Tatar fairy tale three daughters. Three sisters

  1. To deepen students' knowledge about fairy tales as one of the genres of oral folk art.
  2. Improve reading technique and enrich students' vocabulary.
  3. To develop logical thinking, memory, and speech of students.
  4. Cultivate kindness and empathy.


During the classes

I. Organizational part

Psychological attitude of students to the perception of the fairy tale “Three Daughters”.

It's spring outside. The sun smiles. Its rays reach us and seem to say: “Good morning, guys!” Let us also say “Good morning!” to everyone, smile at each other and get to work.

II. Checking homework

First, let's check how we did our homework.

– Remind me, please, what was your homework?

– Who will please us with their reading?

1. Reading an excerpt from the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga” - a conversation between mother and daughter, mother and neighbor’s daughter (pp. 299, 300).

2. Spelling reading of a proverb from the board:

He has a white face and a black soul.

Answers on questions:

– Which of the heroes of this fairy tale can this proverb be correlated with?

- Why? (in the soul – callous, indifferent, unresponsive – “black soul”)

– What does this fairy tale teach us?

3. Generalization. Homework grades.

III. Preparatory work

1. Articulation gymnastics – let’s do “tongue exercises”.

[h`], [sch`], [r], [l].

2. We listen attentively and together pronounce a clear phrase:

Che-che-che – turtle and bee.
Cha-cha-cha - spiders and squirrels.
Chu-chu-chu - miracle, wonderful, miracles.
Chi-chi-chi - we say clean, clean.

- “Guys, please note that some words from the proverb will appear in the new work. What words from pure proverb would you like to read about?

3. Vocabulary work (on the board)

Daughter - daughters, that h– that PS, two that behind; would page oh, etc. bug, ra ss e rd was.

Canvas is linen (obtained from flax plants) coarse fabric.

The fair is a large trade in various goods (food, clothing, shoes) with games, jokes, and songs.

Guys, listen to a poem that describes how fairs were held in the old days:

Dancing, fun and food!
Funny accordions, balalaikas and nesting dolls!
Hurry, hurry, honest people!
The fun fair is calling!

Repeated spelling reading of words from the board.

4. Ophthalmic pause. Relaxation.

Exercise for fingers “Feeding the birds”, “pairs”, “house”.

IV. Working on new material

  1. Reading the title of the fairy tale (from the board).
  2. Teacher reading a fairy tale (children listen).
  3. Checking primary perception.
  4. – Name the main characters of the fairy tale?
    -Which of them do you like? Why?
    – Who didn’t like it? How?
    – What type of fairy tale is this?

  5. Reading a fairy tale to students
  6. Work on the ideological content of the work.

– What did you find out about the woman? (selective reading)

– How did her daughters grow up?

– How do you understand the expression “With faces like the bright moon”?

– Why did the mother send the squirrel to her daughters?

– What did she ask them for?

– Why didn’t the eldest daughter come to her mother? (selective reading)

– Why did the second daughter refuse to go to her mother? (selective reading)

– How did the third daughter act? (selective reading)

– What would you do in this situation?

– What did the squirrel do with her older daughters? (selective reading)

-What made her so angry about the older sisters?

– Who has the youngest daughter turned into?

- When did it happen?

– Why do you think the youngest daughter turned into a bee?

– What does this work teach?

6. Work on proverbs.

Proverbs are written on the cards: the beginning is on one card, and the end is on the other.

Your task: connect the cards so that you get the correct proverbs.

There is no better friend than your own mother.
It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.
Every mother loves her child.
Mother's affection knows no end.
The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.

Choral spelling reading of proverbs. Expressive reading of proverbs.

– What theme unites all these proverbs?

V. Physical exercise

You read, answered,
And probably tired?
Then quickly, quickly stood up,
They stretched their necks together,
And how the geese hissed shhhhh,
They hissed and whistled ssss,
And how the birds flew,
Leaned left, right,
It turns out great
We flew, we flew,
And they disappeared behind a cloud.

VI. Game pause - logical chains

Make pairs based on the subject pictures (given on the board).

Taz is a turtle.
Spider is a canvas.
Bee - hive.
The cone is a squirrel.

Find the “extra” pair. Why did you choose this pairing?

VII. Summarizing

– What type of fairy tale does the fairy tale “Three Daughters” belong to?

Comparison of Tatar folk tales with Russian folk tales.

In Russian folk tales the principle of threefold repetition is often observed:

three sons, three miracles, three transformations.

– Is the principle of threefold repetition observed in the Tatar folk tale?

- In what episodes?

– What did you learn about the life and way of life of the Tatar people from this fairy tale?

– In our fairy tale, the youngest daughter kneaded the dough. What are the traditional Tatar dishes?

Could she make a kitchen from dough?

– What did we learn in the lesson?

– Which task did you like the most? What do you remember?

– What was the most difficult? What did you find uninteresting?

– Did you like the lesson or not? (students show cards “” or “”.

Grades for work in class.

VIII. Homework

: expressive reading of a fairy tale (1 option), retelling a fairy tale (2 option), draw illustrations.

Dear parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale “Three Sisters (Tatar Fairy Tale)” to children before bed, so that the good ending of the fairy tale makes them happy and calm, and they fall asleep. The story takes place in distant times or “A long time ago” as people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them every day in our everyday life. A small amount of detail in the surrounding world makes the depicted world more rich and believable. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages one to rethink oneself, was crowned with success. Here you can feel harmony in everything, even the negative characters seem to be an integral part of existence, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. It is amazing that with empathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. The fairy tale “Three Sisters (Tatar Fairy Tale)” can be read for free online countless times without losing your love and desire for this creation.

Once upon a time there was a woman. She worked day and night to feed and clothe her three daughters. And three daughters grew up, fast as swallows, with faces like the bright moon. One by one they got married and left.

Several years have passed. An old woman's mother fell seriously ill, and she sent a red squirrel to her daughters.

- Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

“Oh,” the eldest sighed, hearing the sad news from the squirrel. - Oh! I would be glad to go, but I need to clean these two basins.

— Clean two basins? - the squirrel got angry. - So may you be inseparable from them forever!

And the basins suddenly jumped up from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house like a big turtle.

The squirrel knocked on the door of the second daughter.

“Oh,” she answered. “I would run to my mother now, but I’m very busy: I need to weave canvas for the fair.”

- Well, now you can do it all your life, never stopping! - said the squirrel. And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the youngest was kneading dough when the squirrel knocked on her door. The daughter didn’t say a word, didn’t even wipe her hands, and ran to her mother.

“Always bring joy to people, my dear child,” the squirrel told her, “and people will take care and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.”

Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when the time came for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer, day after day, the bee collects honey for people... And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive, and when it wakes up, it eats only honey and sugar.


Item : literary reading

Class: 2

Lesson topic: “Moral lessons from fairy tales. Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters".

Lesson objectives: explain the moral content of what you read, correlate the actions of the characters with moral standards

Planned results:


  • relate illustrations to the content of the work;
  • explain the meanings of set expressions;
  • identify common moral positions in the works of different peoples.


  • Form primary research skills, develop cognitive activity;
  • Cultivate attentive relationships with each other in the family, feelings of empathy.

Lesson type: combined lesson

Equipment: textbook by Sviridova V.Yu., Churakova N.A. “Literary reading” 2nd grade. 2 hours pp. 19-21, presentation.

Lesson stage

Methods and techniques



Teacher activities

Student activities


Verbal: conversation

1 min.

Fairy tales are rich in wisdom

To a fairy tale - say “Come”!

This is a saying guys

But the fairy tale lies ahead.

What is a FAIRY TALE?

A fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art.

Today we will take a trip to the land of fairy tales.

Listen to the teacher.

Plan educational collaboration with the teacher and peers (K)

Updating knowledge

Verbal: conversation

5 minutes.

But before we get to the land of fairy tales, let’s remember: what kind of fairy tales are there? (author's and folk)

What tales are called folk tales? Give examples of folk tales.

What types of folk tales are divided into?

(Magical, everyday, about animals)

Answer teacher's questions.

Preparation for mastering new educational material.

Verbal: conversation

Guys, let's remember the fairy tales we read earlier. We will play a guessing game with you. According to the proposal, you must find out the fairy tale, say the name and what people composed this fairy tale.

- “We walked and walked, the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is oppressive, sweat appears. There is a cow’s hoof, full of water” (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” - Russian folk tale)

- “Mother cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry.”
(“Khavroshechka” – Russian folk tale)

- “Here a gentleman rides past, looks and marvels: the horse is coming, the plow is yelling, but there is no man!
(“The Little Thumb” is a Russian folk tale.)
- “Oh, good man, I myself haven’t eaten anything today: nothing.” (“Porridge from an axe” is a Russian folk tale.)

“The mother cuckoo abandoned her children forever. Since then, the cuckoo has not built its own nest, nor has it raised its own children.”

(“Cuckoo” Nenets folk tale)

What is the main meaning in each fairy tale?

“Khavroshechka” (good conquers evil).

-“A little boy” (help elders, take care of parents).

- “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” (obey your elders, be kind).

- “Porridge from an axe” (kindness, ingenuity, intelligence).

- “Cuckoo” (help mother, protect and care for her).

Have a conversation with the teacher.

Answer teacher's questions.

Determine the main meaning of the fairy tale.

Structuring knowledge(P)

Build logical chains of reasoning and evidence (P)

Accept and save learning task(R)

Learning new material

Verbal: conversation

Practical: reading a fairy tale

Eye-catching: looking at the illustration

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the Tatar folk tale “Three Daughters”.

Who do you think the story will be about today?

What goals can we set for the lesson? (prove that this work is really a fairy tale; characterize the main characters; highlight the main meaning of the fairy tale).

Teacher reading a fairy tale

Did you like the fairy tale? Which character did you like best and why?

What kind of fairy tale is this - magical, everyday or about animals?

Why do you think so?

Vocabulary work.

In the fairy tale you came across unfamiliar words and expressions, let's work with them.

seriously ill - seriously ill

sad news - sad, sorrowful

rainy day - hard difficult

a fair is a large trade fair with entertainment, development, and entertainment, held regularly in the same place.

canvas - linen fabric made from thick yarn.

Reading difficult words

Let's read the difficult words syllable by syllable:

Knocked - knocked

Transformed - transformed

Grabbed - grabbed


Reading a fairy tale passage by role

Today the heroes of a fairy tale came to visit us. Who are they?

Let's look together at the illustration for the fairy tale on page 63.

(three girls, squirrel)

What are they doing? (do housework)

I show the children skullcaps and a squirrel costume. Distribution of roles.

Determine the objectives of the lesson.

Listen to a fairy tale.

Answer teacher's questions.

Work with unfamiliar expressions.

Look at the illustration.

Build logical chains of reasoning and evidence (P)

Accept and save learning task(R)

Structuring knowledge(P)

Construct a monologue statement, master the dialogical form of speech (K)

Take initiative in educational cooperation(R)

Exercise control at the level of voluntary understanding (R)

Express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K)

Performing a learning action (P)


5 minutes.

Repeat the movements behind the squirrel in the video.

Repeat the movements.

Initial check of understanding of new material.

Verbal: conversation

Work on the content of the text read.

Why did everyone love the youngest daughter for many years?

What happened to her?

People have long believed in the afterlife, that the soul of a person after death moves into other beings.

Did the squirrel act fairly?

And if you remove all the magical moments from a fairy tale, will this story be true?

Let's prove that this is a fairy tale. The beginning of “Once upon a time...”, number three, triple repetition, The end of the fairy tale: evil is punished, and good is rewarded.

Answer teacher's questions.

Provide value and semantic orientation to students


Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation (P)

Consolidation of new knowledge

Verbal: conversation

What common traits does the mother share with her three daughters?

Who do you like best? Why?

Why do people love their youngest daughter?

Do you always respond to your mother's requests?

Why were the eldest daughters punished?

Which of the characters in the fairy tale expresses the author's position? (Squirrel)

How do you think the fate of your daughters turned out?

What have they become?

Conclusion: all daughters are beautiful. Mom gave them beauty and taught them to work. But only the youngest daughter sincerely loves her mother, and the other daughters are indifferent to her misfortune. Love outweighs all other qualities.

Analyze a fairy tale.

Answer teacher's questions.

To make a conclusion.

Consciously construct speech utterances (P)

Give reasons for your opinion and position(K)

Build logical chains of reasoning and evidence (P)

Accept and save learning task(R)

Lesson summary


In this tale, two soulless daughters are punished, but they are punished in a fairy tale way: they were turned into a turtle and a spider. In life, of course, this does not happen, but all the same, children who have forgotten their mother will also be punished: people will judge them, and their conscience will torment them for their bad attitude towards the person who gave everything to them.)

Listen to the teacher.

Evaluate your work in class.

Monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities (P)

Lyubov Vladimirovna Volkova
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction “Tatar folk tale “Three Daughters”

Program content.

Introduce children to Tatar folk art.

Teach children to feel and understand the characters, perceive the originality of plot construction, notice genre features of composition and language fairy tales and stories; teach children to convey their attitude towards the characters.

To promote in children the need to improve good deeds and the desire to do good deeds. Foster a love of customs and traditions Tatar people.

Material. Planar panel Images: houses, trees, mother, three daughters, squirrel. Toys: basin, spider, bee. Hero coloring pages fairy tales: bee, spider, squirrel, turtle. Colour pencils.

Preliminary work. Introducing children to Russians folk, Mordovian, Nanai fairy tales. Looking at illustrations for fairy tales, watching cartoons fairy tales. Analysis, drawing fairy tales with children, coloring coloring pages by fairy tales.

Educator. - Children, what is your mood now?

Children. - Good.

Educator. - Then let’s gather all the good things into our palms, clench our fists tightly, and then unclench them and blow on our palms,

Let's send everyone a charge of cheerfulness and good mood.

(Children sit on chairs.)

Guys, since you are all in a good mood, then I am coming to you question:

please tell me you love fairy tales?

Children. -Yes.

Educator. - Which ones? fairy tales and tales of which nations do you know??

(The teacher listens to the children’s answers.)

Educator. - Children, it’s so good that I came to you today. And I didn’t come alone, I’m here for you brought a fairy tale. We open the curtain, let's start a fairy tale. There are a lot of pictures here, who is this about? fairy tale we will find out about it, if we collect the whole picture.

(The teacher and the children lay out the plane attributes fairy tales and review those placed on blackboard: house, trees, squirrel, figure of an adult woman and three daughters.)

Educator. - Children, what kind words do you say to your mother?

Children. - Kind, beloved, beautiful, sweet, dear, etc.

Educator. - Mothers always take care of their children, although sometimes a mother will scold them, but then she will definitely caress them. There is one proverb: “A mother’s caress knows no end”. But children are not always caring towards their mothers! Listen Tatar fairy tale"Three daughters» , and then tell me which one daughters truly loved his mother.

Tatar folk tale"Three daughters»

Once upon a time there was a woman. Day and night she worked to feed and clothe her daughters. And three grew up daughters are fast like swallows, with faces like the bright moon. One by one they got married and left.

Several years have passed. The old woman's mother became seriously ill, and she sent to her red squirrel for daughters.

Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

“Oh,” the eldest sighed, hearing the sad news from the squirrel. - Oh! I would be glad to go, but I need to clean these two basins.

Clean two basins? – the squirrel got angry. - So may you be inseparable from them forever!

And the basins suddenly jumped up from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house like a big turtle.

The squirrel knocked on the second door daughters.

“Oh,” she answered. – I would now run to my mother, yes very busy: I need to weave some canvas for the fair.

Well, now you can do it all your life, never stopping! said the squirrel. And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the youngest was kneading dough when the squirrel knocked on her door. Daughter is not didn't say a word, didn’t even wipe her hands, she ran to her mother.

May you always bring joy to people, my dear child, - the squirrel told her, - and people will take care and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when the time came for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer, day after day, the bee collects honey for people... And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive, and when it wakes up, it eats only honey and sugar.

The teacher asks questions children:

Did you like it? fairy tale? How? Why?

Who is this about? fairy tale? And about whom else?

Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?

What happened in the beginning fairy tales?

What then?

How my mother loved her daughters?

Why did the squirrel punish the elders? daughters?

How can talk about them?

How did the squirrel reward her youngest daughter?

What words can you talk about her?

Why do you think the youngest daughter turned into a bee and not a hare or a hedgehog?

Think about whether you always treat your mothers kindly.

(The teacher listens to the children’s answers)

Educator. - Children, do you want get acquainted with the Tatar game"Timerbay".

Children. - Yes.

Educator. “Then get up, hold hands and make a circle.” They choose a driver - Timerbai. Children take tokens from the basket; whoever has a picture of a boy on the token, that child stands in the center of the circle.

The teacher and the children walk in a circle and talk words:

Timberai has five children,

They play together and have fun.

We swam in the fast river,

Cleaned up nicely

And they dressed up beautifully.

And they didn’t eat or drink,

We looked at each other,

They did it like this!

With the last words, the driver makes some kind of movement like this. Everyone must repeat it. Then the driver chooses another child in his place.

(After the game, the children sit on chairs)

Educator. And now I offer you a dramatization of this fairy tales.

Children are selected for the roles of senior, middle and junior daughters, squirrels and author; Children, if desired, choose tokens with the image of a hero fairy tales which will be performed. The teacher puts them on Tatar attributes - skullcaps. One of the children says the words of the author, the others play the roles they have chosen.

Educator. Children, bees really liked how you listened carefully fairy tale, yours statements and reasoning. For this she decided to bring you joy, and gives you coloring books depicting different heroes fairy tales.

The teacher invites the children to choose their favorite coloring book and color it colorfully. Then the children’s work is placed on a magnetic board, the teacher thanks the children for their creativity.

Educator. Guys, today you found out Tatar fairy tale"Three daughters» , met with fairy-tale characters. I want you to never be separated from me fairy tales and smart, good books.

Publications on the topic:

Theme of the lesson: “Friendship should be treasured.” Program content: Continue to teach children to listen to fairy tales and poems, perceiving them emotionally.

Summary of OOD on familiarization with fiction. Poem by L. Popovskaya “In the winter forest” LEARNING THE POEM BY L. POPOVSKAYA “IN THE WINTER FOREST” GOAL: To help children remember and read the poem expressively.

Summary of OOD on familiarization with fiction in the preparatory group. Topic: Reading a story in. Oseeva "The Magic Word". Program objectives: Introduce the children to a new story. To deepen children's knowledge about kindness.

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on familiarization with fiction based on the fairy tale “Rukavichka” Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on familiarization with the fiction of the fairy tale “The Mitten.” Goals: To consolidate the skill.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction for children of the middle group “Journey to the world of fairy tales” Program content: continue work on developing interest in fairy tales. Learn to recognize fairy tales from individual fragments from them; call.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” State government institution of social services of the Krasnodar Territory “Otradnensky SRCN” Summary of the familiarization lesson.

"TO. I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction Summary of educational activities on speech development (reading fiction) Topic: K. I. Chukovsky “Aibolit” Purpose: to continue.

Summary of a lesson in the first junior group on speech development and familiarization with fiction Summary of a lesson in the first junior group on speech development and familiarization with fiction.

Familiarization with fiction. Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess” (preparatory group) Program content: Learn to perceive the figurative content of the work; consolidate knowledge about genre, compositional, linguistic features.

Lesson on familiarization with fiction: Russian folk tale “Teremok” Lesson on familiarization with fiction: Russian folk tale “Teremok”. Goal: To teach children to emotionally perceive content.

Image library:

Jambyl Region,

Talas district, Karatau

secondary school named after M. Auezov.

Primary school teacher

Markechko Polina Vasilievna

Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade.

Subject: Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters".

Target: introduce students to the Tatar folk tale “Three Daughters”

Objectives: learn to listen and understand the work read, answer questions about the text, analyze and draw conclusions;

to cultivate love and respect for loved ones, a sense of duty to the mother, and the ability to come to the rescue at the first request.

Expected Result: Students will analyze the behavior of three daughters, draw conclusions, and determine the main idea of ​​the fairy tale.

Equipment for the lesson: presentation with slides, Whatman sheets and markers for group work, on the board - essays with portraits of students’ mothers, tokens for assessment.

Lesson structure.

1. Psychological mood for the lesson(slide 2)

If you're in a good mood, stomp your feet.

If you have a cat, pat yourself on the head.

If you love chocolate, lick your lips

If you love school, clap your hands.

If you want to enjoy the lesson, be attentive and active. For good and correct answers you will receive stars, which will help you know about your activity in the lesson. I wish everyone good luck.

2. Updating basic knowledge:“Find out the fairy tale” (slide 3).

Offer to watch an excerpt from the fairy tale “Ayoga”. Name the heroes of the fairy tale.

Students dramatize an excerpt from a fairy tale to the sounds of the Nanai people (slide 4).

Let's remember (slide 5):

How did the fairy tale end? Why does the fairy tale end this way?

What does this fairy tale teach us?

What proverbs about mom do you know? (Homework).

3. Report the topic of the lesson(slide 6).

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the Tatar folk tale “Three Daughters”.

4. Primary perception of a fairy tale– listen to the audio recording (slide 7).

(Children listen to the fairy tale and follow the book).

5. Let's speculate.

How did this fairy tale make you feel?

Who did you feel sorry for? Why?

What would you do if you were the squirrel?

What would you do? Or would you do nothing? Why?

6. Reading a fairy tale by students(buzzing reading).

7. Analysis of the fairy tale by questions(slide 10).

Was it easy for a woman to raise her daughters? Find the lines in the fairy tale where this is said and read it.

How are sisters similar and how are they different from each other?

How do you understand such expressions: “fast as swallows”, “faces like the bright moon”.

Swallows are very hardworking, they fly all day long in search of midges, they bustle, their flight is fast and swift. The daughters, like swallows, worked all day tirelessly, worked quickly, cheerfully, and knew how to do everything.

Among the peoples of the East, the moon is one of the symbols of beauty. The beauty's face was often compared to the moon: “with a face similar to the bright moon” - it means very beautiful. Girls were often given the name Aisulu, which means “moon beauty.”

Which daughter would you like to be like? Why?

Did the eldest and middle daughter have valid reasons for not going to see their sick mother?

What does the plot of this fairy tale teach?

8. Work in groups(slide 11).

Draw up portraits of your three daughters and tell us about them.

          Dynamic pause(musical warm-up).

          Presentation of work in groups.

          Reflection(slide 12).

Exercise “Kind words”

Write on the hearts three sweet words that you would say to your mother.

12. Assessment(slide 13).