Dialogue forces characters to talk to each other. Reasoning essay the meaning of a statement from the Literary Encyclopedia Making the characters talk to each other (Gia in Russian)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from Literary Encyclopedia: “By making the characters talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, the author can add appropriate shades to such dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.”

Every book lover knows how well monologues or dialogues of characters characterize them, clearly highlighting their literacy, education and other individual characteristics.

For convenience, the author could simply briefly convey the essence of the conversation between two or more book characters, but it is the schedule of their detailed dialogue that allows the reader to form an opinion about each of them. From the sentence “Why the hell are you hanging around here at night, you bastard! - shouted a rough German voice with a cold.” It is clear to us that these words belong to a cruel man who knows no mercy. There's no need for more detailed description This character is already clear to the reader that nothing good should be expected from him.

The following example: “Oh, uncle, don’t hit me! - he whined pitifully. - I was looking for my horse. I found it by force. I wandered all day and all night. Lost... - he shouted, swinging his whip at Serko.” Here the author could simply write that the boy pretended to be a shepherd and asked for mercy. But this phrase by Vanya helps the reader vividly imagine the image of a pitiful shepherd who is exhausted and begs to be let go in peace.

The characters’ phrases and their unique manner of speaking help the reader to immerse themselves deeper into the work and create the effect that he himself seems to be present at the scene of the events being described.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 31-32 of the text: “He knew that his friends, faithful comrades in arms, were nearby. At the first cry they will rush to the rescue and kill every last one of the fascists.”

The boy Vanya is entrusted with a very important mission - to be a guide for scouts, to lead them into the enemy camp and warn them of danger. For this purpose, the image of a foolish shepherdess was thought out for him. Vanya is well aware of how important this goal is and how much depends on him.

The text contains the sentence: “He knew that his friends, faithful comrades in arms, were nearby. At the first cry they will rush to the rescue and kill every last one of the fascists.”

When Vanya showed the way to Bidenko and Gorbunov, he came across two Germans and was seized with real horror. He was afraid not even for himself, but for the fact that their whole plan would collapse. He knew that in any case his comrades would not harm him and would protect him from the Nazis. When one of the Germans hit him humiliatingly, Vanya was furious: “What! He, a soldier of the Red Army, a scout of the famous battery of Captain Enakiev, was dared to be hit with a boot by some fascist flaw! But he pulled himself together in time. If he gave in to his anger, that would be the end of their plan. Despite the fact that there were people behind him who would protect him, Vanya pushed personal grudges into the background and put his important task first: “But the boy also firmly remembered that he was in deep reconnaissance, where the slightest noise could reveal group and disrupt the execution of a combat mission.”

The boy Vanya, in the guise of a shepherdess, completed his task with honor and did not let down the scouts, who completely relied on him.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word FEAT?

The text describes scary time For great country- Great Patriotic War. These were the years when fearlessness was required from every citizen of our country, a willingness to sacrifice everything in the name of victory and freedom. It was a time when ordinary Soviet people performed feats for the sake of their Motherland.

A feat in my understanding is when a person puts the well-being of his people and country first, and then takes care of his personal well-being. A feat is something for which a person is ready to sacrifice his life.

During the war, millions of people lost their families and homes; they united to defeat the enemy, putting aside their personal concerns.

A simple Russian boy, Vanya, stoically endured the bullying of the Nazis and cast aside his pride. It was incredibly difficult for him, but he knew that he simply did not have the right to let his comrades down: “Then, with a powerful effort of will, he suppressed his rage and pride.” He coped with the horror that gripped him from meeting his enemies and led the scouts further.

We hear from school incredible stories about the heroism and exploits of the Soviet people during the war. Despite their nation and religion, they all stood up as one to defend their country and were not afraid of difficult trials. People boldly made their way into the enemy camp, freed prisoners, and rescued the wounded. All these are feats thanks to which today we have the opportunity to live and love, to enjoy the peaceful sky above our heads.

Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-discussion, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the “Literary Encyclopedia”: “By making the characters talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, the author can introduce appropriate shades into such a dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.”

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate numbers necessary proposals or use citation.

You can write a paper in scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with words taken from the Literary Encyclopedia.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “Faith in a person is the greatest thing,” said Trifon Petrovich. “When this faith disappears, then you can’t live.”

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LIFE VALUES?

Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is life values", taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) One day at the beginning of June a man came to Polikarpovna and asked to rent out a room for the summer. (2) Without haggling, he paid thirty rubles.

(3) His name was Trifon Petrovich. (4) He was a kind of cozy, cheerful and simple person, and the hostess from the very first day got used to him as if she were one of her own.

(5) Once, walking around the log house, Trifon Petrovich said, rubbing his hands:

- (6) Let me fix the porch for you, grandma.

“(7) Thank you, dear,” said Polikarpovna, “only something strange to me: you came, rented a room, didn’t even bargain, and now you’re taking care of my porch, as if we weren’t strangers.”

- (8) Well, Polikarpovna, is it really all about money? (9) “I’ll correct you, and then you will remember me with a kind word, so we, as they say, are even,” he said and laughed.

- (10) Now, dear, such people have gone that no one will move their hand for nothing. (11) Now they don’t think about the soul, they live only for the belly. (12) Yes, they look, as if to snatch something from each other’s hands, so as not to miss their profit.

“(13) Well, you and I have nothing to share,” answered Trifon Petrovich, smiling.

“(14) My soul departed right with you,” said Polikarpovna, “otherwise faith in people began to disappear.”

“(15) Faith in a person is the greatest thing,” responded Trifon Petrovich. - (16) When this faith disappears, then it is impossible to live.

(17) One day Trifon Petrovich returned from the city cheerfully and said:

- (18) I told everyone there in the city how good it is here: now the housewives will not fight off the guests, my hand is light.

(19) Starting from Sunday, more and more summer residents began to come to the village. (20) The housewives were seized by a fever of profit, and prices tripled, and since people kept traveling, they began to grab without any conscience.

(21) Once a neighbor came to see Polikarpovna. (22) During the conversation, she casually asked how much she rents out housing for, and when she heard the answer, she opened her eyes in surprise:

- (23) Yes, grandma, you are completely crazy! (24) I have one, it would tear your hands off for a hundred. (25) Now they take one and a half hundred, two hundred!

- (26) How about two hundred?.. - Polikarpovna asked in a barely audible voice. (27) For some reason, her voice suddenly disappeared. - (28) But they used to get everything cheap...

- (29) Not much before! (30) Then there were no people at all, but now there is no end to them. (31) I’ll tell you what: because of a stranger you are missing out on a good price, if you don’t put him up, then you will bitterly regret it! (32) Well, should we negotiate with the new guest?

(33) The old woman looked sadly and worriedly to the side, squinting her eyes, then in a changed voice she hurriedly said:

– (34) It’s decided! (35) Negotiate...

(According to P. Romanov) *

* Romanov Panteleimon Sergeevich (1884-1938) - Russian writer. Romanov's prose is characterized by lyricism and humor, mastery of dialogue, and clear, realistic language.


15.1 How and what a person says depends on how others perceive him: what impression he will make, how his words will be perceived, whether he will achieve his goals. To convey the speech of heroes in literary text dialogue is used. Dialogue is a way of conveying oral speech on the letter. In the text by P.S. Based on Romanov’s dialogues, one can form an opinion about those who speak them.

So, in sentences 23-24 there is a dialogue between Polikarpovna’s neighbor: her speech is replete with words with a negative expressive connotation: “grandmother”, “crazy”, “she’ll tear you off with her hands.” The heroine makes a repulsive impression on us: you cannot expect kindness and responsiveness from such a person.

Trifon Petrovich makes a different impression on us. The guest’s speech is rich and expressive: he affectionately calls Polikarpovna “grandmother” (sentence No. 6), and, despite his use of colloquial forms (“give me” - the same sentence 6), his words exude warmth.

Thus, the example of the given text confirms the statement taken from the “Literary Encyclopedia”: “By forcing the characters to talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, the author can introduce appropriate shades into such a dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.”

15.2 Every person’s life has its own guidelines. In our time, the thirst for profit and material gain overshadows normal human relationships and the universal human values ​​that underlie them. The final lines of the text by P.S. are about this. Romanova. “Faith should be the basis of people’s relationships, then life has meaning,” says the author. Let's try to prove the validity of this statement using text examples.

Guest Trifon Petrovich repairs Polikarpovna’s porch just like that, and considers it good pay for the work kind word And good memory about him. This is stated in sentences number 8 and 9. The guest is responsive and a kind person, for him the relationship with the landlady does not translate into the plane of “pay - live.”

Polikarpovna, in pursuit of profit, is ready to let in a new guest, refusing Trifon Petrovich, because she was seduced by the benefits (offers for numbers 33-35). She steps over Trifon Petrovich, over herself, and betrays her guest’s faith in the possibility of selfless human relationships.

Thus, we were able to confirm that if a person is driven by pettiness and profit, then life itself is turned upside down, because a person’s natural need for trust and goodness is violated.

15.3 Value is the importance, significance, usefulness of something. Important for someone material values: money, food, clothing, housing. For some, spiritual values ​​are a priority: spiritual search, discovery and realization of one’s purpose, creative self-development.

The hero of P. Romanov, Trifon Petrovich, repairs Polikarpovna’s porch just like that, and considers a kind word and a good memory of him to be good payment for work. The guest is a sympathetic and kind person; for him, the relationship with the landlady does not translate into the plane of “pay - live”. But Polikarpovna, in pursuit of profit, is ready to let in a new guest, refusing Trifon Petrovich, because she was seduced by the benefits. She betrays her guest's faith in the possibility of selfless human relationships.

When thinking about what values ​​to choose for yourself as a guideline in life, we remember literary heroes Gogol: Ostap and Andriy from the story “Taras Bulba”. Ostap remains faithful to his homeland, his father, accepts death for his comrades, boldly looking the enemy in the face. Andriy betrayed his father, friends, homeland. Ostap is closer to me. I wouldn’t want to meet people like Andriy in my life.

Everyone has their own list of life values. Your life values ​​play a key role in your destiny, because decision-making, exercising the right to choose, fulfilling your life purpose, and relationships with other people depend on them.


Write an essay-discussion, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the “Literary Encyclopedia”: “By making the characters talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, the author can add appropriate shades to such dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.” When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

Option 1

Dialogue in a work of fiction conveys live speech characters, and if the author introduces the necessary shades of meaning into it, then the reader will have the opportunity to understand the characters of the speakers, their mood and relationships.

Proof of this can be the dialogue between Semka and Demidka. Short remarks from the characters (sentences 18, 20, 21, 22, 24) indicate the current tense situation. At first Semka doesn’t even understand what his friend wants to say. The author puts the boy’s insight, his mental confusion into short interrogative sentences 34, 36, and they help us feel the collapse of joy in Semka’s soul, the loss of faith in his friend’s selflessness.

Therefore, I cannot but agree with the statement taken from the “Literary Encyclopedia”: “By forcing the characters to talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, the author can add appropriate shades to such dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.”

Option 2

In the Literary Encyclopedia we read: “By making the characters talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, the author can add appropriate shades to such dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.”

Indeed, by including dialogue in the narrative, the author undoubtedly wants to unobtrusively express a certain thought, to allow the reader to “look” into inner world heroes, to more fully reveal their characters, to show their attitude towards others.

In A. Likhanov’s work, the dialogue between two boys is almost entirely constructed from short interrogative sentences (18, 20-22, 24). They convey the tension that arose in the relations of the heroes, because Semka, who “terribly missed” Demidka, could not even imagine that he would greet him so coldly. Moreover, judging by the content of interrogative sentences 25-26, Demka considers his friend unscrupulous, but the next two exclamatory sentences (27-28) indicate that he himself is devoid of shame and conscience.

Therefore, it is true to say that the author, by introducing certain shades into the conversation of his characters, allows the reader to understand their characters.

Option 3

Dialogue included in the outline of a work of art always helps the author to better talk about the mental organization of the characters, their feelings and inner insights.

Evidence of this is the conversation between friends included in A. Likhanov’s work. This dialogue is preceded by a description of Demka’s behavior: “Semyon was not happy,” “lay down on the sofa,” and behaved “as if there was no one in the room.” This dismissive manner is reinforced not by a direct answer to Semka’s question (sentence 20), but by a counter interrogative sentence 21.

Short lines of this dialogue allow you to feel the tension of the situation. The topic of conversation is chosen by Demka, and he cynically leads his friend to the idea of ​​​​the need to pay for food (sentences 23, 27, 28). And his request is an order (“Better pay!”), conveyed by the verb imperative mood, simply burns the soul of Semka, who suddenly realized his friend’s betrayal.

Thus, we cannot but agree with the statement that the author, “by making the characters talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, ... can introduce appropriate shades into such dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.”

Text for work

(1) Semka was friends with Demidka Mazin, and every evening, having learned his lessons, he went home to his friend.

(2) Demka’s parents earned good money and lived large, but Semka’s mother raised her alone, so sometimes she had to tighten her belt. (3) The boys were friends, went to the cinema, went boating - Demka’s parents had an acquaintance at the boat station, Demka boasted about this and took advantage of his advantage.

(4) One day during the summer holidays, Demidka announced that his mother, father and he were going to the village to go fishing. (5) He led Semka into his father’s office, where there were spools of fishing line and hooks different sizes and magnificent spinners.

(b) Semka nodded, trying to be indifferent, but his heart ached. (7) This Demka is a lucky guy: he has a father, he’s going fishing...

(8) For several days there was a bustle in Demka’s house, Semka, coming in the evening, sat restlessly in a chair, they didn’t seem to notice him, he felt out of place, he left, sad, and his mother kept asking what was wrong with him.

(9) He waved it off, was silent, then came running excitedly, said that Demkin’s family was taking him with them, and began to fuss. (Y) Mom packed a backpack with things, put in sugar, pasta, bread, canned food, and meanwhile Semka sharpened his only hook with a file and found a float - a brightly colored goose feather.

(And) The week flew by as if in a dream. (12) The guys fished great, carrying greedy bleak onto a simple bread ball, ran through the clearings, laughed, splashed in the river, slept in the fragrant hay.

(13) Then Semka left, and Demid stayed with his parents.

(14) Semka visited his friend almost every day.

(15) The door was closed, the owners did not return, and Semka terribly missed Demka.

(16) When he had already completely decided that Demidov’s parents would apparently live there until the fall, the door turned out to be open.

(17) Demka was alone, he was not happy about Semyon, nodded, then lay down on the sofa and began leafing through the magazine as if nothing had happened, as if there was no one in the room.

(18) - What are you doing? - Semyon was surprised, thinking that Demka was sick. (19) But Demka was silent.

(20) - Offended, or what? - Semyon laughed, and Demka reluctantly answered:

(21) - Isn’t that why?

(22) - For what? - asked Semka quietly, suspecting nothing.

(23) “And for money, for example,” Demka said, lazily getting up.

(24) - For what money? - Semyon did not understand anything.

(25) - Aren’t you ashamed? - Demidka was suddenly amazed. (26) - Aren’t you embarrassed at all? (27) I lived for a week, but I brought food - it’s funny to say! (28) You can take the canned food over there - we don’t eat that kind!

(29) Semka looked at his friend in astonishment, not understanding whether he was joking or not, he chuckled, not knowing what to say, but Demidka cut him off:

(30) - You don’t have to laugh! - he said. (31) - Better pay! (32) Why should we feed you for free?

(33) Semka felt his face harden.

(34) - How much? - he asked.

(35) - How much of what? - Demka didn’t understand.

(36) - How much should I pay? - said Semka.

(37) - Well... - Demka hesitated, then cast aside his doubts: (38) - Twenty-five.

(39) Semka ran home, biting his lips, afraid to burst into tears in front of everyone, on the street...”

(40) “Maybe,” thought Semka, “greed, betrayal and all sorts of other nasty things exist in every person, the whole point is really to hold on, to drown this nasty thing in yourself, to destroy it?”

(41) Demka’s betrayal stung my memory for a long time, burning with something hot and offensive...

(According to A Likhanov)

Essays on assignment 15.1

To write an essay based on the text read from part 2 is required in part 3 exam paper in the Russian language, which consists of three tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3). When starting Part 3 of the work, you must choose one of three tasks and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer.

Here are possible options for argumentative essays when completing task 15.1.

Option 1. Expand the meaning of the statement taken from the Great Directory of Russian Grammar:

“Interjections are emotional signals that express the speaker’s reaction to a situation.”

An interjection is a part of speech with which we express various feelings, moods and motivations without naming them. Interjections play important role in a sentence and often help us in the best possible way when there are not enough words to express our emotions and states (sentence 36). At first glance, interjections may seem like meaningless short words, which, it would seem, can be easily done without, but there are situations when in simple words It is impossible to explain what is happening in the soul. This is where interjections help us. At the same time, by pronouncing some sounds, like: ah and oh (sentence 49), we are sure that those around us will still understand.

Option 2. Expand the meaning of the statement by Dietmar Elyashevich Rosenthal:

“The use of expressive vocabulary creates the opportunity to succinctly express the speaker’s attitude to what is being expressed.”

The famous linguist D. Rosenthal argued: “The use of expressive vocabulary creates the opportunity to succinctly express the speaker’s attitude to what is being expressed.”

Indeed, all languages ​​have one main task - to help people understand each other when communicating. Without language, the life of man, people, society, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible.

Language of this text simple and accessible, and at the same time emotional and expressive. Thus, the vocabulary of the text attracts attention. A person with a keen sense of the word, V. Zheleznyakov, along with commonly used vocabulary (eyes, look, face, guys), uses elements of a conversational style (a little bit of trouble, sadani on the face, vital, Lenka, Dimka). One of the features of the language is the abundance homogeneous members(sentences 1, 3), with the help of which the author achieves amazing expressiveness and accuracy of images.

The structure of the visual and expressive means of the author's speech is interesting. The writer uses wonderful epithets (“judgmental eyes”, “unenviable picture”, “Iron Button”, “her own horror”), capacious metaphors (“her voice trembled with indignation”, “the ring of an impenetrable forest of hands”, “the wind of the past whipped her in the face "). The question-and-answer and exclamatory form of presentation makes the narrative not only convincing, but also information-rich.

Clarity and accessibility of presentation is achieved by the author through the use of syntactic structures different types. We find in the text simple sentences(No. 18, 19, 20), sentences with separate definitions (No. 42) and circumstances (No. 4); complex sentences different types: complex (No. 2, 13, 34), complex (No. 2, 45), a sentence with a non-union and union coordinating connection between parts (No. 14).

Thus, “the use of expressive vocabulary creates the opportunity to succinctly express the speaker’s attitude to what is being expressed.”

Option 3. Expand the meaning of I.V. Artyushkov’s statement:

“The sphere of use of interrogative sentences is dialogue, since their main purpose is to search for unknown information, and this is possible only in dialogical speech.”

This point of view is based on the idea that when communicating, people ask each other many questions. various issues. And this is understandable, because questions help a person to know the unknown. Questions are formulated in the form of interrogative sentences and, as a rule, are used in a conversation between two persons, that is, in a dialogue. This is what I.V. Artyushkov asserts in his statement. This is confirmed by the text of R. Gosman, where, for example, in sentence 22, a friend asks Olga a question: “Do you really write poetry?” This interrogative sentence refers to those questions to which in a dialogue one expects to hear an affirmative or negative answer. But in sentence 27 a question is asked that reflects the internal dialogue in the form of an interrogative sentence to which an answer is not expected: “What to do, how to find out if this is all true?”

Thus, I.V. Artyushkov is right when he asserts that “the sphere of use of interrogative sentences is dialogue, since their main purpose is to search for unknown information, and this is possible only in dialogical speech.”

Option 4. Expand the meaning of the statement by the famous linguist L. Uspensky:

“Language is an amazing tool through which people convey their thoughts to each other.”

Language is an amazing tool through which people, communicating with each other, convey their thoughts to each other. Language is one of those social phenomena, which exist throughout development human society. The main purpose of language is to serve as a means of communication between people. Language is inextricably linked with human thinking and consciousness; it serves as a means of forming and expressing human thoughts and feelings.

Language has many functions. For example, the expressive function, when the speaker expresses his attitude to what is communicated in the statement not only with words, but also with intonation, timbre and tempo of speech (sentences 22, 23). Joy at meeting, friendliness, friendly participation or, conversely, hostility, irritation, enmity - these are a huge variety of shades of expressing a person’s state through language (sentence 62).

However, the main purpose of language is to serve people’s communication and be a means of expressing thoughts.

Language as a means of communication is thinking “in public”, for everyone. Language as a means of thinking is communication with oneself, internal dialogue (sentences 14, 15), argument with oneself or agreement. These purposes of language are inextricably linked.

Option 5. Expand the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin:

Thought forms itself without concealment, in its entirety; That’s why she easily finds a clear expression for herself. Both syntax, grammar, and punctuation willingly obey her.

“Thought forms itself without concealment, in its entirety; That’s why she easily finds a clear expression for herself. Both syntax, grammar, and punctuation willingly obey it,” wrote M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in the 19th century.

This statement is based on the rules of syntax and grammar, as well as the rules of punctuation, which allow us to fully, clearly and intelligibly express thoughts in writing.

For example, T. Ustinova, in a text about the difficult fate of a boy named Timofey, uses an exclamatory sentence (No. 17), which is pronounced with a special intonation, which is expressed in extreme emotionality. The author thereby leads to the idea that Timofey feels humiliated and insulted by Masha’s offer to eat ice cream.

And then Masha got married and left. However, before parting, she told Timofey that she would like to take him with her, but could not. To make sure Timofey understands the reason for the upcoming separation, Masha asks him: “Do you understand?” According to the purpose of the statement, sentence 23 is interrogative, which is emphasized question mark at the end.

Thus, one cannot but agree with the statement of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, who believed that syntax, grammar and punctuation marks “obey” thought.

Option 6. Expand the meaning of the statement taken from the Literary Encyclopedia: “By making characters talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation from himself, the author can add appropriate shades to such dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.”

The Literary Encyclopedia states that “by having characters talk to each other, rather than conveying their conversation from themselves, the author can add appropriate nuance to such dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by theme and manner of speech.” Can you agree with this statement?

To answer this question you need to turn to the concept of dialogue and remember that dialogue as a conversation between two or more persons reflects the thoughts and desires of the speakers, taking into account their slightest nuances, such as upbringing, restraint, ardor, culture of speech, and much more. etc.

Therefore, one cannot but agree with the above statement that the direct dialogue of the heroes with each other is the best way convey the essence of the conversation and introduce the necessary shades into the conversation, this the best remedy reveal the character of the characters, their main thoughts, mood. In the above text, for example, when parting The Little Prince with Fox, the intonation expresses emotional condition hero (sentence 38). Great importance has a topic of conversation. The characters talk about friendship and warmth of relationships. This is precisely the idea contained in sentence 52: “You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.”

Thus, we are convinced that it is the dialogue that excites the reader, leaves a lasting impression on him and arouses interest in the work.

Detailed plan. Step-by-step instruction on writing an essay.

Using the example of A. A. Likhanov’s text from collection of OGE. Russian language: typical exam options/ edited by I. P. Tsybulko - M.: Publishing House " National education, 2015.

Option 14. Task 15.2

Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “The name “Demosthenes” has acquired a common meaning.”

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