Cooler light breeze,
There the nightingale sings more sonorously.

1st child:

Where the mountains are blue, where the water is blue,
I can see a multi-colored planet from the window.
A colorful planet is not a drawing, not a dream,
The colorful planet is our round Earth!

Presenter 1: Especially, guys, the bright beauty of our Earth is noticeable in the spring, when everything awakens after winter.

2nd child:

The sun smiled tenderly.
Mother earth has already woken up,
Life and miracles are everywhere!
Spring day is rich and luxurious.

Velvet is thrown onto the lawns,
The forests are covered in greenery.

Song "Spring" I. Frolova

Presenter 2: Guys, we received a letter (opens) with riddles, can we guess them?

A green friend is waiting for us to visit,
Birches, sticky trees, maples are waiting,
Herbs, birds and flowers of unprecedented beauty,
Pines, spruces to the sky, green friend, this.

Children: Forest!

Presenter 1: Let's go to the forest, but first, let's remember how to behave in the forest. I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do good, you say "Yes" , if it’s bad, then we all talk together "No"

A game “If I come to the woods...”
If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie

And throw away the paper? (No)
If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)
If I tie a branch

Shall I put a peg? (Yes)
If I make a fire
Won't I put it out? (No)
If I mess up too much

Will I forget to remove it? (No)
If I take out the trash
Shall I bury the jars? (Yes)
I love my nature

Am I helping her? (Yes).

Presenter 1: Well done guys, you know how to behave in the forest. Now let's go there by train.

Get ready quickly
On the morning train
Waist-deep grasses have been waiting for us for a long time
Hurry up to the forests and fields

While the earth shines with gems.

Presenter 2: Well, shall we go to the spring forest? And on what (By train).

Okay, let's go by train to visit the old forest man!

Song "Train"

Presenter 1: Here we are, do you hear the forest sounds? Let's talk

We call Grandfather the Forester.

Children: -Aw! -Aw! Grandpa the Forester!

Respond quickly and appear before us!

Lesovichok: -Aw! -Aw! I'm coming! I'm coming! Hello children,

Hello forest! Did you recognize me?

Or maybe not?

3rd child:

You, old man, are a forest boy. Birch bark cap!

You protect the forest from evil, you don’t allow evil in the forest!

Lesovichok: Correct!

I live in my magical kingdom
Green state. In my kingdom
There are also animals and birds.
There is a woodpecker and a mole, there is a fox and a tit.

There are mosquitoes, ants, nightingales.
The forest is the decoration of our land!
All birds, flowers and animals are friends,
My very rich kingdom!

There are also the main inhabitants of my kingdom.
What do we call these residents?

Children: Trees!


Yes, these are the main forest inhabitants,

Would you like to hear riddles about them?

1) This tree is mighty, he is a forest nurse,
And everyone knows this tree - old and young.
Grows until old age and 100 and 200 years
You won’t grab its big, mighty trunk, no!

He will give strength to anyone, and, of course, love to everyone,
Children recognized him, because he is... (mighty oak)
A child comes out dressed as an oak tree.

2) This is a Russian tree, this tree is beautiful,
It adorns green forests.
As soon as you see him, you will immediately remember Rus',
There is no simpler question to ask -

What kind of tree is... (birch)

A child comes out dressed as a birch tree.

3) I always shake from the cold,
I'm afraid of everything in the forest,
Not birch, not rowan,
And shy... (aspen)

A child comes out dressed as an aspen.

4) Bends over the river
Swimming in the river
He will lower the branches into the water,
Rinsing in water all day

Look how beautiful she is
Did you guess it? This … (willow)

A child comes out dressed as a willow tree.

5) She has longer needles than a Christmas tree,
It grows very straight in height.
If it grows - on the edge,
The branches are only on the top of the head,

And it stretches up - the ship's ... (pine)
A child comes out dressed as a pine tree.


Come on, the wind is a boy,
Blow, our cheerful friend!
You trees, don't be shy
Swing in the clearing!

Presenter: And now I propose to play a game.

Music game "Find your tree"

Children are divided into 5 circles, each circle has its own tree, to the accompaniment of light music, children run around the hall on their toes, at this time the trees change places, with the end of the music, the children must build their circle around their tree.


Who will tell me, who knows?
What kind of forest is there?
Attention attention,
Listen to the task!

  • He loves boletus, what kind of forest? /birch/
  • Oak to the left, oak to the right. What do we have? /oak grove/
  • He loves boletus, what kind of forest? /aspen/
  • Does the redhead like forests, which one? /spruce/
  • The pines came out onto the hill, the forest was like this... /pine forest/

Lesovichok: Well done guys, you play well! Tell me, please, who else do you see and hear in my forest?

Children: Birds!

Lesovichok: Come birds, come, singers:

Titmouse sisters, tap dancing aunts,
Little Easter boys and starlings, well done!
Starling: The starling arrived in the spring,
The palace is ready for him.

There is a cheerful garden at the palace,
He is happy with everything in the world.

1st rook:

We are rook workers,
When we work, we remain silent.
We clean the earth: we search in it
Harmful caterpillars, worms.

2nd rook:

We've been overseas
We saw a lot of wonderful things.
Only the homeland is dearer,
It's just spring - we're back at it!


Swallow, swallow,
Dear killer whale,
Where have you been
What did you get?

Swallow: I've been overseas

I got the spring.

1st crane: We arrived in the spring

Home from the hot south,

They waited out the winter there.

They missed their native land.

2nd crane: The end of winter has come,

That's why he brought us together.

Dance "Birds, my birds"

Lesovichok: You know birds well, but what animals live in the forest?


I hear noise and crackling, someone is disturbing the forest there!

The bear comes out to the Russian folk melody "Oh, you, canopy."

Bear: Oh! Indeed, I am clubfooted.

I got my paws wet in a puddle.

Sunshine, warm it up. Yes, warm the bear.

He dances, exposing his sides and paws to the sun. The fox comes out softly, and the bunny jumps out behind her: he shows the movements according to the text.

Fox: I am a red fox, I am a master at running.

I was running through the forest, I was chasing a bunny!

Hare: A hare was running through the swamp, he was looking for a job.

Yes, I didn’t find a job, I cried and went.

Lesovichok: Wait, little bunny, don’t cry, we have guests here!

Hare: (To children) Who are they and where did they wander into the spring forest?

Child: We came to see a miracle

Awakening of the earth!

Lisa: Well done! We now invite you to have fun with us!

"Aerobics" for animals is performed.

Lesovichok: Guys, you can’t light a fire in the forest, you can’t litter.

I have an assistant here, look!

Hedgehog: The hedgehog puffs and winces:

What am I to you, a cleaning lady?

I can’t sweep the forest,

Keep clean!

Presenter 2: Dear Lesovichok, our children know that our beautiful land we must take care: do not break bushes and trees, but plant new ones, do not offend animals, birds and insects.

5th child: Take care of the earth. Take care.

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves.

There are sun glares on the paths.

6th child: A crab playing on the stones,

Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,

A hawk soaring over a field

Clear moon over the river calm

7th child: A swallow flickering in life.

Take care of the earth! Take care!

The song-dance "Do not offend the living" is performed.

1st child:

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

2nd child:

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness.

Nature has it all year round

You need to study.

All the forest people

Teaches strong friendship

3rd child:

You breathe the clean air of the forests

And you drink water from deep rivers,

You are full of her bread, man,

Answer her sad call.

4th child:

There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Migratory birds are called

5th child:

There is a huge house on Earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house,

And all your friends.

6th child:

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of our native land

This house is called.


What kind of ceiling is this?

Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,

It's a little bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue – blue


We all like it

Without him we cry

And as soon as it appears -

We look away and hide:

It's very bright

And the roast is very hot.


Grew up in a meadow -

I found myself in a haystack.


Two antennas on the top of the head,

And she herself sits in the hut.

She's carrying her,

It crawls along the straw.


It can be alive or dead,

Both liquid and very solid...

Lurking, maybe in the skies

And hide in the depths of the earth,

And they will evaporate before our eyes,

And then appear again!


Who lives in water all his life,

And she doesn’t drink water herself:

Neither lake nor river,

Not any other one.


Song "Beautiful Planet" N. Motkov

1. I hugged the globe.

One over land and water.

Continents are in my hands

They whisper to me quietly "Take care"

2. I hear both birds and fish

We ask you, man

Promise us and don't lie,

Take care of us like an older brother.

3. I hugged the globe,

And something happened to me

I told myself: “I won’t lie.

My dear, I will save you!”

Dance "Don't drop the ball"


1. The breeze is friends with the sun,

And the dew is with the grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half

We are happy to share!

Only friends quarrel


2. The sun looks down from the sky

Millions of years.

The sun is pouring down on the earth

Both warmth and light.

3. The sun worked all day,

And I got a little tired.

We need to gain new strength,

Admire the children.

Round dance “The children of the whole earth are friends” D. Lvov-Kompaneets

Presenter 2: Thank you, Lesovichok, for an interesting walk. Let your forest turn green and bloom, but it’s time for us to return home. Let's go, guys. Goodbye!

To the soundtrack of “Train”, the children leave the hall.

GBOU Gymnasium No. 1507 (department preschool education No. 790) Moscow.

Earth is our common home

Software tasks:

1. Expand children's understanding of planet Earth.
Create a joyful, spring mood in children.
To form environmentally conscious behavior, a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to decorate our Earth with specific deeds and actions.
Expand children's understanding of nature conservation.
To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

2. Activate children’s vocabulary with words: globe, planet.
Strengthen the ability to use in answers means of expression: poems, proverbs, sayings.

3. Instill in children a sense of pride for their planet.

Encourage the desire to do something nice for the Earth - say Nice words. Continue to teach children to use the common form of answer, to complement the statements of their comrades.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning poems, proverbs, sayings about the Earth.
2. Conversation on the topic: “The Earth is our common home”, “Rules of behavior in nature”.
3. Drawing on the topic: “Our planet is Earth.”
4. Examination of a globe, world atlas, world map.
5. Reading N. Sladkov’s book “The Multi-Colored Land.”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today, April 22, the whole world celebrates a wonderful holiday - Earth Day. It is celebrated by all people who love their planet - home, native nature, their fatherland.
Please look here. What is shown here? That's right Earth. What do you know about Earth? What's on it? (The earth does not have the sky, sun, moon, stars, clouds, wind, air, rivers, seas, grass, trees, birds, animals and, of course, we people. (The earth is our home.)
Many poets wrote beautiful poems about the earth.
Do you guys know poems about the Earth? Tell them, please.

Verse 1.
Today the kids are in a hurry to congratulate
Our beloved planet.
We wish you health, all the best and goodness,
After all better than earth ours is not there.

Verse 2.
Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich.
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys.

Verse 3.
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over her, Dasha Ya.
We won’t let anyone offend her!

Verse 4.
We will take care of birds, insects, animals,
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens and flowers Lesha G.
You and I need such a planet.

Psycho-gymnastics. Well done boys. You know, I invite you to go on a little trip with me. Let's imagine that we are sitting in spaceship. And so we prepared. Attention. Prepare for takeoff. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Start! Our ship rushes upward, houses, trees and our city become smaller and smaller. And so we lost sight of it and suddenly, be careful, what is it?

Music is playing. “The ground is visible through the porthole.”

No beginning, no end
Neither the back of the head nor the face
Everyone knows, young and old,
That she is a huge ball.

What is this ball that we saw through the porthole guys? Right. This is the land, so flat and level below. Above, in space, it looks like a small ball. The globe helps to imagine our planet as it exists in space. A globe is a miniature model of the earth. Who knows what they mean different colors on the globe? Well done!

Now let's go back to earth. Here we have landed. Let's say it again:

-Who lives on earth? (Animals, insects, flowers.)
-Who lives underground? (Worms, moles, beetles.)
-Who flies above the Earth? (Birds, insects.)
— When is it light outside? (During the day.)
- Why do you need water? (Drink, swim, water the plants.)
—What is air needed for? (Needed for breathing.)

Well done! And I suggest you go further on a journey across the earth. And we will visit the forest with you. We sit down with you on our carpet - an airplane. We close our eyes and listen. (Bird voice music sounds).
Oh, guys, we came along a forest path to a forest clearing. And someone is sitting on it. And who is this?

Lesovichok. I know the forest and I love the forest
I invite you to visit me
Everything in the forest is interesting to me.
Every bush and every stump.
I am a cheerful Old Man - Lesovichok.

Educator: Why are you Lesovichok so sad?

Lesovichok. Look at my clearing. She's covered in trash. Can I receive guests here? And why? (garbage everywhere).

Help me clean up the clearing.

Game "Collect garbage".

Collect garbage in a box. We don’t throw away garbage, but what do we do with it?

Well done guys collected all the rubbish.

Let's play another game. I will speak, and you will answer me only “yes” if it is good, only “no” if it is bad.

Game “If I come to the woods”

If I come to the woods
And I’ll pick a chamomile (no).
If I eat candy
And I'll throw away the paper (no)
If a piece of bread
I'll leave it on the stump (yes).
If I tie a branch,
I’ll put up a peg (yes).
If I mess up too much
And I’ll forget to remove it (no).
I love my nature
I will help her (yes).

Well done, everyone answered correctly. So, what did we repeat?

Rules of behavior in the forest.

Let's call them again:

1. The first rule is don’t litter!

2. The second rule is don’t make noise!

3. The third rule – don’t destroy!

You can and you know everything. They helped clean up the trash and answered my questions. But do you know the inhabitants of my forest? Who lives in the forest? (animals and birds).
Guess my riddles:

1. All migratory birds are more common,
Clean the earth from worms
Jump back and forth across the arable land,
And the bird's name is rook.

2. Who's on the tree as a bitch?
Is the counting going cuckoo? (cuckoo)

3. He sang solo among the branches
The singer was named (nightingale).

4. There is a palace on the pole, there is a singer in the palace,
And the singer's name is (starling).

5. Under the roof I make a nest from lumps of clay,
For the chicks I put a feather bed (swallow) on the bottom

6. Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Builds a house with one window. (woodpecker).

Well done for solving the riddles. Let's go visit my birds and preach to them. Oh, what's wrong with them? They're all mixed up. How can I tell them apart? Some of them are wintering and some are migratory. Can you help me figure it out?

Game "Migratory and wintering birds."

Educator: Guys, let's watch a video together about our planet. (Conversation about what he saw).

Educator: Do you guys like visiting Lesovich? He played with us and asked us riddles. Listen, Lesovichok, we have cleared your clearing of garbage. But nothing grows on it. What grows on the ground? Do you know poems about flowers?

Sonya K. Let's decorate the earth,
Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere,
Let's respect the earth together
And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

Lesovichok. Children, I have flower seeds, I want to give them to you.

Educator: Let's help the guys to the Old Man - Lesovich. But before we get started, let's get our fingers ready.

Finger gymnastics. "Flower"

A tall flower grew in a clearing
On a spring morning I opened the petals.
Beauty and nutrition to all petals
Together they give the roots.

Practical lesson.

Now we will start sowing the seeds. On the tables in front of you are the tools necessary for planting. What should you do next? Children pronounce their actions: (make a hole in the ground, water, put a seed, sprinkle with earth, water). Well done guys, they did it. The seeds were planted. Flowers will grow from them.
We give this magical garden bed to you. Then you will plant flowers in your meadow.

Earth is our home


Target: caring attitude and love for native nature;

Tasks:-repeat the ecological rules of human behavior in nature;

Develop speech, attention, observation:

Foster a sense of responsibility and careful attitude to the natural world.

I. Opening remarks

Guys, our Classroom hour dedicated to the protection and conservation of nature.

This lesson, I hope, will help us think about the state of our planet, about the capabilities of man and his relationship with nature.

Wherever a person lives, in a city or in the countryside, he is always surrounded by plants, animals, birds, insects... A person is never isolated from nature, but people do not always understand how their actions affect nature.

II. Conversation on the topic

- Let's think about what makes us happy in nature? (Children's answers.)

– Beauty is clean air, the silence of the forest, the voices of birds and animals, the rustling of leaves, the babbling of a brook. For other people to see this beauty, we must learn to communicate with nature. This is what Ecology does.

Ecology is the science of the connections between man and nature. Our country has a law “On the protection of nature: animals, plants, air and soil.” Environmental scientists and biologists around the world have sounded the alarm: nature is in danger! Man, through his activities, damages nature. Ecology tells us what to do best to preserve nature.

Guys, can you and I live without birds, trees, butterflies, rivers, forests, the sun?

We are accustomed to believing that nature is omnipotent, while forgetting that it is fragile and vulnerable. Often, while walking in the forest, sunbathing on the beach, we leave behind an unextinguished fire, throw garbage, make noise and do not think at all about the fact that we have come to visit nature, and when visiting we need to behave culturally.

To confirm this, listen to the poem: (Children read)

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Fresh air breathe,

Run, jump and play.

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly!

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Don't break oak branches.

And remember more often:

Remove trash from the grass!

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Don't shoot with a slingshot!

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone here.

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

Our planet is our home, and each of us is responsible for its future. But not all people remember this. Listen to a poem about unfortunate tourists who came to rest in the forest. Maybe someone will recognize themselves in him?

Walk. (S. Mikhalkov)

We arrived at the river
Spend Sunday
And a free place
You won't find it near the river!
They sit here, and they sit there:
They sunbathe and eat
They rest as they want
Hundreds of adults and children.
We walked along the shore
And they found a clearing.
But in a sunny meadow
Empty cans here and there
And, as if to spite us,
Even broken glass.
We walked along the shore
We found a new place.
But they sat here before us too;
They also drank, they also ate,
They burned a fire, they burned paper -
They messed up and left!
Of course we passed by
- Hey guys! - Dima shouted, -
What a place!
Spring water,
Wonderful view!
Beautiful beach!
Unpack your luggage!
We swam, sunbathed,
They burned a fire.
They played football -
We had as much fun as we could:
They drank kvass, ate sweets,
They sang songs in a round dance...
We rested and left!
And they stayed in the clearing
At the extinguished fire:
Two bottles we broke -
Two soggy bagels -
In short, a mountain of garbage.
We arrived at the river
Spend Monday
Only a clean place
They didn’t find it near the river!

– Why do you think the tourists didn’t find a clean place on Monday?

– What would you do if you were these tourists?

– What harm does this behavior cause to people?

– What other sources of environmental pollution do you know? ( Children list).

In nature, everything is interconnected; ecology also studies this interconnection. Here are some examples of such relationships:

    The Aral Sea, which became shallow and dried up because a lot of water was taken from it for irrigation

    In China, millions of sparrows were destroyed, after which great amount

pests. And the Chinese began to buy sparrows from other countries.

    Birds of prey have been exterminated in Norway to preserve partridges. But the partridges soon died

from the epidemic. It turns out that hawks and owls ate sick birds and acted as orderlies, which means

prevented epidemics.

“Our little brothers” live in the forest: birds and animals. Among them are many of our faithful friends. Birds are protectors of forests, fields, and gardens. They preserve the harvest by destroying a huge number of harmful insects per day. Birds of prey catch rodents in the fields. Birds decorate our lives.

    Which bird has a pouch under its beak? ( pelican)

    What does an ostrich do when danger approaches? ( hides his head in the sand)

    Which bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds? ( cuckoo)

    What birds spend the night buried in the snow? ( black grouse)

    The world's largest animal. ( blue whale)

    Largest land animal ( elephant)

    The fastest beast ( cheetah)

    The largest bird in the world (ostrich)

    The smallest bird (weight 2 g). (hummingbird)

    Which bird is considered a forest orderly? (woodpecker)

    The bird is a symbol of peace. Since ancient times, it has been a reliable human assistant in delivering letters, and now it is a permanent inhabitant of city streets. (pigeon)

    A large flightless bird that feeds on fish and lives in Antarctica. (penguin)

    Macaw, cockatoo. All this... Who? (parrot)

    People consider this bird to be one of the most beautiful and at the same time stupid birds. (peacock)

    Who sings best in the forest? (nightingale)

    Which bird flies the highest? (eagle)

    Name the red-breasted birds that feed on bitter rowan (bullfinches)

III. A game

Teacher. I invite you to think about everything you’ve heard and play the “If suddenly...” game. I will name the situation, and you need to say what will happen if it happens.

For example: If people destroy all the flowers on Earth, then...

Many insects will die

There will be no honey, a very valuable product for human health.

1) They will stop cleaning the area on city beaches...

2) They will cut down all the forests on earth...

3) If all waste processing plants close...

4) They will destroy the mountains...

The game once again proves that in nature everything is interconnected and one depends on the other

IV. Practical work

Now on the pieces of paper that I gave you, you need to draw an environmental sign that will reflect what

What can you do to protect nature?

V. Summing up

Teacher. What did you understand from our conversation today? (children's answers)

– Remember the rules of friends of nature that we talked about today. (Name the rules one by one).

Well done boys. I hope you will remember how to behave so as not to harm nature.