Youth achievements in the 21st century. What do modern youth want from life?

Scientific work"Youth of the 21st century"

What is the youth of the twenty-first century like? If you ask this question to the grandparents of modern young man, then they will say that this generation, which lives one day at a time, does not think about anything. They don’t need anything, they are not interested in anything - this is an opinion you can often hear from the older generation about modern young people. Perhaps they are right? Look at the guy or girl. They are sitting somewhere in a park, in the yard on a bench. They smoke and may have a bottle of beer in their hands. Such a picture can often be seen today. But this does not mean that absolutely all young people are only interested in drinking and thoughtless pastime. Not at all.

Modern youth very different from their peers living in the twentieth century. Firstly, they are much more informed than them, because Newest technologies allow you to receive a much larger amount of information than fifteen to twenty years ago. Secondly, it cannot be said that young people today are less educated. On the contrary, they know more because they can obtain knowledge from many sources. They just live in a different time. But important human values For modern youth remained the same. They also love and want to be happy, just like young people a hundred and two hundred years ago. They also want to find themselves, their place in this world. Only their methods and means are different now, and their opportunities have changed significantly. Modern young boys and girls, as in former times, are ready to help, to lend a shoulder when things are difficult. Here is a boy saving a drowning man from a hole. He risks his life, but helps someone who is in trouble. A young man saves a girl from a burning apartment. He performs a feat not for the sake of reward or glory. The boy simply does what he has to do because the girl is in danger. The newlyweds and their friends went for a ride and, standing on the bridge, saw that a man was drowning. People rushed to save him. There are many more such examples that can be given. That is, the values ​​of modern youth have remained unchanged: philanthropy, mutual assistance, helping those in trouble, and others. And they also have a goal in life. Only the ways to achieve this goal are slightly different from before. And there have been and will be disputes about the fact that at other times everyone was not like that. And today’s young people, in thirty years, will tell their children that they were different and did not live like that. The eternal dispute between fathers and sons!

Youth - great time in life. This is a time of discoveries, new knowledge and opportunities, when any goal seems feasible, and any task is within reach. It’s as if all roads are open to young people, they just need to choose the right way. What is it like, the youth of the 21st century? How does he live, where does he strive, what does he dream about? I will try to answer these questions.

It's no secret that the 21st century is the century information technologies. At this time, people are conquering space, sending their research stations to Mars, they invent robots, e-mobiles, solar panels. Things that just recently could only be read about in fantasy books, today they already seem familiar. The Internet has become a comprehensive space that unites everything and everyone. Of course, this has its advantages. We, even while in different corners our planet, we can freely communicate in real time with each other, exchange photos and videos. But is it really that good?

Young people spend a huge amount of time on the global web. Tablets, laptops, netbooks, MacBooks, Androids: many people can’t imagine their lives without them. Live communication is increasingly being replaced by virtual communication. IN endless stream information, we do not have time to think about things that are truly important: moral and moral values, about love and friendship, about good and evil, about the purpose and meaning of our existence. Young people are losing the ability to think, becoming more and more subject to clichés and standards. After all, in the bustle of days it is so easy to lose your own inner self.

Despite the above, the youth of the 21st century have positive sides. A significant portion of young men and women actively promote healthy image life, devoting great attention sports. Many young people do not want to remain indifferent to the problems of our time. They take part in their decision. I'll give you a few specific examples. In our city there is a youth movement “Leader”. The guys from this association often carry out various campaigns to combat smoking, alcohol, drugs and other bad habits and also provide assistance orphanage and a nursing home. They do this completely free of charge, which deserves respect. Two young men from St. Petersburg named Nikolai and Guram can also become a positive example of youth of the 21st century. The guys film and then post on the Internet videos with social experiments in which they urge people not to be indifferent. Looking through their project, you involuntarily think about how you yourself would act in a given situation. In my opinion, the activities of young people are worthy of attention.

Thanks to these and many other examples, you are increasingly convinced that the youth of the 21st century, for the most part, are smart, purposeful and brilliantly knowledgeable guys and girls who have not lost such important qualities like humanity, kindness and empathy. Youth of the 21st century is the future of Russia. And I want to believe that the future will be bright!

Dezhevoy Arseny Valerievich– student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of Don State Technical University.

Annotation: The article reveals the basic principles of life of modern youth. The features of personality development are considered. Life problems are covered.

Keywords: Worldview, personality, happiness, culture, health.

Worldview is a system of personal assessments and prejudices that influences a person’s behavior and goals. Worldview is a dynamic concept, that is, over time it can change and transform. Grade environment carried out by a person continuously throughout his life. Worldview has different kinds. It can be: ordinary, scientific, religious and philosophical. Each of them has its own characteristics. We will not dwell on them in detail. It is only worth saying that among young people the ordinary worldview prevails.

Human behavior directly depends on these very internal prejudices. We subconsciously act in a given situation “automatically,” that is, without thinking about our actions specifically in this moment, but we do exactly as we are used to doing. This process also involved our worldview.

The youth of the twenty-first century are significantly different from their predecessors. This is primarily due to technological progress. Nowadays, various types of equipment have filled every home. If earlier communication took place mainly face to face, with the exception of rare letters, and a little later, telephone calls, now virtual communication has practically eclipsed live communication. Young people use a significant number of gadgets, which in turn act not only as communicators, but also as sources of information. The Internet gives them the opportunity to receive information wherever they are. But, of course, not all the information that people find on the Internet is reliable. You must be able to select what you need and check it in additional sources. Unfortunately, part of the younger generation does not possess this skill and takes on faith information that is far from the truth. This is one of the main problems of the worldview of young people in the twenty-first century.

For the most reliable point of view, it is necessary to turn to the experience of previous generations. But since everything changes and modernizes, our ancestors cannot comment on everything.

One more important feature modern youth is the lack national idea. Earlier to the younger generation it was important to live their lives in such a way that their every action benefits the society in which they live. Now young people are completely left to their own devices. Any person strives to benefit himself with every action, without worrying about others at all.

It should also be noted that the majority of today's youth have experienced a change in ideals. In the 90s of the 20th century, young people dreamed of becoming lawyers, engineers, and businessmen. For modern youth, the ideal is professional activity became a designer, journalist, IT specialist, etc. The current generation is characterized by a quiet, relaxed, creative work for your own pleasure.

Thus, we have considered the main life principles youth of the 21st century. The worldview of young people is prone to change much more than that of representatives of other stages life cycle. This is due both to the emotional characteristics of young people and to their lifestyle.


  1. Life values ​​of modern youth // Moskovsky Komsomolets in Novosibirsk, 2011.
  2. Fedoseenkov A.V. Philosophy of life: reification and personalization. In the book: Construction - 2015: Modern problems of construction. – 2015. – P. 368-370.
  3. Belokonev G.P., Fedoseenkov A.V. Pedagogical culture V higher school: textbook allowance. Rostov n/a: Rost. state builds. univ. 2005. 60 p.
  4. Maidansky A.D., Polukhin O.N., Fedoseenkov A.V. The activity approach and the principle of reflexivity in science. Scientific bulletins of Belgorodsky state university. Series: Philosophy. Sociology. Right. 2015. T. 33. No. 14 (211). pp. 28-33.

What is the youth of the twenty-first century like? If you ask this question to the grandparents of a modern young man, they will say that this is a generation that lives one day at a time and does not think about anything. They don’t need anything, they are not interested in anything - this is an opinion that can often be heard from the older generation about modern young people.

Perhaps they are right? Look at the guy or girl. They are sitting somewhere in a park, in the yard on a bench. They smoke and may have a bottle of beer in their hands. Such a picture can often be seen today. But this does not mean that absolutely all young people are only interested in drinking and thoughtless pastime. Not at all.

Modern youth are very different from their peers living in the twentieth century. Firstly, they are much more informed than them, because the latest technologies allow them to receive a much larger amount of information than fifteen to twenty years ago. Secondly, it cannot be said that young people today are less educated. On the contrary, they know more because they can obtain knowledge from many sources. They just live in a different time.

But important human values ​​for modern youth have remained the same. They also love and want to be happy, just like young people a hundred and two hundred years ago. They also want to find themselves, their place in this world. Only their methods and means are different now, and their opportunities have changed significantly.

Modern young boys and girls, as in former times, are ready to help, to lend a shoulder when things are difficult. Here is a boy saving a drowning man from a hole. He risks his life, but helps someone who is in trouble. A young man saves a girl from a burning apartment. He performs a feat not for the sake of reward or glory. The boy simply does what he has to do because the girl is in danger. The newlyweds and their friends went for a ride and, standing on the bridge, saw that a man was drowning. People rushed to save him. There are many more such examples that can be given.

That is, the values ​​of modern youth have remained unchanged: philanthropy, mutual assistance, helping those in trouble, and others. And they also have a goal in life. Only the ways to achieve this goal are slightly different from before. And there have been and will be disputes about the fact that at other times everyone was not like that. And today’s young people, in thirty years, will tell their children that they were different and did not live like that. The eternal dispute between fathers and sons!

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Social networks are so addicting to young people that they begin to live not in the real world, but virtual world. Or maybe young people just have nothing else to do? No, in everyone, even in the most provincial town, a child or teenager can find something to do to their liking. Anyone can engage in music, sports, dancing, drawing, the main thing is to have the desire.
Laziness, that’s what drives today’s youth, of course, it’s easier to follow the path of least resistance, but it’s very boring and uninteresting.

The main goal is to study well, get a good education Not everyone wants to find a prestigious job. Some are looking for the easiest and affordable way get an education, for them the first place is not study and career, but noisy companies, free and wild life. And few of them have ever thought about what will happen next, what future awaits them? These young people will not have a bright future; only those of them who come to their senses in time will be lucky. Young people strive to get out of the control of their parents and rather become independent, but their independence does not lead to anything good.
For example, when deciding to finish nine grades and then go to a technical school or college, to get a profession that does not provide any prospects, young people do not think about the future. It seems to her that it’s great to do nothing, she doesn’t have to spend a lot of effort and time on studying, but a lot of time on rest and idleness. Sooner or later, all kinds of entertainment will become uninteresting, and then what to do? Without higher education it’s difficult to find a job, you need knowledge, you need good specialists, it turns out there won’t be a bright future. What about the country? Not only will the young man not receive the proper education, but over time there may be a shortage of specialists in the country. Consequently, the future of the country will be at risk.
As they say, “everything is learned by comparison.” The youth of the 21st century have different values, a different manner of behavior and communication, and set different priorities for themselves than the youth of past years. The concept of morality has also become outdated, views on life have changed, and therefore the level of culture and education among the youth of our time is lower. Young people of the 21st century rarely visit theaters and conservatories, they are almost not interested in ballet and opera, young people are less likely to be interested in poetry, because times are changing and art in this kind of manifestation is becoming irrelevant among young people.

Opinion If you ask this question to the parents of today's students and schoolchildren, many of them will say that this generation lives one day at a time and does not think about anything. And we also hear that young people today are rude, dissolute and do not value their elders, are absolutely not interested in anything, are cynical and completely immoral.

At the end of the last century, major changes took place in Russia: a return to market economy, a sharp stratification into rich and poor, and most importantly, everything became freely bought and sold. Freedom has arrived. Many began to understand it as permissiveness. And, according to a number of psychologists, there are more bad changes than good ones.

Modern young people drink alcohol more, and many are addicted to drugs. Engagement in early sexual intercourse bears fruit not only in the form of early birth of children and huge amount abortions, but also the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the main of which is the “plague of the 20th and 21st centuries” - AIDS.

Despite the negativity, our youth have a lot of positive things, and one cannot but agree with this. However, “walking on the Internet”, I became convinced of this when I found out what modern youth was writing about and what they were breathing.

Here, for example, is a letter from a student at one university.
“Our parents were young 20-30 years ago. One very famous satirist called the time of their youth “the time of the commissars”: Komsomol card, the interests of the collective above their own, boys - to the left, girls - to the right, at 9 o'clock - to bed. The delights of that time cannot be counted. That's right, because this is their youth. She will always be the best, because this time itself is beautiful.
But then the 21st century came. Terrible for them and wonderful for us. After all, the time of our youth has come. It just so happens that we will have to live in this “terrible and criminal” time.
Today's youth actively promote a healthy lifestyle and conduct a lot of activities aimed at this.

SAMists are the most active youth, participants in the independent youth movement “Commonwealth of Active Youth”. More than 5 thousand girls and young people of Astrakhan are participants in this youth movement. The head of SAM is Renat Irizhepov. How many good deeds they have! This includes holding charity events aimed at fighting smokers, drug addiction, and helping orphanages. SAMists accept Active participation In the annual youth competition “The Most Talented”, we held an action called “Memory Star” as a sign of great gratitude from the new generation to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Young people care modern problems, and they want to take part in their decision, thinking about their future. Further fate youth are in their hands and everything possible must be done to avoid further degradation of professional, moral and cultural level youth of the 21st century!